How to make permanent makeup at home. How to make eye makeup more durable and bright? Three categories of persistent remedies

There is often confusion with the concept of " long-lasting makeup": many people call the procedure that way. permanent makeup when a special organic paint. Such makeup remains on the face in any conditions - after all, the upper layers of the skin are stained, but now we are talking about another type of persistent makeup - the one that is used for the most solemn occasions. It could be a wedding significant event or a holiday when it is necessary that the make-up lasts for a long time and does not lose its durability in any conditions. With such makeup, you can withstand heat and humidity, work hard, move quite actively, and not be afraid that lipstick will smudge or mascara will flow.

Majority well-known manufacturers they assure us that their cosmetics are very resistant, but such assurances are not always true. However, the durability of makeup can be achieved if you know some of the rules for applying it, and also use the “right” means. Many women, at the mention of long-lasting makeup, begin to think of waterproof cosmetics: this known way- so you can maintain the brightness of the appearance for a long time, and in almost any conditions.

But such cosmetics are not very useful. And it’s not even safe: it clogs pores, the skin stops breathing, and rashes and others may appear. allergic reactions. Therefore, it should be used as little as possible, and only in certain situations: for example, if you absolutely need to "shine in all its glory" on the beach or in the pool, or arrange a stunning photo shoot in the rain. But here you also need to know that, having decided on a similar experiment with your skin, you can fail: waterproof cosmetics are not afraid of water, but do not tolerate fat - those who have oily skinshould be on their guard.

Permanent makeup without waterproof cosmetics: some rules

The rules are simple, but it takes a little more time to comply with them than usual. You should not consider this time wasted: it is better to give yourself a little attention than to be upset later because of early skin aging, or to treat skin problems expensive means.

Many experts recommend taking a closer look at Long Lasting products: these two English words, in general, mean about the same thing - “long-term, long-term, long-term, long-term”, etc. These products contain ingredients that allow cosmetics to adhere well to the skin, and make-up lasts much longer.

Sebum interferes with any cosmetics - it can dissolve it, so the skin must be moisturized before makeup, and the eyelids should be lightly powdered. Eye shadow will last longer and look brighter when applied with a damp brush.

And in order for the pigments to better fix on the skin, it is applied to a cleansed and moisturized face. light cream-gel - the basis for makeup: this is also necessary in order for the surface of the skin to become smoother and of the same color. You can cleanse your face with a tonic or lotion; then apply a non-greasy moisturizer, and after 15-20 minutes, gently remove its excess with a napkin.

The basis must be selected according to the type of skin, like any cosmetics: there is different types make-up bases - with silicone, with reflective particles, fluid - light and quickly absorbed, etc. In order for the base to penetrate into the pores, after applying it, you must immediately, for several minutes, put a damp soft napkin or towel on your face, and only then apply loose powder or tone cream.

As a rule, for the skin around the eyes you have to use a special corrector (concealer), and this is also a whole science. Let's talk about some aspects of its use briefly. Solid corrector suitable only for young girls, and in older women, mimic wrinkles stand out more sharply because of it. Don't use corrector yellow color, otherwise the bluish "circles" under the eyes will turn into green. peach shades here they are more suitable: they mask dark areas well, but they must be used correctly so as not to get Orange color. There are also correctors for acne masking: they include anti-inflammatory components. On areas treated with a corrector, it is recommended to apply powder of a lighter shade.

Mascara is still better to use waterproof - especially if the eyes are often watery.

Correctly doing eyebrow makeup is not as easy as it might seem. Not all women even know how to choose a color. Of course, brunettes are easier - they usually choose between black and dark brown, but blondes need to be more careful: too dark eyebrows in combination with blond hair, they look unnatural, but chocolate, gray, light brown or dark beige shades can be used - it’s good if the eyebrows are a tone darker than the hair, but there are no strict rules in this sense. different shades brown with a slight tint of red will suit red-haired women.

The durability of lip makeup depends not only on the type of lipstick, but also on how it is applied. There are a lot of long-lasting lipsticks in stores today, but they often dry out the skin of the lips, so if you wish, you can do without them, or use them less often. First, it is better to apply a moisturizing balm to the lips so that the skin becomes soft, and then a lipstick base (although foundation is also suitable), and a little regular powder. Then the lips are outlined with a pencil, painted with lipstick - it is good to use a brush - and blotted with a napkin.

And you can also paint your lips according to this scheme: first apply a little lipstick thin layer, shade this layer with a lip pencil, and apply lipstick on top, as usual. A special light cream is also suitable - the base for lipstick: it will last much longer, and the lips will look brighter.

What should be cosmetics to create a lasting makeup

If you need to do persistent makeup quite often, it is better to choose special cosmetics - one in which there are more coloring pigments than in ordinary ones. So the color lasts longer, but for those who do not like brightness, this may not be suitable. In any case, it is worth knowing that powdered products are less resistant than creams, mousses and gels. For example, it is better to choose liquid blush if you do not have oily skin; in the latter case, blush in the form of powder, loose or compact, is suitable. No matter how persistent the makeup is, the face will still sweat - especially at "active" events or in hot weather, and sebum will also stand out. You can gently blot your face with a paper cosmetic tissue, lightly powder sweaty areas loose powder, but it is better to use thermal water. Make-up will be refreshed and become brighter, and sweat will disappear; after spraying the face, it is better to wait until the moisture dries itself. In general, you need to use thermal water as often as possible: then, even after a busy day, your makeup will look fresh and bright.

One makeup artist told WH an interesting story. His close friend passed with wedding makeup four whole days. As you see, modern cosmetics can stay on the skin for a long time.

The softer the texture of the lipstick, the less resistant it is and the less saturated its color.

However, if something like “16 hours of durability” or “24 hours” is written on the packaging of the foundation, you should know that the manufacturers tell you the best test result, not the average one.

Three categories of persistent remedies

We are all different. Someone touches their face throughout the day, others do not have such a habit; you apply the tone in all the rules, and your sister - never. All this affects the durability of cosmetics. And if you want to make a good lasting makeup, choose one of two ways to achieve your goal: buy special cosmetics or use the advice of WH. So, there are three categories of persistent funds:

  1. Waterproof (in translation from English - “waterproof”). This cosmetic repels water from the outside. Mascara - perhaps the most famous product in this category. It is especially popular in summer, at the height of beach season, and in winter, when sleet and strives to ruin makeup. However, this does not mean that it is not easy to find shadows or foundations with the Waterproof label - they are presented on the market in abundance.
  2. Long Lasting (in translation from English - “long-term”). These products contain many colorants, but durability is achieved not only due to quantity: the pigments are highly crushed to better “sit down” on the skin, and are held together with liquid silicone oils. But do not be afraid, this is generally one of the most harmless components actively used in decorative cosmetics today. The result is this: products of the Long Lasting category are durable and bright rich color. Keep in mind that the more pigments in the same lipstick, the more difficult it is to apply it perfectly evenly.
  3. Water Resistant (translated from English - “water resistant”). The “jars” on which you will find this phrase are resistant to the moisture that human body, - simply put, to sweat. In the summer, makeup artists recommend that everyone switch to such cosmetics. Well, remember for the future: it is almost indispensable for women during menopause.

Make long lasting lipstick!

Makeup artist Bobby Brown tells you how to make long-lasting lipstick out of regular lipstick:

  1. Get a pencil that matches your lip color.
  2. Draw an outline for them, and then completely shade the lips.
  3. Apply lipstick in a thin layer.
  4. Run the pencil over the entire surface of the lips again to create a protective wax layer.
  5. Gliding movements with light pressure, rub the lipstick with the pads of your fingers.
  6. Lipstick will become even more resistant if you apply a little powder or blush on top of it.

waterproof eyeliner Twist (02 black) from seventeen waterproof mascara Phenomen "eyes (1) from Givenchy long-lasting cream-powder double Wear Light (intensity 3.0) from Estée Lauder

Why are cosmetics so durable?

Each pigment that is part of Waterproof and Water Resistant products is treated with either silicone or amino acids. This is done so that it acquires a spherical shape - this way the color “attaches” to the skin better and, accordingly, lasts longer. The technology is good because such a tool will not exfoliate, even if you decide to apply the tone very tightly. And it will not oxidize - that is, change the shade during the day.

It is believed that the first waterproof eye product was mascara, invented by Elena Rubinstein herself. She created it for the dancers of the water ballet troupe.

Instead of long-term funds

What to do if in this moment You don’t have this most persistent cosmetics at hand? There are several ways to remedy the situation. Here is some of them:

  • Before painting, degrease the skin - including the eyelids. Cosmetics in contact with secretions sebaceous glands starts to fade and dissolve.
  • Apply shadow with a damp applicator. They say they last longer. And even if this does not affect their durability, water will make the color brighter anyway. Which is also good.
  • Don't forget the make-up base. And know that it will never be replaced by a mattifying care product. These are two different products. If you stumble upon an eye primer in the store, don't be tempted. Just apply a base that covers the entire face. These products have the same principle of action.
  • Relatively recently, sprays appeared on the market - make-up fixatives (Make Up has a wonderful Forever– Mist & Fix). Not to be confused with thermal water. The thing is really useful: it reduces the fat content of the skin and “keeps” cosmetics on it. Apply this spray all over your face when your make-up is ready.

How to remove persistent makeup?

To do this without problems, you need a product containing oil. The first thing that comes to mind is a two-phase liquid. Yes, it will fit perfectly. And yet, the opinion that long-wearing cosmetics are best removed by such products is, for the most part, a marketing trick.

Today, almost all make-up removers are enriched with "caring" components - including oils. The more of them in the product, the faster it will erase the war paint from the face. Our advice: choose "washers" from makeup brands, because they themselves produce long-lasting cosmetics of all colors and calibers and know how to good sense, get rid of.

Are permanent cosmetics harmful?

When waterproof cosmetics first appeared on Russian market, she got it a lot: many were afraid of new formulas because of the feeling of skin tightness. Yes, indeed, this problem existed before. After all, the stability of the formula is ensured by the addition of components that evaporate when it comes into contact with the skin: this is how the colored ingredients “cling” to the epidermis better. The result is a tightening effect.

Fortunately, some genius came up with the idea to enrich the composition of products with moisturizing ingredients. The principle of operation has remained the same, but now not a single foundation will cause inconvenience. And further. Some people still believe that some mascaras or shadows (especially waterproof ones) cause conjunctivitis. Answer yourself honestly: how long have you washed your makeup bag, how often do you wash your brushes and sponges, do you have all the pencils for eyes, lips and eyebrows in caps? And then blame the manufacturers.

Choose a persistent tone

  1. If you have oily skin, look for foundations like Water Resistant. The secretions of the sebaceous glands are also moisture. Be prepared for the fact that you will use up your tube of foundation much faster than a friend who has dry skin. The oily type has a higher absorbency because the structure is porous. And if the skin “requests” several servings of foundation at once, this is normal, do not be greedy.
  2. Do you want to get a denser coverage and carefully mask imperfections? Take the tone that says Foundation (aka fluid). If you have so smooth skin buy emulsions. They contain water and oil, so the coating is translucent, and the texture is lighter.
  3. The Oil-Free marking on foundation does not mean that the foundation contains no oils at all. It does not contain mineral species that prohibit the use of some, including Russian, laws.

Mask imperfections for a long time

In case you need to hide a tattoo or a scar, cosmetics manufacturers have special products in store: masking creams with maximum overlapping properties. They contain great amount pigments, and they have a rather thick texture.

You can use them to tone your face or just the problem area. And you can also stand in the shower for an hour or walk in the rain, and nothing bad will happen. What is the name of such a miracle, you ask. The answer is Full Cover by Make Up For Ever or Dermablend by Vichy.

Foundation brush Infaillible (220 “sand”) from L "Oréal Paris Foundation Fluid for face and body Face&body (20) from Make Up For Ever Compact cream-powder Diorskin forever compact (020 light beige) from Dior

Have you ever spent eternity putting on makeup in the morning and then coming home later in the day to see smudged eyes and foundation smudges, or dry skin and dots reappearing? WikiHow will help you get wonderful, flawless look skin that lasts all day! Just a few simple changes in creating makeup will help your beautiful appearance last much longer.


Face preparation

    Wash your face. Wash away the dirt sebum and old makeup which will help your fresh makeup last much longer. If we put fresh makeup on a dirty face, then, as a rule, it will either rub off or peel off.

    • Wash your face in the morning before applying makeup.
    • Don't use harsh soap on your face. This can cause irritation and dryness that will make your makeup not last long.
  1. Cleanse your skin several times a week. Dead skin tends to accumulate on the face, especially as we age, so you need to cleanse the skin several times a week to remove it. Applying makeup to dead skin will cause it to peel off during the day. Your makeup will look, feel and perform best on a smooth, cleansed face.

    • You can use a facial brush to lightly scrape dead skin off your face. Rub your face in a circular motion, never apply too much pressure.
    • Home sugar scrub also works well as a mild exfoliant.
    • Don't forget your lips! They should not peel off so that the lipstick stays on them better.
  2. Hydration. For oily skin buy not an oil or moisturizer, but for dry skin, buy a more nourishing one. Make sure your moisturizer has at least SPF 15 to protect your skin from the sun, or a separate sunscreen with SPF 45 if you live in a sunny area. If you are older, you can use an anti-wrinkle moisturizer.

    Apply face foundation. Apply a thin layer good foundation to make your makeup last all day long. Some primers can be very expensive, but you don't have to use a large number of to get a good result. Apply foundation all over your face, especially red or oily spots, and any blemishes you want to hide.

    Use an eye base. This will help the shadows last longer and prevent creases on the eyelids. It also makes colors brighter and less transparent. You can also use a liquid concealer for this.

    • If you don't use a lot of makeup, you may not need an eye base. However, it can really help if your eye makeup tends to smudge and end up under your eyes.
    • Eyeliner can also help your eyeliner stay in place.
  3. Use waterproof mascara. Waterproof or smudge-proof means that the mascara works well, keeping the eyes fresh all day long. Waterproof mascara won't bleed if you get wet or cry. Just make sure you don't sleep with it as it will damage and cause your lashes to fall out.

    • Don't waste your money on mascara foundation. The mascara base will lower your lashes, making them look shorter.

Hold in place

  1. Take your time putting on makeup. Putting on makeup in the morning and popping out the door won't allow time for the makeup to settle. After each coat you apply, wait five minutes before applying the next. This will go a long way in helping your makeup stay on all day.

    Avoid touching your face throughout the day. Every time you touch your face, you remove some makeup and increase its chances of becoming fuzzy. Avoid touching your face as much as possible.

    Paint less in the summer. When it's hot outside, don't wear a ton of makeup. a good idea. This will make you sweat and your makeup will come off much easier on its own. The best thing to do is to apply waterproof eye makeup and reduce the amount of foundation, rather than struggle with maintaining makeup throughout the day.

    Wear your hair tied up. Having hair in front of your face all day long is the right way wipe off makeup a little faster. When you need to keep your makeup on all day long, pull your hair up.

  • If you're wearing eyeliner, you can use a light brown shadow over your eyeliner to keep it in place. You can do this with any eyeshadow/pencil color.
  • If you don't like a foundation brush, use a sponge. This method is cheaper for applying foundation or toning moisturizer. Wet the sponge first so it doesn't soak up a lot of your makeup. Use downward movements to reach best results. Make sure you capture all pores for an even look.
  • Take a spray bottle and pour water into it. Spray water onto the eyeshadow brush. This will make the shadows brighter and more persistent. Don't spray too much water as this can ruin your shadows.
  • Invest in primer and foundation.
  • Use a lip base before applying lipstick to prevent smudging and improve results.
  • Use the foundation on the eyes. If you don't have an eyeshadow base, you can just use a skin-colored cream. Apply it on the eyelids before applying eyeshadow to improve the hold. This will help your shadows look much better!
  • As an alternative to expensive eye primers, use a clear, flavorless lip balm/ hygienic lipstick and swipe her eyelids. This works just as well.
  • Do not apply eye shadow on normal dry eyelids. There will be no eye shadow left, and they will immediately crumble.
  • Don't rip off the ink! This can lead to breakage and loss of eyelashes. Instead, use makeup removers or wipes.
  • Use a foundation brush to apply moisturizer and then foundation with the same brush to prevent light spots, stripes along the edge of the face and on the jawbone. Remember to apply consistently and where you don't like it the most. Also, due to moisture, your foundation won't soak into your face, leaving it visible for longer.
  • Apply moisturizer to your face, then brush on powder and blush, and it will last all day.


  • Be careful if you use sprays over make-up, as they tend to sting in sensitive areas of your face, such as under your nose. Therefore, place it at a distance, and then click, or select a well-known brand.

A date, a business dinner, a night out with friends, or even a normal day at work all require you to look amazing. Clothing and accessories are all part of the outfit, but it's your eyes that draw everyone's attention. Not for nothing, many stylists say: “ You're not dressed until you've done your makeup". When something happens between you and your interlocutor eye contact you must leave an unforgettable first impression. Therefore, a beautiful eye make-up requires special attention. You have to use the liner and eye shadow correctly to accentuate your look.

Once you finish your make-up, you will turn into a diva. Going out into the street, the attention of others will involuntarily be riveted to you. But, as the day or night approaches, your makeup will start to wear off, and by the time the walk/date/work day comes to an end, you will look like a character from a horror movie, and your makeup will be smeared all over your face. . It's a scary sight, especially when the eyeliner decides to walk all over the rest of your face, leaving you no choice but to wash your face immediately.

So what to do? Stop wearing eye makeup? No, of course not. Then you will look bored and people will wonder if you are sick. Eye makeup is a must, but learn how to do it right so that it stays "fresh" for as long as possible. Here are 7 ways to help you achieve this.

  1. primer

A primer is a gift from above, especially when we talk about eye makeup. Sometimes, going out night walk, I picked out shadows in a random shade, used my fingers to smear them on my eyelids, hurriedly applied eyeliner, and raced, afraid of being late. Now, remembering how those evenings ended, I understand that being late is more acceptable than looking like a panda. If you want your eye makeup to last as long as possible, make sure to apply a primer to your eyelids before you start anything else. Remember, PRIMER first. Good?

  1. Waterproof makeup

When it comes to eye makeup, waterproof is your thing. best friend. Waterproof makeup is the best investment you can make. Obviously, you don't need to maniacally choose every element of your cosmetic bag with a water-repellent component, but waterproof makeup the eye will not leak even after many hours. You won't have to worry about smearing your mascara and eyeliner every time you yawn or sneeze. The only thing that can make a make-up leak is your tears. However, the girl should not cry! Except when you get a sweet surprise from a special person? You should be ready to shed some happy tears, right?

  1. Mattifying Powder

It is like a piece of garnish in cooking, which makes the dish tastier. Once you're done with your eye shadow, apply some translucent matte powder to even out the tone. This way, even if you accidentally touch your eyelid, you won't have to worry about a print of color that might end up on your forehead or nose, giving you that clown look. Get some matte eye shadow so you don't have to worry about your eye shadow showing up in inappropriate places.

  1. "No" to moisturizing base

It is always very important to keep your skin sufficiently hydrated, but this does not apply to the areas around the eyes when you are doing makeup. Moisturizing the skin before eye makeup will have disastrous consequences. Your mascara and shadow will smudge and run. You don't want that, do you?

  1. Gel eyeliner

If you want to flaunt your beautiful eyes, you'd better outline them and outline them with eyeliner. I'm not asking you to avoid this step, but you can use gel eyeliner not only to contour your eyes and brows, but also as a base for your eyeshadow. You heard right! Apply your gel eyeliner to the eyelid, smearing it with your fingers. Then, apply eyeshadow on top. This will give you a better grip on the shadow and help make your makeup last longer.

  1. Cream eye shadow

No, wait. Powder shadows are good. But in order for your eye shadow to look neat and beautiful for as long as possible, you should opt for cream-based eye shadow. Not only are they easier to manage and use, the effect of their use lasts much longer than regular powder eyeshadows. However, if you still insist on using powders, you can use cream eyeshadows as a base and powder paint over it.

  1. wet brush

When you talk about smearing eye makeup, water will sound like worst idea. However, sorry to disappoint you, it's actually not the worst. In fact, if you want your eye makeup to last longer, spray some water on your makeup brush and then use it to apply eye shadow. This helps the powder adhere to your eyelid while the excess stays on the brush itself, preventing you from the unwanted splatters that artificial eyelids end up giving you. dark circles.

Thanks to these little tricks, now you can educate your girlfriends on how to make permanent eye makeup. To do this, you just need to know a few tricks that make the make-up process a breeze, and in the end, you will have the most durable makeup on the hottest summer day!

Very often, women spend about an hour creating their flawless makeup. However, what a shame to find out in the middle of the working day that the mascara was crumpled, the blush was sprinkled, the foundation was applied in stripes, and there was not a trace of lipstick left. How to do the right makeup at home? And what can I do to make it last longer than usual?

We do the right makeup at home - the main stages

First of all, you need to prepare the skin of the face. It must first be cleaned with a special lotion or tonic. Then apply a moisturizer, the excess of which is blotted with a napkin. But the cream should not be very greasy.

After 20 minutes, when the cream is completely absorbed into the skin, it will be possible to apply a make-up base, which will make the skin more even and smooth, allowing you to correct minor imperfections. The foundation should be selected with a lighter texture and applied with a sponge or sponge. Professional makeup artists to fix the effect of resistance, blot the skin wet wipe after applying the foundation, which allows it to penetrate more deeply into the layers of the skin.

The area around the eyes is retouched with a corrector by selecting problem areas, especially dark circles and .

All this is fixed with a small layer of powder, it is better to use loose powder. The face can also be powdered a little during the day, especially if you touch it often.

Another secret to long-lasting makeup is thermal water. Spray a little on your face and powder as needed.

For, in such cases, it is better to choose waterproof mascara, especially if you have an important event ahead of you.

Before applying shadows better eyelid lightly powder, so the shadows will last longer and not gather between the folds of the skin, which often happens if you apply foundation before the shadows. The cream is greasy and does not allow you to apply shadows evenly. There are also special emulsions that are pre-applied under the shadows.

When choosing a blush, you should pay attention to your skin type, as liquid blush is more moisture resistant, but not suitable. fat type skin.
If you are using liquid eyeliner or a pencil, then for a more resistant make-up it is better to take eyeliner, but it is better to use it in evening make-up.

Shops are now offering big choice resistant lipsticks, however, they make the skin of the lips drier, to avoid this, you can use the usual one, adhering to easy rules. In order for lipstick to apply evenly and last all day, lips should be exfoliated once a week to exfoliate unwanted particles. Makeup artists advise using special brushes for applying lipstick. After applying the first layer, the lips should be blotted with a napkin, and apply the second layer. Also, for a more lasting effect, before applying lipstick, lips can be lightly powdered.

It is better to do with a special pencil than with dry shadows, especially in wet weather.

To date, manufacturers produce a lot of products with the effect of "persistence", these are lipsticks, and various waterproof mascaras. The use of such cosmetics is very convenient and makes the process of applying makeup faster. However, you should not use such cosmetics often, as dermatologists believe that the skin under it does not breathe.

The use of all methods for applying resistant and proper makeup very practical and comfortable. No need to repaint during the day and wear a cosmetic bag with numerous tubes. This is especially true in wet, frozen weather, when raindrops flow from the trees. And your face will remain flawless.