Extension of service life in ATS. Raising the retirement age in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Is less always better?

The departments that provide for military service have developed a bill to increase the minimum limit of years of service that gives the right to receive a military pension from 20 to 25 years. This is reported by Kommersant, citing a source close to the leadership of one of the Russian law enforcement agencies. This information was also confirmed to the publication by a source in the Ministry of Defense.

The document proposes changes to Russian law"On the provision of pensions for persons undergoing military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, drug control authorities and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the criminal correctional system, Federal Service National Guard Troops and Their Families, February 12, 1993.

Work on the preparation of the draft law has been carried out since March of this year by the relevant decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin. On May 22, the head of the main personnel department of the Ministry of Defense, General Viktor Goremykin, reported on the preparation of documents by the deputy head of the department to General Dmitry Bulgakov, the ministry said.

As a high-ranking employee of the presidential administration explained to the newspaper, representatives of all departments related to military service participated in the drafting of the bill. “The topic is very delicate, there are still a number of consultations at the level of the financial, economic and social blocs of the government, as well as all interested parties,” he added.

The interlocutors of the publication did not specify the expected timing of the adoption of the amendments, however, in their opinion, it would be logical to adopt the document after the presidential elections, which will be held in March 2018.

The authors of the bill also do not disclose the mechanism for increasing the lower threshold of seniority: will it be introduced transition period, not yet known. It is also unclear how the adoption of the amendments will affect the budget.

The publication clarifies that the adoption of the bill will require amendments to the 13th article of this law (the conditions determining the right to a pension for long service) and the 14th (the size of the pension).

On the this moment it is already known that the amendments, if adopted, will not affect those military personnel whose contract ends on the 20th anniversary of service. All the rest, in order to be eligible for a military pension, will have to serve five years longer.

The idea to increase the lower threshold of seniority has been discussed for a long time. In 2013, the military proposed dividing this process into two stages: until 2019, to pay all military personnel who have served over 20 years, but have not retired, an allowance of 25% of the pension that they could receive, and from January 1, 2019 year to finally establish a 25-year lower limit of service. However, after the calculations carried out at that time, it turned out that there were not enough funds in the federal budget for additional payments required for the transition period.

In 2015, the discussion of this issue was resumed by the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov. The government admitted that the period of service required for a military pension could be raised immediately to 30 years, but this option was rejected.

The unstable economic situation that was observed in Russia three years ago also forced the Ministry of Finance to think about refusing to increase payments to military pensioners.

Siluanov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu were able to resolve all issues and find additional funding only after Putin intervened in the situation.

Last month, the head of state signed a law to increase retirement age for civil servants. According to the document, the retirement age of officials has increased to 65 for men and 63 for women. The law also provides for a gradual increase minimum term civil civil service, necessary for a seniority pension, from 15 to 20 years.

Now "military pensioners" who, after entering the reserve (retirement), continue to work in positions not related to military service, are entitled to a second, "civilian" pension through pension fund Russia upon reaching the state-established retirement age (for women - 55 years, for men - 60 years) and the minimum required length of service (in 2017 it is eight years and will increase by one year to 15 years by 2024).

In March, the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, the former commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov, said in an interview with Gazeta.Ru that the average size pensions in 2016 amounted to: for military service pensioners - about 23 thousand rubles, for law enforcement service pensioners - 17 thousand rubles, for security agencies - 30 thousand rubles.

According to him, for the calculation of the “military” pension, the salary for a military position or official salary, salary for a military rank or salary for a special rank, and a bonus for length of service (length of service) are taken into account.

Salaries of military judges, prosecutors and investigators are established in relation to the salary of the first person of the corresponding department. Salaries in other departments are established by government decree Russian Federation. At the same time, salaries by rank are the same for everyone, and salaries for standard positions in the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Security Service and the Presidential Special Objects Service are approximately 20% higher than in the Armed Forces and other troops and military formations. This is due to the specifics of the tasks performed by these bodies and more stringent selection.

In Russia, there has been no indexation for more than five years allowance military personnel.

“The guarantee of protecting the monetary allowance of military personnel from depreciation has been unfulfilled for the past five years, that is, in fact, for the entire period of action federal law“On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of separate payments to them,” Shamanov explained.

The provisions of this law, which provide that the rates of salaries for military posts and salaries for military ranks are annually indexed taking into account the level of inflation starting from 2013, and are suspended annually by a separate federal law.

However, according to Shamanov, the indexation of the “military” pension took place by increasing the so-called reduction coefficient, which, in accordance with Art. 43 of the law "On pensions for persons who have completed military service ..." in 2012 was 54%, and from February 1, 2017 it was 72.23%. Its real increase was: in 2013 - by 8.2%, in 2014 - by 6.2%, in 2015 - by 7.5%, in 2016 - by 4%, and from February 1 2017 - by 4%. Thus, over the past five years - from 2013 to 2017 - the "military" pension has increased by 30%. And from 2011 to 2017, the "military" pension increased by 90%.

    Of course, the police work is very difficult. After all, what kind of contingent do you have to work with drug addicts, drunkards, alcoholics and other kinds of rabble. And at the same time, they also want to increase the length of service for retirement, that is, they need to serve even more than they should in politics. Around 2019, this unpleasant increase in the police will occur.

    This proposal was repeatedly voiced by Anton Siluanov, as part of raising the retirement age for different categories. It is clear that such a decision is unpopular, and while it is being postponed ....

    Much has been discussed on this topic ... and for a long time ...

    I don't think it will be anytime soon. Crisis in one word.

    Under these conditions, this will definitely not be beneficial for the State

    a bunch of people dumped from the organs

    and who will come in a crisis...? And who will protect the interests within the country?

    especially if the seniority will be raised.

    As always, this issue is discussed, something is promised, but in reality no one will increase the term of service at the moment. Those wishing to work in the bodies will not decrease much, in last years they have created good working conditions and a decent pension is definitely provided.

    And so - what can we talk about, we living wage lower. Where is this seen at all?

    A couple of years ago this issue was discussed by the government. They planned to increase the service life to 25 years and have been talking about this for a long time. To date, there are no changes yet.

    • In 2019 can increase the length of service for retirement up to 25 years but it's too early to talk about it. So far, this is only in the plans.
  • We'll tell you exactly what autumn 2019, will increase the term of service in the police to twenty-five years of service for retirement. It is not tempting with such complex and sometimes vital dangerous cases services in the police. Such a law may scare away many people to continue working in the internal affairs bodies, and this will be justified. We repeat for people, until the length of service, it will be extremely difficult to finalize just physically, and morally too. Now they are calculating their length of service, those who have time to retire and they have time - they are happy, they managed to earn their pension and length of service, as expected and without changes.

    There is no point in changing the law. Now the right to a pension comes at twenty years of service. But the term of service is limited by the rank, which depends on the position held. Continuation of service beyond age limit determines individually. If, however, the term of service is set at twenty-five years, then for many employees there will be problems with the appointment of a pension, because they may, upon reaching the age limit of the state in the service, not have a length of service for a pension. In the USSR, there was twenty-five years of service, so almost all junior officers left without a pension, because they had no length of service.

    In 2019, the length of service for retirement for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be increased to 25 years.

    IMHO - it would be necessary to increase the senior officers. And for those who, from the very bottom, in rain and mud, through basements and dumps, catching all sorts of scum with their own hands, and at the risk of getting a pitchfork in the side, served all their lives in the PPS, DPS, capture groups, etc. and did not rise above litehi, it would be possible not to increase it, but leave it as it is. For their age, and so dashing enough!

    I'm not saying that senior officers have less raspberry and gray hair, but an office chair is not a seat of an UAZ rushing over rough terrain squeezed to the pipes, and the smell of waste paper is not rotten smell vagabond's teary eyes...

    Back in 2015, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation initiated to increase the length of service for the police by five years. That is, in order to arrange this species pensions, you need to work out not twenty, but twenty-five years. Such an unpopular decision was explained by the fact that at the moment it is possible to work for twenty years and at the age of forty be listed as a pensioner and receive good assistance from the state.

    But the increase in length of service remained as an oral discussion, because we are talking about additional hundreds of billions of rubles for wages, and these are all budget costs.

    In the fall of 2019, policemen will not be able to retire (in the sense that they will not get a normal pension) if the policeman does not have 25 years of experience.

    If you think logically, the guy started working at 25 ( the army is coming in experience) then by 48 it will be right age. Ordinary police officers who work after completing courses will gain experience even earlier - by the age of 45. Young pensioners still work - everyone knows that. All my relatives are military men who work as security guards after they retire.

Pension legislation in Russia is constantly changing. It concerns the conditions for granting a pension and the number of payments. Police officers go on a well-deserved leave of service. For this category of citizens, no reduction in monetary allowance or reduction in benefits is expected in the near future. Changes in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017-2018 will concern indexation and receipt of "13 payments".

In Russia, women leave for legal rest from everyday work at the age of 55, and men at 60. There are a number of professions that allow you to retire much earlier: according to the length of service. These include employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, teachers, medical workers, citizens working at hazardous facilities and a number of other professions listed in pension legislation RF.

For law enforcement officers, you must serve at least 20 years in order to accrue a pension. If for any reason an employee was dismissed or reduced to length of service, then the right to receive monetary allowance is retained under the conditions:

  • general seniority is at least 25 years old;
  • At least 12.5 years of total work experience accounted for work in the bodies.

If these conditions are not met, but with work experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 15-20 years, citizens are assigned social benefits.

The amount of seniority payments is calculated from the following components:

  1. Salary for the position + salary for the title.
  2. Service allowances.

According to the decree of the Federal Law, the pension for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is calculated from real wages, taking into account allowances at the time of dismissal and a reduction factor. As of October 1, 2015, the reducing percentage of the pension was 66.78%.

The amount of supplements to the main part of the pension will remain the same:

  • service for 20 years - 50%, but a bill is being considered to increase the service life to receive an allowance up to 25 years;
  • at mixed experience add 1%;
  • disability or serious illness pension during service - 75%;
  • an injury that caused disability gives an increase of 85%, but cannot exceed 130% of the regular pension paid according to the standards;
  • when an employee dies, which is not related to hostilities, the family of the deceased is paid 30% of the salary for the loss of a breadwinner.

Former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia, who retired on a seniority basis, are still the most wealthy, since the average salary in the process of service is 30-40 thousand rubles. regardless of region.

Changes in the amount of payments in 2018

The pension for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will not decrease in 2018. It was planned to increase the reduction factor to 71% by the beginning of the year, and by 2035 this indicator up to 100%. However, while this part of the calculation pension payments remained virtually unchanged.

One of important points, which excites all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, both working and those on a well-deserved rest, is the presence of indexation.

Indexation of a pension is an increase in parts of the payment based on decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation in order to compensate for price increases and inflation.

In 2016 size increase pension benefit employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had, but not in full. In 2017 it is planned to hold this process, but only by 5.8%, and in 2018 the indexation rate will remain at the level of 4-5%. However, it is not planned big stature inflation, so even a modest increase will be felt by the pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The slight increase in pension payments is due to crisis situation in a country that has yet to be resolved by 2018. The problem of economic recovery primarily concerns social unprotected citizens retired for a well-deserved rest. Therefore, many employees of the Ministry of the Interior continue to labor activity after the appointment of official pension payments.

Innovations in 2017-2018

Significant changes in the amount of military pensions are not expected by 2018, however, there are positive points. From January 1, 2017, military pensioners, like ordinary citizens, are entitled to lump sum, which is 5,000 rubles.

Conditions for the payment of the "13th pension":

  • is free in nature: there is no need to go anywhere to receive it;
  • accrual takes place according to a certain schedule: in some regions it coincides with the payment of pensions, somewhere not.

In this way, total payment pensions for the year will still be increased. And also from January 1, changed:

  • the base rate for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs based on the current salary and possible allowances;
  • increased official payments equal to half of the annual indexation, which will amount to about 7-8%.

Summing up the results of changes in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we can compile a summary table:

The pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 will not decrease and will be indexed to inflation. The reduction coefficient will also increase slightly, and the “13th pension” payments will remain.

It is possible to increase the term of service from 20 to 25 years from January 1, 2019 to receive a 50% increase. Wherein military pension remains the highest among pensioners in Russia.

Definitely yes, but let's figure out when this will happen and why? Rumors that the retirement age for police officers, as well as other power (and not only) departments, services and ministries will increase from 20 to 25 years have been circulating for a long time (about 10 years) along with rumors about the creation of a unified investigative committee. Many have become accustomed to the fact that these rumors do not carry any basis. But not at this time. Currently, a draft federal law is being actively developed, amending many regulations governing the term of service in the above bodies. The first edition provided that the term of service in the police would be increased to 25 years from 01/01/2014, while persons who had 20 years of service before January 1, 2014 would be able to retire before January 1, 2016 on today's terms.

There were big doubts that the law would be adopted in such a version, as this would provoke an outflow a large number qualified personnel over the next two years. In the next draft of the law, this possibility was removed - that is, those who did not have time - they were late and would serve for 25 years. By the way, after retirement after 25 years of service, the pension will be 65% of the employee's monetary allowance (as it is now - 3 percent per year after 20 years). How much does a criminal investigation cost?

In connection with the appearance of the draft law, letters were sent to all departments containing information about the increase in the length of service (I do not understand why this was done). This gave rise to panic and many people have already quit (I know 5 acquaintances). Due to the commotion, the approval of the draft law was suspended until the end of the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014. On myths in criminal proceedings.
Interestingly, a similar reform has already been carried out in Ukraine. Regarding numerous surveys conducted on this topic, we note that about 85 percent of police officers, of course, object to the adoption of the law in this form and believe that these conditions should be applied only to persons entering the service for the first time (the law does not have retroactive effect). However, we immediately note that this option disappears by itself, since then the state will receive money savings on the maintenance of the police only after 20 years, and it does not like to wait so long in our country.

The idea of ​​a fixed budget for 2014 is to save on everything. The Gosuslugi website did not go - 20 billion rubles, which were spent on its development, were added to the basket, indexing was suspended wages state employees (note - officials, this is different), but as for the police, the salary has not been indexed for 2 years, so “they get a lot” (this is not enough for such work - you can

Many good undertakings in our country turn from a necessary initiative into a cheap profanation. The global reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 seems to be somewhere between two extremes. The idea is good from the point of view of the declared end goals: to get rid of the ballast, to work better and more efficiently. But for some reason, such serious statements are put into practice with the help of half-measures that are unlikely to affect the growth of the professional suitability of the personnel.

Didn't start from there

The final form of the change has not yet been adopted: according to representatives of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, operational adjustments will be made online, depending on the success of one or another undertaking. But there is no doubt that the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will begin with a reduction in the number of cadre employees. This means, above all, the dismissal of thousands of police officers, who in real life and so is not enough.

When a person comes to the police station with his misfortune, he is often denied help, not because they do not want to help, but because there is simply no one to deal with it. The police were covered with a wave of paperwork: in order to formalize the detention of a suspect in a violation, you must fill out up to 13 sheets of A4 format! It wastes hours of precious time. It is necessary to start with the elimination of red tape, the transfer of paper documentation into electronic form.

Interesting: in some regions, the heads of law enforcement agencies forbade their subordinates to visit nightclubs and restaurants.

Is less always better?

However, experienced and decent police officers have nothing to fear from cuts. First of all, employees of related organizations and departments will fall under it. Layoffs have been taking place since January of this year. In addition, many employees will cease to be military. The following categories of workers will become civilians internal troops:

  • accountants;
  • personnel officers;
  • psychologists;
  • doctors;
  • employees of departments for combating extremism.

This raises a lot of questions, because the salary after the transfer to civilian status will drop noticeably, many will probably quit (which the reformers seem to be striving for), but who will calculate the salary, restore the peace of mind of the acting policemen ?! As far as extremism is concerned, last news about the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, they make it clear that from now on the Russian Guard will deal with this. Will the sum change from changing the terms in places?

The question of the fate of experts and criminologists, who also want to be left outside the system, has not yet been resolved. On the other hand, the idea of ​​removing police duties for issuing and replacing general civil and foreign passports has already been embodied. Now these functions are performed by Rosreestr, and every citizen can get an identity document not at the police passport office, but at the well-known and already familiar MFC.

The current figure: in total, about 20,000 regular police officers will be laid off.

Without medicine, but with pensions

The organizers of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took care of the image of the police. By the end of the year, departmental polyclinics, hospitals, and sanatoriums will come under the wing of civilian ministries. This is allegedly connected with the increasing complaints of doctors about pressure from representatives of law enforcement agencies. The latter will now be treated in regular clinics under the compulsory medical insurance and voluntary health insurance systems.

That's just who can prevent them from putting pressure on ordinary doctors, how the relocation will affect the microclimate of civilian medical institutions and patients, no one thought. The purity of the moral character of an employee of the internal troops should also be supported by the ban on loans from microfinance organizations, which has already entered into force. It remains to hope for the length of service: it will not increase yet, but pension reform The Ministry of Internal Affairs 2018 provides for indexation of payments by 7–9%.

Among the global changes is the disappearance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the tasks of which will be solved by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is not clear why the MGB is being created - the Ministry of State Security, which will absorb the FSO and the Foreign Intelligence Service. Investigators will reconnect with prosecutors, and the traffic police will merge with the patrol service. According to experts, this can unload the payroll of the ministry. It remains to be hoped that the changes will be useful to ordinary Russians.

Question of the Day: if the teaching staff is not even required to know the rules traffic, what is the point in merging with the traffic police?