How to stay interesting. Do not immediately answer phone calls and messages. What all men like


Do not show that you are afraid of losing him. The stronger sex is hunters by nature, they prefer to conquer the victim, they are not interested when they are running after them. In no case should a husband think that he is the center of your life. Realizing this, he quickly loses interest in you, because he has no one else to conquer.

Love yourself. As soon as you begin to appreciate your personality, satisfy your desires and live your life (and not the life of your husband), he will begin to perceive you in a different format. Learn to admire yourself and be a constant mystery. This is what makes you strive every day.

Develop constantly, do not stop there. This is especially true of those whose careers are successful. The development of both spouses should be simultaneous, so they will always find something to talk about. Even if you are sitting at home with, try to learn as much as possible new things. It's never too late to learn.

Be independent. man never get bored self-sufficient, having her own point of view and living full life. Find a hobby that will give you pleasure, visit fitness centers, sports clubs, museums, libraries, meet friends. A man should see that not all of your attention is focused on him, this will attract him to you. It is not beauty that binds the male sex, but individuality.

Keep track of your appearance. Take care of your hair, nails and skin, use decorative cosmetics, follow the figure. Attractive woman always looks impressive. Update your wardrobe - it will not only improve your mood, but also make a man admire you.

Be calm and balanced. Men are repelled by frequent domestic squabbles. If you are constantly in a bad mood and looking for an excuse to fight, sooner or later it will push him away. To make a husband happy to go home, you need to support calm environment. More humor in everyday life - great advice couples. Of all the controversial situations, you can find compromises without shouting and quarrels.

Be sexy. It is very important that a man continues to desire you even after ten years of life. To do this, you can diversify intimate life: new poses, role-playing games, a change of scenery. Do not be afraid to seduce a man and succumb to his seduction yourself.

Look at the world with optimism. men love cheerful women who rejoice in the smallest details. These are the kind of people that are nice to be around. Joke, tell stories about yourself and give good emotions then it will be interesting and pleasant to spend time with you.


  • Women's information and educational portal.
  • how to always be interesting to your loved one

To create long and strong relationship little to know a good man. So that his interest in relation to you does not fade away after a few years, you need to remain for him the most attractive, desirable and at the same time not completely solved.

Referring to the fact that men love with their eyes, many women focus on own appearance. They regularly visit fitness rooms, diet, follow fashion trends and train the hip gait. Yes, all this greatly increases the chances of meeting and falling in love with a man, but you should not make toys lovers out of the opposite sex. In addition to beauty on the outside, beauty on the inside is also important. Stay interesting for a man throughout years is a whole science.

"If you want to change the world, change yourself." According to this principle, you should not change for the sake of a man. Do it for yourself. Periodically update your wardrobe, hairstyle, make-up technique. Don't be afraid to try something new. For example, if you wear jeans and neutral makeup most of the time, buy yourself a dress and red lipstick. Go on a date or in a cafe with your friends.

Soberly evaluate your self-esteem. A self-confident woman can be seen immediately, she is self-sufficient. Think about what you lack in order to feel complete. Maybe you don't have any hobbies? Sign up for courses in cooking, photography, makeup, and more. Perhaps you are dissatisfied with your position? Change jobs. Do not call a man every half an hour, asking when he will arrive. Take care of yourself during this time.

Develop your skills, horizons, increase the level of intelligence. You will feel proud that you were able to achieve something or learn something new, and it will become more interesting for people around you to communicate with you.

Men love to be listened to and heard. Be interested in his affairs and hobbies, sincerely try to understand the essence of the matter. This does not mean at all that you need to know all the players of his favorite team. But it is sometimes possible to keep him company while watching the match, keeping up the conversation.

Think of an activity that will be interesting for both of you. For example, cycling or cinema on weekends. This is a good opportunity to get closer and find new topics for conversation.

Sex in a man's life plays important role. So you can't relax here. Look in a magazine for a new position and invite your partner to try it out. Buy beautiful set in a style different from yours. Seduce and surprise a man, then you will open up in his eyes from a new side.

One famous phrase reads: " Ideal woman- this is a mistress in bed, a hostess in the kitchen and a lady at a party. Be different for a man, and he will definitely appreciate it.

Many women on certain stage relations with their man, sooner or later they begin to notice that they are no longer interested in their partner - there is no spark that was between them at the very beginning of their relationship. Some ladies even receive a statement from their men plain text: "There's nothing to talk about with you." The woman begins to look for an answer to the question: “Why did I become uninteresting for him? After all, everything was different before. How to become interesting to your man again? Let's try to find the reasons for the current situation in order to prevent this from happening in the future, and also try to find out: how to always be interesting and desired woman for your man.

First of all, you must be interested in yourself. Every person, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, wants to be liked by the people around him, and in particular, we really want to be interesting topics who we like. But, in fact, if you seriously think about it, who will like you if you are not interested in yourself first of all? If the attitude towards oneself does not look in the best way, you should make an effort and try to change the situation in your favor. Take care of yourself!

Take a close look at yourself. Perhaps it's time to make some adjustments to the appearance. The way you look has no last value for your man. However, change in better side preferably for yourself! With age, our appearance tends to fade - we must strive to keep ourselves in shape. Also, do not neglect in the usual way to be attractive, I mean the aroma of the body, which plays an important role in the life of each of us. I wrote about this in my earlier.

Dealt with appearance. Now consider the rest of the nuances that will help renew your man's interest in you.

Don't forget, men don't like it when women stalk them and impose themselves. Them it is more to your taste to seek a woman, to conquer her. The main thing here is not to stumble when he conquered you and not start chasing him, thereby showing that you are already “his” and will not go anywhere. It is possible that he will lose interest in you. Show patience and endurance, do not call him repeatedly during the day and do not bombard him with SMS. It is permissible to show such signs of attention on your part, but, nevertheless, let it be in moderation. Your man may have important activities during the day, and you distract him - he gets irritated. It's useless.

Try to become self-sufficient, interesting, and therefore a unique person. Treat yourself with respect and love. Appreciate your individuality, do not let others lower your self-esteem, be self-confident and strong in spirit. Constantly improve, fill in the gaps in your development (spiritual and mental). These are the main components of your inner strength where do you get energy for life.

In order not to become morally dependent on communicating with your man, you must fill your space with communication with other people you like. It can be your parents, friends and close people who have treated you with tenderness and respect for many years - they have always accepted you for who you are; you feel comfortable and at ease with them. All these people will not let you feel alone.

What else will help to be always interesting for your man?

Do not be afraid to change, experiment - make changes in your image, change your hobbies. The main thing is that all this brings you pleasure, and you do not change contrary to your desires and preferences.

Phrase on the theme from the movie "Three Half Graces": “You have turned into an oatmeal porridge on the water, not what it is - it’s boring to watch.” To avoid this effect, do not be afraid to bring novelty to your appearance, change boldly!

WITH smart woman do not get bored - be erudite, engage in self-development. Of course, it’s not bad if you have a higher education, but you shouldn’t stop there - don’t let yourself relax, improve. Read books, follow the events in the world, view popular science channels, get information. So you can, at an opportunity, keep up a conversation with your man and you will discuss with him some questions that are of interest to him. Thus, you will have common topics for a conversation. This is important in the relationship between a man and a woman - by communicating, you become closer friend friend, more interesting.

As for sex. Even if you diligently completed all of the above, but in you don’t show enthusiasm in bed, intimately your relationship is in a deplorable state - it can’t last so long, and you will quickly get bored with your man! Try to be interesting to him in this matter. Be creative, don't be afraid to experiment, don't be shy about your body, be relaxed and pleasantly surprise it. Then he will strive for you not only as an interesting interlocutor, but will be interested in you as a woman - you will be desirable for him.

It would be nice to have with him general circle acquaintances, arrange some kind of joint leisure, spend interesting time together, for an interesting activity for both of you. In general, it is necessary to find several points of contact, in the future, this will help you become closer to each other every day.

And most importantly, do not get hung up on your partner, do not be an “open book” for him. Do not lose your individuality, do not be faceless for him. Become an attractive woman in every way. Then you will not ask yourself: “How to be interesting for your man?” - he will think how not to lose you. I wish you happiness!

To support any conversation, to supplement the dialogue with facts, to decorate speech with successful verbal turns and quotations - this is a whole art that a person learns with early childhood. We learn to listen to the interlocutor, to catch the thought and support him, using the information that we receive daily from the media. It is very important to be able to correctly build your thoughts and express them during a conversation. Oratory makes us charismatic, knowledgeable and wise man. Let's find out how to become interesting interlocutor and what needs to be done.

Fighting the inner self

If at least one complex sits inside you, then it can make you a squeezed and insecure person. An interesting interlocutor is, first of all, one who was able to carefully work on himself. If you are a shy, modest, cowardly and unlucky person, then this article is for you. Try a little experiment: take a sheet of paper and mentally draw a line in the center. In the first column, write down all your positive traits and hobbies, in the second - all their fears and complexes. Take a look at the list and be surprised: after all, the first column will indicate at least 5 interests that make you partly happy. Each hobby can develop into something bigger and grandiose, which will eventually defeat your complexes.

Right Society

You will not learn how to become an interesting conversationalist if you try to please everyone and everyone. Sometimes you do not notice that you are surrounded by people whose hobbies are fundamentally different from your inner "I". This can manifest itself as ignoring the interlocutor or comments addressed to you that listening to you is uninteresting and boring.

First of all, analyze how your worldview coincides with the surrounding society. Then just change your social circle. Don't know where to find it? Go to concerts, museums, sports events, poetry evenings, needlework or foreign language courses. Turning your interests into reality, developing them, you will begin to notice how your environment is changing, new people appear in it. amazing people who want and will listen to you with rapture.

If your partner is a man

Men love smart people, they like it when the interlocutor can support any conversation. There is no need to limit yourself to the fact that men are the stronger sex who are only interested in sports, fishing and cars. First of all, the male part of the earth is the same representatives human race who are fond of cooking, and cinema, and literature, and animals. To be an interesting conversationalist for the male half of the population, you should not pretend that you enjoy the dialogue, and do not try to pull out any convoluted facts from yourself. It is enough to be open, win over a partner and not be shy about sharing your hobbies. Remembering this simple advice, you will know the truth of how to become an interesting conversationalist for a man.

If your partner is a girl

Girls are the perfect sex. They are mysterious and romantic, dreamy and fragile. Girls tend to love with their ears, so for such an interlocutor you should find certain approach. First, listen carefully to each story. If you are bored in the middle of a story, then this may not be your partner. Secondly, not all girls love fashion, animals and photography. Many are fond of fishing, hunting, engineering, and someone much better than men repairs household appliances. Here the principle is simple: to learn how to become an interesting interlocutor for a girl, you need to be literate and well-read. You can hit a girl only with facts, knowledge and non-standard thinking, and not just with beauty, strength and strong character.

Books for self-development

Many start small and wonder: "What books to read to become an interesting conversationalist?" It is enough to understand that you must develop constantly, and for this you need to read literature and watch scientific programs, and visit interesting events and travel and communicate with different people. Literature in this case will help to know only the theoretical part of oratory, but no more. After reading books, you need communication to learn how to hone your skills. We present to your attention the top 10 literary masterpieces that will help you to know human nature and look from the outside at ideal interlocutors:

What does it take to be an interesting conversationalist? Become more open. You won't be able to attract attention if you are closed in your cocoon. Open up to people, learn to trust them, don't be afraid to talk about your hobbies, desires and dreams. But no one talks about being pushy and trying to win the hearts of everyone around.

If you don’t know how to become an interesting conversationalist, then you will have to learn how to talk about yourself. If you are squeezed and closed in yourself, then it will help you light exercise: write down stories from your life on a piece of paper, read carefully. Try putting down on paper the thoughts and feelings that you can't say out loud.

Do not be afraid to express your opinion and defend a personal point of view, do not be afraid to ask about the affairs of the interlocutor and give advice if you are asked. Be confident and proud, never lower your eyes and head. Feel free to compliment and call the interlocutor by name. By following all these tips, you will learn how to become an interesting conversationalist.

Every girl sometimes thinks, what is interesting for guys? She asks interesting questions guy. She thinks about these topics for a long time. And she really wants to know how to become interesting girl for your boyfriend?

But we are not robots and cannot be the same, which means that the ways to please guys will be completely different for each girl.

But there are certain statistics that most guys fall under. So let's see what selection criteria allow us to please the male sex.

Guys Interest Criteria:

Beautiful appearance of the girl. And do not believe anyone when they say that they liked you for your calm nature. No, they looked first at your face and figure. In general, according to statistics, girls do not put the guy's appearance in the first place, they look at the character and sociability. But guys look first of all, of course, at appearance. They are pleased when their girlfriend is neat and attractive, and everyone around will envy such a girlfriend, and this is important for guys. But, do not think that with your beauty you will attract all the guys at once, from each different concepts beauty. Someone like skinny girls, someone plump, and who does like simpletons. But in the end, all the guys choose their chosen one precisely in appearance.

Next, the guy looks at the character of the chosen one and at her charm. He already looked at her appearance, he liked her, he appreciated, then the evaluation of the girl's soul begins. Most guys, according to statistics, love it very much when a girl is also smart, plus the fact that she is also beautiful. This case can be compared to a beautifully wrapped gift, the wrapper is wonderful, but inside there is some kind of trinket, completely uninteresting. But good gift will always touch the heart and please the eye. Also, guys are very fond of, with all the qualities that were listed, also kindness and modesty, but in moderation.

Now the guy will watch how truthful you are And are you really who you want to be? They really do not like fakeness, any guy will guess who you really are after a while. So be natural if you don't want to get into stupid situations.

Also very important criterion are common interests With girl. If you are completely opposite in opinion, you will not be able to be together, because you will argue all the time, and neither you nor your boyfriend will like it. But, there were also isolated cases when a guy and a girl were completely opposite in opinion, but, nevertheless, their union was eternal.

The last selection criterion is unobtrusiveness. You don’t have to check your boyfriend all the time, he will only run away from you faster from this to the one who will calmly wait for his call. No guy can stand it when they send him five hundred text messages and call him three hundred times a day, and at the same time they are constantly monitored on the Internet. No matter how painful and painful it is for you to wait for his call, wait, he will appreciate it.

  • Also read -

Ask a couple of questions to your boyfriend and you will find out what he is interested in

Do you miss his attention? Then ask him interesting questions that he will not be able to refuse and will spend his precious time with you.

  • First of all, ask the guy about his childhood, what he remembers the most from him, what interesting cases were in him. Also ask a question about his first fighting exploits or how he went on a first date.
  • Men love to talk about their achievements, so ask him questions about what he does best.
  • Also ask him what he thinks about old age and eternal life.
  • Ask if he believes in UFOs.

So how do you become an interesting girl for a guy?

All guys like open, relaxed girls who know how to take care of themselves. With all this, a girl must be a little smarter than her boyfriend in order to interest him. It is also necessary to be sexy, but do not confuse sexuality with debauchery. You need to follow fashion and dress beautifully and naturally.

How to be interesting for a man? - video

To understand how to be interesting for a man, let's figure out what interest is in general, and for example, take a couple that became famous not so long ago.

Interest is a manifestation of attention to something, someone. In our case, to a partner in . And what does she consist of - the one who wants to captivate and become a life partner? Like any person, it has three parts: body, mind and soul.

The most popular way to interest a man is to attract him with his appearance, forms. An entire global industry is built on this. Fitness, fashion, cosmetics, plastic surgery, diets - this whole huge mechanism works thanks to one single desire of a woman (!): to lure the stronger sex.

But psychology is a very subtle thing, and does not like rough interventions with pumped up hips or silicone breasts.

It is also known that "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Whether it is true or not is not so important, but the fact that they like to eat tasty is an indisputable fact. And now attention! How does your loved one feel when he is full? He loses interest in food. Do you understand? Satiated, he wanders his eyes in search of something more exciting than a juicy, fragrant piece of meat. And so it will always be. After eating, he wants to satisfy the most severe hunger- curiosity!

So let's move on to next way how to be interesting for a man - with the help of the mind. For some reason, this property of the weaker sex is not favored.

Although those who know a lot about life, prefer the sexiest quality in a woman - her mind.

V Ancient Greece getters were famous for their ability to conduct a conversation and have an opinion about different areas of life. Powerful of the world this came to them not for sex, but for communication. But there is also a fine line- not to become a "blue stocking", expounding dry knowledge, but to have a cozy conversation in a sincere atmosphere.

And here we move on to the third part, how to be interesting for, - spiritual qualities. Respect, love, creativity, mood. Men are more likely to pay attention to women who radiate joy. But as for the sublime nature, then there is a danger of "flying into the clouds", where to stay, not noticing earthly life and surroundings.

What am I leading to? The main secret how to be always interesting for a man is the harmony of three components: mind, body and soul. The question arises: “If she skillfully develops all of the above in herself, why does she need someone?” And here we come to the main point:

how to be interesting for a man? - means to be interesting to yourself!

Outwardly, hobbies, inner world- be nice to yourself. After all, if you think about it, in the attention of a man, a woman is looking for confirmation of her qualities, which means she doubts them.

As an example, Anna Mironova and Yakov Shtolman are the heroes of a detective series. What do they do to each other? - its self-sufficiency. Do you understand? The goal is not sex drive, and the desire for personal self-development and support to make the chosen one stronger - that's the true one!

In custody - little secret how to be interesting for a man -

when a woman is passionate about herself and her favorite business, a man has no choice but to win at least a small share of her attention to himself.