Floresan Suntan Oil Fruity exotic with a cooling effect. How to sunbathe in the sun - fast and correct tan

With the approach of summer days, there is an increasing desire to acquire an even golden tan, because it gives even more attractiveness and makes others pay attention. In addition, a tan can visually hide a couple of kilograms from others.

And when it comes time to relax on the beach, we in no way spare ourselves and try with all the happiness and misfortune to get an even golden tan in a week, but in the end we get burns on the first day, and on the rest we sit in the shade, moaning from pain.

In fact, get rid of the pallor of the skin and get a beautiful smooth, and most importantly safe tan a week is possible. The main thing in this matter is to choose right time for Tan. The most dangerous hours for sunbathing are from eleven to sixteen hours. The best times are morning and evening hours, they do not have such a negative effect on skin health.

In addition, I would like to point out that a day in the sun should be no more than two hours. But if you are sunbathing for the first time, then the time should be reduced to twenty minutes, then gradually increase it. Doing this is necessary so that your skin gets used to the sun's rays so that the tan is even.

On the beach, you must always wear a hat and sunglasses. These accessories should be worn both on a normal hot day and when, it seems, the sky is overcast. After all, even in the shade you can get a sunburn.

After swimming in the water, before going to sunbathe, you should dry yourself well, because water drops are like small lenses, concentrating Sun rays, and this can also contribute to the occurrence of a burn.

In order to get golden in a week even tan, should be used sunscreen, which should be selected based on skin type. Cream should be applied thin layer distributing it evenly over the entire skin. There are creams varying degrees protection: 10, 15, 30, 40, etc. Apply the product thirty minutes before going to the beach. But if you're already a little tanned and you want to get a quick tan in a week, then you can use a special tanning oil.

With the onset of summer, every woman begins to think about her appearance. And usually pale skin during the winter spoils the mood. Therefore, with the onset of warm days, most rush to the beaches and solariums to get rid of winter pallor.

Many believe that the more time they spend in a tanning bed or on the beach, the faster they will tan. However, this idea is not correct.

After all, for the formation of a tan, at least a week is required, during which melanin is produced and accumulated in the skin.

From this it can be concluded that get fast and beautiful tan, by too intense insolation will not work. In this case, you will simply burn, and the skin will become red, not tanned.

But what to do when you want to tan quickly? Fortunately, today there are many ways to help the skin acquire the desired golden hue in short time.

(for 1 hour)?

You can get a beautiful quick tan in a beauty salon. Today, instant tanning procedures are very popular - self-tanning showers and hand showers. Special agent sprayed into handmade by the master or in the cab.

The procedure takes about an hour, but the result appears instantly.

This method of tanning is suitable for cases where you need to tan quickly, but not for a long time. Its disadvantage is that it is washed off very unevenly.

(for 2 hours)?

One way to get a quick tan is self-tanning. This tool is specially designed to obtain a safe and practical instant tan. Self-tanning is very simple and effective in application, and allows you to quickly give the skin a delightful saturated shade. Of course, this is not quite a real tan, but it is absolutely safe for the skin, unlike sunlight. These products do not cause skin aging and, on the contrary, take care of it.

These products contain the substance dihydroxyacetone, which, when it comes into contact with the skin, combines with skin proteins, causing it to darken.

The auto bronzer begins to work 2-3 hours after application, and the resulting tan will last at least three days.

By the way, the sooner the effect appears, the faster the tan is washed off.

Dermatologists consider this method of tanning one of the best, since the substances work only on the surface of the skin, without entering the body. Self-tanning also doubles as a body lotion, moisturizing the skin. These funds can be produced in the form of sprays, creams, gels and can be purchased at any store at an affordable price.

However, this method has its drawbacks. These products can stain clothes, stain the skin, and have a specific odor. Sometimes it can turn out to be too yellow, an unnatural shade. Self-tanning is not suitable for people with skin diseases and hormonal diseases.

How to quickly tan with pills?

More reliable way get a quick tan - special tanning tablets. When choosing them, you need to pay attention to the composition. Those containing canthaxanthin, although effective, are not safe. This substance, entering the body, stains the skin and other tissues and organs. human body. It can accumulate in the retina of the eye and cause visual impairment. Therefore, tablets with this substance are prohibited in many European countries and the USA.

harmless food additives, allowing to accelerate the appearance of a tan and enhance it, are considered products with beta-carotene and lycopene.

These components are extremely beneficial for our skin. They not only color the skin, but also enhance the production of melanin, have antioxidant properties and to some extent protect the skin from burns.

How to quickly tan in a solarium?

Tanning in the solarium can also be made faster by using special creams containing activators and tanning accelerators.

These funds allow you to get more dark shade, reducing the duration of the tanning procedure. And this is not unimportant for our skin, because the solarium, like the sun, causes photoaging.

Among the world's novelties in the field of quick tanning, a solarium with a shower can be distinguished. It allows you to sunbathe and take a shower at the same time, thanks to which the tan lies more evenly. Wet skin tans much faster, and the shade is natural.

How to quickly tan in the sun with nutrition?

Some products also help to get a quick and lasting tan.. Therefore, before the holidays, you can go to special diet. It mainly consists of fruits and vegetables, which promote the production of melanin and protect the skin.

Most best product for sunbathing, of course, carrots and carrot juice.

Carrots perfectly fix and enhance the tan obtained in the solarium and naturally. Melon, spinach, peaches, tomatoes, asparagus and broccoli also contribute to the rapid appearance of a tan.

These fruits and vegetables also contain many vitamins, making our skin more beautiful, allowing the tan to last longer. If included in daily diet these products, you will get not only a quick and even tan, but also benefit for the whole body.

How to quickly tan with tanning oil?

For a natural tan in the sun, it is best to choose special tanning oils, which will allow you to get a tan much faster. However, the time spent on the beach should be dosed so as not to get a skin burn.

This tool is called so - oil for quick tanning, you can find it in any store.

It is important to remember that it does not protect the skin from UV or has a minimum protection factor of SPF2.

How to quickly tan with walnut leaves?

You can get a quick tan with the help of folk remedies. For example, boil the leaves walnut before desired shade and mix with water.

Dissolve the infusion in the bath and immerse yourself in it for a few minutes. After a while, the skin will acquire a tan shade. This tan will last 4-5 days.

Today I want to tell you how I turned from a pale girl into a chocolate bar.

To start the backstory:

A tan never sticks to me and I always went pale, in June I went to a tour rally and got a little tanned there (now I understand that it’s a little compared to how I got tanned now, but then it seemed to me that I was very tanned and no longer pale).

On the beach, I can’t get a tan, because. I can’t lie down and generally spend a lot of time under the scorching sun. Although I really wanted to tan (you can see one desire is not enough)

For a couple of days I lay on the beach, but to no avail.

And so we went fishing in the morning, and I decided to kill two birds with one stone - and catch fish and get a tan, so I took this oil with me.

Moreover, it is no secret that the fastest and most beautiful tan is obtained near the water.

Due to the property of water to reflect the sun's rays, their effect is greatly enhanced. The skin instantly tans even during bathing, as ultraviolet works even in water.

We were just fishing on a boat. so water all around!

Now for the oil itself:

From the pros:

  • The oil smells nice - apricots.
  • It applies well and spreads over the body.
  • The skin does not feel sticky, i.e. quickly absorbed.
  • It doesn’t wash off for a long time, only if you smear it on the beach, then all the sand and everything sticks.
  • And so even after bathing, the oil remains and the water rolls straight off the body.
  • It really prevents burns, I did not smear oil on my ears and the skin on them began to peel off after the 1st day.
  • UV protection.
  • The bottle will last a long time.

Of the minuses:

  • Bad dispenser - leaks, clogs, from this the whole can is oily.
  • The jar is not strong - the lid quickly cracked, being in a bag with only a towel!
  • I didn't notice any cooling effect.

On the first day, I tanned in shorts, so not all of my legs tanned.

On the second day I sunbathed in a bathing suit, there was a cool breeze, not hot, just a fairy tale ...

There is this property: Supercompensation.

After a strong load on the biochemical, bioenergy potential cells and full recovery there is a short period when the potential grows by 20-30%! This huge "pension increase" is called "super compensation".

Now I reveal the secret:

If during this period the cell resource is raked out again (not over the edge, of course), then recovery will occur not only to the “added” level, but also another 20–30% from above! For you, this means that by repeating the load-recovery-supercompensation cycles correctly, you raise the body's capabilities to the skies.

We apply knowledge to increase the level of melanin in skin cells. We get a way of ultra-fast tanning. Melanin is your protector from the sun's ultraviolet rays. It also determines the degree of tanning. So you can on own experience understand how this incredible principle works. The point is small - to find out the duration of the cycles of being in the sun and in the shade, periods of supercompensation.

I am giving you the second part of the secret: a table - a tanning scheme from Goltis.

Goltis is a professional traveler and survival specialist. Practically, the national hero of Ukraine. And, what is important in our case, the author of the Healing Impulse technique, in which Supercompensation is the key of the 7 principles of the system. This is about the credibility of the source.

Super compensation table for tanning(time in minutes):

Sunbathe line by line, from left to right. First 1.5 minutes facing the sun, then 1.5 minutes back, then the right side and left side for 1 minute and complete the cycle with 3 minutes in the shade.

If circumstances distracted or patience was not enough to sunbathe all 11 cycles, then the next day continue “back / up through the line”, for example - if you finished on cycle No. 6, then continue with cycle No. 4.

Once again, congratulations, you have gained useful, practically applicable knowledge. As a result, you will be able to enjoy the sun in the resort from the first day. Turn around to the fullest. Save precious vacation days from "white skin syndrome", from smearing procedures protective creams"before" and sour cream "after".

If your vacation is only at the end of summer, then you easily get a tan, indistinguishable from the spa. Literally over the weekend.

You will find amazing simple thing: nature has provided the body with all the means of protection and conversion of the energy of the sun for good. Proper tanning improves immunity. So you are lucky from birth. :)

It seemed to you that the scheme was incomprehensible, many questions arose? Frankly, before I tried it personally, I myself was in questions and complaints about the description of how a tree is in bloom in spring. :)

Then my wife and I just tested the Goltis scheme on ourselves on May 2. Questions to the Goltis scheme disappeared in the first 15 minutes. Doubts crumbled in an hour and a half Cherry color in the wind.

I offer for summer period expand Charity event“For a beautiful tan! Secret from heart to heart.

1. Tell everyone you love and respect about the possibility of a quick and beautiful tan, who do you wish well.

2. If you have a diary on the Internet (blog), a website or you drive on forums, then post a report on your test of the Goltis scheme, on the results and impressions, or simply support the action with a kind word.

You can provide a report with a photo of your beautiful tan. :)

Thank you in advance for your participation
See you at the Goltis seminars!

To avoid burns and get uniform tan, it is only necessary to observe a few simple rules behavior on the beach.

Beautiful summer, bright sun, endless sea, beautiful sandy beach - how long we have been waiting for this and dreaming about it! And, of course, any holiday on the coast is accompanied by a beautiful golden tan. Ideally. In fact, often everything ends with burnt skin, sleepless nights, and sometimes with a temperature that quickly rises due to sunburn. How to sunbathe at sea?

Ultraviolet is extremely Negative influence on the skin covering drying it. Therefore, it is worthwhile to prepare in advance for contact with the sun. And moisturizing and nourishing creams will help in this, which you need to use abundantly some time before a trip to the sea.

  • This is interesting:

If you have a lot sensitive skin, it is better to visit the solarium 2-3 weeks before the holiday. Two or three times for 5 minutes will be enough for the cells to get used to the ultraviolet and easier to endure the meeting with the scorching sun. So, by the beginning of the rest, your body will receive a slight golden hue - the likelihood of getting burned will significantly decrease, and the tan will fall quickly and evenly. And you will look beautiful from the very first day on the beach.

How to protect yourself from sunburn

At the beginning of the holiday, use a cream with a high content of SPF and / or UVA components. After a few days, it will be correct to change it to a more weak level protection. The most sensitive places that burn the fastest are the nose, shoulders, chest, they need to be lubricated with special care.

There are 2 types sunscreens: blocking or shielding harmful radiation. So, means that shield the rays of the sun, when in contact with the skin, form a special film that absorbs ultraviolet radiation.

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Most types of such a cream protect only from 1 type of UV rays: A or B. And the other is missed. This is their shortcoming. Blocking creams reflect the sun's rays. They are effective for both type A and type B radiation. There are also products with a water repellent effect - they will protect you even after contact with water.

How to sunbathe on the beach

1. When is the best time to sunbathe on the sea? From sunrise to noon, then from 4 pm to sunset. At lunchtime, the sun is most aggressive, and being under it at this time is fraught with quick receipt burns and sunstroke. No matter how convenient it is to sunbathe on the beach at this time, refrain from the temptation.

2. It’s worth starting with 5-10 minutes, daily increasing the time spent in the open sun. Spend the rest of the time under an umbrella or in the shade of trees. So you get an even, beautiful tan, and the skin does not start to peel off after a few days.

3. Do not use before tanning toilet water, essential oils creams based on mineral fats.

4. Lie down on the beach in such a way that the sun warms your feet, i.e. its light fell along the whole body. Raise your head a little - in this way, the light will not hit your eyes, and the neck, on the contrary, will open and will sunbathe.

5. Every 10 minutes, change position, turning to the sun with the other side of the body.

6. Swim in the sea, river, pool or shower every 20 minutes, depending on where you sunbathe.

7. There is an opinion that a wet body gets a tan faster. This is correct, but in order for it to lie evenly, it is necessary to blot the body with a towel so that there are no large drops of water left. Drops act as a lens and attract ultraviolet light. Thus, in places where drops accumulate, the darkening will appear more clearly, and the body will seem to be covered with spots - this can be seen quite clearly against a light background.

8. It is best to sunbathe on the beach 1-2 hours after eating, so the body most easily tolerates the stress of meeting with ultraviolet radiation.

9. To avoid sunstroke, be sure to wear a hat at sea: a cap, a hat, panama, etc.

10. Be careful with sunglasses, do not sunbathe in them, otherwise ugly marks will remain on the eyes.

11. On the beach you will get a tan faster than near the pool. Sea water attracts more of the sun's rays.

12. In order to get a beautiful, even and rich tan, you need to spend at least 2 weeks at sea. And people from light shade- up to 1 month.

As already mentioned, ultraviolet dries the skin, so it is necessary to nourish and moisturize it with creams. In addition, use a scrub a couple of times a week to remove dead skin cells. dead cells. If you have sensitive skin, limit your use of the scrub to once a week.

How to keep a tan after the sea for a long time

Getting a beautiful and even tan is only half the battle. After all, in just a week he will already begin to “climb”. In order to prolong his life, drink carrot juice, eat yellow and orange fruits. Don't forget to use nourishing cream, moisturize the body. Sprinkle thermal water. Use special cosmetics, which help to preserve the chocolate shade.

  • Do not miss:

Knowing how to properly sunbathe at sea, you can quickly get a beautiful tan and significantly reduce the risk of sunburn. Gentle and gentle sun to you! Let the rest on the beach give the best impressions!