Amino acids - rejuvenation and health. Amino acids in cosmetology. What are amino acids for in cosmetics?

Contains a complex of essential amino acids, without which there will be no muscle!

for a course of 20 days, 2 tablets per day.

Contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, mood, increase physical activity and the effectiveness of sports, reduces the recovery period after injuries and training! Promotes an increase in aerobic activity and the burning of subcutaneous fat.

Indications for use:
- intense physical training
- stress
- rehabilitation after operations
- oncological diseases
- deficiency of protein foods.

For treatment bad habits and painful addictions:
- alcoholism
- smoking
- drug addiction
- depression
- multiple sclerosis
- attention disorders and / or hyperactivity
- osteoporosis (prevention and correction)
- herpes
- cataract
- infectious diseases
- hepatitis
- HIV infection
Mode of application: 1 tablet 2 times a day.
20 minutes before breakfast or workout with a drink warm water... At night - half an hour before bedtime.
A daily water intake of 2000-3000 ml is recommended to enhance metabolic function and detoxify the body.

Composition and content

The daily dose (2 tablets) contains:
Amino acids 2000 mg, incl. L-Carnitine 1000 mg, L-Valine - 335mg, L-Lysine - 335mg, L-Isoleucine - 335mg, Vitamin B1 - 3 mg, Calcium
- 50 mg.

is present in almost all organs and tissues of a person, and in the largest quantities in those tissues where it is especially necessary a large number of energy (muscles, heart, brain, liver, kidneys).
Carnitine lowers free fatty acid levels. It transfers the excess of these molecules to the "cellular powerhouses" - mitochondria, - which provide the burning of excess fat. Lack or impaired absorption of L-carnitine in the muscles or heart cells leads to a deterioration in the oxidation of fats, which causes various muscle or heart diseases.

- being an essential amino acid, it serves as a source of energy for muscles,
- saves the rest of the amino acids from splitting,
- increases muscle coordination and lowers the body's threshold of sensitivity to such unfavorable factors as pain, heat, cold.
It is an essential amino acid, its main functions are:
- increases muscle strength and endurance
- helps to increase muscle volume (anabolic)
- improves short-term memory
- increases female libido
- prevents the development of atherosclerosis
- thickens the hair structure
- prevents the development of osteoporosis
- improves erection
- prevents recurrence of genital herpes
- in addition, lysine is recommended for people consuming low-calorie or insufficiently rich in protein foods.
As an essential amino acid, it has beneficial effect on our body:
- promotes a set of muscle mass,
- acts as a source of energy for brain tissue,
- protects the tissues of our body from constant decay,
- is an important component for the synthesis of hormones and enzymes,
- has immunostimulating properties.

Storage conditions:
Keep out of reach of children.
After opening the package, consume the contents within 30 days.
Do not use during pregnancy and lactation.


BCAA complex includes: L-Valine-335 mg, L-Isoleucine - 335 mg, L-Lysine - 335 mg.

BCAAs (from English branched chain amino acids) are a complex of three branched chain amino acids - valine, lysine and isoleucine. They are important components proteins. Unlike other amino acids, they are not synthesized by the body, and therefore they must be obtained from food. These three amino acids are combined into one complex because they work together and "help" each other to work.

BCAAs release energy directly in muscle fibers, performing mainly the function of muscle "fuel", acting during the entire period of use. Under the influence physical activity muscles use up branched-chain amino acids. So the recovery process also comes down to replenishing the BCAA reserves in muscle tissues.

There will be no BCAA - there will be no muscles!

35% of muscle tissue is BCAA.

Strenuous muscular activity, such as bodybuilding, powerlifting and other strength and speed-strength sports, entails wear and tear and destruction of some of the contractile proteins. During the restoration process, these structures replace the plastic material of which they are made. In these conditions, it is extremely important that the body has access to those amino acids, the need for which sharply increases during the deployment of recovery processes.

BCAAs are of particular value during recovery periods. Therefore, for effective training, you should regularly consume BCAAs in the sports diet they play a significant role in gaining lean mass and protecting muscles.

Scientists recently discovered that BCAAs can stimulate the release of serotoninrelaxing substance, giving a feeling of calmness and serenity... If you take BCAAs, then after every workout you will be filled with positive energy which is so important for good performance!

And further. Scientists have found that low-calorie diets provoke secretion growth hormone, and it already contributes to the "burning" of subcutaneous fat... Amazingly, the same effect can be achieved if you gorge yourself to the bone. To do this, you need to have a lot of protein and BCAA in the diet.

Turns out, BCAA's can enhance growth hormone secretion in the same way as fasting! Here's another reason for taking BCAA supplements.

Amino acids are component squirrel, the "building blocks" of which it is built. Therefore, cosmetologists have long paid attention to them, because the skin renews itself very quickly and it constantly needs building material.

A dermatologist-cosmetologist told us how and for what purpose amino acids are used. Svetlana Petrovna Zavertylenko.

Proteins are synthesized in the body from amino acids, which are formed as a result of the breakdown of proteins found in food products... There are about 28 amino acids in total. Their sources are foods containing protein: milk, meat, eggs, legumes.

Skin proteins are also synthesized from amino acids ... Therefore, amino acids have a beneficial effect on the state of the dermal framework. They improve dry, flaccid and atonic skin. In addition, the hygroscopic molecules of the stratum corneum are composed of amino acids, which collect the moisture contained in the air.

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V beauty salons ampouled preparations of amino acids are introduced into the skin using hardware techniques. The most common of them are galvanization and phonophoresis. During these procedures, the tranfollicular passage of the drug into the skin occurs - through the ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands... The procedures are carried out in a course of 10-12 sessions 3 times a week. However, the effective methodology for the introduction of amino acids today is the well-known mesotherapy.

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As for creams, nanotechnology is used here. Liposomes and nanosomes, which have the ability to penetrate the intercellular spaces, act as conductors. Amino acids are located within these small structures and carried deeper into the skin. Typically, creams with liposomes or nanosomes are present in both pharmacy cosmetics and in popular cosmetic series. They are used for rejuvenation and deep moisturizing skin.

For indoor use

V pure form in cosmetology, methionine is used, which is a precursor of keratin. It is prescribed in tablets for skin problems. The drug is prescribed for a long time and in a complex manner and, as a result, improves the condition of the hair, skin and nails. Today, experts have named three more amino acids responsible for hair production - histidine, lysine and tyrosine.

Each time something definite is remembered, so you can listen to her lectures many times :). One of the times it dawned on me - Natalya recommends all the girls in mandatory drink amino acids... It promises a "business-class" skin glow :). I was impressed and started to study ...

"Amino acids are the "primary sources of life" from which proteins are formed. Today, part of our diet is fast food, which is high in simple carbohydrates and fats, but protein in such foods is often lacking. Beyond fast food in your diet modern man a lot of sugar, all kinds confectionery, which can also lead to protein deficiency. The first symptoms of a lack of amino acids can be decreased appetite, fatigue, lethargy, hair loss, and deterioration of the skin. Even a minor deficiency can trigger the consumption of amino acids from muscle tissue, because it is necessary to maintain the functioning of the brain and heart, hence the symptoms of exhaustion and apathy. "

"Amino acids are a building and" repair "material for nails and hair."

"Bones, skin, muscles, hair and internal organs are composed of proteins. Plasma, vital antibodies, hormones and enzymes are derived from protein. Protein is also needed for cell renewal and repair. "

On the one hand, theoretically all vitamins can be obtained from food. On the other hand, I don’t monitor my diet very carefully, that is, I eat well, but I’m not ready to cram cottage cheese and legumes into myself every day (a source of protein), especially in summer! Therefore, I regularly drink vitamins. Now I drink in the morning on an empty stomach Triphala in compressed tablets for gentle cleansing of the body, and in the afternoon between meals I take Amino Acids for skin and hair. Another powerful source of protein that is indispensable for all vegetarians is Spirulina, which I drank in late autumn. A general overview of the vitamins that I use, alternating them, I described.

When it comes to vitamins, I always look for them first of all from Solgar, because it produces vitamins in the most digestible form (I compared the compositions of different companies and read separately about specific vitamins). Solgar has a lot of amino acids - and the plus is that they can be "typed" separately for what is needed now. I chose an amino acid for skin and hair - L-Cysteine.

L-Cysteine ​​is a part of proteins and peptides, plays important role in the processes of skin tissue formation. Cysteine ​​is a part of α-keratins, the main protein of nails, skin and hair... He promotes collagen formation and improves skin elasticity and texture. Cysteine ​​is also found in other proteins in the body, including some digestive enzymes.

In addition, he has many others useful properties, but I am focusing on the very "shine" that Natalya Shafranova recommends to all girls :).

You can get Cysteine ​​from a number of foods, but for a vegetarian, there are not many sources of Cysteine, and you need to absorb these foods all day without interruption in order to get the daily required dose. Therefore, it is easier to supplement your diet with additional intake of vitamins.

Suitable for vegetarians and vegans, gluten free, no soy, no sugar, no artificial flavors, no preservatives.

L-Cysteine ​​is a sulfur-containing amino acid that helps synthesize keratin, a protein found in skin, hair and nails.It is also a precursor of L-Glutathione, a tripeptide involved in one of the body's detoxification systems.This product provides the body with free-form L-Cysteine ​​for optimal absorption.

Take 1 to 2 capsules daily between meals.

I have been drinking L-cysteine ​​for the second week now. Since I now approach self-care in a complex way - and cleanse the body, and go to the beautician for cleansing, and carefully select, and check with a gynecologist - it is difficult to say what exactly the effect comes from. But my face is definitely clearer with the same diet.

Amino acids are a special class of organic compounds containing carboxyl (-COOH) and amine (-NH2) groups, which determine the structure of amino acids. They are considered a special class because they are part of all proteins. More precisely, they are the basis of proteins (proteins). And as you know, "life is a way of existence of protein molecules." In nature, there are several thousand types of proteins, but no matter how they differ from each other and no matter how complex they are, they all consist of amino acids, and the differences between proteins lie in their quantitative and qualitative composition... And although the general formulas of amino acids are similar in some respects,
their diverse combinations give, in turn, a variety of proteins.
According to their chemical properties amino acids are amphoteric substances. That is, they can show both acidic and basic properties. The prevalence of one of them depends on the specific structure of the molecule and the environment in which it is contained.

Amino acids: what types are distinguished

The number of known amino acids today is 20. And all of them in relation to the body are subdivided into nonessential and irreplaceable amino acids. This division is based on the fact that amino acids of the first group are synthesized in the body, while the essential must come from the outside - with food. That's why good nutrition and healthy digestion are the key to the normal functioning of the body. Moreover, half of all proteins human body contains certain essential amino acids. For example, collagen is synthesized from several amino acids, one of which is lysine, and it belongs to the essential. In addition to it, there are others, and their combinations determine the variants of the structure of the protein molecule.

Amino Acids: Nutrition and Other Sources

All these circumstances are reflected in the need for various drugs that supply both nonessential and non-nonessential amino acids. Because healthy food and a healthy intestine are a combination that is not always found, and basically we cannot provide ourselves with a sufficient number of certain amino acids without taking dietary supplements. In addition, all proteins have a so-called lifetime. In other words, over time, their structure undergoes age-related changes: some bonds in them weaken due to the loss of atoms and even some molecules, the appearance of foreign inclusions. For example, collagen becomes less elastic and stronger over time.

If the body receives a sufficient supply of amino acids, then they go not only for the synthesis of new proteins, but can participate in the renewal of "old" ones. Collagen is no exception. You can even say more, the more often a protein is exposed to unfavorable conditions, the faster it “grows old”, which means it requires restoration and synthesis.

Replaceable and essential amino acids, their properties:

Lysine. Together with methionine, isoleucine, threonine, asparagine and aspartate, this amino acid belongs to the so-called aspartate family due to its structural similarity. All of them take an active part in the formation of many proteins of the connective tissue. Therefore, they contribute to the regeneration processes. Lysine is also part of collagen, plus synthesis occurs with its participation

In addition to lysine, proteins, in particular collagen, contain several other types of amino acids. And each of them has its own properties:

Serine. Refers to nonessential amino acids, so it is synthesized in the body from phosphoglycerates. In addition, the amino acid itself is involved in the formation of others, such as glycine, methionine, cysteine ​​and tryptophan. This is due to the fact that serine is part of the enzymes that catalyze chemical reactions for their synthesis.
The amino acid is part of a large number body proteins, including enzymes. For example, esterases and peptidohydrolases, which are involved in the renewal of collagen.

Tyrosine. It is a conditionally nonessential amino acid, as it is synthesized from the essential - phenylalanine. Also included in proteins. But hallmark tyrosine is considered to be involved in the formation of active centers of enzymes involved in the translation of proteins on ribosomes. In other words, the creation of a protein structure based on information recorded on messenger RNA. This indicates the importance of the amino acid for proper protein synthesis by cells.

Arginine. Most often, this amino acid is found in the composition of histone proteins. They also play an important role in protecting DNA from damage and prevent unwanted copying of its structure. As a result, the genetic apparatus of the cell does not fail in its work. This means that the processes of her metabolism are working harmoniously.

Ornithine is not included in proteins, which is its main difference from other amino acids. But from it arginine and proline are formed - the main amino acids of proteins. In addition, ornithine can slow down the breakdown of proteins. This is mainly due to the fact that it gives rise to other amino acids (see above), although its stimulating effect on the production of somatotropic hormone (growth hormone) itself increases the processes of anabolism.

Methionine is part of some mediators - transmitters of "information" nervous system... For example, some endorphins are built on the basis of methionine.
All these properties have found their application in many areas of medicine in general and cosmetology in particular. Numerous clinical trials and experience have proven the importance of aspartates for injury recovery, training performance and skin rejuvenation.

Histidine is a part of some enzymes, hemoglobin and most of the proteins of the intracellular "scaffold". Also, some inflammatory mediators are synthesized from it, for example, histamine, which causes edema in case of allergic reactions.

Acetyltyrosine is not an amino acid in the full sense of the word. It is a product of tyrosine metabolism, which takes part in the formation of catecholamines (adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine) and stimulation of the pituitary gland to produce growth hormone and melanin. It all did possible application acetyltyrosine in cosmetology and sports medicine.

Thus, amino acids are important participants in the renewal processes in the body and are necessary for the synthesis of many proteins, including collagen. That is why they are used in preparations for and, which help to deliver these molecules directly to their destination. It is also advisable to periodically drink courses of preparations with amino acids in the composition - this allows you to exert influence also from the inside.

Hair is made up of protein. It grows from hair follicles that are found inside the skin in the dermis layer. Hair grows up and through the epidermis and beyond, different lengths as a sign of beauty and for body warmth.

Protein, including hair follicle protein, is composed of linear chains of amino acids. The amino acids in hair help build new cells and play an important role in metabolism. Cysteine, methionine, cystine, arginine and lysine are five types of amino acids that have an effect on hair growth. Amino acids are available in supplement form to help rapid growth hair.

Right balanced diet includes enough proteins that contribute to the health of the whole body. Protein intake has essential for healthy organs, muscles, ligaments, glands, nails and hair. Long-term deficiency in protein intake causes the body to stop growing hair, over time, a person loses their hair.

Make dietary proteins, which are made up of hair-promoting amino acids, 1/6 of your daily diet... Grains, seeds, eggs, fish, and lean meats are a few common protein-rich foods.

Amino Acids for Hair


L-Cysteine ​​is an amino acid known to promote hair growth. It improves hair quality and texture. L-Cysteine ​​also prevents hair loss and has a detoxifying effect in the body.


L-Cystine is an amino acid that is important element in the formation of skin and hair. L-Cystine also enhances the body's immunity against disease.


L-Methionine is an essential amino acid that helps prevent premature hair loss. It also improves hair texture, quality and growth.


Lysine promotes hair growth. It plays an important role in the function of many proteins and is an essential anti-hair loss amino acid essential for overall growth. Lysine is not produced in the body. How essential amino acid, lysine must be consumed additionally.


Arginine is very important for growth, including hair growth. It stimulates the release of growth hormones and is essential for metabolic processes.

Hair Amino Acids: Conclusions

While amino acids are naturally available in several foods, they can be purchased as supplements. They are available as powders as well as tablets and capsules. These amino acids are obtained from yeast proteins or egg and other animal proteins. Consult your doctor or medical specialist about taking amino acid therapy for hair growth.