Is love possible on the Internet and at a distance? Love and separation: is it possible to build a relationship at a distance? Examples of life stories

You can find yourself in a long-distance relationship by various reasons... Someone has romance on the Internet, someone finds the love of their life at a resort, and someone suddenly has a job associated with frequent business trips. The psychology of relationships at a distance is fundamentally different from relationships built on close proximity, and not everyone is ready for such love.

Is love at a distance possible? The advice of a psychologist can only help to assess the prospect of such a relationship and recommend some nuances of behavior in them, but everyone finds the answer to this question for himself and for his partner, regardless of the opinion of strangers. The world knows many cases when partners kept loyalty and feelings for each other not just in different cities but also on different continents. Therefore, the possibility of such a union is by no means fantastic.

V modern world long distance relationship acquired new form than 100 or even 50 years ago. No more long time wait for news through mail - instant messengers and mail deliver letters instantly to anywhere in the world where there is access to the Internet. The voice of a loved one can be heard wherever there is a cellular connection, and can be seen through video chats and other visual communication programs. Maintaining communication and the illusion of the presence of a loved one has become easier than ever.

It should be noted that there is fundamental difference between acquiring a partner at a long distance or In the first case, there is a chance to assess the need for such a connection and refuse to start it. In the second, we are talking about how to keep the family, already having experience cohabitation with a person.

Whatever the background of the beginning of a relationship at a distance, the advice of a psychologist will improve the situation, or at least adequately assess the prospects for its development.

The positive aspects of long-distance relationships

Despite the fact that when the words "relationship at a distance" are used by many, the imagination paints a strange and sad picture, such a union has its own romance and its own positive sides... Here are some of the main benefits of having an occasional meeting:

As you can see, from a distance he sees many advantages in an alliance in which partners do not cohabit, but only periodically meet with each other.

Negative moments in a novel at a distance

Be aware of negative aspects love at a distant distance means to be ready to fight for your relationship and to know the "enemy in the face". So what kind of "enemies" can lie in wait for lovers during periods of separation?

  • not everyone is ready to maintain this form of relationship. It happens. Sometimes a person does not need any additional arguments, he simply does not accept this form of relationship, does not know how to exist in it and does not see much sense in such a union. There is nothing you can do about it - you can either put up with it and leave the idea of ​​starting a romance, or fight the distance by physically moving;
  • different charts. Sometimes it is difficult for lovers to find time for meetings due to extraneous matters. First of all, we are talking about the work schedule and the time that must be spent on moving between points "A" and "B". Sometimes the inability to meet can be delayed, causing anxiety and melancholy in both partners;
  • financial spending. This question is relevant for many, especially in our country, where huge amounts of money are spent on moving between cities. In addition to traveling, you will have to fork out for a hotel (if you do not have your own home), and for gifts, and many other side expenses that will allow you to comfortably spend time with your soul mate;
  • jealousy. In separation, it is difficult to control your partner, and in jealous natures, this causes a whole storm of irritation and distrust. What if your loved one didn't get in touch on Skype when they agreed? Who is he with? Isn't he lying? If the issue of trust is not resolved between partners, these issues can become too painful for the relationship to develop normally;
  • lack of body contact. We are all living people. Everyone has a need for sex, with rare exceptions. With the constant frustration of the need for sex life come many problems associated with jealousy, anxiety, and mistrust. The logic of one of the partners is something like this: “If I experience this desire, then he experiences, but he is less restrained than me, and therefore he is sure to cheat on me. " In addition, tactile expression of feelings is important for many: kisses, hugs, joint sleep;
  • illusion. When a loved one is away from us, we see only a part of his personality, which he himself intends to show us through the "window" of virtual communication. When reunited, illusions can shatter to dust. It may turn out that he does not look like this, does not smell like what he has bad habits or he is not fit to lead a common life. Such destruction of the image is perceived painfully.

Considering all these negative factors, the advice of a psychologist will prompt, at a distance.

Each couple builds their relationship individually, and it is impossible to draw up a single set of rules of conduct for all. However, there is some counseling advice for women and men in long-distance relationships. They will make communication brighter and firmly seal the union.

First of all, if this is not an accomplished relationship, but only an emerging "long-distance romance", you should evaluate how acceptable this kind of union is for you. Think about what you need this relationship for? What do you expect from them? Do you have the moral and financial resources to sustain them long enough? Or they will develop like " guest marriage"With rare meetings? Think carefully about all these questions, make a more or less definite decision for yourself and discuss it with your partner. Come to some compromise and consider the future prospects for your further communication.

If you are determined to start a long-distance relationship, enter into a conditional "contract" with your partner. Discuss your mutual status: who are you to each other? Friends? Lovers? Think about the boundaries and rules of cohabitation, if it is planned in the future. Who will live with whom, for how long, who pays for the road: all these little things, if not specified, can lead to conflict.

Discuss We have an unspoken construct for exclusivity romantic relationship that everyone expects from each other. Again, if this is not voiced, your partner may well break it. Discuss which contacts with the opposite sex are appropriate in your relationship and which are not. Maybe you will maintain a romantic relationship with each other, but at the same time not exclude sex with other partners? What do you expect from each other - mutual abstinence and fidelity, or is it the main condition for you to receive mutual emotional support? If both of you are satisfied with the agreed conditions, then this form of relationship can smooth out many irregularities in your communication, make it simple and understandable for both parties.

Don't build up irritation and pretensions. If you are not satisfied with something in your partner's behavior, it is better to choose a calm moment and express in a neutral way exactly what you would like to change. In making claims, rely on own feelings: tell me what kind of discomfort you are experiencing from unwanted habits or actions. Find some compromise that works for both, or discuss how you can work together to fix the problem.

Be prepared for your partner to be real life may not correspond to the folded image about him. We tend to ascribe and think out many things, starting from the bright feeling of being in love. Think about whether you are ready to put up with the imperfections of your beloved, or whether it is better to leave everything as it is and maintain a relationship exclusively in a remote format.

Share your impressions. Discuss events, movies, books. Cook food at the same time. Look for an activity that gives you a sense of community and involvement in each other's lives. Give each other emotional support, listen, and be warm to each other. However, strive to maintain a balance: you should not be on video call 24 hours a day, find time for your own life, communication and hobbies. Do not be overly intrusive and jealous - you will not directly affect the life of your partner, and with your suspicions only destroy the established trust.

Finally, if you experience deep sadness, anxiety, or feel that there is a crisis in your relationship with your partner that you cannot resolve, do not hesitate to contact a psychologist. One of the specialists ready to provide online assistance is

It is said that for love, separation carries the same risk as the wind is for fire; she extinguishes the small one, and only inflates the big one and makes it stronger.

Close contact, mutual sympathy and attraction naturally imply the desire to be together all the time.

Alas, life is an insidious thing, sometimes making trips and more often than necessary offering tests for love. So, is there love at a distance, how long does it live and can you believe it ?!

Reasons for parting

Maybe you were offered a prestigious job in another city, and your soul mate can't instantly get under way and say goodbye to the "old" office?

Or maybe you have a long and very important business trip to another country? A solo cruise at a bargain price?

The reasons may be less rosy. For example, the forced care of a sick relative, the need to go to work. Most often, feelings are checked by separation during the army period.

Methods for keeping love at a distance:

  • Declaration of love in poetic forms by SMS or letters.
  • Constant calls and long conversations in the evenings.
  • The Internet and its possibilities of communication via ICQ or Skype.
  • Ordering gifts in the online store, from where a surprise will be delivered right to the doorstep of a loved one.

What is the main problem?

The main disadvantages at this time are the impossibility of personal communication and the vagueness of one's own marital status... After all, there is a second half, but it is not nearby. There is no one to go to interesting party, visit a trendy restaurant, you even have to fall asleep alone.

Communication mainly occurs through telephone connection, the Internet or good old mail correspondence. But is love possible on the Internet and at a distance? Rare meetings are perceived as a gift from heaven.

The risk of flirting on the side, the appearance of new friends and fans increases. Is it possible to feel love at a distance and remain faithful?

The illusion of loneliness

If your partner is not around for a long time, how can you resist the temptation to attend social events? The answer is simple, no way.

Remember, you are not a loner!

The remoteness of the second half is not a reason to lead a reclusive lifestyle, which is what ladies often sin when they remain in the role of the Decembrist's wife. You are not a loner, but a girl who has made her own free and balanced choice.

Do not put the question bluntly!

If the absence of a loved one next to you is torture and a cross on yourself, then whether there is love at a distance is a matter with you.

Perhaps you simply overestimated the depth of your feelings and the test is too much beyond your strength.

This is not a reproach at all, but a statement of fact.

Alone, you can weigh your position and assess it.

There is a risk of starting to blame the partner for the forced separation. This may indicate a weak feeling.

Are you annoyed with a person or a circumstance? Do you want to change the situation and give up your loner status? Are you burdened by a distant beloved? Alas, there is no smell of love here.

With or without him?

There are no holy people, so bitter feelings visit everyone from time to time. There is a temptation to quarrel, express your dissatisfaction and reproach your partner for something.

But a loved one remains so even at a distance. Even if it is difficult with him, but without him it is worse, which means that reconciliation is inevitable.

The second side of the illusion of loneliness presents the opportunity to begin to idealize the partner and the relationship itself. Past meetings seem like a dream, touching is bliss, and the meeting in the end will turn out to be a cruel disappointment.

On a note!
They say that without parting it is impossible to fully comprehend love, because love tempered, in trials much stronger than the weak and fragile that did not know expectation and sadness, such love crumbles to pieces like a house of cards from the slightest breath of breeze.

Sharp moments

There is even a special list of nuances that change relationships most of all, passing the test of distance:

  • Lack of sex... The lack of an intimate connection, the inability to make love with your partner, which theoretically exists, but is practically absent, is very difficult to endure. This is often the reason for cheating in a relationship.
  • The second difficulty is inability to talk... The outgoing partner changes, acquires new acquaintances and affections.
    It is easier for him to adapt to the world around him, since there are fewer connections with the "past" life. The partner who remains to wait is more worried, since he connects many moments with his beloved and maintains the illusion of an unchanging relationship.
  • The third point is change of priorities and goals, at the same time the character also changes. For example, the situation with the departure of a guy to the army.
    He is constantly busy, finds many acquaintances with similar problems, the communication style is undergoing changes, and the girl cannot get used to it. The hardest part comes just at the end of the separation, when the couple is waiting for a meeting and inevitably thinks about all the surprises that she is preparing.

Believe and feel love

The most correct way to assess the situation is to be inside it.

After all, believing in love has always been fashionable.

Romantic guys are always valued by girls, and romantic girls is a classic of attractiveness.

A person does not live without love, but exists, therefore he reaches for feelings, seeks them and idealizes. Finding himself in a problematic and tragic situation, a person most often changes his point of view and literally descends from heaven to earth.

Stubborn facts

According to statistics, a separation of two years or less is relatively easy to bear, especially now, when video communication, phone sex and joint weekends with flights are available.

But after two years of a long-distance relationship, the calls become less frequent, common themes less and less. Waiting runs the risk of developing into severe depression.

Withdrawal occurs due to the fact that you want to share everyday joys and sorrows with those who are near. Rare meetings you want to make a holiday, and this removes true intimacy from the relationship.

You can continue to believe in love and even feel it, but you will inevitably have to admit the fact that there is less passion and soulfulness in a relationship. Women suffer more acutely, as they need more tenderness and daily care.

To answer the question - is there love at a distance, you need to continue to feel love and you will have to make a lot of mutual efforts. This is the only way to continue the relationship.

So it turns out that love at a distance turns into the work of two people, it must be nurtured and cherished like a baby, so that it grows into a serious, adult and vivid feeling.

How many years does love live?

Oh, how many answers to this question - is it possible to love at a distance psychologists and philosophers gave advice!

But they agree only that they do not give love a lot of time.

Someone says that love lives for three years.

Others note crisis of three and five years life together when the bond of love weakens and the risk of separation increases. Many people remember the famous saying about a pound of salt eaten for two.

According to simple calculations, a couple will be able to eat such a weight in two years, which means that love that has existed for so long will live longer. About true date life feelings at a distance can only be judged by a couple.

  1. The period of "chemistry" is the birth of passion and mutual desire, which is accompanied by increased work of the glands internal secretion and chemical reactions in the body.
    By physiological reasons such a period lasts no more than one and a half years, and after that the body returns to normal. In other words, it is a period of lust, sexuality, and greedy possession.
    Alas, this feeling can hardly be called love. Long term it won't survive.
  2. Real love is a fruit working together, backed by trust, mutual respect and tenderness. Here the feeling of ownership, selfishness and consumer attitude towards a person are left behind.
    By the way, jealousy at this stage most often fades into the background. The term of such love is difficult to name with accuracy, because it depends on the partners themselves, and not on the reactions in their body. So that can be called a period of 2 years or longer.

Online feeling

So, to prolong the life of love, you will have to work on it with the help of available means. Today the Internet connection is very helpful.

  • Write letters to e-mail ... Despite the rapid steps of progress and the computer revolution in the world, we are still pleased to receive letters from a loved one. Moreover, the best paper, written in the native handwriting.
    So you can see where the hand is tired, where the thoughts are confused. But emails receiving is no less pleasant. So write, let there be just a line with a wish good day but it's a nice moment to get in the mood for the day.
  • Exchange sms... Many pleasant or annoying events happen throughout the day. Share them with your loved one, ask his opinion and offer your advice in his affairs. It will bring you closer.
  • Exploit video communication... Now the choice is not limited to the Skype program, so equip your computer, phone and other gadgets with the necessary settings. Nothing invigorates and soothes like a conversation with a loved one and his smile.

Love at a distance is primarily a test that not every couple passes.

Sometimes the abundance does not save the situation. electronic gadgets and the presence of a tight wallet.

But psychologists treat the topic of separation philosophically and do not consider it a tragedy.

Distance teaches us to maintain and care for relationships. You have to work every day, look for time for communication and appreciate the minutes.

On practice

The result of a study by scientists at Cornell University is surprising: they found that couples living in separation consider their relationship to be stronger than 63% of couples who share the same living space.

Feelings are tested in practice!

The decision to leave the beloved at least for a while speaks of the seriousness of plans for a joint future, of the desire to reinforce it. True, psychologists are reminded to determine priorities for themselves before "making sacrifices."

Do you want to return to your previous partner? Isn't he an obstacle for you?

Experts are skeptical about adolescents' assurances of eternal love and they strongly advise not to make loud promises before parting, which is what girls and boys sin in front of the same army. If the feeling is real, then it does not require words, but will be proved by deeds.

You can find Additional information on this topic in the section.

Hi everyone!

In one of the letters I was asked what I think about love at a distance and whether it is possible.

It seems to me that this topic is relevant for many, so I decided to express my thoughts in an article.

So, I think that love at a distance is possible. After all, feelings do not depend on the kilometers between love. Do you love a specific person, not his presence near you.

This is when it comes to feelings. Long-distance relationships are much more difficult. After all, it is very difficult to meet with a person whom you practically do not see. Such relationships develop either very slowly or not at all.

Although, in many respects everything depends on the situation.

1. Virtual relationship on distance... You met on the Internet or by phone, liked each other and now "meet" just as virtually.

Such a relationship only makes sense when you are going to see each other soon. If you are 13 years old and live in different corners country, then, alas, it is unlikely that something will come of it.

In addition to distance, there is also the danger that the person may not be what you expected to see him. It can be either his fault (he showed himself differently than he really is), or yours (she herself invented a “knight on a white horse”).

2. Real relationship on distance... You met and started dating in real life (camp, sea, hometown), but then dispersed to different cities.

It's insanely hard when your loved one is far from you and you see him, in best case, every few months. But this is possible if:

  • you plan to continue your relationship a little later in the same city (someone will move to someone else, or the two of you will start living in a new city).
  • you trust each other. Long distance relationships are impossible without trust.
  • you are trying to develop your relationship (calls, messages, gifts, surprises, etc.).

The main thing in a long-distance relationship is to keep in touch all the time. After all, every day we change, and then a situation may arise when you realize that you have become completely strangers to each other.

I know for sure that love and long-distance relationships are possible if you make an effort for this and believe that everything will work out for you.

Doubt? Then ask my older sister, who met her husband via chat;). The first 2 years they saw each other once every few months, but this did not interfere with their relationship and feelings.

There are fables, stories, legends, anecdotes about relationships, but love at a distance is sad. In any case, there is a minimum percentage happy ends separation.

Is love at a distance possible

Numerous forced situations lead to love at a distance, in connection with which the lovers part for a long time - a month, six months, a year or more.

At first, it seems to them that their feelings can overcome everything, but after several weeks, disagreements begin, associated with distrust and jealousy. Then it becomes topical issue, is there love at a distance, and how to keep it.

Reasons for parting

The reasons for the breakup include:

  • study in another locality;
  • long business trip;
  • forced earnings due to lack of work in the city;
  • the need to care for a sick relative;
  • the army is the most common reason for the separation of lovers.

Whatever the reason, the problems and characteristics of love at a distance lie in the same factors, which are analyzed further.

What is the main problem

In the question, what is the name of love at a distance, only boredom, sadness and an extraordinary feeling of loneliness are remembered.

As a rule, separation leads to the following problems in the relationship between lovers:

Lack of meetings and dates Absence tactile contact leads to the fact that the feelings of the beloved begin to weaken. Psychologists say that supporting love without touching hands, hugs and kisses is impossible.
Lack of sexual relations Due to the increased libido, it becomes difficult for a man or woman to restrain impulses, so they easily react to signs of attention of the opposite sex during the period when the beloved is not around. V a certain situation this easily leads to betrayal, and in the future, to a full-fledged separation. It is even worse when a partner who cheated with another begins to hide the perfect sexual contact... Situations of this kind provoke serious scandals between lovers.
Chatting with new people Only one of the couple makes new acquaintances, while the second (stayed at home) spends most of the time within the walls of his home due to the lack of desire to communicate with old friends. Simply put, he is bored, he is not in the mood. At the same time, new acquaintances of a lover or beloved can end with a date and even a romantic relationship.
Change of priorities New acquaintances of a partner or his absence in Everyday life can lead to a change of interests, life values... As a result, when they meet, lovers simply do not recognize each other and do not perceive new beliefs.

These are only the main problems that lovers have to face at a distance. Separated love is a whole test for those who cannot perceive a new relationship on the phone, skype and so on. virtual communication.

The illusion of loneliness

A couple in love who stays at home and still lives old life and communicates with old friends, there is a feeling of loneliness.

Psychologists say that this is possible only in the absence of real loving feelings to each other, but there may be some misunderstanding or insufficient serious relationship between lovers.

Really loving person often calmly perceives prolonged separation and, in the absence of a partner, does not feel lonely due to the persuasion of the continuation of the relationship.

It is worth considering if there is love in a relationship if separation leads to a similar feeling. If the torture is to be without a partner, then you overestimate your feelings and, perhaps, mistakenly regarded them as an unforgettable and strong love.

You should think about parting in principle if you feel resentment towards your partner for leaving you for a long time. No arguments about the forced departure will convince you.

As a result, feelings at a distance begin to weigh down - in this case, you should not waste time waiting for your partner, it is better to immediately resolve all issues and leave.

How to maintain a relationship

There are a few useful tips on how to maintain a relationship:

  1. It is important to determine the timing of separation - if the partner constantly postpones the visit due to any circumstances, the party waiting at home will begin to resent and make scandals. The same illusion of loneliness will appear.
  2. It is necessary to fully communicate on a daily basis - these can be calls by phone or Skype. The partner needs to talk about all the cases and events that happened during the day - this applies to both parties.
  3. It is important to have a short communication in reality - it can be weekends or holidays, which are often chosen for communication by working citizens.
  4. From a distance, you can invite each other out on a date - through modern information technologies can be carried out romantic dinners by candlelight or going to the cinema "together" (at the same time and for the same film). Today provided a great opportunity almost free video communication using numerous mobile programs... If this does not interfere, then the entire session can be in touch and even a little quietly share your impressions.
  5. Relationships cannot go without intimacy- it is infidelity that becomes the main reason for the separation of the couple. To minimize the risks, it is recommended to keep flirting at a distance.

Intimate photos and messages will warm up the relationship, partners will have a desire for closeness with each other.

Those liberated in this topic can take advantage of virtual proximity. Lack of communication is the reason for all long-term separations.

On Skype, for example, you can not only arrange a date by candlelight and wine (here it is important that everyone has an appropriate atmosphere on their territory), but also have breakfast, lunch and dinner, if the daily schedule and time zones allow it.

Does love exist at a distance of 10,000 km

According to the assurances of psychologists and the couples themselves who have passed the distance test, they assure that the number of kilometers between lovers does not matter. Yes, with such a distance from home, the opportunity to see is practically equal to zero.

But with the use of the Internet and other means of communication, you can maintain a relationship due to the absence of doubts in feelings.

Psychologists say that separation and long-distance relationships are a real test of feelings, which not all couples go through.

This is due to the big misconception about love, which happens more than once. Such couples, as a rule, understand about the mistake after the registration of marriage and even the birth of children.

Therefore, psychologists consider parting for a while as an excellent test of the relationship before such a serious process as marriage.

But the above methods and possibilities of maintaining relationships at a distance in practice, according to psychologists, do not work.

If the couple previously had problems with distrust, lack of due attention to each other, then the distance will only aggravate the situation. And even constant communication in social networks, mobile or video calls will not save the day.

The verdict of psychologists is simple - if there is no love between the "beloved", and there is passion or already a habit, separation will act as a direct reason for parting in the future.

This is correct - it is better now to understand that you do not love a person (or that he does not love or appreciate you) than to reproach yourself in the future for such a rash step as getting married.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that love at a distance is possible. But at the same time, she should be sincere and caring - if the beloved will be sensitive to their feelings, they will not be afraid of any separation or captivating seduction of the opposite sex.

The desire to see or hear a native voice will lead to constant communication. This means that the relationship will continue at the same level, albeit at a distance.

As you know, feelings are tested in separation, so love at a distance can be compared to an attempt by the wind to extinguish a flame: a small spark will quickly go out, and the fire will flare up more. With the advent of the Internet, the ability to stay in touch with a loved one is available 24 hours a day, but is virtual communication really able to replace the presence of a loved one? Is love at a distance possible or is it just a myth? How to build relationships, being far from your chosen one?

The joys and sorrows of a long-distance relationship

The lack of a loved one in those moments when he is especially needed is difficult to survive. Often you yourself have to go to a meeting with friends, to the cinema, for a walk, to a restaurant. Even falling asleep alone is not easy, knowing that somewhere far away there is a "soul mate" with the same feelings. Do not overlook the intimate side of the relationship. Sweet words spoken over the phone or even gentle and passionate glances via video chats are no substitute for real touching and making love.

There is a risk that one of the partners or both will like the seeming freedom so much that when meeting and trying to live together, it will not be easy to take into account interests, get along, try to build general plans... By solving problems on your own and getting used to it, it will be difficult to learn how to do it together.

Possibility is not excluded easy flirting, rupture of relations, betrayal. Especially men find it difficult to remain faithful at a distance, and new acquaintances can complicate an already difficult situation.

Nevertheless, love at a distance can give a lot of positive moments. For example, when meeting, such a couple knows how to appreciate the precious time spent with each other, rejoices even in small pleasant moments, arranges memorable dates. Many couples who met after long separation, celebrate the diversity in sexual life and a special attraction.

During separation, you can find a new hobby, hobby, master some skill, learn new language... The opportunities for self-improvement are endless and can take a lot of time. And when they meet, the loved one will rediscover their partner and notice the goals they have achieved.

If you pay close attention to your chosen one, you can open different facets of his personality in him. For example, someone may become more romantic, someone may learn to overcome difficulties, or open up in some field of activity.

Love at a distance is possible!

True love will see exactly positive points, and the distance will be considered only a temporary test for the sake of a happy joint future. This attitude is characteristic of strong individuals who know exactly what they want from life and are trying with all their might to achieve this. For those who doubt whether love at a distance is possible, it is suggested to think about the fact that even people nearby are not always able to maintain feelings. A break in relations can occur in any couple, regardless of whether they live in the same house or in different parts of the world.

Love at a distance is possible and can last a lifetime, provided that it really is real love rather than passion or affection, and the two do their best to be together. Such love will be more appreciated, because each of the partners will constantly remember how much they had to overcome for the sake of the reward. Difficulties are inevitable, but they can be successfully resolved if there is a desire to maintain love.

The most important thing in any pair is good communication... Therefore, you need to find time for daily correspondence, calls, video chats. You can develop your own own rituals and habits. For example, some couples call each other before going to bed to find out how the day went and say good night.

When making important decisions, you need to consult with your loved one, take into account his point of view. It would be a mistake to think that since a person is far away, then you can not "burden" him with your problems. Of course, there is no need to discuss any little thing, but you should not keep silent about the serious moments of life.

Trust is another important factor influencing the development of relationships. If in ordinary couples a lot depends on this feeling, then in those who are far from each other - almost everything. Without trust, there is no point in being in a long-distance relationship. It is imperative to assure your partner of love, to talk about the day spent, but at the same time, you should not be too jealous or ask any details, suspecting of flirting or interest in someone outside.

Plans and conversations about a joint future will serve good incentive in separation. Perhaps such conversations will help make some kind of decision that allows the couple to be together, and not be limited to love at a distance. If, for now, it is not possible to be together, common plans will serve as a reminder of the seriousness of the relationship and their inviolability.

Summing up, we can say that love at a distance is possible if two lovers make efforts, feel unity, participate in each other's life in every possible way and know that sooner or later they will be able to change the situation and be together.