Methodical development of a lesson using ICT "School of cheerful gnomes". The topic of this lesson is an acquaintance with the history of the appearance of paper, making paper crafts. Lesson summary on technology on the topic: Working with paper. Making New Year's crafts

Short description

Methodical development"School of cheerful gnomes" is an introductory lesson in the additional educational program arts and crafts "Fantasy" (work with paper - construction, design) and is intended for children 7-8 years old. Accompanied by ICT
School of Merry Gnomes" and is self-employment. Useful for teachers additional education, preschool educators, primary school teachers.


Methodical development introductory lesson"School of funny gnomes"
Rationale for the relevance of this work.
Decorative and applied art is a means of educating children in aesthetic taste, patience, and accuracy. Students develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination, thinking.
Target: To acquaint children with the history of the appearance of paper, to make paper crafts with their own hands using the corrugation technique.
consolidate knowledge of safety when working with scissors, glue.
develop skills and abilities manual labor;
develop imagination, thinking of students;
develop the ability to use paper economically.
cultivate diligence, thrift;
to cultivate discipline, the ability to work in a team.
Expected Result
The children will get acquainted with the history of the appearance of paper, the materials and tools used in the classroom, and will also make corrugated paper with their own hands. voluminous crafts"Fish".
The place of the topic of the lesson in the subject curriculum: Introductory lesson
Lesson equipment
Equipment, tools and materials:
Multimedia projector;
Presentation "School of cheerful gnomes"
Images of gnomes (multimedia and on paper);
envelopes (they contain riddles from the gnomes)
Finished craft"Fish"
Blanks of parts, colored paper, napkin;
Individual instruction cards;
Methodical methods: method of emotional stimulation; method of illustrations and self-control; deductive and practical methods.
During the classes
I Organizing time
Teacher: Hello guys!
II Preparatory work
1. Emotional mood.
Teacher: Today we are waiting for an amusing trip in the land of fantasy.
To make this journey, you need to do not quite ordinary things. In front of you are magic caps that you need to put on. So, everyone is dressed! But that's not all: today I received a letter with a task.
Guess the riddle:
This tiny people
Lives underground in the mountains:
Looking for gold in the dark
Hides treasures in chests.

Snow White was taken in
And they were always kind to her.
Even children are familiar with it.
Guessed? This is ... (gnomes)
2. View the presentation with theoretical material on the history of paper.
slide 1

That's right guys, they're gnomes. And who are the gnomes? This fairy creatures in funny caps. They often mischief, but, in general, are quite harmless. Gnomes are a very hardworking people, great inventors and dreamers! Where do gnomes live? V magical land Fantasy. And what are they all doing? No one knows this, but now we will quietly take it and see ...
slide 2
The wisest gnome has prepared a story for you: We gnomes love to make crafts with our own hands from simple material which is called paper. Paper is very good material for creativity. It is well cut, glued, thin, dense, colored. And where did she come from? Let's find out!
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Paper was invented in China around 105 AD by Cai Lun. He found a way to make paper from the fibrous bark of the mulberry tree.
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The Chinese for a long time rubbed the bark of trees, chips, rags in water until they got porridge without lumps, then they poured this mixture onto trays. When the water drained, the soft sheets were laid out to dry on a flat surface.
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They made paper by hand, using the most primitive technique. They received no more than 100-120 kilograms per day. With the development of printing, more and more paper was required. The rags collected by thousands of people were not enough. And then we decided to try the tree. The experiment was a success - the wood was split into individual fibers and turned into paper pulp. Since then, paper has been made from wood.
Slide 7
Now paper is made in much the same way, only machines do it all. Paper machines produce a paper tape several meters wide at a speed of 600-750 meters per minute.
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Today in Japan, hand-made paper production has been preserved. This is a whole art. Such paper is highly valued, it is written only with beautiful calligraphic handwriting while artists paint pictures.
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The paper made by the hands of the master is called "washi" - Japanese paper. « good paper makes you think about good things,” say the Japanese.
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So, what an ordinary sheet of paper will turn into depends only on skillful hands masters.
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The gnomes have prepared riddles for you and me, and now we will guess what we will need in the classroom. Ready?
slide 12
1. Doesn't look like a little man, but he has a heart,
and work all year round he gives his heart. (Pencil.)
2. You can write on me, you can draw on me.
I can be painted, I can be cut. (Paper)
3. Once upon a time there was a very important grandfather in the paper kingdom.
He considered himself strong, and therefore the most important
And very, very hard of all papers. (Cardboard)
4. Experienced tool - not big, not small.
He has a lot of worries: he cuts and shears. (Scissors.)
5. I will connect the cardboard with paper, I will connect two sheets. (Glue.)
6. Although I am not a laundress, my friends, I do my laundry diligently. (Eraser.)
7. Multi-colored children huddle in a narrow house.
Just set it free - where there was emptiness,
There you look beauty! (Colour pencils.)
8. Draw without me! And my name is ... (Line)
slide 13
(Physical education at the choice of the teacher)

And over the sea - we are with you!
Seagulls circling over the waves
Let's follow them together.
Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf,
And over the sea - we are with you! (Children flap their arms like wings.)
We are now sailing on the sea
And frolic in space.
More fun rake
And chase the dolphins. (Children make swimming movements with their hands.)
Fizkultminutka. Stork
(The back is straight, hands on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise either the right or the left leg, bent at the knee, and also smoothly lower it. Watch your back.)
- Stork, long-legged stork,
Show me the way home. (Stork answers.)
- Stomp with your right foot
Stomp with your left foot
Again with the right foot
Again, left foot.
After - with the right foot,
After - the left foot.
And then you come home.

IV Implementation of practical work. Making crafts "Fish".
Slide 14
Before we get started, let's solve a riddle.
slide 15
And the riddle is this: Parents and children have all their clothes made of coins. That's right, it's a fish.
slide 16
2. Analysis of crafts.
Teacher: - What color cardboard will we choose? (Optional.)
- What parts does the fish consist of? (A fish consists of a head, body and tail)
And now let's remember with you the safety rules when working with scissors, with glue.
3. Checking the workplace, conducting a safety briefing when working with scissors and glue.
Rules safe work with scissors:
1. Don't hold the scissors upside down.
2. Do not leave scissors open.
3. Pass the scissors only when closed, with rings towards a friend.
4. When working, watch your fingers.
5. When cutting a circle, turn the paper clockwise.
Rules for safe work with glue:
1. Avoid getting glue into your eyes.
2. Transfer glue only when closed.
3. After finishing work, close the adhesive and put it in a safe place.
Slide 17
Slide 18
4. Work progress.
1. Run the body and tail of the fish using corrugated colored paper.
2. Glue the body and tail.
3. Glue the fins and eyes.
5. Approbation.
Look at your work. You have got very interesting "fish". Well done!
- What do you think, how can we use our "Fish"? (To give to relatives, close people.)
- Why donate?
V Outcome of the lesson
Teacher: In this lesson at the “School of Merry Gnomes”, we learned how and where paper appeared, found out what we need in the classroom and made wonderful fish crafts.
Slide 19
1. Reflection.
Guys, if you liked the lesson, please choose a cheerful gnome, if not, an angry one. On this, our lesson in the country of "Fantasy" is over. I'm waiting for you at the next lesson at the "School of Merry Dwarfs"!


1. Collection of riddles: a teacher's guide / M.T. Karpenko. - M .: Enlightenment,
Internet resources.

Methodical development of extracurricular activities on manual labor.

Topic: "Paper crafts"

Purpose: organization of employment of children in manual labor.


  1. Learn how to make paper crafts.
  2. Strengthen and expand your paper skills. Fix the rules for working with scissors, glue; ability to cook workplace to the lesson, put it in order at the end of the work.
  3. To cultivate the ability to bring the work started to the end. Cultivate efficiency, creative interest in the work performed.
  4. Develop fine motor skills, expand horizons, develop an eye, cognitive interest, spoken language.

Lesson progress

  1. Organizing time

Good afternoon, dear guys! I'm glad to see you all today. I see you are all in a good mood today. I think that everything will work out for you and me.

  1. Work on the theme

The topic of our lesson today is “Paper Crafts”.

Questions for children:

Introductory word:

Paper is the most versatile and accessible material, familiar, ordinary and at the same time amazing! Traveling through the world of paper, you can see truly amazing things: ancient figurines of “cut-outs” (vytsynanka), graceful silhouettes of old portraits, openwork paintings, silhouette shadow theater, toys and much more.

Any work with paper is not only fascinating, but also informative. This is real artistic creativity. Several multi-colored paper sheets allow you to create a fun, multi-colored toy country, decorate the house on weekdays and holidays, make gifts, souvenirs for relatives and friends.

Guys, tell me, do you like to receive gifts? But after all, gifts are nice not only to receive, but also to give. You agree with me? It's nice when loved one the mood rises, but there is not always enough money for gifts. In this case, you can make a gift with your own hands, which we will do now.

Getting started, first of all, you need to draw up a plan and sequence future work. Let us now make a plan of our work.

flower making

  1. Prepare petals: cut strips of colored paper 0.5 - 1.0 cm wide, 9-10 cm long; cut out the petals on the stencil.
  2. Prepare the middle of the flower: cut out 2 parts, 1 each, from colored paper and cardboard.
  3. Prepare flower leaves using a stencil: cut strips 0.5-1.0 cm wide.
  4. Prepare the stem of the flower: cut out the base for the stem from cardboard using a stencil.
  5. Glue flower leaves onto the base.
  6. Glue the flower petals to the center base. Then glue the second part of the middle of the flower on top.
  7. Stick on the base of the stem colored stripe(green, brown) from paper. Connect with flower petals.

Making a cat

  1. Cut a strip of paper 3-4 cm wide, 40-50 cm long.
  2. Mark the locations of body parts.
  3. Glue along the marked lines.
  4. Cut out strips of paper to make a mustache.
  5. Outline the location of the parts of the face: draw the nose, mouth with a felt-tip pen or pencil.
  6. Cut out the eyes and ears according to the stencil and stick along the marked lines.

Well done boys! We have put together a work plan. Now I will ask you riddles, and you will tell me what we need for work?

1. does not look like a man, but he has a heart (pencil)

2. black Ivashka, wooden shirt, where he leads his nose, puts a note there (pencil)

3. two brothers, one heart (scissors)

4. multi-colored sisters got bored without water, a long, thin aunt carries water to them, sighing (paints and a brush)

5. I love directness, I myself am direct, I help everyone to make a new line (ruler)

Children's answers

Well done! These are the tools and supplies we will need today. Guys, what do you need to know before getting started?

Children's answers

That's right, we must repeat the safety rules when working with glue with scissors.

Well done! You all know the safety rules well.


Everyone is tired of sitting

And now the girls are up

And now the boys are up

We will be charging

Don't rush it's all right

Everyone leaned forward

And then back

Leaning left, right

Turned left, right

looked ahead,

Look at the ground, look at the sky

Raised hands up

And quietly lowered

Once bent, two bent,

unbent stretched

They smiled. They sat down quietly.

Charging helped us to continue our business.

And now let's get our hands ready for work:

So that the hands can do everything

And mastered the art

We'll warm up our palms

Let's stretch each finger.

Rotate inside the brush

Raise hands up

And slowly lower

And we start working.

Children can start making paper crafts. You can choose the craft yourself, using the literature that I prepared for our lesson. We have also prepared an exhibition of paper crafts that you can use as a model for making your own crafts.

IV. Consolidation of knowledge

Guys, our lesson is coming to an end. Let's remember what we learned new about paper today, what kind of craft did you make today? What should be the workplace at the end of work?

Children's answers

V. Debriefing

Guys, today in the lesson you were all very active, everyone did a great job and you got wonderful crafts. Thank you for your attention and good work.

Understand the properties of paper.

1. Show the child segments of different colors, softness, texture (corrugated, writing, rough, velvet).

2. Offer to work with paper at the discretion of the child, i.e. the way he wants. You can tear the paper into pieces, crumple, crumple.

3. Ask the child about feelings, for example:

Which paper rustles the loudest?

Which paper tears more easily?

Which one is easier to roll into a ball?

What does it look like what happened? (This lump looks like an apple, this one looks like a tennis ball, this one looks like christmas ball, these strips for pasta, and from these cut parts you can add one or another pattern.)

4. Show how to tear the paper evenly, focusing on the notches paper sheet how to bend a sheet evenly.

5. Tell us how and from what paper is made, for example, with this text.

Paper is made from wood on special machines. Paper production takes place in paper mills, which are huge factories.

Logs are first sawn into logs. Blocks of wood are broken into chips, which are then boiled in special solutions. A special paper machine mixes the paper pulp, squeezes water out of liquid paper, smoothes it with numerous hot rolls, and winds it into huge rolls. And the paper is sent to a factory where notebooks are made, where books, newspapers and magazines are printed. Of course, the main purpose of paper is to be a material for writing and printing. But they also make dishes, furniture, toys, sew clothes from paper.

You can see how paper is made on the video

Volumetric applications

Create voluminous applications from paper for children is not only interesting, but also useful. This perfectly develops fine motor skills, imagination, perseverance, attention, spatial thinking. In addition, kids love to do something with adults.

A child under six years of age, in order to keep attention, needs to introduce elements of the game, for example, by asking riddles as the work progresses. They can be about objects and images that will be depicted in the final composition.

Materials and tools:

Simple pencil;

colored paper;

White paper;


Colored and white cardboard.

3D Application Templates


Cut out two red circles and a black semi-oval. Black dots are placed on the circles, after which one circle is glued exactly above the black semi-oval, and the second is bent in half and glued to the first circle. Complementing ladybug toy eyes and mustaches.

Volumetric trees

1. Cut out the outline of a tree from cardboard. Separately, we need to cut out the trunk, which will fit the size of the cardboard blank. To this trunk we add upper part- branches.

2. We cut strips of paper with dimensions of 1.5 cm x 10.5 cm, fold them with an accordion. Using curly scissors, cut parts of the crown different shapes and one lower part, equal in size to the bottom of the cardboard blank.

3. Glue accordions to reverse side crown blanks, except for the lower part. We glue it to the tree.

4. Top - trunk

5. We glue the crown blanks on the accordions one after the other, partially overlapping the neighboring ones.

6. It remains to decorate the tree. We will hang colorful fruits to get an apple tree.

Autumn flowers

Butterfly panel

The curious world has prepared for you a selection of beautiful voluminous applications.


Open lesson on the topic of:

« Origami paper craft "Dog"»

Prepared by:

additional education teacher

Vereshchagina Anna Sergeevna


Goals: Learn the sequence of doing crafts using the origami technique.


1. Repeat paper properties, color names, geometric material.

2. Development of the ability to fold a sheet of paper in given directions, accustom to precise finger movements under the control of consciousness. Correction figurative thinking, fine motor skills of the hand, attention, visual perception, eye gauge.

3. Education of accuracy, frugality, aesthetic taste.

Equipment and materials: Colored paper, scissors, pencil, glue, napkin.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Hello guys! Today we have guests for the lesson. Let's turn to them, smile, and with good mood Let's start our lesson.

First, let's play the game "Guess who?".

a) Clap your hands when you hear the name of the animal.

Table, cow, board, bucket, ram, cat, bag, hare, horse, window, chalk, dog, wall, door, pig.

b) Work in folders. Determine the names of animals along the contour (pig, horse, cat, dog). Give the names of the colors.

2. Message topic and purpose

Which of these animals guards the house? (dog)

Today in the lesson we will perform just such a dog, using the origami technique.

3. Sample analysis


Basic and additional details.

Connecting parts.

The purpose of the craft.

4. Workplace preparation

What materials and tools are needed to make the work?

Colored paper, glue, napkin, pencil, scissors.

Check if everything is in place.

Among these items is a dangerous tool (scissors).

Rules for working with scissors. (slide)

5. Physical education.

Game "Please"

Before we get started, let's check if you are confusing colors (on-screen task). Pink, scarlet, orange, brown.

I will name the colors of the schematic men, and you, having determined desired color repeat their pose.

6. Practical work

(Step-by-step production of crafts in the presentation).

7. Creative page

Our dog is ready. Now you yourself, in the form of an application, add parts of the muzzle to your work.

8. Bottom line. Evaluation

Look at how good dogs all turned out in different ways. There are also red, fluffy, lop-eared, funny, sad.

Each dog must have its own name.

Come up with a name for your dog.

Ginger, Fluffy, Rex, Ball.

Yes, the most popular nickname dogs is a ball. Probably because dogs are animals - active, funny, love to play very much.

This concludes our lesson, I ask you to clean your jobs and remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Topic: Paper work. Making New Year's crafts "Herringbone".


1. Deepen the knowledge, skills and abilities of students related to the initial methods of paper processing (marking) using a template, cutting paper with scissors;

2. Improve skills in cutting along the contour of paper;

3. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Teacher equipment: sample of the finished product, samples phased production crafts, templates for students, one demo template, lesson card, hole punch, cardstock, scissors, pencil, glue.

Equipment for students: sheet of cardboard or thick paper Green colour, colored paper, pencil, glue, scissors.

Lesson stages

During the classes

I . Class organization.

Hello guys. Today I will give you a technology lesson. Take your seats.

II . Setting the topic of the lesson.

Listen carefully to the poem:

Let New Year and the feast of Christmas

Give a sense of magic!

Let the candle flame warm the house

Let the smell of fresh pine needles be in it!

Let them be near Close friends,

Let the family be happy!

What holidays are mentioned in the poem? (New Year's and Christmas)

Right. New Year is the most favorite holiday for many people. All of us on this day want to believe in a fairy tale. In every house, children and adults are preparing for the coming of the New Year. They decorate the house with colorful garlands, toys, balls. And who knows which one main character Is there a New Year on this holiday in almost every home? (Christmas tree)

How many of you often have a real spruce or pine at home, raise your hands?

And who in the house usually has faux Christmas tree?

Both real Christmas trees and artificial ones are very beautiful when dressed up. What are Christmas trees usually decorated with? (Garlands, balls, toys, rain, tinsel)

The topic of our lesson: Working with paper. Making New Year's crafts "Herringbone".

(The topic of the lesson on the card on the board)

III . Workplace preparation.

1) Safety precautions.

- Today we will make Christmas tree from paper and decorate it. For this we need thick paper or thin green cardboard, scissors, glue, pencil, colored paper. Make sure you have all the necessary equipment on your desk. If something is missing, get it or ask your classmates.

Let's remember the safety rules with scissors. Who wants to remember these rules? (children's answers)

Store scissors in a specific place - in a stand or work box. Putting scissors with closed blades from the worker; when passing, hold them by closed blades. Do not leave scissors with open blades. Monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.

2) Correct location parts and tools.

Place a sheet of thin cardboard or thick green paper in front of you. Place the scissors to your right. Put the pencil on top of the table. colored paper place on the edge of the table.

IV . Planning for upcoming work activities.

Consider a sample.

What shape is our product? (Cone)

What parts does the product consist of? (The base is thick paper, decorations are circles, decorations are garlands and fringes made of colored paper)

Look at the desk. Here is illustrated the algorithm for making our Christmas tree.

What will we do in stage 1? (Mark a semicircle on the back of the cardboard, leaving room for gluing)

What should we do to make a piece of cardboard become a Christmas tree in the shape of a cone? (Cut out a half circle and glue)

What will we do to decorate the Christmas tree? (Cut out decorations from colored paper and stick them on the Christmas tree)

We have defined a plan of action with you. By the end of the lesson, you should all have such beautiful Christmas trees.

V . Practical work.

Let's get to work. I'm giving you templates. Let's remember how to use the template, how to apply it to the sheet? (Gently, you need to press the template against the paper. Use paper sparingly, apply the template close to the edge)

Place the template close to the edge of the cardboard.(Demonstrating pattern overlay)

Hold the template with your left hand, right hand take a pencil and circle the pattern.

Did everyone get it right? Now you need to cut out the template with scissors. Remember the safety rules when working with scissors.

We got a detail - a semicircle with a place for gluing. Bend the piece along the edge of the gluing area.(I demonstrate the bending of the template)

Apply glue to this area.(Demonstrating the application of glue)

Quickly, before the glue dries, connect the edges of the part. Swipe your finger several times, pressing, over the place of gluing.(I demonstrate gluing the part)

We got a Christmas tree, but it has not yet been dressed up. You can decorate it with colored circles, stars, garlands, fringe. Cut out decorations from colored paper and stick them on your Christmas trees. Show your imagination and approach this work creatively.

(I walk through the rows, helping the students. I cut out circles for them from paper with a hole punch)

VI . Analysis and evaluation of work.

An exhibition is being arranged finished products on 1 desk, their quality is jointly discussed (accuracy, accuracy, strength, elements of creativity).

VII. Summary of the lesson.

What materials did we make today? (From paper and cardboard)

What is the name of our craft? ( Christmas tree)

What new did you learn in the lesson, what did you learn?

What knowledge and skills helped you to do your work accurately and beautifully today?

VIII . Workplace cleaning.

Please clean up your jobs.