Yin yang feminine. Masculine and feminine: a symbol. What does the Yin-Yang sign mean?

Yang is white. Masculinity. Day, fire. Dry, hot, active, extroverted. Emphasis on the outside. Yin is black. feminine beginning. Night, water. Cold, wet, passive, introverted. Emphasis on the inside.

Yang is, first of all, the active, bestowing, transforming, masculine principle of the world. Yin is the passive, perceiving, preserving, feminine principle of the world.

The sun is a Yang luminary, since it shines with its own light, gives warmth, and the Moon is a Yin luminary, since it shines with reflected light and does not give heat.

A man is the personification of Yang, as he is the breadwinner and builder of the house, giving rise to a new life. His energy is fiery, advancing. He gives patronage and protection to a woman. A woman is the personification of Yin, as she is the guardian of the house, carrying and protecting the child. Her energy is cool, soothing. She gives love and does not allow a man to burn out from the energy of fire.

Yang and Yin naturally complement each other, although in a sense they are opposed to each other. The important thing here is that without Yang, the existence of Yin is impossible, and without Yin, the existence of Yang is impossible. Only their interaction gives a full, versatile and self-reproducing life.

February 23 we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. From history: this Day is dedicated to the volunteers who joined the Red Army in 1917 and defended the Motherland from external enemies. It is clear that the vast majority of these volunteers were men.

And we rightfully recognize this day as the Holiday of Men, who still have a responsible mission - to give protection - both to their homeland and to their families..

We sincerely congratulate all men on the holiday! We wish each of you that your woman feels under the auspices of the present, strong man who ensures the well-being of the whole family, felt cared for, believed only in you, and was ready to give you her feminine energy to achieve your goals!

On March 8 we celebrate Women's Day. And its history began back in 1857 in New York, when women decided to fight for equality with men. Therefore, March 8 is the International Day for the Fight for the Rights of Working Women. And the women got their way.

However, having gained independence and switched to work, they often forget to use the most important right given to them from above - the right to be a Woman.

IN modern world man and woman do not complement each other, but replace each other, which is contrary to the natural laws of the universe. Is it any wonder that most women only on this day are presented with flowers and pleasant surprises by men?

Man and Woman have completely different nature. Accordingly, they have different roles in this world. And only the fulfillment of each of their roles creates harmony. I would like March 8 to become not a holiday of victory in the struggle for rights, but a holiday of real Women!

Dear women! We congratulate you! And let this Day be magical and fabulous - when your man is ready to give you all of himself not for your independence, but for your beauty, love, faith, energy, joy, warmth, comfort, respect, patience, loyalty, happiness and inspiration!

Yin and Yang - feminine and masculine

yin and yang between man and woman

Yin and Yang how the defining moments for achieving harmony and understanding between a man and a woman have been known for a long time, but no one dared to unite them into a separate theory. Today we intend to do this on the pages of our.

YIN- feminine. Everything corresponds to it: wet and passive, negative, cold and dark, cloudy and hidden, receptive and changeable. In no case do these correspondences mean anything bad, on the contrary, rather, this is all that attracts the male sex.

A woman who by nature, upbringing and genetically filled with Yin energy- very charming and sexy, feminine and VERY in demand. They are immediately noticeable - by voice, gestures and antics.

- masculine.
Everything corresponds to it: positive (due to which attraction is formed, it's like "+" and "-"), light and dry, active and warm, brilliant, creative and constant (this creates attraction for girls).

The given correspondences in no way say that all men are bright and positive, but all because in a man, in addition to Yang, Yin is also present along with its components (given above). That's why all men are different.: more "Yin" beginning - then from a man it can "smell" of a woman and, conversely, when a man's Yin is weakly expressed, he is more rude and brutal, with bright male qualities and lush hairiness.

Yin and Yang in the human body represent and express the constant struggle of opposites. There is an assumption that initially a person is born in an approximate balance of two opposite principles and further education can radically correct the content of a growing child.
For example: a boy was born without a father or in a family with a soft father - then his predominance of the "Yang" beginning is almost unrealistic (another outcome is possible only if the boy begins to make friends with rougher boys - even an overflow of the Yang component can occur - you probably already imagined own result).

A guy who has an abundance of the beginning - Yang, will undoubtedly choose a female with the same pronounced expression
opposite Yin. She is as feminine and sexy as possible, he is as masculine and brutal as possible - this is practically perfect option worth striving for.

Thus we come to the fact that a woman who is maximally filled with the "Yin" component - represents the greatest value for men, and the value must be protected and every man understands this or will understand (in this case meaning a normal male).

Manifestation of Yang qualities in a woman

- voice is rougher(work on changing the tone of your voice to be more feminine). The rough voice of a girl is perceived by a man as something with excessive content. yang component, or maybe she wants to compete with him and be more dominant than him, so he will perceive her as a rival and will be more rude to her, almost always. Remember that a girl's strength is in her weakness!

- black mustache and excessive hairiness(work on it with any discoloration, or all the more so since now there are already such services as - hair removal of the antennae, it is not so cheap, but when you see a beauty with a dark mustache - it becomes just a pity! and for a girl - these ridiculous looks of others are even worse)
By the way, there is a relationship between the mustache and a rough voice: the owners of one

- other external manifestations"yang"-component: squatting, sitting in transport with legs spread apart (maybe you have noticed other manifestations - please write in the comments).

Conclusion and wishes to you dear ladies: more for you yin energy and have often a vivid expression of it in life! The components of Yin (at the very beginning) are not in vain - they provoke, beckon and always leave the male part of the population in suspense. Apply what you've learned modern theory Yin and Yang in real life and be observant - everything is exactly like that. Good luck in your personal life!

In our world, absolutely everything consists of energy - people, animals, even inanimate objects have a small spark of divine light in them. At the same time, our reality is a balance of good and evil, light and darkness, right and left, feminine and masculine. Masculine and feminine - or Yin and Yang in Feng Shui philosophy are also opposite energies, which, however, are present in each of us.

Every person, despite his gender, there are both types of energies - male (Yang) and female (Yin). But in order for a person to feel harmonious and whole, it is necessary to have a predominance of female energy in the fair sex, and male energy in men.

Otherwise, you will have to face various disorders - mental, energy and physical, which, however, we can often observe today.

In astrology, the ruling planet of the feminine is the Moon, and the masculine is the Sun.

By analogy, the feminine is associated with everything unmanifested - darkness, twilight, abyss, mystery, mystery, mysticism, deep feelings and unconscious sensations. A woman has access to the depths of the subconscious, she has stronger connection with the higher "I", so often the fair sex has a well-developed intuition.

The masculine principle, on the contrary, personifies all the manifested events, is the power of the mind and logic.

The femininity is equal to the principle of flexibility, personifies fluidity, due to which softness, tenderness are characteristic of girls harmoniously filled with female energy, they have a higher ability to forgive and accept. The feminine energy is a passive action that takes place more on the inside than on the outside.

The masculine essence is activity, energetic action, strength, fighting spirit, thanks to masculine energy it becomes possible to realize ideas. Also, the masculine principle is associated with common sense and logical thinking.

If speak about physical body, then the center of male energy is located in the left hemisphere of the brain. And the female hemisphere is the right one, which provides emotional and sensual manifestations, bestowing creative power.

The next lecture will tell you more about the masculine and feminine principles.

Symbols of the sacred feminine

From everything described above, such symbolic images of female energy as the Mirror and the Shadow follow.

Like a mirror, the fair sex reflects everything that happens in our world. And the shadow is also a reflection, but of what is hidden in the depths of our soul - the unconscious.

Therefore, it is much easier for a woman to intuitively feel her man in the process of interacting with him. She can know many things that are invisible to the naked eye.

And the more a girl or woman is filled with Yin energy, the higher her ability to reflect and perceive, accept, because the essence of female energy is consumption. A woman naturally receives energy from the surrounding space, and a man, on the contrary, gives it away.

What are the differences between masculine and feminine energies?

The masculine principle is characterized by the presence of such characteristics:

  • the ability to be active;
  • make choices and make decisions;
  • the ability to achieve goals;
  • the ability to manage others;
  • planning;
  • composure;
  • a man protects his woman so that she feels completely safe;
  • he is reliable, you can rely on him in a difficult situation.

Gentle female energy helps the fairer sex:

  • be more passive than a man;
  • be in a peaceful state;
  • opens the ability for creative pursuits;
  • focus on what is happening;
  • have strong faith;
  • show kindness;
  • take care of your family, man.

Feminine and masculine sign is traditional symbol Yin and Yang, which came to us from the philosophy of Feng Shui.

How should the interaction between a man and a woman take place?

To our great regret, today our society does not provide for proper sexual education, in which female and male energies could be revealed to the maximum.

This is especially true for girls - no one tells them how strong the female energy is, but, on the contrary, they begin to educate them on a par with boys. But we must not neglect the fact that Higher power No wonder they came up with a harmonious division of people into two sexes. Each gender performs its own functional duties, plus in the body of men and women, the movement of female and male energy is different.

Each person has seven main energy centers (otherwise called chakras in the east or charms among the Slavs). Male and female energy in them circulates differently.

We invite you to figure out what is the difference between the male and female principles according to energy centers:

  1. – 1 energy center in a row, controlling vital energy, its quantity and providing the ability to survive. In men, with a harmonious filling of Yang energy, this chakra works very actively, and in women it is passive. Therefore, a man must give energy, and a woman must receive it. If we translate this description into real life, then it turns out that the main task of a man is to protect a woman and offspring. BUT main duty women - to be able to accept this energy and trust their man.
  2. – 2 power centers. It is a sexual chakra, provides reproduction, pleasure and lust. Here, the movement of energy is already different - so for the fair sex, Svadhisthana works more actively than for men. Thanks to this, a woman fills a man with sexual energy, lust, and a man accepts it. It is for this reason that since ancient times such "female professions" as a concubine and a priestess of love have been popular. In a harmonious state, a man enjoys the energy of Svadhisthana, and a woman gives him this pleasure.
  3. – 3 energy center, ensures financial success, is responsible for communication with achievements. More active in men and passive in women. A man fills a woman with the energy of 3 chakras.
  4. - 4th energy center - responsible for the manifestation of love and the sensual sphere, intuitive abilities, secret knowledge. This is the female chakra, the representative of the weaker sex fills her man with it.
  5. - 5 energy center, provides harmonious self-expression, the ability to work with the flow of information. He is more active in men, because it is more important for them than for women to express themselves and realize themselves in the surrounding reality.
  6. - 6 energy center, provides the ability to clairvoyance, works more actively with the fair sex. This means that the wife should act as an adviser to her husband, she provides him with secret information about what is not visible to the naked eye.
  7. - 7 energy center. It functions with the same activity in both sexes, ensures our relationship with Higher worlds. If we talk about this chakra, then it does not matter who we are - a man or a woman, we, first of all, act as a divine Soul, and the Soul is asexual. Gender differences play important role on Earth, they allow us to fulfill our karmic tasks, because of which we were born in this or that body. And thanks to our gender, we have the opportunity to fulfill our tasks, we realize our Purpose.

Violations of the feminine energy

Considering joint activities all energy centers, we can divide the female energy into two varieties:

  1. Sexyrepresented by the energy of the lower chakras. It allows you to multiply, is able to kindle a violent passion in a man. It is the presence of this energy in women that makes men lose their mind and calmness.

If a woman is filled with sexual energy, then the following happens:

  • men seek to get sexual relations from her;
  • it is difficult for a woman to be friends with other women, as they consider her their rival, capable of taking away someone else's husband;
  • a man cannot relax next to such a representative of the fair sex;
  • there is a lack of respect in family and relationships, and huge role only play sexual relations, passion.

Sexual energy is developed through intimate gymnastics, as well as flirting and seduction. Many girls who do not have a boyfriend actively develop their sexuality. But in the end, this leads to the fact that there are many sexual partners, and the husband was not, and is not.

  1. The feminine energy of the higher chakras. Represents purity, friendly relations, love and tenderness.

In the presence of a large number given energy:

  • a man wants to provide a woman with care, comfort, he seeks to take responsibility for her;
  • female energy contributes to the creation of serious relationships;
  • a man next to such a woman can calm down, relax and restore his strength.

This, of course, does not mean at all that we do not need sexual energy but it needs to be dosed. If sexual energy is blocked, various female pathologies, a woman cannot conceive a child and bear it. But you should not get too carried away with it - it is important to achieve a harmonious interaction of sexual energy and real female power.

It is important for representatives of both sexes to work on the amount of their feminine or masculine energy. It is important to learn to develop and maintain your gender energy. This will help to maximize the characteristics of your beginning, to fill necessary qualities and interact harmoniously with members of the opposite sex.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Date: 2014-03-27

Hello site readers.

In this article, I want to touch interesting topic: or Yin and Yang. Both spellings are correct. But mostly Yin and Yang are written. In this article I will tell you what Yin and Yang are, what these signs mean, what is the relationship between them, as well as when and where these concepts came from (origin history).

Yin Yang

We all saw that famous logo that represents Yin and Yang, but not all of us immediately understood what it meant. Looking at the logo, we see a circle where the first half is white fish and the second half is black fish. Together, these two halves form one whole.

There is one in the universe important lawlaw of balance. This is just Yin and Yang. If the balance is disturbed, then external forces come in and normalize it. And this is not always done in a positive way. It is believed that cataclysms arise due to a violation of the universal balance.

Having rummaged in Wikipedia, I found out that this symbolism was borrowed by Taoists from Buddhists in the 1st-3rd centuries. They were attracted by Buddhist symbolism and then arose in Taoism "mandala": famous black and white "fish"

Yin-Yang are two complete opposites that complement each other. There is such an interpretation that Yang is the sky, being a pure substance, and Yin is the earth, being a muddy substance. Heaven is Yang and earth is Yin. Peace is Yin and movement is Yang. Yang gives birth and Yin grows.

Concept Yin Yang is the paramount model of all living things, and it opens two propositions interpreting the origin of the Tao. The first is that everything changes immediately and the second is that the opposites complement each other (white without black does not exist just like black without white). Balance and harmony of opposites is needed.

When Yin and Yang interact, five basic elements are created: water, fire, earth, wood, metal - five phases of transformation or five energies that determine the course natural phenomena. Such a manifestation shows us a cyclical process, an endless birth and death, since everything, having reached highest point, transforms into its opposite.

Oriental medicines such as Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan are mainly based on the restoration of balance (Yin-Yang) human body. That is, if the balance (Yin and Yang) is disturbed, it can be restored with the help of meditation, diets, qigong, taiji, shiatsu, or a combination of these techniques. Oriental medicine seeks to treat not external symptoms diseases, and their sources, which are in violation of the internal balance.

yin and yang man and woman

Of course, we humans are also divided into Yin and Yang, where Yang is the masculine principle, the destructive force, and Yin is the feminine principle, the creative force. The characteristics of Yin-Yang are clearly demonstrated in the picture below.

The original meaning of Yin: The northern side of the slope, that is, not sanctified by the sun. As for Yang - the southern side of the slope, that is, illuminated by the sun. Ying-Yang have their own symbols. For Yin: moon, night, water, turtle, black, north, lead, even numbers. For Yang: sun, day, fire, dragon, red, south, mercury, odd numbers. Now take a look at the harmonious exchange in the picture below:

It is very important to understand the law of energy exchange. Many people live by the principle of receiving without giving anything in return. In this situation, the balance is disturbed, as a result of which, even if a person received something for free, he will still pay for it sooner or later.

People are divided into two categories: consumers and creators. It is clear that the first category dominates the second. And you have probably heard many times that in order to get something, you first need to give something. This is the law of conservation of energy, which says that freebies do not exist.

Everything in the world is in harmony, balance: good does not exist without evil is equivalent, as well as dark forces without the powers of heaven. However, Yin-Yang are two opposite energies, which means that they also complement each other. These two concepts came to us from the ancient teachings of Taoist philosophy and to this day are one of the most important teachings in Feng Shui.

What does the Yin-Yang sign mean?

The meaning of this symbol is not so easy to understand. Let's start in order: so, Yin symbolizes nothing more than the feminine, while Yang is masculine. If we talk about Yin-Yang as a single whole, a symbol of unity, then we get Tao. The latter, in turn, is an energy that contributes to any creative process. In other words, Tao, according to the ancient Chinese treatise I-Ching, is a mysterious force, and in some teachings, the mother of the cosmos, which controls absolutely everything on this planet: both living and non-living processes. It is worth mentioning that the Yin-Yang symbol was discovered back in the 7th century BC, which means that Chinese philosophers were among the first who sought to know the nature of the universe.

Yin-Yang, man and woman - what does this mean?

As in all living things on earth, these two energies coexist in man. Regardless of gender, be it a girl or a guy, each of us has a male (Yang) and a female (Yin) beginning. At the same time, the representatives of the fair sex, more precisely, the majority of them, are dominated by Yin, the main properties of which are preserving, passive, perceiving. It is important to note that a woman is the personification of Yin, because she is destined by fate to be the keeper of the hearth, a person who gives life, brings up children. Yang is a man, a provider. These two energies do not just interact with each other, but they are destined to harmonize, creating a full-fledged, versatile, creative life.

It was mentioned earlier that two Yin-Yang energies coexist in every personality. In addition, in order to always be in good shape, in harmony with his inner "I", a person needs to work on the balance of these two opposites. So, in a woman should not prevail masculine qualities(although in the age of feminism it's hard to believe) just like in a man - women's. In addition, excessive passivity can harm, like an excess of activity.

No less important is the fact that the predominance of male and female principles affects the well-being, the state of the organs. So, any negative changes in the human body are in the nature of Yin-changes. This also applies to the fact that if any organ is suppressed, it does not function enough. Yang energy is responsible for the hyperactivity of the body. Ancient Chinese medicine believes that the root of acute diseases is the influence of Yang energy, and chronic ones - Yin.

What does the Yin-Yang amulet mean?

Yin-Yang in the form of a tattoo or a symbol-amulet on a pendant means energy supply that protects a person from everything bad, evil. Perhaps this is one of the most ancient and strong talismans. Here, however, there small nuance: the amulet should be as if tuned to the one who wears it. In other words, it is important for a person with a Yin-Yang tattoo to be aware of the existence of two opposite energies, in their powerful impact on life, the future fate of the individual. The most interesting thing is that the more harmonious, the more balanced Yin-Yang is, the more successful this person is. The interaction of energies will last as long as they are in unity, are a single whole, mutually passing into each other and have an inseparable connection.

Woman and man sign

Since ancient times, people have tried to convey the essence of a man and a woman with various drawings. Images expressed both existing differences and unity. The most famous signs of the masculine and feminine principles are Yin and Yang, as well as the symbol of Mars and Venus. Each of them has its own history of occurrence and a certain meaning.

Female and male signs

The first symbols of Mars and Venus appeared in the days of Greek and Roman mythology. The signs known to many were taken from astrology, and they became so common thanks to the botanist Carl Linnaeus. He used them to distinguish between the sexes of plants. It was from this time that these symbols began to be called gender, that is, gender-determining.

Venus female sign depicted as a circle with a cross pointing down. It is also called the "mirror of Venus", according to assumptions, the name appeared due to the external similarity. This sign symbolizes femininity, beauty and love.

Mars male sign depicted as a circle with an arrow pointing up. It is important that the hand, when viewed on the hour dial, looks at two hours and means the power of the god of war. This symbol is also called the "shield and spear of Mars", given its appearance. The combination of the male and female sign has several meanings. The union of Venus and Mars embodies heterosexuality, that is, love between members of different sexes. Different combinations can be used to denote bisexuality, there is no definite meaning, and to this day. Transsexuals have their own symbol - the sign of the feminine and masculine principles overlap each other, that is, the ring has both a spear and a cross. The combination of two male and two female signs separately does not have a clear definition and can mean both love and friendship.

Signs of a woman and a man - "Yin-Yang

The philosophy of ancient China indicates that in the world around us all the time there is an interaction of the feminine and masculine principles. "Yin" is a female symbol and it contains such concepts as humility and passivity. The opposite is male symbol"Yang", which personifies positivity and development. In Chinese philosophy, it is indicated that any object located in the Universe can be described using the energy of the feminine and masculine. The laws of "Yin-Yang" are subject to all living beings on earth, as well as planets, stars and signs of the zodiac. Each of the existing zodiacs has its own polarity. Zodiac starts with male sign, and then alternation takes place.

Most men and women fully justify the theory of "Yin-Yang". For example, the representatives of the stronger sex love to demonstrate their superiority, but the fair sex is endowed with excellent intuition and softness. As with every theory, there are exceptions. In the modern world, it is quite common to meet women who have male character, all this is connected with the individual characteristics of the human psyche. It is impossible to change this, no matter how much many would like, since these traits are innate. The perfect couple a union is considered in which a man with a pronounced "Yang" and a woman with "Yin" are connected. In such a pair, the man will be the leader and earner, and his companion will be the keeper of the hearth. Interestingly, there are unions in which everything happens, on the contrary, and such couples are also strong and occur quite often. If there are people in a relationship who have the same beginning, then the union will be quite difficult and, most likely, short-lived. There is only one way out in such a situation - the distribution of roles, where each of the partners should be responsible for a certain sphere of influence.

Yin-yang tattoo: meaning and places of application

Today, tattoos have gained particular popularity. A tattoo is an artistic drawing that is applied to a person's skin. Such drawings can be on any part of the body. There are entire catalogs according to which the customer chooses future picture. The choice should be approached very responsibly, after all, a tattoo is made for life. There is even an opinion that the chosen drawing can radically change fate. Chinese characters are especially popular, mythical creatures and yin-yang tattoo.

History of the yin-yang symbol

This is a very old symbol that came to us from ancient China. This sign clearly divided the world into light and dark side. From the point of view of Chinese philosophy, the yin-yang tattoo shows the interaction of various opposites. In the countries of the East, they believe that this sign harmoniously indicates the eternal struggle of good forces with evil ones.

There is also such an interpretation. It is believed that Yin is a symbol of the feminine. It symbolizes the fertility of the whole earth and characterizes only even numbers. Yang is male power, which characterizes giving life and odd numbers. The people of China are especially sensitive to these symbols and signs. In almost every house you can see such a picture in a conspicuous place. Today, a picture with two opposites flaunts on the most different parts bodies in the form of a tattoo.

The meaning of yin-yang tattoo

This tattoo is not divided into male and female. Each representative of mankind can stuff this oriental symbolism on his body. It is very common to see yin-yang tattoo sketches depicting a dragon and a tiger. Choosing a certain animal, we theoretically take the side of evil or good.

A yin-yang tattoo always looks stylish, its meaning is actually very simple. A person who has chosen such a body pattern seeks to find harmony not only with the outside world, but also with himself. Many people are regularly tormented by doubts about the correctness of their actions. It is believed that such a picture can radically change the situation.

Girls put a slightly different meaning into the yin-yang tattoo. They believe that after drawing the picture they will gain woman's happiness. And, as you know, it is achieved through harmonious communication with the male sex. In any case, everyone decides for himself what is the point of investing in his wearable pattern.

Places for tattooing

Anyone can get such a tattoo. But where the yin-yang tattoo will look better, it is up to the person himself to decide directly.

Also, a yin-yang tattoo can be stuffed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe accumulation of veins. It is in these places that the circulation of blood and latent energy force. These places include the neck and wrists.

Sketches and interesting tattoos

Tattoo sketches "yin-yang" are created by many artists. Can't get past this ancient symbol. They draw a variety of animals and whole plot pictures.

In fact, there are no boundaries, you can express your creativity and create your own understanding and vision of this sign.

In addition to the drawing, do not forget to take a responsible approach to choosing a tattoo parlor. Illiterate underground masters can not only fill a poor-quality image, but also cause irreparable harm to your body. You need to get a tattoo only on a sober head, not succumbing to emotional impulses. Of course, it is possible to get rid of wearable "painting", but this is a rather difficult and expensive procedure. Therefore, be in harmony with yourself and make the right decisions.


To begin with, let's try to understand and see what it is - MALE and FEMALE. In the East, the concepts of Yin and Yang are used for this. Yin is feminine and Yang is masculine.
Yang (men) is always attracted to Yin. Therefore, Yin - the female energy in us - always attracts men to us. But if we have more male energy, then a man does not see a woman in us, no matter how beautiful we are in appearance. And the simplest and even ugly woman, filled with feminine energy, will always be an alluring flashlight for men, attracting them with its feminine light, its fullness of feminine energy.
How can we understand how much is feminine in us, and how much is masculine? How to determine the reason for our failure to attract men? Let's look at the picture and try to look at your life based on the ratio of female (Yin) and male (Yang) energy in action in it. What kind of lifestyle we lead, and what kind of energy we cultivate and accumulate in ourselves every day. The energy that then attracts men to us or repels us.
Yin Yang
Striving for Uniformity – Striving for Diversity
Let's take a closer look at our lives. How do we live? What energies are present mainly in our lives?
Look at the lifestyle modern woman? At work, she runs around with documents, then shopping, and even when she comes home, she rushes around the kitchen and apartment to do everything. If she spends the whole day in motion, then what kind of energy does she cultivate in herself? That's right - Janskaya, Male. And then we complain that we have become like men - however, by our way of life, first energetically, we make ourselves a man, and then the hormonal system and the whole body are tightened by our way of life. And gradually, we become, often even outwardly, similar to men. We start to wear trousers, shoes on flat sole… As a result, men stop paying attention to us as women.
And if we are at rest, for example, lying on the couch? What kind of energy are we cultivating? That's right - Women's, Yin. But only if we lie on the couch properly, like a cat. And only when we know when to lie down, and how and when to get up in order to start moving gracefully and easily, striking everyone with plasticity and flexibility.
And what will happen to a man who sits at his desk all day, gets home while sitting in a car and, after coming home from work, lies down on the sofa at home? What kind of energy does he cultivate in himself? Who will he look like over time? The answer, I think, you will find and see for yourself!
A woman can restore her Yin energy only at night, in the dark. Thus, going to bed at midnight, we do not have time to restore exactly the female energy and balance it with the male one. The result of such an imbalance of Yin and Yang for a woman can be a deep depression.
If you want to start rejuvenating and regaining your femininity, try to go to bed at 22:00. Because it is from 22:00 to 1:00 - this is the time when the restoration of the female hormonal system. If you regularly go to bed far after midnight, then it is unlikely that you will be able to stay energetic and look young for a long time. And you will either become yang, like a man, or you will simply begin to quickly get tired and get sick.
Often, women in business complain that they become like men in their way of thinking, and then in appearance, and in behavior. They cease to attract men as women, and at work they are perceived only as partners and employees.
But what is business - it is the energy of aggression, expansion of the sphere of influence, and, accordingly, the Yang quality. That is why, in the East, a woman was engaged in the house, and not in capturing the market, which allowed her, instead of expanding the scope of activity, on the contrary, to narrow it to the center of the house, the hearth. And if a man carried himself outside, outside the house, then a woman, on the contrary, aspired to its very center, to the hearth, where the whole family gathered.
Pay attention to what you are doing at your job. Expanding your influence and influence, or vice versa? Do you allow yourself to be a woman at work? What do you wear to work pantsuit unisex or elegant dress?
Pay attention to what you do at work. Any kind of activity aimed at compression, gathering will contribute to the accumulation of female - Yin - energy. Activities aimed at the aggressive seizure of territory will develop the masculine principle.
Silence carries Yin energy, and perhaps that is why the ancient poets have always praised the female ability to remain silent. The ability to say a lot to a man with this amazing silence filled with charm.
Quietly murmuring female speech is much more pleasant for male hearing than female loud screeching. A quiet whisper excites, creates a charming atmosphere of mystery. And a loud cry repels and makes a man want to leave so as not to hear him.
And this, first of all, is connected with the energy of the voice. A quiet voice carries female, Yin, energy, and a loud voice carries male, Yang.
Scientists have known for a long time that men just don't hear high-pitched voices. A female high-pitched screech simply turns off their perception of a partner. So if you want men to hear you, you just need to learn how to control your voice.
In ancient times, for the women of the imperial palace, there were special practices voice work. Women gathered in gazebos and played special games that developed the timbre of the voice, which would excite a man and penetrate into every cell of his body. Women learned to speak from the womb and heart. And those who successfully mastered this science could control a man, whispering to him affectionate and the right words. Remember Scheherazade. She charmed her sultan, first of all, with her voice, which flowed like a spring stream, riveting his attention only to her. And after a few days, he could no longer live without the magical timbre of her voice, coming from the heart and flower of the female essence. The voice is that amazing thread that can attract and keep a man.
In ancient texts, the emphasis is always on the fact that a woman is energy. A man is the form that energy can fill. After all, energy is like water, if it is not given a shape, then it will simply spread like a puddle. That is why the union of a man and a woman is so important. Only with such a union does a vessel appear that has a form and content. And that is why this union is so important for both. After all, without a man, a woman becomes formless and loses herself. And a man without a woman remains just an empty form.
We are like fuel for a car. Without gasoline, she is unlikely to go and will be just a pile of metal. And fuel without a car is just a liquid. But if they are together, then this is already an amazing union that can move forward.
But even fuel has an expiration date. Any energy given to us from birth must be restored and filled with fresh energy. And the quality of energy also matters. And if we want to attract a man of a high social and material level into our lives, then we must also have the appropriate energy.
Therefore, the women of the imperial harem in ancient times were carefully selected and always engaged in energy practices to provide the emperor with health and strength, filling him with the energy of life.
To fill a man right energy, women were engaged in women's practices in antiquity. Practices that filled us with a wonderful awareness of our feminine essence, which can nourish a man and show him the world from the other side, from the side that a woman perceives.
And if a woman is filled with active yang energy, then what can she give a man? Will she be able to let him switch from perpetual motion to give him a chance to rest and gain new strength?
How often are you and I in the modern world are in the cold? After all, it's no secret that a modern woman spends most of her time in a hot room. Even in winter, we practically do not go outside. But the fact has long been known that in a cold climate, women age more slowly and retain their beauty longer.
No matter how surprising it may sound, but walking in cool weather, especially in rainy weather (water also carries feminine energy), is useful for cultivating female structure. It is very good to wash with a piece of ice from herbal infusions.
It is better for a woman to do most of the practices lying down, or at least sitting, because that is the best way to work with female energy.
It turns out that when performing practices in a vertical position, mainly yang male energies. And in ancient times, for a woman walking the Yin path, standing practices were forbidden until the age of 28. And only after 28 years it was allowed to perform sitting practices.
It is very important for a woman to balance vertical and horizontal practices. It is advisable to give preference horizontal position body. Including in ordinary life. Pay attention to how many hours a day you spend in an upright position and how many in a horizontal position. What position is your body in most?
How often do we women do something based on intuition and turn out to be right. And men consider this a completely inexplicable fact. However, note that the opposite pair, the male component of the intuitive perception of the world, is awareness. So if you completely become Yin, then you can lose the main Yang quality - awareness. You do not need to go completely into the Yin state in order to be more conscious in your actions, in your life.
If you are engaged in female practices and at the same time do not change your lifestyle, leaving it yang, then most likely you are just wasting your precious time. You can cultivate female - Yin - energy first of all by a way of life, even just knowing what Yin and Yang, male and female are.
Eugenie McQueen
"TAO OF FEMALE WISDOM. The Way of the Woman and women's practices"

Which half of yin yang is male and which is female? thank you in advance


The basis of the ancient wisdom of China and Japan was the concept that every thing, situation, feeling, etc. is ambiguous, has two poles and has its opposite: day - night, war - peace, man - woman ...

YIN is the Feminine (black square (earth). Expansion, external, ascending, space, sweet, violet, light, electron, water, oxygen, plants (especially salads), sympathetic nervous system. Too much yin leads to chilliness and fears, especially to be in public, to masochism.

Yin symbolizes everything that is dark and earthy:
black color,
nocturnal, aquatic and marsh animals,
most colors.
even numbers;

Yang is the Masculine (in the form of a white circle (also denoting the sky). Compression, internal, descending, time, salty, red, heavy, fire, proton, hydrogen, carbon, animals (especially predatory), parasympathetic nervous system. Too much yang leads to aggressiveness, up to cruelty, sadism.

Yang symbolizes everything light, dry and high:
active start,
hard and unyielding.
sky, heaven,
solar animals and birds;
odd numbers;