The importance of physical education in the family life of a child. Types of activities with children. A good health promotion is water hardening. Children love to play with her; such activities improve the mood, evoke joyful emotions in him. This should be used

One of the most important aspects correct personality formation - physical education of children school age... The formation of the individuality of children consists of several aspects: laying a psychological foundation, training perception, memory, attention, social adaptation... V childhood personality development takes place when the foundations are laid that will help in the future to become a full-fledged member of society.

Physical education of children early age should develop the physical component of a cultural personality, form positive habits, craving for a healthy lifestyle. To achieve this goal, there are a number of tasks to strive for. It:

  • development of vital skills - walking, running, swimming;
  • education sports fundamentals- the impact of exercises on various muscle groups, compliance with safety precautions when playing sports;
  • the formation of a habit of procedures that temper the body;
  • formation of correct posture;
  • accustoming to the observance of hygiene standards.

Physical education for a child should be conveyed from the two most important aspects of his life - from the family and from the school. Only with the correct interaction of these two institutions will the child receive proper education - both physical and cultural.

The family is the place where children spend most of their time, look at their parents in their every action and take an example from them in everything. Further activity will depend on what is in the physical education of the child. Parents lay the foundation for the physical culture of the individual, which will further form the school, and subsequently the person himself.

As long as the child's psyche is flexible, and the susceptibility to beliefs is high, it is necessary to vaccinate positive attitude To physical activity: exercises, exercises, games, walks. The organization of joint family leisure with such an orientation will help to strengthen both family relationships and the health of the whole organism.

Very important personal example adults: the child will first imitate on an instinctive level, later it will become a positive habit.
Since the body is still weak and fragile, the task of parents is to develop a system of physical education of children, a set of measures to improve their health and to comply with hygiene standards and safety measures for physical procedures at the proper level.

Posture is one of the most important foundations healthy body... Correct positioning of the spine will prevent possible diseases musculoskeletal system in the future, therefore, it is very important to monitor the child when he sits at the table, sleeps. It is necessary to draw the attention of children to incorrect posture, explaining how important it is, setting a personal example. For correct position the spine during sleep, the bed should not be too soft - in this case, curvature cannot be avoided. It is best to use an orthopedic mattress. The more physical activity a child has, the lower the risk of incorrect posture.

Nutrition - in the physical education of children is of great importance. The right food for the whole family is the key to a healthy body. The combination of the right amount of vitamins and minerals will energize the child for physically active activities.

It should be remembered that the child should not be overly tired. The task of physical education of children in a family is to strengthen the health of its younger member, and not to deprive him of his strength after an unbearable load.

Important forms of organization of physical education in the family

Basic means of physical education of children in a family:

  • health and fitness procedures;
  • walks;
  • active games;
  • playing sports.

Morning exercises - this is where every person's day should begin. If it is customary in the family to carry out gymnastic exercises after a night's sleep, then this will necessarily become part of the child's habits. Exercise helps the body to wake up completely and charges with vigor and strength for the whole day.

Exercises should not be too difficult and time consuming. It is important to properly distribute the load on all muscle groups and prepare the body for the working day. In summer, it is recommended to do morning exercises outdoors, in winter, in a well-ventilated area.

Active play is the easiest method of organizing motor activity child: in a playful manner, it is easiest to convey to the baby what exercises and how to perform. When playing, all muscle groups should be involved - back, legs, shoulder girdle, abs.

The peculiarity of physical education with a small child is that he may get tired of the monotonous performance of the same movements. The main goal of parents is to approach the selection and organization of classes with maximum imagination and creativity, to ensure that the baby likes the activity. You can use musical accompaniment, this will additionally form a sense of rhythm in the child.

In addition to activities with a sports bias, joint walks in the fresh air play an important role in physical education in the family. A simple walk around the neighborhood will charge your child with positive emotions. In addition, the musculoskeletal system will be once again strengthened.

The duration of the walks should be at least an hour. The distance depends on the age and physical fitness of the child: children under 6 years old, as a rule, walk about 5 km per day, up to 8 years old - about 7 km. These indicators are individual, and if the child is quickly tired, there is no need to be guided by these figures and insist on covering the remaining distance.

The role of the family

A family trip will have a beneficial effect on the child's psyche and his physical development. It is necessary to lay the most interesting route, to optimally choose a path that will pass through the terrain with a varied relief - a forest, a field, a river, the presence of obstacles (a fallen tree, a stream on the way). All this will only make children happy.

In summer, the hike can be accompanied by halts with active games and water treatments. When organizing a hike, it is important to calculate the approximate time to cover the distance and places to stop. If there are obstacles on the way, you should make sure that it is safe to overcome them.

Swimming is an exercise that engages all muscle groups and provides positive impact on the body of not only a child, but also an adult. From an early age, when bathing the baby, being in the water gives him positive emotions... You can teach your child to swim on your own without visiting the pool. Starting from a shallow depth, showing the movements and helping to carry them out, you can gradually accustom the child to water and form the primary skills to hold on to it without fear.

In winter, outdoor activities can be carried out on skis. Literally from 3 years old, you can pick up a ski set by size for a child. Cross-country skiing should not go through dangerous places and steep changes in altitude. It will be optimal to walk along the existing track on flat terrain.

Running is an exercise available at any time of the year with good physical fitness. It is better to start in the warm and dry months so that the fragile body is not exposed to excessive hypothermia. This type of physical activity has a beneficial effect on heartbeat, Breathe-helping machine. It helps to develop endurance.

Gymnastics helps to develop the vestibular apparatus, coordination of movements, muscle flexibility. Gymnastics classes are especially recommended for girls, as it helps to form a graceful posture and gait. Classes athletics suitable for any baby: they strengthen the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system.

Thus, the organization of physical training classes for babies is the most important task. Physical education of children in a family should be based on their own positive example and a friendly atmosphere in the family. At the same time, the baby will happily do the exercises and strengthen his body.

The influence of school on the physical development of the child

Parents lay the foundations for the physical education of the child. Further development he gets in school. The final formation of a child's attitude to sports depends on how the process of organizing physical education in a child care institution is organized.

The most important thing is to properly organize physical education for children of primary school age, since their body is just beginning to grow.

Exercise should be balanced and targeted to all muscle groups. This includes exercises to train reaction, dexterity, coordination and rhythm. Strength exercises should be distributed in such a way that the child does not overwork.

Physical education of a child should begin in the family. Only there the foundations and understanding of the need for outdoor activities, morning exercises, sports interests are laid, healthy eating and the right lifestyle. It is easier to instill this in a child with early childhood and make it a habit than trying to re-educate in mature age... A positive personal example is where you need to start the physical education of children. A sports family will allow the child to grow up mobile and healthy.

Today, probably, there is no person on Earth who would remain indifferent to sports. , but for some reason they themselves remain aloof. Some lack time, others lack patience, and still others lack organization. Not everyone in the morning looks in "her majesty" - morning exercises.

V kindergarten, under the guidance of educators, children always do gymnastics, most often they do it with pleasure. With the transition to school, they stop doing morning exercises. Why? Because they are not accustomed to making it at home, and it did not become a need for them. Do you know what is the most alarming disease of the century? Sleepiness! Low mobility! We go to work in a car, bus, motorcycle. We bring children to and from school. In the evening we sit at the TV, computer. We would be harmlessly aware of the sporting events of the country, the world, and we ourselves are far from sports. What about sports. We are far from elementary physical entertainment, games, etc.

Dear adults! Do not forget that you have kids in your family. They study you carefully. Help them and yourself to educate and maintain vigor, energy, agility, strength. It is not necessary to raise and educate an athlete, but to sharpen the child's sense of "muscle joy" (according to the famous physiologist IP Pavlov), we must enjoy muscle work.

It is best to start with outdoor games. And if you are at a loss in the selection of these games, where and how to play with children, read "The game is the life companion of children." The fact is that in play, children develop a variety of positive emotions, improve motor skills, and develop a speed of reaction. Many games require a certain amount of dexterity and ingenuity.

What is agility?

In other words, it is coordination of movements, which is indispensable in any sport, even in running, since running consists of "alternating contraction and relaxation of certain muscle groups." As for gymnastics, swimming, playing football, basketball, etc., without well-developed coordination, these sports are impossible.

How to train agility?

Games for the accuracy of movements are very useful: various types of throwing, jumping, running with changes of direction, dodging. In order for a child to have a desire to develop his physical activity, knowledge of how to do this is necessary. And this means that parents, leaving for nature, should arrange outdoor games with their children or for children, games-competitions. It is important from an early age to attend all kinds of competitions, competitions, and watch sports programs with kids.

Example: Vanya grew up as a sickly boy. When he was nine years old, his mother took him to a sports school. Unfortunately, the mother did not know the boy's sporting inclinations and completely relied on the coach. After a while, it turned out that the boy was more successful in boxing and football. I was engaged in both, but boxing gradually "faded" into the background. Under the wise, competent guidance of the coach, the boy began to make progress in football. Later he was included in the school football team and the regional team. The child did not become a famous athlete, but the diseases began to recede. The habit of physical activity was developed, in addition, they began to clearly manifest volitional qualities personality, a sense of camaraderie, the ability to communicate with adults and peers. Now this boy is 40 years old, and he still participates in amateur football tournaments at his place of work. Deals with her children.

Having discovered sports inclinations in your child, show him to a specialist,
let your child play any kind of sport. This will help him develop not only physically, but also mentally. In addition, any sports activities bring up our children, instill in them necessary skills communication, the ability to be friends.

I would like to say that at present, children's sports schools cannot cover all children, but there are sport sections v mainstream schools, there are yard teams. Children's health does not wait, physical inactivity is flourishing. Children's health is in the hands of their parents. And you don't have to wait for someone to solve this problem for you. Your example is the most exciting for them. Get infected with the movement yourself - and the children will be carried away by it.

The article "Adults-Children-Play".

Physical education in the family.

Comprehensive upbringing of the child, preparing him for life in society - the main social task solved by the community and family.

The family is a collective whose members are interconnected by certain responsibilities. As a member of the family group, the child also enters the system existing relationships thanks to which he comprehends the norms public behavior... The family is strengthened by common affairs and concerns, everyday life filled with useful content, joint leisure and recreation, so I consider the organization of joint leisure not only as an important means of raising a child, but also as a means of strengthening the health of the family. Physical education is of great importance to the family.

The concept of "Physical education" is included in general concept"education" in a broad sense. This means that, just like upbringing is a process of solving certain upbringing and educational tasks, they are characterized by all the common features of the pedagogical process.

Distinctive features of physical education are determined primarily by the fact that this process is aimed at the formation of motor skills and the development of physical qualities, health strengthening.

The family largely determines the attitude of children towards physical exercise, their interest in sports, activity and initiative. This is facilitated by close emotional communication children and adults in different situations naturally occurring them cooperative activity(discussion of successes sports life countries, experiences when watching television sports programs, illustrations in books on sports themes and etc.).

Children are especially susceptible to beliefs, positive behavior of the father, mother, and the way of life of the family.

Personal example of parents, joint physical education, healthy image life - the main components of the success of physical education in the family.

Forms of physical education in the family

Hiking and hiking. Hiking, longer hikes are one of the forms of active recreation, rational use of free time to improve health.

Hikes form feelings of collectivism, responsibility, and mutual assistance. The difficulties of the hike develop endurance, perseverance, endurance, combine cognitive and physical activity. Children learn to notice interesting things in the landscape, in the roots and branches of trees, stones, leaves encountered on tourist paths.

A long walk requires careful organization. It is important to foresee all the little things, to find a successful combination of various kinds of physical activity with rest, which will allow you to give a positive emotional attitude and bring joy.

With children 3-4 years old, walks in the immediate surroundings are planned so that the one-way route takes 15-20 minutes, for children 5-6 years old - 30-40 minutes, and for seven-year-olds it is possible to walk up to 40-45 minutes. Adults should be well aware of the possibilities of the natural environment, which it is desirable to use for the exercises of children in a variety of types of movements. Walking during long walks should not be monotonous, since it does not so much physically tire children as it has an adverse effect on their nervous system.

It is good to go on a hike with not one, but two or three families, so that in such associations there are at least 2-3 children of similar age. The youngest children - up to 4 years old - require constant attention from adults, and preschoolers 4-7 years old already perform certain duties in the group. If there are several adults, responsibilities between them are distributed so that worries (about food, organizing a stop or overnight stay) and rest, the opportunity for personal leisure (fishing, reading a book, knitting, just rest and relaxation) alternate.

At first, you should not go on a hike far from home, especially if your parents have little tourist experience. It is imperative to take into account the real capabilities of children, not to overestimate their strength and endurance.

Preparing for the hike. When going on a long walk or on a hike for 2-3 days, adults should pay attention to clothes, shoes, equipment. Preschoolers take the most Active participation in the preparation of inventory: collect a backpack, sports equipment, toys. Parents, together with the children, discuss the planned route so that the younger ones feel a sense of belonging to the campaign, feel like its full participants.

It is good to cook a fresh lunch on a fire. For a halt in the summer, a shady place with good overview, in cold weather - protected from the wind and illuminated by the sun. After rest, children usually start games. Parents must create the most suitable conditions for outdoor games.

Swimming. The effect of swimming on the human body is beneficial and varied. When swimming, the human body in aquatic environment is located horizontally and thus the spine is freed from the load of body weight; favorable conditions are created for the formation of correct posture. Under the action of water, blood circulation is activated in the vessels of the skin, washed and massaged by water. The respiratory system under the influence of active exhalation into water and overcoming its resistance is noticeably strengthened, the depth of breathing increases. Staying in water hardens the body, improves its thermoregulation, increases resistance to cold, temperature changes. During swimming, metabolism is activated, the activity of the whole nervous systems Many muscle groups, joints and ligaments are exercised. Long repetitions of certain movement cycles increase the body's endurance and resistance to colds.

The acquisition of swimming skills depends on the individual characteristics of the child. You need to be especially patient, attentive with those who are afraid of movement in the water. Do not rush to master a lot of exercises, do not switch to independent swimming without sufficient preparation. New difficult exercises to alternate with your beloved child, to encourage him to independence, the manifestation of activity, the desire to learn to stay on the water.

Cross-country skiing. An excellent health remedy in winter time serve cross-country skiing... Skiing in the woods also has a positive emotional impact: enjoying the winter landscape, quick descents from the mountains, etc.

Skiing is available for children from the age of 3. Skis and poles are selected according to height. Ski poles - slightly below the shoulders. The size of the boots is such that they can be worn without difficulty with 1-2 thick woolen socks.

Skating. Ice skating stimulates the physical activity of preschoolers, improves their health and general physical conditioning. Systematically performed movements in the air lead to favorable changes in the development of the respiratory system and respiratory muscles. When moving on skates, the same movements are repeated many times, there is a constant alternation of tension and relaxation of the muscles of the legs when changing one-support and two-support sliding, which has a beneficial effect on strengthening the arch of the foot. The stability of the vestibular apparatus significantly increases, the sense of balance increases, and muscle tension is correctly distributed.

Ice skating is a complex type of movement, consisting of repulsion, correct positioning of the skate when sliding, and maintaining balance. The complexity of skating movements is due to the relationship and the general rhythm of the motor act when sliding on ice on a limited support area. Children begin to teach this type of sports exercises from the age of 5.

While riding, you need to monitor the child's breathing so that he breathes through his nose and does not hold his breath. A child who has suffered from otitis media, acute respiratory infections requires special attention, he is allowed to ride at an air temperature from +2 to - 8 0 .

A ride on the bicycle. Cycling renders strong impact for cardiovascular, respiratory system, helps to strengthen muscles, especially legs, feet. Children develop quickness, dexterity, balance, eyes, coordination of movements, orientation in space, rhythm, strength, endurance, vestibular stability increases.

To learn to ride, there should be a track 3-4 m wide, at least 30-50 m long, since the guys find it difficult to make turns. Children learn to ride at different times.


Ancient Greek sages said:

If you want to be healthy, run!

If you want to be beautiful, run!

If you want to be smart, run!

With these words, they emphasized the enormous importance of running for improving health, achieving a harmonious physique, and developing mental abilities.

Running is one of the most important movements for health that allows you to regulate the load well, strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, various muscle groups, joints and ligaments. Running is a natural movement familiar from an early age. It is performed mainly in the fresh air, does not require special equipment... The ability to run quickly and dexterously helps the child to successfully participate in outdoor games, relay races, and sports exercises. Running is effective for training endurance, improving physical performance. Running loads are dosed depending on the individual characteristics of children: for weakened children, running on short distance at a low pace gradually strengthens their health, and a trained child runs more and the pace of his run is higher. Running is of great importance for endurance training. The ability to quickly overcome a short distance or, conversely, to run a long distance will be useful to a future soldier, a geologist. The habit of running will help you get the daily dose of movement necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

If the run is carried out without game situation, then in this case, you should maintain a small pace, not accelerate or slow it down, run rhythmically, steps are not long, hand movements are relaxed.

If possible, you should use barefoot running on sand, shallow water, dirt and grassy paths with turns and inclines as often as possible, making sure that there are no objects that could lead to injuries. It is advisable to train in running in the warm season, in spring and autumn, without fear of a fine drizzle. In addition to hardening, running in adverse conditions strengthens the character of children, their perseverance, endurance, creates a habit of daily physical exercise.

It has been proven that joint activities between parents and children bring the following positive results:

  • arouse parents' interest in the level of "motor maturity" of children and promotes the development of motor skills in children in accordance with their age and abilities;

  • deepen the relationship between parents and children;

  • provide an opportunity to exercise in a short period of time not only for the child, but also for the adult: the parent shows the child certain exercises and performs most of them with him;

  • allow to usefully spend the free time that the mother or father devotes to the child, serve to mutual enrichment, and contribute to all-round development.

During joint activities, an adult lifts, carries, rocks the child, helps him pull himself up, jump, climb up, etc. Thanks to this, the parents themselves develop physically, become stronger, dexterous and resilient. This use of free time is beneficial for both parties. The child admires his father: what a strong dad, how deftly he lifts him, shakes him, how well he does the exercises! Mimics the mother in gracefulness and coordination of movements - for example, when performing exercises accompanied by singing or music. Parents, taking a semi-active position, help the child to complete the exercise through dexterous movements, encourage him and rejoice in success with him. Later, these joint activities become really the most happy event day.

In the modern whirlwind of the day, these are moments of the holiday, but classes should not be rare and casual in a festive way, but regular and daily. Only systematic concern for the child's motor development can bring the desired results: the systematic repetition of the same exercises and the logical succession of classes are the main prerequisites for success.

The preschool educational institution performs various functions: on the one hand, its team pays considerable attention to the upbringing of motor culture, the development of personal and psychophysical qualities, and the introduction of a child to a healthy lifestyle; on the other hand, it promotes physical culture and sports ^ introduces parents to an active working together on physical education.

On the basis of the teacher's recommendations, parents purchase physical education equipment for classes (skis, skates, bicycles, towns, tennis, badminton, balls, skipping ropes, etc.), equip a sports corner at home, install exercise equipment, massage devices, help the child in the development of various physical exercises (teach cycling, ice skating, skiing, etc.).

The correct physical education of the child in the family is facilitated by the knowledge of parents about the peculiarities of using preventive and corrective physical exercises, outdoor and sports games, creating conditions at home for the development of the child's movements.

Working with the child, parents monitor his health, regulate physical activity and the mode of physical activity; carry out the simplest diagnostics of physical and sensorimotor development. They monitor the posture, beauty, expressiveness, rationality of the baby's movements.

Joint physical exercises of a child and adults (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather) are of great educational value. They not only instill a love of physical exercise, but also strengthen, unite the family, allow parents and child to become closer, to understand each other.

Here is a sample of gymnastics for mom and child (Fig. 17).

a. Mom sits on the floor, legs apart, and puts the child between them, holding his hands. Here the following two exercises are possible: I exercises: a child on two legs jumps over the left, then I over the mother's right leg; when the child jumps up, mother I moves her legs, and the child, spreading her legs, sits on both of her legs. | All this time, the mother supports the child by both hands and teaches him to choose the right moment for each movement.

b. Mom kneels down and rests her hands on the floor, turning into a "horse". The child crawls under her belly, whisk

I crawls onto the back and crawls under the belly again.

v. Mom becomes in the "horse" position (as in the exercise b), I the child climbs on her back, holding her neck with his hands, after

which in the count “one, two, three” the mother begins to sway in order to throw off her rider.

G. Mom and baby sit on the floor with their backs to each other and stretch their legs forward. Then, bending your legs and resting your hands on the floor,

I try to push each other with their backs. The mother naturally co-I measures her strength to enable the child to make the most of this exercise.

etc. The mother lies on her back and stretches her legs, and the child climbs on them and grabs the hands of the mother. Then she bends her legs and swings them left and right and up and down. The child must maintain balance.

e. Mom takes the same position as in the exercise etc. He puts the child on his stomach on his legs and, lifting them high, swings them up and down, left and right, slightly supporting the child, who must maintain balance.

f. The child kneels down and rests his hands on the floor. The mother takes his legs by the shins and lifts him off the floor. The child, moving his hands alternately, moves forward.

h. The beginning is the same as in the exercise well, but then the mother lifts the baby's legs higher, to an upright position. The child raises his head and tries to look as far as possible.

and. The mother tightly clasps the child's hands by the wrists. Lifting it, swings it to the right and left, up and down, or rotates around itself. The child can bend the knees during rotation.

To. The mother stands, slightly bending her knees, and takes one or both hands of the child, who, resting his feet on the knees, and then on the mother’s belly, tries to climb as high as possible. The mother, lifting him by the arms, helps him.

l. Start like an exercise To, but then the child raises the I legs up and, passing them between the hands, makes a full turn back.

m. The mother firmly takes the child by the hands, and he, with her support

| starts bouncing. By making the exercise more difficult, the child can

(land now to the right, now to the left.

n. The child is taken outstretched arms for the stick that

I live the mother, gradually raising her. Raising, starts slightly

I swing back and forth, left and right. The baby is swinging

\ and himself, tucking his legs.

Joint tourist walks of adults and children, skiing, ice skating, playing in the towns, tennis, badminton, skittles, football, hockey, basketball, etc. are of great benefit. Participation in sports events allows you to improve the child's motor skills, forms his character, will, perseverance, striving to achieve a goal, enhances culture; improves the microclimate of the family. The example of parents, their attitude to physical exercises, the ability to

Pleasant and benevolent, but at the same time demanding to teach the child a certain movement.

Parents are obliged to create conditions that ensure the full physical development of the child. They should actively participate in organizing and carrying out hardening procedures, using the natural factors of nature (sun, air, water). Studies of domestic and foreign scientists indicate that when choosing effective hardening agents, it is necessary to dwell on those that the mother of the child tolerates well and comfortably. Experts also express the idea that hardening procedures are selected individually, according to

"This is why parents are actively hardening at home.

Preschool educational institutions assist parents in acquiring knowledge about physical education and

\ benka. For this, corners for parents are organized, open classes, conversations, consultations are held, a list of special literature on various forms of organizing the child's motor activity is recommended.

Parents are regularly informed about their well-being, development

■ movements of the child, and together with the teacher they solve the problems of physical education. Working with parents expands their pedagogical competence, increases the family's interest in the results of the psychophysical development of their child.


V recent times much attention is paid to the issues of raising children in the family. The family, being a unit of society, has truly inexhaustible opportunities: in the family, children receive the first lessons in their life, learn to communicate, learn to distinguish between good and evil; the family influences the formation of character, morality, citizenship.

The role of the family is indisputable in the physical development of children, because it is in the family that the physical qualities of people are laid, the foundations of their health. It has been proven that outdoor games and exercise have a significant effect on normal growth and the development of the child, the development of all organs and tissues, and if these classes are held in the fresh air, then they temper the body. Properly performed exercise promotes the development of these positive qualities, as independence and self-control, attention and ability to concentrate, resourcefulness and courage, endurance, etc. At the same time, joint exercise of parents with a child is a source of joy of enrichment and improvement of family life. Consequently, parents need to systematically engage in physical education with their children, help them acquire motor experience, develop dexterity, speed, dynamic strength, and develop courage.

At the same time, despite the presence of a significant amount of literature on the physical education of children in the family, the state of this problem is a cause for well-founded concern, because parents either do not engage in physical education of their children, or do it sporadically and very often - incorrectly.

Purpose of the work: to study the role of the family in the physical education of a child, to reveal the features of physical education in a family of children of different ages.

Structurally, the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. The role of the family in the physical education of the child

1.1 Features of physical education in family

charging baby school education

The family is a collective whose members are bound by certain responsibilities. As a member of the family team, the child also enters into the system of existing relationships, thanks to which he comprehends the norms of social behavior. The family is strengthened by common affairs and concerns, everyday life filled with useful content, joint leisure and recreation, therefore the organization of joint leisure is important tool not only raising a child, but also as a means of strengthening family health.

The educational role of the family is great. The parents are solely responsible in connection with the age requirements for the formation of the child's personality. Parents should find time to study with their children, delve into their interests, help them with advice.

Great importance has physical education for the family. The family largely determines the attitude of children towards physical exercise, their interest in sports, activity and initiative. This is facilitated by close emotional communication between children and adults in different situations, their naturally arising joint activity (discussion of the successes of the country's sports life, experiences when watching television sports programs, illustrations in books on sports topics, etc.).

Children are especially susceptible to beliefs, positive parenting behavior, and family life. Therefore, the main components of the success of physical education in a family are the personal example of parents, a healthy lifestyle, joint physical education, joint skiing, ice skating, sledding, and various games. Parents show, explain how to perform the exercise, provide assistance and facilitate the development of knowledge, motor skills and abilities, observe the well-being of children.

The goal of physical education of children in the family is consistent physical improvement so that they grow up prepared for life. This means that it is necessary to ensure that children have good health, do not have deviations from the normal, age-appropriate level. physical development... At the same time, it is necessary to observe - a health-improving orientation, all-round development personality and the relationship of physical education with other activities. The health-improving orientation, first of all, is expressed in accordance with the means and methods of physical education of different periods of childhood. Physical activity within the limits below and above the allowable contributes to the delay in growth and development, and also reduces the working and adaptive capabilities of the developing organism. Therefore, the duty of parents is to strengthen the health of the child and ensure favorable development child's body in future.

For normal development and health promotion needs to be created optimal conditions: a regime that would meet the requirements of hygiene, educational work on the development of movements.

First of all, the task of parents is to constantly provide favorable conditions for the growth and development of the child's still fragile organism, in accordance with the rules of hygiene. Parents should strive to create the most favorable hygienic conditions, to use the natural factors of nature (sun, air, water). It is necessary to pay attention to the cleanliness of the places where children rest, study, sleep. The room where the child is located must be clean, light, the room must be ventilated. It should always be remembered that personal example is one of the strongest ways of education.

The posture of children requires special attention. It is necessary to ensure that the child gets used to sitting at the table correctly, sleeping in a free position, playing more with the ball, hoop, rope. A child with good posture stands and walks freely, without undue stress.

Speaking about the physical development of children, one cannot mention nutrition. Food should be healthy and varied.

It is necessary to ensure that children are engaged in accessible species manual labor, correctly performed the movements used in everyday life and included in various activities (drawing, modeling, playing musical instruments, etc.).

Parents should have an idea of ​​the complexes of morning exercises; exercises and outdoor games are a necessary addition to physical education at home. Adequate motor regime should satisfy the natural need for movement in children. Daily exercise improves health and physical development. At the same time, the body develops the ability to adapt to the various requirements of a changing environment, therefore, it is necessary to train the child not some specific abilities, but to exercise various muscle groups and the corresponding nerve centers.

The types of exercise are varied. At the same time, you should create an emotional mood in children, it helps to improve well-being, helps to overcome fear, self-doubt. So, if the child is afraid to cross the groove on the laid board, the mother encourages him, smiles, extends a helping hand to him and the child decisively takes a step.

However, children should not be allowed to overwork. Correct physical training will ensure the timely mastery of motor skills, skills necessary for everyday practical activities, will contribute to the development of agility, speed, strength, flexibility in children. The solution of problems of physical education is combined with the formation of the personality of the child as a whole, with his mental development, moral, aesthetic and labor education.

Folk saying reads: “In a healthy body - healthy mind". A child with poor health does not remember poems, stories well, has little interest in the world around him. Physical education helps mental development children, increases efficiency. Through physical exercises, games, children get acquainted with the diversity of the world, learn the properties of objects, their meaning. So on a request: like birds flap their wings, children willingly imitate, or, let's play like a ball - children try to jump higher. And in the game "Mother hen and chickens" children learn that little chickens are driven by their mother - a hen.

An integral part of physical education is made up of walks, excursions. This is not just a walk in the garden or playground, but going outside the yard, children love to walk with their parents, they are happy. They report what they saw and where. It is good to walk near stadiums, sports grounds. It is necessary that even a short walk be meaningful, teach the child something, and in some way exert its upbringing effect.

Parents should take advantage of children's propensities for a wide variety of types of movement. A stable predominant interest in the chosen, favorite sport is formed by acquaintance with physical exercises, which are similar in technique and conditions of application to various sports: football, gymnastics, basketball, all this is laid at an early age. Children need to make sure that their interest in sports is supported, that parents are aware of all the details of their activities.

Physical education in a family requires certain knowledge, experience, patience and direct participation from parents. The forms of organization of physical education in a family include an educational and educational complex of various motor activities. The forms of organization of physical education in the family include:

physical culture and recreational activities (morning exercises, physical education during drawing, modeling, reading, etc., hardening procedures in combination with physical exercises);


outdoor games, independent activities for children different kinds physical exercise;

specially organized physical education classes.

The main form of systematic training in physical exercises is physical training, which in a family setting can be carried out from 2 to 6 times a week. If there are several children in the family, then it is good to organize collective classes, therefore parents need to be both organizers and participants in the classes.

.2 Physical education at early and preschool age

The first years - from birth to a child's admission to school - are the most crucial period in the development of the organism and the formation of the personality. For normal developing child the desire for movement is characteristic. Under their influence, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened, the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems improves. Through motor activity, the child learns the world, his mental processes, will, and independence develop. Therefore, it is important to ensure the physical development of the child as early as possible. Only in this case will physical education serve the general training of children, promote harmonious development all functions and systems of a growing organism.

Preschool age differs, on the one hand, in the intensive growth and development of the child's body (in the first year of life, the child's growth increases by 50%, and by the age of 7, almost three times), and on the other hand, in low resistance to adverse influences external environment... Therefore, the age-related periodization of children is of great practical importance in building a system of physical education - the definition of specific tasks, forms, means, methods of using physical culture.

The periods of preschool age are shown in table. 1.

Table 1 - Age periodization preschool children

Years of life Periods by biological characteristics by pedagogical characteristics 1-10 days, 10 days-1 year Newborn infants Early preschool age 2 years, 3 years Early childhood Younger preschool age 4 years 5 years, 6 years, 7 years First childhood Middle age Older age

The tasks of physical education of preschool children in the family and preschool institutions are the same, therefore they should be solved by the joint efforts of parents and preschool workers... In addition, in the family, it is possible to form skills and abilities in complex types of movements, such as skiing, skating, cycling, swimming, etc., from an earlier age. These types of exercise require direct individual assistance and insurance for each child. It is much more difficult to organize teaching of these types of movement in kindergarten and to ensure high results than in a family.

For the correct implementation of physical education in the family, parents need to know what kind of physical exercises the child does in kindergarten, as well as in the nursery. sports school and what physical activity throughout the day and throughout the week he receives. Taking into account the entire load, physical exercises should be planned after the child's return from kindergarten, as well as on weekends.

Physical exercises in the family are carried out in various forms: exercises, classes (individual, collective), outdoor games, hardening procedures, physical exercises, walks in the woods, leisure evenings, holidays, etc. In order to properly organize the physical education of a child in a family, it is advisable to outline specific tasks, taking into account the child's age, health status, physical development and physical fitness, select physical exercises and distribute them throughout the year. In advance, you need to prepare physical education equipment for classes (bicycle, skis, skates, sledges, scooters, sports rollers, roller skates, - badminton, table tennis, towns, balls, jump ropes, etc.), clothes, shoes, involve children in this.

Thus, carrying out the tasks of physical education of preschoolers in the family, one can achieve excellent results in strengthening their health, physical development and physical fitness of children.

.3 Physical education of a schoolchild

The most common forms of physical education for schoolchildren in a family include: morning hygienic gymnastics, physical education, hardening procedures, outdoor activities.

Morning hygienic gymnastics (exercise) includes exercises that are performed without undue stress. The main task solved during their implementation is to eliminate the stagnant phenomena of blood in the body, to intensify activity internal organs.

An important form physical education in the family are tempering procedures: rubdown, massage, dousing.

Physical education minutes are spent while doing homework, after 30-35 minutes of continuous work with younger schoolchildren, and after 40-45 minutes of work with middle and senior schoolchildren.

Outdoor activities outside of lessons and homework. It includes walking, cycling, skiing, outdoor games. The total time of its duration in the mode of the day is from 1.5 to 3 hours.

Family trips (hiking, skiing, cycling) on ​​weekends and vacations are the most common form of outdoor activities for the whole family.

They develop muscle strength, endurance, speed and dexterity, systematic engagement in any kind of sport. However, the "weight" of these qualities in different sports is different. That is why prior advice from a sports educator and doctor is necessary for practicing a particular sport. At the same time, the state of health and the nature of the physical development of the student are taken into account, as well as possible influence on the development of his body during training sessions.

Younger schoolchildren some sports can be recommended, namely those that develop agility, flexibility and coordination of movements, provide for an even and moderate load on the largest possible muscle group of the body, for example: figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, etc.

You can start with 10 -11 years.

From 12-13 years old they are usually allowed to start preparatory classes in almost all sports that not only develop speed, agility, but also include exercises for endurance and strength (cycling, rowing, shot put, etc.)

Classes requiring high power loads (weightlifting, boxing) should be started at the age of 14-15.

Thus, the role of the family in the physical education and development of the child cannot be underestimated. main feature family education- a special emotional microclimate, thanks to which a child develops an attitude towards himself, an influence on value orientations, the child's worldview as a whole, his behavior in different areas public life; it is the parents, their personal qualities that largely determine the effectiveness in the physical education and development of the child in the family.

In order to successfully and accurately lead a child through the stages of physical perfection, it is necessary to know the basic laws of the construction and development of movements, the basic rules of training. At the same time, you cannot engage in physical education of children from time to time. The means of physical education should be applied systematically and correctly, according to age, only in this case they will gain a foothold and pass over time into good habit self-study physical education.

2. Organization of physical education in the family

2.1 Organization of morning exercises

Every day should begin with morning exercises, which is not without reason called exercises, as it drives away the remnants of drowsiness and gives a boost of vigor for the whole day. Hygienic gymnastics is beneficial only when it is practiced systematically and it becomes a habit, a need.

When selecting exercises, the following should be considered: impact on muscle groups and joints; a certain sequence and order of work different parts body creating Better conditions to increase the efficiency of muscle efforts; a gradual increase in intensity (load), as well as a gradual increase in the complexity of exercises, taking into account age. The complex should be drawn up according to a certain scheme:

Walking. Dosage: 0.5-1.5 minutes. Average pace. The movements are energetic.

Exercises in "stretching" with movements of the arms (sometimes legs). Dose 4 to 8 repetitions. The pace is slow. The movements are calm, smooth.

Exercises for the muscles of the trunk (bends, turns and rotations), legs (squats, lunges, flexion and extension, swing), shoulder girdle and arms (lifting and lowering, circles, jerks, flexion and extension) in various combinations and alternations. Dose: 4-6 to 10-12 repetitions. Tempo: Slow or medium in exercises for the muscles of the trunk (back and abdomen); for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle - medium; when swinging arms and legs - medium, with acceleration to fast.

Jumping and running exercises. Dosage: up to 30-40 jumps or 20-30 s running. The pace is fast. After jumping and running - calm walking for 0.5-1.5 minutes.

You should start with the minimum dosage, gradually increasing it. The family must have: short rope, large and small balls, gymnastic hoop (preferably plastic), gymnastic stick. A stick (length 90-100 cm, diameter 2.5-3 cm) can be made by yourself. For morning exercises, you also need a small rug (60x150 cm), since some exercises are performed while sitting or lying on the floor.

In the winter season, morning exercises are carried out in a ventilated room or with an open window, and in the summer in the fresh air.

To get the kids interested and get them involved in morning exercises, it is recommended to do the exercises with them. Exercises performed by the whole family are always interesting and fun.

.2 Activities with children

The most common and easy way organization of the child's motor activity - outdoor games. They do not require special training from parents and are very loved by children. By conducting outdoor games, you can solve various problems: strengthening and developing the body of preschoolers, strengthening the child's relationship with each of the parents, and uniting the family.

General developmental exercises... In the physical education of children, physical exercises are used (walking, running, balance exercises, throwing, climbing, outdoor games), sport exercises.

The main principle that parents should adhere to when doing physical exercises with babies is to portray everything in the form of a game. A cheerful tone, joke, laughter, active participation of an adult always captivate the child, inspire his imagination and evoke positive emotions in him. Movements for children 3-4 years old in most cases are imitative in nature, for example: "clap your hands", "beat the drum", "grow big", "pick an apple", "fly like a butterfly", "get your toes out" , "Vanka-vstanka", "the cat is angry", "heron", "sparrow", "plane". Exercises should be interesting, they should use well-remembered figurative comparisons, for example: "bird", "cat", "steam locomotive". At the same time, it must be remembered that the coordination of movements in children of younger preschool age is still imperfect, therefore, one should not strive for them to perform the exercises absolutely correctly. When choosing exercises, you should always remember about the most rational combination of breathing with movement, especially on initial stage classes. It is best to accompany the gymnastic exercises with sounds or words appropriate to the type of exercise. The child should pronounce words and sounds at the moment when it is necessary to exhale, that is, when the chest narrows.

Here are some outdoor games with breathing exercises.

"Beetles". The child sits on the floor in Turkish, the parent says: "W-w-w, - said the winged beetle, - sit-w-w". The child hugs himself by the shoulders and says: “I’ll get up, I’ll fly; loudly loudly buzz-zh-zh-uh ". The child and parent spread their arms to the sides and move around the room with the pronunciation of the sounds "w-w-w-w" (2-3 minutes).

"Bear cub". The child lies on his back, hands - under his head; takes a deep breath through the nose, exhale "snores". The parent comments: "The cubs are sleeping in the den ...", "The bear woke up, stretched, turned over." The child performs movements, stretches, bends the knees to the stomach, while performing a deep exhalation through the wasps; turns over and…. again "falls asleep, snoring."

"Hamsters". The child and parent puff out their cheeks strongly, "like hamsters" (breathe through the nose), and walk around the room. At the signal, the fists press on the cheeks, while releasing air through the mouth, "cheeks like children." The game is repeated 5-6 times.

Exclusively essential has a dosage of exercise for children, as they quickly get tired and may lose interest in physical exercise, so the number of repetitions of movements usually ranges from 2-3 to 5-6, depending on age. After the most difficult exercises, it is necessary to give short breaks for rest, putting them, like the exercises, in an interesting shape. You can invite the children to sit down or lie down, saying: "The dog has sat down to rest," "The bear has gone to bed," etc.

At an older preschool age, the main task of physical exercises is to improve the natural movements of children: walking, running, jumping, throwing, and balance movements. Exercises for children 5-6 years old are already more complex: "shake the apple tree", "drank wood", "fly like a bird", "skater", "skier", "frog", etc.

Exercises should be selected in such a way that when they are performed, all muscle groups are involved in a certain sequence: the development and strengthening of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, muscles of the abdominal and legs, back muscles and flexibility of the spine.

Physical education classes in terms of content, they consist of general developmental exercises, basic movements (walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing), outdoor games, which are selected in accordance with age. Moreover, each lesson, regardless of age, is carried out according to the following scheme.

Walking and running with various tasks (changing direction according to the task, along the drawn line, line, etc.), duration from 2 to 4 minutes.

General developmental exercises such as charging - up to 6 minutes.

Repetition and teaching of exercises that relate to basic movements; in each lesson, you can master 2-4 exercises, taking into account age and new types of movements. One of them is taken as a leading one, that is, requiring special attention, the rest are selected from those that the children are already familiar with. The time spent on learning the basic movements should not exceed 10-15 minutes for four-year-olds and 20-25 - for seven-year-old children.

Outdoor games - 5-10 min.

Exercises with a gradual slowing down of the pace, slow walking, breathing exercises and relaxation exercises - 2-4 minutes. The total duration of classes is from 20-25 to 45-50 minutes.

Classes can include various outdoor games, but the sequence and nature of the motor material should be given according to the same scheme.

Musical accompaniment is of great importance. Music gives them an emotional coloring, instills vigor, joy, helps the rhythm of movements, facilitates their implementation.

The best time to exercise with children is during the day, 1-2 hours after breakfast, or immediately after naps. If parents find time to study with the child only in the evening, then this should be done no later than 1-2 hours before putting the child to bed.

A set of outdoor games for children of different ages is presented below.

"Nimble feather". Divide the room into two halves: one for the parents, the other for the child. Take a feather, toss it up and blow, being careful not to fall to the floor. The child's task is to blow a feather halfway through the parents, and the parents - half the child. On whose side the feather falls, he lost.

"Catch me". Take the hoop and ball. The child runs away, and one of the parents catches him with a hoop. By dodging, the child can throw the ball into the hoop. If he hit, the victory is for him, if he is caught, then the victory will be for the parents.

"Knocked out". Throwing pillows is very fun: they are light, soft; if they hit, it won't hurt. They are also different in size and shape. There are no rules in this game. Just have fun with the whole family. Be prepared: a child can play such a game tirelessly even all day long.

"Hide and Seek". One of the favorite games for children of all ages. You can just hide and take turns looking for each other or playing blind man's buff. Dad will be a cat. Blindfolded, he catches "mice".

"Magic track". Prepare some small rugs or simply cut out various pictures out of paper. It will be interesting for girls to "flutter" like butterflies, from chamomile to chamomile, for boys - to "fly" from planet to planet. Spread the images around the room at a short distance from each other. Let the kids jump from one to the other! Lay out the daisies and planets in a new way every time.

"Formula 1". An interesting game that will appeal to children of all ages. Build a "tunnel" in the room from various subjects... Stools, a table, and boxes will also be used. The main thing is that children can crawl under them. The more suitable devices, the more interesting. Offer to pretend that children are cars. The winner is the one who is the first to come to the finish line, having overcome five "circles". During the races, you can turn on the music - it will be a lot of fun!

Tourism and family trips.An excellent form of organizing the physical education of children in a family is walking in the fresh air, in nature. The duration of the walks depends on the age of the children and ranges from 30 to 60 minutes one way.

When conducting walks and excursions with children in the warm season, the following recommendations should be followed. The terrain along which the route passes, and natural conditions choose parking so that it is convenient to carry out the planned exercises and games with the children. Medium and large halts are best arranged at the edges of a forest or grove, not far from a river, lake, or places suitable for swimming.

Before going on an excursion, you need to calculate the time so that the first half of the trip is completed before the hottest time of the day (12-13 hours). On the way, it is useful to conduct exercises and games with the children that would develop their ability to move at an economical step, deftly overcome obstacles on the way, and navigate the terrain. Do not restrain once again the desire of children to jump over a small ditch, jump over a fallen tree, jump off the ridge of a sandy ravine, etc.

Children 3-4 years old in a family hike walk 4-6 km a day at a speed of 2.5-3 km per hour, at 5-6 years old - 8-10 km. You should not rush them, you need to calculate the route so that there are stops. At the edge of the forest, in a clearing, offer Interesting games, competition on the obstacle course.

For children 3-7 years old, the length of the track with obstacles is 80-100 m, with a distance of 5-6 m between individual obstacles.

Obstacles can be as follows:

"Froggy" - is constructed from branches and twigs: height 40 cm, length 120 cm, 4 barriers with a distance of 80 cm between them, children jump with two legs at once.

"Corridor" - is indicated by braid in the bush or between trees with several turns.

"Nora" - is made of a raincoat-tent or a piece of cloth measuring 1.5-2 m. One edge is raised by 70 cm, the other is attached with pegs freely to the ground so that you can crawl under it on all fours.

"Log" - a cut of a trunk with a length of 3-4 m with not removed bark is fixed with pegs or branches remaining on the lower side.

"Monkey house" - made of two ropes (10-12 cm in diameter) stretched between two trees (the distance between them is 2-3 m). They need to be pulled tight and pulled to the sides with additional ropes. The guys step over the lower rope with their feet, holding on to the upper one.

Children are explained and shown how to overcome obstacles, they are offered to try to complete the task, and then the conditions of the competition are announced. Care must be taken to ensure that the exercises do not carry a clear danger.

In rough terrain, there are many opportunities for a variety of throwing exercises. Pine and spruce cones, sticks, twigs, pebbles are excellent projectiles. You can always find them at hand. It is more difficult for girls than for boys to throw at a distance and at a target. Therefore, exercises in various throwing for girls are especially useful. It is better to offer tasks for performing various throws to children with a focus on competition: whoever is more precise, will throw the throwing projectile further. This will interest them.

Do exercises that develop observation. Show the twig and offer to carefully examine it for 30 seconds. Then hide it. Children should correctly answer your questions: how many knots are on the branch, how many of them are broken, etc. Observation exercises can also be offered while walking. For example, let the kid try as quickly and correctly as possible to answer a variety of questions regarding objects on a given section of the path or events taking place on it. How many pipes are there on the roof of the house? Who is walking away - a man or a woman? If you meet a passer-by while walking, then after a while ask what he was carrying in his hands, what kind of shoes he had.

Beneficial influence has on the human body swimming... During swimming, the human body is located horizontally, due to which the spine is freed from the load of body weight; favorable conditions are created for the formation of correct posture. Long repetitions of certain movement cycles increase the body's endurance and resistance to colds.

It is necessary to teach the child to stay on the water and swim as early as possible. At home, you can start as early as two or three weeks of age. Being in the water should give the baby positive emotions, you should talk to him kindly, calmly, encourage his actions: “Well done, well done, swim, swim, move your arms and legs”.

The acquisition of swimming skills depends on the individual characteristics of the child. You need to be especially patient, attentive with those who are afraid of movement in the water. New difficult exercises to alternate with those that the child loves, to encourage him to be independent, to be active, to induce the desire to learn to stay on the water. In the process of learning to swim, you can play games with them on the water.

"Floats". Step into the water up to your chest, take a deep breath and sit down on the bottom. If now you gather yourself into a lump: press your head to your knees, clasp your legs with your hands, you will turn into an easy float. Do not believe? Push off slightly from the bottom and float up, arms outstretched.

"Blow with might and main!" Now you have to move in the water, chasing a balloon in front of you. Not with your hands, not with your forehead, but with your breath. If you touch the ball, then you have lost. You can swim, run along the bottom on your hands or on all fours, as you can (or whatever agreement will be). Balls, so as not to be confused, need multi-colored.

"Crocodile". A child at a shallow depth near the shore falls on his hands and moves along it forward, fingering his hands along the bottom. "Crab" - the same starting position, but the movement is performed forward sideways.

"Flying fish". Children enjoy this exercise the most. It is necessary to jump forward and upward with a running start into the water.

"Underwater telephone". The child, diving, collects pebbles at the bottom that you specially threw into the water.

Cross-country skiing... In the winter season, skiing is available for children from the age of 3 as a recreational tool. Skis and poles are selected according to the child's height: at the age of 3-5 years, the length of skis can exceed the height by 5-7 cm, while children aged 6 and older are selected skis that reach the palm of his outstretched hand. Ski poles - slightly below the shoulders.

The most important and at the same time difficult - to interest the child, to give him the opportunity to feel the pleasure of sliding on skis, first on a flat surface, then on an inclined surface. The first exercises on the snow are carried out without sticks and begin with learning to fall not forward or backward, but on the side with arms spreading to the sides.

First, they teach the usual way of skiing - moving in a straight step with a gradual transition to sliding, when the skis do not come off the track. A useful exercise in the first workouts is towing on skis, when the child holds onto the poles that the adult pulls; while the child's legs are slightly bent at the knees, and the body is tilted forward. The child is then taught to turn on the spot.

When transitioning to a sliding step, it is good to use a knurled track that runs at a slight incline. Only after that, the child is given sticks, and he gradually learns an alternating two-step move, when the movements of the arms and legs alternate, as when walking.

Children of primary school and senior preschool age can also learn to overcome non-steep ascents (first "ladder", then "herringbone") and small descents.

Skatingstimulates the physical activity of preschoolers, improves their health and general physical conditioning. When moving on skates, the same movements are repeated many times, there is a constant alternation of tension and relaxation of the muscles of the legs when changing one-support and two-support sliding, which has a beneficial effect on strengthening the arch of the foot. The stability of the vestibular apparatus significantly increases, the sense of balance increases, and muscle tension is correctly distributed.

Run- one of the most important movements for a child's health, allowing good regulation of the load, strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, various muscle groups, joints and ligaments.

Running is a natural movement familiar to children from an early age. It is performed mainly in the fresh air and does not require special equipment. The ability to run quickly and dexterously helps the child to successfully participate in outdoor games, relay races, and sports exercises. Running is of great importance for endurance training.

Running loads are dosed depending on individual characteristics: for weakened children, running a short distance at a low pace gradually strengthens their health, and a trained child runs more and his pace of running is higher.

Children 5-6 years old love to compete in running. The tasks for children should be diversified, for example, by conducting next games.

"Who used to be." Three or four children stand in circles on one side of the playground. On the opposite side (distance 10-15 m) circles are also marked according to the number of players. At the signal, the children run to the other side, trying to quickly get into the circle. The one who does it first wins. "Catch the hoop." Children put the hoop on the floor with the rim, vigorously push it away and run after it. You can play the game "Who is quick to the ball" or "Who is most likely to run around the tree."

Increasing children's interest in running is facilitated by more complex tasks, for example, stopping, changing the direction of running, running a snake between objects. Older children perceive explanations, instructions well, and can notice mistakes on their own. An adult directs the attention of the children to those who can serve as an example: he runs easily, rhythmically, correctly observing the running technique, the foot is placed on the front of the foot, the hands help to maintain balance.

If running is carried out without a game situation, then in this case you should maintain a small pace, not accelerate or slow it down, run rhythmically, steps are not long, arm movements are relaxed.

If possible, you should use barefoot running on sand, shallow water, dirt and grassy paths with turns and inclines as often as possible, making sure that there are no objects that could lead to injuries. It is advisable to train in running in the warm season, in spring and autumn, without fear of a fine drizzle. In addition to hardening, running in adverse conditions strengthens the character of children, their perseverance, endurance, creates a habit of daily physical exercise.

Thus, organizing classes on physical culture with children, it is recommended to use big circle means and methods of physical education: physical exercises, sports exercises, hygienic factors, natural forces of nature. The main principle that parents must adhere to when organizing physical education with children is to portray everything in the form of a game.


Thus, completing the work, we briefly note the following.

The family largely determines the attitude of children towards physical exercise, their interest in sports, activity and initiative. This is facilitated by close emotional communication between children and adults in different situations, their naturally arising joint activity. Parents should introduce children to systematic physical education and sports; monitor the state of physical development, posture, health of children.

The best method of raising people to exercise is through the example of parents and other family members. Joint physical education and sports between parents and children promotes spiritual rapprochement between older and younger family members, which is the basis of mutual understanding between them. So, for example, during hikes or tourist walks, each member of the family performs certain duties that everyone will feel as a useful and equal member of a friendly team. During family hikes, they participate in joint games: football, bouncers, fun relay races.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in such an important matter as the physical education of the younger generation, there are not and cannot be trifles. It is important to remember that only a comprehensive implementation of all forms of physical education can fully solve the assigned tasks!


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