Which contributes to the development of intelligence. How to develop intelligence - the best exercises and advice from psychologists. Individual features of intelligence

Our jobs, opportunities, relationships… our whole life depends on how our mind works. At any age you can develop your mind, which in any case will be useful to you.


There are many interesting and useful books by reading which you enrich your mind with new knowledge, thus developing your mind. At the same time, you need to be vigilant so as not to waste your time on empty books which will give you nothing.

Vocabulary replenishment

Expand your lexicon, learning new words of your profession, foreign words or those words that you hear but do not know their meaning. This can help not only in strengthening your memory, but also in moving up the career ladder, as in modern world knowledge of foreign languages ​​and the ability to express one's thoughts are important.


Logic tasks strengthen the connections of neurons in such a way that the brain begins to work better and serve you longer. There are many types of puzzles that develop memory, thinking, mindfulness, fantasy and more. Start enjoying and benefiting from these games and tasks.


Mathematics teaches us to think critically, and gives us access to analytical thinking, which contributes to the development of the mind.


Drawing is a great opportunity for self-expression. Try yourself in creativity, as this can not only give you a new hobby, but also give you the opportunity to develop your thinking.


While cooking, you use your senses, sensations of various smells and tastes. Cooking is especially useful if you are not using recipes, in which case all your senses are involved.


Listening to music develops sensitivity and also stimulates emotional intelligence. If you listen to an opera in a language you do not know, you may be pleasantly surprised that you will not only know what is happening on the stage, but also feel the emotions of the performance.


Poetry can stimulate your Creative skills when you try to create something beautiful with words. It's also a great way to train your memory when you have to remember. the right words and memorize verses.


Meditation is a great way to expand your consciousness, calm your mind, and weed out unnecessary thoughts. But most importantly, meditation gives you the opportunity to control your mind, despite the fact that usually the mind controls us.

Foreign languages

Learning a new language can be challenging, interesting and fun. Not only will you strain your mind to memorize new words and phrases, but you will eventually be able to think in another language.

Think for yourself

In today's world, it is very easy to get an answer to almost any question. All you have to do is go online and use search engines. It is also easy to do simple and complex calculations with the calculator. And it is easy to get prepared information from the media. But the less we use our own mind to find answers, the weaker it becomes. So, try to rely not only on other people's information, but also think for yourself. This will help you not only in the development of the mind, but also in life.

In the article you will learn:

Intelligence and 5 easy ways to increase it

Hello my readers! I am glad that you are with me again, as I will tell you now5 simple ways how to increase your intelligence. Of course, we won’t become geniuses from this, but we’ll also be less “stupid”Especially, I appreciated the results in the professional field. And what can we say, we will all be old, and I personally early age I don't want to lose my cognitive abilities and ruin the life of my grandchildren!

Moreover, it is not necessary to practice all the methods, two or three are enough and your brain will work much better and to a ripe old age will retain reasonableness.

To not be like the cat Matroskin in the famous cartoon:“We have the funds. We are not smart enough…”

By the way, the intellect and the psyche influence each other, so another important argument for “pumping” the brain is stress prevention and harmony of life.

Why exactly him?

Yes, you ask, what is intelligence and why should it be developed? I understand it as the ability to think qualitatively. That is, not just to think, but to be able to think, perceive any information in the most effective way for you. To accept the right decision. This is just what the doctor ordered, right? Intelligence also includes the ability to adapt to new situations and apply abstract concepts.

All in all, intelligence is

  • critical thought
  • adaptation to situations
  • learning ability
  • ability to use your knowledge
  • resource planning

By increasing your intelligence, you increase the abilities listed above.

Number one is the most important

Just think how automated our lives are! We perceive most of the information (media, official duties, everyday affairs) automatically and instantly give out the most predictable and habitual reactions. In such conditions, not only creative, but also intellectual opportunities have no place.

Therefore, the first and most important method in my guide: to be able to think - you need to think critically! That is, how can think critically more often. Yes, it's so simple, but incredibly important. For example, over a book that has been read, over an event that has occurred or a situation that has arisen in reality and on the screen. Before you say or do anything, take a special pause for analysis and only then do or answer.

You can also read some books for self-development approaching this with a critical eye.

You can't do without it

The second method is to include in the work such properties of thinking as attention, memory, perception. For example, if you have paintings, maps, and more hanging at home or at work, turn them upside down. The usual things are seen and perceived in a completely different way, right?

Following this example, try to do the ordinary differently: change the route to work, the order in which papers are stored, the structure of the report, the order of cleaning the house. Do a periodic rearrangement in the rooms, it will also refresh the bored life.

Yet at homegood take on this: do in the dark what you do in daylight. Have you noticed how attentive and concentrated you are when you return from the toilet to the bedroom at night in dark apartment? Try now not only to walk on different rooms in the dark, but also, for example, to tidy up, change clothes, wash or even take a shower. Believe me, in addition to benefits, you will get a lot interesting sensations!

I know what I'm talking about, because I myself periodically get up something like that. Often I write and brush my teeth with my left hand (I'm right handed), I like to take a bath or wash my face in the dark - this greatly sharpens the perception of the body. Sometimes I watch TV upside down. It all may seem strange to you, but 1) it's fun 2) increases intelligence

And to develop and work with memory, read my article "", there are links to very useful resources with memory games.

Two halves of one whole

Another excellent method of intellectual self-development, which I have already mentioned a little, is the training of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Contrary to stereotypes, both hemispheres are equally important in the formation of "quality brains." Start with the most accessible exercise - learn to write with the hand you use the least. At least a few lines a day and you will make significant progress.

This seems to be a simple tip, but it is very difficult to follow at first! I read in one article about visualization that if you want to translate the desired life scenario into reality, then write it down with your left hand (if you are right-handed) in a notebook for 21 days. Horror! These are the torments you will have to endure, how to suffer, drawing hooks and roundels like a first-grader.

Also start doing various household trifles less active hand- washing dishes, combing, fastening buttons, brushing teeth.

Right-handers it is worth taking up learning to play musical instruments, drawing, singing, or creating creative crafts, but left-handers, respectively, to practice solving logic puzzles and mathematical exercises.

We speak different languages

Next Methodlearning foreign languages. Although some skeptics consider learning different languages just a memory training, I am convinced that this good technique if not increase, then strengthen and train mental activity. Moreover, it has been proven that the study of languages ​​prevents senile mental illness, which means that there is a connection with intellectual potential.

Judge for yourself, in order to learn a language, you need to find patterns for applying the rules, compare various factors and concepts, analyze new words as symbols. Therefore, learn languages, and also acquire a mega-useful skill for traveling, reading foreign forums, books and watching films in the original.

I recommend reading about books that increase intelligence. So you double or even triple the effect!

Everything new is useful

The fifth method in my piggy bank of tools to increase intelligence - searching and getting new impressions. There is just an incredible variety and richness of imagination. Try rock climbing or a trip to a Harry Potter studio. Firstly, travel provides a lot of new information that will be remembered easily and will give food for thought. Learn different cultures, traditions and laws, compare them with each other. Study the cuisine, life and people, this a great opportunity train your brain.

Secondly, the right films also help to brainstorm. What films are worth watching, read in my article " Films about self-development and self-improvement". Third, look for sources of knowledge in various hobbies and interesting activities. Be sure to improve your professional skills, participate in courses and trainings, or conduct your own!

Getting rid of barriers

Of course, it makes no sense to treat the disease if it provokes the onset of its symptoms. And that means everything pollutes the brain and does not allow them to rest, should be removed as garbage in your life: TV, hanging in in social networks, inefficient pastime.

Also without active brain stimulation blood and providing the necessary nutrients, develop intellectual ability impossible. So do it systematically physical exercise, maintain your health, lead active image life and eat right.

However, don't forget about classic ways increase intelligence: solve puzzles, guess over puzzles and crossword puzzles, visit quest rooms. Be smart and smart!

Tell me, do you use any methods to increase intelligence? Or rely on genetics?
June was with you.

I hope we don't say goodbye. Subscribe to my blog news and tell your friends about it. Let's chat together!

Was dedicated to intelligence as one of the most important skills for any copywriter. And today's material will be its logical continuation. Obviously, intelligence is important, but even more important is the answer to the question " How to develop intelligence?» Our brain is a unique and little-studied organ, but scientists have already identified enough patterns that you and I can use to develop our own capabilities. That is what will be our topic today.

Brain activity is a collection electrical impulses. The cells that conduct them are called neurons. Neurons are connected to each other, and the result of their interaction determines our capabilities. By developing our brain, you and I contribute to the emergence of not only new neurons, but also new connections between them, and, consequently, expand the range of our capabilities.

How to develop intelligence: ways

We pass from theory to practice. Intelligence is the ability to think, analyze, remember and perceive. Therefore, it is a complex concept that involves different parts of the brain and requires integrated approach. Below are both the methods of developing intelligence themselves, and explanations of what effect they have on the brain.

Way to develop intelligence # 1: Writing

The simplest way to train the intellect, although not the most obvious. Suppose you have a brilliant idea in your head. You have two options: keep it in your head and silently implement it, or put it on paper and implement it, registering each step. In the second case, processes will take place in your brain that are very different from the first case, despite the fact that the implementation of your idea may end up being the same.

This is due to the fact that when you write down, you visually perceive information, and, therefore, use the parts of the brain responsible for vision, and more parts of working memory (there is no mistake here: the concept of "operative (short-term) memory" has the same relation people as well as computers).

Also, when you write down, you analyze the information more deeply, triggering more complex thought processes in your brain. As a result, your intellect develops.

Way to develop intelligence # 2: Games

There are a huge number of games that allow you to develop intelligence. The most effective are the games that require you to plan and calculate. One of the most popular (and my favorite) is chess.

Chess develops logic and far-sightedness. To achieve success, you need to be able not only to count and anticipate, but also to keep in mind a lot of options development of events. As a result, many brain centers are involved: from vision to memory.

Way to develop intelligence # 3: Puzzles

Puzzles are another great way to develop not only logical, but also spatial thinking. There are a lot of puzzles, both online and offline. I personally prefer the Rubik's Cube and spatial wire puzzles. They are inexpensive, and they occupy the head for many hours and give a feeling of total moral satisfaction when a solution is found.

Intelligence Technique #4: Breaking the Pattern

Many people repeat the same actions every day, such as going to the store, commuting, eating, hygiene procedures etc. All this we do according to the template. We don’t even think about how we do it, and we have brought all these daily rituals to automatism. It's like a beaten path that does not strain the brain at all.

At the same time, if the pattern is broken, then the brain is simply forced to turn on more active work. For example, try opening a door with a key eyes closed. The action is the same, but it will not follow a pattern and will require the brain to activate new departments in order to complete the task. As a result, new connections between neurons will appear.

There are many ways to break the pattern, and they can be used in Everyday life"with a bang." Just add to your activity something uncharacteristic for you, something that is not in your habit, and very soon you will see the result.

Way to develop intelligence # 5: Ballroom dancing

I look forward to the fact that when you are reading these lines now, you are indignantly thinking how ballroom dancing can affect the intellect, when they can be completely and completely attributed to sports.

In fact, sport, in itself, is also in a good way train the intellect, but ballroom dancing is superior to other types in this regard. Their secret is that while dancing you need to constantly think. Think about every move, about your partner, about your posture, about the frame, about the music, about what you will be doing in a moment and about so many other things. I have been involved in sports for several years. ballroom dancing, and by the end of each workout I was severely exhausted, both physically and mentally, because the load is just colossal.

Funny I tried different kinds dances, however, compared with sports ballrooms, the effect was much weaker.

Way to develop intelligence # 6: Visual arts

When you draw, your brain activates many departments to complete the task. Of course, we are not talking about making you a Rubens or a Titian. You can draw anything: for example, faces at lectures or caricatures of speakers speaking from the podium at conferences.

Way to develop intelligence # 7: Education

One more unique way increase your intellectual potential. Start absorbing new information and converting the acquired knowledge into skills. foreign language or new package Adobe, web design or a new engine for the site - you can study anything, and all this will favorably affect the development of your intellect.

Way to develop intelligence # 8: Copywriting

The time has finally come to close this vicious circle. We develop intelligence in order to excel at copywriting, but it should be noted that, in itself, copywriting greatly contributes to the development of intelligence, since it involves a lot of thought processes:

  • Analysis
  • Synthesis
  • Problem solving
  • Finding an Approach
  • Choosing the best option
  • Filtering out unnecessary data
  • memorization

Look at most successful copywriters and you will see that they are all intellectuals.

Way to develop intelligence # 9: Physical activity

Physical activity, such as lifting weights, running, pulling up or push-ups, of course, does not directly affect intelligence. However, they have a very indirect effect. The fact is that during physical exertion, the so-called neurotropic factor of the brain is produced. This is a protein that is responsible for the development of neurons, the very cells that are key in our brain.

So it turns out: the load on the muscles contributes to the development of intelligence. However, it should be noted that since this method is indirect, it is ineffective by itself, but it can significantly increase the efficiency of all other methods.

Way to develop intelligence # 10: Rest

As in any business, in the development of intelligence it is important to know when to stop. That is why rest is taken out as a separate way. Not to be confused with, which carefully disguises itself as a vacation, but in fact has the opposite effect.

Conclusions: as you can see, none of the above methods can make you professional copywriter, say, for a month. However, these methods will allow you to raise the level of your thinking to a qualitatively higher level. new level and open up many more ways for you to achieve success in many areas, including copywriting. In addition, they do not require titanic efforts, and the return on them will pay off handsomely.

The human intellect is responsible for the assimilation of new information, understanding and application in life of the experience gained. In simple terms, it combines the ability to think, imagine, remember, represent and perceive the real. To develop abilities, one should engage in the development of the intellect through exercises, riddles and tasks.

Eugene has always been an excellent student and distinguished himself by his academic success at the university. But he did not want to stop at the stage reached, as a result of which he began to look for ways of self-development. After studying a lot of materials, he came to the conclusion that an integrated method should be used. Using only developmental tasks or reading, a person quickly gets bored with this activity. Therefore, for successful improvement, entire lists have been created with methods for increasing the level of knowledge.

After regular training, Sergey saw positive result. stop at this stage he did not want to, and now, over time, he complicates the tasks and constantly learns new things. This example gives not only confidence in the effectiveness of the method, but also motivates to engage in self-development.

Multiple intelligence theory

In 1983, scientist Howard Gardner described the theory of seven models of intelligence in his book. Working in this area, a few years later he added another model. This theory has gained incredible popularity. The reason for this is the following fact. People have learned that the development of brain activity occurs in different areas, depending on the individual characteristics of the individual.

The work of the scientist proved that every person has high intelligence in different areas. All 8 models are combined, creating a common background for intellectual development.

Basis for this development become genetic characteristics and life experience.

  1. Language.
  2. Logico-mathematical.
  3. Musical.
  4. Body-kinetic.
  5. Interpersonal.
  6. Intrapersonal.
  7. Spatial.
  8. Naturalistic.

Many attempts have been made to create a test for the level of development of a certain intelligence. These tests were intended to enable a person to determine what kind of intelligence he can develop, and which one prevails. But the scientist came to the conclusion that this is almost unrealistic. This is due to the fact that the questions in the tests would provide information about the interests and preferences of people.

Ways to develop intelligence

It may seem that the described techniques and intelligence have nothing in common. But don't presume. It is in the unusualness that the effectiveness of the exercises lies. A particular advantage lies in the daily use of these methods. The main thing is to practice regularly, and not be distracted by extraneous moments.

  1. Rest. The foundation of all foundations in any development human body. In a tired state, the effect of classes will be minimal. Therefore, before starting self-development, you need to properly relax.
  2. Entries. The main analysis of information occurs at the time of writing data to a notebook. There are moments when a brilliant idea comes to mind, but instead of quickly writing it down, a person relies on his memory. Also, with the help of notes it is convenient to reflect on future plans or events. A high probability of fulfilling everything planned happens when all the cases have been written down on paper.
  3. Quiet environment. A large mass of people after a working day are accustomed to doing not common development but rather chores that contribute to additional fatigue in the body. Such cases include computer games, social networks, TV, etc. Instead, it is better to sit down to read a book in calm environment or go for an evening walk.
  4. Games for development. Logic games are considered a great way to develop mental abilities. There are games for both one and the whole family. For example, charades, crosswords, checkers, chess, dominoes, team board games.
  5. Communication. Thanks to communication, a person can not only brighten up leisure, but also learn a lot of new things. It is especially useful to communicate with more smart people. They want to reach out and absorb the experience. Also, frequent acquaintances will relieve stiffness, shyness and develop communication skills.
  6. Reading. This type development helps develop imagination, vocabulary. This method is suitable for both adults and children. You just need to choose the right literature. Reading an informative book, a person constantly keeps the brain in good shape.
  7. Education. Through learning, a person always strives to become smarter. While in the classroom, there is a study of both theoretical and practical skills. If a person does not study anywhere this moment, you can independently start learning languages ​​or any other interesting topic.
  8. Self-education. This method partly refers to learning, since a person finds half of the knowledge on his own. Having desires, you can always find an opportunity to learn something new and useful. In today's world, there are plenty of opportunities to learn. For example, free master classes, webinars, etc.

It is also necessary to perform physical exercise, set goals, think positively and do new things that are unusual for yourself.

Tasks and puzzles for self-development

Examples of tasks for the development of intelligence:

  1. Alexander Sergeevich decided to open his own business in the field of sales. His goal was to open a pet shop. Initially, he sold rare cats because they were in stock. Alexander Sergeevich purchased large cages for cats. When he let one cat into each cage, one cat was missing a house. And if two cats were placed in each cage, one cage remained empty. How many cages did Alexander Sergeevich buy, and how many cats did he initially have?
    Answer: Alexander Sergeevich had 4 cats and bought 3 cages.
  2. Two packs of wolves lived in the same forest. One pack always told the truth, the other pack always lied. One day a man got lost in the forest and he met a wolf. When the man found out that the wolf was from a pack of truthful animals, he asked to be shown the way out of the forest. Along the way, they met another wolf. The man asked the first wolf to go to find out which pack the second wolf belongs to: liars or truthful ones. Upon returning, the wolf said that the second animal belonged to a pack of truthful wolves. Which pack did the accompanying wolf belong to?
    Answer: In the forest, any wolf from any pack could say that he was one of the truthful pack. That is why the wolf said the only possible answer. Therefore, he was from the truthful flock.
  3. There was a volleyball championship in which 4 teams took part: "Friendship", "Sun", "Merry Fellows" and "Champions". Each team played each other 1 time. In case of victory, the team was given 2 points, if there was a draw - 1 point, if the team was defeated - 0 points. In the last game, Druzhba lost to the Cheerful Guys. But the Druzhba team won the championship anyway. "Merry Fellows", in turn, did not change the score of their results. How did the teams "Sun" and "Champions" play?
    Answer: The championship consists of 6 games, so it is 12 points. The Druzhba team scored no more than 4 points because the final game was won. But a team also cannot have 3 points, because then other teams would have no more than 2 points. Therefore, groups have no more than 9 points. Friendship has 4 points. They won against the "Sun" and "Winners".
    Until the final game, the Merry Boys could not have two or even one point. Otherwise, if they defeated Friendship, they would have risen to a higher place. Therefore, the other two games "Merry Fellows" lost and therefore scored only two points. Consequently, the Sun and the Champions defeated the Merry Boys. Between themselves - a draw.

Many others interesting tasks and puzzles can be found in magazines or on the Internet.


A lot in a person's life depends on the level of intelligence development. Thanks to mental ability many doors open for successful life. At the same time, we cannot stop there. It is better to continue to develop yourself and achieve more. At the same time, developing independently, join children in your activities. great way spend time together and develop intelligence in the child. Then life will sparkle with new colors, and provide a lot of opportunities.

How to competently develop intelligence (develop intelligence)?

It is believed that intellectual abilities, type of thinking (mathematical-analytical mindset, humanitarian mindset) are given by nature and are further determined by upbringing and development in childhood, which sets the main foundation for our type of thinking and the level of intelligence development in adulthood. This is partly true, but only partly.

Secrets of the development of intelligence

The best way to develop the brain is to regularly load it in a complex way, and not in one exercise (the same is true for muscles). This idea does not shine with originality; moreover, it is banal and obvious: no better way improve your health and physical form than quit bad habits and play sports. In the same way, the best impetus to the development of the mind is to use it in various complex tasks. Many people understand this very well, but for some reason they safely forget how it comes to practice!

This is due to the fact that laziness and unwillingness to make efforts overshadow the arguments common sense and consciousness begins to look for easy ways to achieve its goals. Various marketers are well aware of this feature of a person, who massively replicate miracle pills or magic simulators and weight loss products. You must understand that nothing is given without effort and that they are not only a means, a tool (you must make an effort to achieve the goal), but also an end in itself! Only after realizing this simple truth, engage in your intellect!

By making efforts, you temper the will and strengthen the character. By doing regular exercise, you build discipline. It turns out that forcing yourself to exercise daily in anything in physical / mental development is useful not only for physical / mental improvement. It also makes you more strong-willed and disciplined and shapes good habit work on yourself.

Principles of intelligence development in adults (and children):
1) Look for innovation
2) Challenge yourself
3) Think creatively
4) Don't take the easy way
5) Be online

Receptions and exercises for the intellect

Now finally talk about how you can increase intelligence. First, take note that the exercises should not be too boring and monotonous, choose what suits you best and brings at least some pleasure. We must try not to overdo it, make it so that it does not take so much time that you are very burdensome. But the main thing is the regularity of the load on the brain, it is necessary that the exercises become a habit.

In physical education there basic exercises(which involve several muscle groups at once - push-ups from the floor, push-ups from the uneven bars, squats), and there are isolated ones (training one separate muscle group), there are also things in the development of intelligence that help to improve several qualities of our mind at once.

Next, I will tell you exactly what things help. In this article, I will touch on them briefly, but I will provide links to my articles, where each of these points is revealed in more detail. For those points for which there will be no links, I will definitely write an article later, so subscribe by mail (icon at the top right) and wait for updates.

So, what improves our mental qualities?

Logical and Mind games: (separate article Brain-developing games. The benefits of chess, the benefits of poker) These are chess, backgammon, poker, preference, logic puzzles, developing computer games of various genres, etc.

Mind games perfectly train the mind, concentration and memory. In addition, they bring the joy of competition (if the game is against the enemy) and the pleasure of improving skills. Table game - ancient species mental competition in which the best minds showed themselves.

Mathematics, exact sciences. Exact sciences develop a whole range of mental qualities. These are logical and abstract thinking, critical, analytical, deductive, predictive abilities, as well as memory and speed of thinking. This, one might say, is an exercise for many muscle groups.

The exact sciences not only improve your intellect, but also organize, structure your thinking, put things in order in your head, in your thoughts. Mathematics is extremely important in the context of the mental development of an individual, both a child and an adult.

Reading fiction: It seems to me that the influence of books on the development of the mind is somewhat exaggerated. I'm talking about the common belief that to become smart you have to read a lot. This statement is true, but incomplete. Yes, no doubt good books expand your horizons, contribute to emotional formation, form good taste and develop certain qualities your mind.

The books are a must read for both adults and children. But literature enhances only certain mental properties. In order to have a balanced developed mind, books alone are not enough (as well as mathematics alone or logic games), you need to do everything together: both the exact sciences and literature, etc. Otherwise, some of your abilities will be developed, and some will remain in their infancy.

Learning: The unique ability of our brain is the ability to learn new skills, acquire new information and apply it to our daily experience. Teaching is light! Learning contributes not only to the fact that we comprehend knowledge that, as it may be useful to us, may not be needed at all. The value is not only in the knowledge itself, but in learning as such!

While learning, we learn to work with information, process it, and then find a place for it in overall structure our knowledge. Even if this knowledge is never useful in life, learning it, we strain our mind and memory, learn concentration. Also, learning helps to expand our horizons, and the more we learn, the easier it is for us to learn new knowledge! In this process, we learn to learn!

Learning other languages: also develops certain aspects of our thinking. Somewhere I read that many good mathematicians, "technicians" find it difficult, in the beginning, to be given a language. Conversely, those who know languages ​​well, as a rule, are at odds with the exact sciences. It is, but I don't want you to draw the wrong conclusions! This, at all, does not indicate the presence of the notorious dichotomy "techies - humanitarians", that the former were created for one, and the latter for the other.

The conclusion in the article in which I read about this was the following. Everyone with due effort is able to master anything! The fact about the difficulty in learning languages, on the part of techies, suggests that the mental qualities that are developed by the exact sciences are not adjacent to those properties of the intellect that are improved by knowledge of languages! In short, if you did push-ups from the floor for a long time, then it will be easier for you to pull the barbell from the chest, since the same muscles are involved here and there.

But if you want to squat well, then your push-up experience will not help you at all. And if you want to have strong legs, and embossed chest, then please do both. Also here. Mathematics contributes little to the development of those parts of the brain that are needed for learning languages. Here are involved completely different qualities, and for harmonious mental development both need to be developed. Remember, one does not exclude the other, even if something will be given to you much more difficult than the other.

Emotional intelligence (EI; English emotional intelligence, EI)- the ability of a person to recognize emotions, understand the intentions, motivation and desires of other people and their own, as well as the ability to manage their emotions and the emotions of other people in order to solve practical problems.

concept emotional intelligence appeared as a reaction to the frequent failure of traditional intelligence tests to predict a person's success in a career and in life. This was explained by the fact that successful people capable of effective interaction with other people based on emotional connections, and to the effective management of their own emotions, while the accepted concept of intelligence did not include these aspects, and intelligence tests did not assess these abilities.

social intelligence- the ability to correctly understand the behavior of people. This ability is essential for effective interpersonal interaction and successful social adaptation.

The term "social intelligence" itself was introduced into psychology by E. Thorndike in 1920 to denote "foresight in interpersonal relationships". Many well-known psychologists have contributed to the interpretation of this concept. In 1937, G. Allport associated social intelligence with the ability to make quick, almost automatic judgments about people, to predict the most likely reactions of a person. Social intelligence, according to G. Allport, is a special “social gift” that ensures smoothness in relations with people, the product of which is social adaptation, and not the depth of understanding.

And the last…

Learning new things: reading scientific and popular science literature, browsing cognitive, encyclopedias, useful, informative sites, all this helps to enrich your mind and erudition. Don't neglect it! Strive to keep the curiosity of a child! Always learn new things, comprehend this world and man. Remember, knowledge is power! There are a lot of amazing things happening in the world. The whole universe is one big miracle! Strive to learn as much as possible about it!

Thematic video: Japanese system development of intelligence and memory (6 minutes).