How to get glowing skin with makeup. With the effect of wet skin and contrasting lips. Peach and pink gamma

What makeup will be in trend this spring? in high esteem healthy color faces and juicy shades: plum, raspberry, cherry, coral, rose candy, tomato, blueberry, strawberry…

Glowing skin

“Shining skin means healthy,” the makeup artists thought and decided that if the second effect cannot be achieved, then you can easily recreate its visibility with the help of radiance. Thanks to shimmer and total hydration, the skin really looks much smoother, more well-groomed, cleaner and more beautiful than it actually is. Just don't go overboard with the highlighter so you don't look like you've just stepped out of the gym where you've been working out a sweat. Light radiance of the skin can be given with a special moisturizer, foundation with a couple of drops of liquid highlighter, and finally, a drop of moisturizing oil is applied to the cheekbones and the check mark above the upper lip. Everything, the skin of the supermodel is provided, and you don’t even have to use filters on Instagram.

A la naturel

This spring, makeup artists offer to fall in love with the natural oval of the face and maximum naturalness, so you will have to forget about contouring for at least six months. Exactly the same way you have to give up abundance tonal means, powder, corrector and bronzers. To make the skin look as natural as possible and not create the impression that, by touching it, you can leave a dent, like on a butter cake, use a primer, BB cream, and finally a transparent mineral powder instead of foundation.

Peach and pink gamma

peach and pink tones will be in favor in the spring of 2018. Moreover, these colors can be used not only as lipstick and blush, but also as shadows and eyeliner. You can even arrange a total pink or total peach for yourself - you won’t hear a rude word addressed to you, despite the puppet character of the image. Moreover, the shades of these two spring and warm colors enough to not look like a Barbie or look like you're going to a masquerade ball.

Rhinestones and glitter

Glitter does not have to be applied carefully and make sure that the sparkles do not crumble on the lower eyelid or cheeks - such negligence will only work to your advantage and will create the effect of the now fashionable disco grunge. As for rhinestones, they can be glued on the eyelids, under the eyes, on the cheekbones, lips, imitate arrows with them. In general, the flight of fancy is unlimited, but don’t overdo it - after all, don’t New Year by calendar.

Twiggy eyelashes

Makeup artists advise not to separate glued cilia in any case, it is even better if you paint them in at least 5 layers, and for maximum effect Alternate volume and lengthening mascara. Such eyelashes visually enlarge the eyes and give the look of naivety and softness, so do not be afraid to experiment.

Original arrows

IN spring season arrows in the trend ... any arrows. Graphic, careless, classic, colorful. You can draw arrows in the form of a bird's wing or diagrams, limit yourself to only tips or rounded options. By the way, you don't even need all these intricate life hacks to perfect shooters like a teaspoon or credit card, after all, it is not necessary to strive for the ideal. Play with shapes and colors - this spring everything is possible.

Emphasis on the lower eyelid

At the shows every now and then one could notice models with a summed lower eyelid. Yes, such option is suitable not for everyone, especially since the eyes visually become smaller in this way, and the look becomes languid and gloomy, but still for evening make-up this emphasis would be appropriate. Line your eyes with a colored pencil, a silver liner entering the inner corner of the eye, a black kayal along the mucous membrane and entering the outer movable eyelid; blend with shadows, add false eyelashes, draw dots and use white eyeliner.

Bright eye makeup

What is being offered to us today? fashion shows? Go back again and use the most monoshadows bright colors that can only be found. Moreover, such makeup can be used, experts say, not only for a party or a crazy photo shoot, but also in Everyday life(although, we think, not everyone will decide on the latter). Orange, blue, green, yellow, blue, turquoise, emerald, red, purple, fuchsia - choose any! The main thing is to use pure pigment and draw wide lines, not limited to the “golden rule” of visage. In general, remember any saleswoman from the 90s and her bright shadows, with which she generously painted her eyelids right up to her eyebrows, and act in the same way.

Lip gloss

Lips this spring should be juicy, bright, inviting and glossy. None matte gloss and lipstick! Only vinyl, only varnish, only gloss. You should get the impression that you can see your reflection in the lips, and your fingers should slide over them, as if over cold metal. How to achieve perfect gloss? Use lacquer, oil or glossy lip gloss. In addition, you can over juicy color velvet lipstick, apply a transparent gloss or oil - so the lips will become saturated, voluminous and radiant.

Transparent lip gloss

Girls who do not like to paint their lips and, in principle, do not recognize bright colours, can exhale: transparent gloss or translucent shades are also in the price. Especially when it comes to natural makeup. There is only one important feature- There should be a lot of gloss on the lips.

The main rule of glossy makeup is to use no more than two or three shining products at the same time. For example, you can highlight the skin of the face and apply mirror shine on the lips or combine metallic shadows on the eyelids with a highlighter on the cheekbones. And remember: golden, bronze and copper shades look great on tanned skin. And for a light complexion, it is better to choose products with pearl or pink shimmer.

A radiant make-up base

Shimmering makeup base Guerlain Meteorites Perles, from 3,000 rubles

Makeup artists always start by applying a makeup base. Don't miss this important step and you: a primer with light-reflecting particles will make the skin perfectly even and give the face a healthy glow. If you have cold tone skin, choose pinkish or pearlescent primer shades, and if the skin has warm undertone, then a golden or peach base will suit you.

  • Shining primer is a multifunctional product. To get that same inner glow of the skin, use a primer before applying foundation or powder. If you want the effect of glossy wet skin, then mix the primer directly into the foundation. Finally, the luminous primer can be used as a creamy highlighter to set highlights on specific areas of the face.

Powder with photoshop effect

Illuminating powder for faces Dior Diorskin Nude Air Luminizer, from 2,900 rubles

Shimmering powder is like a photoshop in a cosmetic bag: it instantly transforms the skin, visually making it smoother and sleeker. This focus is obtained due to the smallest sparkles in the composition of the powder: they reflect light and illuminate the surface of the skin, like hundreds of micromirrors at once. But remember that such a powder does not mask skin defects, but only gives the face a satin gloss and glow.

  • Shimmer powder is usually applied with a fluffy brush over foundation. But you should not cover the entire face with powder - the T-zone should remain matte. Better to highlight with radiance separate zones: draw the number 3 with powder, starting at the temples and moving to the cheekbones. So the face will acquire a sculptural relief.

Highlighter highlighter

A silky facial highlighter Urban Decay Afterglow Highlighter, from 1,710 rubles

The highlighter always has a pronounced shine and is designed to place spot highlights on the face. It can be dry, cream or liquid. It is important to remember the main rule here: cream and liquid highlighters are superimposed exclusively on the tonal base, and loose dry ones on powder. Choose the shade of highlighter depending on desired result. If you need to give your face a rested look, take a product with a soft pink or white undertone. For day makeup in natural color better fit beige highlighter.

  • Highlighter helps to highlight certain areas of the face: makes the cheekbones higher, the nose more chiseled, raises the curves of the eyebrows and gives volume to the lips. But be careful if you have oily or problem skin: Excessive shine will only draw attention to imperfections.

metallic shadows

Metallic liquid eyeshadow Yves Saint Laurent Full Metal Shadow, from 2,062 rubles

Shimmery shadows are the easiest way to “light the sparks” in your eyes. It can be sequins, mother-of-pearl, glitter, or the absolute hit of this fall - shadows with a metallic effect. Models took to the catwalk with sparkling make-up to the level of the eyebrows, and in ordinary life you can limit yourself to metallic eyeliner along the lash line. Glitter shadows are easy to use even in office makeup: A single mid-lid highlight over any shadows will brighten up the look and correct narrow, small or deep-set eyes.

  • Keep in mind that dry shadows, although they shine brighter, will most likely crumble on the face when applied. But liquid and cream textures are much easier to use: not a single sparkle will fall past.

Mirror lip gloss

Mirror lip gloss Giorgio Armani Flash Lacquer, from 2,088 rubles

Lip gloss is much more popular than lipstick. Firstly, it is suitable for any age: it looks innocent on young girls and hides wrinkles on the lips mature women. Secondly, the gloss is saturated with oils that moisturize the lips and give them visual volume. To enhance the "wet" effect on the lips, choose a gloss with pearlescent particles that will sparkle even in the absence of the sun. Perfect Color gloss should be one or two shades darker than the natural color of your lips. And the most trendy shades this fall - juicy red or beige nude.

  • The gloss has only one drawback - it can spread along the contour of the lips. To prevent this from happening, outline the lips in advance with a universal colorless pencil.

Announcement photo:

The trend for completely matte skin is a thing of the past. Now in vogue a slight glow of the skin! Today we will tell you in detail how to achieve the effect of sleek, illuminated from the inside of the skin in just five steps! We are canceling this fall dull color faces and arm ourselves with highlighters to healthy shine faces!

Step 1. Moisturizer

Face cream, Merveillance Expert, Nuxe

Skin hydration is very milestone which should not be forgotten. Moisturizing allows you to achieve a natural radiance of the skin. In addition, all subsequent products will fall unevenly on unmoisturized skin. Therefore, we advise you to use at this stage: it will moisturize the skin and prepare it for the next stage.

Step 2. Primer

Makeup base "Pearl", Paese

To create radiant skin, you will need a light-reflecting primer (). It can be applied to the entire face, or to some areas that need to be highlighted. A make-up base will even out skin tone and smooth the skin, while light-reflecting particles will give the complexion an inner glow.

Step 3 Foundation with shining effect

Radiance Foundation, True Radiance, Clarins

Applying foundation is next, no less important. To create the effect of skin lit from the inside, it is important to evenly apply the tone to the skin using or . Choose a product with a radiance effect - it will give the skin a dewy, sleek glow.

Step 4. Powder for the face

Loose powder, Poudre Libre, Bourjois

In order to fix the tone, it is necessary to use powder. Apply product thin layer using a fluffy brush. By the way, loose powder gives easier and natural coating on the skin.

Step 5. Highlighter

Highlighter, Mineralize Skinfinish Lightscapade, MAC

The final step on the road to radiant skin is application. Give preference to satin highlighters: they have light-reflecting particles of the finest grinding, which very delicately illuminate the skin, and therefore are perfect for daytime makeup. Recall that the highlighter should be applied to the most protruding areas of the face - the apples of the cheeks, a tick above the upper lip and on the back of the nose.

If you don’t have a highlighter on hand, use light shimmery shadows in white or pinkish shades.

We told you how to achieve the effect of radiant skin at home. As you can see, it's quite easy! Complement your glowing skin look with a neutral shade of lipstick great option) and make up the eyes with a light layer.

A little more and finally summer ... I've been waiting for it for so long ... I've been waiting for the moment when I can soak up the bright sun, breathe in this hot air! It is this anticipation that inspired me to write this post. Who, like me, expects sunny days - I ask under the cut

In order to be a mulatto-chocolate, I need a self-tanner. For this I used St. Moriz Instant Self tanning Mousse in Dark. By the way, I am very pleased with this purchase. In 8 hours, I turned from a “pale toadstool” into a tanned lady who recently arrived from the “seas”. And for one thing, she lifted her mood with a reflection in the mirror. And who doesn’t like to contemplate their perfectly baked (even if not in the sun) legs and shoulders I will say right away, I didn’t apply self-tanning on my face, I was afraid. I just applied it a little on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits jaw, so that there was no abrupt transition. But later I compensate for all this with makeup, honestly.

As usual, I start my makeup with a base. I use NARS Smudge Proof Eyeshadow Base for this, gently applying the product to the eyelids and the tips of the eyebrows.

With the Sigma E65 brush, I apply Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade in Taupe. After drawing the shape, I shade the beginning of the eyebrow with an eyelash brush. Thus we get more natural look our eyebrows.

For some, this step may stop, but I love graphic eyebrows, so I use the E15 brush from Sigma to correct the shape with MAC Studio Finish Concealer in the shade NW20.

Eyebrows are very good for me. important element makeup, the face immediately begins to look different. I often get asked if I can do without makeup. In principle, yes, but just let me draw eyebrows And here's to you good example

Well, now it's the turn of that very sunny makeup. I armed myself with Dior Nude Air Foundation Serum in shade 020, which is a shade or two darker than my skin. I want to warn you right away that it is suitable for normal or oily skin, because. this product tends to emphasize flaking. I apply the serum with my fingers, like a cream, trying to spread the tone evenly over the face.

IN without fail masking bruises under the eyes. I apply the MaxFactor Pan Stick in shade 13 directly from the stick under the eyes and work the product in with a Real Techniques sponge that I pre-wetted.

I duplicate the whole thing MAC Studio Finish Concealer in NW20 shade for a more “bruise-free” effect

And so that our concealer work is not in vain, I fix the area under the eyes of E.l.f. Eye Brightener and Setting Brush by RT.

Finally, all the uninteresting work has ended, finally we are starting the “juice” itself. I fix the Guerlain Meteorites Perles Foundation Serum in Medium by applying their Blush brush from RT. In addition to fixation, it will provide us with a noticeable glow.

Chanel Soleil Tan De Chanel Bronzing Makeup Base will help me draw a tanned face. I apply this base on the cheekbones, on the contours of the forehead, a little on the nose and chin with the RT Expert Face brush, and after the border I blend it with a damp sponge from the same company.

To keep the "tan" to the last, I fix it MAC powder Mineralize Skinfinish Naural in Dark Deep. I also draw the fold of the eyes and the lower lash line with the same product, thereby emphasizing the look. For anyone interested, I used the Sigma E45 brush for my eyes, and F25 for the face contour

I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that the radiance was not enough for me, which is why I took out Bobby Brown Shimmer Brick Compact Pink Quartz. Setting Brush, I apply powder on the back of the nose and its tip, on the cheekbones, on upper lip. I also highlight inner corners eye and movable eyelid.

It's up to the small, namely the lips and eyelashes. To do this, I take L "oreal Volume Millions Lashes So Couture mascara, L" etual Lingerie 109 lip liner and MAC Fresh Brew lipstick.

Now my face "fits" my body, or rather tan I shine as if rested and happy man.

Although ... You can shine even stronger! This additional step is optional. But why not, if you really want to?! I take MAC Fix + and spray on my face, namely on the places where Shimmer Brick was previously applied. With this action, we will make our makeup more real, thereby removing excessive powderiness.

Well, that's all for now! I'm happy! Summer, heat, tan, shine, only the sea is missing

It seems to have turned out quite well natural makeup, not catchy, but perfectly emphasizing the beauty and radiance of the skin. I hope you enjoyed it and didn't get tired of reading my post.

P.S. I wish you all a speedy holiday and sunny mood

Radiant skin with a slight pinkish blush is the dream of every girl! If the skin looks like this, it means that it is. Can everyone do it? Or still, there are skin types on which you need to be careful with reflective particles. Highlight the skin in daytime or evening and what about age-related makeup?

Glowing skin starts with you daily care. Only in this case, you can easily conquer all flawless makeup. Now on the beauty market there are many products that are capable, as if in a wave magic wand, with one stroke to highlight even the dimmest, tired skin. Their main components are the smallest reflective particles that can simultaneously correct skin tone and give it a glow. It could be ,


and blush

It is important not to confuse mother-of-pearl and reflective. Otherwise, your image will fail! Why highlight skin? As I said, this makes the skin healthier (especially if you are tired and activities cannot be avoided). And of course it adds!

It is very important to choose the right texture that suits yours. The texture can be either liquid, creamy or dry. Liquid textures are typical for a make-up base. Creamy for tone and correctors, and dry for powders and blush. Don't forget age. On the aging skin look very advantageous with reflective particles.

Avoid dry luminous textures or opt for fine textures like meteorite powder. The principle of operation of reflective particles is in the name. The effect " sunbeam". They refract the light that hits, thereby creating radiance and diverting attention from wrinkles.