When a man decides to propose. How long did it take between you buying the ring and deciding to propose? Where did you hide it? Proposal to your girlfriend


Buy a ring for an upcoming event. The color and design of it should depend only on the preferences of your girl. If you are used to deciding everything together and have been buying gifts for each other for a long time, ask directly about her desires. If it should be real surprise, you will have to rely only on your ingenuity.

In this case, you should not start casual conversations about from time to time. Girls in such matters are extremely quick-witted. Take a better look at those jewelry that she wears. To their shape, color and size. It can be modest and elegant products. Or, on the contrary, bright and massive. Whether she prefers white gold or yellow. If a girl likes to wear silver, buy her an item from white gold. To find out the ring size of your chosen one, take one of them with you to the store.

Decide on the place where you will make a marriage proposal. It can be either a house, a cozy restaurant, or beautiful corner nature. The main thing is that no one can interfere with you there.

When proposing, start by saying that you would like her to be your wife. Explain to her why you decided to connect your future life with her. Of course, it's good if it is a declaration of love or words about how dear she is to you. And only then ask the chosen one if she agrees to this. Do not start a sentence with the phrase "Do you want to get married?".

If the girl said "yes" to your proposal, notify the parents. Better yet, ask her parents for their hand. For them, this is also a rather serious and significant moment in life.

When proposing to marry, focus primarily on your own intuition, and not on friends and acquaintances. After all, in matters of love you know much better than others. Remember that the main thing in this matter is the sincerity of feelings.


  • How to make an offer
  • well-formed sentence

Serious relationship between a woman and a man often end in a wedding, but desire alone is not enough for a girl to agree to marry - you need to competently and beautifully propose to her. Many men find it difficult and embarrassed when the time comes to ask girl right question, and naturally, they are interested in how to make an offer correctly, and what mistakes should be avoided.


If your relationship has been going on for a long time, surely the girl from time to time thinks about life together with you. Try discussing your future family life with her - tell her how you imagine her and ask what the girl expects from her. Agree that you both want to live together.

Try to make the proposal itself memorable - ask for a hand when she does not expect it, so that your offer comes as a surprise to her. To make the proposal more romantic, you can give as a sign of seriousness of your intentions, having previously found out her jewelry preferences and what size she wears.

If you have a good relationship with the girl's parents, ask them for her hand - such traditional method engagement will be pleasant and girl, and her parents, who will undoubtedly imbue you with respect. In addition, you can get down on one knee, asking for the girl's hand - this romantic gesture will be remembered by her for a long time.

Bring ingenuity and originality to your proposal. Besides, girl it will be nice if you justify your desire on her - say what she means to you, and what it means to you - to start a family, and why you would like to spend your whole life with her.

Girl, I'm sorry, but you exude such psychological immaturity ... and, excuse me, stupidity ... How old are you and your chosen one, if not a secret?
You don’t need a family and the development of relationships, you need to satisfy the Social Template, so that the environment considers you Normal, so that you are “left behind” and not looked at with pity. And to ruffle girlfriends about the wedding and the white dress. In your text, your problems are so openly indicated personally, which indicate your psychological immaturity. With such attitudes of yours (dependence on social patterns and the opinions of others), you cannot successfully build a family life and relationships with a man. You have been in a relationship for 3.5 years and still have not studied your man! Whether he is responsible or not, whether actions diverge from words, how he solves situations and problems, whether he tries to relieve himself of responsibility for resolving issues, etc. (the list could go on). Correctly in the comments, someone wrote that when you get married, you also Unconsciously (precisely with capital letter) get pregnant (as 80% of the population do, give birth, and then they don’t take care of upbringing and it’s not clear who grows up), again observing social patterns so that they “lag behind” you and look at how normal person and not with condemnation and misunderstanding.
And then fatigue, problems in the family and misunderstanding with her husband, divorce will begin ... Classics of the genre.
If your young man has not yet made you an offer, then either he is not ready yet, because this is a serious responsibility, and in this situation you cannot put pressure on him and take out his brain, so he will stop seeing you as a woman (again draw conclusions that he has already hinted about it and safely forgotten, a real reliable man who you can rely on does not throw words into the wind, this is very important); either you don’t inspire him in a feminine way to make this decision, which means you are behaving incorrectly and he doesn’t see you as a woman with whom you can build a family; or both.
Family life- This is not a fairy tale and not an everyday holiday. Shusi-pusi pass quickly and joint life begins and a lot interpersonal problems that both spouses should want to decide, work on themselves and go together in one direction. This is a serious work of Building Love and Respect for each other, building strong family. According to your text, it is clear that you are very far from this and have not matured specifically for the family. You want to play wedding and cohabitation together.
You don’t need to get married, but grow up first, otherwise you’ll break so much firewood and don’t build harmonious strong relationships. Start working on yourself and change your attitudes, they are detrimental to the individual.
All the best to you and success!

Every woman dreams of receiving a marriage proposal from her beloved, followed by a wedding. But some girls living pretty long time Together with the guy, they can't wait for this event. The reason is that men and women are completely different attitude to marriage. For the fair sex, an official union is a confirmation of love and serious intentions. Representatives strong half mankind, on the contrary, see no point in it. For them, it's a waste of time and effort. Forcibly compel young man not getting married. But there are some ways by which you can easily and unobtrusively push him into marriage.

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    How to hint correctly?

    If a woman has already managed to understand that a loved one does not intend to do anything in order to formalize the relationship officially, then she needs to take some steps to change his mind to the opposite.

    Before you begin to act, you should determine the motives for which the representative of the stronger sex refuses to start a family. After the cause is identified, the woman will need to help the man overcome doubts and make the right decision. To do this, you need to follow some recommendations.

    Don't rush things

    The strength of every woman lies in her cunning and wisdom. In order to persuade a guy to marry, you do not need to start talking about marriage every day. In this case, do not rush. You have to move slowly but surely. You should not resort to blackmail and put a man before a choice: either a wedding or a breakup.

    Do not try to force a man to formalize the relationship. If a girl persists, this can lead to a scandal and even a break in relations.

    It is recommended to surround a man with affection and care, while gently hinting to him that you really want to go on a honeymoon trip, put on wedding ring And so on. You can invite your loved one to dream about future wedding(who will be dressed in what, in which restaurant she will go, who will come to visit. A woman is required to set the right direction of thought, and then the man will think of it himself. She needs to be patient and wait.

    Take a break in a relationship

    If phrases and actions do not help to convince a loved one, then a woman should leave him for a while. It is required to calmly and without scandals tell him that it is time to decide on later life. During the departure, you do not need to sob, shout, speak big words, etc.

    This action will determine true intentions men and the seriousness of the relationship to the girl. Either he will realize that he cannot live without her, or it will become clear to her that the man is not suitable for her and will look for another partner. When leaving, you should determine for the partner the period during which the girl intends to wait for him, and calmly say goodbye.

    transparent hint

    The psychology of men is arranged in such a way that they do not understand hints, changes in intonations in their voices, etc. You need to speak directly with them, speak out precisely and specifically, citing certain facts or arguments. But still, it’s not worth talking about the registry office directly and sharply.

    You need to be patient. After all, the result of the action will not be as soon as we would like. It is necessary to think over all the details and draw up a clear plan.

    You can try on the dress wedding salon, and ask your man: "Do you want to take it off me? I promise you will like it!". Or go for a walk on the weekend and, as if by chance, walk past the wedding palace, where happy and married couples come from, and say: "Would you like to come here in the near future?"

    You can hint at the proposal with humorous phrases:

    • Is it possible to get married? And where is this poor man hiding?
    • Want to get married! Take me!
    • I want to get married! It's great to have a person next to you who can be tormented all your life.

    Enlist the help of relatives

    If a couple has been together for a long time and it seems that the partners love each other, then in order to convince her man to put a stamp in his passport, a woman can resort to the help of his relatives. She must get them to side with her.

    If relatives constantly talk about what a wonderful couple they are, that it's time to have children, and so on, then sooner or later this will push the man to the right decision and he will certainly propose to his beloved.

    Show initiative

    It happens that a man is completely sure of his feelings and desire to be with his beloved woman together until the end of his days, but he still does not dare to make an offer. Then the only right decision will take the initiative into their own hands.

    A woman must figure out how to properly propose to a man to marry herself. The main thing is that it does not look like an insult to him and those around him.

    You can use the following methods:

    • Can be in comic form kneel before a man and offer yourself as a wife.
    • Ask him to take his beloved passport and make an appointment with him at the registry office in order to go and apply.
    • Buy wedding invitations for friends and relatives and sign them, and set the date of the celebration to offer to your loved one.

    It is worth considering the possible reaction of a man before proceeding with the action. The main thing is that such behavior does not anger him or offend him.

    Forbidden tricks

    If the union of a man and a woman lasts already for a long time, then the girl is able to directly ask about the future plans of her beloved. If he categorically refuses and does not plan to marry in the near future, then this indicates that the guy does not care, and he does not value this relationship. If this happened, then the girl should think about whether to continue to maintain this connection.

    • Talk to a manthat she spends hers on himtime. Being in a relationship, a girl makes a conscious choice whether to be with this person or not. Everyone should be able to take responsibility for their own actions and decisions.
    • agree that formalization relationship is just a formality. This opinion of a man suggests that he is not completely sure of his choice and, perhaps, is still looking for a better “party”.
    • Follow the lead of a man who already had experience of marriage and agree to cohabitation without registration. Most of the representatives of the stronger sex, who have behind them negative experience, insist that they already had a wedding once and they do not need a second celebration. This behavior suggests that he does not think about the interests of his woman.
    • Postpone the wedding, waiting for a solution to the financial or other problems of the man. They will never decide. If a guy loves and is ready to live his whole life with a woman, no obstacles will stop him.
    • Take your chosen one to an appointment with a psychologist in order to get rid of the fear of marriage. It is unlikely that he will agree to this, and such perseverance of the girl will only push him away from making a decision.

    A woman should gently push a man so that he himself decides to propose marriage to her. The desire to make your girlfriend happy will conquer all the doubts of a young man.

Girls! Here, many people want to at least receive a marriage proposal from a guy, there are many such things that guys do not want to get married and all that ...
And I have a different situation. 2 years ago I received this long-awaited offer! and what is the result? I am still not married.
You can talk about what happened in these 2 years for a long time. we went to the registry office 2 times, chose 3 or maybe 4 wedding dates, filed an application, but each time something happened that nullified all attempts at our marriage. it was everything! we converged, dispersed, the guy's parents intervened. his mother is generally against our marriage, as I realized much later. she doesn’t like me, but the guy didn’t want to go against his mother and ruin his relationship with her for life. In general, this situation turned out to be some kind of unsolvable! there are many problems and pitfalls. the guy's family needs gorgeous wedding to which they want to invite 100 people, if not more relatives and friends! also for 2 days. They are not going to pay for the wedding, they just have demands. and again, if there is no such wedding - that's it, the son is a traitor. well, in general, these parents are not so beasts already, they just have big family and that's how it was originally done. in general, it turned out that we simply don’t have money for such a wedding. my parents do not want any wedding at all, everything is in loans and debts. In short, everything was delayed and spoiled. our relationship with the guy became terrible. We fight all the time about marriage. not even about when it will be, because. the feeling is that it will not be soon until we save up this money. and we swear about why he had not resolved the issue with his parents earlier and went on about them, it was possible to do without a wedding or to celebrate in a modest way. but, the groom did not want that himself. such a tension in the relationship has become that there have already been proposals to leave, and from both sides. I can't handle everything that comes up. I don't understand why we don't get along with him. he seems to be in depression at all - I only recently realized this, tk. did not justify itself a real man. he was very worried about what happened, kind of let me down. There were other moments as well. when my parents, in general, did not know about his plans and I’m not at all sure whether they know that he officially proposed to me or not. He didn't seem to tell them about it. they know that we have thoughts about the wedding, but they don't know everything. or pretend not to know, especially his mother. Recently there was another scandal with a guy on which I became aware of another interesting detail. it turns out that the guy's mom is almost looking for a more suitable bride for him. and when I asked why I didn’t please her so much, the answer simply struck me: I’m insecure! what a news! it just shocked me! already what could be faulted there, I'm almost a saint. so she found the reason! it was embarrassing to tears. how can you be sure when you have been in limbo for 2 years? By the way, before the proposal, I and my mother were only seen a couple of times, they introduced me, as it were, after, as with future bride. but my mother, apparently, decided to replay this matter and pretends that she seems to have a bride, but seems to be not.
what to say about my boyfriend. he is very good, the right one, maybe a sissy, but I can’t say that it’s just what horror. he loves his mother. and in general, she is a good woman, well, I just don’t know, it turns out that it wasn’t fate for us to get married.
I’m already silent about the fact that we ourselves screwed up a lot with the guy, and then eg omama, well, nothing to do with it. for example, they didn’t save money and applied, and then only when they began to count, it became clear that there was almost no money for anything! In short, there were many.
Girls, I don’t know what I wanted to say with this topic. I don't know what to do in this situation. What would you suggest?

This is the long-awaited moment: he proposed marriage! But soon the euphoria and delight from what happened is replaced by a slight panic and a bunch of questions: where to start preparing for the wedding? What do you need for a wedding? How not to forget anything?

This article provides an analysis of the Rostov wedding services market, and it will help you plan all your wedding chores.

But back to the beginning. Thinking about where to start preparing for the wedding should be immediately after the proposal, but do not panic and do not try to solve everything at once! It is better to do everything gradually, then you will not miss any small but important details.

First of all, you need to decide What kind of wedding do you want? in narrow circle friends or a big event with huge amount guests; chic event or quiet cozy evening; outdoors or in a restaurant; classic wedding or stylized. This is perhaps one of the most important issues in preparation, because all subsequent steps will depend on the answer to it.

Next, we decide on the date. remember, that wedding season - this is April - October, and the most peak occurs in April, August and September. If there are no circumstances that determine the date of the wedding, then everything depends on the preferences of the bride and groom. They do not submit an application to the registry office immediately after the decision of the newlyweds. You need to call the selected registry office (the choice depends only on your preferences, and not on the place of registration) and find out when the acceptance of applications will begin on the scheduled date, in Rostov this period is 1.5 months. The most popular registry office Kirovsky district, in another way they call it central, it is located on Universitetsky Lane. The registry office on 1st Mayskaya street in the proletarian district is also quite famous - very cozy and beautiful. Great optionoutside registration , it is very beautiful and romantic. BUT in Russia, this type of registration is still fictitious, so register in advance at the registry office. In parallel with the application, it is necessary to decide on honeymoon trip: will it be in Russia or abroad. If you are planning a vacation abroad, then start preparing required documents: international passports, visas.

Choice photographer- a very important moment. After all, it is he who “forms” the memories that will remain on long years. If your wedding is planned for the seasonal months: April, August, September, then you should choose a photographer about 6-8 months in advance! That is, if you are planning a wedding in April, then start searching for a photographer in October; for the August wedding - in January. The rest of the time, take care of this choice for a couple of months. When choosing a photo studio, pay attention to whether a shooting agreement is concluded or not - it’s better not to take risks and not worry that the photographer may “disappear” before such a responsible day. It is also desirable that the deadlines for the execution of the order be prescribed, since many do not receive long-awaited photos for 3 months, or even more. In large good photo studios that care about clients, you can immediately order the services of a makeup artist and view his work. Book a pre-wedding photo session to get to know the photographer better and not feel embarrassed at the wedding. If you want to capture wedding celebration on a video camera, then with a choice operator it is worth deciding from 2 to 6 months, also depending on the season.

Search leading for a wedding, you should start about half a year before the celebration. Find exactly the person who will feel the atmosphere of your holiday. In Rostov, the hosts are ordered 5 months in advance during the season. But it happens even in a week if the celebration is canceled, but it’s better not to risk it, otherwise you will have to invite an “incendiary” toastmaster to your wedding old age with accordion.

Musicians a wedding celebration is “booked” on average 2-3 months in advance. But if this is a popular group, then the terms increase. For example, it is necessary to agree with the French group 4 months in advance.

Now you have already decided on the date, photographer, style, musicians - let's move on to choosing restaurant for the ceremonial part of the evening. In Rostov, the choice of a restaurant should be made at least 2-3 months in advance during the season. But popular banquet halls, for example, in Old House or Don Plaza and in winter you need to book 3 months in advance, and for popular dates - 4-5 months in advance.

Every girl from childhood imagined her own Wedding Dress. So it's time to decide on the style and start looking for that very the perfect dress. If you can't find anything suitable in stores, don't worry! In Rostov Wedding Dress sew from 3 weeks. But of course, it is better to take care of him for a few months. But you will definitely not see this on anyone else, and it will be exactly like in your dreams.

2 months before the appointed date, decide the following questions: order or buy invitations; in advance, so that it comes out cheaper and more beautiful, that is, you do not have to order express delivery of out-of-season and exotic flowers. Order the bride's bouquet matching jewelry and accessories. pick up hairdresser and makeup artist if you haven't done it before; book car . Decide on hall decoration: if you want to decorate it flowers, then in such Rostov salons as Floridence it is worth discussing all the little things

Wedding cake order 2-4 weeks in advance, in Rostov huge selection pastry shops where you can pick up the perfect cake: Pancho, Vanilla and others. Whole last month devote to trifles, keep everything under control! A week before the celebration, call the photographer, the restaurant, the confectionery - make sure that all agreements remain valid and stop worrying! But if you have negotiated with reliable and high-class firms, then they will call you on their own. Now, with peace of mind, go to the spa, get a manicure and relax. Gather your friends hen-party, have fun!

And now the long-awaited solemn moment has come: the wedding! We hope this article will help you plan your wedding preparations and everything will go smoothly! Happiness in family life!

Market analysis was carried out by Anastasia Koshaeva, marketer of the photo studio "Your History"

My wedding is scheduled for...

April, August, September

January, February, March, May, June, July, October, November, December


6-8 months

2-3 months


4-6 months

2-3 months

5 months

1-2 months


2-3 months


3-4 months

2-3 months


Submitting an application to the registry office

1.5 months

1.5 months

dress tailoring

1.5 months

The wedding cake