On the divine service on the day of Christ Sunday. Midnight Office, Matins, Hours, Liturgy and Vespers. May grace reign in the soul

Voice greetings Happy Easter send to mobile

I wish to live with faith in my heart,
All fears aside.
I congratulate you today
I am with Christ's Resurrection.

In the early morning, hurry to the temple,
Consecrate food for breakfast.
Gather your loved ones together,
To drink and eat.

I wish to talk
I am certainly smart.
Wash down a delicious cake
Only church wine for you. ©

Positive emotions
Today I wish you.
Happy Christ's Resurrection
My congratulations.

Let faith be in life
Your guiding star.
Always go boldly with her
Per cherished dream.

Happiness to you, mutual love,
Health for all relatives.
Meekness, humility in the heart,
All earthly blessings to you. ©

The post is over, hurray!
It's time to celebrate Easter!
Easter cake and eggs on the table
Let's break our fast together.

There is no limit to glee
Let's exclaim "Christ is risen!"
We wish everyone health
God's mercy from heaven. ©

Congratulations to her husband

On the day of Christ's Resurrection
Congratulations, husband, you.
Correct and noble
Let there be a path in life.

Believe in a dream, ask God
Strength, meekness, love.
And then of course you can
To come to a meaningful goal.

Hug you tight.
Honey, I love you.
About your well-being
I pray to God every day. ©

To the Pope

On Easter day, congratulations
Daddy's beloved.
By the powers of heaven
Always be guarded.

May Christ's Resurrection
Will bring health.
I wish to live happily
And do not know backbiting.

Peace, happiness, understanding,
Joy, patience,
Light, spring
Only moods. ©

May your cake be sweet
Lush and beautiful.
And the owner in a good house -
With money, happy.

Let them be in stock
Lard and sausage.
Let life be yours
Kind, like a fairy tale.

I wish you warmth
Peace and luck.
Congratulations on the big day
Christ's Resurrection! ©


I'm bringing Easter cake today
Beloved mom
On the day that he is endowed
Magic and strength.

Easter will bring
Light and renewal.
I kiss three times
This Sunday.

Do not hurt, my bright angel,
Always be beautiful.
Consecrated Egg
Eat and be happy. ©

The bright holiday of the Resurrection
May it bring you happiness.
With a bright, blessed light
A ray of sun will illuminate you.

I wish you harmony
Understanding, kindness,
Compassion and faith
Joy, warmth in the soul.

I'll kiss you three times
As a sign of your great love.
I will ask the sky today:
"All, Lord, bless." ©

Soulful Voice Cards Happy Easter

Today the world is celebrating
We are the Resurrection of Christ.
I wish you Easter day
I wish you consent and kindness.

May your faith be strong
Will help you overcome the path.
I wish only with optimism
You look beautiful into the distance.

Well-being in the family to you,
Success in righteous work.
Always let there be strength in the body
An angel will help you in trouble. ©

On a beautiful new dish -
Krashenki and Easter cakes.
In the temple we will pray
Light a candle fire.

We will consecrate the Easter cake, eggs,
For the Lord to keep us.
We wish you to smile
Every moment to be kind.

Happy Easter. Dear people,
There is a miracle! Christ is risen!
May the good be with you in the future,
Peace and happiness to heaven! ©

Bells ringing in the morning
Notifies everyone -
Easter is bright today
The world is coming.

Kiss you today
And I will say "Christ is Risen."
Joy and exultation
You will be lifted up to heaven.

I wish to open your soul
For good, Great love.
May patience and happiness
Your days go by. ©

Today is an Orthodox holiday.
The day is not easy, but the most important one.
No need to quarrel, swear.
There is a good reason to smile.
Let all adversity pass by you,
May days and years give happiness.
And if you still feel sad,
Let go of your bitterness.
Christ is risen! This is joy!
And there is no more sadness! ©

Let Easter bring home
Happiness, peace, goodness.
Let it be cozy in it
Joyfully, warmly.

Illuminate let you all
God's light from heaven.
May success come to you
After all, Christ is Risen!

Happy Sunday of Christ,
Happy bright day!
Love, luck, happiness,
To bathe in it.

Deeds of the righteous and pure,
The roads are always straight
All earthly blessings in the world.
And may the Lord keep.

Congratulations on this bright holiday. And on this Sunday, I would like to wish good and good. Let your soul be warm and calm, there will be a peaceful sky above your head, and your beloved and cheerful relatives and friends nearby. May this holiday bring understanding, harmony and joy. I wish that all regrets and resentments go away, and only love and happiness remain.

Let the Easter holiday fill
Soul with light and warmth.
Laughter, smiles of those closest to you
Let your home light up.

Let the hope that never fades away
A spark lives in the heart
And I also wish you strength,
Faith, happiness all year round.

May this holiday Happy Easter
Will warm you with peace and kindness.
May everyone be always healthy
And we'll go through the rest.

On the day of the Resurrection of the Lord
Trust in the power of all miracles.
To fulfill desires
Let a star fall from heaven.

Christ is risen, Christ is risen!
The sky, the sun, the forest rejoice.
A great miracle at this hour
We congratulate you on Easter.

May your hearth be peaceful
May every step be bold
Health will be good luck.
Happy Lord's Bright Resurrection!

Holy Sunday has come
And he announced to us the gospel:
In the name of eternal salvation
Christ is risen. Christ is risen!

Be kept by heaven,
Live for many, many years.
Jesus in my soul is forever with you,
He will save you from evil and troubles.

We wish bright days Easter,
After all, this is a miracle of miracles.
Forget about your sorrows -
Christ is truly risen!

The testicles are painted
Easter cakes are consecrated.
Titmouses are singing outside the window
Rejoicing in the warmth of spring.

The sun shines in the morning
In the bright blue of the sky
Everyone congratulates each other
Happy Holidays. Christ is risen!

In a day Christ's Sunday
I want to wish you
So that over your whole family
There was God's grace.

Peace in the soul, prosperity in the house,
Life is in harmony with yourself,
Photos of all relatives in the album,
In families - happiness and peace.

Take care of your loved ones
Do not keep evil in yourself,
May the Almighty protect you
From insults and lies in fate.

Christ is risen! Let be bell ringing
Wakes everyone up with her wonderful song.
May God keep your bright warm home,
And let life be a little more wonderful.

May there be peace in heart and soul,
Let a friend in need immediately stretch out his hand.
Let the whole family one day in silence
Will sincerely rejoice at each other.

May heaven bless in deeds
And the house will be too small from guests,
Let your angelic eyes shine with happiness.
Christ is risen! Truly Risen!

May Easter bring warmth
Good luck, joy and prosperity,
So that the heart sings and blooms,
And every moment was very sweet!

Let Christ's Resurrection
Will give each of us
Love, color mood
And the shine of happy, bright eyes!

In the night sky, a bell ringing floats over the world, Blagovest, announcing the arrival of the greatest Christian holiday- Easter. Bright Resurrection of Christ is celebrated Orthodox Church as the most important, the most significant holiday. For believers, this is not just a holiday, but the most important event in world history. This is the day when the hope of salvation was given to humanity by God. For the Savior of the human race has risen.

The very word "Passover" comes from the Hebrew "Passover", which literally translates as "passed", "passed". It literally means that the Lord, who decided to punish the Egyptian people and killed all the firstborn in one night (the tenth execution), bypassed the Jewish homes. Some sources claim that this word comes from the Aramaic "Pisch", which has approximately the same meaning.

In the Christian tradition, the word "Easter" has acquired a completely different interpretation. Namely - "the transition from earth to heaven, from death to life." This is how we interpret the meaning of the word and the holiday of Easter now. On this day, Orthodox people remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the sake of humanity and celebrate His Resurrection as a symbol of the fact that we have been given eternal life.

The holiday of Easter has several names, some of which were formed in antiquity. It is a Great day, Green Christmastide, and Bright day. But in our time, the traditional name is used more: "The Bright Resurrection of Christ."

Define the exact date celebration is not possible. Easter is a rolling holiday. Its date is constantly changing. But it is determined according to strict rules and happens after the Jewish Passover (from March 31 to April 7 according to the current style), after the first spring full moon. The thing is that the Jewish Passover, from which ours originates, was celebrated according to the lunisolar calendar. And such a calendar does not have 365 ( normal year) or 366 days ( leap year), like ours, solar, and from 353 to 385 days. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately calculate the day of this happy holiday... After all, more than 2 thousand years have passed since the time of the biblical events. And the error in conversion can be catastrophic. Therefore, there is a binding of the date of Easter to the first spring full moon. In 2019, Easter falls on April 28th.

Precedes this celebration Great post, a time of repentance, earnest prayers, spiritual and bodily abstinence. It lasts seven weeks. The last week of Lent is called Passionate. It symbolizes the suffering of the Savior for the sins of mankind, which he experienced when he was crucified on the cross. Great Lent should be discussed separately.

Seven weeks of feat

"Forty days" - this is how this time is called in church practice. Different denominations lead their chronology in different ways, have their own traditions, but one way or another, everything connected with Fasting is tied to the number 40. Indeed, according to Holy Scripture, it was for so many days that Jesus fasted in the wilderness and endured the temptations of the Devil. Therefore, now we also endure temptations during Great Lent.

Voluntary renunciation of bodily goods (the main of which is for modern man is food), abstaining from the comfort of habitual existence - that is what Great Lent is. But this does not mean at all that you need to starve yourself or put yourself in unbearable living conditions. At this time, religion prescribes prayer, visiting sacred places for every Christian, understanding oneself, unity with the Lord. It is also important not to overdo it and not exhaust your body to the utmost. After all, it is the repository of an immortal soul.

Before starting Lent, you need to consult with a priest. Not everyone can keep it. Exists whole line diseases in which it is impossible to refuse food and withstand great physical and nervous stress. It is believed that strict fasting contraindicated in pregnant women and nursing mothers. People who are physically sick should also be careful. Children can fast, but be very careful. Otherwise, the growing body will be harmed. Also, you can not limit yourself too much to those who work physically. Otherwise, the body will be exhausted and unable to work for the glory of God.

During the Fourties, you also need to monitor your morality, not to use foul language. After all, God will forgive a brief intemperance in food, and foul language is a grave sin. As the saying goes, "what comes from the mouth is bad, not what comes from the mouth."

You should not fast out of vain motives, trying to prove to someone that you are capable of such a feat. One must strive for purification at the behest of the heart. Fasting is a medicine that is healing to the soul. And, if you overdo it in the treatment, you can only do harm. It is impossible to abruptly refuse bodily food. It is necessary to reduce its amount gradually, giving up the so-called fast food on Wednesdays and Fridays. This must be done for the entire year preceding the post. Keeping the commandments of God will help in this. It is worth remembering that small things always lead to great things.

Food in Lent

The seven weeks of Lent are called upon to purify the soul through physical abstinence. It is necessary to refrain from alcoholic beverages, smoking and foul language. Light food is prohibited (that is, everything that is prepared from animal products). Fish is eaten on some days of the fast, since it is not a warm-blooded animal. The menu at this time is strictly prescribed by church rules.

The "dry eating" prescribed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays allows the believer to eat only vegetables, fruits and black bread. That is, food that does not need to be cooked. They drink water or fruit decoctions these days. However, you can also afford tea, as it is considered a decoction. Hot food is consumed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But without oil. On Saturday and Sunday, it is allowed to add a little vegetable oil.

Fish is allowed on Wednesday Wednesday (this is the middle of Lent), at the same time it is allowed to drink a little natural grape wine. You can also please your body on Palm Sunday by eating fish, some vegetable oil and wine. On Lazarev Saturday, before Palm Sunday, you can afford some caviar. The first and last (Holy) weeks are considered the most stringent.

During fasting, freed from the hassle of cooking, a person gets more time for comprehension of existence, self-improvement, prayer and union with God.

Fasting was especially strict in ancient times. They were allowed to eat only in the evening. And only bread, dried fruits and vegetables. It was necessary to erase from life for a while all the holidays and fun. It was believed that the marriage entered into at this time would be empty (without children), short-lived and would soon disintegrate. Any entertainment was forbidden, shows were canceled.

The meat trade stopped these days, the butchers' shops were closed. After all, meat is a fast food, and believers should not be led into temptation. The history describes cases when during the Great Lent the trials were stopped, so as not to provoke the true believer into foul language and dashing thoughts.

Charity and any help were considered a godly deed and were welcomed in every possible way. The church considered it a good deed and financial assistance. This was done by calculating the difference in the cost of the products of the lean table and the usual food. But it was impossible to keep this money for myself. The entire amount was donated to charity. The time of fasting is the refusal of bodily food in order to add spiritual food to a person.

Strict pre-Easter week or Holy Week

The last week before Easter is considered the most important and strict week of all fasting. Each of the seven days is considered great. According to Christian traditions Maundy Thursday, Friday and Saturday are called the Easter Trinity. Monday and Tuesday do not have a special name, but Wednesday and Thursday are the beginning of active preparation for the holiday.

Thursday is usually called Clean. This day is intended to cleanse the body and soul. You must definitely get up before sunrise and wash yourself completely, go to the bathhouse or plunge into the ice hole. Pouring well water preserved in Orthodox tradition since the days of paganism. Housewives clean the house, "cleaning" it. After all, after Thursday, it is no longer possible to wash or clean up - until Easter. And on Sunday, it is forbidden to work according to God's commandments. Traditions of central Russia prescribed on Thursday to fumigate their home and outbuildings with the smoke of smoldering juniper branches

Cleansing the home and body in Maundy Thursday also has another meaning. The fact is that it is on Thursday that the hostesses bake cakes and paint eggs. It is also customary to bake honey cakes, giving them the shape of animals, birds and eggs. This should not be done on any other day. After all, Friday is the day of mourning when Jesus was crucified. And on Great Saturday, every Orthodox Christian goes to church services.

On the eve of the Bright Resurrection of Christ, on Great Saturday, a miracle occurs in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, which cannot be explained modern science, - the descent of the Holy Fire. This event happens during the Sabbath service. The priests take out a particle of this Fire from the temple as a symbol of the exit from the tomb of the True Light, that is, the risen Savior. Further, small torches lit from the Holy Fire spread throughout the world, carrying light and good news that Jesus is Risen.

Traditions of celebrating the Bright Resurrection of Christ

The celebration of Easter lasts forty days. But there are no strict traditions of celebration. After all, this is not a material holiday, but a spiritual one. The main requirement is only a visit to the temple and the consecration of food. Easter is associated with rebirth, the victory of good over evil, life over death, light over darkness. It was not customary to lock the doors of houses that day. This was done so that any beggar, hungry or simply poor person could come in and ask for a piece of bread.

V different cultures it has its own attributes of this day. In Russia, these are traditional painted eggs, Easter cakes, Cahors and the first spring flowers... In Europe and the USA, the main attribute has become easter bunny and a basket of eggs, often made from chocolate.

Of all the food that is consecrated in the church on Easter night, the main ones are cakes and eggs. A lot of Easter cakes were always baked. Since it was with this pastry that it was customary to treat everyone who came to the house.

But it is worth mentioning one more ritual dish. This product is called Easter. A sweet dish based on cottage cheese with the addition of honey, nuts and raisins. It has the shape of a pyramid, and the inscriptions ХВ (Christ is Risen) are applied on its edges.

Cahors traditionally symbolizes the atoning sacrifice - the blood of Jesus Christ shed for the salvation of mankind. And only this wine is customary to drink in small portions in church holidays and at communion services.

The egg has a special place in the context of Easter. And if the rest of the attributes are allegorical, then the meaning of the egg is the most direct.

The fact is that Mary Magdalene, who came to Rome to preach, was poor. And she only had enough money for an ordinary chicken egg. It was him that she presented to the Emperor Tiberius, telling about the miraculous resurrection of Christ. But her words were questioned. And Tiberius replied that the resurrection of a person from the dead is as incredible as the fact that the presented egg suddenly turns from white to red. And the miracle happened. The egg turns red. This is the origin of the tradition to paint eggs before Easter - as a symbol of the triumph of truth over lies, life over death.

Also, since ancient times, the egg has been associated with fertility. Even in pre-Christian times, there was a belief that if a woman went out into the field with a hen's egg and rolled it over the arable land, the harvest would certainly be good. It was also believed that if you take the blessed egg saved from last Easter with you, going for the first time to sowing, then the harvest will be rich.

This is not to say that in preparation for the celebration of Holy Sunday, it is necessary to somehow decorate the home in a special way or acquire some special attributes. Everything is done only at the request of the owners. In Russia, for example, icon lamps with Easter symbols were placed next to the icons, and embroidered household towels were hung on the frames of the icons. Candles are also one of the symbols of Easter. They symbolize divine light. And primroses or willow are the rebirth of life. Also a reminder of renewal and light was the tradition, already forgotten in Russia, to kindle a fire in front of the church on Easter night. It served as a beacon for parishioners who lost their way and did not have time for the service, and symbolized hope.

Easter is a family holiday

Do not forget that the Bright Resurrection of Christ, Easter - family celebration... Its public part takes place in the church, where the priest, after the main service, blesses the food brought with him, sprinkling with holy water. The family part begins at home when the owner returns from the church with a basket. consecrated products... All household members gather to the table. And the head of the family, taking the blessed food, stands in front of the images and offers a prayer to the Lord. Then the Easter cakes are divided into parts according to the number of family members and the gathered loved ones and distributed. The same is done with colored eggs. At the same time, the owner asks God to send good health to all those gathered at the table.

The beginning of a meal, when relatives and friends eat cake, eggs and church wine (Cahors), is called breaking the fast. And eggs are eaten first. After starts festive feast, funny and plentiful, with jokes and games. Each of us knows one of these ancient entertainments. This is the tradition of "beating eggs". In another way, it is called "christianization". it fun fun, after which the children boast full bowls of "trophies". After all, the one whose egg remains intact after christianization takes the broken testicle of his rival.

Decoration festive table paid on this day Special attention... All decorations should correspond to the spirit of Easter, symbolize purity, new life. Candles and fresh flowers are an essential attribute. In Russia, its middle zone, it is still cold during Easter, and primroses can not be found. Therefore, a vase of willow branches with swollen buds is placed on the table.

The Easter menu is varied and plentiful. There are all kinds of meat, sweet dishes, pastries and egg dishes. However, it is not customary to serve hot dishes. If you remember the traditions Holy week, it is impossible to cook on Holy Saturday, and therefore, there simply cannot be hot dishes on the table. It is also not customary to put fish on the table.

But during feasts, it is worth remembering that you need to eat abundant food with caution. Because the body has become unaccustomed to such food during the fast.

The celebration of the Bright Resurrection of Christ with feasts lasts a whole week. The table should be plentiful and full. Because the scarcity of food, according to tradition, speaks of the stinginess and insincere joy of the owner. It is customary to cook a lot in order to satisfy everyone who enters the house and asks for food. Wealthy believers in Russia used to put 48 different festive dishes, each of which symbolized one day of hard fasting.

The commemoration of the departed should be noted separately. Visiting the graves on the day of Christ's Great Resurrection was widely practiced only in early Christian times. Now priests consider this to be wrong, rightly believing that it is impossible to grieve on this day. So if you go to the graves of your relatives, then only with joy, carrying traditional Easter food and greeting everyone you meet with the words “Christ is Risen!”. Remembering that it was Jesus' sacrifice that opened the way to paradise for all the departed.

Easter traditions of the peoples of the world

In the Orthodox tradition, on the holiday of Bright Easter, it is allowed to ask the Lord for the fulfillment of his deepest desires. Old people, dreaming of grandchildren, combed their hair, thinking that children should have as many babies as hair on a gray head. Elderly women, hoping for wealth, washed their faces with silver or gold dishes. And young people, believing that the "sun is playing" on Easter, climbed high trees and roofs to "catch" the moment of sunrise. They say that those who see this miracle will be lucky all year round.

Not many people know, but on Easter, as well as on Christmas, it was customary in Russia to guess. They wondered on painted eggs, on Easter cakes, on water, on the sun. Marriage girls wondered about the suitors. And mothers - on children and husbands. The official church condemns this occupation, considering it "from the evil one", unclean, demonic. However, fortune-telling has lived for centuries, and to this day they live in our culture, making up its singularity and individuality.

Easter traditions in Serbia are very similar to ours, in Russia. There, too, "Christos" easter eggs, breaking alternately the different ends of the testicle, just as people christen themselves three times on the cheeks. Serbian kids arrange "rides", letting the testicles race and checking who will roll away further. And in Russia, Easter dye used to be rolled across the field, so that it disfigured better.

In some Western countries, it is customary for adults to hide Easter eggs from children in the most unexpected places... And the kids, waking up in the morning, are looking. They arrange a so-called "egg hunt". And the winner is the one who finds the fastest and most eggs. Krashenki are traditionally placed in wicker baskets.

The same attribute of the holiday is Easter Bunny... This animal became a symbol of prosperity and fertility in Germany as early as the 16th century. Since then, the hare (or rabbit) as inherent attribute Easter spread throughout Europe

There is also an "egg hunt" in the USA. Only eggs, as a rule, are chocolate ones. It is believed that it is more pleasant for a child to eat sweetness than a natural chicken egg. There is also a custom in the States to host the Hat Parade. Anyone who wishes to join the festive procession, wearing wide-brimmed hat with rabbit ears attached to it. And the width of the brim of the hat is not regulated. This tradition came to America from Great Britain, where “hat” processions are also held. It is more customary here to decorate the headdress with spring flowers.

Another English custom is very similar to Serbian. This is "rolling eggs downhill." Whose farther rolls away, he won. A practically unknown tradition exists in the English city of Radley. After the Easter service, local parishioners go out into the street, join hands, forming a chain. And with this chain they "wrap" their temple, symbolizing this "embrace".

One of the Easter traditions in France is the "young lamb". A pie of this shape is served at the festive table.

In Australia, along with colored eggs, a local animal called bilby is a symbol of Easter. It looks a lot like a rabbit and is more popular as a gift. Also, local parents on Easter stock up on holy water and keep it until their child's wedding day.

In Brazil, it is customary to give chocolate eggs with a little surprise inside. And the shape of the Easter cake, round and tall in our country, here resembles a cross. Natural chicken eggs here they practically do not give gifts, perhaps this is due to the hot climate of the country.

Mexico begins celebrating Easter since Good friday. Locals arrange a costume procession symbolizing the path of Christ to Calvary. On Saturday, the Mexicans take out on the streets figurines made from scrap materials that symbolize Judas, and burn them. This ritual burning signifies the victory of good in the eternal battle with evil.

Finnish traditions are unlike anything else. On Easter, they spank each other with willow twigs. This gesture symbolizes the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem and promises good luck. And children are allowed everything on this day. Noise, shouting and laughter mean that the mournful silence after the burial of Jesus is over.

Very interesting Easter customs Jamaica. Here they do not bake such usual cakes. The local bun is called bun. Serve it with slices of cheese, sliced in a special way, about one and a half centimeters thick. Bun buns are a testament to the intertwining of ancient and Christian customs and have been known since Babylonian times.

All of these traditions have in common the desire of people to remember and celebrate the exploit and resurrection of Christ. In most countries, Christians visit the temple and receive guests on this day.

Christianity and Paganism: Are They So Far?

Not everyone knows that much of what is present in our Christian customs is closely intertwined with paganism. Thus, the ancient pagans (Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Phoenicians, etc.) honored their gods after a day vernal equinox... At the same time when the ancient Jews celebrated Passover.

In the pagan mysteries, first the wilting of nature, its "death" is shown, and then - the resurrection, rebirth to life. And this series of ritual "events" is very similar to the "events" of Holy Week, the death of Jesus Christ, and then his resurrection from the dead. In pagan practices, the day of the resurrection of nature is called Great Day. In the Little Russian dialect of the Russian language, this name has survived to this day. This is what Easter is called in Ukraine.

Also borrowed is the tradition to burn a fire before Easter. In Russian folk culture, there is fun to light the wheel and let it roll. This custom is supposed to have been borrowed from the Celts - the sun worshipers. Their rolling fire wheel symbolized the sun, rapidly running across the sky.

The custom of dyeing eggs also has an analogue in the pagan faith. Only in paganism it was initially customary to paint eggs with various patterns and attach decorations.

Long before the advent of Christianity, the Slavic tribes had a myth about a sacred duck, the egg of which became the embryo of the world, falling into the original ocean. Many ancient Slavic customs are associated with eggs, according to one of which appeals to the gods, prayers, and requests were written on bird eggs. They carried such "notes" to places of worship and laid them at the feet of idols. There was also a custom to decorate trees with painted eggs in order to appease Mother Nature, attract Spring, and ensure fertility. In this way, trees are now decorated for Easter in Western countries.

The symbols of Christian Easter, along with colored eggs and fire, are rabbits, Easter cakes, spring water. The running stream has always symbolized the will to live and renewal. And swimming or dipping in spring water, as you know, is unchanging tradition on Maundy Thursday. In paganism, rituals of washing the body before a special holiday, cleaning your home in order to let the spirits of nature into the clean container, thereby appeasing them and keeping them for a long time.

Easter cakes cannot be ignored. Even the ancient pagan Slavs baked high loaves for Great Day. They were decorated in a special way. Such pastries served as a symbol of masculinity. Women also prepared a special curd dish, gave it rounded shape... And this dish was considered a symbol of the beginning of the feminine in nature.

Hares or rabbits among the ancient Slavs were revered as a symbol of fertility. The women made small baked goods and shaped them into a hare. Such figurines were presented to a young wife at the wedding ceremony, so that many children were born in a young family. Because the hare is known to be very fertile.

Easter is a symbol of life

Easter is the greatest of all holidays for Christians, joyful and bright. On this day, all the closest ones, friends and family gather at a rich table. On the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ at Orthodox Christian the soul sings and waits for a miracle. And nature that comes to life after winter symbolizes that there is no death, that it is just a step on the path to eternal life.

Midnight Office, Matins, Hours, Liturgy and Vespers.

You need to start the midnight office no later than 11 hours 20 - 30 minutes, so that you can take it slowly. Since the Liturgy is celebrated immediately after Matins, the entrance prayers are read until midnight in the usual order, beginning with the Trisagion.

The Chin of the Midnight Office.

With the royal gates closed and the veil, the priest creates the beginning of "Blessed be our God" on the sole, "Heavenly King" is not read, but upon the exclamation of "Amen," the Trisagion immediately and so on. Psalm 50. Canon "By the Wave of the Sea". Irmos twice, tropari by 12 and katavasiya - the same irmos. The Canon should be read by one of the clergy in front of the Shroud. According to the 3rd canto, the sedalena and the 6th kontakion and ikos of Great Saturday. At the beginning of the 9th canto, the royal gates are opened. The priest performing the midnight office with the deacon goes to the Shroud and, having ccented around it, while singing the words of the katavasia of the 9th canto "I will rise and be glorified," they lift the Shroud and take it to the altar. Following this, the royal gates are closed. The shroud is placed on the holy throne, where it must remain until the Passover. Since usually the Shroud is arranged convex and it is impossible to supply a diskos and a chalice to them during the celebration of the Liturgy, the Shroud, which was worn out on Good Friday, relies on its usual place, and another, smooth, not embroidered, but written, extends on the throne. According to the canon - the Trisagion after the "Our Father", the singers - "When thou art descended." A short, augmented litany, as at the beginning of Matins, and dismissal.


We usually start Easter Matins at 12 o'clock in the morning. Canonical rules do not recommend starting the Easter celebration earlier than midnight. But these rules do not indicate when exactly after midnight “at what hour, or at which half an hour or a quarter of an hour it is fitting to begin the joy of the resurrection of our Lord from the dead”, in view of the fact that in the Gospel itself there is no exact indication of the hour of the resurrection (Dionysius Alexandrian, 1st rule). Therefore, one should not be surprised that in the Typicon the beginning of Paschal Matins is not quite explicitly said: “about the morning hour”. In the Russian Church, for about the last hundred years, the custom has been established to begin the Easter celebration at exactly midnight. Therefore, at the approach of midnight, all the clergymen in full vestments stand in order at the throne. The Primate hands out candles to the co-workers. At the same time, all those praying are also lighting candles. The Primate welcomes in left hand A cross with an Easter trising light, to the right - a censer. Exactly at 12 o'clock local time, with the royal gates closed, the clergymen in a quiet voice sing the stichera "Thy Resurrection, Savior Christ, the Angels sing in heaven, and on earth make us praise with a pure heart." After that, the veil is opened and the clergymen sing the same stichera for the second time in a loud voice. The royal doors open, and the stichera in a higher voice is sung by the clergy for the third time up to half, "Thy Resurrection, Savior Christ, Angels sing in heaven." The singers, standing in the middle of the temple, finish: "And vouch for us on the earth." The procession begins, during which the singers continuously sing the same sticira. In the procession, a lantern is carried in front, behind it is the altar cross, the altarpiece of the Mother of God, then go in two rows, in pairs, gonfalons, singers, candle-bearers with candles, deacons with their candles and censers, and behind them the priests, the younger ones in front. In the last pair of priests, the one on the right carries the Gospel, and the one on the left carries the icon of the Resurrection. The procession is completed by the primate with the trinity and the Cross in his left hand. Where there is one priest, there it is allowed for the laity to carry the icons of the Resurrection of Christ and the Gospel on the shroud. Artos is not worn at this procession, since he has not yet been consecrated.

The procession goes around the church in the usual manner with continuous pealing. Entering the vestibule, the procession stops in front of the closed western doors of the church. The wearers of the shrines stop at the doors facing west in the following order (from south to north): lantern, altar cross. The Gospel, the icon of the Resurrection, the altarpiece of the Mother of God, the gonfalons and the candle-bearers stand on the sides. The primate and fellow priests stand before the shrines by rank. The ringing stops. The abbot, having received the censer from the deacon, censors the holy places, the clergy, the singers and those who are to come, and, having marked the closed church doors with a censer three times in a cross, he proclaims out loud, “Glory to the Saints, Consubstantial, and Life-giving, and the Inseparable Trinity always, now and forever, and forever centuries ". Singers - "Amen". The priests sing: "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and giving life to those in the tombs" (three times). The singers repeat the same. The priests sing verses:

1. "May God rise, and scatter him, and let him that hates Him flee from His face."
2. "Like the smoke disappears, let it disappear, like the wax melts from the face of fire."
3. "So let sinners perish from the face of God, and let the righteous be glad."
4. "This day, which the Lord has created, let us rejoice and be glad in it."
5. "Glory",
6. "And now."

For each verse the singers sing the troparion "Christ is Risen" (once).

Then the primate or all the priests sing "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death." The singers end - "And giving to those in the grave a belly." The church doors are opened, and the procession marches into the church with the repeated singing of "Christ is Risen" until the clergy enter the altar.

Great litany.

The exclamation "Yako befits" and the Easter canon - the creation of St. John of Damascus, voice 1 "Resurrection day". According to the Charter, "the primate always creates ... the beginning of the canon for every song," usually the first words of the irmos of each song are begun by all the clergy. Irmos are sung at 4, troparia at 12, with a chorus to each of them "Christ is risen from the dead." Katavasia - the same irmos and in conclusion the troparion "Christ is risen from the dead" (three times). Censing is performed on each canon song. According to the Typikon, the abbot "censes holy icons and both faces and brethren in order at the beginning of the canon." This expression means the complete censing of the entire temple, which should be performed only once - on the 1st canon of the canon. But according to a tradition that has been firmly established since ancient times, censing is performed at each song (small). During conciliar services, censing is performed by all the priests in turn (and during more priests - in pairs). This order is indicated in the last edition of Pentikostarion (Moscow, 1914), where it is said, "In the same way, other priests also cense at every song."

After each song, there is a small litany, which the deacon says "outside the altar." If the service is performed by one priest, then he pronounces all litany in the altar. For the recitation of litanies and the performance of incense, the deacon in all cases proceeds from the altar through the royal doors.

According to the 1st canto, the exclamation "Like Thy power, and Thine is the Kingdom and power, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever."

According to the 3rd canto, the exclamation "For you are our God, and we give glory to you, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever."

Same ipakoy, voice 4:

“Before the morning, even about Mary, and the found stone was rolled away from the tomb, I hear from an angel: in the light that exists with the dead that you are looking like a man; you see the shroud of the grave, preach and preach to the world, as the Lord has risen, who killed death: as the Son of God who saves the human race. "

According to the 4th canto, the exclamation: "For God is good and lover of mankind, and we give glory to you, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever."

According to the 5th canto, the exclamation “Yako be sanctified and glorified, the most honorable and magnificent Your name, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. "

According to the 6th canto, the exclamation “Thou art the King of the world and Savior of our souls, and we glorify Thee, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever”.

Kontakion, voice 8:

"Even if you descended into the grave, Immortal, but you destroyed the power of hell, and you were raised as a Victor, Christ God, who prophesied to the myrrh-bearing women: rejoice, and give peace to your apostle, grant resurrection to the fallen." And ikos "Hedgehog before the sun."

In the same verb:

“Having seen the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the Holy Lord Jesus, the One Sinless One. We worship Thy Cross, Christ, and we sing and praise Thy Holy Resurrection: Thou art our God, do we not know otherwise to Thee: We name Thy Name. Come, all faithful, let us bow to the holy Resurrection of Christ: behold, when the Cross came, joy to the whole world, always blessing the Lord, we sing His Resurrection: having endured crucifixion, destroy death by death ”(three times).

Stanza, voice 6:

“Jesus is risen from the grave, like a prophecy, give us an eternal belly and great mercy (three times).

According to the 7th canto, the exclamation - "Be the power of Thy Kingdom be blessed and glorified, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever."

Canto 8 contains the Trinity. It is sung four times with a chorus " Holy Trinity Our God, glory to Thee. "

According to the 8th canto, the exclamation - "For Thy Name be blessed and Thy Kingdom be glorified, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever."

On the 9th canto, the refrain "Christ is risen from the dead" is not sung, but there are special refrains to the irmos and to the troparia.

Canto 9 on the 1st day of Easter should be sung in this order:

1st face - "My Risen soul will magnify". "Shine, shine."
The 2nd face repeats the same.
1st face - "My soul magnifies by the will of suffering." "Shine, shine."
2nd face - the same.
1st face - "Christ new easter". "O Divine".
2nd face - the same.
1st face - "An angel cries out". "O Divine".
2nd face - the same.
1st face - "Thou hast awakened." "O Divine".
2nd face - "Mary Magdalene". "O Divine".
1st face - "Angel shimmer". "O Easter Great".
2nd face - "Christ is risen". "O Easter Great".
1st face - "Today is every creature." "O Easter Great".
2nd face - "Now is the Lord of captivity." "O Easter Great".
1st face - "My soul will magnify the Tri-hypostasnago." "O Easter Great".
2nd face - "Rejoice, Virgin". "O Easter Great".
1st face - "My Risen soul will magnify". "Shine, shine."
2nd face - "My soul magnifies it by the will of suffering." "Shine, shine."

Also, both faces sing together the irmos "Shining, shining" and the troparion "Christ is risen" (three times).

On the 9th ode, the censing is performed not by a priest, but by a deacon with a candle, and during the conciliar service two deacons.

According to the 9th canto, the exclamation is - "For thee are praised by all the powers of heaven, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and we glorify Thee, now and ever, and forever and ever." Exapostilarius "Sleeping flesh" (three times). On "Praise" Sunday stichera for 4, voice 1. Then Easter stichera with verses, voice 5 - "May God rise again." The last stichera ends with the troparion "Christ is Risen", which is part of the stichera. After that, "Christ is Risen" is sung many times, "the brothers kiss each other as long as they do." The priests begin to confer with each other in the altar while singing the stichera. According to the Rule, “kissing the abbot with other priests and deacons in the holy altar happens to be a sit: he says come -“ Christ is risen ”. To the same I answered - "Truly he is risen." The same should be done with Christians with the laity.

According to the Charter, the clergy, having made Christ among themselves in the altar, proceed to Solea, and here they Christianize with each of the worshipers. Such an order could be observed in those ancient monasteries where there were only a few brethren in the church, or in those house and parish churches where there were few worshipers. Now, with a huge congregation of pilgrims, it will be most appropriate for the primate, after christening with the co-workers, going out with the Cross to the solea, uttering a short general greeting from himself to those who are coming and ending it with three times proclamation "Christ is risen!" with the overshadowing of the Cross on three sides, and after that he returned to the altar.

After the primate proclaims “Christ is Risen” three times, the singers sing the entire troparion “Christ is Risen” (three times) unhurriedly, so that the primate has the opportunity to take the holy Cross to the altar, put it on the throne and go to the pulpit to read the Announcement Word.

"Like the saints of our Father John, Archbishop of Constantinoplekago, Zlatoustago, the Omnipotent Word, on the holy and luminous day of the most glorious and saving Christ, our God of Resurrection."

“If anyone is pious and loving of God, let him enjoy this good and radiant triumph.
If anyone is a prudent servant, let him enter, rejoicing, into the joy of his Lord.
If anyone takes the trouble to fast, let him now accept the denarius.
If anyone has been eating from the first hour, let him take this day a righteous duty.
If anyone comes after the third hour, let him celebrate thanks.
If anyone reaches it by the sixth hour, let him know nothing; for nothing is whipped.
If anyone is deprived of even the ninth hour, let him begin, not hesitating, not being afraid.
If anyone reaches exactly and at the tenth hour, may not be afraid of slowing down: the loving God, the Lord, accepts the last one, as well as the first: he rests at the tenth hour of the one who has come, as if he did from the first hour; he has mercy on the last, and pleases the first, and gives to him, and gives to this; accepts deeds and kisses intention; and honors the deed, and praises the offer.
Even so, enter all into the joy of your Lord: both the first and the second, receive a bribe.
Wealth and bastards, rejoice with each other.
Temperance and laziness, honor the day.
You who have fasted and have not fasted, rejoice today.
The meal is complete, enjoy everything.
A well-fed calf, let no one go hungry; all enjoy the feast of faith; all accept the wealth of goodness.
Let no one weep for misery: there is a common Kingdom.
No one else weeps for sins, forgiveness is from the grave of the ascension.
Let no one be afraid of death, let us be free of Spasov's death.
Quench yu, Izhe kept from her.
Captives of hell, Descended into hell.
Grieve hell, having tasted its flesh.
And this is what Isaiah is doing, cry out: hell, he says, be upset, shit at Thee.
Be upset, for be abolished, be upset, for the desecration was quick.
Be upset, for die.
Be upset, for you have fallen down.
Be upset, for you will contact.
Pleased with the body, and adore God.
Pleasure the earth and shred the sky.
Priyat, you see a hedgehog, and you can't see a hedgehog.
Where is your sting, death?
Where is your, hell, victory?
Christ is risen, and you are overthrown.
Christ is risen, and demons have fallen.
Christ is risen, and the Angels rejoice.
Christ is risen, and life dwells.
Christ is risen, and there is not one dead in the grave.
Christ is more, rising from the dead, The beginning of the departed was fast.
To him be glory and power forever and ever. Amen".

The singers sing the troparion of St. John Chrysostom, "Your lips," and the litany "Have mercy on us, O God" and "Let us fulfill the morning prayer" are recited. By the exclamation "Yours is more, he is merciful," the deacon - "Wisdom." Singers - Bless. Priest - "Behold, blessed be Christ our God." Singers - "Amen", "Confirm, God." The priest, holding the Cross, (instead of "Glory to Thee, Christ God"), together with his fellow servants, sings "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death", and the singers - "and giving life to those in the grave." All the co-workers leave the altar, the younger ones in front, and stand in order on the solo. The Primate with the Cross in his hands, turning to the people, pronounces the Paschal dismissal “Christ, who has risen from the dead, trampled death by death and given to those who are in grave, our true God, with the prayers of His Most Pure Mother and all saints, will have mercy and save us, as it is Good and Humanitarian ", and overshadows those who stand with the Cross on three sides, loudly saying" Christ is Risen! "At each overshadowing. Those praying answer "Truly He is Risen!" The singers sing the troparion "Christ is Risen" (three times) and the final - "And we have been given an eternal life, we worship His three-day Resurrection."

Upon the dismissal of Matins, according to the instruction of the Typikon, "we kiss the honest Cross held in the hand of the abbot." But if the hours and the Liturgy follow immediately after the end of Matins, then the kissing of the Cross by the pilgrims can be attributed to the end of the Liturgy.

Easter clock.

At the exclamation "Blessed be our God" the singers - "Christ is Risen" (three times). "Resurrection of Christ" (three times), ipakoy - "Before the morning", kontakion "Asche and into the grave", "In the grave of the flesh, in hell with a soul like God, in heaven with a robber, and you were on the throne, Christ, with the Father and the Spirit, all fulfill the Undescribed. "

"Glory": "Like a Life-bearer, like the reddest of heaven truly, and the palace of every royal, the most luminous, Christ, your tomb, the source of our resurrection, appears."

"And now", the Theotokos: "The most consecrated Divine village, rejoice, Thou hast given joy to the Mother of God, calling: blessed are Thou in wives, O All-Immaculate Lady." "Lord, have mercy" (40 times), - "Glory, and now" - "Honest". "Bless in the name of the Lord, father." Priest - "Through the prayers of the saints, our father." Singers - "Amen", "Christ is Risen" (three times). "Glory, and now", "Lord, have mercy" (three times). "Bless." The priest pronounces the usual small Sunday dismissal without the Cross. "The risen Christ, our true God, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, our venerable and God-bearing fathers and all saints, will have mercy and save us, as he is Good and Humanitarian."

This rite of chants is supposed to be performed instead of 1, 3, 6, 9 o'clock, midnight office and Compline.

During the chanting of the hours before the Liturgy, the deacon performs the usual censing of the altar and the entire church with a deacon's candle.

Before the beginning of the Liturgy on the days of Easter Week and before the Passover of Passover, the clergymen read instead of "Heavenly King." "Christ is Risen" (three times) and the usual verses "Glory to God in the highest" and "Lord, open my mouth".

After the initial cry of the Liturgy, the priest, standing before the throne. with the Cross and the trilings in his left hand and a censer in his right, and the deacon in a high place with a candle, they sing three times "Christ is Risen." The singers repeat "Christ is Risen" (three times). Priest - 1st verse "May God rise again." Singers - "Christ is Risen" (once) and so on, as at the beginning of Matins. In conclusion, the priests sing "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death," and the singers - "and giving life to those in the grave." Great litany.

Antiphons of Easter. Input - "In the churches bless God, the Lord from the source of Israel." Singers - "Christ is Risen" (once). Ipakoy "Before the morning", "Glory, and now" - kontakion "Asche and into the grave." Instead of the Trisagion - “Elitsy were baptized into Christ, put on Christ. Alleluia. "

The indicated beginning of the liturgy, that is, “Christ is Risen” with verses, antiphons, “Elisha baptized into Christ,” as well as the sacrament verse are sung throughout the entire Bright Week, as on the 1st day of Easter.

Prokemen, voice 8 - "This day, the Lord have created it, let us rejoice and be glad in it." The verse "Confess the Lord, for it is good, for in the age of His mercy." Apostle - Acts., Cred. 1, "Alleluia", voice 4. Gospel - John, cred. 1.

During the conciliar service, the Gospel is read in different languages: in Slavic, Russian, as well as the ancients, to whom the apostolic preaching was spread, - in Greek, Latin, and in the languages ​​of the peoples most famous in the area. Usually the primate reads in Greek or Russian, the senior deacon in Slavic. The priests read the Gospel, standing at the throne in their usual places, and the primate on the altar, the senior deacon on the pulpit, and the other deacons in various places, "have become from the holy throne to the western church gates." The Gospel is usually divided into 3 sections: 1st section - 1 - 5th verses, 2nd section - 6 - 13th verses, 3rd section - 14 - 17th verses.

The order of reading the Passover Gospel in several languages ​​is as follows. After the senior deacon asks for the blessing "Bless, master, the evangelist" and the primate gives this blessing with the words "God through prayers", the primate proclaims "Wisdom, forgive me, let us hear the holy Gospel." The same words, after the primate, are repeated by all the priests and deacons, ending with the senior deacon - each, if possible, in the language in which he will read the Gospel. Then the primate says "Peace to all." None of the clergymen repeat this exclamation. The singers answer "And perfume yours."

The Primate proclaims "Reading of the Holy Gospel from John." After him, all the priests and deacons repeat these words, also, if possible, in the language in which the Gospel will be read. After all the clergy, ending with the senior deacon, have said these words, the singers sing "Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee." The Primate is "Let us behold." The same is true for all the clergy, ending with the senior deacon, each also in the language in which he will read the Gospel. The Primate begins the 1st stance, followed by the priests and deacons, and the last - the senior deacon. The 2nd and 3rd sections are read in the same order.

During the reading of the Gospel, the so-called "bust" is performed on the bell tower, that is, all bells are struck once, starting with the small ones. At the end of the Gospel, a short chime. When the senior deacon finishes the 3rd chapter, the singers sing "Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee."

The senior deacon gives the gospel to the primate. The other deacons after him enter the altar with the Gospels and carry them to their places.

In those cases when the priests exchange greetings "Christ is among us", "And there is and will be", these greetings on Easter week are replaced by Easter "Christ is Risen" - "Truly is Risen".

For "Worthy" - "Angel crying" and "Shining, shining." So until the Leaving of Holy Easter, except for Prepolovanie and his Leaving.

The sacrament verse “Receive the body of Christ. Taste the Source of the Immortal. " Alleluia (thrice).

Instead of "Blessed is the One Who Comes", "Videhom Sows the True" and "May they Be Fulfilled", "Christ is Risen" is sung once. So it is during the whole week of Easter.

Artos is consecrated by prayer behind the ambo. On the salt, opposite the royal gates, on a prepared table or analogion, artos is believed. If several artos are prepared, then all of them are consecrated at the same time. Censing is performed around the table. Deacon - "Let us pray to the Lord."

Prayer for the blessing of artos: "God Almighty and Lord Almighty, Like Thy servant Moses in the exodus of Israel from Egypt, and in the liberation of Thy people from the bitter work of Pharaoh, you commanded to slay the lamb, representing on the Cross the sinned by the will of us for the sake of the Lamb, I will take , Thy beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ! Even now, we humbly pray to Thee, look upon this bread, and bless and sanctify it. For we also are Thy servants in honor and glory, and in remembrance of the glorious Resurrection of the same Son of Thy Lord Jesus Christ, who has permission, freedom and The saving day of Easter, we bring this: we who bring this, and that kiss and eat from it, partakers of Your heavenly blessing to be, and every disease and ailment from us by Your power to take away, giving health to everyone. Thou art the source of blessing and the giver of celibacy, and to Thee we give glory to the Beginning Father, with Thy Only Begotten Son, and Thy Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. "

The priest sprinkles artos with holy water, saying: “This artos is blessed and sanctified by sprinkling of sowing sacred water, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen "(three times). The anala with artos is placed on the sole in front of the image of the Savior, where the artos lies throughout the entire Holy Week.

After reading the prayer, the singers, instead of “Be the Name of the Lord,” sing “Christ is Risen” (three times) and instead of Psalm 33, the same troparion - 12 times and “multiply, until the anaphora (antidor) is heard from the abbot”. The priest instead of "Glory to Thee, Christ God" - sings the troparion "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death." Singers - "and gave the belly to those in the grave." The rest is all as in Matins. On dismissal, neither the temple saint nor the day saints are commemorated. So it is throughout Easter week.

Vespers on the 1st day of Easter... The 9th hour is sung after the Passover rite, at the end of which the priest, dressed in all the priestly garments, stood before the throne with a censer in right hand, with the Cross and the trising light in the left, creates the cross with a censer and proclaims "Blessed be our God." Singers - "Amen". Priest - "Christ is risen from the dead" (three times), singers - the same (three times). Priest - the verses “May God rise and destroy Him” and so on, as at the beginning of the Liturgy. The litany is great. On "Lord, I have cried," the stichera are Sunday at 6. While singing "Lord, I have cried," one or two deacons with deacon candles perform the usual censing of the entire church. On "And now" - the dogmatist "Formerly a lawful shade." Entrance with the Gospel. The great prokemen, voice 7 - "Who is the great God, like our God" with verses. After completing the prokimna, the priest, facing the west at the royal doors, honors the Gospel. Reading is preceded by the exclamation "And about be honored to us" and so on. Gospel John, trans. 65 "I exist on that day."

After reading the Gospel, the litany is augmented "Rtsem all". "Grant me, Lord." Litany of supplication. At the exclamation, one Sunday stichera is sung, voice 2 - "Thy Resurrection, Savior Christ", then Easter stichera, voice 5 with the verses "May God rise again." For the performance of stichera - "Wisdom". Singers - "Bless". Priest - "Thou art blessed." Singers - "Confirm, God." The priest sings - "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death." Singers - "and gave the belly to those in the grave." Priest, with the Cross in hand, release - "Christ Risen from the dead" and so on, as at the end of the morning

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Midnight Office, Matins, Hours, Liturgy and Vespers.

You need to start the midnight office no later than 11 hours 20 - 30 minutes, so that you can take it slowly. Since the Liturgy is celebrated immediately after Matins, the entrance prayers are read until midnight in the usual order, beginning with the Trisagion.

The Chin of the Midnight Office.

With the royal doors closed and the veil, the priest creates the beginning "Blessed is our God" on the sole, "Heavenly King" is not read, but upon the exclamation of "Amen," the Trisagion immediately and so on. Psalm 50. Canon "By the Wave of the Sea". Irmos twice, tropari by 12 and katavasiya - the same irmos. The Canon should be read by one of the clergy in front of the Shroud. According to the 3rd canto, the sedalena and the 6th kontakion and ikos of Great Saturday. At the beginning of the 9th canto, the royal gates are opened. The priest performing the midnight office with the deacon goes to the Shroud and, having ccented around it, while singing the words of the katavasia of the 9th canto "I will rise and be glorified," they lift the Shroud and take it to the altar. Following this, the royal gates are closed. The shroud is placed on the holy throne, where it must remain until the Passover. Since usually the Shroud is arranged convex and it is impossible to supply a diskos and a chalice to them during the celebration of the Liturgy, the Shroud, which was worn out on Good Friday, relies on its usual place, and another, smooth, not embroidered, but written, extends on the throne. According to the canon - the Trisagion according to "Our Father", the singers - "When Thou hast descended." A short, augmented litany, as at the beginning of Matins, and dismissal.

We usually start Easter Matins at 12 o'clock in the morning. Canonical rules do not recommend starting the Easter celebration earlier than midnight. But these rules do not indicate when exactly after midnight "at what hour, or at which half an hour or a quarter of an hour it is appropriate to begin the joy of the resurrection of our Lord from the dead", in view of the fact that in the Gospel itself there is no exact indication of the hour of the resurrection (Dionysius Alexandrian, 1st rule). Therefore, one should not be surprised that the Typicon speaks of the beginning of Paschal Matins not quite definitely: "about the morning hour." In the Russian Church, for about the last hundred years, the custom has been established to begin the Easter celebration at exactly midnight. Therefore, at the approach of midnight, all the clergymen in full vestments stand in order at the throne. The Primate hands out candles to the co-workers. At the same time, all those praying are also lighting candles. The Primate receives in his left hand a Cross with an Easter trisetle, in his right hand - a censer. Exactly at 12 o'clock local time, with the royal gates closed, the clergymen in a quiet voice sing the stichera "Thy Resurrection, Savior Christ, the Angels sing in heaven, and on earth make us praise with a pure heart." After that, the veil is opened and the clergymen sing the same stichera for the second time in a loud voice. The royal doors open, and the stichera in a higher voice is sung by the clergy for the third time up to half, "Your Resurrection, Savior Christ, Angels sing in heaven." The singers, standing in the middle of the temple, end: "And make us worthy on the earth." The procession begins, during which the singers continuously sing the same sticira. In the procession, a lantern is carried in front, behind it is the altar cross, the altarpiece of the Mother of God, then go in two rows, in pairs, gonfalons, singers, candle-bearers with candles, deacons with their candles and censers, and behind them the priests, the younger ones in front. In the last pair of priests, the one on the right carries the Gospel, and the one on the left carries the icon of the Resurrection. The procession is completed by the primate with the trinity and the Cross in his left hand. Where there is one priest, there it is allowed for the laity to carry the icons of the Resurrection of Christ and the Gospel on the shroud. Artos is not worn at this procession, since he has not yet been consecrated.

The procession goes around the church in the usual manner with continuous pealing. Entering the vestibule, the procession stops in front of the closed western doors of the church. The wearers of the shrines stop at the doors facing west in the following order (from south to north): lantern, altar cross. The Gospel, the icon of the Resurrection, the altarpiece of the Mother of God, the gonfalons and the candle-bearers stand on the sides. The primate and fellow priests stand before the shrines by rank. The ringing stops. The abbot, having received the censer from the deacon, censors the holy places, clergy, singers and those who are to come and, having three times cross-like designating the closed church doors with a censer, proclaims out loud, "Glory to the Saints, Consubstantial, and Life-giving, and the Inseparable Trinity always, now and forever, and forever centuries ". Singers - "Amen". The priests sing: "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and giving life to those in the tombs" (three times). The singers repeat the same. The priests sing verses:

1. "Let God rise again, and scatter him, and let him that hates Him flee from His face."

2. "Like the smoke disappears, let it disappear, like the wax melts from the face of fire."

3. "So let sinners perish from the face of God, and let the righteous be glad."

4. "This day, which the Lord has created, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

5. "Glory",

6. "And now."

For each verse the singers sing the troparion "Christ is Risen" (once).

Then the primate or all the priests sing "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death with death." The singers end - "And giving to those in the grave a belly." The church doors are opened, and the procession marches into the church with the repeated singing of "Christ is Risen" until the clergy enter the altar.

Great litany.

The exclamation "Yako befits" and the Easter canon - the creation of St. John of Damascus, voice 1 "Resurrection day". According to the Charter, "the primate always creates ... the beginning of the canon for every song," usually the first words of the irmos of each song are begun by all the clergy. Irmos are sung at 4, troparia at 12, with a chorus to each of them "Christ is risen from the dead." Katavasia - the same irmos and in conclusion the troparion "Christ is risen from the dead" (three times).

Censing is performed on each canon song. According to the Typikon, the abbot "censes holy icons and both faces and brethren in order at the beginning of the canon." This expression means the complete censing of the entire temple, which should be performed only once - on the 1st canon of the canon. But according to a tradition that has been firmly established since ancient times, censing is performed at each song (small). During conciliar services, censing is performed by all the priests in turn (and with a greater number of priests, in pairs). This order is indicated in the last edition of Pentikostarion (Moscow, 1914), where it is said, "In the same way, other priests also cense at every song."

After each song, there is a small litany, which the deacon pronounces "outside the altar." If the service is performed by one priest, then he pronounces all litany in the altar. For the recitation of litanies and the performance of incense, the deacon in all cases proceeds from the altar through the royal doors.

According to the 1st canto, the exclamation "Like Thy power, and Thine is the Kingdom and power, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever."

According to the 3rd canto, the exclamation "For Thou art our God, and we glorify Thee, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever."

Same ipakoy, voice 4:

"Before the morning, even about Mary, and the stone has been rolled away from the grave, I hear from the angel: in the light that exists with the dead that you are looking for a man; you see the grave shroud, tell and preach to the world, as if the Lord has risen, dead death: as the Son of God who saves the human race. "

According to the 4th canto, the exclamation: "For God is good and lover of mankind, and we give glory to you, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever."

According to the 5th canto, the exclamation "Like to be sanctified and glorified is your most honorable and magnificent Name, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever."

According to the 6th canto, the exclamation "Thou art the King of the world and Savior of our souls, and we glorify Thee, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever."

Kontakion, voice 8:

"Even if you have descended into the grave, Immortal, but you have destroyed the power of hell, and you have risen as a Conqueror, Christ God, who prophesied to the myrrh-bearing women: rejoice, and give peace to your apostle, grant resurrection to the fallen." And the ikos "Hedgehog before the sun."

In the same verb:

"Having seen the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the holy Lord Jesus, the One Sinless. We bow to Thy Cross, Christ, and we sing and praise Thy Holy Resurrection: Thou art our God, don’t we know otherwise: Thy name is called. Come, all faithful, let us worship the holy Christ's Resurrection: behold, when the Cross came, joy to the whole world, always blessing the Lord, we sing His Resurrection: having endured the crucifixion, destroy death by death "(three times).

Stanza, voice 6:

"Jesus is risen from the grave, like a prophecy, give us an eternal belly and great mercy (three times).

According to the 7th canto, the exclamation - "Be the power of Thy Kingdom be blessed and glorified, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever."

Canto 8 contains the Trinity. It is sung four times with the refrain "Holy Trinity, our God, glory to Thee."

According to the 8th canto, the exclamation - "For Thy Name be blessed and Thy Kingdom be glorified, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever."

On the 9th canto, the refrain "Christ is risen from the dead" is not sung, but there are special refrains to the irmos and to the troparia.

Canto 9 on the 1st day of Easter should be sung in this order:

The 2nd face repeats the same.

1st face - "My soul magnifies by the will of suffering." "Shine, shine".

2nd face - the same.

1st face - "Christ the new Easter". "O Divine".

2nd face - the same.

1st face - "An angel cries out". "O Divine".

2nd face - the same.

1st face - "Thou hast awakened". "O Divine".

2nd face - "Mary Magdalene". "O Divine".

1st face - "Angel glisten". "O Easter Great".

2nd face - "Christ is risen". "O Easter Great".

1st face - "Today is every creature." "O Easter Great".

2nd face - "Today is the Lord of Captivity." "O Easter Great".

1st face - "My soul will magnify the Tri-hypostasnago." "O Easter Great".

2nd face - "Rejoice, Virgin". "O Easter Great".

1st face - "My Risen soul will magnify". "Shine, shine".

2nd face - "My soul magnifies by the will of suffering." "Shine, shine".

Also, both faces sing together the irmos "Shining, shining" and the troparion "Christ is risen" (three times).

On the 9th ode, the censing is performed not by a priest, but by a deacon with a candle, and during the conciliar service two deacons.

According to the 9th canto, the exclamation - "Yako Ty is praised by all the Forces of heaven, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and we are giving glory to Thee, now and ever, and forever and ever." Exapostilarius "Sleeping asleep" (thrice). On "Praise" Sunday stichera at 4, voice 1. Then Easter stichera with verses, voice 5 - "May God rise again." The last stichera ends with the troparion "Christ is Risen", which is part of the stichera. After that, "Christ is Risen" is sung many times, "the brothers kiss each other as long as they do." The priests begin to confer with each other in the altar while singing the stichera. According to the Rule, "kissing the abbot with other priests and deacons in the holy altar happens to sit: he says come -" Christ is Risen. " The same should be done with Christians with the laity.

According to the Charter, the clergy, having made Christ among themselves in the altar, proceed to Solea, and here they Christianize with each of the worshipers. Such an order could be observed in those ancient monasteries where there were only a few brethren in the church, or in those house and parish churches where there were few worshipers. Now, with a huge congregation of pilgrims, it will be most appropriate for the primate, after christianizing with the fellow servicemen, going out with the Cross to the solea, uttering a short general greeting from himself to those who are coming and ending it with three times proclamation "Christ is risen!" with the overshadowing of the Cross on three sides, and after that he returned to the altar.

After the primate proclaims "Christ is Risen" three times, the singers sing the entire troparion "Christ is Risen" (three times) slowly so that the primate has the opportunity to take the Holy Cross to the altar, put it on the throne and go to the pulpit to read the Announcement Word.

"Like the saints of our Father John, Archbishop of Constantinoplekago, Zlatoustago, the Announcing Word, on the holy and luminous day of the most glorious and saving Christ, our God of Resurrection."

"If anyone is pious and God-loving, let him enjoy this good and bright blessing of triumph.

If anyone is a prudent servant, let him enter, rejoicing, into the joy of his Lord.

If anyone takes the trouble to fast, let him now accept the denarius.

If anyone has been eating from the first hour, let him take this day a righteous duty.

If anyone comes after the third hour, let him celebrate thanks.

If anyone reaches it by the sixth hour, let him know nothing; for nothing is whipped.

If anyone is deprived of even the ninth hour, let him begin, not hesitating, not being afraid.

If anyone reaches exactly and at the tenth hour, may not be afraid of slowing down: the loving God, the Lord, accepts the last one, as well as the first: he rests at the tenth hour of the one who has come, as if he did from the first hour; he has mercy on the last, and pleases the first, and gives to him, and gives to this; accepts deeds and kisses intention; and honors the deed, and praises the offer.

Even so, enter all into the joy of your Lord: both the first and the second, receive a bribe.

Wealth and bastards, rejoice with each other.

Temperance and laziness, honor the day.

You who have fasted and have not fasted, rejoice today.

The meal is complete, enjoy everything.

A well-fed calf, let no one go hungry; all enjoy the feast of faith; all accept the wealth of goodness.

Let no one weep for misery: there is a common Kingdom.

No one else weeps for sins, forgiveness is from the grave of the ascension.

Let no one be afraid of death, let us be free of Spasov's death.

Quench yu, Izhe kept from her.

Captives of hell, Descended into hell.

Grieve hell, having tasted its flesh.

And this is what Isaiah is doing, cry out: hell, he says, be upset, shit at Thee.

Be upset, for be abolished, be upset, for the desecration was quick.

Be upset, for die.

Be upset, for you have fallen down.

Be upset, for you will contact.

Pleased with the body, and adore God.

Pleasure the earth and shred the sky.

Priyat, you see a hedgehog, and you can't see a hedgehog.

Where is your sting, death?

Where is your, hell, victory?

Christ is risen, and you are overthrown.

Christ is risen, and demons have fallen.

Christ is risen, and the Angels rejoice.

Christ is risen, and life dwells.

Christ is risen, and there is not one dead in the grave.

Christ is more, rising from the dead, The beginning of the departed was fast.

To him be glory and power forever and ever. Amen".

The singers sing the troparion of St. John Chrysostom, "Your lips," and the litanies "Have mercy on us, O God" and "Let us fulfill the morning prayer" are pronounced.

By the exclamation "Thy is, there is a hedgehog," the deacon - "Wisdom." Singers - "Bless". Priest - "Behold, blessed be Christ our God." Singers - "Amen", "Confirm, God". The priest, holding the Cross, (instead of "Glory to Thee, Christ God"), together with the co-workers, sings "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death", and the singers - "and giving life to those in the grave." All the co-workers leave the altar, the younger ones in front, and stand in order on the solo. The Primate with the Cross in his hands, turning to the people, pronounces the Paschal dismissal "Christ, resurrected from the dead, trampled by death by death and a gift-giving belly in the grave, our true God, with the prayers of His Most Pure Mother and all saints, will have mercy and save us, as it is Good and Humanitarian ", and overshadows those who stand with the Cross on three sides, loudly saying" Christ is Risen! "At each overshadowing. Those praying answer "Truly He is Risen!" The singers sing the troparion "Christ is Risen" (three times) and the final - "And we have been given an eternal life, we worship His three-day Resurrection."

Upon the dismissal of Matins, according to the instruction of the Typikon, "we kiss the honest Cross held in the hand of the abbot." But if the hours and the Liturgy follow immediately after the end of Matins, then the kissing of the Cross by the pilgrims can be attributed to the end of the Liturgy.

Easter clock. At the exclamation "Blessed be our God" the singers - "Christ is Risen" (three times). "Resurrection of Christ" (three times), ipakoy - "Before the morning", kontakion "Asche and into the grave", "In the grave of the flesh, in hell with a soul like God, in heaven with a robber, and you were on the throne, Christ, with the Father and the Spirit, all fulfill the Undescribed. "

"Glory": "Like a Life-bearer, like the reddest of heaven truly, and the palace of every royal, the most luminous, Christ, your tomb, the source of our resurrection, appears."

"And now", the Theotokos: "The most consecrated Divine village, rejoice, Thou hast given joy to the Theotokos, calling: blessed Thou art in wives, the All-Immaculate Lady." "Lord, have mercy" (40 times), - "Glory, and now" - "Honest". "Bless in the name of the Lord, father." Priest - "Through the prayers of the saints, our father." Singers - "Amen", "Christ is Risen" (three times). "Glory, and now", "Lord, have mercy" (three times). "Bless." The priest pronounces the usual small Sunday dismissal without the Cross. "Christ, risen from the dead, our true God, through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, our venerable and God-bearing fathers and all saints, will have mercy and save us, like the Good and the Lover of Mankind."

This rite of chants is supposed to be performed instead of 1, 3, 6, 9 o'clock, midnight office and Compline.

During the chanting of the hours before the Liturgy, the deacon performs the usual censing of the altar and the entire church with a deacon's candle.

Before the beginning of the Liturgy on the days of Easter Week and before the Passover of Passover, the clergymen read instead of "Heavenly King." "Christ is Risen" (three times) and the usual verses "Glory to God in the highest" and "Lord, open my mouth".

After the initial cry of the Liturgy, the priest, standing before the throne. with the Cross and the trinity in his left hand and a censer in his right, and the deacon in a high place with a candle, they sing three times "Christ is Risen". The singers repeat "Christ is Risen" (three times). Priest - 1st verse "May God rise again." Singers - "Christ is Risen" (once) and so on, as at the beginning of Matins. In conclusion, the priests sing "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death," and the singers - "and giving life to those in the grave." Great litany.

Antiphons of Easter. Input - "In the churches bless God, the Lord from the source of Israel." Singers - "Christ is Risen" (once). Ipakoy "Before the morning", "Glory, and now" - kontakion "Ashe and into the grave." Instead of the Trisagion - "Elitsy was baptized into Christ, put on Christ. Alleluia."

The indicated beginning of the liturgy, that is, "Christ is Risen" with verses, antiphons, "Elisha are baptized into Christ," as well as the sacrament verse are sung throughout the entire Bright Week, as on the 1st day of Easter.

Prokemen, voice 8 - "This day, the Lord have created it, let us rejoice and be glad in it." The verse "Confess the Lord, for it is good, for in the age of His mercy." Apostle - Acts., Cred. 1, "Alleluia", voice 4. Gospel - John, cred. 1.

During the conciliar service, the Gospel is read in different languages: in Slavic, Russian, as well as in the ancients, to which the apostolic preaching was spread - in Greek, Latin, and in the languages ​​of the peoples best known in the area. Usually the primate reads in Greek or Russian, the senior deacon in Slavic. The priests read the Gospel, standing at the altar in their usual places, and the primate on the altar, the senior deacon on the pulpit, and other deacons in various places, "from the holy throne to the western church gates." The Gospel is usually divided into 3 sections: 1st section - 1 - 5th verses, 2nd section - 6 - 13th verses, 3rd section - 14 - 17th verses.

The order of reading the Passover Gospel in several languages ​​is as follows. After the senior deacon asks for the blessing "Bless, master, the evangelist" and the primate gives this blessing with the words "God through prayers", the primate proclaims "Wisdom, forgive me, let us hear the holy Gospel." The same words, after the primate, are repeated by all the priests and deacons, ending with the senior deacon - each, if possible, in the language in which he will read the Gospel. Then the primate says "Peace to all." None of the clergymen repeat this exclamation. The singers answer "And thy perfume".

The Primate proclaims "Reading of the Holy Gospel from John." After him, all the priests and deacons repeat these words, also, if possible, in the language in which the Gospel will be read. After all the clergy, ending with the senior deacon, have said these words, the singers sing "Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee." The Primate is "Let us behold." The same is true for all the clergy, ending with the senior deacon, each also in the language in which he will read the Gospel. The Primate begins the 1st stance, followed by the priests and deacons, and the last - the senior deacon. The 2nd and 3rd sections are read in the same order.

During the reading of the Gospel, the so-called "bust" is performed on the bell tower, that is, all bells are struck once, starting with the small ones. At the end of the Gospel, a short chime. When the senior deacon finishes the 3rd chapter, the singers sing "Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee."

The senior deacon gives the gospel to the primate. The other deacons after him enter the altar with the Gospels and carry them to their places.

In those cases when the priests exchange greetings "Christ is among us", "And there is and will be," these greetings on Easter week are replaced by the Easter greetings "Christ is Risen" - "Truly is Risen".

For "Worthy" - "Angel crying" and "Shining, shining." So until the Leaving of Holy Easter, except for Prepolovanie and his Leaving.

The sacrament verse "Receive the Body of Christ. Taste the Source of the Immortal." Alleluia (thrice).

Instead of "Blessed is the One Who Comes", "Videhom Sows the True" and "May they Be Fulfilled", "Christ is Risen" is sung once. So it is during the whole week of Easter.

Artos is consecrated by prayer behind the ambo. On the salt, opposite the royal gates, on a prepared table or analogion, artos is believed. If several artos are prepared, then all of them are consecrated at the same time. Censing is performed around the table. Deacon - "Let us pray to the Lord."

Prayer for the blessing of artos: "God Almighty and Lord Almighty, Like Thy servant Moses in the exodus of Israel from Egypt, and in the liberation of Thy people from the bitter work of Pharaoh, you commanded to slay the lamb, representing on the Cross the sinned by the will of us for the sake of the Lamb, I will take Thy beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, even now, we humbly pray to Thee, look upon this bread, and bless and sanctify it. Jesus Christ, Imzhe, from the eternal work of the enemy and from the unresolvable bonds of hell, permission, freedom and implementation of a benefit, before Your Majesty now on this all-radiant, glorious and saving day of Easter, we bring this: but we who bring this, and that kiss and eat from it, To your heavenly blessing, partakers of being, create and every disease and illness from us by your power of warding off, giving health to everyone. we give glory to the Beginningless Father, with Thy Only Begotten Son, and Thy Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. "

The priest sprinkles artos with holy water, saying: "This artos is blessed and consecrated by sprinkling of sowing sacred water, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen" (three times). The anala with artos is placed on the sole in front of the image of the Savior, where the artos lies throughout the entire Holy Week.

After reading the prayer, the singers, instead of "Be the Name of the Lord," sing "Christ is Risen" (three times) and instead of Psalm 33, the same troparion - 12 times and "multiply, until the anaphora (antidor) is heard from the abbot." Instead of "Glory to Thee, Christ God," the priest sings the troparion "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death." Singers - "and bestowed belly on those in the grave." The rest is all as in Matins. On dismissal, neither the temple saint nor the day saints are commemorated. So it is throughout Easter week.

Vespers on the 1st day of Easter. The 9th hour is sung after the Passover rite, at the end of which the priest, dressed in all the priestly garments, standing in front of the throne with a censer in his right hand, with a Cross and a trising light in his left, creates a cross with a censer and proclaims "Blessed be our God." Singers - "Amen". Priest - "Christ is risen from the dead" (three times), singers - the same (three times). Priest - the verses "May God rise and be scattered about him," and so on, as at the beginning of the Liturgy. The litany is great. On "Lord, I have cried," the stichera are Sunday at 6. While singing "Lord, I have cried," one or two deacons with deacon candles perform the usual censing of the entire church. On "And now" - the dogmatist "Formerly a lawful shade." Entrance with the Gospel. The great prokemen, voice 7 - "Who is the great God, like our God" with verses. After completing the prokimna, the priest, facing the west at the royal doors, honors the Gospel. Reading is preceded by the exclamation "And we will be honored" and so on. Gospel John, trans. 65 "I am late on that day."

After reading the Gospel, the litany is augmented "Rtsem all". "Grant me, Lord." Litany of supplication. At the exclamation, one Sunday stichera is sung, voice 2 - "Thy Resurrection, Savior Christ", then Easter stichera, voice 5 with the verses "May God rise again." For the performance of stichera - "Wisdom". Singers - "Bless". Priest - "Thou art blessed." Singers - "Confirm, God." The priest sings - "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death." Singers - "and bestowed belly on those in the grave." Priest, with the Cross in hand, dismissal - "Christ risen from the dead" and so on, as at the end of Matins. Then the priest proclaims "Blessed be our God," and we sing the succession of Easter hours for Compline.

The royal doors do not close during the entire Bright Week, even during the communion of the clergy.