Pattern of trousers harem pants for girls. Trousers on a pattern for a suit for a boy for a holiday. All-in-one sewing of aladdin trousers

Afghani, saruel, aladins, seralki (from the word seral - female part palace in the East), harem pants - all this different names one and the same - wide pants with extreme low-lying step seam. Most people do not like them, "wobbly with motney" paired with ugg boots invariably lead the top of the things that "would not wear under any circumstances." And it seems to me in vain, they are funny and comfortable.

About five years ago, I was on fire to sew myself such pants, at least for the house, but my husband, it turned out, belongs to the very category that fu. Fortunately for me, my friend wanted them at that time and, even if not for herself, my desire came true and the accumulated collection of materials on tailoring Afghani came in handy.

Ways to cut pants of this kind, by and large, can be divided into three groups. My friend and I tried them all)

Method one. Classical
In the original, Afghanis are sewn from a rectangular fabric folded in an intricate way, to which cuffs and a belt are then sewn.

Examples of Afghanis sewn according to the classic pattern:
Looks especially impressive in striped fabric.

They say it is convenient for babies. Here is an example of children's knitwear.

My version, sewn back in 2010, looked like this:

Gone is 1.7 Indian cotton. Rubber strap at the waist and cuffs. There are two patch pockets, but they are not visible due to the coloring.
Pros / cons: One of the advantages of this cutting method is the simplicity of sewing and cutting, and it is classic version provides maximum freedom of movement. At least sit on the twine! In such pants it is comfortable to sit in Turkish style, you can do yoga, even if the fabric is not elastic. Cons - the maximum volume of the motney, respectively, the most controversial fit from the point of view of aesthetics; very high consumption of fabric.

Method two. Based on the pattern of the trousers
Pattern examples

Examples of shanks for such a pattern:

For these pants, the author published a detailed master class.

My version (sewn in 2013, photographed in 2014, by 2015 was honored to publish)

The main fabric is a viscose staple, the remainder is 90 cm. A cut across, fit into a cut without special efforts, also enough for the pockets in the seams. Cuffs and belt - fine viscose jersey. At the bottom of the belt I stitched a drawstring and put in a wide elastic band, because the selected jersey stretches easily and it would be frivolous to trust him alone to hold the pants))
Pros / Cons: Pros - economy, good fit; cons - restrictions on freedom of movement, in comparison with the classical method.
You can't sit on the twine anymore)

We are planning trousers of such a plan for the winter from dense knitwear.

Method three. Triangle

Alas, I cannot demonstrate my own example. I sewed such for the mother of the same girlfriend who sewed the previous versions. There is only such a photo (((

Again a viscose staple, it drapes beautifully.
It was a gift, so there is no photo on the hostess. But a friend said that my mother went to the south in them and actively wore them on vacation. Based on this, I think, we have pleased with the gift. For the purity of the experiment, it would be necessary to sew Irishka and such to complete the study)))

And finally, a few photos of Afghani from my folder For inspiration.
Usually Afghanis sew from thin jersey and this, in my opinion, really looks bad. As here:

It's kind of vulgar ...

Although there are options from a similar fabric that I find interesting.

The first photo fascinates me. If I ever find myself worthy of a vacation in the south, be sure to give myself such a game with sewing and I will tell all this wild, but happy)

In textiles it looks unexpected and in this form you can even business style enter, as it seems to me.


These are my ideal. Even the fabric has been bought and is waiting in the wings.

Maxi. IMHO, amazing!

I especially like the first jumpsuit. I will definitely sew myself, at least a sundress of this kind. Wonderfully doltish thing!

Well, for a snack, this is something. By design, it is more of a skirt, but the silhouette is similar to cropped Afghani. Let it be for a collection of ideas)

Phew, completed the gestalt. Fasting is ripe more than a year, and collected pictures back in 2010. Better late than never)

Learn to sew harem pants in oriental style very simple, just three seams. Due to the fact that the trousers are wide and the belt is stitched with an elastic band, they are practically dimensionless. They are free and do not compress the body at all. Because of this, they are not hot in summer. It's incredible comfortable view clothes, you feel very comfortable in it. Any soft, thin enough fabric, preferably with an oriental pattern, will do. Required amount fabrics: product length plus 10cm. You also need to buy a spool of rubber thread. They are for sale. This is a thin elastic band braided with a thread.

Video How to learn to sew harem pants in oriental style

You can sew not harem pants, but a summer jumpsuit in an oriental style (see the description in the next model).

Video lesson - How to learn how to sew harem pants in an oriental style or a summer jumpsuit in an oriental style.

How to learn how to sew harem pants in an oriental style or a summer jumpsuit in an oriental style.

Wide trousers will look very impressive and completely different if they are sewn from bright fabric. Bloomers can be sewn from satin. If you sew harem pants from chiffon and with a low belt, they are suitable for oriental dance and belly dancing. Having sewed this model, you will learn how to cut such or similar models without a pattern, using only small drawing... You can reproduce this model exactly, or you can do something similar based on this idea, thus putting your own creativity. After sewing this model, you will learn how to sew with an elastic band. This skill will come in handy when sewing completely different products, such as sundresses, and will also allow you to create your own styles.

How to draw a drawing of a bloomer in an oriental style

This is your piece of fabric. Drawn on a sheet of paper from a school notebook at a scale of 1:10. Width 150cm, length - the desired length of the product plus 10cm.

Here is a pattern for your trousers. Simple, isn't it? That's enough, you don't have to fiddle with a large pattern.

How to cut open trousers in oriental style

The harem pants should be wide, so use the full width of the fabric. There will be only two identical parts. Fold the fabric in half face side inside. Now you need to take a measurement: measure with a centimeter the distance from the level of the belt down between the legs and back up to the level of the belt. Divide the resulting length in half and add two centimeters. We lay this distance on the fabric from above from the corner down vertically to the right and left and mark the points corresponding to the lower ends of the red lines in the figure with a piece of soap or chalk. Now draw two curved lines as in the picture. Pay attention to the shape of these curved lines: they are quite arbitrary, but differ from the front and back. Play cell by cell. Let me remind you that one cell is equal to 5 cm. Since the trousers are wide and with an elastic band, they are practically dimensionless: from 42 to 50 sizes.

Cut out. We will end up with two identical parts.

How to sew harem pants in an oriental style

We fold each of the legs with the front side inward, baste and sew. Then we fold the right leg with the left leg, baste and sew. We turn it out on front side... To process the upper edge of the trousers on the belt, wrap the edge of the fabric twice by half a centimeter, baste and sew.

Now comes the fun part. But first you need to learn how to sew with an elastic band. It’s very simple. The rubber thread is a thin elastic band with a thread braid. Sold in sewing shops. To sew with such an elastic band, you need to tuck it into the hook and insert it into the sewing machine. This will be the bobbin thread. The upper thread will be an ordinary thread matching the color of the fabric. Sew on right side... The build is great.

It works very well for any sewing machine... But practice on the shred first. You just stitch slowly by stretching the already stitched part of the seam slightly, as it immediately begins to bunch together. Adjust the machine for medium to large stitches. The photographs show a view from the front and a view from the wrong side.

Now we sew with an elastic band in parallel top edge 5-7 times at a distance of approximately 2 cm. These lines can be previously drawn on the fabric with chalk.

Now you can try on and adjust the leg length. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the legs should be long - taking into account the fact that when you sew from the bottom with an elastic band, there should be an overlap. Tuck the bottom of the legs half a centimeter twice, baste and sew regular thread... Now sew the elastic along the edge three times, about half a centimeter apart.

And here is the last step: you try on harem pants, look in the mirror, rejoice and demonstrate to others. Good luck!

Silk, silk satin, crepe satin, chiffon by itself are suitable for wide trousers. But be careful with chiffon, it may turn out to be too transparent, so either sew in two layers, or opt for crepe chiffon, for example, it is just as light but much less transparent.

First measure s - the distance from the place of the supposed top of the trousers to the floor is + 15-20 centimeters. The increase will go not only on the seams, but also on not repeating the funny model in the left picture:

We certainly want the legs to end in nice folds like in the right picture.

The width of one leg is about 70-100 cm, a little more, a little less, does not play a special role. The main thing is not to narrow it :) If the width of the selected fabric is 140-150 cm, then take s cm.If the width is 90-110, then take 2s .

We will sew harem pants with slits on the sides.

Cut the fabric into 2 legs. Take one rectangle (one future leg) and fold it in half lengthwise. On the side of the fold, lay 10 cm along the edge and 15-25 cm along the fold. This size, 15-25 cm, is individual, measure yourself: the distance from the estimated top edge of the harem pants to the crotch. Mark the measured distances with dots, connect them with a smooth arc and cut out:

Repeat the same procedure with the second leg. In general, you can fold both rectangles together at once and cut in an arc on two legs at the same time. But, in my opinion, it is better separately ... less likely to make mistakes :)

Now we connect both rectangles together, with the front sides inward and, having pre-swept, we sew along the arc line.

After that we sew side seams each leg. Sew them at the top by 7-10 cm, at the bottom by five.

The belt can be made with an elastic band, or you can sew in a "zipper". If you are sewing in a "zipper", you need to measure the volume of the hips in the place of the supposed top of the trousers and calculate the difference between this figure and the resulting wide trousers. Remove the difference by laying beautiful folds on the fabric. Also, it is necessary to arrange the “cuffs” at the bottom of each leg with an elastic band.

Trousers - great option clothes, both for the exit and for the home, because they are very comfortable. This model of pants in last years has become quite popular all over the world. In addition to their convenience, harem pants are still very similar to a skirt, so they will conquer even opponents of trousers. In this article, we will describe in detail one simple option for how to sew harem pants. The pattern and sewing are so simple that you can handle them even if you didn’t sew anything. Besides, sewing trousers will take little time.

Choice of fabric: we sew harem pants

For sewing trousers, it is better to opt for:

  • thin fabric
  • easily draped fabric

Great for bloomers like knitted fabric(for example, viscose), cotton and silk with a crash effect.

If we talk about colors, then harem pants can be sewn of absolutely any color, as well as plain ones. However, most people prefer to choose oriental motives, or fabric with a small pattern.

Sewing trousers

In addition to the fabric, we need:

  • threads, in the color of the material
  • rubber thread or elastic (for decorating the belt and cuffs of the legs)

For sewing, you need a piece of fabric 30 cm longer than its width. In this case, the width should be taken at least 1.4-1.5 m.

Now, let's take a closer look at the process of sewing trousers:

  • Pattern: we measure its width along the length of the fabric, thereby we get a square, cut off the excess fabric and put it aside - it will come in handy for the belt. Fold the fabric in half to form a triangle. In this case, the fold of the fabric will be the bottom of the trousers, that is, we only have to make the side seams and process the belt and cuffs of the legs.
  • Before proceeding with the seams, it is necessary to cut off the corners, where the cuffs of the legs will be, for this (so that they come out the same), fold the fabric in half again and cut the corners with a base equal to ½ the sum of the ankle girth and 8 cm.
  • In order to mark the waist, cut off the corner at the top of the triangle, while the base of the corner should be equal to ¼ the sum of your waist circumference and 10 cm.Cut at right angles to the fold that was made in step 2.
  • Now we unfold the fold that we made in step 2, the pattern is ready. We carry out and process the side seams.
  • We are preparing the belt and cuffs and here we will consider 2 options:
    • In case you want to make harem pants on wide belt using a rubber thread. From the remnants of the fabric we make two cuffs and a belt of the required width and length. We connect the cuffs and the belt into rings and sew, iron the seams. We proceed to the design of the header. To do this, you must have a rubber thread with the lower thread, the upper thread to match the fabric, choose a simple stitch (stitch length 3-4 mm). Make the first seam when sewing parts, stepping back 2 cm from the edge.Then fold the fabric along the first seam (so that the edge is neat), and begin the seam 1.5 cm below the new edge, continuing it in a spiral, until you reach the bottom of the part. When the cuffs and waistband are ready, sew them to the pants, basted or pinned. The harem pants are ready!
    • Simple option. At the waist and on the cuffs, we turn the fabric and sew. To make the drawstring. Insert elastic bands into the finished drawstrings.

Now you know how to sew harem pants. Having put them on once, you can no longer refuse such comfortable clothes... Experiment with colors and you will be pleasantly surprised at how interesting harem pants transform.

Now I am designing a suit for a tribal, and I have come close to the question of pants for this dance. It is interesting that both are suitable for tribal traditional oriental trousers .

I found a simple and effective way to sew harem pants for oriental dances with my own hands.
According to this method, even not a seamstress, a person far from sewing, can sew them at all.

So, let's say you already have a piece of suitable fabric for sewing oriental trousers.
If there is nothing, go to the store and buy a piece of fabric as long as you need to sew a trousers for your height.

How to measure the fabric length for oriental bloomers
Take a soft centimeter or tape measure, step with your toe on the retainer at the "0 cm" point, straighten to a relaxed state, and pull the measuring tape up to the height you need, roughly up to the navel. They dance barefoot in harem pants, so the pants should reach the floor, and top part will be located 3 cm above the thigh bones.
For the resulting length, you need to make an allowance:
-4 cm from the bottom (for hem and elastic insertion)
-6-8 cm from the top (for hemming and inserting a wide elastic band)

What fabric is suitable for oriental trousers
The fabric for oriental trousers can be very different, it depends on the dance.
In belly dance, Arabic dance and other oriental dances, the task of the trousers is to decorate the costume, to make the dancer beautiful, seductive (belledance), modest and chaste (Indian trousers), a little warlike, dangerous (dance with swords or candelabra).

In tribal, the task of oriental trousers is more of a technical plan: in order to emphasize the work of the legs, to give puffiness to the silhouette (without using feminine skirt silhouettes), to show beautiful fabric to create a special mood, or to create a base for the layered architecture of the costume.

In oriental and belly dance, chiffon, organza, light airy fabrics are used for wide trousers. Not so wide trousers are sewn from thin fabrics, while cuts decorated with rhinestones, sequins, and contrasting trim are most often left along the thigh.
From dense expensive fabrics, harem pants with a low cuff are sewn, and simple harem pants, the pattern of which we will give below.

In order for bloomers to emphasize movements and the best images in dance, it is better to decide on the requirements for the fabric even before going to the store.

Think about which fabric is more suitable for dancing in trousers:

1. Should the fabric flow or keep its shape?
2. Do you need a curvy or discreet silhouette?
3. Is the beauty of fabric necessary (stage performance, or chamber performance)?
4. Will something be worn over the trousers? (a scarf tied on the hips, or a scarf that intercepts the buttocks, an apron - "plakhta", belts or other fabric constructions)
5. Is it important for you to cover your legs? (pipes of trousers made of dense silk-blended fabrics will cover the feet well, but will not be gathered into an elastic band at the ankle, while chiffon trousers will not cover the feet, but will be beautifully gathered in an elastic band at the bottom).

Pattern of bloomers for oriental dances

So, for simple oriental bloomers loose fit, we need 2 pieces of fabric, 110 cm long (for growth from 165), and the following width, depending on the size:

42 size 70 cm
44 size 85 cm
46 sizes 100 cm

Fabrics are usually 150 cm wide, so size 42 is the luckiest one in this regard.
1. Fold the fabrics together, right side inward:

2. Fold the pieces of fabric in half exactly again:

3. Measure at the top of the fold in a width of 10 cm, and down the cut 15-20 cm, depending on your size. Draw an arc as shown. Cut off the shaded section of the fabric.

4. Unfold the fabric back along the fold. On two pieces of fabric, we got the same cutout under the cuff:

5. Stitch the fabric at the fold. double seam, stepping back from the edge 1.5 cm:

6. Now unfold the gachi of your trousers, with the front side of the pants facing you. It remains to make drawstrings for the elastic bands: at the waist (stomach), and at the ends of the legs. Here, be guided by your taste - elastic bands can be sewn along the bottom edge of each slack, or stepping back 5-10 cm from the edge (a small "skirt" will remain).

The sewing places of the drawstrings are shown in the figure:

Thus, we have sewed harem pants for oriental dances, the simplest type. The simplest pattern was used, and a minimum of seams.

Nevertheless, the look of these trousers is very spectacular, as you can see in the photo of the oriental trousers below:

Harem pants take on a completely new sound if you leave the side seams almost unstitched. To make it look like the full length slits on the harem pants, you need to side slits sew 5 cm, bottom - 7-10 cm:

The incisions can be left in front, along the mid-thigh line, or made numerous, it all depends on your imagination:

Slits, intercepted by a tie-back decoration, decorated with braid and fittings:

If bloomers will dance independent role, and nothing is supposed to be put on and fastened on top of them, it would be nice to decorate the top of the trousers with a detachable belt. The easiest way is to sew a flap of fabric with a contrasting color for the belt, the ends of the belt can be left longer than the width of the girth of the abdomen, and tie them on the side, in the Turkish manner.

Since it is very easy to sew harem pants for oriental dances with your own hands, we advise you not to dwell only on this model, although it is very convenient in case of a lack of time. There are other models of harem pants - these are Afghani, or aladdin pants, Indian harem pants, harem pants with a yoke, harem pants, breeches, harem pants - the sun (from the knee). When deciding to sew harem pants, one should take into account the peculiarities of the figure of the dancer.

Watch the video on how to sew oriental harem pants with your own hands.

Traditional Ukrainian men's suit contains a detail such as harem pants. By the way, not all men wore them, and not always. Trousers are summer clothes for horsemen and fighters, which were rarely worn by peasants. But, be that as it may, today the Ukrainian folk men's costume is most often sewn with harem pants.

If embroidery is more difficult thing, which requires the obligatory presence of embroidery and should fit well, then harem pants are a remarkably simple piece of clothing in cut and tailoring that is not embroidered. You can buy an embroidered shirt if you don't have the strength or ability to make it yourself, but any seamstress can handle trousers. Even completely inept. There are several patterns of trousers, the traditional one includes a wide gusset that allows you to sit in these trousers on a twine. There are two options for the traditional sewing pattern.

The width of the legs here is taken for a teenager, and the length depends on the height. It is believed that another 15 centimeters must be added to the length so that when the cuff is sewn on, the harem pants look exactly like harem pants, and not with something incomprehensible. It is clear that the width must also be approached carefully, because if you are sewing a suit on little boy, then the width should be somewhat reduced, and if for a stocky man, then increase. It is customary for professional seamstresses to calculate the width of the leg according to the formula - hip girth multiplied by 0.75. Do not forget about seam allowances.

There is also a later and simpler pattern that does not include a codpiece (gusset). Such pants are more decorative, you can't sit on the twine in them and you can't wave your legs.

Here you will have to measure the girth of the hips and the length of the product, and then again calculate the width of the leg and, in addition, the height of the seat. The height of the seat is calculated using the formula: divide the hip circumference by 4. Again, do not forget to add 15 centimeters to the length of the product, remember about the seam allowances, the reserve for the belt and the pattern of the cuffs.

It is an enduring luxury and original style in every detail. Creating all kinds of ensembles, oriental trousers remain an invariable participant in each image. There are many types of such pants: these are universal zouaves, stylish Afghans, and fabulous aladins. Designers in each season do not ignore the oriental theme in fashion, creating truly man-made masterpieces of style. But, as a rule, such harem pants cost a lot of money, so the ideal way out of the situation is to sew an exclusive oriental wardrobe element with your own hands. In order to bring the idea to life, enough imagination, a successful pattern and a minimum of skills in the art of sewing.

All-in-one sewing of aladdin trousers

You don't have to be a professional seamstress to sew aladdin trousers. One can be far from applied arts human, but possess the desire and imagination to sew an oriental masterpiece.

Indian aladdin pants with mandala

To sew amazing dance pants, the tips are as follows:

  • First you need to buy fabric, the length of the cut should be the same as the length of the pants. To determine the length, you need to step on the centimeter length at the 0 mark, and then raise it to a height approximately to the navel.
  • When choosing a fabric, it is important to proceed from the wishes - the trousers will flow or keep their shape.
  • It is recommended to use all kinds of accessories for decorating trousers. Decor is an integral part of oriental clothing.

Aladins - bright clothes dance

To sew simple but effective harem pants, you will need two fabric cuts approximately 110 cm long (the length is measured individually), the width is measured by the waist or hips, seams and folds are added (if any).

Aladdin sewing pattern

The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. The fabric is folded together, right side in, and then folded in half again.
  2. According to the pattern, you need to measure 10 cm from the top of the fold and 15-20 cm down the cut, depending on the individual size. An arc is outlined and neatly cut.
  3. After that, the fabric unfolds along the fold, the same cut should be obtained on two cuts, this will be a wrinkle. The fabric is sewn along the fold line with a strong double seam, previously retreating from the edge by 1-2 cm.
  4. Further, according to the pattern, the fabric-blank of the trousers is turned towards itself with the front side. You can insert a drawstring, an elastic band or sew in cuffs into the trousers. A drawstring or elastic is also inserted in the waist area.

Decorated aladins

After the aladdins for dancing are sewn, you can start decorating. Beads, beads, do-it-yourself embroidery - all this will help to endow the original oriental pants with an exclusive status.

Universal Zouaves

The history of such trousers takes us to hot Africa, where they come from. Specific traits such a model has a wide waistline, trousers that are very narrowed downwards, which can be tucked into the bootlegs.

African zouaves

Eastern Zouaves are no less simple to perform than Aladins.

Zouaves are a great choice for people who want to emphasize their individuality.

In order to sew such pants with your own hands, you will need a pattern, sewing tools, a ruler and a meter.

When it comes to fabric selection, it’s best to focus on flowing lightweight fabrics. If you need zouaves for the warm season, then you can give preference to thin wool. The work is as follows:

  • The pattern of regular trousers is taken as a basis, which are suitable in size. If the waist line on a pattern with grooves, then we do not pay attention to them, since when sewing oriental pants they are not needed. The advantage of such trousers is that when sewing with your own hands, there is no need to calculate every centimeter. All thanks to the fact that the cut is simple and free.
  • The length of the pants is measured first. It must be remembered that zouaves are cropped trousers and, as a rule, do not reach ankle length.
  • Such a pattern of pants without folds at the waist, trousers "sit" at the waist thanks to the yoke, its width will be 7 cm and cut out without darts. A wide elastic band can be sewn into the belt. The cuffs at the bottom of the leg are cut out separately and held at the bottom with an elastic band.
  • This model has a peculiarity: the part of the leg narrowed to the bottom. It is necessary to carefully measure the narrow part of the trousers, as it sits tightly on the leg.

Zouaves in classic style can fit perfectly into the office dress code

Sewing such stylish trousers with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears. When choosing fabrics, you can give preference as a basis natural cotton, linen and even denim. Traditionally, these pants are made from light-colored fabrics. Oriental-style jersey pants with a low cuff are perfect for sports or dancing.

Zouaves do not hinder movement

How to sew afghani?

Afghani are trousers with a heavily understated crotch, simply, motney. The first Afghans came to Europe from India and Afghanistan and were broader than modern models.

Afghans male and female

Sewing Indian Afghans requires basic sewing skills. What fabric to choose for these trousers? There are many options: linen, cotton, light chintz, thin jersey.

For Afghani, it is customary to choose materials with a low content of stretch. As for the decor, patterns and colors, then you should rely on your taste, imagination and wishes. For example, plain Afghan pants in calm colors and with the highest crotch seam can be worn to work. In order to sew such trousers, you do not need a pattern, but only a strictly rectangular piece of fabric.

The formula is simple: the width of the cut of the fabric is equal to the length of the future pants, but the length is three times the width.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. We spread out the fabric on a flat surface and make markings. The cut is conventionally divided into three identical squares; marking can be made on the fabric.
  2. Fold the fabric along the diagonal of the middle square.
  3. The side squares are the legs, which are sewn with the average conditional square.
  4. Bottom part such pants are gathered on an elastic band or drawstring; wide cuffs can be made at the waist.
  5. We decorate the trousers as you wish.

In order for the wardrobe to be replenished with an extraordinary and fashionable thing, it is enough to have the desire and basic sewing skills. As you can see, you can sew delightful and original women's pants just a few simple steps, spending a minimum of not only effort, but also finance.

How to sew oriental pants

Learning to sew harem pants in an oriental style is very simple, only three seams. Due to the fact that the trousers are wide and the belt is stitched with an elastic band, they are practically dimensionless. They are free and do not compress the body at all. Because of this, they are not hot in summer. This is an incredibly comfortable type of clothing, you feel very comfortable in it. Any soft, thin enough fabric, preferably with an oriental pattern, will do. Required amount of fabric: product length plus 10cm. You also need to buy a spool of rubber thread. They are for sale. This is a thin elastic band braided with a thread.

You can sew not harem pants, but a summer jumpsuit in an oriental style (see the description in the next model).

Video lesson - How to learn how to sew harem pants in an oriental style or a summer jumpsuit in an oriental style.

How to learn how to sew harem pants in an oriental style or a summer jumpsuit in an oriental style.

Wide trousers will look very impressive and completely different if they are sewn from bright fabric. Bloomers can be sewn from satin. If you sew harem pants from chiffon and with a low belt, they are suitable for oriental dances and belly dancing. Having sewed this model, you will learn how to cut such or similar models without a pattern, using only a small drawing. You can reproduce this model exactly, or you can do something similar based on this idea, thus putting your own creativity. After sewing this model, you will learn how to sew with an elastic band. This skill will come in handy when sewing completely different products, such as sundresses, and will also allow you to create your own styles.

This is your piece of fabric. Drawn on a sheet of paper from a school notebook at a scale of 1:10. Width 150cm, length - the desired length of the product plus 10cm.

Here is a pattern for your trousers. Simple, isn't it? That's enough, you don't have to fiddle with a large pattern. The harem pants should be wide, so use the full width of the fabric. There will be only two identical parts. Fold the fabric in half with the right side inward. Now you need to take a measurement: measure with a centimeter the distance from the level of the belt down between the legs and back up to the level of the belt. Divide the resulting length in half and add two centimeters. We lay this distance on the fabric from above from the corner down vertically to the right and left and mark the points corresponding to the lower ends of the red lines in the figure with a piece of soap or chalk. Now draw two curved lines as in the picture. Pay attention to the shape of these curved lines: they are quite arbitrary, but differ from the front and back. Play cell by cell. Let me remind you that one cell is equal to 5 cm. Since the trousers are wide and with an elastic band, they are practically dimensionless: from 42 to 50 sizes.

Cut out. We will end up with two identical parts. We fold each of the legs with the front side inward, baste and sew. Then we fold the right leg with the left leg, baste and sew. We turn it over to the front side. To process the upper edge of the trousers on the belt, wrap the edge of the fabric twice by half a centimeter, baste and sew.

Now comes the fun part. But first you need to learn how to sew with an elastic band. It’s very simple. The rubber thread is a thin elastic band with a thread braid. Sold in sewing shops. To sew with such an elastic band, you need to tuck it into the hook and insert it into the sewing machine. This will be the bobbin thread. The upper thread will be an ordinary thread matching the color of the fabric. Sew on the right side. The build is great.

This works very well with any sewing machine. But practice on the shred first. You just stitch slowly by stretching the already stitched part of the seam slightly, as it immediately begins to bunch together. Adjust the machine for medium to large stitches. The photographs show a view from the front and a view from the wrong side.

Now we sew with an elastic band parallel to the upper edge 5-7 times at a distance of about 2 cm. These lines can be previously drawn on the fabric with chalk.

Now you can try on and adjust the leg length. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the legs should be long - taking into account the fact that when you sew from the bottom with an elastic band, there should be an overlap. Tuck the bottom of the legs half a centimeter twice, baste and sew with regular thread. Now sew the elastic along the edge three times, about half a centimeter apart.

And here is the last step: you try on harem pants, look in the mirror, rejoice and demonstrate to others. Good luck!