Master the steps. The most effective technique of training in speed. We read faster and remember more. Is it possible to teach children's speed

The main need of a person is to receive new knowledge and improvement. For this reason, people study foreign languages, master musical instruments and are engaged in all sorts of sports. Regardless, what direction a person has chosen, he needs to receive new information. The rate of teaching children and adults directly depends on the speed of reading and perception read.

Not every read speed at the proper level. There is nothing terrible in this, you just need to learn this.

Before you master quick reading, you need to understand what a speed is? The normal rate of perception is considered to be 160-250 words per minute. With this reading, a person can cope with one page for 2 minutes print text.

The record speed record is 3000 words in one minute. It's not so easy to achieve such a result, but to develop a read speed equal to 500-600 words per minute can each.

As for children, for them the read speed below. In grade 3, the schoolboy must read at least 120 words per minute. The speed and development of memory will allow you to quickly absorb new Material. At the same time, children are easier to learn.

Fast reading allows people to focus on suggestions and phrases, which laid more meaning. Thus, words that do not affect the understanding of the essence will be missed.

When and how to start learning a speed?

The classic reconnaissance consists in full suppression of internal progress. pupils primary classes It is better to assign new information if reading identical speed human speech. For this reason, children under 12 years old are not recommended new reading techniques.

Despite age restrictions, You can resort to some techniques, thanks to which, the memorization of the new material passes faster. Errors carried out by parents should be taken into account when teaching children:

  • When a child studies the name of beeches, and not sounds, he cannot read the word. For example, instead of the word "Mom", the student reads "Meamaaa". Thus, the reading speed becomes below 3-5 times;
  • Fast memorization of new information will be carried out if the student will read syllables. Parents do not pay attention to this. Children at home read not syllables, but list the letters. For example, the word mom, like "M and M A". It is necessary to read the sound.
  • Parents, doing at home, make the child fully read the text, and they are not allowed anywhere. This is not correct. It is better to read less, but more often.

Mastering the speed of fast reading at home

School of Footage and Development of Intellect quickly would help a person to cope with the task. Modern man So busy that it is difficult for him to allocate time to visit courses. Therefore, many, I want to acquire a manual and do at home.

Home Training has a number of advantages:

  • Memorization of the learned material is carried out faster. This is due to the fact that the person is engaged in the hours in which he does not interfere with and no one distracts him;
  • Currently, it is easy to find techniques that allow you to increase the speed of reading, so there will be no problems with the purchase of specialized books;
  • There are no factors that are able to distract the assimilation of the new material;
  • School quick reading Offers to do several hours a week. Selfeducation will allow you to do as much as you need.

After reading books on the aircraft that Vasilyeva wrote, a person is able to memorize more information in a short period of time. Memory information for children is the key to successful studies, and for adults - career growth.

Acquisition of necessary skills

To absorb large amounts of information, you need to teach children to get rid of some not necessary things. The same applies to an adult. First of all, the memorization of the material excludes the following things:

  • Sotvocalization is prevented by speeding - the habit of mentally to pronounce the read material to ourselves. To get rid of a similar habit, at the moment of reading, it is necessary to "narrow" a pencil on the table a certain tact. You can also mentally pronounce poems or text;
  • Poor peripheral vision. A man is folded to look a sufficient piece of text. In this case, it is recommended to resort to vertical reading. It is recommended to look at the center of the line, so that it can be seen entirely, after that, go to the next string;
  • Another braking factor is the return movement of the eyes to the already read text. Sometimes the memorization of the material is complicated by the inattention or complexity of perception. A person has to return to the read suggestions up to 10 times. To this not happen, it is recommended to close with cardboard or notebook what has already been read.

Fastening success

As for adults, the reading technique will allow them to succeed in learning languages \u200b\u200band for many other things. The results will not make himself wait. To secure success, it is recommended to do exercises every day.

Today, the quick reading technique has become extremely in demand. And not surprisingly, because the skill read quickly and understand the read read to people of any professions. Each can develop this ability if you use the quick reading method.

Speed \u200b\u200btechnique includes several stages. But the main thing in the development of this technique is the motivation and self-assessment of a person. That is, the photography technique is successfully used in practice, the trainee must understand why he puts this goal for him. It is also extremely important that in the consciousness of who wants to learn to read very quickly, the idea was postponed that everything was achievable and almost everyone should work out.

The quick reading technique includes the principle of "shooting". It lies in the fact that a person develops the ability for a few seconds to instantly viewing to allocate in the text only those passages for which you should pay special attentionTalking already famous material. That is, to learn how to read very quickly you need to be able to select unfamiliar information to the second viewing.

The exercise will be performed correctly if the student understands its essence by checking its ability to allocate the main one at the subjects. This is done like this: a few seconds you need to closely consider any item. Then, closing his eyes, imagine him in all the trifles.

Opening his eyes, it should be noted about itself the difference between the visual representation of this subject and in real way. Having highlight the features in the subject 3 unnoticed before, it should be closed and imagine the subject again. Now the picture will be more complete. This exercise is done up to 7 times - it develops attention and the ability to allocate the main thing.

The photography technique includes exercises similar to the described: quickly reviewing the text (but it is not necessary to read it!) Within 30 seconds, 3 main thoughts of the passage should be highlighted. Closing your eyes, you need to imagine these thoughts. The method is then repeated 4 more times, but each time you should find new thoughts and facts, visualizing them.

Method of finding keywords

But how to learn not only reading fast, but also? To do this, exist exercises for finding keywords in the text. This method can be joking "Read through the word."

That is, before reading, you should decide on the topics of the text and, running through the eyes, "chain" only those words along with the passages adjacent to them, which are related to the topic.

Suppression of articulation

Since everyone can learn to read every way and independently, you should simply hold regularly necessary exercises. One of the main "braking" reading of the moments is the skill of people to pronounce the text of themselves. We even mentally articulate! And all this takes time. Consequently, in order to learn how to read very quickly, you should develop the skill to suppress the articulation. And the exercises for the development of quick reading skill will be such:

  • While reading mentally considered.
  • Fingering while reading a familiar rhythmic pattern, for example, there is taram-taramas.

Skill use of visual memory

Learn to read very quickly it is impossible if you use the way of alphabet reading. By the way, today even in primary school Many methodologists are trying already on early stage Training to refuse this technique. Kids are trying to accustom to memorize syllables, whole four and five-letter words. And adults possess more developed memory, so they should learn to grab (and not read by letters!) Words consisting of 9, 10 and more letters.

Learn how long words cycling spectatic memoryIt is not difficult at all if you perform daily necessary exercises. You should prepare signs printed long words, most often occurring in texts (or purely professional). You can create pictures in computer programs with printed words. The plate may include 2-3 words or even more. These exercises are that the student should only take a look at the plate, but not read the word, close the eyes (or remove the picture from the monitor) and say what is written.

You can start these exercises from words containing 6-7 letters, gradually complicating the task. Since learn to be impossible to learn very quickly, it is impossible to read very quickly, you should give every exercise every day at least 15 minutes.

Vertical reading training

Mastering the speed is impossible if you do not learn to read vertically. That is, you should "teach your eyes" not to move along the string, but to cover the whole line in one glance. For the development and improvement of this skill there are special developments - Schulte Exercises.

This method is based on the use of square rated tables with numbers located in them in an arbitrary order. You need to start the exercise from the table in 16 digits, then gradually move on 25, 36, 49 digits. The tables differ from each other by the locations of the numbers, so it will be better if someone else will prepare them. It is convenient to engage in the development of speed skills together, then the signs can be easily changed.

The main method of the twist is to see the entire page at once, not focusing the look on the trifles. Therefore, when working with tables, you should look clear in one point, located in the center of the table.

Peculiarities of brain activity

"Tired letters"

Since learn how to twist at home on its own more conveniently together, some interesting, to some extent creative, exercises will be very appropriate.

Speed \u200b\u200btechnique based on specific features of work human brainOpen relatively recently. It turns out that the brain perceives the best not let alone reading, but the vocabulary. And letters in words can not stand in the usual manner, but arbitrarily, most importantly - so that the first and last letter do not change their place.

Use this feature in order to read quickly, you can with next exercise. Both learners prepare each other texts in which letters are rearranged inside the words. Then they change excerpts and check reading each other.

"Crushed letters"

Also, to work out quick reading skills, exercises are perfectly fitting the letters inside words. Both learners are also prepared for each other tasks, removing almost half of the letters from the text, for example, all vowels. You can even arrange competitions for the time, determining with the help of a stopwatch, how quickly can read such text partner.

Reading through the word

Such exercises contribute not only to the acquisition of the speeding skill, but also stimulate the work of the brain, giving it training and developing intellectual abilities man. Quick reading skill is purchased, if you know how to quickly read the text, "not filling out" on each specific word, that is, through the word.

Exercises for the development of this skill are also simple. You must first prepare the material: text with crossed out (structures), for example, first remove each third, then go to the exercises in which each second word is removed.

Storm equipment - Competition

You need to take two texts or different excerpts from one and tog and in turn on time to read with subsequent retelling.

No matter if you read a textbook at a seminar on philosophy or morning newspaper, reading may seem tedious to you. Lighten the quick reading technique to accomplish this task much faster. Speeding will worsen the understanding of the material, but with due practice you can partially overcome this defect.


Part 1

Learn to read faster

    Stop uttering words to yourself. Almost every reader mentally welcomes the text (subvocalization) or is distracted to repeat the word. It helps the reader remember the terms, but also slows down the reading speed. Here are some ways to reduce this habit of minimum:

    Close the words already read. When reading your eyes are often returning to the words already read. Basically, these are short-term movements that do not improve understanding. Use the bookmark to close the words after reading them by learning yourself from this habit.

    • These "reverse jumps" also occur when you fail to understand the material. If your eyes jump into a few words or rows ago, this is a sign that you should slow down.
  1. Let's turn to the movement of the eyes. While reading your eyes move with jerks, stopping on some words and skipping others. Reading happens only when your eyes stop. If you reduce the number of movements on the text string, you will learn how much faster. But be careful - studies have been conducted, which found the limit that the reader is able to see at a time:

    • You can read eight letters to the right from the position of your eyes, but only four on the left. This is about two or three words at the same time.
    • You notice the letters at a distance of 9-15 intervals to the right, but are not able to read them.
    • Private readers can not read words on other lines. Learn to skip rows and still understand the material is extremely difficult.
  2. Reduce the number of movements that make your eyes. Usually your brain decides where to move the eyes depending on how long or familiar is next word. You can read faster if instead teach your eyes to switch to specific places on the page. Try the following exercise:

    • Take the bookmark and place it above the text line.
    • Draw the sign "X" on the bookmark over the first word.
    • Draw another x on the same line. Place it on three words further for a good understanding, five words for simple texts and seven words to see key points.
    • Continue to draw the characters "X" with the same interval until you reach the end of the line.
    • Try to read the line as soon as possible, lowering the laying down and concentrating only on the text under each sign "X".
  3. Read faster than you have time to understand the text. Many programs are built on the principle of extension of reading speed with reflexes so that the brain is gradually learned to adapt to a new pace. This method It was not carefully studied. Your speed of moving via text will undoubtedly increase, but you will not understand almost anything or anything at all. Try this method if you strive to achieve maximum speed Reading, and hope that several days of workout will help you better understand the material. Here's how to do it:

    • Follow the text with a pencil. Come up with the phrase, on the utility of which in a calm pace you will leave exactly one line of the text.
    • Try two minutes to read with the speed of the pencil. Even if you do not understand anything, concentrate on the text and do not stop the eyes throughout the full two minutes.
    • Relax a minute, and then accelerate. Now try reading for three minutes, but now the pencil should cross two lines until you pronounce the phrase.
  4. Use programs for speeds. If the methods described above did not help you achieve a goal, try the rapid successive visual presentation. According to this technique, a telephone application or computer program Shows text one by one for a time. This allows you to choose any read speed. But do not lift the speed too high, otherwise you will not be able to remember most of the words. This method is useful to quickly review the news, but not while studying or reading at your pleasure.

    Part 2

    Quick view text
    1. Know when quick viewing is justified. This reading method can be used to overall familiarization with the text without a deep understanding. You can quickly view the newspaper to find interesting article or define key points by browsing the textbook before control work. Quick view does not replace full reading.

      Read the names and section headers. Read only the names of chapters and all subtitles at the beginning of large sections. Read the names of all news articles or content in the log.

      Read the beginning and end of the section. All paragraphs in textbooks usually contain an introduction and conclusions. As for other types of text, read the first and last paragraph of chapter or article.

      • Read faster if you are familiar with the topic, but do not try to overtake yourself. You will save your time, strolling excess text, but it is still important to understand the meaning of read.
    2. Circle important words in the text. If you want to know more, then instead of the usual reading, quickly go through the text of the eyes. Now that you are in the essence of the section, you can highlight keywords and mark important areas. Stay and highlight the following words:

Today's world offers us a giant amount of information and knowledge from different areas that need to be able to quickly and effectively absorb. This online course is intended for people who want to quickly and free to learn the technique of aircraft at home. The program of this course consists of several key skills development lessons for the development of quick reading ability that you can learn yourself in a few weeks. The technique of our classes is suitable for both children and adults, and contains numerous techniques and exercises to learn to read faster.

And if you want to master the quick reading technique as quickly as possible and more efficiently, sign up for our.

It is difficult to imagine that another 20-30 years ago to find an answer to any question, it was necessary to go to the library, take books on the topic of interest to you and looking for the desired materials. Nowadays, it is enough to simply set the appropriate search engine request and get a huge amount of information on the question of interest.

Now there is no problem of lack of information, but there is a problem of its oversupply in which a person is lost. In modern information space, you need to be able to navigate to make this space useful for yourself. One of the most useful skills is the ability to quickly, and most importantly, with benefit to perceive the information we see in our laptops, electronic books, iPhone, iPad and all other sources of information, including newspapers and books.

The ability to quickly read the article, a book, a textbook, and also understand and assimilate the material will allow you to become more efficient, more successful than you were before. And most importantly, it will save your time that becomes one of the most important resources. This section contains useful materials about how to master the photography technique with high levels Effective perception of information.

Today Having spent time on the development of quick reading methods, tomorrow you can receive and handle more information, remaining the host of your saved time.

What is a speed?

Speed (or fast reading) This is the ability to quickly perceive textual information when used special methods reading. Fast reading exceeds the speed of the usual reading 3-4 times. (Wikipedia).

In one of the most popular schools of "Figintern" in Russia, at School Oleg Andreev, it is said that passing 2 levels of learning, you can reach a read speed of 10,000 characters per minute, which is approximately 5-7 pages of the middle book.

It turns out that for a half-hour trip to the subway with this speed you can read 150-200 pages of the book. It is much more than read the average person for such time.

In addition to the "School of Oleg Andreeva", their courses are offering such specialists today in the aircraft, as Natalia Grace, Andrei Spodyn, Vladimir and Ekaterina Vasilyev and many others. However, some people learned how to quickly read, without visiting courses, schools, trainings and special centers, as well as not reading fast reading textbooks - many of them you even know, this is Maxim Gorky, Vladimir Lenin, Thomas Edison and many others. Therefore, try first learn yourself, especially for you it will not cost anything.

And how quickly do you read?

We suggest you check how quickly you read. To do this, read the text in the exercise below and answer a few questions for his assimilation.

Description of the course

This course is designed to master the quick reading skill. The most useful of such a skill for the study of Internet resources, information articles, for reading newspapers, magazines, popular science literature, textbooks. Fast reading will allow you not only to read texts faster, but it is better to develop information - find it and memorize in priority order.

This training involves daily houses at home or at work for 20-40 minutes (it is less common, but then the effect will be less). The course consists of 5 stages, each of which involves the development of certain skills that help read quickly. For mastering the skill, it is important to practice more - to read articles on the resources you are interested in (for example, you liked the sections in Wikipedia), read newspapers, magazines, textbooks - to pay this at least half an hour per day.

With this mode of classes, you will receive the results after a couple of weeks, and if you do 2-3 months, you can significantly increase the speed and readability.

How to learn to read fast?

To learn how to read quickly on this site, simply perform the exercises described in 5 lessons. If you try to summarize various techniques By learning a quick reading, the process of mastering this skill can be divided into 5 parts (this is 5 lessons). Each lesson allows you to master a certain skill, promoting the increase in the speed of your reading and the effectiveness of the material development. The content of lessons is built in such a way that it is possible to do the most interactively and conveniently engaged in online without teachers and tutors.

To begin with, look at all lessons, try doing exercises if some kind of skill is given quickly, then do not stop for a long time in this lesson. For example, many people do not have problems with attention while reading and able to immediately move to the lesson 2. Detish more attention to those lessons and exercises that:

  1. seem helpful to you
  2. call you difficulty.

It is not necessary to exercise in such a sequence that is specified in the lessons, the main thing to achieve the goal for each part.

5 fast reading lessons

5 skills useful for quick reading, Which you can learn on our website:

1. Concentration of attention (LESSON 1)
You probably noticed that an interesting book is read in one breath and faster than a boring textbook. Also, for example, when reading interesting book You gradually accelerate, plunging into the reading process ... attention to the aircraft is very important, and most importantly, you can train it.

2. Suppression of articulation (text progress) (Lesson 2)
Most people have a habit of reading the text, pronouncing him to himself. If you want to read the text quickly, it needs to be done "silence", that is, having relived myself from articulation.

3. Improving visual skills (Lesson 3)
The ability to see the whole text immediately in the paragraph or even on the page, understand its structure, read not from left to right, and from top to bottom (or, as they say, "diagonally") is an important skill with quick reading. Therefore, visual skills also need to train, but in life they can come in handy and when driving a car, in play sports, etc. The lesson presents special tables and a simulator for training aperture.

4. Fast reading and management of information (Lesson 4)
It is no secret that most texts have only a small part useful informationwhich you must learn to quickly find. This skill comes most often with read experience, however, you can speed up this process with special exercises.

5. Speed \u200b\u200band memory development (Lesson 5)
When you learn to read quickly, you can master a fairly large amount of information. But quick reading skill may be useless if the read will be forgotten, which is not strange in principle, with such a volume of information. You need to remember this information.

In addition, the site contains additional materials Quick reading: books and textbooks, video, simulators and programs, download materials, as well as articles with comments and reviews from social networks.

Surely, you have repeatedly heard such an expression as a quick reading technique. But did you do anything to master the speed skills? And what is the normal reading speed and how to measure it? Let's talk about what is the speed of reading and how to enlarge it. In addition, we will touch on issues such as checking the reading techniques, its types, and also consider the most effective exercisesthat will help substantially increase the rate of perception of textual information.

What is the reading technique?

Before we figure out how quickly you can read, remembering the material, let's talk about what is the speed of reading and how exactly is measured. We also affect the photography technique, which allows you to handle texts rather quickly and efficiently. We also note that the speed and development of memory are quite closely related.

Reading speed - the relationship of the reads of the time for which they read. It takes into account the understanding of the text, that is, how carefully reader read it and remembered.

In school practice, reading speed is measured in words, but experts recommend measuring it in the characters, since the words are different.

Speed \u200b\u200b- a set of special techniques and techniques that allow you to significantly increase the read speed, perception of text content. People who own photography techniques have widely able to filter the read material, allocate the main one. And most importantly, they can quickly find the necessary information in the text. That is why it is quite important to know what a quick reading technique and how to master it in a short time.

Views of reading

Before talking about the reading technique and about Tom, say a few words about read types. By the way, we note that most of them are rapid reading methods.

Psycholinguists and people engaged in training, highlight several types of familiarization with the text. So, you can select in-depth, fast, panoramic, sample, as well as read-view and read-scanning.

Let's briefly describe each of these species and analyze their features.

  • So, with an in-depth reading, all parts are analyzed, the findings read are criticized, the conclusions are formulated. Usually, scientific literature is treated.
  • Fast reading implies not only the high speed of the process, but also an excellent understanding of the read. This includes familiarization with fiction.
  • With panoramic reading, a peripheral vision expansion technique is used. That is, the person reading in this way covers the eyes of a rather large section of the text, which significantly affects the speed. Thus, you can learn almost any book.
  • On the sample reading, only some parts of the text are processed. These can be separate chapters, sections, paragraphs and even offers. Such is applied by students when preparing for exams.
  • Reading-view is usually applied by specialists and students when selecting one or another literature. Looking through the book - annotation, preface, table of contents, a person decides, she needs it or not.
  • When reading scanning, a quick view of pages for searching separate definitions, dates, surnames and names.

Main components of read speed

Before we figure out what a quick reading method is, let's talk about the components of the speed this process. In order to check the speed of reading, you need to know first of all about them.

So, the formula for which the read speed is usually calculated is as follows:

  • V \u003d Q x K: T.

Let's now decipher each of these conventions.

Reading speed standards

Several reading rates. It is measured in signs, since such a parameter is more objective than such measurements in words.

At the same time, the speed of 900 characters per minute is considered very slow. Slow equal to 1200 signs per minute. A person reading 1500 characters per minute reads at medium speed. 1,800 characters are considered above average. Fast reading implies speed in 3000 characters, very fast - 5000, and people who are mastering a minute above 10,000 characters are considered to be mastered over-fast reading speed.

Check the speed of reading

Before talking about exercises that will help you significantly improve reading speed, it is worth checking it out. To do this, you can use special programs and check it yourself, although it may not be exactly accurate. If you decide to take advantage of the second option, you will surely need to help any of your relatives or acquaintances, text, stopwatch.

We start with the fact that we take an unfamiliar text, then ask you to damage the time for which you read it. We start reading. At the end, you must ask a couple of questions on the text. If you answered them, it is very good. If not - already worse. By the way, we note that the speeding and development of memory is two inseparable things. If you read pretty quickly and do not remember the read, then no speech can go about anything.

Next, we consider the number of read characters in the text (this can be done using the Word program (statistics) highlighting the desired segment). Then use the above formulas and calculate our reading speed. Here we note that the coefficient of understanding is not worth it.

Thus, you can determine for yourself, you should increase the speed of reading or not.

Why develop the speed of reading

The main reason why the speeding skills should be developed - improving the perception of information. We are constantly surrounded by a variety of messages, and it is quite important that we have time to perceive and memorize them in time. And if the perception of sound and visual information occurs quite quickly and develop this skill is almost impossible, then perception text messages It happens quite slowly and directly depends on our reading speed. That is why the speeds should be developed, and it is necessary to do this not only adults, but also to children. And that is why the aircraft for children is a fairly necessary skill.

In addition, this process is developing memory and attention. It is reliably known that the more a person reads, the more compecable and developed. And in order to read a lot, you need to be able to read quickly.

We also note that people always seek to master the special skills that are far from all. So, the speeding also relates to them. Having mastered it, you can talk with a clear conscience to talk about your achievements familiar and friends.

Causes of low read speed

These and many other things significantly reduce the ability to quickly master the speed. For children and adults exist special exercisesthat help solve these problems.

Techniques for the development of reading technology

If you want to master any quick reading method, then you need to know about a variety of techniques and methods that will help you significantly improve the perception of information.

In principle, each psycholingwist and a specialist in this field produces its own training technique, making emphasis on this or that complex of exercises.

The most famous of them are the rapid reading technique of Oleg Andreeva, Andrei Spogen.

On the basis of all of them lie some principles - to expand the field and angle of view of a person, to teach it to avoid regression, articulation movements while reading, developing memory and thinking, the ability to critically perceive and memorize text.

It does not matter whose technique you choose, the main thing is to be easy and interesting to do it.

Below we offer you exercises that underlie almost every course in speed.

Exercises for the development of reading speed

If you want to develop your speed skills, we recommend that you work on it daily. To do this, you need to allocate for classes at least an hour of free time and perform simple exercises, which we will tell you now.

  • Reading text, close each read line pure sheet Paper. Instead of a sheet of paper, you can use your hand. The main thing is not to return back and do not open the lines you already read.
  • Work with gradually expanding the angle of view. By the way, fast reading technique also implies a wide angle of view.
  • Reading, be sure to keep on the lips forefinger - It will help prevent articulation, that is, pronouncing the reading lips.
  • Do not be distracted by outside sounds, try to read in silence and concentrate your attention to the text.
  • According to reading, retell your read, check if you remember if something slipped away from you.

Install special programs that help quickly read texts. So you can change the reading rate, gradually get used to it. Below we will offer you some such programs and talk a little about what a quick reading technique for children exists.

Programs for the development of speed skills

We disassembled what reading, his speed, remembered several pretty simple exercisethat will help us improve our indicators. Let us now consider the program for quick reading. Let us give the three most well-known and consumed.

  • The Spritz program helps to quickly read texts. You enter the piece you need and install the speed with which the program reads it. It is very good in order to check not only the speed of your reading, but also in record time to master the material.
  • Second program - PSY Games. This is a whole range of diverse exercises that will help expand the field of view, improve memory and attention, reaction.
  • We also note another complex to improve reading skills - Speed \u200b\u200bReading Software. With it, you can also significantly pull the read speed.

Learn children to speed

The latter, which is worth mentioning - training in the speed of children. As we said, this skill It will be quite useful both for the development of memory, the attention of your son or daughter and for further education at school or university.

Several tips for those who want to know how to teach the child to quick reading. In order to teach children to quickly read, you need to show them first that they can do it. For this you can spend next experience. To read the text, you should limit the reading time by one minute. Then count the number of words in the read segment read and ask the child to read it again. At the same time again check the time. The second time the text will be read faster, which means you can prove to the child that the more he reads, the more the speed of reading.

Be sure to ask the child after reading what he found out from the text. This will help teach read not only quickly, but also carefully.

Note that any quick reading technique for children will be interesting only if you try to interest the child, deal with him in gaming form, not forcing what he does not want to do what he does not want.


So, we disassembled that the speedwatch of quick reading and how important it is to master it. We found out what kinds of reading exist, which prevents us from reading quickly and how these obstacles can be overcome. Talked about how to teach a child to read, develop his skills.

We hope our article was useful.