Simple rules: how to quarrel less often. Quarrel every day

Only the most famous situations that are more often considered to meet in practice, and their advice and problems should be written in the comments to get help in their decision.

Why after communion and a month after the wedding there are quarrels with her husband

After the wedding, people get used to each other. Against this background, there may be a missing quarrel. After the communion, people quarrel, as on the other day.

How to behave after a quarrel with her husband if he is to blame how to put up

To put up in any case will have to. If he realized the guilt, Ideally, let him ask for forgiveness. But, unfortunately, in real life Who is not always to blame, he put up. Rather, who is wise. But, it is necessary when you make it up, it's late to analyze the situation, bring the facts and arguments that he is to blame and you would like to hear apologies.

Quarrels with her husband after the birth of a second child, what to do and how to establish relationships after childbirth

Frequent phenomenon. Pay attention not only to children, but also a husband. On weekends spend time together, go somewhere, distract yourself with your home. Do not forget about pro intimate life, take care and watch yourself.

With her husband after a strong quarrel and fights we live like neighbors how to make

In this conflict, both are to blame for any other quarrel. How are you wise woman And the keeper of the hearth, you can take the first step in the form of an invitation to a joint lunch. Put and plunder your clothes. Do something that can say about your desire to make it.

Quarrels with her husband because of the child from the first marriage, his relatives and mother on household soil, on vacation, against the absence of children

Clearly make it clear that the child is not indifferent to you, but the husband means much in your life. Ask him to be kinder and wiser, because it is he is an adult man.

Stop talking about relatives. Agree that only your relationship will be important for you. Do not let relatives or mothers interfere in your life. The best way to get rid of it becomes financially independent of them.

Rejoice on vacation, do not pay attention to the little things.

Unfortunately, many families quarrel due to the lack of children. Talk, decide whether you are ready to continue to live, there are many in different ways, such as eco or surrogate mother, you can take a child from children's house And make it happy, while keeping the family.

To stop quarrel every day on trifles, disperse in your relationship. No need to look for guilt, tell me to each other, what exactly you do not like, try to change after this conversation. Of course, it can also evil eye. But it is better to start correcting the situation with yourself by changing your attitude to the partner.

A young family lives in Islam, quarrel, what to do and how to fix

Go to the mosque, ask the Council there.

The article addresses only the main questions and are given to them detailed answers, which will give general view About Hairdryer Shui and Love. His preferences and ...

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Constantly quarrel

Hello! I meet with a guy 1.5 years. He woke up for a long time, appreciated, but after about half a year everything became somehow different. With quarrels, he previously requested forgiveness, hugged, soothered, did not let anywhere. But a year later we constantly quarrel, almost every day. Very many times it came to parting, and in the end we broke up. It happened so.

We are in again He was very quarreled, did not communicate, and in the evening he wrote a message with an apology, with recognition in love, and the next day he simply stopped going to contact me. I wrote to him, and he said that he just did not want to communicate. So we broke up. Without explanation of the reasons, everything happened so strangely. It was very heavy period in my life. I was bad, I did not attract anything at all in my life. This separation lasted about 15-20 days. Then he begged me to return, cried, it was very touching and hard. Promised me all. He said that he would give a fairy tale. A few days later I forgive him. The first weeks 3 everything was just gorgeous, and then the quarrel began again. We constantly quarrel, almost every other day.

Quarrels happen due to nonsense. He inflates an elephant out of the fly, and this is not my fiction, but an objective opinion! The last time we quarreled due to the fact that mall For me in the locker room spied some kind of guy, I told it to my own young manAnd he answers me "Well, nothing terrible." I naturally was shocked. He understood it in my face. Says, you misunderstood me, I did not mean. Then he wanted to approach that guy to apologize to, but I stopped him. I think it was necessary to once again respond, and not after 15 minutes. He walked all further time without mood. Together they began to psych and so we quarreled.

During such, it seems, small quarrels, we can not communicate for several days, about 1-2 days. If you start talking to him, explain something, he does not recognize his guilt, but will make me guilty. A few days later he calms down and goes to reconciliation. But I'm tired of it. Now after a quarrel because of that locker room, we do not communicate the second day. I do not know what to do, how to behave ... I am very worried, I am afraid that he can again do the same as last time, throw me ... I'm all uttering during such quarrels. I am completely a non-conflict person, always trying to make concessions. I love him very much. And, I know that he loves me too. Help me please.


After half a year or the year from the beginning of the relationship - frequent phenomenon. During this period, an adaptation is usually an extension to each other. Each person has its own convictions about how everything should be in a relationship, their habits and rules. When a couple is formed, after a while begins the development general rulesHow everything will be in this relationship. It can not be the rules of only one of the partners, because both must be agreed with them, otherwise someone will definitely be bad.

Apparently, this normal, in essence, the process is quite difficult for you. Do you have the impression that in most quarrels you are right, and he is wrong? If so, then this means that each of you in quarrels stands on your own, no one is convinced of the other right, does not change anything in his beliefs. Therefore, you constantly quarrel: instead of adapting to each other, you try to change the other person to yourself.

When you explain something about a quarrel, don't you try to explain to him that he is wrong? If so, then such behavior cannot but cause resistance and response accusations in it, because he has his own point of view that you do not want to understand.

So that the quarrel has become less, it is worth starting to perceive his point of view as having the same right to exist, like yours. When two people different points Vision, it does not always mean that one right, and the other is not. It may be that both people argue from their point of view and both in their own way. Do not assume that you judge everything right, but it is wrong. With such a position, it is impossible to establish mutual understanding.

If you do not like something in his behavior, it is worth asking him to do differently next time, because you feel something and that when he does. It should be understood that another person is not obliged to perform 100% of your requests, because with something he may not agree. If you insist that all your wishes are performed, the other person feels that his opinion and desire for you are not important.

Try in quarrels to always find out his position, ask: "What do you think about this?", "Why do you think so?" etc. With such clarifications, you should not immediately argue or refute his opinion, just think about it for some time: maybe you will find something rational in it.

If you find that you are not really interested in his position, you will know that you are more worried own desiresAnd it is needed only to perform them. With such a formulation, it is not surprising that the guy is angry with the attitude towards him and that you constantly quarrel.

It is not easy to change its position in relationships, it needs time and effort. If you need in these changes, please contact, I work in person, on Skype and by correspondence.

I'm 28 years old. The second time is married. No children.
The first time was married to the 3rd year. Immediately went to work, because I did not want to depend on my parents. As a result, he studied and worked, graduated from the institute with a red diploma, reached the career ladder to the head of the department, received a versatile experience. I think that this marriage was a reason to break away from my parents and start living in an independent life.
After the divorce, the goal was extremely career. 4 years after the divorce, he met a man who seemed to my ideal. Perhaps I myself entered it with this status, however, I can't conquer him in any way.
Who he: The character is strong, maybe even cruel, vengeful. It can not stand when it is indicated. May be silent for hours, days, weeks.
At the same time, it may be soft, caring, madly loves his daughter from the first marriage, still wants more children, constantly takes the hand, the tactile contact is important.
In this case, it can be either very explosive or a mile, which is difficult to withdraw on a conversation or emotion.
Hates female tears. He is not just angry, but bearing. Deployed and leaves. Pretends that he doesn't care.
Situation Today: I went to his parents, I saw that he turns the minibus, he took him in his hand and as if he jerked to the side. He snatched his hand. The minibus slowed down sharply, because He was very close. I won the second time and said: "Where are you going? You don't see that the car rides?". He began to shout at me with a mat, loud enough to the whole street, and said that I want to subjugate him that I was helping him and put it out as a child or a weak person.
As a result, everything ended again by my tears. I tried to take myself in my hands, while on the road he did not let my hand, but continued to offend me.
It is important that he likes to say the nasty of his mom and me. He is not rude sister.
We are two years together. Last year Quarrel almost every day, he is constantly rude, I get upset and start crying. I rises intact inside, the desire to hit him, indescribable insufficient from ridicule and misunderstandings. I need shell, gentle attitude, not rudeness and mat.
He says - I am. Perceive me only such or let's diverge.
You can't get pregnant. He has masculine problems. We are treated.
There were some problems in relations between him and the ex-wife. She does not give a video with her daughter. He does not let me in this relationship, while something tells about them, asks something. As soon as I start to ask questions, he woys, begins to be angry.

In general, our problems:
- my jealousy to former family, to kid. I like that ex-wife I began to try to dictate the conditions now my husband, when it sees to see the child when you take / disappear. It constantly indicates that he gives birth to his child, and from her lagged. Girl set against me.
- Suggestion of pregnancy. During this year I exhausted my nerves. Neurologist wrote out antidepressants.
- The work is not interested at all. I'm not interested, I don't want to seek anything, I'm bored. I tried to come up with a hobby myself, everything was annoyed, I don't want anything.
I myself was tired of living like that. I want lightness. Positive.
I took a week of vacation - I never went out to take a walk.
Everything does not suit me. I am horrible. Despair that I will never get pregnant that I will never have a happy marriage.
I don't just love my husband, he became air for me. I can't even leave him for a day, to withstand the pause, character. I became a rag. I'm losing myself.

Answers psychologists

Hello, Sophia.

We are so arranged that consciously or unconsciously we always benefit from situations in which we are. Need to admit that your husband is tyran. Having low self-esteemSuch people implement themselves through the subordination and destruction of loved ones. You will not change it!

To change the situation to start - try analyzing - why do you live with a person who treats you so?

How seen from your description, you have always strived for perfection, career and red diploma, that proof. Perhaps you feel about this marriage, as the project with which you did not cope and internally cannot agree with this. Oil in the fire poured the situation with his former familyYou are included in competition. And this, too, perhaps does not give rest - how can you lose? B should be better for him than the first wife ... must prove to everyone that despite anything you are the best and therefore he is with you.

The next thing you need to do is - you need to get out of the position of the victim by taking responsibility for your life on yourself. Only you, and no, no one answer, for how you live it - in constant humiliation; Either respecting himself does not allow anyone to destroy your introspection.

Restoring your own self-esteem and significance now for you the first priority, but you agree it is very difficult to do this if you are constantly "mate" and do not put anything.

I don't just love my husband, he became air for me. I can't even leave him for a day, to withstand the pause, character. I became a rag. I'm losing myself.

Hello. Sophia.Vas delays in the abyss of a male anger. I have been deformed by the person and staggered. And this you seem to call love. In my opinion, this is an unfair masochism. He does not regret you (do not want to go). You are suffering and wounded, and seduced. The man got caught with a difficult character. In general. With a man, they are united, so that it would be better to be better. Why do you better tolerate, cry, suffer and live on. This is your life. If you are together Worseless there are two options. The first dialogues that you are waiting for (reciprocity, warmth, understanding, response, gratitude). Then the name can save marriage. That is the option, if there are no agreements-go. If all the time you will be a child in the pussy of the husband. You should become a support for the child and the center of Positive. Do you have for power, if your psyche is already weak and exhausted?. This man in childhood was heavy, disrespectful relationship with mother. neglected, pressed, humiliated, manipulated, and it was without There is a cold and cold. Therefore, all this now he will do with you. So I have not seen another and does not know how. Therefore, there, with a minibus, he saw in your salvation maternal manipulation. And I felt humiliated. If you can accept it abstract, not noticing and not offended, you can save positive, survive and raise a child. If you will be in a blind

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Quarrels, despair, confusion ... Where is the way out?

Daily conflicts exhaust, deprive the strength and confidence that you are sincerely loved. And do not disappear just like that. If heaven sent you your highest gift, then you deserve it. But only depends on you, can you save lovely gift under the name love. Quarrels, disagreements, resentment are able to destroy even the most strong feelingsAnd that this does not happen, you should be patient and prepared for daily work.

What to do if a quarrel with a guy turned into the system?

If you started quarrel every day, then main questionyou need to ask yourself "for what?" - And try to find a sincere honest answer on him. Thinking over the situation, throwing ambitions, resentment and opinions of foreign people.

Of course, the reasons for disagreement there are a great set, but they cannot always be true. After all, some of our discontent we cannot express out loud, and sometimes they even worry to confess to something. Think about what you want to get, clogging (or supporting) quarrel. If you do not hear you, do not want to take into account your opinion, neglect you, it is, of course, sadly, but not the end. Try to arrange a conversation evening to get the opportunity calmly. Or write each other letters in which tell me about what is worried about each of you, which offends. But do not forget to indicate and what inspires you in each other, which pleases.

Learn to specific

Here you start swearing and ... it started! Stop! Please do not commit the most common mistake - do not go to the person during the conflict, do not insult each other.

After all, one act is not the whole person. Did some word offended you? Tell me clearly what hurts you, and explain why so. At the same time, it is necessary to realize that we are all different, they brought up differently and grew up in their family. After all, the fact that for you the norm may seem like a deadly offense. Let it be beaten, but ... first, slowly count to ten and only then express - but only essentially.

The closure is given

IN modern society The statement is widespread that other your problems are not needed and, telling about their anxiety, we humiliate themselves. It's a delusion! The device of the human psyche is such that it does not allow us to save a lot in yourself. Our patience, our calm is not limitless - someday necessarily the limit comes, and the more we spend in yourself, worse then effects.

Suppose you have anything at work (at school, or with girlfriends), but the mood has already been tied: you want to understand and support, but you are silent. And inside small child Your soul sits to anyone who does not need and is waiting for heat. And your half is about it - neither sleep nor the Spirit! Of course, you will have a claim to it. But are they justified? Learn to say what bothers you and hear what a love guy awaits you and wants.

Learning to be kinder

What if daily irritation leads to disagreements? Learn to help yourself yourself! Do not pour your anger on the guy :. Try to find a passion for yourself, favorably affecting the state of the soul: be it beading, or a lesson in the gym. Go with your boyfriend to football (if he is fond of them), try to share his interests and share with it your own joys. Do not forget the guys to praise! Yes, yes, it is very important! Make compliments, try to translate a starting quarrel into a joke. Of course, this is not a panacea, but a certain rescue effect possesses.

Jealousy is a negative. If you have, or your guy with this sense of problem, then best way Getting rid of it will be a hike to a psychologist.