How to support a guy when he is in trouble. How to support a man in a difficult period? Enthusiast - excellent mood, active

It seems I know a secret. Recently, life gave me the opportunity to feel the difference. But more about everything.
There is different forms support. They are expressed by the degree of the wife's involvement in the process, in the affairs and goals of her husband.

  • No support

Everything is clear here - the ideas are stupid, they are criticized. Does everything wrong, wrong, not there and not with those. Such a wife not only does not inspire, she usually takes away the desire to do anything. Most likely, the husband will lie on the couch with a beer. Or he will find another wife - if he still wants to do something.

  • Indifference

I'm not against it, but I'm not for it either. I do not care. Mind your own business and let me do mine. Did you come up with something? No matter what amuses me, if only it doesn’t interfere with my life. This position is more common. When a woman doesn’t care what her husband does, as long as he brings his salary on time and doesn’t walk around the girls.

At least this option does not destroy a man - only what he could become. Therefore, most likely, he will not become anyone. He will live like everyone else and will not try to change anything. But at least it works - already progress!

  • Kicking from behind

This is also the fault of many. Why are you lying, why are you content with little! Let's open a business, spin around, I'll help you in any way I can. I will push you to change, then you will say thank you. I know several such examples when a man was nevertheless pushed out - one from the laboratory to business, the other from the sofa to active life. Both families broke up - and thanks to his wife did not wait. Maybe because they were not pushing where the man himself wanted? Did you make your dream come true?

  • Support is passive

Word of mouth support is great. Well done, the idea is good, do it, create it. There is only one weakness The wife is not involved. She is not interested in everything that her husband says. She agrees that he will come to these goals, but she wants to remain an observer. He may reach his goals, but will the family be stronger at the same time?

  • Involvement

For anyone successful man need a muse. And the muse is not the one that only accepts gifts after victories. She listens with pleasure about the battles, she understands what her husband is talking about.

And most importantly, she is interested! She does not yawn, does not wait for him to finish. She enjoys.

But in addition, such a wife is most often involved in the process. Helps as much as he can. In a feminine way.

I will give you an example so that it is clear immediately. About myself. And about my husband. And about the triathlon. My husband some time ago decided to start doing this sport - where they run, swim and ride a bike - all in a row and for a very long time.

I have always liked the idea. An athletic husband is usually more energetic good example for kids. He even started running and swimming. But I didn't take much part. I have always been away from sports - especially in this form.

I waited for him on the shore while he was swimming, and counted the minutes until he returned. She let him go for a run with a creak and discontent. And he couldn’t buy a bicycle at all, because there were usually more important things to do. But under this supported words. Thought it was enough.

And then he once said in the heat of anger that I personally didn’t need this Ironman and wasn’t interested in it. Hooked. I realized that this is true. That my support was just words. In fact, I did not share his dreams. Didn't help him.

And then I started thinking about how I can help. On the New Year I gave him a bike. Well, as a gift, I found in his messages a person from whom he wanted to buy a bike, wrote to him and together we arranged a surprise. The husband was shocked. Probably the biggest shock was that I did it.

Then I insisted that we take the bike with us to America. Yes, he's huge. Carrying it is not very fun. But if we hadn't taken him, training wouldn't have started. And now - every other day for 30-60 km. On schedule. That bike seller became his coach in the end :)

Then I ordered him a lot of beautiful sportswear. Well, what else can a girl do? I help him get up and go. Every day I ask him what's on his schedule. Sometimes I even kick him out when he's too lazy. I bandage his legs after falling off the bike.

She also started walking. Including that there was something to talk about, except for life. Now he teaches me how to walk, how to run, what shoes, what pulse. And we are both interested.

We recently read an article together about a man who completed the Ironman (triathlon competition at 5-6 pm). His wife cooked for him during the race, was at all equipment change points. And the last kilometers uphill went with him. This race will finish on the mountain. And then the athletes can go down the elevator. And the escorts go on foot. So he went on foot, together with his wife. Because it was their common victory. It’s a pity that during Ironman himself I won’t be able to be with him - and I will only constantly pray for him and think about him.

I remember Henry Ford's wife - if she just believed in him with words, but did not keep a lamp in the garage, would he become great? Would their family be so strong?

"I believe you can!" - this is good. But only at the beginning of the journey. Until you're ready to move on to the engagement stage, be inside his dream, helping him achieve it.

I also remember that all of my husband's successful projects became successful only when I began to energize him by getting involved. When we discussed his work enthusiastically. I helped him with ideas, implementations, he was inspired and created more and better. As soon as I stepped aside, holding a banner for decency, the project died down. Or ceased to be interesting to him.

Together you can create so much more. Create, dream, support each other. To do this, you need to learn to be truly interested in another person, learn to see the world through his eyes, look for how I can help him in this - and help. And not just wait at your feet mountain precious stones. This mountain will not exist if you just sit and wait.

Men's dreams and hobbies are always amazing and interesting - you just need to learn to listen and see what they are talking about. And if you yourself like this idea, the main thing here is not to overdo it with help. Don't do everything for him. Do not command his dream. Help in any way you can, right now. Be interested, be aware of it. Someone will need to learn different tanks, someone (like me :)) the rules of the game of basketball and the faces of her husband's favorite players.

So your value in the eyes of your husband will be even higher - where will he find one that will be both beautiful and economic, and also knows all the tanks by numbers? This, of course, is a joke, but, as usual, there is only a fraction of a joke in it. The value of a wife who is interested in her husband as a person who knows how to support him and gets involved in his dreams is enormous. This is the case when 1+1=100. When the two of you can do more.

Support your men! Become their main fans and helpers! Their support group, fan club and left and right hand- in one person.

This is a completely different life - the life of a muse. It cannot be boring or gray, meaningless or lonely. Just try!

Even the strongest of us often need words of encouragement. Everyone has times when friendly participation is needed. This article contains words and ideas that will become an impulse to help you evaluate the current circumstances from a different point of view.

Unfortunately, we do not know how to speak words of support. Most of us exist in fantasy worlds social networks or television series, where everything is fine, cloudless and without fail with happy ending. But real life far from ideal worlds.

If you need to support a person struggling with an illness, avoid worn out clichés. They are deprived human warmth, which your counterpart needs so much.

So, words of support for the sick:

  • You can always count on me.
  • I'm sorry about what happened. I'm here to help.
  • I just want to remind you how strong/strong you are.
  • I believe in you.
  • Listen to the advice of doctors and take care of yourself.
  • I have always admired/admired your talent for overcoming adversity with grace and humor.
  • All that we have left in the past, and what awaits us in the future - all this is immeasurably small compared to what is contained in the present ( Ralph Waldo Emerson).
  • What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the creator calls the butterfly ( Richard Bach).
  • The soul would not have a rainbow if the eyes did not have tears ( Beth Mende Connie).
  • Stars can only be seen when it's dark enough around Ralph Waldo Emerson).
  • Sleep, wealth and health must be interrupted so that we can truly enjoy them ( Johann Pavel Friedrich Richter).
  • With our grief and anxiety, we deprive our tomorrow of any opportunity to be. We just don't have the strength for him Corrie Ten Boom).
  • Your illness is just one chapter, but not the whole story.

Phrases and words to cheer up a man, a guy: a list

When communicating with a man, do not forget to add sugar to everything you say. And take the salt out of everything he tells you.

Try the following affirmations:

  • I love you today more than ever before.
  • Your decisions, hard work, loving and generous heart fill me with pride.
  • Even if we are not together, we will always be one team.
  • I'm happy that I have you.
  • You do so much for my happiness, let me support you.
  • I'll always be there for you. And I'll go where you lead me.
  • Being next to you is an honor for me.
  • I have learned a lot from you.
  • No matter what happens, I want to grow old by your side.
  • I think that fate big plans about me. That's why she gave me you.
  • Hard times don't matter as long as we're together.
  • Everything will be as it should be. Even if it's different.
  • Each finish is the start for something completely new.

Phrases and words to cheer up a girl, a woman: a list

Women are more emotional and more likely to need support. It is not necessary at this moment to criticize her or her actions.

Try to return the woman's wings:

  • If my every thought about you turned into a flower, you would be in the Garden of Eden.
  • You can't even imagine how much I appreciate you.
  • You are not alone, even when you think you are.
  • Thank you for being around.
  • I admire your talent to paint life with bright colors.
  • I admire that selfless love that you give to the world.
  • You - Sunray in my life.
  • Next to you, I feel loved, protected and understood. Thank you for this.
  • Fate knew that I would need support and support in this life and sent me you.
  • Your attitude towards me makes me become better than I am.

Phrases and words to cheer yourself up: a list

  • I am alone/on my own.
  • I am free / free to make decisions.
  • Any “minus” can always be turned into a “plus”.
  • I am the architect of my life. I lay the foundation and choose the filling.
  • I am higher negative thoughts and low action.
  • Everything that is happening to me now is happening for my ultimate benefit.
  • Although this period of my life is not the easiest, it is only a short segment of my life path.
  • The sun will rise tomorrow too. Despite everything.
  • Even in trouble, there is always something useful and important for you.

How to cheer up a man, a guy, a person with words who works hard and is tired at work?

Gender roles in the family are changing. However, we live in enough patriarchal society where the man remains the main breadwinner in the family.

  • The basis, which is quite enough for happiness: sunlight, water, rest, air, exercise stress. And it doesn't cost a dime. Think about it. Take a break. Be happy.
  • The world can wait. Do not rush. Recover.
  • Your hard work, loving and generous heart fills me with gratitude.
  • I don't think we would like to do much if we weren't tired ( Clive Staples Lewis).
  • Life is complicated. First you get tired of work, and then from the fact that it is not.
  • The road will be mastered by the walking one. We will walk our path together.
  • I really appreciate what you do for me (us).

How to cheer up a man, guy, person, girl in depression with words?

Depression is difficult to deal with alone. Simple but sincere words can change a lot. But there should be no pity in these words. Only love, support and understanding.

  • Most likely, the problem will not disappear in 24 hours. But 24 hours can change your attitude to this problem. Let's change this together. You can always count on my help.
  • The most painful blows are dealt to us by life. That is why you need to learn to take a hit. I will study with you. Let's think about where we start.
  • My words may not lighten your burden, but I am here and you are not alone.
  • You are stronger and braver than you think, and more loved than you can imagine.
  • Most strong people- these are not those who demonstrate strength in front of others, but those who win battles about which we know nothing.
  • No one is ever too old, too bad, too sick or too stupid to start over (Bikram Chowdhury).
  • Even if you stumbled and fell, you still moved forward.
  • No one can go back in time and rewrite the beginning of history. But anyone can change the current moment and change the final part of the story.

How to cheer up a man, a guy, a person, a girl during an illness with words?

  • I can't imagine what your next days (months) will be like, but I intend to be by your side all this time.
  • There is nothing wrong with being afraid. Being scared means you're ready to do something really brave - win.

At the beginning of the article you will find more affirmations on this topic.

If a person is upset: how to cheer him up? How to cheer up a friend with words?

  • I can't go through this for you. But I can live it with you. And together we can do everything.
  • Chaos and trouble precede great change.
  • Recall any unpleasant story that has bothered you recently. Does she still bother you?
  • Build a solid foundation of stones that throw ill-wishers at you.

Above in the text you will find many others. interesting quotes, aphorisms and affirmations.

Video: How to help a friend if he is depressed? #6 // Psychology What?

How can a woman support a man? This question was asked to me by the participants of my recent webinar. I answered crumpled - time was running out. Now I want to answer in detail (get ready - this is one of my biggest notes).

But let's start with what has been said. How to support a man? What to tell him, how to act, what behavior to avoid?

Here he is tormented by a choice - what to say? Here he plows like a horse - what to tell him? Here impotence rolled over - what words to find?

As always, the key here is to invest in creating a safe and nurturing environment. Where it is safe and nutritious, everything flourishes—even men. A safe and nutritious environment is the most The best way support.

It is unlikely that I will now tell you what makes up safety and nutrition - this is a separate big conversation.

Let's just see what we can do.

The most important thing is attitude. Treat as an equal. Not like a Son, who needs to be urged on by inspiration or reproaches. Not like Daddy, who needs to be stimulated by whims or resentments. Namely, as an equal.

In practice, this means something like the following.

1. Respect. Respect is the recognition of merit, merits, high qualities (see " Dictionary» Ushakova). If a woman lives with a man, it means that he has important virtues and merits for her, high quality(too high for her). This does not negate the disadvantages (who doesn’t have them?), but still it doesn’t interfere with remembering that there are advantages. And at least sometimes talk about them.

Literally - plain text say, they say, I like your ability to solve problems, your hands, I like the relationship with you, I appreciate what you do for me, I'm glad to live with you.

In a word, you need to remind him and yourself that you chose him for a reason.

Of course, if he has nothing left for which this man was chosen, then respect evaporates. Here you can try to return it all back, but it's not for me to decide, you understand.

2. Refusal of unsolicited advice and assessments. For some women, this is an absolutely unbearable feeling - to see how a man does something, and refrain from giving advice and / or judgments. And you need to refrain.

So he sat down to play World of Tanks. You can snort that this is a game for pimply teenagers, not a forty-year-old man. You can just shrug your shoulders and go about your business.

Here a man is tormented by the choice of an electric razor (or some other personal use). You can explain to him which choice is correct. And you can say, they say, you are an adult man, if you have decided something, then you have thought it over well, I am sure that you have chosen the right decision.

Here is a man going to his friends in the bath. We can say that there is nothing to hang around knows where with these idiots. And you can be happy for your husband - communication with friends is important for a person of any gender.

When a woman finds the strength to refuse unsolicited advice and assessments at these moments, a man feels safe.

Let me emphasize that we are talking about uninvited advice and assessments. Only about them. If a man asks for advice or evaluation, then this is a completely different matter.

All of the above must be understood correctly. Namely: I'm not saying that a woman needs to obey implicitly. There is always room for negotiations and agreements. And, of course, if a man plays tanks for weeks in a row, without even getting out of the computer to take a shower, something will have to be decided.

3. Lack of consumer attitude. There is nothing worse than situations where a woman considers a man just as a resource. Where she pulls money, efforts, connections, things and impressions from him (for example, tours).

If not treated as a resource, then how? Known as - as a partner. Maintain a balance of give and take. He to her, she to him. What exactly he gave her, and she gave him - it's all individually, it's all decided in pairs.

The main thing is not to insist that he should buy a fur coat and take it to the sea. Many men said that if this is required of me, I go on the defensive and refuse to do anything. It's another matter if they perceive it as a gift and thank you from the bottom of my heart - that's when I'm ready to plow like a damned one.

So let's sum up. When a woman respects a man (recognizes his merits), when she does not interfere with unsolicited advice and assessments, when she sees in him not a resource, but a partner, all this creates a safe and nutritious environment. And such an environment the best remedy support of a man.

I'll say it again, with a slightly different emphasis. Usually they want to see specific phrases that can be quoted ...

But I want to talk about a deeper level, because my phrases are not suitable for everyone, but if you understand about safety and nutrition, then you will find your own phrases that are suitable for you and your partner personally.

Now - the promised piece about the support of women from men.

I think especially perceptive readers have long guessed that exactly the same thing is important for a woman, one to one.

For a woman, as well as for a man, better support there will be a safe and nutritious environment. And if a man wants to live happily ever after with this woman, he will actively invest in creating such an environment.

He will respect the woman (i.e. recognize her dignity and merit). He will refrain from unsolicited advice and evaluations (say, when she is driving and he is nearby). He will not treat a woman as a resource (for example, he will remember that his wife is not his servant).

Men only seem to be strong and capable of any feats. But there are situations when one cannot cope without proper support from the weaker sex. When everything around begins to collapse, troubles arise at work, health fails, or any other difficulties appear, then anyone, even the most persistent person, can give up. At this moment, there should be wise woman who can find Right words and support the man.

Mutual help

Any relationship should be based not only on love and trust, but also on mutual assistance, not so much physical as moral. The woman is reliable rear who you can rely on in any situation. In order for the representatives of the weaker sex to provide the necessary support, they must be ready for anything.

This article will discuss how to support a man in a difficult situation, what words to choose, and what a woman should do.

Basic rules of behavior for a woman to support a man

When a beloved husband or boyfriend came home upset, with a pensive look, and refused the offer to eat, although he always ate with appetite upon returning from work, while he wants to be left alone, then the conclusion follows, something happened to him, knocked him out of usual rhythm of life. In this situation, it is important to choose the right behavior for a woman, regardless of what problems the couple has encountered.

Of course, the characters of all men are different, and everyone will have to find their own approach. But there are basic methods for everyone:

How to support a man difficult situation? You need to listen to him, create a favorable environment for relaxation, give a sense of inner peace and a positive attitude towards the future. Under such conditions, a person will gain a share of self-confidence, will be able to cope with his thoughts and find a solution to the problem. A woman cannot always suggest a way out of unpleasant situation, but she is able to direct the right side.

Trouble at a distance

It is easy to understand that a person feels bad when he is around, but how to support a man at a distance? If a lover left for another city or country, and troubles arose there, then it becomes difficult not only for him, but also for his soulmate. Of course, a woman begins to feel sad that she is far away, but it is strictly forbidden to show this to a man. Otherwise, it will become much harder for him, because through his fault he suffers close person.

How to help if a loved one is far away?

Far from a loved one, you can find words of support that will help him. Therefore, it is important to know what and how to speak.

  1. When receiving unpleasant news, it is very important not to fall into a state of panic, otherwise how to support a man in a difficult situation, if a woman cannot even cope with personal emotions. During a telephone conversation, the main thing is to let the interlocutor speak out, after that, keeping own peace of mind, answer. If a man hears sadness or fear in the voice of a half, then this will only add more feelings to him. But a calm dialogue will help you tune in to finding a solution to the problem.
  2. During video communication, a woman should hold back her tears, not show even the slightest upset with her whole appearance. And if you can talk with a guy or husband only through messages or letters, then it is important to think through every word, since there is time for this, unlike a direct conversation on the phone or Skype.
  3. From the outside, you can always look at the problem differently. Therefore, after receiving information about it, you should voice it in your own words, show understanding. Several good points this situation, suggest possible ways her decisions.
  4. Men do not always want to share their troubles with their soul mate so as not to upset her, or they think that they can cope without anyone's help. Knowing such a character trait of a husband, you don’t need to ask him, but it’s better to tell the positive things that happened to the woman, or just talk about something else without touching the problem. In this case, the man will relax, be distracted and be able to calmly think.

If you are thinking about how to support a man from a distance, then know that best solution here will distract him from negative thoughts, from immersion in himself. He needs to be helped to relax, to make it clear that everything is not as bad as it seems to him.

Low testosterone levels and self-esteem. What is the relationship between them?

How to morally support a man when he feels bad? A person can feel bad not only when his health fails, but also when his self-esteem decreases. How to support a man in this case? Help restore your self-confidence.

Men are so arranged that when self-esteem drops, the concentration of a very important hormone, testosterone, drops with it. It helps to increase the strength of guys, attraction to the opposite sex.

When the level of the hormone decreases, then there may be discord in relationships that lead to infidelity on the part of the man, to the divorce of the spouses. In such a situation, the husband begins to think that the family burdens him, and he is no longer able to support her, and the best way out is to stay alone. To prevent this from happening, there must be a clear understanding in his head that they are waiting for him at home and will accept him as he is.

The second situation, which leads to a drop in testosterone, is the search for a mistress to raise its level. At the same time, there is an opinion that the wife is not able to do this.

As soon as a woman notices that her beloved has fallen into a state of depression, then it is immediately worthwhile to increase his self-esteem, no matter for what reasons he is sad.

We raise the self-esteem of a man. How to do it right?

How to support a man and raise his self-esteem? Everything is very simple:

  1. Not only women love compliments. For the male half of humanity, they are also very pleasant and important - it is worth saying them more often.
  2. Nothing boosts self-esteem like the success in business that a woman notices. Therefore, you need to praise as often as possible, even in small things.
  3. If a man thinks that he is not capable of anything, and the family will cope without him, then the best way is to show its indispensability. To do this, it will be necessary to artificially create situations in which help is required. strong hands. For example, you can tighten the lid on a jar of cucumbers as tightly as possible and ask your husband to open it, referring to the fact that no one else in the family can do it.

To boost self-esteem and vitality men will have to make an effort. But this is important not only for himself, but also for a woman. Because in depressed state the husband will stop paying attention to her and help her.

A crisis

It happens that a man is fired from his job, he loses his source of income, a difficult time comes in his life. Therefore, it is important for a woman to know how to support a man in a crisis. Having lost his place, he can not only become depressed, but also begin to abuse alcohol.

Therefore, a woman needs:

  1. Listen to the man, find out about the reasons for the dismissal, his future plans.
  2. Start searching for suitable vacancies together.
  3. Do not put pressure on a man morally, do not humiliate, do not compare with other people's husbands, do not nag, but kindly and calmly support, offer solutions.
  4. Talk to your husband's friends so that they support him too.
  5. Do not build relationships on finances, you need to base them on love and support.
  6. If possible, a woman can find temporary additional income for herself.

Women's mistakes

When a woman begins to think about how to support a man, she can very often admit the following errors:

  1. No need to show pity, it is better to replace it with affection and care. A man must understand that he is strong, able to cope with any adversity himself. And if you start to regret, then self-esteem will certainly fall. But if a woman becomes more affectionate, gives a massage, strokes her back and so on, then this will play the opposite role.
  2. Do not joke or speak sarcastically. It can be misunderstood under the influence of emotions.
  3. You can not hide anger and resentment for the lack of mood. It is better to leave a man alone so that he can be alone with his thoughts.
  4. If help is not asked, then it is not necessary to impose it.

What do you need to say to support a man?

It is important not only to behave correctly, but also to be able to say the right things. And how to support a man with words? If you are looking for the answer to this question, then pay attention to the following phrases:

  1. Dear or beloved, you - (followed by any compliment).
  2. I am very proud of you.
  3. I didn't doubt you.
  4. I believe in your strength.
  5. I'm with you.
  6. We'll manage.
  7. You can rely on me
  8. I appreciate all your actions.

This indicative list words to support a man. The main thing is to show confidence in him, care, that he can count on someone. Words of support are very important for a man, if they are said in time, then difficult situation will no longer be insurmountable.

A small conclusion

In order to support strong half humanity, a lot of work needs to be done. But if a woman loves, then she is capable of anything for the sake of the second half.

many girls since childhood, mothers and grandmothers taught the basics of communication with a man. Surely you have heard at least once that a loved one needs to be supported, understood and inspired, but few people know how to do it right.

In fact, morally men weaker women, and if the fair sex has a discharge in the form of tears, then such behavior is unacceptable for a man. As a result, problems accumulate, fatigue, nervousness and, as a result, poor health appear.

Constant nervous male tension can negatively affect the family, because because of this, divorces and scandals happen. The mistake of many women is that they believe that the beloved will cope on his own, because he is strong, but in fact this is not entirely true. He needs support, and what kind. Often there are men who are more vulnerable than many of the fair sex. Clever woman he will always understand that something is wrong with his beloved, and will be able to support him in difficult times.

Support is yours duty if you entered into a relationship with a young man, because this is how mutual understanding and trust are built. Unfortunately, strong relationships it is not only love and joy, but also difficulties that we need to fight together.

How to support a beloved man in a difficult situation for him?

1. Do not pressure him with your questions. The mistake of most women is that, having learned about the complexities of their beloved, they immediately begin to ask him about the nuances, trifles and try to find out all the details. In fact, you only make it worse, because he came home to relax and take a break from what worries him, and you again remind him that everything is bad.

Do not under any circumstances ask questions if you see that he is ill. Just let him know that no matter what his problems are, you love him and want to be his support. Just tell about your news, share positive mood and try to give him moral relaxation. It could be dinner at family circle, a quiet conversation on topics of interest to both of you, or just co-sleeping with hugs.

If you start on it crush, this will not lead to anything good, most likely, he will eventually leave the apartment in order to unwind and get positive emotions from other people. At home, a man should feel comfortable, especially when he has problems, so be supportive and do not ask too many questions.

2. Comments are superfluous. If everything is good enough in your relationship with your loved one, as soon as he calms down and can soberly assess the situation, he will probably tell you everything himself. Here, too, you need to be careful, because wrong comments And retorts can make things worse. Try not to comment on his story, just nod approvingly and look understandingly into his eyes. So he will understand that you understand him, but do not condemn him.

Many women make a mistake, attacking that he did something wrong, and that in this situation it was necessary to replay everything differently. In no case should this be done, because next time he simply no longer wants to share his experiences. Tell him that he is right, but who is to blame that everything turned out like this? Remove responsibility from him, at least for a couple of days. Do not hesitate, he will know that it is he who is to blame, but the confidence that you do not think so will give him joy and peace. After talking with you, he should have spiritual balance and calm, and not a new flow negative emotions. Unfortunately, not all women know that one of the main secrets of a happy family life is skill in right moment listen.

3. If he wants to know your opinion, be reasonable. There are situations when, after telling a loved one about a problem, he still wants to get some kind of comment from you. You need to be careful here, because any word you say can aggravate the problem. Be sure to remember if there was a similar situation among your friends. Surely you will remember a couple of examples and be able to tell your loved one about it. Think together how certain situations your friends came out, and what can you do in the case of your loved one. Speak quietly, unemotionally, in no case do not condemn the man and do not reproach. Try to come up with solutions to the problem and share your ideas with him.

4. Use the right words of encouragement. If you start reproaching him for doing something wrong, that you would have acted differently and why he didn’t think, then only grow a wall between you. He speaks the right words, and then your relationship will become even better and more trusting. "You are not to blame" - this phrase has a magical effect on a man, because he stops feeling guilty and understands that you are the only person who does not blame him for this situation. "All this is fixable" - this phrase will help him spread his wings and understand that there is still time, the main thing is to make an effort. Stop any of his attempts to engage in self-flagellation, because most often this does not lead to anything good.

5. Give your loved one a break. Surely his problems are related to work, finances or relationships with others. Therefore, he should rest and relax. If you have any financial savings, spend them on joint vacation. It is not necessary to go to the resort for several weeks, you can just rent a house in the countryside and spend two days with each other. After the rest, your loved one will be able to reassess the situation and find new options for solving it. Your task is the ability to provide him with comfort and coziness. cook delicious breakfasts, go to concerts or relax by the lake with a bottle of delicious wine. It doesn't matter what you choose as the basis of your holiday, the most important thing is that your loved one likes it.

6. Give him a gift. Nothing lifts your spirits like something you've been dreaming about for so long. Of course, you should not take out a loan and buy expensive equipment, but surely your loved one has a dream that is financially quite affordable. Such an act on your part will real help in a difficult situation, because when a man has a peak of despair, small gift instantly changes the situation.

If you don't know what to give him, buy ticket to a soccer ball or to the premiere of a movie that interests him. You can even just invite him to a pub where they serve his favorite drink. It is advisable to make a surprise, because it will give new emotions and distract. If you don’t know how to please your man, call his friends and ask them for advice.