How to make an eyebrow with a pencil. Secrets and step-by-step photos. How to properly paint the eyebrows with a pencil to make the image completed. Secrets of beautiful eyebrows

Do you know why you need an eyebrow eyeliner and what is a collective concept? Get acquainted with the functionality of this cosmetics. We will tell you how to bring eyebrows: pencil, felt-tip pen, cream, shadows, gel. View overview (dry, liquid, for tattoo) and rating best brands.

Inexpressive eyebrows of a light shade with rare hairs require additional makeup. And it is not necessary to make a tattoo in the cabin: it is possible to emphasize their beauty on their own, at home. In the cosmetics of each beauty should be a breakdown for eyebrows, which is a collective way for a number of cosmetics. Depending on preferences, correction and staining can be carried out with the help of gel, shadows, pencil, felt-meter, and even cream. But they need to choose correctly so that the result is successful and impressive. So, learn to bring eyebrows correctly.

Why do you need an eyebrow eyeliner?

If the eyebrows from nature are bright and expressive, the eyeliner is not needed. Otherwise, the image will look too vulgar. Look at your eyebrows in the mirror: Do they need additional tint and correction in color? If you can not solve yourself this issue, Ask girlfriends. Or, visiting in again Salon hairdresser, consult with the master. Competently selected and properly used eyebrow liner performs the following functions.:

  • adjusts the boundaries of the eyebrows;
  • enhances their tonality;
  • paints rare, lightened areas;
  • masks cosmetic defects (, scars, bald areas on eyebrows);
  • give them exactly the color that makes the most suitable for your color.

It turns out that the main purpose of eyeliner for eyebrows is to cushion them, at the same time adjusting the boundaries. This will allow to give the face of attractiveness, look - expressiveness, image - Sharma. Therefore, you should not ignore so useful and required cosmeticsIf you have any problems with this site. Here the most important thing is to choose the right tool.

Helpful advice

Very many women are perfect in vain in vain with such eyebrows defects as "hemp" after plucking, peeling after demodicosis, scars and scars after some injuries, empty places after hazel loss. Although all these problems are easily solved using a liner, which masks them perfectly.

How to choose a high-quality, chemical composition, rating the best and even cooking with your own hands is all.

Recipes masks and compresses for hustling of eyelashes:

What can bring eyebrows?

If you find out that eyebrowing agents are simply necessary in your case, you must choose those that you maximize. The modern beauty industry offers a wide range of goods in this niche. Explore information and determine how it will be more convenient for you.


Multifunctional eyebrow gel eyeliner - perfect product To fill it, staining and correction. Formulas enriched with nutritional ceramides provide a long effect, allow you to smooth and. Wide tonal gamma allows you to choose a color for any type of appearance. You can pay attention to such gels like Brow Liner Gel from Inglot (Poland), Manly Pro (China), Essence (Germany), Giorgio Armani. (Italy).


Some women paint and adjust eye eyebrows: Pencil or shadows. How justified and is it possible to do this? The modern beauty industry is so much advanced that it makes no sense to acquire funds designed specifically for the eyelid tinting, whereas there are cosmetics exclusively for eyebrows. Do not save on it. Eye pencil and eyebrow pencil differ chemical composition, shades, functionality. So be in this regard, competent makeup artists and stylists to create own image: Use narrowly directed.


Very popular storm eyebrow shadowswhich are easily applied with a tassel, create the effect of point, are able to eliminate the greasy, fat shine with hairs, if the subcutaneous glands work incorrectly. Typically, shadows are produced in compact sets, including a brush, and several shades immediately. And if you are very lucky - even naughty eyebrows. Well established themselves in this niche applying from Avon (USA), Essence (Germany), PUPA (Italy).


For most women most acceptable option is an browstickingwhich is simple and easy to use. He and the borders are good out and adjusts, and makes all the necessary tone problem places. For such cases, it is better to buy bilateral, two-color means. First draw contours of eyebrows dark tint, and after filling the bulk of the main part. Stop your choice on brands such as Pupa (Italy), Maybelline (USA), Yves Rocher. (France), ART-VISAGE (Russia).


For creating bright image fits good eyebrow Welcomewhich differs from the pencil more saturated tint. It is often added glitter. That cosmetic It is recommended to use for evening Makeup. It is much more convenient for its applicator than the tip of the pencil, which, with an improper sharpening, can scratch and damage the skin. With such a felt-tip pen, such will not exactly happen. From manufacturers you can safely choose Eva Mosaic (Italy-Korea-Russia), Art Deco (Italy), Benefit (USA), SMashbox (USA), Anastasia Beverly Hills (USA), Stila (Sweden), Hourglass (USA).


Rarely who in the cosmetic is found eyebrow creamSince few manufacturers have such cosmetics in their ruler. Nevertheless, this product can be found on the market. Considering its multifunctionality (staining, nutrition, correction) and a lot of advantages (mild, pleasant texture, fast absorption), eyebrow cream-eyed - excellent find and an alternative to all other means of this series. Look for the Fluidline Brow Gelcreme from Mac (USA), eyebrow cream from make-up (Korea).

It is interesting!

A lot of eyeliner for eyebrows can be found in professional cosmetics Anastasia Beverly Hills (USA). The brand is founded by Anastasia Saare, which is rightfully considered recognized expert In the field of eye makeup and. It has developed a unique, non-analogue method for creating a perfect eyebrows - Golden Ratio. Among her clients is many Hollywood stars: Madonna, Naomi Campbell, Jennifer Lopez, Oprah Winfri, Penelope Cruz, Sheron Stone.

Types of eyebrows for eyebrows

Depending on what effect you want to achieve in the end, choose different appliances For eyebrows from that variety that offers you modern cosmetics. At the same time, consider the features of your skin and the color of appearance.

  • Dry

If you have fat type Skin and hairs are constantly empty from subcutaneous sallages produced by glands in large quantities, you will suit you dry eyebrows. It is produced in the form of shadows or powder. Among her minuses - she can pour during the day. Here you can note the shadows from Jeans (Korea-Russia), powder from Lucy Minerals (USA).

  • Liquid

If you have a dry skin type and you need additional moisturizing, eyebrow Liquid It will be for you an ideal cosmetic agent. Fast-drying polymers in its composition create a soft film in the hairs, repulsive sweat, water, skin fat. Not washed off while swimming or sports. Browse products from SANA (Japan), there are presented various options Similar cosmetics.

  • Tatoj

If you need a long-playing, resistant result, you will need tattoo Eyebrow Sidewhich may not be frozen and stay in the hairs a few days. In this case, you can buy an autocarandas for eyebrows with the Tatoo Eyebrow Tattoo effect from Tony Moly. (Korea).

  • Waterproof

If you live in a wet climate where rains often come and a lot of snow, you need waterproof eyebrowswhich will definitely flow under the action of atmospheric precipitation. It will come in handy and on a trip to the resort in hot countries where you have to swim a lot. In this niche, the eyebrow pencils from El Corazon (Germany), a liquid eyeliner from SANA (Japan), SWISS-O-Par (Germany) have been proven well.

Look for a good eyebrow eyeliner and want from the first purchase to get the maximum effect? In this case, for a start, decide what exactly you need, in which direction to search. To do right choice It will help the rating (top 10) of the best cosmetics in this line of goods.

Cosmetic Likbez

The name of the Korean brand Tony Moly, who have excellent eyebrows for eyebrows, comes from English "Tony", which means stylish, and Japanese "Moly" - in the package. The literal translation is "style packed in the box".

Every woman wants to look attractive. It does not matter whether it is nature from nature or just a pretty, most importantly, to take care of the face and body. If it is stylishly dressed, look neat and feminine, then almost beautiful. Attractiveness is 70% of naturally given and 30% charm. And it is possible to emphasize it, bringing eyebrows.

If you used to think that it is not necessary to do this, it is enough to make eyelashes, then we hurry to disperse you, the adjusted form of eyebrows is strongly changing the face in best side. We learn how to bring eyebrows and make my face Mil.

Pickup pencil

If you ask the Council from a specialist, he will say that it is best to bring the eyebrows with a correction pencil. Girls with youth enjoy them, can draw arrows. And in adulthood, you can gently emphasize natural beauty eyebrows. If you have little experience in the eyeliner, it's nothing terrible, you will quickly learn and feel how to do it with taste. Not everyone knows, but in order to make a great makeup need a high-quality stylus. Ideally, he should be firmly and concluded in a tree, not plastic. So it is better stored. Consider tips from experienced makeup artists step by step:

  • As mentioned, buy a pencil with a solid rod in a wooden case or an ordinary correction pencil. The rod must have a homogeneous structure.
    Before buying, you need to make a test to understand how high-quality rod and whether you come true? From the back of the brush, swipe the line. If it is straight and everywhere the hand is equally painted, then the rod is excellent. On the contrary, go intermittently and come across lumps? Bad. Do not buy.
  • Experts say it is important not to be mistaken in the color of the eyeliner. Most of all, the skin resembles a tender eyelid texture at the tips of the fingers. There and you can make a contour pencil, then others and evaluate how to look from the side. Still take into account your hair color. If he is black, then a black pencil and purchase. For chestnut hair - It is dark brown, etc.
  • If your eyebrows are a little liquid and you want to make them thick, then the pencil should be the most thin rod. So, strokes with the length of the hairs, you can draw in those places where the hair has little and published eyebrows will seem natural and thicker. Yes, and near, if you do not overdo it, I will impress well-groomed.
  • To the rod during sharpening did not break down and it turned out to be done so thin, the pencil must be put for 2-3 minutes. in the freezer.
  • When you choose, it seems that pencils are too expensive. Think about, one gryphill is enough for the quarter, or even more if you are economically spent. Because try to buy the best brand. From inexpensive cosmetics One frustration, since its quality is mediocre.

See also: Makeup technique for full

Sweep eyebrows

What is the form of eyebrows now in fashion? Pretty narrow and neat, naturally expanding closer to the bridge. Look at yourself in the mirror if your eyebrows are black and pretty thick, you do not need to additionally let them. The eyeliner can make girls who have bright and rather liquid grow.

How to choose a pencil? Under the natural color of their eyebrows. The closer the shade, the better. Then you need to draw a hairs, and they will harmoniously fit and will be un andless among the real. If you are natural or blonde with painted hair, then you need a lightweight pencil brown Tint. If a natural hair You have blonde, then a dark brown rod is required. Brunettes, use black or sometimes dark gray. Girls with a different color of hair, remember, indiscriminate eyebrows black and you will look sullen a resident of the harem. But you dream of becoming still charming.

If you are now brunette, then you can bring part of the hair dark brown, and another black. The number of eyeliner 2 to 1. Some girls are one and the same pencil eyebrows and arrows in front of their eyes. But it is better that these are different pencils. For eyebrows, there is still a special, which has a thin rod and do not need to be pulled out periodically. But as you remember, the rod ray is stored in a wooden frame.

When you apply strokes, try not to do superfluous, too thick. Make them sharp, bright, but at the same time very thin. It is required to draw hairs over the hair. If you start direct lines on the eyebrows, they will look drawn, like dolls. It's not beautiful.

How to paint your eyebrows. A correct pencil knows far from every girl. At the same time, not every one has the perfect form from nature. Some ladies generally pay slight attention with eyebrows.

However, do not forget that eyebrows even without much makeup allow you to make eyes expressive, look more open, a little change the form of the face and in general, to transform the appearance. However, it is necessary to "draw" the eyebrow correctly to study as diligently as, for example, draw ideal arrows.

Those who are first faced with eyebrow correction with cosmetics, it is primarily to choose its shape that is optimally suitable for a specific type of person.

To do this, you can use the stylist services or follow general advice Beauty experts:

However, the face form is often quite blurry, so only experiments will allow you to pick up optimal option.

How to draw perfect, beautiful eyebrows: step-by-step instructions. Picture photo

Deciding with the form of eyebrows, it should be accurately getting rid of extra hazards using tweezers, tweezers, or blades, and can be proceeded with the priesthood. Today there are a lot of money for designing eyebrows - gels, shadows, mascara. However, for beginners, the optimal option is a pencil.

The main advantage of pencils before other means is convenience and practicality:

  • Ability to apply lines of any thickness.
  • Ability to adjust the intensity of color.
  • Easy to use.
  • Mobility.

Eyebrow pencils There are two types - twisted and sharpening. Each of them has its advantages. For example, a mechanical pencil can be advanced as it is used and with due skill it will be possible to cut the brings everywhere.

However, such a pencil quickly ceases to be so sharp as after purchase. Therefore, the usual pencil is used more often - longer than time Services, the ability to achieve the perfect sharpness of the tip.

How to paint the eyebrows with a pencil through stencil

In order to correctly add eyebrows with a pencil primarily, it is important to combing them. For this you can use special calculation For eyebrows or take advantage of a clean tassel from the ending carcass. Combing hairs should be in the direction of their growth, giving the desired form.

To facilitate the task, you can easily moisten the brush or apply easy cosmetic oil. In this case, form eyebrows will be easier. Often at such a moment it is found that a pair of treacherous hairs still escaped from attention and they will have to pull them away. After the eyebrows should be launched proscure.

Most often used two types of eyebrow modeling:

The first option is suitable only for thick eyebrows, so they are given a saturated color and the shape is adjusted. The owners of rare vegetation should be resorted to the second method - the neat lines will create the illusion of luxurious "sable" eyebrows. Most often both methods are used at the same time, which allows you to create perfect form.

In order for the brows to look natural and well-groomed, it is necessary to carry out thin long (approximately equal in length of hairs) lines. This is especially true of the portion near the bridges and in the temporal part.

Thus you can lengthen and expand the eyebrow. In the middle it is better to finely stroke with a sharp solid pencil to achieve the effect of natural dense. You can also use a lighter pencil for thick lines - it will create the appearance of lightness.

After the eyebrows acquired the desired form, you can consolidate them using a gel lock or take advantage of ordinary varnish For styling. When using a lacquer for hair, you must apply it on an eyebrow brush and carefully spend across the hairs, not too pressing. Such makeup will last an average of 6 hours without additional tin.

In order for the look to be more open, you can apply a bright consillion over and under the eyebrows - the eyes will seem more and expressively even with everyday makeup.

How neatly, smoothly let down (emphasize) with a pencil eyebrows

Perfect eyebrows It is far from the first time. To do this, "fill the hand." However, there are several simple ruleswhich allow you to make this procedure easier.

First of all it is important to get right pencil . This is the main taste of labor, not counting, of course, brushes for eyebrows and tweezers. The pencil must be properly tough - it does not melt when contact with the skin, leaving sloppy wide stripes and at the same time do not scratch gentle skin.

That is why it is not recommended to use pencils for the age - they are too soft. When using a rapid pencil, it is important to sharpen it on time. For this purpose, a good sharpener will be useful, which will evenly sharpen a pencil, not leaving wood jar.

In order to smoothly emphasize the eyebrows should not immediately turn them completely. It is enough to hold a pencil a few thin lines. It may be enough to start it.

If the eyebrows are still too rare or short work There is more serious. It follows with neat stroke lines to fill the greatest emptiness with a pencil, imitating hairs. Short eyebrows can be lengthened with thin line lines. The eyebrows challenged in this way will look carefully and well-groomed.

How to choose the color pencil color for eyebrows - optimal shades

Speaking about how to paint your eyebrows is a correct pencil, do not forget about the choice of color. Even brunettes rarely boast of iscin-black eyebrows.

In addition to the hair color, it is important to navigate even on the skin shade, which often plays a decisive role. Choosing an optimal tint of a pencil, you can make a face more fresh and shining. For each color, there are certain selection nuances.

How to choose a pencil for brunette eyebrows

Brunettes s light skin Most often black pencils are not going. Optimal, according to experts, are dark brown and gray shades. For example, a light-eyed brunette with "porcelain" skin and a gentle-pink blush most often should be chosen a dark gray pencil.

For the owner of resin curls and yellowish skin is more suitable brown pencil. For burning brunettes with dark skin, dark eyes and punch lips can be used a black pencil.

How to choose an eyebrow pencil for dark blond hair

The owners of the dark-robe chapels are better to use pencils of brown shades. Depending on the color of the hair, you should choose how dark will the color of the pencil.

For reddish girls with warm skin, terracotta shades are suitable. And for cold blonds, it is better to choose a pencil of calm brown. Also worth paying attention to the coloring - the warmer skin color, the warmer there should be a pencil for eyebrows.

How to choose a color pencil for eyebrow blondes: the best shade for blondes

Girls with blond curls effectively emphasize their femininity with light brown or gray pencils.

Blondes S. golden leather And brown eyebrows for eyebrows can also use brown eyebrow pencil. And if the skin is rather peach, and the eyes are blue gray tint It will be more preferable.

What eyebrow pencil better buy

When buying a pencil should be guided by a considerable amount of characteristics:

The modern industry offers several more points that will allow any girl to buy perfect pencil. You can choose from three categories: waterproof, wax and powdered pencils.

Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil

Waterproof eyebrow pencil useful to any girl leading active image Life. And also to those who live in a terrain with high humidity. The main advantage of such a pencil is its amazing stability.

If you correctly add eyebrows with such a pencil - no natural disasters Not scary. The only nuance - it is necessary to carefully monitor the fatty skin - as the pigment is fat soluble. Therefore, do not forget to walk with a matting napkin or just a dry clean scarf of the skin in order to avoid unpleasant situation.

Eyebrow wax pencil

Vaek pencil will come in handy owners of hard hair. Such a means as naturally smoothed naughty hairs and allows you to create an ideal shape even if they are short. Using wax No need to fix eyebrows after makeup. Often wax pencils are also waterproof.

Powder eyebrow pencil

Powder pencil for eyebrows - the best option for cool weather. Such a means is suitable for any skin type, including fat. Pouder pencil looks most natural. Among its advantages, easy application and maximum stripping.

For evening makeup, it is possible to moisten it a little and then the shade will be more intense. For incorrect use Pencil his service life is small. Painting your eyebrows should be as accurate as possible - the stylus is not too resistant to damage. Also, the cons of the product can be attributed to its instability: after a few hours the makeup will need to correct.

Choosing an eyebrow pencil, it is important to navigate not only on the price, manufacturer, type and color of the pencil. Purchase a pencil only in daylight, be sure to use the tester to see how natural a pencil will look at your skin, and then the result will delight you and others.

Video lessons: how to learn to paint eyebrows

How not to draw eyebrows, and how to make them up correctly:

Makeup eyebrows. Correction of eyebrows with cosmetics:

Eyebrowing - this means decorative cosmeticsdesigned to correct the shape and give it clarity, brightness, expressiveness. Proper post It will help to give a beautiful bending, an additional volume and disguise propellants that are generated as a consequence of insufficient growth of hairs or unsuccessful accumulation. The range is rich. It is important to know what is suitable - a pencil, gel eyeliner for eyebrows, shadow or something else.

Features of use

Nature rarely rewards women with luxurious eyebrows, they are mainly found from representatives asian type and the owners of dark hair and karich Eye.. These beauties do not need to think about the adjustment and radically change the shape, their only caring agent is tweezers. The ladies of European-type are tormented with light, thin hairs, are constantly working to bend overlap, color.

Eyebrowing will help eliminate the following drawbacks:

  • adjustment of borders;
  • elimination of visible defects: Hemps from scrambled or dropped hairs, scars, scar tissues;
  • press right shade In accordance with the tint of the skin and the color of the hair.

Problems are easy to decide if you choose a corrective agent and learn to use it.

Power Supplies

Modern techniques allow you to make professional makeup without leaving home. The new era brought a lot of useful and comfortable, eyebrow cosmetics is no longer limited to melting pencils, today it offers us many persistent and high-quality funds. They can be found in the cosmetics of women.

  • Welcome felt-tippet. It has a bright saturated tone. For convenience, the marker is equipped with a soft applicator that does not injure the skin and makes the lines soft and natural. Ideal for drawing individual hairs in places properin.
  • Cream. It rarely meets on store shelves, but its merits are valued by professional makeup artists. It is easy to apply and rub it, quickly absorbed, feeds hairs useful components, stains in the desired shade, adjusts the form. The main difference is high resistance.
  • Eyeliner eyebrow shadows. The most preferred option for painting eyebrows among fair sex representatives. The shadows eliminate the fat shine, create a lightweight effect, do not appear, do not wash off for a long timeThey can change the shortcomings and allocate advantages. This product is sold by a complete set - mosaic of several colors. The kit includes a comfortable brush.
  • Podrify-pencil. Traditional cosmetics, classic. They are easy to draw small strokes, adjust the shape, create a light shadow on problem areas. Recommend to use bilateral pencil in makeup. To fill the form, the brighter color is used, for drawing and the adjustment is dark.
  • Gel. Novelty, used for topping hairs, filling the boundaries, adjustments. A special formula enriched with ceramic creates a persistent effect of separation and smoothness. Cosmetics presented in rich color palettewhere you can choose a shade for any type.

Varieties of consistency supply

Decorative equipment for eyebrows differ in the form of release and consistency. it important factorallowing you to achieve a beautiful result.

  • Liquid moisturizing eyeliner for eyebrows. Moisture-proof product that creates a soft film on the surface, which does not allow subcutaneous fat and sweat. It is not erased in active sports and swimming.
  • Powerboard with the effect of the tattoo. A pencil corrector leaves a sustainable pigment on the skin, not flushing over several days. Looks like a tattoo (tattoo) and withstands water test and environmental, Suitable for travel.
  • Dry powdered eyebrows. Released in the form of shadows or powder. Ensures greasy shine in the eye area. The disadvantage is the possibility of shuffling and loss of brightness during the day.
  • Waterproof. This property can be endowed with liquid cream, gel corrector, felt-tip pen. Special waterproof composition withstands the wet climate, long bathing. Perfect option For amateur seaside resorts and professional batons.

What type of eyelid to choose depends on the preferences and wishes to the result of makeup.

Application Rules and Required Tools

So that the surveillance arcs looked perfectly, and the paint held for a long time, not breaking, not shuffling, you need to know important nuances Correction.


  1. Tassel from the old carca or a special brush tailoring eyebrows in the direction of growth of hairs to visually designate the upper and lower border.
  2. The eyeliner with cream or shadows: a brush with a bevelled edge outlines the contour of the arc, then the central part is painted with blurred strokes. Apply minimum funds, the dense layer looks inactively, makes a heavy look. Eyebrow eyeliner with liquid eyeliner or pencil: set the edge of the pencil or brush under an acute angle in relation to the eyebrows. Small movements Draw the hairs, moving from the bridge to the temple.
  3. The result secure with colorless gel or wax.

This hOME METHOD Form correction is ideal for girls with light hairs, which lacks the depth of color and volume, for the owners of dark dense eyebrows injured by non-professional accumulation.

Brow adjustment tools:

  • brush with a beveled edge if dry or liquid dye will be used;
  • pencil or eyeliner;
  • hairbrows;
  • fixer.

Review manufacturers

Among the manufacturers of cream supply in the ranking of the best are: Anastasia Beverly Hills, Fluidline Brow Gelcreme from the famous Mac company russian brand Make Up Secret Professional.

The best markers are developing Miss Tais, Russian Eva Mosaic, professional manufacturer NYX.

The spectacular shape with a light shadow is obtained when using eyebrow shadows from Cailyn, the world famous Maybelline, Just, Shiseido, VOV.

Resistant gel correctors are produced under the brands of Kylie Janer, Inglot, Cailyn.

What kind of eyeliner to choose

A variety of textures, outputs can cause confusion in women far from professional visa. Simple and understandable advice from specialists will come to the rescue:

  • If dryness is observed skin cover, peeling, redness, then a liquid liner with moisturizing components is suitable for masking. She will create soft coat, withstanding with water, caring for problem zone during the whole day.
  • Fatty skin is suitable powder or shadows, but they can shout forever, but the fat shine is well masked.
  • For busy active ladies, a dye with the effect of a tattoo.
  • For amateur pools, reservoirs and residents of regions with high humidity We recommend a waterproof corrector.

Before proceeding with eyebrow makeup, make correction. To do this, you can visit a professional brow bar or conduct home correction yourself. On how to make eyebrows correction at home, we have already told. If you are just starting to get acquainted with eye makeup rules and have not yet brought this procedure to automatism, use our creation cheat sheet proper form eyebrows.

Photo Instructions: How to make eyebrow with shadows?

To build beautiful shape, Make a "serifs" with a white, beige or pinkish pencil for an eye or pencil-corrector at points that form harmonious eyebrow outlines.

The first point is the beginning of eyebrows. Previously, it was taken out the eyebrow, ranging from the point parallel inner corner eyes. Now, with the arrival of fashion for a more natural design of eyebrows, starting from the point parallel to the so-called "piercing point". For clarity, we marked her pictures.

Exception of this rule - girls with closely planted eyes. If the distance between the eyes is less than one length of the eye, it is better to draw eyebrows, starting from a point parallel to the inner corner of the eye.

The second important point is the bending of the eyebrows. The bending point is on the line, which passes from a lobster through the wing of the nose and the outer border of the eye iris. Today, this point has shifted to the outside of the face, since earlier the line was carried out through the center of the eye, which made eyebrows more curved and "characteristic." In order not to look as if you were teleported by straight from the 1990s, "Build" the bending of the eyebrows, based on the crossing of the eyebrow line with the line passing through the outer border of the iris, as indicated in the photo.

The third point is the end of the eyebrows. Here everything is simple: the point will be at the intersection of the natural line of eyebrows with a line spent from a lobster under his nose through the wing of the nose and an angle of the eye. Now you can proceed to makeup!

The easiest way to start to paint the eyebrow from her "tail". Type a small number of shadows on a beveled brush and light strokes fill the "tail" eyebrows.

Next, draw the bottom line of eyebrows. First, turn the hairs upstairs, and then short horizontal strokes walk along the entire length of the eyebrows. The larger border makes eyebrows visually more neat and well-groomed.

By the same strokes, fill in the "body" of eyebrows, without capturing its starts.

In order for the eyebrows to look as much as possible, make the beginning of eyebrows in the "gradient" technique. Make strokes here softer - eyebrows should not begin with a dark and bright line. After that, we grow the boundaries with an eyebrow brush, several times combing with its help eyebrows. For effect natural eyebrows Try to mitigate it as much as possible.

We are growing the points set by a light pencil: auxiliary "serifs" you will no longer need.

If you want to create the effect of "soaring" eyebrows, emphasize the area under the bottom line using a consistent, corrector or a light pencil. This visually opens a glance, makes eyebrows as accurate as possible.

This embodiment of eyebrow is good for bright evening image, and B. everyday life May look somewhat redundant.

Brush are growing a consilet at the bottom boundary to soften the clarity of the line.

At the final stage, fasten your eyebrows with a transparent gel. This action will remove the effect of swimming, which is created by shadows, and make makeup more natural. In addition, the gel will fix eyebrows in careful form for the whole day.

To secure the knowledge gained, look at our video tutorial, how to make eyebrow makeup with shadows.

General Eye Makeup Rules

Determine the goal

Your task is not just to highlight your eyebrows, but to do it so that the result looks harmonious. With the help of eyebrow makeup, you can, for example, visually adjust the high forehead or massive chin, that is, to achieve right proportions. To achieve a goal, it is important to take into account your as well.

Remove the necessary form

If you decide to abandon the services of the wizard on the eyebrows and make a correction yourself, do it according to the rules. Keep tweezers at an angle of about 45 degrees, and pull the hairs in the direction of their growth. If you are afraid to overdo it, use special. How to do it? Attach stencils to the eyebrows, outline contour pencil. Only after that start working with tweezers. The borders of the pencil will not let you remove the extra.

Pick up color

The well-known eye makeup rule, according to which the tone of the eyebrows should be darker with darker hair color, not always works. If you have blonde hair, then eyebrows really worth painting on tone darker. If you have dark hair, then eyebrows, on the contrary, should be on the tone lighter than the hair. Otherwise, the look will seem sullen.

Arrange accents

In order for the eyebrows to look natural, create an ombre effect: the inside of the eyebrows is puncture more light tint, and the arch and tip color is darling. Let's the will experiments, do not be afraid to mix different shades!

Provide Makeup Resistance

To secure the result, apply a fixing gel on top of the shadows. For more resistant makeup, first use the wax for eyebrows, and already on top of it distribute the shadow. The wax is also good because it perfectly fills the "gaps" if the eyebrows are rare.

Tricks in makeup eyebrows

Remember these unusual beauty tips who will definitely use you to achieve perfect result When working with eyebrow shadows.

Create volume

Do not make an error - do not hold a pencil along the entire length of your eyebrows with the same pressure. If you look at the eyebrows without cosmetics, you will see that their inner part is lighter than the place of bending and tips. And when color correction, it must be considered.


Makeup eyebrow not necessarily perform special means. What can come? Normal brown mascara For eyelashes, for example. With the help of a brush with a small amount of carcasses, you can comb your eyebrows and securely secure their shape. If you want to achieve a more intensive color of the eyebrow contour, try mixing the liquid for lenses and matte brown shadows. "Empty" will effectively fill the liquid brown eyeliner. Apply it with strokes - so the result will look most natural.

Use a spoon

How quickly and gently emphasize the bending of the eyebrows? Take an ordinary tablespoon. Attach her side side to the lower border of the eyebrows (the spoon should cover the eye). So you can bring your eyebrows, not risking to stain the skin! By the way, the ordinary spoon can be useful to you and when carrying out beauty procedures.

More drama!

The eyebrows were not bright enough? It's easy to fix! Wet a mowed brush for applying shadows and add colors! There is also another way to add brightness eyebrow: apply a consilet or highlight with a radiance effect on an eyebrow.

Finishing touch

To make-up eyebrows you need to start at the mostst reason, after makeup eyes and lips. Only so you can understand how to emphasize your eyebrows. For bright Gubakh And Makija Smoky Ice Eyebrow can be just a little bit.

Are you still not sure that for makeup eyebrows, you should use a pencil? Complete our simple test to find out for sure!