Daniel Gowman is an emotional intelligence. Daniel Gowman "Emotional Intellect

Every week H & F reads one business book and chooses interesting passages out of it. This time we read the book of the American psychologist Daniel Gowman, dedicated to the problem of using emotional intelligence in business. In 500-page work, Gowman proves that high Intelligence And professional skills are not enough to be a truly good leader. This requires an emotional intelligence that helps to listen to your inner voice. We chose several useful Soviets How to develop it.

Emotional intellect Determines how much we are able to assimilate practical skills that are based on five components: self-awareness, motivation, self-regulation, empathy and Art maintaining relations. Our emotional competence shows how fully we transformed this potential in the ability necessary at work. For example, the ability to maintain customers is an emotional competence based on empathy. Similarly, reliability is the competence, which is based on self-regulation or the ability to fully cope with its motives and emotions.

Special important role Emotional competence plays in leadership - quality, the essence of which lies in the ability to make other people perform their work more efficiently. The inability of leaders to maintain interpersonal relationship Reduces the productivity of all participants in the group. It leads to a vain spending time, creates a conflict atmosphere, undermines the motivation and commitment to work, provokes hostility and indifference.

The measure of force or weakness of the emotional competence of the leader is the degree of ability to maximize the talents of the people with which he leads. Owning a situation associated with the manifestation of emotions requires the ability to settle conflicts: the ability to quickly inspire confidence, to achieve mutual understanding, listen carefully, to convince and inclined the interlocutor to adopt the Council. You need such abilities as self-awareness, an understanding of the point of view of other people, the feeling of presence. And then at the table of negotiations you will be the person who is all willing to trust.

Take an example from the best

A certain differences are clearly traced between successful leaders and unsuccessful.

Self Control: Insolvents poorly coped with difficulty situations, easily succumbed to the change of mood and were prone to flashes of anger. Lucky, on the contrary, with any stresses perfectly owned by themselves, remaining calm, confident in themselves and also reliable in the most critical moments.

Compelling: A group of insolvent reacted to criticism or failure to move to defense, starting to unlock, unscrew or blame others. Successful, taking responsibility, recognized their own mistakes and failures, made some actions to solve problems. They always walked forward, not focused on their misses.

Reliability: Losers, as a rule, were excessively ambitious and did not shy to break forward at the expense of others. Lucky differed exceptional honesty, showed a non-saturated care for the needs of their subordinates and colleagues, were diligently taken for the execution of an urgent task. And given to all this, explicit preference, instead of any way to impress his boss.

Social skills: Losers lack empathy and sensitivity, so they were more often sharp or unceremonious, inspiring fear subordinate. And although if necessary, they knew how to position the interlocutors to themselves, demonstrating the concerns of others, it was obvious that the charm for them is only a means to manipulate others. Lucky was not to occupy empathy and sensitivity, they showed tact and attention, plunging into the affairs of other people, whether chiefs or subordinates.

Establishing connections And the use of dislike people as a means to achieve the goal: Inadvenousness and manipulative behavior of the behavior of the group of losers turned into the inability to create a reliable system of relations between mutually beneficial cooperation. Lucky, better understanding the value of eradicate, capable of getting a variety of people.

Develop intuition

The heads of lending departments should predict possible deterioration Affairs, even if with numbers until everything is in perfect order. Administrators have to decide in advance whether new products The cost of time and means necessary for its development.

Bosses should be able to weighingly approaching who from candidates for a particular position in their warehouse character will best fit into working Group. This kind of situation requires the ability to include in the decision-making process an intuitive feeling in search of a response to the question that is right and what is not.

Lucky leaders were characterized by honesty, showed care for the needs of their subordinates and colleagues

Intuition and interior sense indicate the ability to perceive signals emanating from the internal repository of emotional memory - its own source of wisdom and prudence of a person. This ability constitutes the true essence of self-awareness. Emotional awareness begins with setting up the feeling of feelings that is constantly present in each of us. From that moment on, we recognize such emotions the ability to form what perceive what we think and what we do.

This awareness helps to understand that our feelings affect those with whom we are dealing with. Financial consultants it becomes clear that their own emotions in communicating with customers can shut down on them, leading to the best or worse.

Set aside

Our feelings are always with us, but we almost do not listen to them. As a rule, we learn about our emotions, only when they grow up and finally come out from under control. But if we are attentive, we can feel them on thinner levels long before the moment they will manifest with such force.

Emotions have its own program and schedule. But in our turmoil life they are neither place nor airtal time - and therefore they go underground. All this intense mental mental activity dries more quiet inner voicewhich offers to be guided by resources internal confidencecapable of keeping us afloat in the ocean of life.

But self-awareness can be cultivated. Edward McKreken, former cEO Silicon Graphics, said: "In our industry, it is very often happening that there is no time for thinking at all. You have to do all the preliminary work, and then you must rely on intuition, without allowing reason to interfere in this process. " How did McKrekken manage to learn how to use his intuition? He indulged in reflections on this daily for 10 years.

Its approach can be called sanctified centuries to hear his own inner voice - deeply hidden, barely caught: I interrupt to "do nothing." Useful "Lurence" is not a banal opportunity to see from work. This valuable ability to stop killing time, squandering his back, let's say, sitting at the TV or, which is even worse, doing some kind of job under the accompaniment of the working TV. It is just necessary to postpone all other species of purposeful activities for a while and to work out that it will reveal our consciousness for a deeper and quiet perception.

Learn to adapt

Many managers are not easy to adapt to a new trend - spraying responsibility and the decision-making process on the organization as a whole. Therefore, if in our days and there is some kind of demanded competence, so it is, of course, adaptability.

Champions in this area are enjoyable change and rejoice in innovations. They are susceptible to new information and can abandon old ideas, adapting in a similar way to how they act further. They fully get along with a feeling of anxiety, which often causes everything new or unknown, and are ready to risk, moving to new methods of activity.

Adaptability requires flexibility to be able to take into account different points view by this situation. And flexibility, in turn, is directly related to emotional force, that is, the ability to feel comfortable in conditions of uncertainty and keep calm when meeting with surprises. Another competence, which lies at the heart of adaptability, is self-confidence, and such conviction helps a person quickly reconfigure his responses, unconditionally throwing everything in a situation when reality changes.

Do not be afraid of an adventure

The emotional incentive of innovator to action is the desire to find pleasure in novelty. People with such professional skill are able to quickly identify key tasks and simplify the problems that sometimes seem extremely difficult. They are able to find original connections and schemes to which others usually do not pay attention.

The deficit of this competence can mean something more than a simple lack of imagination. People who have a risk of discomfort turn into critics and negatives. Caution, occupying a defensive position, they can constantly make fun or undermine advanced ideas.

in the field of private entrepreneurship, too much restraint foreshadows failure

The creative mind by nature is slightly undisciplined. There is natural tensions between organized self-control and the desire for innovation. Not really creative people They did not owe emotions at all ... no, it will be more correct to say that they willingly succumb to the most different gusts and make more actions than nature, less prone to adventurism. In the end, it is precisely this that gives rise to new opportunities. Self-control in the sense of compliance with the rules foreshadows outstanding results to large organizations, especially where the bureaucratic approach is welcomed proper execution duties. But in the field of private entrepreneurship or in creative professions Such an advertising business is too big restraint foreshadow.

Develop the skill of emotional presence

Emotionally present at work, people are filled with attention and completely absorbed in their work - and therefore they work, without sparing forces. They fully implement their creative ideas, energy and intuitive ideas in the name of the common good. The surrounding perceive them as people accessible to dialogue and passionate about their work.

Opposite position - psychological absence - Too well known for the example of those people who perform their routine work mechanically, with an obvious boredom or somehow apart. In some sense, they are quite possible, and did not find themselves in their profession.

The presence requires from a person to "hesitated him, so that it was discovered, and not closed from others," said William Kan, psychologist of the Faculty of Management of the University of Boston. Similar presence is chief Attribut Inspiration flow: full attention or immersion in the direct task directly.

On the contrary, the enemies of the presence (and the stream of inspiration) are two-dimensional ailments - apathy and anxiety. Fully present in a particular situation, we are more configured to the people around us and on the requirement of the moment, and therefore easily adapt to these requirements, in other words - we fall into the jet. We can be attentive, funny or self-critic, freely using any ability or skill that we need at the moment.

Daniel Gowman's name is usually associated with the criticism of a traditional look at IQ (intelligence coefficient). He summarized the study on the work of the brain and used them to promote and promoting the concept of emotional intelligence (EI).

In the work "Emotional Intellect at Work" (1998), Daniel Gowman defined emotional intelligence as the ability to understand his feelings and feelings of other people, motivate herself and manage emotions in relations with themselves and other people.

Daniel Gowman was born in 1946. He graduated from Harvard and there he also received a doctoral degree in psychology. His bestseller "Emotional Intellect" (ACT, 2008) was published in 1995, and after him, in 1998, the work was followed by "emotional intelligence at work". Gowlman also for a long time wrote articles on psychology for NEW YORK. Times.

Currently, the President of Emotional Intelligence Services in Sudbery, Massachusetts, which in the Union with Hay Group offers developing courses and evaluating emotional intelligence. Daniel Gullman is the co-chairman of the company for the study of emotional intelligence at the University of Rutgers. The interest of Gullman to Ei became a consequence of understanding that high IQ is not required condition Success in life.

Daniel Gowman indicates the relationship of the business grip and EI. In the second work, he allocated 25 EI competencies, or damn external behavior And analyzed how EI affects success and failure.

The main ideas of Daniel Gowman

Emotional intelligence and brain. In the "emotional intelligence", Gowman talks about the meaning of the evolution of the brain for our senses and behavioral reactions. He describes how in the course of evolution, lasting millions of years, in human brain The three main zones developed.

  • Brain Stem - located at the base of the brain and is a continuation spinal cord. Regulates physiological functions and instinctive reactions. The most primitive part of the brain.
  • Hippocampus - developed later the cerebral barrel and is slightly higher. Contains the almond body, which in the 1980s described Joseph Led. It is responsible for emotional reactions on visual and other information. Under some circumstances, the almond-shaped body can literally "capture" the brain, taking the top over the reactions of a person, before he time to think about something, and makes it makes it possible to react immediately. Mammals or people who removed the almond-shaped body, do not feel any feelings. It catalyzes impulsive actions that can overlap rational thinking and the ability to reason sensate.
  • New Cora (Neokortex) - A large, well-developed top area of \u200b\u200bthe brain, which covers the centers of thinking, memory and speech.

During the evolution of emotions and mental abilities - the two main functions of the brain responsible for behavior - found themselves different zones. In addition, emotional centers receive information earlier than thinning, and provoke very fast and in some situations a strong reaction. Then the results for a person can be catastrophic.

As long as we do not pay a report in the situation and do not control our feelings, we can allow unsuitable emotional reactions that block the consideration of other possibilities. But emotions have their own "wisdom", which we must learn to use; This is especially true of intuition.

If people face stimuli causing, for example, strong fear, anger or despair, the first impulse comes from the almond-shaped body. Until intelligence connected, the brain goes into survival mode, stimulating instinctive reactions that may be correct or completely erroneous.

Today we have almost no need to fight for survival or avoid dangers, with what a primitive person faced. But some instinctive reactions are useful in certain circumstances; Therefore, we must understand that the primitive reaction in the emotional center precedes a rational assessment and reaction. Emotional intelligence assumes that we understand it and know how to use it, as well as control our reactions.

EI structure. To describe the functioning of EI, the scientist suggested a system of five elements: self-analysis, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. Each of these elements has certain features.

  • Self-analysis - an understanding of how your emotions affect the behavior; orientation for own values \u200b\u200bwhen making decisions; Evaluation of own forces and weaknesses and ability to learn from their experience (self-esteem); Confidence in yourself and in your abilities, values \u200b\u200band purposes.
  • Self-regulation - mood management; stress control, positivity and dedication; Calm and ability to reason under pressure; possession of emotions; Reliability and composure.
  • Motivation - the ability to enjoy solving problems; striving for achievements; a responsibility; initiative; optimism; Personal preferences when choosing purposes.
  • Empathy - the ability to take another point of view; openness and honesty; care from stereotypes for other people; Knowledge of culture.
  • Social skills - Skills of influence, for example, the ability to convince; ability to communicate, including colleagues; The ability to listen, cooperate, settle conflicts; ability to inspire and lead along; ability to initiate and manage changes; The ability to understand the feelings of other people.

Daniel Gowman argues that people who have these characteristics with more likely achieve success on guidelines. As an example, it gives data from various sourcesconfirming that top managers with more high levels Ei work better. And describes several amusing situations illustrating the manifestation of EI in the workplace.

The questionnaire on emotional competencies. Daniel Gowman believes that EI can be developed. For its assessment and development, in cooperation with the Hay Group, he developed a questionnaire on emotional competencies. In it, five source components of EI are reduced to four.

# 1 self-analysis:

  • understanding own feelings and their meaning;
  • realistic look at its advantages and disadvantages;
  • confidence in yourself and their strength.

# 2 composure:

  • control of emotions;
  • honesty and reliability;
  • flexibility and dedication.

# 3 Social competencies:

  • empathy, the ability to perceive the thought and point of view of the other;
  • understanding and sense of group dynamics and interpersonal relationships;
  • orientation on the needs of others, especially when it comes to the client.

# 4 Social Skills:

  • assistance to others in their self-development;
  • ability to influence people;
  • excellent interpersonal skills;
  • ability to change the management style;
  • skill of resolving disputes and disagreements;
  • ability to strengthen and build relationships;
  • group work skills.

Leadership styles. Together with Hay / Mcber, Daniel Gullman also studied leadership styles. The results of their survey he introduced in 2000 in Harvard Business Review. Relying on the answers of 3781 heads, the scientist concluded that the leaders get best resultsusing a combination of six control styles, each of which has specific traits and refers to various components of EI.

  • Argued leaders require constant obedience. They are motivated, initiate changes and strive for success.
  • Authoritative leaders inspire people to strive for the target. They initiate changes and possess empathy skills.
  • Cooperating leaders are building relationships. Have excellent empathy and communication skills.
  • Democratic leaders actively encourage a group to participate in decision-making. Excellent communicators, listeners and negotiators.
  • Specifying tempo leaders set high standards. Initiatives, motivated, seeking success.
  • Training leaders expand and develop personnel abilities. Good listeners, effective communicators and motivators.

Researchers believe that the six submitted leadership styles are good in different situations And directly affect the working atmosphere of the organization, which, in turn, determines its financial result.

The assumption that success largely depends on the skills of communication, not new; Therefore, Danielahulman is often criticized for the fact that famous ideas he presents under a new sauce. Gullman and himself does not hide the sources of his ideas and recognizes when he addresses his colleagues. In 2001, Charles Woodruff analyzed the concept of EI proposed by Gullman, and summed up:

  • Daniel Gullman contradicts himself when he writes that Ei is inherent in all by nature, and at the same time argues that this ability can be developed;
  • eI measurement on the basis of the questionnaire cannot be called sufficient, especially in terms of reliability;
  • the manifestation of EI or the competence proposed by Gullman, for example, self-confidence and leadership, are by no means new and are long-studied high achievement factors.

Regardless of how justified the criticism, Daniel Gullman, undoubtedly, has greatly enriched the theory of management in EI issues. He used somewhat pretty sophisticated ideasassociated with human behavior and biological evolution and translated them into a simpler and understandable view.

As a result, many people adopted his key principle: we can use intelligence to better manage own emotions and apply emotional intuition. Agree, a very useful theory for life and work.

According to Wikipedia, this is the ability of a person to recognize emotions, to understand the intentions, motivation and desire of other people and their own, as well as the ability to manage their emotions and emotions of other people in order to solve practical tasks.

Emotional intelligence (EQ or EI) is the term invented by two researchers, Peter Salawa and John Meyer, and popularized by Daniel Gowman in his 1996 book of the same name.

The book consists of five parts, sixteen chapters and six applications at the end. Consider each part separately, focusing on the most interesting.

Part one. Emotional brain

Two minds are surprising in an amazing way - rational and emotional. The rational mind is a comprehension tool that we are able to realize. He is rich in thoughts, more noticeable on his result in the form of knowledge, reflects the ability of the mind to think and reflect.

The emotional mind is another system of knowledge, powerful and impulsive, sometimes illogical.

A similar mechanism of cognition was probably for billions of years of evolution. Emotions and intuition managed our instantaneous response in situations when we were threatened with mortal danger. While a break on thought we needed to understand what we want to achieve in life.

Ideally, there should be a balance between rational and emotional, when emotions nourish and inspire us to the actions of a rational mind. Conversely, the rational mind is engraved and in some cases prohibits the manifestation of emotions.

All the passions of a person are, in fact, in the jurisdiction of the Almond-shaped body (Amygdala). It is a large specialist in part of emotions. If the work of the almond body disagree with the rest of the brain, this is manifested in an amazing inability to evaluate the emotional significance of events; This phenomenon is sometimes called "affective, or emotional, blindness."

So, in a state of affect, a person commits both terrible and insane acts. He can hurt to another, or, without thinking, rush into the water or a burning house to save one whom he does not even know. The almond-shaped body can force us to begin to act sharply, while a little more slow, but more informed neocortex only "unfolds" his thinner worked out of the reaction plan.

We can say that the main task reasonable man - make friends almond-like body and neocortex. This confrontation between feeling and thought, heart and head preferably stop from time to time.

Take, for example, the ability of emotions to tear the process of thinking. There is such a notion "RAM" - the amount of attention that allows you to hold the data necessary to solve the problem. It may be tasks for logical thinking on the exam or a protracted discussion. For this, the deliberate Cortex is responsible. However, strong emotions like anxiety and anger can create neural interference that negatively affects the RAM. That is why we absolutely cannot think during such affects.

Part two. Nature of emotional intelligence

This is the largest and most important part of the book in which Gowlman offers the greatest number of its ideas and valuable observations, so we will focus on it more.

It is impossible to unmistakably predict success in the life of a student with a high intelligence coefficient (IQ). Of course, some connection exists, but it does not guarantee anything.

Other characteristics are equally important, for the most part, it is the emotional intelligence. It consists of a variety of skills, for example:

  • Be able to restrain the impulses, despite the failures and failures.
  • Have the ability to work out for yourself the motivation "on the levelmost place."
  • Be able to postpone getting instant satisfaction.
  • Persistently strive to achieve the goal.
  • Do not give to suffering to deprive yourself of thinking.
  • Control your mood.
  • To be able to distract from unpleasant thoughts to focus on the main thing.
  • Hope and believe in yourself.

What a person with high IQ can reach, which at the same time it squeaks with money to the left and right, easily succumbes negative emotionsIs conflicts and kamit enters the authorities? Coefficient mental Development almost does not give an explanation why people with approximately equal deposits, education and opportunities different fates. At first, many of them break forward, but then for some reason go down. They are unhappy, prone to depression and do not know how to get along with people (including in marital life).

It happens that people with a 160 intelligence coefficient work on those who have 100. Why is it going on? Most likely, for the reason that the academic mind alone is not able to prepare a person to chaos of the surrounding world. He must first work out the character (part of the emotional intelligence), patience and learn to cope with different states.

Gowlman gives the characteristics of Howard Gardner, which considers key to the development of emotional (interpersonal) intelligence:

  • Emotion management. People who lack this ability are constantly fighting with painful concern, while people, with her possessing, know how much faster coming back to normal after life failures and chagrins.
  • Knowledge of their emotions. It is extremely important here - recognition of any feeling when it occurs. People who are more confident in their feelings turn out to be the best pilots of their lives, less doubting the correctness of personal decisions, since the one who marries or to marry, and ending with how to take it.
  • Recognition of emotions in others. This empathy, the ability to empathize, be tuned to social signals.
  • Moiotivation. The essence of this skill is to learn how to control your emotions - suffer satisfaction and suppress the impulsivity. This ability to lead ourselves to the inspirational state - such people are more productive and successful in everything, for whatever.
  • Maintaining relationships. These are the abilities that strengthen the popularity, leadership and effectiveness of interpersonal communication. Such people copes perfectly with business, the success of which depends on the skillful interaction with others.

Emotion management becomes for us everyday task, because very often, especially in free timeIt is important for us to be managed with your mood. We are painful when we are in bad mood And at the same time we understand that it negatively affects our relationship with others.

The brain is designed in such a way that we are very often almost or not at all control the moment when we are covered by any emotion, and they are not dominated by what emotion it will be. What can be done? At least - to influence how long it will act.

When emotions are extremely strong and lasts longer than some permissible temporary limit, they gradually pass into painful extreme forms: chronic alarm, depression, indomitable rage. That is why it is important to learn to control your condition until it has become completely familiar.

One of the most unpleasant, long and painful feelings is anxiety. Why does it occur? Powerful shutter mechanisms are painful images in our head.

Chronic concern takes the type of template saxual ideas, and not creative insights that really move to resolving the problem. However, even from him you can get rid of if you start working on yourself. The most important thing is that you have to do - develop self-awareness, that is, to catch correcting Episodes as early as possible. Ideally - when the fleet image of the disaster only launches the cycle of anxiety and anxiety. It is also necessary to identify in which situations and places you are attended by these thoughts and avoid / stop / try to cope with them. Finally, apply relaxation methods. Voltage and anxiety are the habits with which you can cope with the help of another habit - relax.

Part of the third. Emotional mind in action

This part is devoted mainly to a marriage relationship. Gullman insists that the roots of all problems are to look for in childhood.

Boys and girls teach completely different knowledge of how to control emotions, because on themes associated with emotions, with the exception of anger, parents say more often and more with daughters, not sons. So girls get much more information About emotions than boys.

Girls, playing together, are divided into small closed groups in which hostility comes down to a minimum and cooperation is encouraged in every way, while boys for the game are combined into large groupswhere the spirit of rivalry reigns.

So it turns out that in childhood, the boys understand that they need to minimize the manifestation of emotions, while the girls succeed both in the expression of feelings and reading them from others.

You can predict whether marriage will be strong, by the presence of rude criticism. In a healthy marriage, husband and wife openly and calmly express discontent. But if there is a rude manner, it means that the marriage is already hung in the hairs (although some couples understand this later a few years or do not understand at all).

If at your marriage, someone for innocent misconduct gets the stamp "inattentive egoista", you need to reconsider our relationship. There is also a so-called mimic sign of contempt: it is created by a reduction in the special muscle, tensile angles of the mouth to the side (usually left), and simultaneously enhancing the eyes. When such a grimace appears on the face of one of the spouses, in the other with the silent exchange of emotions the frequency of heart abbreviations with a minute increases by two or three blows. It can be said that there is a hidden conversation between the spouses at this moment - and it hurts great harm. The last nail problem in marriage is silence.

Part fourth. Window capabilities

Hundreds of studies have shown that the way parents turn to the child seriously and long affects him emotional life. And only recently began to appear studies that showed: if parents have high emotional intelligence - this is a huge benefit for the child.

Some parents are patiently explain to their children that it is impossible to do so and indicate mistakes so that they fix them. Others lose patience and come out of themselves instantly, calling their child with stupid, express explicit contempt.

The most common negative manners of parental behavior:

  • Lesson too passive position. Having read books on psychology, such parents made the wrong conclusion: they do not interfere when their child is experiencing a storm of emotions. They believe that life is beautiful in any case, even if he brings suffering.
  • Full ignoring feelings. Any child's emotions such parents consider nonsense or additional source Anxiety for yourself, something insignificant. As a result, the child suppresses all the emotions and does not know how to give them a move and cope with them.
  • The manner of imparting a contemptuous indifference, demonstrating an explicit disrespect for the feelings of the child. Such parents may prohibit the child in general to detect anger and punish it with the slightest signs of irritation.

Proper manner of behavior will be the following: when manifest strong emotion You should approach the child, explain to him that this is for emotion and how to cope with it. Use phrases like this: "Are you angry due to the fact that Tommy hurt your pride?".

Part fifth. Emotional literacy

To explain the benefits of emotional literacy, it is necessary to realize the disadvantages of emotional illiteracy:

  • depression;
  • mental injuries;
  • chronic concern;
  • depression, disbelief in your strength.

What is depression? In fact, it is just a condition in which a person introduces itself. He tries very hard for this.

  • Applies thoughts: "I am stupid", "no matter what I do, nothing will happen."
  • Attracts physiology: slowly breathes, smiles little, shouting his body.
  • Bad feed: eats fatty food, semi-finished products.

A pessimistic view of life makes people (especially children) extremely susceptible to depression. Children who produce a pessimistic view of life, attributing the failures in their lives of some terrible lack of themselves, begin to turn into victims of the depressed mood, reacting to failures.

Daniel Gullman is a famous psychologist, a writer and a journalist who introduced such a concept as "emotional intelligence", thanks to which it became famous. Who is he? What success achieved in life? What are its main ideas? You will learn about this from this article, as well as you will read about what Daniel Gowlman wrote books that have gained popularity around the world.

Who is it?

Daniel Gowman was born on March 7, 1946 in Stockton, California, United States of America. At first, he graduated from a local college, and then received a Ph.D. in the famous Harvard University. After that, Gullman passed extensive learning in India. When he returned to the USA, began his work in the field of psychology, and for twenty years wrote articles for the most famous publication "New York Times", specializing in psychological topics, as well as on the science of the human brain. In his entire career, he wrote more than twenty different books, some of them became real bestsellers and are now leading benefits in their fields. Training in India left its mark on Professor's activities - a lot of his ideas are reduced to the need for meditation and paying attention to what is happening around. Gowlman believes that the intellect of man is limited to what he does not notice, and while he cannot see this, he will not be smarter. He wrote about this in many of his books, but the Emotional Intellect project became the most popular.


The first book, which has gained great popularity, and the author of which was Daniel Gowman, "Focus. About attention, absentia and life success. " In this book, the author proposes to concentrate on the resource, which in most cases remains unnoticed and lost. Everyone talks about the time, abilities and other resources important for high performance and great progress. But everyone forget about attention, which is a real secret key to successful work and maximum self-realization. Gowlman considers the phenomenon of attention from various angles, showing that people in vain are not focused on it, as it is very an important aspect Achieve success in any field. The main topic of the book is that attention in modern world It is extremely necessary, since now there is more and more distracting factors that prevent people to seek success, and only the focusing on a particular purpose can give the necessary result.

"Emotional intellect"

Well, it's time to tell about the most important book, which brought worldwide fame to the writer. It was he who introduced the very concept of EQ, that is, "emotional intelligence". Daniel Gowman compares this figure with IQ and believes that it is even more important than simple intelligence. At numerous examples, Gullman showed that people with high "Ai-Kew" are far from always can succeed, while people with a low indicator often become successful businessmen. It is precisely in emotional intelligence - this parameter helps a person to succeed in modern society. What is the essence of this concept? It is about this that the book "Emotional Intellect" says.

Daniel Gowman described quite in detail what exactly emotional condition man, the well-being of his family, high quality personal relationship, happiness in personal life, affect his success in work. If a person is smart, but unhappy, that is, there will be a high IQ, but low EQ, then his chances of success will be several times less than that of a person who will be located exactly opposite.

"Emotional intelligence at work"

This book is an addition to the previous one - it distributes and expands the theory of EQ, concentrating on how this indicator has for ordinary person at work. How can I measure your emotional intelligence? All of this you will learn if you know this difficult writer's work.

"Diversity of Meditative Experience"

What else did Daniel Gowlman book wrote? As mentioned earlier, he became the author of more than twenty works, among which the "focus" and "emotional intelligence" also stand out most of all. However, there is another work that is definitely worth paying attention to. If you are interested in meditation, you must read this work. Gowlman spent a lot of time in India, he is a specialist in Buddhism, and also studied for many years various techniques Meditation different countrieswho collected in this book. So if you are interested in the changed state of consciousness, then this book is mandatory to you for detailed reading. You will hand over a lot of useful information.

Dedicated to Tare, inexhaustible source of emotional wisdom

Task Aristotle

Anyone can be angry - it is easy, but it is not so easy to redress on the one who deserves it, and to certain limits, at the appropriate time, with a proper goal and properly.

Aristotle. Nikomakhova Ethics

Unbearable parished already in the morning. In New York, one of those hot and wet August days was issued, when a felt discomfort plunges people in despondency. I returned to the hotel and, by entering the bus, followed Madison Avenue, I experienced almost a shock, stumbled upon a look at the driver, a black man who was a joyful smile, who greeted me friendly: "Great! How are you?" So he appealed to everyone who came to the bus, slowly crawling cars in a dense stream, as the center of the afternoon city that was usually overwhelmed at this hour. And every passenger, like me, shuddered from surprise, but, because of the weather in the bad location of the Spirit, few people answered his good-natured greeting.

However, as the bus on the way to the sleeping area took out from street plugs, slow, straight magic transformation. The driver, while the court, yes, entertained us with a continuous monologue, a vividly commenting on what is happening around: something unimaginable was happening in that shop during the sale, and a wonderful exhibition opened in this museum, you have not yet heard anything about the new film that I recently went to the cinema on the corner? His admiration for the rich opportunities that this city provided its inhabitants, infected passengers, and they approach their stop, discharged a shell of gloomy gloominess, in which they climbed the bus, and when the driver shouted to them after: "For now! All you benefits! ", Everyone with a smile answered him the same.

The memory of this case lived in me for almost twenty years. When I drove on this bus, we walked on Madison Avenue, I just defended my doctoral dissertation on psychology; But at that time, too little attention was paid in psychology on how such metamorphosis could occur at all. Psychological science almost nothing was known about the mechanics of emotions. And yet, presenting the spread of a goodwill virus, which must be rolled around the city, based on the passengers of this bus, I realized that his driver was somehow a city peacemaker, almost a wizard in his ability to convert the gloomy wander in its passengers Irritability to slightly soften their hearts and make them kinder.

The opposite is full of some newspaper messages this week:

In one local school, a nine-year-old student wake up, poured the paint school desks, computers and printers and pointlessly discouraged the car on a school parking lot for cars. The reason was that several of his third-graders' feesmen called him "Sunken", and he decided to convince them.

Eight adolescents were injured when a random collision in a crowd of teenagers, wanted by the Manhattan Club in interest, led to a scuffle that ended when one of the offended opened a firing on the crowd from the automatic 38-caliber gun. The report reports that such a pallet in cases of disrespecting last years It is becoming more and more common in the whole country.

According to posting about the victims of murder younger than twelve years, 57 percent of the murderers make up their parents or stepms and stepmothers. Almost half of the cases, parents say that they "just tried to discipline the child." Beating to death is provoked by "violations", for example, if the child prevents the TV, crying or dumpling diapers.

The young man was judged for the murder of five turkish women And the girls who died in a fire, arranged by them while they slept. He was a member of the Neo-Nazi group and told at the court that he failed to preserve the work, drank and in his brutal fate vinyl aliens. As soon as he heard, he explained in court: "I do not stop deeply regretful about the deed, and I am shamelessly ashamed."

Every day, the news-related news is replete with such messages about the decline of civilization and security - about the rapid attack of low-lying motivations, causing an unrestrained desire to kill. But for us, these news simply reflect on a wider scale that the felting feel of exit from under the control of emotions in our own life of the life of people around us. No one is protected from this unpredictable wave of unrest and repentance; She somehow penetrates each of us.

The last decade passed under the accompaniment of the drum fraction of such messages characterizing growth ridiculous lenses Under the influence of emotions, manifestations of recklessness and irresponsibility in our families, communities and teams. These years have witnessed surgery of rage and despair taking place in the quiet loneliness of children of working parents left for the transfer of the TV instead of the incoming nanny, in the suffering of abandoned, left without attention or subjected cruel appeal Children, or in the ugly intimacy of married failed. On the spread of spiritual unhealthy can be judged by quantitative indicators, testifying to the sudden increase in depression cases around the world, and according to reminders in the form of an increasing wave of aggressiveness: adolescents with firearms In schools, incidents on highways, ending with ships, displeased by dismissal employees, brutally killing their former employees. Emotion abuse, shooting from moving cars and post-tramatic stress - Over the past decade, all these terms entered the usual lexicon, as well as the actual motto changed from encouraging "all the best" to sarcastic "Well, let's come on!".

This book will help you find the meaning in meaningless. As a psychologist and journalist, New York Times newspaper, who your humble servant is working for the last ten years, I clearly notice the progress in the scientific understanding of the sphere of irrational. But most of all are affecting two obviously opposite trends: one reflects the growing disadvantage in the emotional life of our society, the other testifies to the emergence of some effective tools Recovery of the established setting.

Why did this study needed