Can iodine be applied to an open wound? How do I handle a minor cut? How to properly treat a wound before dressing

Everyone has heard of a drug such as iodine. As a child, it was used to lubricate broken elbows and knees.

During processing skin iodine kills all pathogens that can cause infection of the human body, the development of serious diseases.

It was found that the solution, which can be purchased at a low cost in a pharmacy, really has very good antiseptic properties.

But there are many restrictions on its use in children and adults. You should know about them so as not to harm. own health... Before applying iodine to wounds or making an iodine mesh, we advise you to study all contraindications.

Unfortunately, many people in the countries post-Soviet space this solution is misused because the level of health literacy in most of the society remains low.

On the one hand, the reason for this is imperfect education, and on the other hand, the use of outdated treatment regimens in domestic medicine.

Of course, the drug that people like to put on wounds is a solution. It contains a substance called molecular iodine. Usually, this drug is used to treat the wound, postoperative suture... Thus, iodine is intended for external use.

If you carefully study the information on the iodine bottle, you will find that the concentration active substance it is 5%.

In this case, the solution is alcoholic. If you use a more concentrated substance, it can harm the body.

For the treatment of children, qualified doctors advise to dilute the iodine solution purchased at the pharmacy twice..

The reduced concentration will allow the drug to be used without the risk of harm.

It has been proven that open wounds lubricated with iodine take much longer to heal. For this reason, it is forbidden to apply the solution to large areas of the skin.

Do not lubricate open wounds with it. The doctor recommends applying the solution only to the edges of the skin lesion. This will prevent dirt and infection from entering.

For the treatment of the postoperative suture, it is also advised to choose other drugs that do not have such a number of restrictions for use.

Today instead of iodine World organization health care recommends the use of chlorhexidine, miramistin and analogues of these drugs.

They are no less effective for disinfecting a postoperative suture or open wounds, but they do not have side effects.

Lubrication of damaged skin with iodine is painful, while the use of chlorhexidine does not cause discomfort.

Iodine should not be used for:

  • processing thermal burns and frostbite;
  • treatment of chemical burns;
  • treatment of insect and arachnid bites;
  • acceleration of resorption of hematomas after injections;
  • ingestion.

Iodine grid

It should be noted that I is a trace element that is contained in human body... With its deficit, work is disrupted thyroid gland.

This leads to a disruption in the production of sex hormones, the work of the heart. The work of the nervous system is very often disrupted.

For this reason, in addition to disinfecting wounds, people make an iodine net, believing that this will increase the content of this trace element in the body.

This can lead to chemical burns and an excess of this substance in the body. Burns are quite unpleasant, but they do not pose a great threat to health.

It is very important not to allow an excess of iodine. It is worth noting that 50 milliliters of a 5% solution of this substance is considered a lethal dose.

In general, it is normal for children under 2 years old to consume 90 micrograms, children over 2 years old and adults consume 150 micrograms, and pregnant and lactating women consume 250 micrograms of iodine.

If you increase this amount, you can cause serious thyroid dysfunction. Of course, this has an extremely negative effect on health.

If the body is deficient in this substance, then thyroid"Unlearns" to process required amount I.

If you increase the amount of the incoming substance into the body, then this can also provoke organ damage. endocrine system... For this reason, you should refuse to apply iodine nets to the skin.

Lugol's use

In addition to iodine treatment of the seam, wounds, the substance can be used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

It is part of such known drug like Lugol. Lubrication of the throat with this drug is practiced by domestic doctors.

They often prescribe Lugol for angina, tonsillitis, purulent otitis media, atrophic rhinitis.

Of course, Lugol is quite inexpensive and effective. drug... But its use can harm the thyroid gland.

For this reason, modern medical science advises to stop using Lugol for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Iodine is a very popular remedy that is still used today for treating wounds and postoperative stitches.

The drug is not prohibited, but the World Health Organization recommends using other effective means which are more secure.

Of course, each person must independently make a choice regarding which drug to use.

Very often in everyday life or in nature, we or our children receive microtraumas in the form of cuts or cracks. Sometimes, when an infection is introduced, these abrasions bother us for a long time and do not want to heal in any way. In order not to face such a problem, always have iodine on hand, which perfectly disinfects, prevents inflammation and promotes fast healing small wounds. But to avoid all possible undesirable consequences you should know how to iodine the wound. Otherwise, you can burn the skin and get the opposite effect.

In any pharmacy, you can easily find a 5% alcohol solution of iodine. To treat a small cut or skin around a deep wound that is bleeding a lot, this anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent will be enough for you.

If your wound or cut is very small, you can simply grab a vial and spray iodine on the affected area. Cotton swabs or gauze pads should be used to treat large abrasions and cuts.

Please note: iodine is an essential remedy for treating wounds in children who are already three years old. Very often, when running or cycling, children fall on the asphalt or curbs and severely peel the skin on their knees. Immediately after the fall, treat the wound with iodine, and in the evening, gently rinse the abrasions with running water and repeat the smearing. If these procedures are carried out in time, you can prevent the appearance of pus and, of course, speed up healing.

If you have a deep wound that bleeds, take iodine, moisten it cotton swab and treat only the skin around the cut to kill bacteria and prevent infection. Attention: by treating the wound inside with iodine, you can get severe burn, which will significantly slow down your recovery. For internal processing use either hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine if possible.

If a bleeding wound appears on a hairy surface (for example, you accidentally hit a knot with your head), you need to cut the hair short and treat the skin around the wound with iodine at a distance of 3 cm. If the skin is slightly damaged after the impact, you just need to burn the abrasion with iodine.

One of the additional advantages of treating wounds with iodine is that, in addition to disinfecting, this agent promotes resorption of infiltrates. However, there are also disadvantages - allergic reactions, individual intolerance. Also, iodine is contraindicated in renal failure and disorders of the thyroid gland.


In short, keep iodine on hand, as our grandmothers did, but use it as recommended!

Summer has come favorite time years of children, which means that the time has come for abrasions, scratches, bruises, splinters and other related summer season"Side effects". Here irreplaceable helpers old proven brilliant green, iodine and hydrogen peroxide are becoming for mothers and grandmothers. And, perhaps, every summer resident always has these traditional and effective means... True, now you can buy more modern antiseptics, but iodine and brilliant green still remain faithful helpers housewives.

Three remedies - iodine, brilliant green and hydrogen peroxide - which one to use if necessary, you may wonder. All of them essentially perform the same function - they disinfect, but you need to know that each of them acts in a different way and, therefore, is used in different cases.

In general, both brilliant green and iodine are both usually on alcohol based, which does not have the most favorable effect on sensitive skin especially on open wounds. If you have a deep open wound, then hydrogen peroxide is best suited, it will be discussed below.

If iodine is applied abundantly even on intact skin, then a burn may occur, but what can we say about wounds and abrasions. Therefore, you should not treat damaged skin with iodine in order to avoid burns, it is better to apply it to the skin around the wound to prevent the penetration of microbes. But, since iodine dries, cauterizes, it can be useful in treating acne, but the use of iodine will be especially appropriate for bruises, swelling, dislocations, since it stimulates blood flow. In this case, iodine is applied in the form of a grid. But if you are hurt, and there is nothing besides iodine, then they can be processed open wound, but after diluting clean water so that there is no burn.

A solution of brilliant green, or just brilliant green

It is also an antiseptic in its properties. Unlike iodine, it does not dry the skin and does not provoke a burn, perfectly promotes healing, and it can be safely applied directly to the wound. In addition, brilliant green perfectly protects against suppuration. One drawback of brilliant green - if it gets on clothes, it is not possible to wash it without special stain removers.

Hydrogen peroxide

Of course, you need to understand that brilliant green and iodine will only help with shallow cuts, abrasions. If the wound is deep, then it is best to treat it with hydrogen peroxide - this is excellent remedy for disinfection, does not contain alcohol, does not provoke a burn, but then consult a doctor for qualified assistance. Remember at the same time that hydrogen peroxide, unlike the same brilliant green, does not retain its antiseptic effect for long, that is, the wound should be periodically treated again, and it is best to bandage it.

Bitten wounds urgent care indications for vaccination

First aid for bitten wounds

First medical aid to persons who have applied for bites, scratches, salivation by any animals, as well as those who have received skin injuries during the autopsy of the corpses of animals that have died from rabies, or the autopsy of the bodies of people who have died from hydrophobia, are provided by all medical and preventive institutions (we are not talking about vaccination ).

Local wound care

Local wound care is extremely important. The sooner and more thoroughly after the injury the bite wound is cleaned, the more guarantees that the rabies virus will be flushed out of the wound. Local wound care does not in any way preclude subsequent immunization.

1. Immediately and abundantly rinse the wound, scratches and all areas where animal saliva has come into contact, soapy water(soap partially inactivates the rabies virus), then with clean tap water, followed by treatment with a solution of hydrogen peroxide ...

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Zelenka or iodine: which is better? This question is asked by everyone who is often faced with trauma.

After all, every person in his life received some wounds that had to be treated with disinfectant solutions.

Usually, in emergency cases, what is at hand is used at the moment.

However, with long-term treatment when there is a choice, it is worth thinking about what is best to use for these purposes.

Zelenka or iodine: which is better?

There is a difference between these agents, but from the point of view of disinfection, it seems to be impossible to call it significant. Maybe it makes sense to keep only one of these products in the family medicine cabinet?

The word "green" is called brilliant green solution. This strange name is due to the fact that before the first two words came the word "dye". Initially, this substance was used only as a paint. However, one day, when working with a dye, they suddenly discovered that this dye with ...

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A five percent alcohol solution of iodine is an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, wound healing agent that is used to treat small cuts, abrasions, and for local treatment of areas around bleeding deep wounds.

What to cook

You may need:

cotton swab;
gauze swab.

Why iodine is useful

If you get hurt, cut yourself, or sore your skin, iodine is considered the ideal remedy to help:

avoid infection;
prevent inflammation;
contribute to the rapid healing of a small abrasion or wound.

For a small wound or cut in your finger

It is enough just to water the damaged areas with iodine. When the size of the abrasion or scratch is quite large, use a gauze cloth, cotton swab, cotton pad.

Iodine is considered irreplaceable means for treating abrasion wounds ...

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Treatment of bites

Treatment of bites with folk remedies

Treatment for mosquito bites

Mosquito bites are not dangerous to human health, but they can cause considerable discomfort: itching, blisters and redness. If you scratch the bite site, a wound will appear that can get infected. Therefore, the first advice in treating mosquito bites is not to scratch the blisters! To relieve itching and inflammation, anoint the bite with baby cream or any antiseptic.

For itching and blistering from mosquito bites, use drug fee, which includes peppermint leaves, young oak bark, flowers and leaves of St. John's wort. An equal amount of components is poured with water (200 ml) and boiled for 15 minutes over low heat. Then the broth is chilled, filtered and lotions are made from it.

Treatment for wasp and bee stings

Prevent bee sting with folk remedies almost impossible. Probability...

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1. Abundant washing of wounds, scratches and all places where saliva of the animal has got into, with soapy water (soap partially inactivates the rabies virus), then with clean tap water, followed by treatment with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

2. Treat the edges of the wound with 5% iodine tincture or brilliant green solution.

3. After the treatment, a pressure aseptic dressing is applied.

4.It is forbidden to enter the bitten wound sharp objects(surgical excision of the edges of the wound, any incisions, suturing) during first three days after the bite.

5. Emergency prevention of tetanus, antibiotics.

5. Send the victim to the trauma center for the appointment of a course of anti-rabies vaccinations and the introduction of immunoglobulin.

Basic principles:

1. Surgical treatment of a wound, drainage.

2. Local and general effects on pathogens of the infectious process: antibiotics, antiseptics, immunotherapy.

3. System ...

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Dog - best friend person. Most people certainly agree with this statement. Indeed, the loyalty of this animal has become the talk of the town. However, despite its remarkable qualities, a dog can inflict tangible harm- bite. Everyone should know what to do if a dog is attacked, how to minimize harm from meeting an aggressive animal, and how to treat the effects of bites.

Why is a dog bite dangerous?

More than 150 thousand Russians apply for medical help after attacks and dog bites. Dozens of people die of rabies, transmitted by a dog bite. The number of cases of canine aggression increases in summer period and people suffer more from pets than from homeless people. Most often, adult men and children get bites: toddlers two to four years old and adolescents 10-14 years old.

The worst of all is the bites of dogs of fighting and some service breeds: german shepherd, bull terriers, rottweilers, ...

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Ranami (vulnera) are called mechanical damage tissues in which the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes is disturbed, and often deep-lying tissues ( subcutaneous tissue, muscles, etc.). As a result of a violation of the integrity of the integument through the wound surface, various pyogenic or anaerobic microbes penetrate into the tissues of the body. The penetration of pyogenic infections in the presence of certain conditions favorable for its development, in turn, can cause various acute-purulent processes: wound suppuration, abscesses, phlegmon, lymphangitis, lymphadenitis, and many others. others, including a general purulent infection in the form of sepsis. If an anaerobic infection enters the body through a wound, it can cause tetanus, gas gangrene, etc.

Wounds can be very diverse, depending on their origin, degree of tissue damage, microbial contamination (infection), location, depth, etc. First of all, wounds should be distinguished depending on their origin or, more precisely, by ...

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Wound dressing when dressing

In his life, any person has injured the skin to a greater or lesser extent. Therefore, it is important to know the basic rules for the primary treatment of the wound surface.

Wound treatment is understood as a set of certain measures leading to the cleaning of the wound surface, treatment with a disinfectant solution, prevention possible complications and accelerated healing. It is important to remember that wound treatment is carried out after the bleeding has stopped and one should be wary of wounds received in the area of ​​the hands, feet and face.

How to properly treat a wound before dressing

There is a certain complex sequential action for wound treatment:

The victim must be laid down or seated in comfortable position... In this case, the affected area of ​​the body should be at maximum rest. - First of all, the wound must be rinsed under running water under a tap. If the victim is on ...

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Time flies uncontrollably forward, and pharmacology moves forward with it. Per last years many new modern antiseptics have appeared on pharmacy counters, ready to help a person at the most different problems with health. However, the topic is still relevant: which is better - iodine or brilliant green? Yes, there are drugs that have remained invariably popular among people for many decades. These include the old good means: alcohol solution of iodine and brilliant green solution (brilliant green).

Usually in any home first aid kit there are bottles of both. This is in case you have to urgently treat a small wound received in everyday life, or a cut. And then the question arises: brilliant green or iodine - which is better to use? This article will help you deal with this.

Pros and cons of iodine

Alcoholic iodine solution is an excellent, time-tested antiseptic. He has a lot of advantages. Iodine...

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Can I apply brilliant green over the iodine mesh? finger tears, swelling from cut in the lung.

Can. Ideally, the edges of the wound are treated with iodine, and brilliant green can be applied directly to the wound.

Do not use iodine solution to lubricate wounds on the face, especially near the eyes and mouth. I also really like sulfargin, it contains silver ions, it can be immediately applied to the wound, it heals quickly.

Some kind of tin, cut a lung, top with iodine and brilliant green, you are a masoch

Wounds are not treated with iodine, brilliant green is possible. Dioxidine helps a lot.

Why can't iodine be applied to the wound? On the contrary, I always cauterize my wounds with iodine and everything seems to be fine!

Moreover, it is not worth applying iodine or brilliant green to an open wound, as this can cause burns, irritation, not to mention pouring a solution over the knocked knee, it really hurts the child so screams for a reason, remember your childhood, besides. ..

Wound and wound are different things

Scratch and wound things ...

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It seems to you that this is very simple theme not requiring a trial? Then we advise you to read the article. and you will understand that you do not know everything!

Iodine solution (5%) has disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties, and is used to treat small wounds, scratches and abrasions.

Attention! It is not the wound itself that needs to be treated, but the surface of the skin around it.

Before processing, you need to stock up on:

Iodine solution or gauze tampon stick

Iodine is best remedy if you have cut yourself and the wound is not deep, or if you have an abrasion, scratch, etc. Iodine will prevent infection from entering the body and speed up the healing process.

If your finger is cut a little, then you can fill the wound with iodine. And if the wound is larger, then take a cotton-tipped stick (a match wrapped in cotton will do) or a gauze swab. Iodine will also come in handy if the child falls while cycling, etc. on a hard asphalt surface and got abraded. The wound ...

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Can you please take a photo?

Such wounds should be treated twice a day. It is necessary to wash such wounds with an antiseptic. After treatment with an antiseptic, the edges of the wound are smeared with a solution of 70% alcohol or iodine. When the wound is treated and time will pass, then you can apply ointments ...

To the veterinarian

Maybe go to the veterinar, treat the bandage with peroxide, wrap it with a cotton pad on the wound, you can use brilliant green or food around the edges and bring the bandage.

Smear with Zelenka, or better to the veterinarian

All wounds in both humans and animals are treated in the same way, first rinse the wound thoroughly with hydrogen peroxide, then treat it with iodine or green stuff and wrap it up. If the wound is purulent, then after peroxide, apply a gauze napkin with Levomekol ointment, Ichthyol, Vishnevsky ointment (one thing) to the wound and bandage it. The dressing must be done 2 times a day, since the animals ...

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How to properly treat a wound: Medicine

Shl and also, what means to smear the wound further or not to smear it ... My wife bought depanthenol (there seems to be it for burns and for healing wounds), anointed the burn - the effect was zero ... the wound did not smear. Actually annoying because she began to fester slightly.

If 3%, which is from the pharmacy, is only beneficial.

In medicine, hydrogen peroxide solutions are used as an antiseptic. Upon contact with damaged skin and mucous membranes, hydrogen peroxide under the influence of the enzyme catalase decomposes with the release of oxygen, which promotes blood clotting and creates unfavorable conditions for the development of microorganisms. However, this action is short-lived and has a weak effect. Nevertheless, hydrogen peroxide (pharmacy name - hydrogen peroxide, 3%) is used in the primary treatment of wounds (including open ones). Hydrogen peroxide is very effective for treating minor scratches, ...

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5% alcohol solution of iodine is a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent that is used to treat small abrasions, cuts and local treatment around deep bleeding wounds.

You will need

- iodine; - cotton swab; - gauze swab.


If you cut yourself, hurt yourself, or have an abrasion on your skin, iodine is ideal remedy, which will help avoid infection, prevent inflammation and promote the rapid healing of a small wound or abrasion.

For a cut or small wound on your fingers, simply spray iodine on the damaged area. If the size of the abrasion or scratch is large enough, use a cotton swab, gauze pad, or cotton pad to clean it. Iodine is an indispensable remedy for treating wounds with abrasions in children over three years old. If your child falls off the bike onto hard asphalt and the skin is only superficially damaged, iodine it. In the evening after ...

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5% alcohol solution of iodine is a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent that is used to treat small abrasions, cuts and local treatment around large bleeding wounds.

You will need

  • - iodine;
  • - cotton swab;
  • - gauze swab.


1. If you cut yourself, hurt yourself or there is an abrasion on the skin, iodine is the perfect remedy that will help to avoid infection, prevent inflammation and promote the rapid healing of a small wound or abrasion.

2. For a cut or small wound on your fingers, lightly pour iodine over the damaged area. If the size of the abrasion or scratch is rather large, use a cotton swab, gauze pad or cotton pad for processing. Iodine is necessary means for treating wounds with abrasions in children over 3 years old. If your child falls off the bike onto rough asphalt and the skin is only superficially damaged, iodine it. Later in the evening water treatments repeat processing. This will help heal abrasions quickly and prevent suppuration.

3. With open bleeding wounds, iodine treatment is allowed only around, in order to minimize the number of bacteria and the likelihood of infection. Inner surface flush wounds with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. If you apply iodine to the exposed surface of a deep wound, it will burn and heal much more slowly.

4. Before treating wounds on hairy surfaces, for example on the head, cut the hair shortly, treat around the wound with iodine at a distance of 3 cm. If a superficial damage to the skin occurs, carefully cauterize the abrasion with iodine. With a deep wound, the treatment of an open wound surface is impossible.

5. The advantages of treating wounds and abrasions with iodine are that the agent has not only a disinfecting, but also a resorbing result, but there are also disadvantages. Some people are intolerant to iodine, and signs of allergy appear. It is impossible to treat large wounds, diabetic ulcers with iodine, and its use is contraindicated in renal failure, thyroid disorders.