The use of game stretching in the formation of health-improving work of a preschool educational institution. Physical activity of children for a walk in winter. the influence of play stretching on the physical development of a preschooler. The value of the game s

Experience: " Game stretching»

Game stretching- as a technology for preserving and stimulating children's health preschool age

Physical instructor

culture MKDOU No. 14 of Segezha RK

Mironyak Maria Panteleimonovna

The protection and promotion of children's health is the primary task of educational and educational process... Social and environmental factors have an increasing impact on the health status of children.

As soon as children start to attend Kindergarten- life for them changes. The social and cultural norms they are exposed to can have a powerful impact on their decisions, affecting their physical and mental health.

The health problem of the younger generation of preschoolers is one of the most important in life modern society... How to ensure that the child is healthy, what needs to be done for this, what measures to take?

In solving this issue, teachers must come to a common opinion: involving children in active image life, their participation in outdoor games and sporting events helps them develop positive attitude to a healthy life.

A child in preschool age should feel muscle joy and love movement, this will help him carry the need for movement throughout his life, join sports and healthy way life.

We all know how difficult it is to force both yourself and your child to purposefully engage in physical exercise. And we also know very well that this is necessary, since our children are constantly deficient in movement. Physical education can be turned into an exciting fairy tale game where children become characters.

After all, play is the leading activity of a preschooler.

Currently, there are many new methods of physical education.

The technique caught my attention game stretching.

Why stretching and what is it?

Stretching replaced the traditional jumps and snatches according to the Ling system - exercises that were in to a large extent ineffective, and in some cases harmful to the muscles, as they led to injuries. The etymological root stretch means keeping the muscle stretched for 10 to 30 seconds.

Stretching is the method, with the help of which you can easily and effectively develop the mobility of the muscles of the body, joints, without fear of fractures. In other words, this is a way that allows you to naturally stretch the muscles, it also allows you to select one or another muscle group and train only it.

Stretching possesses psychological effect: improves mood, raises self-esteem, creates a feeling of comfort and tranquility in general. It increases overall physical activity, which has a beneficial effect on joints and prevents bone fragility. Good flexibility allows for greater range of motion exercises and also provides beautiful posture and reduces the likelihood of back pain.

Classes game stretching will help the child develop a sense of rhythm, strengthen muscles, align posture, and relieve complexes.

Methodology lessons stretching are carried out in the form of a plot-role-playing or themed game, which includes 8 - 9 exercises for various groups muscles. Children depict different animals and perform exercises accompanied by selected pieces of music from classical and folk music.

Imitative movements develop motor activity, creative thinking, motor memory, speed of reaction, orientation in movement and space, attention, etc. The effectiveness of imitative movements also lies in the fact that through images you can carry out frequent shift motor activity from various starting positions with a wide variety of types of movements, which gives a good physical load on all muscle groups.

When you start telling a fairy tale game, you can play it out at the same time. The game consists of several fragments, which include exercises for static stretching of muscles, jumping, stimulation of points on the foot, relaxation to restore breathing, and lasts 20 minutes with the elders, and with the kids as much as they want. After classes game stretching children have improved mood, mutual understanding. Having learned the exercises, children independently act out a fairy tale and come up with their own fairy tales with movements, thereby developing creative abilities.

In addition to the general health-improving effect the ability to control their body, a stock of purposeful motor skills allows children to feel strong, self-confident, beautiful, relieves them of various complexes, creates a sense of inner freedom.

Exercises are performed without external influence, since human

the body itself is a trainer.

Self-manipulation of the body in a slow and therefore safe rhythm is most effective.

Target: Maintaining and improving the health of pupils through technologies for maintaining and promoting health, in particular « game stretching» .

Optimize the growth and development of the musculoskeletal locomotor system (formation of correct posture, prevention of flat feet).

Improve physical capabilities: develop muscle strength, mobility in various joints (flexibility, endurance, speed, strength and coordination abilities.

Develop mental functions: attention, memory, imagination, mental ability.

Develop and functionally improve the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous system organism.

Create conditions for positive psycho-emotional state children.

To educate the skill of emotional expression, emancipation and creativity in movements.

To create conditions for the beneficial influence of music on the psychosomatic sphere of the child.

Basic principles of organizing classes

The scientific principle presupposes the construction of classes in accordance with the laws of socialization, mental and physical development of the child.

The principle of regularity - Regularity of classes, increasing the load, increasing the number of exercises, complicating the technique of their implementation.

The principle of gradualness - Teaching exercises from simple to complex, from known to unknown, taking into account the degree of preparedness of children. The principle of individuality - Taking into account the characteristics of the age, state of health of each child.

The principle of visibility - Showing physical exercise, figurative story.

The principle of consciousness and activity implies the formation of a stable interest in the development of new movements in children, an understanding of the benefits of performing an exercise, the need to perform them.

Build structure occupations:

The lessons are divided into 3 parts.

In the first (introductory) part of the lesson, children perform exercises in various types of walking, running, jumping. Musical-rhythmic compositions can be used as ORU. Dance exercises can increase interest in the lesson and emotional mood child.

In the second (basic) parts go to game stretching... Each plot material is divided into 2 lessons. In the first lesson, we acquaint children with new movements (without music, we consolidate the already known ones. In the second lesson, we improve and refine the exercises. All exercises are performed to the appropriate music.

In the third (concluding) part, the task of restoring the body after physical exertion and the transition to other types of activity is solved. Breathing exercises contribute to more quick recovery organism and are of a health-improving nature. It is important to teach the child to breathe through the nose, to correlate inhalation and exhalation with movements. Relaxation exercises should be included in each session so that the child learns to relieve muscle tension after physical activity, relax. This corresponds to the relaxation exercises performed in game form ... It is advisable to use a piece of music that reflects the nature of the actions performed.

In the classroom is used artistic word, music and personal screening. Should remember: NOT INTENSITY, BUT SYSTEMATIC EXERCISES IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS DURING EXERCISES STRETCHING!

But classes stretching should not be carried out to the detriment of the educational program preschool education.

Therefore, I found ways to integrate the elements stretching in regime moments.

The elements stretching are integrated into physical education, into invigorating gymnastics complexes, are used for development physical qualities during a walk, and, of course, are included in physical education classes. Complex subject lessons game stretching can be carried out as sports entertainment.

Usage play stretching when working with children.

Physical education - short-term physical exercises - is carried out during a break between classes, as well as in the process of classes that require intellectual tension (speech development, drawing, mathematics, etc.).

With the help of the inclusion of movements in physical education according to the method play stretching relieves fatigue, the emotional-positive state of the child is restored.

Team work: Unlike classes, it does not have a clear structure, specific program content and is not limited in time. Organized in the morning and evening hours and is carried out in free form. In evening time game stretching how joint activities can be organized as a club Work.

Self motor activity: Knowledge and abilities, motor skills, formed in a child in organized forms of motor activity, are successfully transferred into everyday life, into independent motor activity during the day. Due to the fact that exercise game stretching is carried out in the game form and thus become very interesting and attractive to children, it is quite understandable that preschoolers transfer them into their daily life. These exercises should only be purposefully organized by a teacher who thinks through the forms and types of activity and carries out its correction.

The main educators of the child are the parents. The child's mood and state of physical comfort depend on how the child's day regimen is properly organized, what attention parents pay to the child's health. A child's healthy lifestyle, to which he is taught in an educational institution, can either find daily support at home, and then it can be fixed, or not, and then the information received will be superfluous and burdensome for the child, therefore, the involvement of parents is very important here. (legal representatives) v joint activities throughout the year (a card index of exercises, folders-moving, speaking at birthing meetings, seminars, open classes, joint entertainment)

17-18 slide: Stretching is one of the most important directions in my work.

Classes according to the method I proposed help the child develop a sense of rhythm, strengthen muscles, align posture, and relieve complexes. After classes game stretching children have improved mood, mutual understanding. Having learned the exercises, children independently act out a fairy tale and come up with their own fairy tales with movements, thereby developing their creative abilities.

This technique gives positive results physical and speed-strength qualities.

After classes game stretching the mood of children improves.

Game stretching- it creative activity, in which children live in a world of images, often no less real for them than surrounding reality.

Implementation gaming opportunities for the health and development of the child and is the essence of stretching.

GMO physical education instructors

Play stretching as a health and wellness tool physical health children in preschool conditions

Modern educational programs and requirements for the content and methods of work carried out at the preschool educational institution, aim teachers at the formation of a wide motor culture preschoolers, use in educational activities and in Everyday life a variety of physical exercises, education of preschoolers' interest in motor activity.
To date pedagogical technologies in the area of physical culture represent an idea physical improvement certain aspects of the child's personality and imply the use of a limited circle (based on age characteristics children) means and methods for its improvement and maintenance of physical health at the proper level.
One of the proposed health-improving methods, which mostly attracted my attention in working with children, game stretching technique(according to the classification it refers to the technology of preserving and stimulating health) - based on static stretching of the muscles of the body and the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the arms, legs, spine, allowing to prevent and correct disturbances in the work of the musculoskeletal system.
Since play is the main activity of preschoolers, and it is the purpose of the methodology game stretching.
Stretching exercises are carried out in the form of a story or thematic game, which includes 8 - 9 exercises for various muscle groups. Children depict different animals and perform exercises with music at a calm pace.
The sets of exercises are selected in such a way as to facilitate the solution of health-improving and developmental problems.
Game stretching tasks
- Optimize the growth and development of the musculoskeletal system (formation of correct posture, prevention of flattening of the feet),
- Improve physical ability: develop muscle strength, mobility in various joints (flexibility), endurance, speed and coordination abilities,
- To activate the work of deep muscles, normalizing and strengthening protective functions organism in children,
- To educate the ability of emotional expression and creativity in movements.
In working with children, you can include both individual elements of stretching, and build a holistic physical education lesson. I hold it 2 times a month, starting with the older group.
I take into account following principles constructing a lesson according to this method:
1. Clarity.

  1. Showing physical exercise,
  2. figurative story,
  3. imitation,
  4. imitation of movements known to children.

2. Availability.

  1. Learning exercises from simple to complex, from known to unknown, taking into account the degree of preparedness of the child.

3. Consistency.

  1. Regularity of classes,
  2. increased load,
  3. increasing the amount of exercise
  4. complication of the technique of their implementation.

4. Principle of accounting age development movements.

  1. Provides the degree of development of the basic movements of the child, his motor skills.

5. The principle of consciousness and activity.

  1. It involves the formation of a stable interest in the development of new movements in children,
  2. instilling skills of self-control of actions in the course of classes,
  3. development of consciousness, initiative and creativity.

The structure of the lesson on the method of game stretching

In the introductory part- creating game motivation for emotional and psychological attitude with the help of various types of walking, running, jumping, exercises for the adoption of correct posture and strengthening of the arch of the foot, coordination of movements, orientation in space, development of attention. While walking, it is recommended to diversify the placement of children in space: use a snake movement, zigzag, two columns in different sides, diagonally. In this case, the physiological load will be determined by the distance traveled, the psychological load will increase, which will cause concentration in children.
In the second (main) part let's move on to game stretching. Each plot material is divided into 2 lessons. In 1 training lesson I introduce children to new movements, we consolidate already known ones. In the second lesson- improvement and accuracy of exercises, transfer characteristic features images. As the exercises master, the achievement of certain skills, the quality and speed of their implementation, the child is able to correlate his actions with a certain musical rhythm and then musical accompaniment become necessary. Teaching children basic movements should not be overlooked. Therefore, they should be included in the content of the lessons. I believe that the most effective form the organization of this part of the lesson is circular training, but the forms can be different. It is important to implement right choice exercises for all muscle groups, variably change the types of activity.
Outdoor play - also part of the main part of the lesson. Its selection is carried out depending on the complexity of the previous actions. The game can be more or less active.
In the finalparts the task of restoring the body after physical exertion and the transition to other types of activity is being solved. Breathing exercises contribute to a faster recovery of the body, and are of a health-improving nature. Relaxation exercises are included in each lesson so that the child learns to relieve muscle tension after physical exertion, to relax.
The selection of inventory and materials for the lesson is carried out in accordance with the content of each lesson. To maintain interest, a variety of exercises, you can use poems, riddles, speeches.
Elements of game stretching can be used in other types of physical culture and health improvement work both to relieve tension in the muscles and to increase physical performance.
Morning gymnastics - with elements of play stretching creates an organized, cheerful start to the day
Invigorating gymnastics - the transition from muscle tension to relaxation allow in a short time normalize all body functions, improve mood, raise muscle tone.

Abstract "Game stretching as a way to increase flexibility in preschool children" 2012. “Stretching is flexibility, flexibility is youth, youth is health, activity, good mood, emancipation, self-confidence” The kindergarten is currently facing the urgent question of ways to improve the health promotion of the physical development of children. It is known that only 7-8% of health depends on health care and more than half - on a person's lifestyle. The ability to assess your health and your knowledge about yourself is inextricably linked with this. And self-assessment of health is possible only if children are able to comprehend this concept. Research conducted by V.G. Alyamovsky and N.V. Kedyarkina showed that four- and five-year-old children referring to health criteria not only physical, but also the following signs: emotional - 41% (for example, healthy person always cheerful); mental balance - 19% (for example, the one who is healthy is calm, does not fight, does not swear); intellectual - 4% (for example, who is healthy, he quickly solves all sorts of problems); moral - 5% (a healthy person feels good everywhere). Preschool age in the development of a child is the period when the foundation of health is laid, the foundations for physical improvement and mastering the culture of movements. In his works, the doctor medical sciences, Professor P.A. Shorin notes that among functional deviations the greatest specific gravity are disorders of the musculoskeletal system - defects in posture, flat feet. Therefore, the preschool educational institution is designed to create the necessary conditions for the organization of physical culture and health improvement work. The results of the examination in our preschool educational institution show that the number of weakened children is increasing every year. Analysis previous work, the results of examinations and observations led to the conclusion that it is necessary to model a new type of physical culture. Physical culture lessons are the main organizational form of physical culture and health work. They should become the main means of improving children's health and prevention. various diseases... Currently, there are many new methods of physical education. Our attention was attracted by the method of game stretching, because it helps to strengthen health, increase the functional capabilities of the body, harmonious development musculoskeletal system, the formation of correct posture, as well as the need for physical improvement. What is stretching? - we asked this question. Stretching is good posture; - reduction of traumatism; - body mobility; - healthy body and good spirits; - great mood. WHAT IS GAME STRETCHING? Play stretching is a creative activity in which children live in a world of images, often no less real for them than the surrounding reality. The method of playing stretching is based on static stretching of the muscles of the body and the articular ligamentous apparatus of the arms, legs, spine, which prevent posture disorders and correct it, which have a deep healing effect on the entire body. Exercises are performed without external influence, because human body your own coach. Self-manipulation of the body in a slow and therefore safe rhythm is most effective. In children, complexes associated with the physical imperfection of the body, the inability to control it, disappear. In addition, children acquire a stock of motor skills that allow them to feel strong, beautiful, self-confident, and create a sense of inner freedom. So, to summarize: stretching is stretching, a special posture designed to increase and maintain muscle length; play stretching - specially selected muscle stretching exercises performed with children in a playful way. Stretching exercises are designed to involve the whole body, including the psyche, in order to relax, adjust and restore muscle function. These exercises are available to everyone who is not forbidden by doctors to engage in general physical training. They do not require any sports equipment, large halls, material costs. And the combination of dynamic and static physical exercises most closely matches the nature of the human musculoskeletal system and is, the best method training for the development of strength, endurance, coordination of movements. Static stretching exercises invoke not only an effect on the deep muscles of the body, but also normalize and enhance the protective functions of the body, including blood clotting, white blood cell count, gastric acidity, bowel function, etc. All this is associated with a change in cortical processes in connection with the emergence in the cerebral cortex of the area of ​​the motor analyzer of the focus of excitation, supported, on the one hand, by the formation of volitional impulses, on the other hand, by excitations coming from working muscles The transition from muscle exercises to relaxation allows in a short time normalize all body functions, acquire an active working mood. The form and sequence of exercises are such that if a given muscle group is not sufficiently developed, the exercises simply cannot be performed, i.e. the body itself regulates the level of stress. Mastering stretching exercises develops muscle feeling, the ability to determine tension in your body, and to relax. And autogenic training, isometric gymnastics, and all types of psychoregulation are entirely based on the methods of concentration and muscle relaxation. In children, the complexes of experiences associated with physical imperfection of the body, inability to control it disappear, there is, according to I.P. Pavlov's definition, "muscle joy", the consciousness of which is helped by the elements of rhythm, game and modern dances introduced into the classroom, allowing children to teach the culture of movement , uninhibited possession of one's body, the plasticity of a gesture. In addition to the general health-improving effect, the ability to control your body, the stock of purposeful motor skills allows children to feel strong, self-confident, beautiful, relieves them of various complexes, creates a sense of inner freedom. The system of stretching exercises by the nature of its approach to human health improvement is closer to oriental health-improving methods than to traditional physical education. The stretching system does not deny different kinds sports, but complements them. Play stretching is one of the most important directions in my work. In my work, I show how to turn physical education classes into an exciting fairy tale game where children become characters. This game can be played by an adult with one child or with a group of children. Classes using this technique will help the child to strengthen the muscles, align the posture, and relieve complexes. ... Exercises covering all muscle groups bear names of animals or imitation actions that are close and understandable to children and are performed in the course of a role-playing game based on a scenario based on fabulous stuff... In each lesson, a new fairy tale is given, a game in which children turn into various animals, insects, etc. interesting form complex exercises. After playing stretching lessons, children get better mood and mutual understanding. Having learned the exercises, children independently act out a fairy tale and come up with their own fairy tales with movements, thereby developing their creative abilities. Organization of classes according to the method of playing stretching These exercises can be started with a child of four years old, since at this age visual-figurative thinking, which allows you to perform imitation movements with the greatest efficiency, most accurately and emotionally expressively. Each exercise is repeated 4-6 times (depending on age). Instrumental music with a pronounced rhythm is selected. The lesson consists of several fragments, which include exercises for static stretching of muscles, jumping, relaxation to restore breathing, and lasts 25-30 minutes. The form of organization of the educational process is group. The process of teaching game stretching is divided into 6 stages: - acquaintance with the concept of stretching (meaning for the body, familiarity with the rules of stretching) - personal orientation (assumes the teacher's assistance to the pupil in identifying their capabilities, realizing their interests); - creation of ideas about the exercise (sequence of the exercise, breath setting); - continuity (after studying elementary exercises, the transition to complicating simple exercises and mastering more complex ones); - learning - creativity (application of the studied exercises in playing out the proposed plot, for example, the fairy tale "Teremok", "In the circus") Consciousness - Understanding the benefits of performing the exercise, the need to perform them. This can be achieved by solving the following tasks: - teaching children various types of imitation movements of game stretching. - improve physical capabilities: develop muscle strength, flexibility, endurance; - increase interest in exercise performance; - to educate the ability of emotional expression, emancipation and creativity in motion; - create conditions for a positive psycho-emotional state of children. The structure of the lesson consists of three parts. In the introductory part, the initial organization of the trainees is carried out, their attention is concentrated, and the setting on the emotional and psychological mood is carried out. This is accomplished with special exercises in various types of walking, running, jumping for correct posture, development of attention, dance and rhythmic compositions. In the main part, we go directly to the game stretching. Each story material is divided into two sessions. At the first, acquaintance and consolidation of already known ones. The second is the improvement and accuracy of the exercises. The classes include 6-8 stretching exercises for various muscle groups. All exercises are performed to the appropriate music, but preferably in a lesson to consolidate movements, because when learning new movements, there are many verbal explanations. Teaching children the basic types of movements should not be overlooked. Therefore, they should be included in the content of the lessons. At the end of the second part of the lesson, children are offered an outdoor game .. The selection of p / and is carried out depending on the complexity and interest of the previous actions. The game can be more or less active. In senior and preparatory age it is advisable to organize outdoor games for development mental abilities children. In the final part, the task of restoring the body after physical exertion and the transition to other types of activity is solved. These are breathing exercises, relaxation. When introducing game stretching exercises into physical culture and health-improving work, the following results are expected: - decrease in the number of children with incorrect posture - improvement of body flexibility; - increased interest in physical exercise; To improve the quality of work with children in this area, work is carried out with parents. Modern moms and dads should act not only as spectators, but also be active participants in the physical culture work carried out at the preschool educational institution. For this, developed following forms interaction with parents. As a result of the survey, the following information was revealed: 180 parents of senior and preparatory groups were interviewed Go in for sports - 50% of the respondents There are sports equipment at home - 20% Attend sport sections- 12% Do morning exercises - 15% The regime is set - 46% Observe the regime - 18% Know the hardening methods - 20% Lead hardening - 16% The diagnostic results for the last three years of work in this direction showed the following results: Physical fitness - an increase of 10 % Flexibility indicators - increase by 9% Change in posture - improve by 37% Cold incidence - decrease by 1.5%

Welcome to the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten number 20 "SNEZHOK" of the city district of Togliatti

MBU kindergarten number 20 "Snowball" is a preschool educational institution for pupils aged from two months to the termination of educational relations.

The main purpose of the activities of the Institution - implementation of educational activities on educational programs of preschool education, supervision and care of children.
The main activities of the Institution:

  • realization educational programs preschool education, including those adapted for children with musculoskeletal disorders;
  • babysitting and caring for children;
  • organization of health care for inmates (with the exception of the provision of primary health care, the passage of periodic medical examinations and clinical examination);
  • creation necessary conditions for catering for the inmates and employees of the Institution.

Using play stretching in working with preschool children

The use of play stretching in work with preschool children.

Educator Zvereva Olga Mikhailovna

Modern approaches to the organization of work on the implementation of tasks educational area"Physical culture" provides for the use of various organizational forms of the educational process, one of which is a game.
In the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard into the system of preschool education, play continues to be considered as the main type of activity in educational the preschool education process... Therefore, in preschool paid great attention game technologies in the educational process for the physical development and health improvement of preschool children, as they are aimed at solving the problems of preserving, strengthening the health of children and their physical development.
The priority area of ​​our preschool educational institution is the physical development and preservation and strengthening of the health of preschoolers.
We at preschool educational institution use gaming technology health-improving orientation in the organization of the educational process in physical culture, which are aimed not only at the physical development of children, but also at their health improvement: rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, outdoor games, relaxation, finger gymnastics, self-massage and others. So is the game stretching.
So, to begin with, let's define what stretching is - it is stretching, which involves performing a set of exercises aimed at stretching ligaments, tendons, and most importantly, muscles.
Game stretching is a method of complex physical development and health improvement of preschoolers, a creative activity in which children live in a world of images that are often no less real for them than the surrounding reality. Implementation gaming opportunities in order to improve the health and development of the child and is the essence of stretching. All classes are conducted in the form of a role-playing or thematic game, consisting of interrelated situations, tasks and exercises. The technique of playing stretching is aimed at preventing various deformities of the spine, strengthening its ligamentous apparatus, and forming the correct posture. In addition, the elasticity of muscles, coordination of movements are developed, endurance and diligence are brought up. It is based on static stretching of the muscles of the body and the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the arms, legs, spine, which prevent posture disorders and correct it, which have a deep healing effect on the entire body. Exercises are performed without external influence, because the human body is its own trainer. Self-manipulation of the body in a slow and therefore safe rhythm is most effective. In children, complexes associated with the physical imperfection of the body, the inability to control it, disappear. In addition, children acquire a stock of motor skills that allow them to feel strong, beautiful, self-confident, and create a sense of inner freedom. Images of the fairy-tale world that are close and understandable to children make it easy to perform difficult physical exercises.
It is possible to engage in game stretching with children from 3-4 years old. The main thing in this regard is not the volume of exercises performed in one lesson, but their constancy - this will give better results. Over time, babies become more relaxed in communication, free in their movements, their complexes and anxiety disappear, and most importantly, children begin to get sick less often.
We conduct game stretching classes as an element of physical education.
Each lesson takes place with the performance of a fairy tale accompanied by rhythmic music. The whole game is divided into several fragments, and the structure of such an activity is as follows:
Introductory stage.
A musical warm-up is performed, the task of which is to prepare children's organism to further loads: to more complex and intense exercises of game stretching.
The main stage.
Children get acquainted with new movements, learn to perform them, and also consolidate previously learned ones. It is at this stage that stretching exercises are included, aimed at developing and strengthening the physical data of children. All movements should be intertwined with the plot of the fairy tale, which is specially selected for the topic of the lesson and is gradually told in its process. The sequence of all exercises is distributed in such a way that the child's body receives an even load. At the end of the stage, the children play outdoor game, the purpose of which is the development of motor activity and communication qualities. Each subsequent such training should be involved a new group muscles.
The final stage.
A special game is conducted to restore breathing, for example, finger gymnastics or a game of attention. Here it is important to bring the body of children to a calm state.
More often exercises are carried out on rugs. And to specially selected music. Wildlife sounds or a calm classical melody.
Game stretching - fosters an understanding of the value of physical culture - important condition process physical education preschoolers and the formation of their skills for independent mastery of the values ​​of physical culture, attitude to a healthy lifestyle, the need for physical activity.
Taking care of health is one of the most important tasks of every person. Among all earthly blessings, health is a valuable gift, given to man nature, which cannot be replaced by anything, but people do not care about health as much as necessary. But it is important to understand that caring for the health of our children today is a full-fledged labor potential of our country in the near future. All of us, parents, doctors, teachers, want our children to be healthy, from year to year become stronger, grow up and enter great life people not only knowledgeable, but also healthy. After all, health is an invaluable gift. Be healthy!

Consultation for parents

"The influence of play stretching on the physical development of children»

Game stretching– it is a creative activity in which children live in a world of images, often no less real for them than the surrounding reality. The implementation of play opportunities in order to improve the health and development of the child is the essence of stretching. Moreover, all classes are conducted in the form of a role-playing or thematic game, consisting of interrelated situations, tasks and exercises. The method of playing stretching is based on static stretching of the muscles of the body and the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the arms, legs, spine, which prevent posture disorders and correct it, which have a deep healing effect on the entire body. Exercises are performed without external influence, because the human body is its own trainer. Manipulating the body in a slow and therefore safe rhythm is most effective. In children, complexes associated with the physical imperfection of the body, the inability to control it, disappear. In addition, children acquire a stock of motor skills that allow them to feel strong, beautiful, self-confident, and create a sense of inner freedom. Playing stretching classes with children from 4 years old show consistently high results: children get sick much less, become more open to communication not only with adults, but also with each other. And the images of the fairy-tale world that are close and understandable to children make it easy to perform difficult physical exercises. The exercises are aimed at preventing various deformities of the spine, strengthening its ligamentous apparatus, and forming correct posture. In addition, the elasticity of muscles, coordination of movements are developed, endurance and diligence are brought up.

The system of stretching exercises, by the nature of its approach to human health improvement, is closer to Eastern health-improving methods than to traditional Western physical education based on the cult of movement, external influence on the body, sports as a means of expressing their achievements. Ever since the times ancient greece this system is dominated by the spirit of competition, professionalism, self-affirmation in front of others. A lot of extremes in relation to the culture of the body, the development of its abilities remained with us, from complete neglect of our body to bodybuilding, from various running systems to hobby meditation techniques... The stretching system does not deny the various sports, but complements them.

How to start stretching classes? Start with yourself!

  • Tilt your head, pull your right ear towards your shoulder. Hold in this position for 3 seconds, and then repeat the exercises to the left.
  • Stand next to a chair with your back straight; wrap your left foot around your left hand, gently pull. Hold for 3 seconds. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  • Raise your arms to shoulder level, bend your elbows and turn your palms down. Without turning your pelvis, turn your torso and neck to the left. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Then turn the other way. (Dose 3-4 times).

Not intensity, but regularity of exercise is the key to success when practicing stretching.