How to find a girl on VKontakte. How to meet a girl on VKontakte: looking for real love in virtual reality. Forbidden phrases on the Internet

This formerly ironclad rule has been broken. Today, thousands of people find their happiness online. How to get acquainted in VK, for example, is a whole science nowadays. Social networks, of course, are fraught with many nuances, but their existence still needs to be thanked: they greatly increased the chances of those who find it difficult to find a soul mate to arrange their personal lives.

Two different in style and perhaps the most popular networks are VKontakte and Facebook. We will consider them as a dating tool. So, how do acquaintances take place on VKontakte and on Facebook?

Despite the noticeable difference in audience, the approach to finding and building relationships is the same.

1. Prepare your page. Let it not be sterile, but also not capable of arousing fear or doubt. You must have a photo, otherwise your credibility will be undermined at the very beginning. While decorating the page, observe the measure: you should not write everything thoroughly, clogging the "broadcast" with hundreds of photos and all the books that you love. However, little information is also not very good. And most importantly, when forming a page, be honest with yourself, do not sculpt perfect image, it can end up backfiring on you later.

2. For both girls and guys, the “first like” rule works. We chose someone who interested you, read his posts or reposts, looked at the photo - and go ahead, put that cherished like. It is also important to observe the measure: do not like a photo buried deep on the page of the object of your choice, as such a thorough interest can frighten off. Choose a picture not the first one that comes across, but at least the third or fourth - this will be quite normal.

3. Like? Wait a day. There is no reaction (which may well be - your object should not immediately respond to everything in a row) - leave your comment under some of the posts or pictures. It is better to fit into the current discussion or discussion under something fresh, the same post, for example. It is quite possible that the correspondence will start in this way.

4. Be kind and discreet. No, you don't need to be completely cold, but the distance should be slightly, but felt. Exercise caution even if you are dying to fight and are ready to run out on a date right now. Communicate, get to know the person - if, of course, he is interested in regular communication, if you are also interesting to him. Likes your posts or photos, knocks on friends - this is a small but success. Social networks, minus a number of subtleties and potential difficulties, are definitely a good opportunity to get to know each other in concentrated communication, in correspondence. Take this opportunity.

5. There is another option, how to get acquainted on VKontakte, and it applies primarily to this social network. If you did not find someone specifically who you like, or found, but this object of yours is actively "grazing" in some public, enter into active correspondence and discussion there. Not with him, but in general - within the framework of posts. So you, having lit up, can arouse interest in yourself and attract someone or interest the very one - your potential hero.

And a couple more nuances. Keep track of how often your property visits the network, and take this into account. Because if he is there rarely, then you should not wait for a quick response to your first like. But if, by starting to communicate with you, he increases the frequency of being online, you can write this down to your asset. Also keep in mind from the very beginning that distances, of course, only enhance feelings, but also create serious problems... Therefore, if you live in Moscow, and your person you are interested in is on the other side of the country, think carefully about what it is fraught with. Of course, you should not give up immediately from communication, but it is necessary to take this factor into account. So that later it would not be "excruciatingly painful" from the inability to simply leave the house and go on that long-awaited date ...

With the development of social. online dating networks have become a simple matter... It seems to many that it is enough to go online and the job will be done. But not all girls are in the mood for dating guys. So, it is important to understand how to find a girl for dating Vkontakte, so that she definitely wants to get acquainted. To solve such a problem, several factors must be considered.

Two types of girls for dating VK

There are 2 types of girls you can meet on Vkontakte. It:

  1. Your friends. Moreover, it is possible that distant or old acquaintances;
  2. Absolutely unfamiliar. Stupidly out of search;

In the first case, you have the advantage of a shared past. For example, you can write, "Hi, remember, we did something there together." And you will start communication.

And in the second case, you can come up with a new legend for yourself. The girl is absolutely left. She doesn't know you. This means that you can hide your flaws in front of her.

So choose what kind of ladies suits you best and try to get acquainted.

How to search for girls for dating VK?

To find the one who will communicate with you, you need to look at her profile. Good signs are:

  • Lack of relationships, children, husbands and everything else;
  • Relatively few male comments below the photo;
  • Lack of "glamorous" photos with ass, breasts, etc .;
  • Posts on the page about relationships and other signs that she is looking for a boyfriend;
  • It is good if there is an "active search".

Remember that there are many girls on VK who are called Instagrammers. They just post their half-naked photos to collect likes. Dating with such people does not lead to anything.

In addition, you'd better look for girls with an average appearance. Do not think that if she is not a super star in the photo, then she is not your match. Indeed, often, guys are chasing only beauty and lose.

But this does not mean that you have to look for the ugliest! No. Just choose something in between.

Should I use dating groups?

VK there are many groups where you can find a girl. They are definitely worth using. But there is no need to rely on them.

The matter is that in all sorts: Overheard ..., Dating, Going for a walk ... often losers sit. These are girls who have many complexes. They have fun online chat, but nothing more.

Among other things, there are a lot of those here who just come in and don't know what they want. As a result, you risk losing a lot of time without getting anything in return.

Therefore, you have to try everywhere. Look for girls in ad hoc groups and through search at the same time. So more likely that everything will work out.

The main thing here is not to be shy. We saw a girl whom you can theoretically meet, so squeak to her. It doesn't matter what she says. If anything, then you just move on.

Do not be shy about your true intentions... There are many guys who find VK girls, communicate with them, but do not dare to translate the relationship into something more. Therefore, it is definitely impossible to stand still here.

And most importantly, in the open spaces of the social. there is a lot of "garbage" in networks. Know how to weed it out. For example, you understand that a girl is playing with you, do not communicate with her, calmly move on. Otherwise, you will get bogged down in meaningless online communication.

Vkontakte is just a godsend for those who want to meet a girl. Because the possibilities for this are completely endless. First, there are more people on the social network than on dating sites. Secondly, here you can meet people who do not sit on dating sites, and are not yet tired of the attention of men.

Where can I meet VKontakte?

There are a lot of options for where and how to get acquainted with VKontakte. Briefly about all:

  • Special publics and groups for acquaintances. There are tens and even hundreds of thousands of VKontakte communities where people are looking for someone to meet or just take a walk. In such groups, the main thing is to show yourself at a certain moment. In other words, after a girl writes in the group “I will meet a guy,” she can receive messages from hundreds of men within an hour. The question is, can you hook this girl? After all, the competition here is enormous.
  • Regular publics and groups. In many public places, there are discussions. There is a chance to provoke a conversation with a girl you are interested in, and later go to a personal, where you can change the subject, and eventually go on a date.
  • Applications and games. There are a lot of applications and games in which people get to know each other. This is a topface, all kinds of roulettes and so on and so forth. This is almost the same as dating sites, but a little more interesting.

How to choose a girl in VK for dating?

It is difficult to answer unequivocally. However, I would advise focusing on the following points:

  • A small amount of friends (up to 100). Moreover, the percentage of guys should be less than 50%;
  • Marital status, or in active search, either not married or not completed;
  • There are no signs indicating going to clubs, the presence of sticky girlfriends (whose opinion is the most valuable for girls);
  • There are no heaps of reposts on the wall about loneliness, wedding, and other snotty records ( be afraid of girls like that- they have, as a rule, 100,500 cockroaches in their heads, which twig through all the cracks).
  • And, of course, you should like the girl. She may not be ideal, but she should at least like it.

I think, focusing on these parameters, you can weed out those girls with whom you can spend a lot of time, nerves and get nothing in return. After you find a girl on VKontakte, you need to write to her. More on this later.

By the way, I would be for safety net once again I would check if it is a fake, incl. by searching by photo. It often happens that you see beautiful girl, you write, and then it turns out that there is some person sitting there and getting drunk with what you write. Nice, huh? Therefore, play it safe if in doubt.

How and where to start communicating with a VK girl?

Yes, with anything. You can just write “Hello! I liked you, let's chat ?! ”. As a rule, a girl immediately understands for what purpose you are writing to her, and if she is not in the mood for anything or she has a boyfriend, she can say directly. And it will be better, both for you and for her.

And if you catch on to something on her page, for example, it will be great. This could be her repost to your beloved musical group, or anything that you understand, that excites you or catches you.

You can try the tricks from my article on how to intrigue by SMS. An article about SMS, but it works in any correspondence.

What are the common mistakes when communicating with a girl on VK?

There are a lot of mistakes when communicating with a girl. No matter how much you communicate with girls, you will commit them, but just try to have fewer of them. As a result, communication with you will be more pleasant.

Do not torture the girl with correspondence. If you are on your first date, you will torment you with correspondence for 10 hours, then you not only show that you have nothing to do and that you are ready to waste your life ... But it will be so in reality. Instead of 10 hours of correspondence, you can spend about 30-40 minutes for correspondence and the same for phone call and it will be the same! Plus, you still have 9 hours left to spend on 9 more girls, right?

Ask, but don't question. Do you want to know more about the girl? So pause between questions for at least a minute and fill in something on the topic (tell the story, for example. Or post, or give a compliment).

Examples of real correspondence on VKontakte

The girl is about 6. A poem was recently published by the girl on the wall. For him and was "hook". The goal is to get out of the house ... Completed.

Guy: Hi)) Is this your verse on the wall?)
Young woman: Yes, why?)
Guy: I liked it!)) You, by the way, are also nothing))
Young woman: Thanks)
Guy: Are you messing around now?))
Young woman: In the sense?
Young woman: I'm resting)
Guy: With a cup of tea, but for a TV series?)))
Young woman: Well, yes))
Guy: With this weather, this is all that remains ... I wanted to go for a ride not on a bicycle, but alas ... Apparently it won't work) And how long have you been cycling?))
Young woman: But I can't)))
Guy: It's never too late to learn) I also do not know everything, but I learn gradually))
Have you ever wanted to learn? 🙂
Young woman: They tried to teach me, but my uncles did it even)) only hit my elbows and knees))
Guy: Oh, I also, as I studied, often fell)
Young woman: Oh no, this is not for me)) unreliable transport)
Guy: Do you like driving "Bibik" more?))
Young woman: Mg)) only I do not know how to do it, but I have no rights yet)
Guy: Not yet?) So, are you planning?)
Young woman: Yes) in the meantime, dad carries)
Guy: Good dad)
Young woman: I do not argue, he will not quit in heels))
Guy: I have a question for you, Nadia) Do you like long correspondence? Or do you prefer “live” communication?)
Young woman: I feel so and so well)
Guy: And great) The weather, of course, is not the sunniest, but taking a walk - great idea)) Moreover, we live in the same city) What do you think?)
Young woman: Well, it was possible))
Guy: How much do you need for training?)
Young woman: I'm already assembled, you need to go to the store)

After that, we just discussed where we would meet.

Guy: Ku!
Girl: ku
Guy: Cheer me up!
Girl: cheering
Guy: Weak!) Tell me that I will succeed!)
Girl: you will be fine
Boyfriend: I'm good enough, but I don't have enough motivation)
Girl: what for?
Guy: Go to work! I left my main job to do my own thing. But… motivation…. She is missing and it spoils ...
Girl: It's easier to trample the weak. you will give up. you will lie at the feet of those who did not give up ..
Guy: This is strong! You clever!
Girl: try
Guy: Listen, I have a mutually beneficial offer to you!)
Girl: what?
Guy: You motivate me in the morning by SMS or by calling any day of the week, and I have something delicious. By the way, what do you like more, tea or coffee?)
Girl: delicious is not something that would interest me
Guy: BDSM! Are you in the subject?
Girl: sometimes
Guy: Bottom?
Girl: what is the interest? I am two years older than you
Guy: Does it change anything?
Girl: well, you are probably still small))
Guy: oh, I'm sitting in diapers and with a pacifier in my mouth!) I'm already asleep, by the way! Throw me [Phone number], I'll sign you.
Girl: throw your photo
Guy: The profile is. Here is more recent
Girl: where do you live
Guy: What do you think yourself?)
April 6, 2015
Girl: I have no idea what district
Guy: Not the point. Drop a deaf person to my number, or write the number here - I'll call you back.

// Here I close VK and go to sleep //
Girl: and?))

Previously, it was still too new, unknown, it was even scary to think about it somehow. However, already now many couples meet on the networks and, moreover, build full-fledged relationships in the future.

Online dating for girls can be very helpful. This is just perfect for those who are shy. meet guys live, does not know what to say when meeting, or is simply afraid to be disappointed when he sees his chosen one. V real life when we see a person, we can misjudge him at first glance. After all, we do not devote time for further evaluation. On the Internet, on the contrary. We can find out for little time not only the outer shell of the person you liked, but also his interests and inner qualities.

So, let's talk about how a girl should get acquainted with young people in contact. We are accustomed to the fact that a guy should always be the first to take the first step, but you can also wait for the weather by the sea for a very long time. Therefore, we must act. But, nevertheless, the girl must be tactful and unobtrusive, and everything will go smoothly.

Getting ready for an acquaintance

So the first thing every girl should do is prepare yourself to meet guys. The guy will meet you "by clothes", that is, by photographs, flipping through your albums, as well as the information that you leave on your page. Every little thing can either push the gentleman away from you, or attract.

Therefore, make sure that everything in we are ready to show the world on your page, does not bother you in any way or does not bring unpleasant sensations.

Based on the photographs, it will be possible to form a certain impression about you: where you are, what you love, who are your friends, what are your habits. You can sometimes seem silly and frivolous, so remove all unnecessary photos from your page, there is no need to create attention-repelling moments. Write on the page about yourself what you love (hobbies, hobbies, things that you just like). There is no need to invent anything, write as it really is. The most important rule is to be yourself.

Guys absolutely dislike girls with bad habits and those who are bad, look unkempt. To the girl not befitting to smoke- it is not at all fashionable and stylish. Drinking is also discouraged. Photos, for example, will immediately show how well-groomed you are and how you take care of yourself. It is not at all necessary to be a written beauty. You just need to take care of yourself - light, unobtrusive makeup, natural hair, soft skin, slender body- all this will draw attention to your page. If you haven't done much yet make yourself look good- then go for it!

After all, if you are lucky, and after meeting you will have to meet a guy live, he should not be disappointed to see in life something completely different from what is in the photo.

We act! Just do not despair!

So, we put the page in order, with a beloved, too, everything is on the highest level- perfect. It's time to start taking action.

The first thing we have to do- to decide who we are looking for. We hammer in the search the data that we would like: year of birth (first of all), city of residence. The rest is according to your opinion.

The Vkontakte website offers huge selection search queries, because each girl needs something different. You can choose the religious or political views of your chosen one, a page with or without a photo, a place of study and work. Please, It all depends on you.

To make the choice wider, you can remove several search criteria, because not all guys indicate all the necessary information. But it is among these guys that the only one may be.

So, the search criteria are defined. The system will find thousands and millions of guys who also want to meet beautiful young ladies. Of course, there will be very, very many options, so do not rush. Better to spend a little more time on a good selection and choose those guys that you like the most.

So, we chose the guys we liked. Start by choosing a few young people. If anything, you can always start over. We look through their pages, photos and decide who we like the most.

Now is the time decisive action... We collect our thoughts and write to the guy, or add him as a friend. If he accepted the application, then you can already be a little happy - it means that he is interested in you. Then you can start with even the simplest phrases. We write everything that we have the courage to do.

“Hello.” I liked you. Let's get acquainted"

“I see you play tennis. Me too. It would be interesting to talk to you. "

V modern world for a long time those laws that came up earlier are no longer valid. Now guys pay very much attention to girls who are the first to take the initiative.

There is no shame in this. Why not? Even if you are very shy and worried, that's all right... Get together and write to him. What if you miss your happiness ?! After all, this is the Internet, and no one is beaten for demand anywhere.

If one guy didn't reply to your message - it's okay, another, third, tenth will answer. You can also leave tempting graffiti on his wall (for example, a soccer ball if he loves football; headphones if he loves music). View playlist there may be songs which you like too.

"But I noticed a song on your page ... Can you explain what it is about?" It seems to me that I did not quite understand. " “That's so interesting, but I thought this song was from another artist. Can you tell me about him? "

“It's cool, our tastes in music are completely the same. It is interesting to find someone close in spirit. Incidentally, my name is Katya. ”

So a conversation started. If the guy does not make contact (answers inconsistently, incomprehensibly, in monosyllabic sentences), then drop this business. Ease of communication will be felt from the first minutes, if you really found the “right” person. Starting the conversation with standard phrases like “Are you cool, let's get acquainted” and “What kind of girls do you like? I am just like that, so lucky ”, you can go much further. As a result, you will sit for hours in front of the computer, busy with communication.

But there is no need to impose. If a guy did not reciprocate - nothing... Do not write back to him, do not sarcastically and do not swear. Firstly, it is useless, and there is no need to waste your nerves. And secondly, it’s not his fault that he didn’t like you. Everyone is free to choose.

One more trick- is to disappear for a while. You can write something interesting to the guy every day, to interest him. And then once - and disappeared for a day. Just know when to stop. No need to run away for a week and behave incomprehensibly. Generate interest in yourself.

So, finally, you have achieved the result. You met a guy. Now you need to somehow not lose his attention and keep it. How can this be achieved? Yes, there is nothing complicated. The main thing is not to disappear. From time to time, write to him first. The guy also gets tired when nothing is important from you and nothing is heard. He, too, will think that he is being imposed on you. But do not impose yourself. You don't have to scribble meaningless messages every hour in order to get all of his attention. Keep the middle ground.

Ask him questions, take an interest in his hobbies and his life. This will set the stage for a real meeting. Show your imagination You are a girl, you have to be a little cunning. Throw by chance some phrase, like “Oh, it's raining today, and I wanted to go play basketball with the guys”. Now the conversation will start. This is just one of the topics. And you can think of everything that your imagination is capable of.

Well, and behold time is running, business is nearing a meeting. First, consider whether you need it or not. If you are really interested in a person, then you need to act. If you are just bored, then you better not hurt the guy. Maybe he really liked you and he is already making plans for you. If a guy still doesn't ask you out on a date, then he may just be shy or thinks that you don't like it enough. So take the first step yourself! Invite him!

If it is easier for you, you can first set the stage for real meeting... For example, offer to chat on Skype, maybe it will speed up the desire to meet. Well, if that doesn't help, pull yourself together and offer yourself. Nothing will happen because you are refused? Once I refuse, the second. And they will agree to the third, and this option will be even better! For example, "Why are we soaring here, let's go out into the street, at least we will knead the bones." Why not?!

Summing up

So, we have already identified the main points that need to be worked on in order to get to know a guy in contact.

  • We monitor and take care of ourselves, create beautiful image, which will not disappoint the chosen one in the future.
  • Next, we select the "victims", write to them first. We are not shy. Self-confident girls will always get their way!
  • We do not impose on the guy when communicating, but we also do not disappear for a month. We keep the frames.
  • We are not afraid to write what we want, to be inventive and witty. Guys love being active and interesting girls... One or the other refusal can be sustained. The best way will not leave you!
  • And finally, let's meet! If you are not being offered a meeting, then you yourself are suggesting.

Our main motto is do not be afraid of difficulties and be confident! Your energy is felt everywhere, so go ahead!

Despite the fact that the easiest and most common way of dating is in real life, we will tell you about how to meet a girl on VK, as this is one of the most popular social networks, in which you can get acquainted not with one sultry beauty, but with several at once, so as not to waste time and money on one single one, with which it may not work out.

Moreover, if the weather is not outside, it is much better to sit at home with a cup of tea or coffee and just chat, and maybe make interesting new acquaintances.

How to meet a girl on VK - preparation

Before you start texting a girl, you need to understand how to properly meet a girl in contact, just write "Hello, how are you?" not worth it, first you need to:

  • Design your page correctly;
  • Understand what to write when meeting a girl in VK;
  • Understand what is worth talking about and what is worth asking.

We correctly form the wanderer

Before starting communication, you need to make sure that your page stands out, without this to your question "How to meet a girl on VK?" you cannot find the answer, because girls love with their eyes at first.

Bad photos on the page - your chances are close to zero. If you want to lure, look for a photographer, your high quality photos will serve you in full. However, do not limit yourself to a photographic portrait, as it will not tell you anything about you. Try to attract the girl's attention with your energy, activity, show that you are not sitting at home and your life is full of excitement, adventure, drive, adrenaline. Also use a little trick on the photo - it's GIRLS. Let it be your girlfriends, or your friends, or just a stranger with whom you have a photo as a keepsake. This will give an advantage, since on the other side of the screen, the girl will realize that you are not a notorious guy, intrigue and conquer.

After the photos are ready, you can proceed to further processing of information about yourself. Write about where you studied, your hobbies, what kind of music you prefer. Do not overdo it and tell everything that is, at a minimum, because if a girl finds out everything, she will not be interested.

What to write to meet a girl on VK?

If preparatory stage passed, time to think about how to meet a girl on VKontakte, beautiful template your page is not enough. You need to prove in practice that you are a successful and confident guy.

Vkontakte is one of the best people search engines. It will not be difficult to find the same girl, since you can indicate both the age and the place of study, the most important thing is to find out if the girl is free to this moment... It is necessary to set two parameters: "Not married", "Actively searching", if you do not set any parameters, you can make a mistake with your choice.

And now to the main thing, how to meet a girl in VK by correspondence? To do this, you need to understand where to start the conversation.

Every person, not only a girl, asks herself the following series of questions:

  1. Who are you anyway?
  2. Why are you writing to her?
  3. And why did he choose her?

Therefore after welcome words tell her:

"Who are you anyway?"

So that the girl has no doubts that you are not another acquaintance of her friend who wants to mock, do not try to sell her anything, tell her that you are just a funny guy who wants to meet such a charming girl.

"Why are you writing to her?"

We answered this question in the first sentence. Don't make a girl wait. Lay out your goal right away.

"Why did you choose her?"

At this point, you should write what really attracted you to her, how she hooked you, maybe her appearance, and maybe in the description of her hobbies, you have something in common. Do not forget that you do not need to lie to her, because sooner or later it will be revealed.

What can you talk about and what questions can you ask?

To understand how to get to know a VK girl, you also need to learn about what is worth saying, what questions can be asked and what not.

The first communication should be relaxed, easy, pleasant. To achieve this result, you must:

  • Do not tell the girl constantly about how beautiful she is, how you really want to meet. This can alert her, scare her away, and she may also decide that you are flattering her;
  • You should not ask her something negative, not interesting, as this will become a huge disadvantage when starting an acquaintance;
  • Just forget about frankness. You should not rush things, especially when you have just begun communication;
  • Conversations on the topics of fishermen, hunting, cars will lead nowhere, unless of course the girl herself starts them.

The most suitable topics for the first communication is:

  • Hobby;
  • Movies, music, pictures;
  • Trips;
  • Pets;
  • What do you dream about and what do you want from life.

In this article, you learned how to get acquainted on VK, but for more illustrative example we have prepared a correspondence for you:

  1. An example of simple acquaintances;
  2. An example of dating with intrigue;
  3. An example of a quick meeting.

An example of simple dating

After you have chosen a potential girlfriend, write to her after a short period of time:

You: “Hello! You know, it seems we don't know each other =) "

She: “Hello! Oh really? But it seems to me that you are right) "

You: "It's time to fix this mistake"

She: “Ok. I am Karina, 4th year economist, I want to have a kitten =) "

You: “Eugene. Tall, handsome and sexy. Doctor of Science ... Glad to meet you) "

You: "What kind of kitten do you want?"

She: "Seriously, doctor? =)"

She: “I want a nice little white fluffy, I always dreamed about it. But my parents were against it, and since I now live alone, I can buy a kitten.

You: “And I have a Bombay cat, named Ugolyok. Doctor of Philology =) "

She: "mmm, blackie, you and I are just like yin and yang =)"

You: "The opposite is getting closer)"

The next day:

You: "Hello, pussy)"

She: "Hello"

You: "It's late, what's not in pastel?"

She: "I work, and how did you spend your day?"

You remembered old days, met with fellow students =) "

She: "Yes, you can have fun in Insta"

You: "What did you do?"

She: "I was in pairs, then I visited the rocking chair, and now I am writing an article to order."

You: "Journalist?"

She: "I hope, a future journalist"

You: "Do you study economics?)"

She: “I like journalism more, but my parents persuaded me to go to the economy”

You: "I think you will succeed. How about calling tomorrow, write your phone number)"

She: "*********** not earlier than 6 call)"

An example of dating intrigue

You: "I know your best secret!"

She: “Yes, really? And where?"

You: "To be honest, I didn't believe until the very end."

She: "Actually, we don't know each other !!!"

She: "And what is it?"

You: "Write your phone number and I will share your secret with you)"

She: "*********** Just for the sake of curiosity, I'll meet you"

You: "Ok see you tomorrow"

Example of a quick meeting

You: “It's too cold outside. Let's chat in a warmer place and eat. I'll pick you up. "

She: "Graevka"

You: "What's your number, I'll call you when I get there"

She: "***********"

What kind of communication to choose - it certainly depends on you. But we suggest trying all the options for communication, since in practice it will be clear how to get to know a girl in contact is preferable and more effective for you.

Discussion: 12 comments

    I once also asked many how to get to know a VK girl, kind of unobtrusively, but also to show that you liked her. Many told me to write to her and confess, then invite her for a walk. I didn't. Then I came across this article, sat, read, realized that I had made some mistakes. Now I sit and think about what to do next))

    I always thought that getting to know each other on VK is very simple. I found myself a girlfriend, wrote and that's it. I've never been so wrong. How much I had to do to get her attention. Then I still did not think that it was not necessary to talk about everything that you think))) I read some phrases from the article, apparently I was wrong. You need to plan your VK conversation very well, it just turns out some kind of game.

    I talked to the girl on VKontakte. I really liked her. It was so easy to talk to her there that I didn't even really think about what, how and when to write to her. We sat for half the night and talked. Then we agreed to meet. In general, we did not find mutual language in the real life. We don't communicate anymore. But advice might come in handy for guys, well written.

    One friend advised me how to meet a girl in contact. He said that you should not rush her and ask some very personal questions that might confuse her. And now, for the sake of interest, I read the article and realized that my friend's advice was very helpful!)

    Here the author advises talking from the very beginning with a girl about cinema, wine and dominoes, such as hobbies, music, and discussing animals. When they ask me for example about this, it is very annoying) I do not know what they should ask me about during the first conversations, but I would never continue the conversation if they came to talk about anything like this, and then bam - I like you ...

    Oh, and my interlocutor just really liked the boyish topics of conversation. She is so tech-savvy that this is something !!! We even had time to argue with her. After communication, we met several times, it seems that something is planned. Now I looked at the article, I myself adhered to many points))

    And I would also add that you shouldn't write to the girl right away and try to get her to talk. Many people really do not like this. For example, I liked her photos, she traveled a lot. I polikal them, then asked where she was in these photos, how she was in that country, what was interesting. She herself willingly answered. So we met)

    The girl, with whom I tried to speak, in the first message asked who I am and what I want. He was a little confused, but then he pulled himself together. Well, I laid out my goal, as the author pointed out here ... He said that I like it, I want to communicate. Well, I flew safely to her emergency!

    I liked her so much that at first I lied a little about myself. Then we agreed to call her on Skype, everything is ok. Then we met. And then she found out what I had hidden from her. I was terribly uncomfortable that I lied to her, she was very upset, but somehow everything worked out. Do not lie to the girl from the very first minutes! (

    Huh. We generally met her on the forum. Well, how we met, she didn’t know who I was, she just liked talking to her. Wrote VK, but first got on this page and read the author's recommendations)) Some tips helped a lot, now we communicate as if soul mates)))

    Most easy option in my opinion - on dating sites. I do this, choose the questionnaire and send a paid gesture of attention, in it I add a phone number and the message "Call me sadly", unforgettable compliments, something like - "So sweet, I liked you." The girl will call back anyway, they understand that they are not stingy, howling efficient way, if a girl called, in any case, we invite you on a date, but there’s more humor, the main thing is not to be boring. I’m looking for girls on the dating portal.

    In relationships, I communicate there, due to the fact that there are many other options for dating: games, tests, flirting, etc.