How to make school life easier. Helpful advice on how to simplify your life. A simple road to simplicity

Is it possible to make life even a little easier? Can. To do this, you just need to follow simple tips, which Factrum leads below.

1. Choose the truth

Be direct. Truth is much easier than lying to yourself, living in illusions and constantly being afraid of being exposed.

2. Accept

Denial is difficult. We often deny who we are, deny the choices we have made, deny what we want, deny reality as it is. But imagine a world where everyone accepts everything they have done, said or thought. Isn't that amazing?

Start by accepting yourself for who you are, with all your good and bad traits, past mistakes, dreams and plans. When all is well with that, you can easily change.

3. Speak less

We talk too much and often don't say anything significant. At the same time, we do not listen to others, so others do not listen to us. This is why it is so difficult to communicate on days like these. So why not start talking less and listen more from now on?

4. Drop excuses

We make so many excuses every day. We find great reasons not to do something, even if we really want to, we don't try to try something new, we don't meet new people, we don't change. It’s hard to live like that. Instead, you should open up to simplicity and just do what you want to do. It couldn't be easier!

5. Dress simply

Removing some accessories can make life easier. In addition, we have tons of clothes that we have not worn in years, and there are clothes that we are not going to wear anymore. So get rid of it all.

6. Create silence

Leave yourself a little quiet. Get some rest from time to time. There is so much noise around us that sometimes we cannot even hear our own thoughts.

7. Walk more

Walking is an easy and free way to boost your mood, refresh your head, burn calories and take a break from driving if you are constantly driving.

8. Concentrate

We work productively not when we have many tasks that take up all our time, but when we have concentrated on one activity and eliminated everything else.

9. Eat simple

Variety in the kitchen is also an illusion. There are too many types of food available to us today. We use too much seasoning, eat too much fat, think dessert is a must, eat many times a day, and so on. Stop doing all this.

Eat the basics: fruits and vegetables, fish and meat, dairy products, nuts, olive oil, rice, potatoes and legumes.

10. Stop trying to control everything.

Most things you cannot control, even in your own life. Understanding this will make everything much easier and easier. We are constantly worried about things that we cannot control, we are afraid of what they will lead to, and we try to fix them. But the truth is, you don't need to fix them. Everything will be great. Just go with the flow, do your best, and everything else will fall into place.

11. Put things in order

Throw out the things that you don't use from the house. Get rid of things that just take up space. Once you do this, you have less property to take care of that needs to be cleaned and repaired. And you will feel freer.

12. Buy less

The more you buy, the more you have, the more money you spend on it, and the less satisfaction you get from it.

So the next time you are thinking about another purchase, take your time and ask yourself if you really need it, and if you will be using it after a few weeks from the date of purchase.

These are just some of the ways to make your life easier. They all consist of eliminating something, of refusing to take any action, of things that need to be gotten rid of, that need to be allowed to flow, and so on. It's easy. And the benefits of this are priceless - peace, space, freedom, contentment, awareness, happiness.

Happy is not the one who has all the best, but the one who derives the best from what he has.

Bruce Lee

In 2017, being constantly busy is almost a religion. People forget about the healing ability of just sitting in their pajamas and doing nothing. Look at the successful and happy people: their secret is not in the things they own. It's about the way of life and attitude towards it. It's hard to realize, but even close people can slow you down. Look around and you will find that you are attached to something that does not serve you well. I have put together some tips for you to help you get rid of unnecessary things and simplify your life.

1. Accept reality

No matter what lifestyle publications and well-known coaches say, apps don't work with goals. First, you evaluate your effectiveness, you think that you are able to cope with absolutely everything, but after a couple of weeks you realize that it is impossible to put all the checkmarks on the list. You don't have a flywheel of time, and even with the ability to be late, you quickly run out of schedule. Accept defeat and don't let your own schedule weigh on you. Do not much, but do enough.

2. Distribute goals by day of the week

Monday cooking. Cardio on Tuesday. Drawing on Wednesday. If you can do more than one thing in a day, great, but absolutely not necessary to make it an important point.

3. Delegate

There are many reasons why we do not trust other people with our work. Pride, pleasant sensation selflessness, and outsiders, as if out of spite, do everything wrong! Take a look at what is holding you back from deo-tagging and setting aside prejudice, ask family, friends, and colleagues for help.

4. Use someone else's services

NYT reported a study in 2016 that people who pay for home delivery and cleaning feel better off than those who do all the work themselves. Save some money and spend on a cleaning service. You will get more positive emotions from this than if you force yourself to overcome your own schedule. If it's hard for you to do something, don't do it.

5. Say no more often

People - social creatures who don't like to miss out on something interesting. We say “yes” to the offer to take a walk, not because we want to, but because it’s embarrassing to refuse. How many times have you agreed to meet someone when you were afraid to spend an evening alone?
An eternal story: either your favorite band arrives in the city with a concert, or old girlfriend theme party... The countless opportunities to do something interesting keep you busy, and time spent without pleasure is just stressful. Be honest, and refuse people right away, do not take time "to think".

6. Leave on time

Can you imagine how stressful life would be if we never quit what we started? If you were still swimming, you would have to constantly be nervous about worsening results and championships that are quite difficult to win. And how many problems can an expensive and already hated fitness class, work with poor pay, or toxic relationship... Say "arividerchi" to these activities and don't look back.

7. Don't worry

It sounds blasphemous, but what happens if you don't get emotionally involved in everything? I think life will only get better. Ask yourself, how much do you need to do to justify your existence on this planet? Distance yourself from other people's problems to stay afloat. If you are not indifferent to what is happening every day, then look additional source internal forces to fight in battles.

8. Use the Paretto rule

Wilfred Paretto's Rule says that in any business that we undertake, 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort. Most of the time you spin the wheel, but once you focus, you realize that only a little effort matters, and you can drive by inertia.

9. Free up space

You need mental, emotional or physical space, or better all three at once. For those who live on a tight schedule and cannot find time for rest and loved ones, it is worth removing a few insignificant obligations.

This also applies to material values. The kitchen table is littered with objects, there are a bunch of folders with documents on the nightstand that need to be taken apart and copied? Clean up one place at a time and try to keep it empty. Constantly ask yourself, "Does this add joy to my life?" If not, give it to the one who needs it more.

Do difficult things while they are easy, do great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles should start with a simple step.

- Lao Ji.

The best thing I did, determined to simplify my life, simplified my working day, first -

at work, and then, after being fired, in the work that I do as a writer and businessman.

With a few simple rules I've eliminated most of the mundane, boring administrative tasks.

Now I have eliminated everything that is secondary, and I can concentrate on what I really love: creativity.

Not everyone can take such drastic steps towards simplicity, but if you have even a little control over your workday, there are a few simple things you can do that will greatly simplify your life.

If you are unable to control the situation, or you catch yourself thinking: « I can't do this» , I ask you: why not? Is it possible to change the situation, even if not now, but in the future? I noticed that often something seemed impossible (for example, working from home), but later turned out to be quite doable.

You don't have to strive to do everything at once, pick one thing and try to do it. Then try something else, see if it works. Experiment and you will find what works for you.

Enjoy simple work.

1. Get to work early.

Getting to work early was one of my favorite secrets - in silence, before the phone calls, chatter and meetings, I had time to do a lot. By the time everyone started working, I was doing two or three big assignments.

2. Limit your time.

It's funny, people work for hours and think that they are productive and have time to do more. However, they spend hours on solving the problem. Instead, shorten the time and set a limit - 6 or 7 hours a day - and do all the important work within that time frame. If you know that you only work 6 hours a day, you will try to do all the important things in the first place, and spend less time on it. Restrictions encourage you to work more efficiently.

3. Make up short list.

Make up long list things you need to do ... then make a short list of 2 or 3 things you really want to do. Choose tasks so that if you only complete them, you can be proud of what you did in the day. Start the most important business before checking your mail or reading online.

4. Group the stimuli.

What usually distracts you? Maybe it's something like email, reading blogs, Twitter or other social network? Set aside time for them, preferably later in the afternoon: say, after 3-4 pm. Until that time, do not be distracted by irritants. By setting aside a specific amount of time for them, you will be able to do other work first, and then pay attention to the distractions. Another way is to set aside 10 minutes for them at the end of each hour, just stick to the 10 minute limit!

5. Write short letters.

If writing a letter takes most of the day, just limit yourself to 3-4 sentences for each letter and you will feel the difference. First, the time it takes to reply or compose letters will be drastically reduced. And secondly, the responses to your letters will decrease, which means that you will spend less time reading your correspondence.

6. Cut back on meetings.

Less is better. Some top Google executives only hold five-minute meetings - everyone who attends those meetings needs to be prepared and concise. If you can skip meetings and just leave notes or come up with some other way of communicating, it can save you a few hours a week.

7. Automate.

The less boring and routine tasks you have to do, the more free time you will have for creativity and important work. Therefore, automate the work process wherever possible: make it so that people enter data, or receive information from your site, instead of writing or calling you, or use a service that automatically processes payments or sends goods, and so on.

8. Eliminate paperwork.

I had to work a lot with documents, and even then I knew that it was a waste of time. If firms and organizations could fill out all documentation electronically, this would reduce paper consumption and the time spent copying and filling out documents. Whenever possible, move away from paperwork in favor of electronic document processing.

9. Clean up on the table.

This can be done in a few minutes. Get everything off your table. Leave a few important items. Everything else needs to be hemmed, handed over to the appropriate person, folded into the appropriate section in a drawer, or thrown into the trash. Make a decision quickly and get started.

10. Go away.

If you can get out of the office, find a quiet area where you can concentrate on important work... Disconnect the Internet and get to work, then reconnect to the network to submit the work on e-mail or download to a remote computer. Working from home - great option... The more often you do this (once a week, an hour a day, or half of every workday), the better.

11. Take a break.

Get up from the table every 15-20 minutes and take a break. You can just walk around the office, or even better - go out and breathe fresh air... Take a walk, disperse the blood, if you feel tension, massage your shoulders and neck. If you want to stay fit, do a few push-ups. When you start working again, remember what you want to work on and remove any irritants.

12. Practice shifting attention.

Perform an attention-shifting ritual every hour or two. It will take one to two minutes. You can start the ritual by closing your browser and other applications, maybe even going out for a walk for a couple of minutes to ventilate and disperse the blood. After that, go back to the Most Important To Do list and note what else you need to accomplish. Before you check your mail or go back online, do important tasks as long as you can. Shift your attention from one activity to another several times throughout the day. Taking a few deep breaths can also help you focus.

13. Allow plenty of time for creativity in your schedule.

Not everyone can do this, but if possible, set aside 3-4 hours a day in your schedule for creativity or other important things. Let this time be inviolable for you, do not plan any meetings or other things for this time. Be merciless about distractions and tune in to the work you love within the allotted time. Enjoy your creativity.

I casually mentioned the need to make my life easy to manage. Today we will reveal the topic - what does it mean in practice " simplify life”And in what ways to achieve this.

Very often people perform their tasks much more difficult ways than it could be. As a result, it is spent extra time, extra money and extra nerves: your most precious resources.

With a little time and thought, you can eliminate a lot of unnecessary effort and free up your life for what really matters.

1. Simplify routine.

This means that small daily tasks need to be minimized and made automatic. Get your clothes ready the night before. Find your makeup style that requires a minimum of action. Pick up more simple hairstyle not requiring long styling... Prepare breakfast in the evening. Wake up a little earlier to walk the dog without fuss, have a cup of coffee, and calmly take a shower.

2. Simplify the schedule.

Stop doing things that don't interest you. Organize your tasks into groups, assign to each group certain time and stop rushing from one to the other. Don't overwhelm your planner. Set aside time for yourself every day, even if it will be breaks between main work or household chores. Learn to say no to people if you can't or don't want to help them.

3. Simplify processes.

Are there any activities in your life that take too long and require effort? Think about how you can optimize them. For example, if you still do your home bookkeeping manually using a calculator, look for a suitable one. If you spend a few days a month queuing at the banks, set up. If you're sorry to waste your time shopping, use. Instead of cleaning up the chaos in your closet every time, sit down and come up with a new, convenient storage system.

4. Simplify the property.

When it comes to things, quality is more important than quantity. It's better to have some good, quality wardrobe items than tons of junk. Do you really need your 50 T-shirts and 70 pairs of stockings? Give them to those who need them. Disassemble your kitchen cabinets, order the removal of old furniture, get rid of the jars, boxes and lids that have been lying around since your wedding day ()

5. Simplify finances.

Get rid of unnecessary credit cards, most people only need 1-2 cards with the necessary functions. Put things in order in your family budget... You really need to know how much money you are spending on washing powder, and how much for dish powder? Enlarge the categories of expenses and do not worry anymore about posting by different categories donuts, buns and pretzels. I have only 6 categories of expenses: mandatory payments, meals, children, adults, home and household, etc. All my expenses fit perfectly into them. so that regular payments are automatically debited from your card.

6. Simplify nutrition.

Choose one day a week for. Write the names of the dishes on cards along with a list of ingredients and post the cards on the refrigerator. Have a list of dishes “on hastily»And products for them - frozen semi-finished products, eggs, canned food. If cooking takes too long every day, cook two or three times a week in large portions or several meals at once.

7. Simplify cleaning.

Clean up immediately, and the problem of large cleaning will never be before you. Pick up 2-3 versatile detergents and don't keep 125 jars at home. different surfaces... Schedule your housework by scheduling cleaning at a time that is most convenient for you. If your budget permits, hire, order and free yourself in whole or in part from chores.

Your life is your life. It's up to you to decide what is important to you and what can be neglected. Don't let other people's opinions influence you, simplify your life there - and enjoy the freedom))

Man has a habit of confusing his life by creating a thick cocoon around him that cuts him off from the simplicity and beauty of life. This cocoon is difficult to break when you get used to its presence. However, if you really want to, you can bring back the simplicity of your life. Here's how you can do it.

Indeed, life would be much easier if we stopped making a fuss about its complexity. There are times when we start looking for ways to simplify our lives, but we don't know how to do it. I am not here to preach philosophy and spiritism, but I have compiled a list of simple things that can help. , simplify your life ... It works on the basic principles of removing unwanted things from life and developing a new way of life in order to create a new, simple "I"!

A simple road to simplicity

Personal life

If you want to rediscover the simplicity of life, it is best to start the process with personal life... Here's how:

  • Start this journey by learning how to clean up the clutter in your life. To do this, look around your home or office and make sure to hand over items that are useless or unwanted. There are many people who want to take these things and will be grateful if they receive them.
  • Write down 5 to 10 of the most precious faces in your life (maybe more) that matter in your life. Connect with them and stay in touch more often, meet or call them. Try to get close to them.
  • List the hobbies that make you happy. It may be difficult at first, but gradually you will be able to make this list. Do this as often as possible. At the same time, narrow down the to-do list that you don't like.
  • Take time for yourself and your family. Try to make at least 5 people happy every day.
  • Try to stay away from Internet addiction and mobile phones as they are often a waste of time.
  • Avoid getting used to TV. Instead, use free time to read the books you love.
  • Politely refuse to do things that limit your freedom.
  • Eat simple food and don't overeat.
  • Stick healthy way life and exercise to keep your body fit and in good shape.
  • There is a difference between beauty and fashion obsession. Clothes should show off your beauty.
  • List the things you would like to do every day.

At home and at work.

  • Go to minimalistic Lifestyle. Throw away anything you don't need or long time not used.
  • Clean your home and office regularly to keep your surroundings clean. However, don't get hung up on cleanliness.
  • Take part in all household activities.
  • If you have a vegetable garden, take part in "gardening", eat home-grown fresh vegetables from your garden.


  • Don't show off your car. You could hoard more money if you bought a cheaper car ..
  • You can also choose to use a bike to explore your city or walk to work. This will conserve fuel and help you get a lot of attention.


  • Stop being materialistic and storing money.
  • Stop depending on your credit card. Use credit card only if absolutely necessary.
  • Try to avoid loans. This will give you a lot of peace of mind.
  • Live a modest lifestyle and try to save money wherever possible without compromising your health and comfort.
  • Avoid the hustle and bustle of financial matters... You can even take the help of online investments and financial advisors.

Simply put, live full life... You see, there are hidden surprises at every bend in the road of life, make an effort to find them. But don't expect to find these surprises overnight. Enjoy every moment of your gradual transition to simplicity. Lead The Diary to record day to day experiences and expenses. This diary habit will act as a mirror to reflect your progress towards making life easier.