Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day in prose. Congratulations to the pilot on Civil Aviation Day. Russian Civil Aviation Day

Thanks to you, we fly under the clouds
And we admire the land from above,
Guys, we are proud of you,
Civil aviation - honor and praise.
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
May all cherished dreams come true
We wish you good luck, joy, luck,
Wisdom and good mood.

All heights are subject to civil aviation,
And you don't care any distance,
Like an airship you sail
Moreover, you overtake all the birds.
Please accept my sincere congratulations,
We wish you good luck, success, inspiration,
Let the takeoff be smooth and beautiful
And the landing is soft and happy.

You raise a silvery colossus,
You deliver us to any part of the world,
We guarantee safety in full,
Civil aviation honor and praise.
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
We just don't know what we would do without you,
Always be happy in everything
Let your home be a full bowl.

Above the clouds you fly
You know the air route by heart
In the sky we are always comfortable and calm,
You ensure the romance of flights in full.
V professional holiday congratulations,
We wish you good luck, endurance, patience,
May God give you an easy landing,
Let the family always look forward to at home.

Congratulations to brave pilots and wonderful flight attendants,
We wish you great happiness in life,
Let all your plans come true without fail.
In your personal life, let everything be excellent.
Happy flights to you, success and kindness,
To make it better today than yesterday
Let every day turn into a holiday
Let the bird of happiness fly often.

All employees civil aviation praise and honor,
Your merits, of course, cannot be counted,
You provide us with safe flights,
We wish you joy, good luck and success in everything.
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
We wish you good health, well-being,
Let the flights bring you inspiration.
A personal life- only pleasure.

Today is Civil Aviation Day, congratulations.
We wish you a long and happy life.
In all, I wish you success, joy, goodness,
Let fate reward you in full.
May you always be lucky in everything
Let your house be a full cup,
Hope, faith and love may not leave you,
Let the Lord protect you from troubles.

Congratulations on International day civil aviation. May there always be a clear sky, a working steel bird, flying weather, excellent experience, satisfied passengers, successful takeoffs, safe landings, happy Days and in general all life.

I congratulate the people who have conquered the sky, who have learned the taste of heights, the vastness of delight and the breadth of horizons. People who, thanks to their daily work, transport thousands of passengers from one side of the world to another. I wish that the number of takeoffs is always equal to the number of soft landings. I wish you successful flights, ending with applause from the grateful passengers. I wish you a kind and peaceful earthly life in comfort, warmth and love of loved ones. Happy Civil Aviation Day!

Today is a holiday for those in the sky. Today is Civil Aviation Day. Every employee in this industry is a real professional, it cannot be otherwise. Thank you for the fact that people can fly. For being comfortable and calm in the sky. Your job is not only the romance of flying, but also a huge responsibility. Clear sky, flying weather and all sorts of benefits!

Congratulations on International Civil Aviation Day and sincerely wish you brave and high flights in complete safety and absolute comfort, I wish every takeoff to be successful, and landing successful, so that the soul does not stop loving the sky and always enjoys the conquest of airspace. I wish you a peaceful sky good health and happiness of immense proportions, like the heavenly expanses.

Happy Civil Aviation Day everyone! Let the flights give you only pleasure, because it is so nice to enjoy morning sunrises, soft clouds that envelop you with tenderness, evening sunsets and shining night cities! Let the takeoffs be easy, the flights are comfortable, and the landings soft!

On International Civil Aviation Day, I wish you good flights and bright well-being, incredible heights of luck and success in life, full of safety and optimism of the soul, sincere respect and great love.

I congratulate you on the International Civil Aviation Day and wish that your life fuel does not run out, and that your life flights are high and successful. Let the people be proud of a real hero, and let the family be a kind and courageous person.

Congratulations on International Civil Aviation Day. I wish you to fly like a proud freedom-loving bird, like an indefatigable wind, like a well-aimed arrow. May every flight be kind and prosperous, may every day of life be wonderful, successful and joyful. I wish you health, vigor, strongest forces and courage.

The Civil Aviation Festival cannot be missed, because everyone has at least once in their life, and those who do not have time to do it again! Therefore, we congratulate all aviators on this day and may the number of takeoffs, flights and landings be always the same!

Our dear soldiers serving in civil aviation, we congratulate you on your holiday and on this day we thank you for your courage, courage and valor. We want from pure heart I wish you guys a peaceful sky, good health, stamina and courage.

I congratulate you on the Civil Aviation Day! This is a holiday of kind, wise, valiant and courageous people who know how to never give up. Civil aviation is simply irreplaceable, because regularly thousands, millions of people rush to get from one point of the planet to another, and it is you who help them get to their destination. With all my heart I want to wish you health, family happiness, cheerful interesting life, patience and many bright moments! Let everything be just wonderful, and every flight goes without a hitch! I wish you to visit all countries of the world, enjoy authority and respect among colleagues, be able to win and strive for the best!

Civil Aviation Day is not just a holiday. This is a holiday for those who are associated with the most interesting transport - airplanes. What a miracle it is to watch how a beautiful steel silvery bird is gaining height, and how pleasant it is to watch the clouds from the plane's window ... A real miracle! And I congratulate you, as a person directly involved in aviation, on your professional holiday! I would like to wish you calm takeoffs and soft landings. I want to wish you always enjoy your very necessary and crazy interesting work! I want to wish you that all your dreams come true as easily as a plane takes off from the ground! Happy holiday to you! Happy Civil Aviation Day!

Today is the holiday of those in the sky - Civil Aviation Day. Every employee in this industry is a real professional, it cannot be otherwise. Thank you for the fact that people can fly. For being comfortable and calm in the sky. Your job is not only the romance of flying, but also a huge responsibility. Clear skies, flying weather and all kinds of benefits!

As you know, the plane is the most safe view transport. Therefore, you should not be afraid to fly by air, especially considering what beautiful people work in civil aviation. We congratulate everyone who has anything to do with the Civil Aviation Day and wish them a clear sky.

The heavens are transparent as glass, but even there there are borders and roads, many rules, without which one cannot rise into the air on a silvery wing! On Civil Aviation Day, I want to say a small compliment to you that you know all this like no one else, and that you are in great shape ... Accept my congratulations and best wishes!

For dreamers - the road to heaven! To carry cargo, travelers ... The main thing is to fly and make sure everything is fine! Please accept my congratulations on Civil Aviation Day and wishes that the air route is correct, communication with the ground - regular, and landing - weightless!

Heaven is so close, we fly softly, as we float ... And all thanks to the engineers who created aviation, as well as its workers, who know literally everything about it! Happy Civil Aviation Day! May your every flight be lucky and cover long and short air distances with ease!

Happy Civil Aviation Day! Why do we need bird wings when there are airplanes? Let's fly above the clouds! Let the air traffic entangle the whole Earth, you know exactly where to head and believe in a successful flight, and I wish you an escort from good aviation signs and great luck!

Civil aviation transports cargo and passengers so quickly that they didn't have time to board - it's time to board! Today I congratulate you on your professional holiday, I wish you complete serviceability of the on-board instruments, favorable weather conditions and just happiness!

Dear civil aviation workers, industry veterans! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - International Civil Aviation Day !
The Russian air fleet, which is designed to carry passengers, mail and cargo, was born in 1923. The first flight was made on the route "Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod", and its length was 420 kilometers.
Since then, civil aviation has operated exclusively for peaceful purposes, meeting the needs of the population for a safe, regular, efficient and economical international air transport, creates and develops airlines, airports, navigation equipment.
Domestic civil aviation of Russia passed big way, marked by glorious events in aircraft construction, and today is the most high-tech in the transport system of Russia. There are already more than 110 million passengers on the account of domestic aviation carriers. And this list continues to grow.
It is difficult to overestimate the state, social and economic role of civil aviation. Our life is simply unthinkable without aviation, which connects people, connects the vast space of Russia, countries, continents.
At all times, from the inception of aviation to the present day, the main asset of the industry, its main potential are people who faithfully serve their people. All workers in this industry, from air traffic controllers and pilots to airport employees, selflessly devote their strength, knowledge, experience to serving the sky and their country. Courageous, talented and dedicated aviators ensure the reliability and regularity of air transportation, a high culture of passenger service. And the labor successes of aviators rightfully find a nationwide vocation and respect.
Veterans of civil aviation deserve special words of gratitude, who many years ago laid air routes, mastered new types of aircraft. Their example of an impeccable attitude to business is the best science for young employees who gratefully adopt the best traditions of Russian aviation, carefully preserving and passing them on from one generation to another. Thanks to the efforts of talented young aviators, domestic civil aviation continues to develop at the present time.
Dear colleagues, dear civil aviation workers. From the heart I congratulate you on the International Civil Aviation Day ! Ensuring the normal life of Russians and the socio-economic development of entire regions depends on your uninterrupted work. Therefore, thank you again for connecting your life with aviation, for your conscientious work and loyalty to professional duty! Your professionalism, responsibility and patriotism are a reliable guarantee of revival and further development civil aviation.
I wish all generations of workers in the air transport industry in Russia good health inexhaustible vital energy, happiness and love to your families, conquering new heights! I also wish you wonderful flights, clear clear sky, safe return home, always soft landing, happy smiles of passengers and your relatives who greet you after work!

When figuring out when International Civil Aviation Day is celebrated, there is often a lot of controversy. And misunderstanding is observed precisely among residents of different countries. After all, the day when employees accept congratulations on the day of civil aviation may not coincide at all with the day on which others are used to celebrating this holiday. And the whole point is that there is a confusion of two similar concepts. International Civil Aviation Day is one for everyone. That's why it is international. But the day of a civil aviation worker (without adding the word "international") can be different in different states... But it is probably best to turn to the past to find out all the nuances of the present.

The initial path of civil aviation

Aviation (meaning civil aviation) became a more or less tangible phenomenon only at the beginning of the twentieth century. It was at this time that, thanks to Russia, Germany, England and France, it was possible to create such devices for flying among the clouds as airplanes and passenger-cargo airships. This happened thanks to the joint efforts of these countries. In imperial Russia itself, due to the impending wars and the need to create exclusively military aviation, its civilian analogue did not manage to get the proper development at that time. And therefore, pre-revolutionary Russia did not leave behind the Soviet power any infrastructural and industrial legacy in the field of civil and transport aviation.

Civil aviation in those days began with the decree "On Air Travel", which was adopted in 1921, the seventeenth of January. In this decree, for the first time, flight rules were established, which must be followed by foreign and Soviet aircraft flying over the RSFSR and its territorial waters. The provisions of this decree became the basis of the USSR Air Code, which was later repeatedly approved in the 32nd, 35th, 61st, and also in the 83rd years of the twentieth century. Soon, on the first of May of the year following the signing of the decree, a permanent Moscow-Koenigsberg route began operating successfully, which was extended to Berlin in 1926. Earlier, in 1923, an airline appeared from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod... Its length was 420 kilometers.

The emergence of a holiday

Civil aviation continued to develop. On December 1, 1922, the Civil Air Fleet Inspectorate was established. Its purpose was to develop measures for the development of civil aviation, as well as to monitor the activities of all its divisions. In addition, February (the ninth) of 1923 is known as the day of the adoption of the decree, according to which the Civil Aviation Council was organized at the Glavvozdukhflot. After that, every year, Soviet citizens involved in this area received congratulations on the day of civil aviation on February 9.

International Civil Aviation Day

As for the assignment of the "international" status to this holiday, here is a completely different story. International Civil Aviation Day was established in connection with significant date- fifty years from the date of signature of the Convention on International Civil Aviation. It happened on December 7, 1994.

The convention itself spelled out special international norms used for flying over foreign territories by civil aircraft, and also indicated the creation of special air corridors that were located over countries for the movement of aircraft. In accordance with this convention, ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) was created. The holiday itself was "invented" in order to draw everyone's attention to this area on an international scale, as well as to its expansion and development.

December 6, 1996 and the UN also declared this date as International Civil Aviation Day. In addition, the UN has instructed the government and relevant intergovernmental, international and regional organizations to take appropriate measures and actions to celebrate this date. International Civil Aviation Day is an official professional holiday. It is included in the register of holidays and memorable dates Russian Federation... But no matter how significant this day was, it did not manage to become a day off - the workers' holiday takes place at the service.

Russian Civil Aviation Day

As already described above, civil aviation in Russia began to develop back in Soviet time... Since then, it has become an integral part of the life of most of the inhabitants of our planet. Bridging huge distances in as soon as possible, freight and postage - all this is real now, and without it we cannot imagine the present. Civil Aviation Day is celebrated in different countries on different days. In Kyrgyzstan, for example, this day is celebrated annually on October 7, but the Day of Civil Aviation of Russia is traditionally celebrated on February 9.

Day of Civil Aviation Workers of Russia

Sometimes this day is called in another way. The holiday is also called the Day of Civil Aviation Workers. Although in some countries it may be two different days... And yet, let us remind you that it can be celebrated on different dates in different countries. Thus, the Day of Civil Aviation Workers in Belarus, for example, is celebrated in November, on its first Sunday. In Azerbaijan - on the second of June.

As for Russia, in 2013 the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Day of the Civil Aviation Worker" was signed. This document indicates that a professional holiday called "Day of the Civil Aviation Worker" is established and will be celebrated on February 9th. This document was published on February 15th. According to the established tradition, in this holiday all services and flight crews receive congratulations, and also come to work or go on a flight to full dress... And although this date is attached great importance, this holiday does not add another day off to us. Everyone goes to work strictly on schedule.

Other Aviation Holidays

Many other holidays are associated with it. Perhaps some are unknown to us. Perhaps, somewhere in distant countries there is even a holiday called "Civil Aviation Pilot Day", who knows. But we will only mention a few known dates.

For example, on December 23, when New Year already on the nose, the Day of Long-Range Aviation is celebrated. But on the first day of the warmer month, June, the Day of Military Transport Aviation is celebrated. A little later, on the seventeenth of July, the Day of Naval Aviation is celebrated, and in hot August, on the 12th, the day is celebrated Air force Russian Federation. AND last date, which is traditionally celebrated for a very long time - August, or rather, its first Sunday. This holiday is called the day Air fleet... Not life with us, but a continuous holiday, however ...