A quick conspiracy from the evil eye. A more complex way to remove the evil eye and damage. A universal way to lure a good chance

If you want to bring certain person, then you need to use a call. It works in several cases, but the closer your communication, the sooner the effect will occur. Sometimes you are too shy to call. Use the "magic phone" for such purposes. In order for your secretly beloved person, boyfriend or legal husband to come to you sooner, you should learn a few simple conspiracies. They work even in difficult situations. If the husband took a walk with his comrades, but forgot about you, let him know about yourself. A conspiracy for a loved one to come can be performed by any woman. They are safe and simple. Try your hand, feel how your beloved hurries to your door. It is not so difficult to return a man home if you call correctly. This is a simple spell that can be obtained even without special training.

Road under your feet

How does the call work? This is simple if we consider our communication with people from the position Subtle World. Energy does not go anywhere, does not disappear. If you often communicate with a person, then exchange energy channels connections. That is why with a very close person it is possible to predict a call, a sudden arrival, to feel sadness, pain or joy. If a person does not communicate with you, then there are no such connections. In this case, the calls are not received, or you need to be a very strong magician to perform such an action. A person just walks without looking at the road until he collides with you. But, such a result requires years of hard training, magic.

Calling your husband is easy, especially if you have long, very warm relationship. He will hear your call for many kilometers, hurry home. This can be convenient if the husband, for example, went out with friends for a party, but completely forgot about the time. Call - will come. If this is your boyfriend, the result also comes quickly. Very convenient way for reconciliation after a quarrel. He will be the first to make contact. Sometimes, even at home, he will come to you late in the evening for a conversation.

Call your loved one home with magic

The call will only work if you know each other. To call a stranger is not a task for a novice magician. Most ideal conditions to call:

  • you are well acquainted;
  • communicate regularly, and not 5 years ago the last time;
  • the person has at least friendly feelings for you.

Calls are made at any time of the day, at home or on the street. Some of them require a little ritual. More often - church candles, photo or personal item. If this is your husband, then calling him is easy, because he will return home. Your home attracts no worse than any magic - this is the place where we leave our energy. But, do not abuse the calls. Do them no more than 1-2 times a week. In an emergency, you can do more, but your well-being may deteriorate, headaches, migraines or a cold will appear. This is a simple plot, but it requires a lot of your personal energy.

The most popular boyfriend or husband calls

Not complicated, fast and work. It is these spells that help in difficult situation the best thing. Try them all. Some will work better for you, others worse. Choose unfailing. Then your husband or boyfriend will fly to you on the wings of love.

Call by photo

Very simple and fast. All you need is a photo of the person you are calling. If this is a husband, then you can use wedding photo where you are together. In other cases better fit a single photo of your lover.

Need to take a photo left hand and place your right hand over your heart. Thus, you activate communication channels with the person in the photo. Say three times:

“I’m waiting for you, I’m waiting, I boast of new things. I send for you the servant of God (name) of my guardian angel. Let me bring you to me. My word is strong. Amen."

Now the effect should come quickly. At least a call. Perfect option- your husband came home in the next 30 minutes - 1 hour. If it doesn't, then try a stronger challenge.

Concentrate on the object strongly enough

Call for a church candle

You need a wax candle purchased from the Church. You need to buy:

  • in Sunday;
  • for small coins
  • giving money with the left hand.

A candle is lit where it is not visible sunlight. Say three times when the wax starts to melt:

“The wax of the candle melts - it melts, it toils from the fire. So you, the servant of God (name), cannot find a place without me, you long to come to me. You will come and I will take you. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Look at the flame for a long time, imagining the face of the one you want to call.

Conspiracy for 9 matches

To make your loved one come to your home sooner, make a conspiracy for matches. You need to buy 9 boxes, take 1 match from each. Fold them on the table in a circle, and in the center put any thing that the person touched.

“I took nine torches from nine aspens,
I burn with fire - I will burn it, I will release it with smoke.
Smoke cheerful and curly, help,
(name of a loved one) call home as soon as possible.
I call him, my beloved, to my feet, to my lips,
To a stubborn body and a zealous heart.
As nine splinters burn and blaze,
So that the feelings (name of the beloved) would burn, not fade away for a moment.
Whatever they welcomed him to me, they never let him go.
Let it be so".

Now light each match in turn, bring it to a personal item. It works very quickly, the maximum waiting time is 9 hours.

Report for 3 nights

Done 3 nights in a row. This ritual is well suited to those who are in a quarrel. In order for the husband to return home, or for the guy to come to reconcile, you need to perform this small ritual. Three nights the text is read:

“In the eastern side there is a black hut, there is longing in it, how to raise that longing, and send it to the slave (name). As in that black hut you can’t see it, so that the slave (name) without me (name) white light not be seen until he comes and appears before my clear eyes. The hut in the forest, longing is not in the hut, longing is in the slave (name). As I said, so fate ordered.

You can dye the rope yourself, and it must be natural

As you speak, tie knots on the thick black rope. As thick as a little finger, no less. With each knot, imagine how you attract a person. First his attention, then his thoughts, then his desire to go. After the third night, he will move on, will soon come to your home. The rope must then be burned so that it never untied.

Rite for a trifle from a wallet

You need all the change from your wallet. As much as there is, put so much on the table. Sprinkle the money with salt, say it 12 times:

“I will go out of the door without blessing, out of the gate, without crossing myself, I will go into the open field, behind the open field there is a green grove. In this green grove there is a big tree - an aspen, and it has a green top. On its green top sits the largest and oldest devil. Damn, help me, do me a great service. Call 99 of your imps and send them to the red fellow / girl (name). Let them take his / her heart, take out his / her soul, dry out the chest with longing. Soul and heart will be brought to me, (name)."

Now go to the church and give money to the poor. When you give someone a coin, say "Paid" quietly. The effect will not keep you waiting. The person you called will quickly respond and come to you.

Black Call Bassoon

This is a very strong challenge, but it belongs to black magic. It mentions the names of demons. They need to be learned by heart, but repeating just like that is forbidden. It is very dangerous. Teach only silently, not speaking out loud. Done at night after 12 noon. You will need 6 black candles. Place them on a table covered with black cloth. It is best to lay out a pentagram and install candles at the ends of its rays.

When you are ready, visualize who you are calling. Husband or boyfriend, just a lover - it doesn't matter. The call will work.

“Bassoon, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind (name) with fire, sky, earth, rainbow, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Peppe, Peppe, Peppe, Elera and in the name of all devils.
Bassoon, take possession, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind (name) until he comes to fulfill all my desires and orders.
Go lightning, ash, storm, Santas, Kuisor, Carrakos, Arne. Turn him around so that he can neither sleep, nor stand still, cannot do anything, neither eat, nor cross the river, nor sit on horseback, nor speak with a man, nor with a woman, nor with a girl until he will not come to fulfill all my desires and orders.

Bassoon is the demon of the wind

Call at 4 road intersection

In order to succeed, you need to go to the intersection of 4 roads. Stand in the middle and read on 4 sides:

“I’ll go out without blessing, I’ll go without crossing myself, I’ll come to the crossroads of 4 roads, I’ll start calling my dear. Oh, you, devil-brothers, help, turn my dear servant of God (name) for me. Let his little legs carry him to me, let his soul reach out to my soul. Pull him to me, drive. Let him not eat or drink until he comes to me, the servant of God (name). Let it be so!"

After that, leave 9 coins in the place where you stood. Say Paid. Go away, don't look back at that place.

If the call fails

This magic is not from the category of "maybe it will work out." The rule that you can not call a stranger to yourself is an important one. If you still think that it will turn out just like that, suddenly, as an exception - try it. Who knows, maybe you have a strong gift. But, more often than not, this doesn't happen. You're wasting your energy, getting frustrated with these useful spells. A person may not come for various reasons:

  • he is very ill. Such an impact will only hurt if the guy lies at home with high temperature and you call him. Better wait or call the phone
  • you are sick. In this case, the energy goes to protect the body from the disease, it will not be enough. This simple spells inherently, but the energy costs are greater than they seem
  • man was bewitched. He is being held somewhere by forces greater than your influence. He will feel your call, but he will not be able to come. This is the most difficult and terrible situation.

In other cases, you just need to choose the summoning spell that works best. Experiment, you will succeed!

It happens that there is no time to “pull the cat by the tail”, you need to immediately achieve a result by reading quick plot.

Will such a quick plot help in this case? Let's talk about this in more detail!

At least for love, for cold, money, fame ...

Here's one for toothache:

“I’ll stand, I’ll go out of the hut through the doors, out of the gates through the gates, I’ll go out into the cystic field. Rolled out a clear miss from behind dark forest, because of the high mountains.I will ask the clear missis: Do your teeth hurt, does the alakof ache?“No, he says, without hurting his teeth, the Alakof does not ache.”So don’t hurt my baby, teeth, don’t chew alakof. ”

The role of quick plots

For many, Slavic magic is a cool potion brewed from two-thirds of village magic, one-third folk signs, a small share of shamanism, flavored with knowledge of herbalism, sprinkled on top with foreign remnants of yoga, positive thinking and qigong.

The basis of modern Slavic magic- the legacy of the "old knowing people", as they say in the north.

Of course, no manuscripts have been preserved, but the tradition has never perished completely, they were kept in the hidden corners of the people's consciousness, transmitted in the form of tricks, signs, fairy tales. Perhaps this fragrant cauldron, in which modern Slavic magic seethes, is boiled on the fire of ancient, powerful, still hot conspiracies.

There are large, several-page conspiracies - "shepherd's holidays", read for the well-being of cattle at the first pasture. Commercial, professional (for example, beekeeping), for the happiness and well-being of the family, for beauty and honor - large and reusable conspiracies.

There are also quick plots like the above for toothache.

IN northern tradition short quick plots read on occasions requiring quick results- from toothache, from wounds, from a snake bite, from childhood insomnia and screaming, at the entrance to the forest, for example.

The merit of not quick conspiracies

Majority modern people magicians turn to their own ancestral heritage in search of practical knowledge, wisdom and inspiration.

And ancient conspiracies can just become for you a transforming element of healing, childbirth, making magical amulets and blessings of crops, livestock, dwellings.

Ultimately, dimensional recitative and ancient word magic attune you to the desired state in which you are divinely omnipotent.

Therefore, many folk conspiracies long enough to immerse a person in the right mood - after all, we need to tune in, put aside the vain, go the path of the soul, see other worlds and there persuade the Gods to help in getting what we want.

In Slavic sorcery, as in magic in general, the importance of preparation, mood, rites and long ones is still great. quick plots.

Quick spells and herbal magic

And yet there is an area of ​​\u200b\u200bSlavic sorcery, when quick plots quite efficient. This is the magic of herbs.

It can be seen that the very magic of birth from a small seed, growth, flowering, preserved in every blade of grass, already gives us the necessary “history” and the right to enter the subtle world.

Do you want to quickly clean your home of evil spirits?

Try to inhale the delicate aroma of St. John's wort, wormwood, or juniper - and your consciousness is ready to change, the body becomes light, and you take off on the white wings of inspiration, followed by a short tune of a quick plot.

Here is a simple ritual to cleanse your home - every grandmother knows how to do it.

Take a candle with herbs or burn a bunch of herbs, and go around the salting (clockwise) from front door. Stop in the corners formed by furniture or the walls of the house, look closely at whether the burning of a candle will change or the direction of the smoke from the incense beam.

Read a quick plot. It’s easy to tune in before the ritual - feel your great desire to cleanse the house of evil spirits, inhale the smell of grass and go around the house, repeating one of the fastest conspiracies that northern magic knows: “Ande go ahead,” which in the dialect of the northern Old Believers means “Go away! Away!"

Herbs that help with quick spells, known: nettle, wormwood, thistle, St. John's wort, juniper, mint. All of them themselves have pronounced "anti-demonic" properties, in the old language, "Naviev is driven."

Properly harvested, dried and bundled, these herbs are able to create quick magic, magically introducing the sorcerer into the desired state and setting it to quick plot, quick sorcery.

Here are examples of northern quick conspiracies

These quick plots are pronounced simultaneously with the burning of grass in the form of herbal candles, bunches or grass in a censer.

It is easiest to light a candle, but it is the burning of grass in the form of a powder on coals, or in the form of a bunch, that will give the desired result.

Quick Plot from fire:

“Gods followed me, carried a bowl of water, if there is a fire, the Gods will put out the fire. Do not burn once, not twice, do not burn not three. Not today, not tomorrow, never burn. The gods are standing, guarding my house".

Quick Plot from bleeding:

“A horse is walking, a man is walking old, a woman is walking, leading a dog, the dog has fallen, the blood has become, all the pinch has fallen behind (the name of the river) forever and ever. Key, lock, so be it!

Quick Plot from a child's cry:

“Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, above the stove, above the curly smoke, above the smoky window. Do not touch my baby (name), do not disturb, neither day nor night, at any hour and at any minute.

Herbal decoctions contribute to the pronunciation of quick conspiracies

The herbal decoction of willow-tea, drunk by the sorcerer, allows you to quickly "cross the border between the worlds", leave the Explicit World, join the Divine World.

Ivan-tea is good for bodily health, and easily helps the spirit travel, the basis of any magic.

Following your heart and natural instinct, inhaling the aroma herbal tea, you may well use northern quick plots get visible results.

Quick Plot to protect the warrior:

“Thunder will erupt, Molonya will sparkle, a whirlwind will leap, it will pick up grass from the earth. As the grass curls up in a swirl, so the arrow from the bow would not go straight at the enemy, curled and did not hit the target. Key, lock.

Quick Plot for a wart:

“The grass is dry, it will no longer become young, like a fish can’t turn into a bull, like you can’t wait for milk from a rooster. So you, wart, do not sit on my body, in a flawed month you will die. As said, so be it. Key, lock».

It will be useful to moisten sore spot herbal infusion.

Quick Plot for beauty and honour:

“I will stand, I will turn to the Native Gods, I will go to an open field, under the eastern side. There is a river flowing there, I will wash myself with that water, I will wipe myself off with a white dawn, I will poke a star, I will gird myself with a red moon, I will adorn myself with the sun. I’ll go, in an open field, to a feast and a festivities, I would seem to everyone good, beautiful and kind, and dearer than everyone to my beloved, whom I love. I would be more beautiful and better than everyone, and he would love me more than anyone. My words are strong and sculpting. Be my way."

It will be useful to wash with herbal infusion.

Concluding on conspiracies

People who recognize the power of Slavic magic usually study herbalism with pleasure, seek knowledge in order to understand the laws of nature, seasons and plant life. They know how to grow the necessary herbs next to them, they know how to collect in nature.

A great addition would be the study of Slavic ancient melodious words - quick plots and more genuine conspiracies.

Look for inspiration in the music of the ancients Slavic conspiracies- and your life will become happier!

Ivanova, Irina Chief Editor publishing house "Northern Fairy Tale"

Magic is a phenomenon that does not tolerate haste, however, there are cases when there is simply no time to wait. In such situations, help is needed instantly, and, oddly enough, it comes from Higher powers. It is enough to know how to address correctly and what words to say in order to be heard. Conspiracies that act instantly, do no harm and negative consequences, but they work "here and now", helping a person out of trouble or a situation that requires a quick solution.

conspiracy to sell

Trade in modern life bears great value because it allows you to earn money by quickly selling goods. However, there are situations when there are no buyers, things lie, and the “process” stands still. It’s even more offensive when competitors’ products are sold like hot cakes, and you are in idle time. To help yourself in solving this problem, you need to use magic words that will help in selling and making a profit.

“Lord, whoever comes will take my goods. My things will attract, buyers will choose them. Money goes into my pocket, and my treasury keeps growing. Amen".

After that, trade will begin briskly, and the product will begin to attract buyers. There is another version of prayer, which will also help get rid of the goods and get money for it. You can’t tell anyone about this rite, so that luck doesn’t turn away from you. To perform such a ritual, you need pure water and instant strong conspiracy.

“Things lie, the things of the buyer beckon. Just as people cannot live without water, so they cannot live without my things!

After that, you need to carefully sprinkle the sold products with water and you can carry them for sale. Buyers will certainly notice the product and want to purchase it, as the conspiracy acts instantly.

Ritual for winning the lottery

It is difficult to find a person who does not crave easy money and does not dream of hitting the jackpot in gambling so much so that the banknotes had nowhere to put. Lottery - great way catch Fortune by the tail and replenish your wallet with a certain amount. Even if it turns out to be insignificant, money will certainly cheer you up. However, it is easier to get a win if you use a kind of “whisper” - quick conspiracy, which will work at the time of ticket purchase.

Before you purchase or fill out a lottery list, you need to quietly say the following words:

“Luck ran, she was looking for the owner, she offered help. He refused, he did not take luck, but I found it and brought it to my house. Now luck is with me, guards my every step, brings enrichment, salvation from poverty. Let it be so!".

After that you can buy lottery ticket and test Lady Fortune.

To win the lottery, you can apply such an instant conspiracy. It must be carried out exclusively on the growing moon and sincerely believe that it will work. You need to take a coin of any denomination and, holding it in your hand, say:

“Money goes to money, and my luck will find me! Let the coin shine and luck will attract me!

Further, this small talisman must be put in a wallet and rubbed before buying a ticket. Every time you are going to play the lottery, you need to rub the charmed money, saying all the same strong magic words. And, of course, it is impossible to give, show and exchange it in any case.

Instant conspiracy for a student

Student life is always cheerful and colorful - parties, gatherings in cafes and dates. However, when the session comes, students of universities and colleges are not up to fun: intensive preparation for exams and sleepless nights over notes begin. It happens that even with knowledge, a student on a nervous basis forgets everything that he learned, or draws out a ticket that turns out to be not learned. To call for luck on the exam and feel more confident, there is an instant conspiracy that can help the student cope with the granite of science.

To do this, you will need some favorite thing that you can bring with you to the exam (pen, pencil, pencil case). Before you come to the exam, you need to read in the morning, holding this subject in your hands.

“I will get up early, early, go out the gate, and next to me (name a thing) will bring good luck. So that no one interferes, so that a bad word does not offend, neither with a look, nor with a thought, nor with a promise. So that my business will be argued, so that all things will go well. Let luck not leave, let Right way will guide me. I will pray to the Lord, I will bow to the Holy Virgin, and everything will work out for me! Amen, amen, amen!"

After that, the thing you need to take with you to the exam. Imbued with the energy of faith and hope, it will positive action and inspires confidence that the student will cope with any task.

Magic words against the evil eye that act instantly

Everyone knows that a word or a look can break through a biofield, so people with negative energy trying to avoid. But it is not uncommon for a meeting with an "ocular" or envious person must take place even against your will. For example, at a friends party or at work, where you have to go every day. If you are forced to work with a colleague who is clearly jealous of you or has a grudge against you, try to protect yourself from her bad influence. simple conspiracy which will take effect immediately.

Turning your back to her, spit three times over your left shoulder and say:

“As a witch sharpens her tooth, so you sharpen it on me, as she drills with evil eyes, so you drill me. But your anger does not reach me, your envy melts right in the air. Whatever you want me to take back! Amen!".

“Where the wind is, there is your anger. Where the sun is, there is your envy. You won’t take me, you’ll take your negative for yourself! ”

In case you were touched and you felt discomfort after contact with a clearly energetically disadvantaged person, say quietly:

“My energy cannot be taken away, my biofield cannot be broken. Angels will protect me from damage and the evil eye!

It may also be that you have to eat at a party with a person who, for some reason, treats you badly. In this case, you will also need a conspiracy that works instantly. Before leaving, say:

“I cover myself with a cap, I protect myself from negativity. I can’t be pierced, broken, my health, happiness and luck can’t be taken away! Let it be so!".

Sitting down at the table, imperceptibly cross your mouth and before you start the feast, you need to use a protective plot:

“Just as a stone wall cannot be broken, so my luck cannot be beaten off. Evil words do not reach me evil eyes can't get me! Amen".

After that, you can not be afraid that negative energy will get to you and bring problems into your life. remember, that instant plots committed with strong emotion so they are always on time.

If you decide to perform a magical rite, but do not want to wait a long time for the result, use conspiracies that act instantly. These are the most powerful options for magical effects. We share effective and proven folk methods.

For the plot to work accurately, stick to the following rules:

  1. . During this period of time, lunar energy reaches its peak and has a very powerful effect on the result. magical rite
  2. Memorize the text of the plot in advance. This is necessary in order to right moment read the words important for the magic ceremony clearly and without the slightest hesitation
  3. Read conspiracies only with good intentions. If through the rite you want to harm someone, evil will return to you many times
  4. Believe that the conspiracy will definitely work. Doubts and fears interfere and make it difficult to fulfill the request that you send

gunpowder conspiracy

This plot option helps. Use it if you are suffering from a strong or. This rite is a kind of ambulance which will instantly heal you from physical suffering.

You will need a box of matches. Pour them out and use a knife to scrape off the black powder from the heads. Place the collected powder on a glass or metal surface in the shape of a cross.

Observing safety precautions, set fire to the gunpowder and quickly say the plot:

Wait until the gunpowder is completely extinguished. After that, the pain will begin to subside and should disappear completely within a few minutes.

Spell to attract good luck

This version of the conspiracy is used if luck has turned away. Use it to bring luck back into your life and quickly cope with a series of failures, solve unforeseen problems.

Then roll the leaf into a tube and tie or seal it so that it does not unfold. Fasten the charmed piece of paper to your clothes with the help so that it is invisible.

At the moment when you need to call on luck for help, touch your hand to the place of clothing where the paper is fastened and ask for help. At this point, the conspiracy should instantly work.

Evil eye conspiracy

This plot option should be used immediately when you have a suspicion that someone has jinxed you. If you feel that you were envied, or someone wished bad things in their hearts, also use this conspiracy.

To cleanse myself from negative energy and remove the bad libel, bring holy water from the church and prepare an oak broom. It is desirable that it was previously used in the bath.

Pour the broom with holy water and start slapping yourself with it, saying the magic words of the conspiracy:

After performing the ceremony, sprinkle your face with holy water and wipe yourself with the hem of the clothes that you are wearing in this moment. Drink the rest of the water and read the prayer "Our Father" three times. On this, the rite is considered completed, and the evil eye should go away instantly.

Instant money spell

Use this plot if you need money or want to increase income, get a quick profit. It acts instantly and helps lead financial position back to normal.

Prepare 12 coins. They must be made of metal. yellow color, so you can use coins with a face value of 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks or 10 rubles. Wait until midnight on the day when the moon is in its waning phase. Then go outside and exit to a deserted intersection.

Stand by the road, take the coins in the palm of your hand. Extend your hand so that Moonlight got on the hand. Then read the text of the plot:

Repeat sacred words need three times. After the ceremony, immediately go home. Put the charmed coins in your wallet. The plot will take effect instantly - you only need to spend money on the right thing. From now on magical effect will begin to gain strength, and in a month you will forget about financial problems.

Conspiracy for the rapid accumulation of money

This plot option is suitable if you are going to commit big purchase but you can't save money for it.

The magic words must be said three times. After the ceremony, put the piggy bank in a prominent place. You will need to deposit money there daily, at least one coin.

But most likely you will be more generous, begin to put enough money in the piggy bank, and as a result, quickly save up money for the desired thing. At the same time, more money than usual will begin to appear in your life.

Important: for conspiracies to work, it is necessary positive attitude. Try to get rid of such emotions as anger, resentment, envy, greed. Focus on the good joyful emotions and believe in the best. Then the action of the conspiracy will not be long in coming.

Good luck spells are a magical means of solving many big and small problems. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you urgently need help from Above? The boss unexpectedly calls, and the work gathers dust in the desk drawer. It is clear that now the thunder will thunder such that it will not seem enough. Or you want to go to the cinema, but there is a crowd at the box office. The tickets are probably out of stock. Such small disasters in our lives cannot be counted. So I would like to feel behind the back of a strong Angel. Hear his unearthly voice: “Don't drift, everything will work out! Forward!".

Reasons for bad luck

Every person has chances. But not everyone is able to see the shortest path to the realization of desire. This is the main reason for failure. It explains where bad luck comes from, behavioral factors and attitudes:

  1. Concentration on problems, inability to be distracted. A person needs the ability to consider the situation with different parties. It expands perception, forms possibilities.
  2. excessive emotional perception problematic issue. Conflict destroys good options exit.
  3. Demagogy. We tend to think on the topic: "And if, then ...". It's too much. problem situation it is desirable to break down into specific tasks. Solve one at a time.
  4. Negative outlook. Indoor installation that trouble is bound to happen is destructive. At the energy-information level, it is a mental order for negative event in future.
  5. Inability to resolve the accumulated issues. Lack of experience, wisdom.
  6. Corruption, evil eye, curse. Black programs confuse the brains, make it difficult to perceive what is happening realistically.

Self-confidence also hurts. This attitude makes us turn a blind eye to opportunities that are not currently included in perspective plan. A man stubbornly breaks through the wall, not distinguishing a number of wide-open gates.

Basic Rules for Constant Luck

The potential for success lies in the calm self-confidence. Panic, despondency, despair destroy the prospect of encountering a happy accident. People looking for solutions, a conspiracy to attract good luck, money, happy chance works instantly. He creates a temporary energy flow in the right direction. Its power is such that all obstacles are washed away by the waves. There are two inconveniences:

  1. You have to learn the formulas. After all, you have to read at the very critical moment.
  2. Using it ahead of time is inefficient. The exposure time is from several minutes to half an hour.

Important: magical means of quickly attracting luck are used in a good, high spirits. They work on the energy of the reader himself.

We need a little luck in different areas of life. There are short spells for love, for luck in business, in everyday situations. There are universal formulas. The choice is left to the wizard himself. Do what your intuition tells you to do.

How to read

Let's say you learned the words, do not forget about them in stressful moments. This is not enough. The conspiracy must be filled with its own energy so that it starts the flow. And words are not enough to accomplish this task. You need to create an energy impulse. We do this:

  1. Let's face east.
  2. For a second, imagine that the sun lights up in the region of the heart. You probably won't be able to feel it. Serious preparation is needed for this to happen automatically.
  3. We say in the mind: “I have the sun in my chest!”.
  4. We take a deep breath and quickly pronounce the conspiracy formula. After that, exhale.

Important! Once you have created your future success, switch to something else. You need to get out of this flow, let it go. Otherwise, fix it on yourself. Then he will go into the void, that is, into the experience of a critical situation.

A universal way to lure a good chance

This formula is used knowledgeable people in the most critical situations. Behind the wheel, for example, when a collision with another car seems impossible to avoid. Still would remember these words in such a situation! Not everyone, as they say, is given. You need to pronounce the following phrase:

“I walk through the world with angelic light. Amen!".

Protects, calls heavenly defenders. Similar to the SOS signal.

Not every person is able to take advantage of a conspiracy that attracts good luck in time. It `s naturally. You need to learn how to switch thoughts, stop your own, emotionally charged, word mixer.

From the wrath of the chief

Before entering the chief's office, important meeting mentally pronounce:

“I will praise King David and all his meekness!”

The clergy claim that this is a prayer. Let's not argue. What we want is a result, not a theological argument. This prayer protects well. That is, it is recommended to pronounce it in a situation possible aggression by those in power.

To create a constant potential for success, you need to regularly apply a conspiracy for good luck in business x. It has a lasting effect on destiny. Therefore, it protects against potential crises.

So that there is no refusal

Troubles lie in wait for us at every turn. We are going to the state house on business, and there the officials are sitting, sorting through the papers. They don't have time for visitors. It is more important to drink tea, gossip. Such a strong conspiracy of luck will help:

“From evil deeds, from black invocations, in a good way. Amen!"

It is necessary to pronounce at the moment when they took the door handle.

To win

Luck business people helps to conclude profitable contracts, players - to get a serious jackpot. Many of the lucky ones use ancient spell Good luck:

"All mine, all mine!"

They say at the moment when the first message to solve the issue occurs:

  1. How to sit down at the game table. You need to pull the furniture towards you a little, mentally read the phrase three times.
  2. How the negotiations started, they do the same. Pull the documents closer, read the plot of luck.
  3. Lottery ticket decided to buy, remember again. Reach for the paper, say these simple words to yourself.

good luck with money

It is necessary to find three coins of the same value. They must be released in leap year. Coins are placed under the threshold. It is advisable not to move them after the ritual, not to clean them. You need to say these words:

“Money under the threshold will open the way for money. Amen!".

The conspiracy for happiness and good luck is as follows:

“As the Moon arrives, the river flows into the ocean, so God's servant (name, his own or his own, who sets out on the road) will successfully return, with an insidious misfortune. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!".

You know, if people used such important magical little things, then our space would be cleaner and brighter. Share this material with your friends. By doing this, dear readers, you will help yourself. We are all here in one energy-information field. The stronger the neighbor, the better for you and me.