The cutest thing in life: when your best friend became your boyfriend. How to go from a girl's friend to her boyfriend

Many guys have a girlfriend like that. They have been together for years, spend a lot of time together, speak different topics... But in reality, you want more: to make her your girlfriend. But this topic is taboo for such a guy-friend. He drives away any thoughts in this vein, because he is afraid to destroy the connection with the girl that has already been established. And there is a reason for that. But there is also a limitation.

So this is an article for a boyfriend who wants to get even closer to a girl. Our goal: to pull down the curtain of fear and uncertainty. Get out of this twofold situation, discard the role of a person who seems to be close, but too accessible. Did you recognize yourself in the description? Accept the following fact: despite all your communication, among other applicants for the role of this girl's boyfriend, you are the farthest from the goal.

The first and most important thing is to get out of the image of a friend. A person who constantly hides his emotions is pinched. Who tensely "holds his face": like, the current communication with a girl-friend is enough for him. This is a false mask that prevents you from manifesting desires and acting. The girl gets used to this mask and becomes more and more attached to you ... only as a friend.

Do not admit your feelings sharply and climb to the girl with kisses. We need to rebrand, in short, change the image. You must become more serious and courageous. To make her feel: you are not just a guy with whom you can talk about anything and laugh until you drop, but a man who attracts girls.

Your behavior should say: you have masculinity, the very core. If you just skateboard, do some sports aiming. Improve and appearance, and well-being. Fit, physically developed man attractive to a girl on subconscious level... Did you go to the movies? Switch to exhibitions and museums. This is you too, but more serious and interesting. Girls are attracted by what they don't know, that other world where a guy can lead them. But in friendly light relationships, guys often do not show this world to a girl. They are shy, and in response to questions they give the girl only that information that, as they think, will not scare her away.

But now everything is different. The girl calls and calls for a beer on the bench. You refuse, but not dryly, but in a carried away voice. Today it is more interesting for you to go to an exhibition, to learn something, and not to waste time.

If before you provided her services, did favors, carefully stop this charity under the right pretext. Let's say you pick up her nephew from kindergarten, but you can't do it anymore. You have a swimming pool and gym... (According to the real plan, you really did go in for sports!). A woman often exploits a man-friend on his own initiative. Because he can't offer anything better. But now you will have an alternative how to make the girl nice. And in order to understand what exactly and how to offer her, she will have to study books on psychology, undergo trainings, hone her skills in communicating with other girls - without this, nowhere.

Make more friends and girlfriends - bright, interesting, such that you can boast of these acquaintances, among other things. So the desired girl will appreciate you more. It is useful to have a couple of truly beautiful girlfriends, even if you are not too attracted to them, but the men around you like them. With them, if it does not work out differently, it is just possible to establish mutually beneficial friendship, according to the principle "you - me, I - you." By calling slight jealousy girl-friend (because of whom all this and started), you will engender in her the same love feeling that he wanted to achieve.

After all this, the girl will be drawn to you like a magnet: it turns out that you are new and interesting. And she thought she knew everything about you! Your image will sparkle with new colors and will fit much better into the scenario of a love relationship.

Once again: there is no need to abruptly cut off past communication, forgetting all joint jokes, gags, hobbies. Avoid extremes. Present yourself smoothly and beautifully in new role, the role of her future boyfriend.

The results will surprise you. The girl will not be able to communicate with you so easily, but she will only be pulled harder. Moreover, the quality of your communication will improve, because now you will open an unfamiliar, interesting and exciting world to her. When you notice a change, don't miss the moment. And for this, assimilate our recommendations on other topics, deepen your knowledge. And do not hesitate to do yours future girl happy.

Perhaps there is no such person who would not like to meet his soul mate. But often in the life of some guys, there is not a very pleasant situation. The guy falls in love with the girl, but she perceives him just as a friend. What to do in such a situation? Retreat? In fact, turning from a friend to a beloved boyfriend is quite possible. To do this, you just need to make some effort and change your behavior.

So, if a guy has been in the friend zone for a long time, and the girl stubbornly does not want to see him potential partner... then the time has come for the transition to action. The simplest and The right way Making a difference is to talk frankly and confess your feelings. It often happens that a girl herself treats a guy more reverently than she tries to show it, and a declaration of love will help to correctly place all the accents.

A frank confession is not only a way to inform a girl about her attitude, but also an opportunity, so to speak, to dump the burden from the soul. After all unrequited love always weighs on a person, and, having opened up, the guy will be able to understand whether he should continue active actions or whether it is better to look for happiness elsewhere (this applies to cases if the girl answers with a categorical “no”).

Of course, thinking about how to become a guy from a friend, not all young people can muster the courage and tell a girl about their true intentions... For such cases, more difficult tactics, which, however, is also capable of bearing fruit. You can, for example, resort to the help of mutual friends who will unobtrusively open the girl's eyes with "random" phrases and indications of those moments that she herself probably does not notice.

But one should take into account the fact that a girl can simply not take all this information too seriously, because many people do not trust the words of third parties, but rely solely on their own vision of the situation. And, as we remember, the girl sees in the guy only a good friend and no one else.

It is important to remember that before asking friends for help, you need to make sure they good attitude both to the guy himself and to the girl. Otherwise, such a request can serve as a catalyst for intrigue that will lead to negative consequences.

You can also resort to more risky methods that can dramatically change the situation both in "plus" and "minus". For example, you can try to make a girl feel jealous (a similar situation was demonstrated in the movie "Best Friend's Wedding"). Often girls, seeing their friends with other "passions", experience a feeling of wounded pride, a sense of ownership awakens in them, which pushes them to more active actions.

But all this is possible only if some rudiments deep feeling the girl still has it. If not even a hint of possible love, then she will simply be glad for her friend and nothing more. And the poor guy will have to puzzle further how to stop being a friend. Another way to make a girl reflect on her relationship is to temporarily disappear from her life.

Thanks to this, she will be able to understand how the guy is really dear to her, and, perhaps, wants to develop a relationship. Everything the above methods are radical, but there is also a gradual gaining the girl's favor. A guy just needs to forget that he is just a friend, and behave the way men behave, striving by all means to achieve his beloved girl.

Romantic gifts, surprises and pleasant pastime - all this can melt even the coldest heart. In general, if the girl really likes young man, then from the first minutes he should think about how not to become a friend to the girl, but try to immediately inform her about his love intentions.

It is interesting that life shows that it is from the former best friends that the most reliable and faithful friends... Couples that have developed as a result of previous friendships are durable and high level mutual understanding in the family.

Thus, from all of the above, we can conclude that it is quite possible to turn from a friend into a beloved guy. There are several ways to help you do this. But if nothing happens at all, then it is worth giving up this venture, because "you can't be cute by force."

You have been friends for a very long time and you know everything about each other. You and yours best friend... And everything seems to suit you, but in recent times Some strange things are happening: it seems that he is not very friendly to you. PEOPLETALK decided to figure out how to tell if a friend wants to be your boyfriend.

Everyone around you thinks that you are a couple

As soon as you appear together at any event or in a new company, people immediately tell you that you are a great couple. And this is not surprising: you are probably constantly talking about something, making fun of each other and involuntarily touching.

He hugs you tight when he meets you

And often you feel that he is worried about this! He may even have palms sweating or twitching. Does your hug usually last long? It looks like you are in trouble.

You touch each other too often

He straightens your hair, runs his hand over your shoulder, comes close to you to say something (often also lowers his voice!), Violating the legal 20 centimeters. Maybe even an ambiguous kiss on the corner of your lips.

He calls you to flirt

He makes fun of you, but at the same time makes compliments. Throws phrases like: "We will get married anyway" or "You are still the most best girl in my life".

He never talks about his passions, but shares the most intimate

He communicates well with your friends.

Even with the most skeptical. He managed to find one wave with yours best friend, which, of course, constantly talks about you. Perhaps he wants them to advise you to be with him?

He often says that he is good with you

It is clear that friends spend a lot of time together, but your pastime hints more at romantic walks. He often calls you to go somewhere together, does not answer calls from friends, and usually such meetings drag on until late at night.

He promptly replies to your messages

The first date went well. You walked for a long time in the park or had a great dinner in a cafe, the girl laughed a lot and told you interesting stories and then you walked her home. And he did not kiss. And if he kissed, then so modestly, on the cheek. You are a gentleman and you are not used to pressing a lady.
And the second date went well. You heard stories that are not told to others, the girl puzzled you with her little problems, which you immediately volunteered to help solve. And she happily agreed.
And the third or fourth date went in the same spirit. Don't you think there is something wrong here?

Right! Gradually, you become a friend, but not a boyfriend or lover. But the difference is enormous. They tell a friend whatever they want, they periodically meet with him and accept from him small, but such pleasant gifts for any girl, but the girl no longer has any sexual associations at the sight of a friend.
You will continue to chat with the girl for hours and solve her problems, but she will not stay overnight with you, and most likely will not even allow you to transfer your relationship into a more or less romantic channel. But with a guy it will do it with pleasure, along the way forgetting about your existence. Girls need male friends to tell them about their problems, and when everything is good, then the need for you is not so great. Your chance has been missed.

And it happened because you were not trying to develop your relationship. Your second meeting ended just like the first. All the following ended similarly. And all because on a certain stage you were afraid to show a little perseverance. The girl refused to put her lips up for a kiss, and you agreed. And then he offered to see each other again. So she felt that she could well keep you close to her, but at the same time give nothing in return. In addition, in such a simple way, the girl tested your perseverance. Since you immediately gave up all attempts to get closer, it means that the lady will make a logical conclusion, she didn't really want to.
Did you touch her on a date? or at least tried? just not by the handle, but by the leg? And since he did not touch and did not even try, but wanted - it means an insecure man.
In short - you did not show yourself as a man, but showed good boy so you are only given “baby sweets”. The solution to the problem is obvious - a combination of your perseverance and tenderness. Naturally, the main thing is not to overdo it with perseverance. Rough physical strength completely excluded. Turn to kinesthetics first. After all, you probably forgot that a girl, crossing the road, can be absolutely legal grounds take the hand. And then, sitting in a cafe, consider the drawing on her nails, and at the same time stroke the delicate hand. Compliment and pat on the knee. Further get closer to more intimate places... Express your desire to smell delicate aroma her perfume. And now your lips are already near the neck, and along the way your hand hugs the girl around the waist.

Of course, at the first meeting, the girl may perceive your persistence relatively negatively. But if she feels that her refusals do not bother you at all, let alone stop you, then she will have no choice but to start playing by your rules. She, too, understands well that otherwise she will simply lose you. So if you manage to achieve your goal once, then it will only get easier. Very soon, the girl will come to terms with the fact that you are the one who makes the rules. And such a man is allowed not only to touch the knee, but everything else.

Very rare, but you may meet representatives fair half of humanity who will react to your persistent attempts to get closer in an extremely negative way.

But do you lose something in this case? Absolutely not. If you show persistence, then the girl will move away from you, and if you do not show it, then you will remain a friend. But in the second case, you will spend a lot of your time and money on the girl, without getting absolutely nothing in return. But at this time, other guys will not listen to girls' stories, but spend time much more interesting.

It turns out that everything is not so difficult. The main thing is to understand that your future status depends solely on you and your behavior, and with God's help and a pickup, you can replace one girl with another. Choose for you!

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