I do not like compliments. Beautiful compliments beloved. At the time when you pass your data, you agree

It would seem that every person should be nice when he hears praise, admiration and others pleasant words in your address. But, nevertheless, not all people love compliments. Some perceive them as flattery and desire to manipulate. Others believe that the person from whom they heard a compliment simply wants to regret them and actually thinks not what he says. Third are awkwardness, having heard a compliment to their address, and even fear because they are afraid to disappoint ...

Why Same not all people love compliments? Why test so negative feelingsWhen hearing pleasant words in your address?

First of all, the uncertainty of a person in itself is at the heart of such disrespect. What is very often it can be seen with a naked eye. I think everyone at least once had to see a woman who, in response to a compliment, begins to "be told" and diminishing his advantages in every way ("You look good today!" - "Yes, you just slept" or "You're cooking perfectly!" - " What are you! This is the only dish that I get well ").

Such people believe that they do not deserve praise, each complimentation is regarded as an attempt to regret them and generally suspect a person in insincerity. The cause of everything - low self-esteem, which was formed due to the fact that a person in childhood praised parents, but they criticized a lot. Growing, a person holds the belief that it simply does not deserve praise, for he is not at all so smart, not so beautiful, not so skillful, etc. etc., what others think it is.

Many are afraid of compliments because of the fear to disappoint a person, as they believe that now, after said compliment, they are always obliged to be at the height. Of course, it generates tension and discomfort, and who wants to live in discomfort? So the person says that he does not like compliments, although the reason is the same insecurity.

Some people believe that a compliment is flattering, and therefore who makes a compliment suspected of mercenary motifs. But the compliment and flatter is far from the same thing. Translated from French Compliment is translated as "praise, pleasant remark". In addition, the basis of the compliment always lies a truthful fact, while flattering is an excessive exaggeration or even a clear lies. A true compliment implies sincerity, flattery - always asked and hypocritical.

However, there is a type of people who even sincere compliment Consider flattery. Such people are usually suspicious, aggressive, prone to scandals.

Another reason why people do not like compliments are fear of success. It happens that the children are superior to their parents in something, but do not dare to admit this. They even feel the feeling of guilt for their successes due to the fact that the mother or father is less successful. All this stretches too from childhood, when the child suggested that life - the thing is infinitely complicated and if you can achieve something, then only hard work.

Another reason for dislike for compliments - the fear of envy. Some people seem to be that if they are praised, they will put their admiration for them, they will begin to envy them, sooner or later they will smooth out and eventually the failures will be pursued by one after another.

The true purpose of the compliment is to give a man joy. Is it bad? Of course good. Therefore, the best thing in this case is to accept a compliment, smiling to say "Thank you!".

If the compliments are annoyed, anxious or cause other negative feelings - think about, maybe you give them too great importance. Treat them easier, without trying to analyze every time, whether you deserve these nice words and why they told you at all.

And even better - learn how to say compliments to other people learn to notice in them what you like and feel free to tell them about it. Then you will feel more confident when once more Hear a compliment to your address.

The first step towards the beginning of the relationship is communication. If a girl likes, and you want to arrange her to yourself, tell her compliments. Too often, sprinkle with compliments, because this is feeling like this. Find golden middle And do not forget to delight the girl with pleasant words. If you are not too eloquent, you can learn compliments in verses and prose. But it is better to learn to speak them from clean Heart For a specific lady.

The main thing in the article

How beautiful to make a girlfriend compliment?

  1. According to external data. Ideal people do not exist. But in the appearance of a certain girl, something hooked you, so highlight your favorite part of the body and make a compliment. Example: "You have such bright eyes! It's so beautiful, and when you look at me, inside something ignites "," As you can not notice such cute snacks on the cheeks when you smile. "

    Not all girls like when the object for the compliment is chosen or ass. In this case, the guy looks a voy who cannot consider the true essence of the girl.

  2. Comparative compliments. Something girl should do better than others: cook, have a beautiful physical training, get along with animals. Compare it with anyone who gets worse, for example, with me. Example: "You can put together so quickly in order, I would learn from you," what delicious dinner You prepared. Yes, no chef is compared. "
  3. From the soul. Sum up the qualities for which you appreciate your lady. Example: "You are my support, I appreciate you for your support, for not giveing \u200b\u200bme to give up and make you move on," "Your sincerity helps me to understand you better. Thank you for not arguing with me, and you can settle everything simple conversation heart-to-heart".
  4. Personal space. This includes compliments about hobbies, hobbies and girls work. Example: "You have time and work, and to do sports, also knit! You are well done, you know how to properly manage the time, "" I was thinking everything from where you got so magnificent vocabulary And the ability to clearly express your thought. Nothing amazing, you reread so many books. "
  5. Maintain changes with compliments. Here just - new hairstyle, clothes. Example: " New color hair? You go, he stressed your expressive eyes And the soft color of the skin "," this dress is fine. It is just for your slender figure. "

100 best short compliments Beautiful girl who likes

  1. Well, this crime is so luxurious.
  2. You are preparing even better than my mom.
  3. I adore your sense of humor.
  4. You are stunning and charming!
  5. I lose touch with reality when I look at you.
  6. You are worthy of thousands of compliments.
  7. Irresistible as always!
  8. You are my love and my pride.
  9. So much tenderness, happiness and sensitivity!
  10. Charming, eye can not take!
  11. Have you walked to me, the crowd of fans did not lead?
  12. Brilliantly look!
  13. With such hollywood smile Only in the movie to take off.
  14. Today you overshadow everyone.
  15. Your chief Trump - Independence.
  16. What a luxurious you are immediately visible - a real woman!
  17. You are my most expensive gift from life!
  18. Charming, as if the queen from the fairy tale.
  19. This sincere smile drives me crazy.
  20. Mantive, fascinating ... not a wizard, by chance?
  21. Stylish and attractive lady, keep it up!
  22. Light as cloud!
  23. Well-keeped and attractive!
  24. Sweet, like a peach!
  25. Eyes like magnets.
  26. Approaching you, I feel magnetism.
  27. You have a great taste and feeling of style!
  28. Polite and cultural.
  29. Static, as if from the royal family.
  30. Angelskaya
  31. Radiant.
  32. Fascinating.
  33. Stunning.
  34. Unusual.
  35. Creative.
  36. Versatile.
  37. Unpredictable.
  38. Dusty.
  39. Skilled.
  40. Harmonious.
  41. Perfect.
  42. Disparate.
  43. Disinterested.
  44. Touching.
  45. Wonderful.
  46. Bright.
  47. Amazing.
  48. Incendiary.
  49. True.
  50. I like that you are a lady.
  51. You have such versatile interests!
  52. Your jokes are so original!
  53. I can make 1000 madness for you.
  54. You are so open, honest and simple.
  55. You can see unusual in simple things.
  56. Foaming.
  57. Divine.
  58. Coquetty.
  59. Desalted.
  60. Unique.
  61. Impeccable.
  62. Sparkling.
  63. Dreamy.
  64. Shy.
  65. Bashed.
  66. Incendiary.
  67. Playful.
  68. Beloved.
  69. Delightful.
  70. Fabulous.
  71. Diligent.
  72. Neat.
  73. Purposeful.
  74. Prominent.
  75. Unique.
  76. Like with pictures.
  77. Can surprise.
  78. Deficious.
  79. Aware and valid.
  80. Miloid.
  81. Soulful.
  82. Immediate and open.
  83. We can stand out from the gray mass.
  84. I love your subtle manners and royal pupil.
  85. Related.
  86. Frank.
  87. Girl with a highlight.
  88. You have an outstanding, bright appearance.
  89. Unmatched figure.
  90. You are positive and sparkling.
  91. Come on to listen and give a good advice.
  92. Seeing once, you cannot forget.
  93. Sensual.
  94. Extreme.
  95. Generous.
  96. You are the same, about which I think every minute.
  97. You are the most special and indispensable for me.
  98. Have you been the first and only in line for beauty?
  99. I love this playful live light in your eyes!
  100. After seeing you once, calmly sleep will not succeed.

The best compliments of the girl about her beauty in prose

  1. I envy myself that I grabbed such a beauty.
  2. From mom and dad you took the best and turned out to be incomparable!
  3. Before me, everything I dreamed of!
  4. Your appearance is so beautiful that I would write pictures from you if it was an artist.
  5. The look of your beautiful eyes made me forget about what I wanted to say and make.
  6. Perfectionists would have received this satisfaction if they contemplated your beauty.
  7. Unlike many girls, you look wonderful without makeup. Undoubted your natural beauty.
  8. When I look at such a beauty, my heart makes a flip.
  9. With speech everything is fine. Just when I see a cute girl, my tongue begins to pronounce strange sounds.
  10. I can not tear the eye from your figure. It is ideal!
  11. The more I think what should be perfect girl, the more often I remember you.
  12. You're like a goddess that descended from heaven to the ground.
  13. Have you tried to participate in beauty contests? I am sure that I would take a prize.
  14. You are so luxurious that I have in my head ordinary lines Eduge in poetry in your honor.
  15. To surpass you on beauty can except your daughter.

Pleasant compliments to the girl in their own words

  1. In the photo you are beautiful, but it transmits only beauty external. Inside you are more beautiful.
  2. For me, it is already unforgettable that I spend time with a cute and intelligent girl.
  3. Sorry, what "hung", I hear everything you say. I just can't love you.
  4. I learned a lot from you. Excerpt, patience and perseverance.
  5. When we chat with you, it does not exist.
  6. Your fingers are very tender. When you touch me, all the pain goes away.
  7. Do not change anything in yourself, because for me you are ideal.
  8. You understand me like no other, as if you read my thoughts. It drives me crazy!
  9. I like what you know, what you want to achieve in life. You purpose of girlplanning and achieving your own.
  10. Love your ability Understand the man and support the conversation.
  11. I like everything from and to you. From light gait Before the ability to dress, speak and express thoughts to tactful and bold ideas.

The most beautiful compliments of a girl in verse

Mila, unique,
Mantha, playful,
You fairy, I know exactly me,
I hope you are mine.

In the eyes of the fire, in the shower - good,
In the arms of your warmth,
Charming, charming,
With you very interesting.

Your eyes and languid look
I always sit for you.

In compliments, I am not a master
But I want to tell you -
You are Divinely beautiful
It seems that I am in a dream.

There are no beautiful in the world,
For a long time it is not a secret.
I think we are on the way
The other is definitely not found.

Very gentle and beautiful compliments to your girlfriend to tears

  1. I didn't dream about such a girl. After all, compared with the reality of the dreams were insignificant.
  2. You know why I am the most happy man? I have you!
  3. Only with you I can be for those who I really are. Do not breathe and pretending.
  4. I thought there were only smart or only beautiful. You have proven on your example that in one person can be combined with both.
  5. We must thank your parents for what they have created a real miracle - you.
  6. When men turn around and see you with gaze, I'm not jealous. I am proud that you are with me!
  7. When I saw you, I realized that natural beauty May be amazing and beautiful.
  8. Next to you I managed to feel myself a real man.
  9. Your gentle and slightly cunning look made the heart of raging, and my hands tremble.
  10. I treat you too thrill, because you woke up in me the desire to protect and protect.
  11. Though you are a fragile girl, but quickly send to the knockout with your gaze.
  12. Wise women who are correctly aroused by life priorities, little. But I found it.
  13. Fell in love at first sight. I was afraid that appearance was deceptive. You proved that I was afraid of vain.
  14. I feel completely in your power. Well, even if it is a pleasant slavery.

Unusual compliments to the girl to the photo

  1. When I look at your photo, goosebumps flew around my body. How can you be so beautiful?
  2. You know your photos on all gadgets. Because I can't stop admiring you.
  3. I can not suck your photo, but to communicate live and see you a lot more interesting.
  4. The gamma emotion that you radiate in the photo is charged with energy for the day.
  5. Are you a favorite of God? He gave you unearthly beauty.
  6. Cute, you are very similar to your beautiful mom.
  7. Have you ever seen an angel? I see in the photo.
  8. Let's make a joint photo next time? I boast that I have a photo with supermodel.
  9. I look at your photo and in my stomach dance of the butterflies, in the head - rainbow, in the eyes - happiness. What are you doing with me?
  10. Great photo. You are combined with tenderness and passion, determination and internal equilibrium.

When choosing a compliment does not stand frankly to a person, it is inappropriate. You don't need to lie for the sake of the compliment, because the girl knows his advantages and disadvantages perfectly, so consider you hypocritical. The most spectacular compliment - from the pure heart in your own words. This will show your sincerity, and you will remember the girl for a long time.

I do not know how many women, but I i do not like to receive compliments, especially from unfamiliar or few familiar people. I always have a feeling of insincerity and as if a person from me is needed. When a person pronounces some "intrusive and pleasant", but the beaten phrases in my address is straining. But if a compliment makes a person I know, it does not cause negative emotions, on the contrary fills the positive if the compliment is sincere. And in the case of familiar people, the sincerity of pleasant words is always clear, because you know a person for a long time and studied His communications manner.

I myself also love, different reasons. For example, I have acquaintances - girls and guys - in essence, our sincere open natures, with which it is easy to communicate and talk to them compliments, since they themselves must, sincerely emphasize the detail in me. Others love to praise to bother. My friend is constantly buys something new one of the things, but always doubts whether it goes. By bringing a thing home, she asks my opinion, so even if I don't really like how it looks like it, I say she goes. After all, the purchase has already been done, positive emotions from it are obtained, and they only need to consolidate them. Why frustrating a person ...

But back to the essence of the question, why people do not like to receive compliments. Often this is due to the insecurity. Live in the world of women who are beginning to abandon the compliment to their address, showing awkwardness: "Oh, yes, what are you ..", "Yes, this is an old dress ...", "Yes, I have been going with this haircut ..." Surely, such a rejection of pleasant words goes from childhood, in which parents praised a little daughter, and perhaps more often criticized. Therefore, in adulthood, she is not able to admit that it can look good or perfectly cope with the affairs.

I met people who did not want to hear praise to themselves, because they were afraid that she would smooth them. It seems to me that it is ridiculous, but they are sincerely believe in it. It seems to them that after they began to praise, they immediately appease a lot of failures and trouble. And oddly enough they really happen, but it seems to me, more from the effect of self-sustaining, and not from the compliment received. They are so afraid of someone else's envy that they are ready to look worse, work less, all forces to make the impression of unfortunate people, etc. Probably these people often faced intrigues or betrayal, so life taught them all possible methods Avoid envious compliments.

In any of these cases, when compliments call us an alarm, awkwardness or irritation, it is possible to recommend only one thing: refers to "pleasant words" as just words: "You were told, you forgot and continued the day further." Most often these words, just words that do not oblige to anything, well, except to say the response "thank you." To learn to take compliments with confidence, you can start making them other people. But it is desirable to start not from the person of a person, but with more general advantages. For example, emphasize the color of the costume or praise for good work. Starting to make compliments, you immediately recognize the reaction of other people on them and you can see yourself from the side, and adjust your ability to take praise.

Look next video And you will feel the power of compliments))

It is worth only to put in contact with AVU itself, and not an extraneous picture - immediately under it a bunch of splashes from girlfriends: "Ah, beauty!", "Ah, Charm!" Moreover, there is a feeling that put yourself in a nightgown with the remnants of makeup on your face - there will still be compliments. I do not understand this reflex: since you put your photo - you need to infall admirations under it. Damn, I like the photo - just put the "Like" under it, on the fig all this verbal pathos.

Kate McFly., 16/08/12
It seems on the one hand and nice, and it seems that this is just flattery. So inconvenient becomes, it remains only and block in response: "Thank you." I especially do not like compliments about the appearance, Gadenseko becomes so.

Yvette, 10/05/13
Because in most cases it is still anyone who thinks about me. For me, only only your own opinion. If I think myself is bad, then the compliment from someone's sides will only be angry. I do not like it at all when I praise for something. Especially if, in general, nothing for.

Full psych, 10/05/13
Because after compliments, the girl cannot cope with their own superiority with their sense of their own superiority, begin to be accredited. Therefore, I say compliments to girls very rarely, and only with a coach, sarcasm, so that it does not look seriously - so even better it turns out. And laughter, and the ChSV does not raise.

gais., 27/09/13
It is said that compliments do not like people with low self-esteem. Yes, I don't care, in principle. I still annoys me when I tell me some kind of heresy. As if I would still have for it

Dasy, 15/01/14
Compliment. "By you beautiful eyes"," Three look good today. "," Beautiful blouse! ". I do not like when I set marks, as in school. If it were later, it was from the first person:" I like your eyes, "you can, if the situation has. I do not like estimates. The most powerful stimulus -Fraza "look good." The fact that someone puts me a "good mark" for the appearance is very pleasant. But listening to this no strength. When will it not really look like? Clear. * If I really want to say something pleasant, it is better to chat about trifles on a positive, or a joke tell. There are of course pleasant compliments. But it is rare. Therefore, better without them.

kover vertolet., 08/02/14
I hate compliments twice. The first time for the fact that since childhood I can not and I do not know how to take them, it seems to me that at this moment other people who do not do them, envy me, or they are sad that they do not make compliments, or they are angry with me The thread is bad desire. In my opinion, it is better to do without flattering in your address than to endure. For the second time, why I hate them, it is because people often suggest nice words and praise. Throw your photos, photos of your works, some poems, maybe something else, and they are confident that they will praise. And I have to lie in order not to offend these M..chudakov. I hate to lie, it seems to me that everything is written on my face. And to say honestly, I did not like this or that somehow rudely and hurt.

Agesse, 23/08/14
Of course, you need to admit that every person is enjoyable compliments, especially girls and I am not an exception. But I do not like compliments, because I understand that it is just flattery that a person needs something from me. And besides, there are few people left on Earth, which will say a compliment from the pure heart.

elizavetas., 23/08/14
I do not like them, because I begin to be shy, I don't know how to react as them (it's stupid of course, but what can you do with it?). Yes, and do not believe in all compliments, because often in our time the compliments say just to get something from you, or simply from politeness, for the pro forma.

What kind of similarity, 08/07/15
they cause me some pain. I often hear compliments about your euro but the fact is that the compliments are from the people who are unnecessary to me. A few years ago, I loved the man who did not even want to spit in my direction, and at this time all friends and acquaint me what beautiful and no guy like that? Do not use beauty. Should I be glad to be happy?

Unimmortal, 08/07/15
"Could there be something pretty of Nazareth?" - Maybe not the topic, but for some reason it is this phrase most often comes to me when I hear compliments to my address. Especially those concerning outside and external view. I usually look like a middle floor person, I do not emphasize either the eye, nor the grace of wrists, nor the feet of the feet, and therefore, when someone begins to pour a nightingale with anyone, I feel only bewilderment and annoyance. And absolutely I do not know how to react to such, and most importantly - that I need this lets from me. After all, it can not be that nothing we need, we will be realistic. When my work is praised or some other achievements, I treat it adequately, and appearance ... Appearance is not my horse, and no need to constantly remind me of this, even if it is veiled.

The Pros and Cons, 24/03/16
If someone did not know - so called all sorts of small and not good snacks in restaurants, which you did not order, and bring you. Often, Pts are delicious, but this is some united to be unplanned and not what they choose. Well, before verbal: if I am dissatisfied with my own kind or some other factor - then I am wonderful compliments on his occasion (although the factor for me is new - M.B. also claim somehow). But in general, I no longer like these people and their standards. Yes, and if satisfied - it is not clear why it is. On many topics heard hundreds of times. It is not clear what's next and what they want. If, on the contrary, I reported to me about your antipathy (which is mostly not only in the internet) - it is not clear, why, what's the problem and naku would I need a different. What good and useful would give me the sympathy of those who have nothing good and useful. Really can cause emotions only when for me (or against me) something _deal_.

Incredible facts

Tell a girl: "You are beautiful" can anyone.

Let's be honest - thiscompliment became banal and uninteresting. Hardly attractive girl Does not know about his physical advantages.

Therefore, it is logical that she wants to hear something unusual, infended and completely non-bank.

So, what is nice to hear the fair sex from our lover?

Beautiful woman compliments

1. You are strong

Each smart woman Need a guy who will not immediately notice its strength, because it is not in its physical aspect, but emotional and mental.

She wants such a partner who will appreciate her strong side, I will respect her for this and will not experience fear from the fact that his partner is not a weak doubtful girl, but a true woman.

2. You are smart

When a man notices the mind of a woman, and not just obvious, her beauty, it elevates him in the eyes of a woman.

After all, the fact that he looks at the mind of the girl characterizes him as a deep, smart and not superficial person.

It also means that the guy is really interested in it, and not looking for an adventure for one night.

After all, the beauty is a passing phenomenon, and if the woman is smart, it will be interesting to her after 20 years.

Beautiful compliments beloved

3. You are funny and interesting

Most women value such a compliment.

After all, if it makes a guy laugh, it means that both are on the same wave. The presence of a healthy sense of humor is one of the sexiest qualities, and it is absolutely necessary in a serious relationship.

Unusual compliments

4. You are real

In the world, full of falsehood and something artificial, it is so nice to detect naturalness and naturalness in a woman.

Each girl is nice to hear that it is unique and distinguished from the crowd. And when it also notices the guy, it is especially nice.

5. You are captive

Such a compliment sounds advantageous than just to say: "You are beautiful" or "you are sexy." Any friend of lovely sex will appreciate it.

Woman is much more pleasant to hear the phrase less banal than the establishment of the fact of her beauty.

Nebanal compliments

6. You inspired me to something

Any girlfriend is nice to realize that she inspires young man on something ambitious.

Therefore, there is no better compliment than telling her that she inspires that thanks to her, he becomes better and achieves success.

Even if its contribution to his success was not so significant physically or financially, its support and the words of encouragement make the guy feel motivated and implement their dream.

Therefore, it is worth saying this girl.

Girl's best compliments

7. You have unmatched (here it is worth inserting part of her body, which most of all excites you)

Of course, it is always nice to remind the girl that she is beautiful.

But if you just say "you are beautiful," it may seem too banal. However, if you note that part of the body that especially likes, it will certainly appreciate such a compliment.

Tell her that she is insane soft hair, or am surprisingly thin wrist, or she has unusual form Lips that drives crazy.

The best compliments

8. Next to you I can be myself

Perhaps this is one of best compliments For any girl. Hear something like this wants every.

After all, this means that he feels comfortable next to her. He can entrust her the most intimate thoughts and deep feelings.

Such a compliment is a sign of proximity and trust.

Cute compliments

9. You are important to me

The guy who tells the girl that she is important for him, probably in love for real.

To be significant for someone much more important than just to be beautiful.

This means that the girl brings something very important to the life of a young man, and he undoubtedly appreciates it.

The best compliments of the girl

10. I respect you

If a man respects a woman, it means that he appreciates it and never crosses an unlawful trait.

As a rule, respect is the basis of something very strong.

Strong compliment

11. It is very important for me to listen to your opinion

The guy who is important is the opinion of his partner, really, appreciates and respects it.

Such a compliment suggests that he can trust the girl, to share with it the most important and wants to hear her opinion on this or that matter.

A similar phrase is a huge compliment, it can be a real stimulus for a girl to continue to support his partner.

12. When I'm with you, I am the most happy man in the world

If a young man tells such a girl, it is expensive.

In the world, so many things that make it happy, but if the pastime with her makes him tremble from happiness ... What can still be desired?

This is such a wonderful compliment, because to make someone happy is the greatest gift, and it is far from each.

13. I love your lovely oddities.

Some girls shy their quiet, such as scattered or obsession with stupid things.

But when a man finds these oddities with cute raisins, it is damn nice.

This means that he loves you entirely, appreciates not only your advantages, but also indulgent to cons.

This relationship says about true love Men.

14. You are a stunning friend!

Of course, such a compliment can be considered bicon.

On the one hand, no one wants to be in the notorious Frendzone.

However, if it says a man with whom the girl is already in a relationship, then this indicates that he sees it not only as a mistress or potential future wifeBut also sees the best girlfriend.

15. You are the best girl, which you can wish

Such a phrase will undoubtedly sweep the pride of each girl. This is a real balm for her ego.

Hear it is best Girl In a world that you can wish, anyone wants.

I want to be the best not only in the bedroom, but also in everyday life. Therefore, when the guy talks about this, he makes his woman happy.

This is one of those compliments, which as if says the following: "You suggest me at 100 percent."

16. You are elegant and refined

Be fashionable and stylish can be any woman if she has money.

However, if a man speaks his beloved that she is elegant and exquisite, it means that it stands out against the background of others and has a certain class.

An innate feeling of taste and elegance will elevate you in the eyes of a partner. He will be proud that such a woman is next to him.

This girl is not ashamed to meet friends or lead to corporate and submit to colleagues.

17. You make me the best person

When a man meets a woman who throws him a challenge and shows him what is true loveShe inspires him to become the best person.

So every woman is nice to hear that she had such a huge positive influence At a man that he was able to change.

This actually means that she brought him to new level Self-development.

If a girl gets such a compliment, she can be proud of the most. After all, she managed to do something else.