Mineral glass on the watch is a plus. Is mineral or sapphire glass better? Which glass is better

By purchasing wrist watch, many of us begin to wonder which model to choose and what kind of glass the purchased watch should have. Mineral glass is widely used today. Let's talk in more detail about the pros and cons of using such mineral glass in watches.

In the recent past, it was believed that such mineral glass is more a disadvantage than an advantage. Indeed, the technology of producing mineral glass was far from ideal, which did not allow producing watches that were both strong and durable in use at the same time. However today, modern technologies allowed to significantly improve specifications such mineral glass, and it began to be used not only in inexpensive models, but also by top manufacturers of wristwatches. Such an inexpensive mineral glass on the watch, the pros and cons of which you should consider when choosing, will reduce the cost of the watch, without losing quality and ease of use.

Of the advantages of such glass, first of all, it should be noted affordable cost of this material. So, for example, such mineral glass can be several times cheaper to manufacture than expensive sapphire glass. The low production cost of such mineral glass has a positive effect on the total cost of a wristwatch.

Excellent transparency not only enhances the beauty of the watch, but also makes it easier to use. Even on a bright sunny day, you will be able to see the time on the clock at some distance, and you will be relieved of the need to bring your hand close to your eyes.

On condition correct operation the glass retains its transparency and does not exhibit a tendency to cloudiness. It is the problem with the tendency to cloudiness that distinguishes mineral glass favorably in comparison with sapphire.

The material is highly durable and perfectly resists scratches on the glass surface. Even if such scratches appear, you can easily get rid of them by regular polishing. You can even carry out such a simple polishing of mineral glass in a watch at home. This will allow you to easily return your wristwatch to its original appearance... Among the advantages, one can also highlight the attractive appearance of such glass. It is virtually indistinguishable from the much more expensive sapphire crystal. At the same time, it has a number of advantages, including a much more affordable cost.

Like any other material, the quality of mineral glass directly depends on compliance with the production technology and the technological processes used. Today, many major manufacturers of wristwatches use state-of-the-art equipment, which makes it possible to give such glass excellent performance characteristics. Note also that lenses made of mineral glass can, due to a special adjustment, have the properties of increasing or removing hands in watches. Such glass is perfect for people with vision problems.

At the same time, it is necessary to say about the disadvantages of this glass. And such disadvantages, like any other material, are still there. The main disadvantage of this mineral glass is its low impact resistance. If a high-quality hardened material resists the appearance of scratches on the surface, then with mechanical shock, such glass can easily crack and break. Therefore, it is necessary to wear as carefully as possible a wristwatch in which this type of glass is used.

The structure of the material is such that when it hits the mineral glass, direct sun rays glare may appear, which makes the watch somewhat difficult to use. V last years manufacturers of sapphire and mineral glass use a special protective coating, which completely solves this problem.

Note also the fact that mineral glass in wristwatches requires gentle care behind the clock. When using such a watch under difficult conditions, the glass may become cloudy. Therefore, we do not recommend putting the watch on your wrist for a long stay in rooms with suspended dust and high concentration various acids.

As a conclusion, we can say that today mineral glass is very popular among manufacturers of wrist watches. Currently, this material, due to the emergence of ultra-modern technologies, has significantly improved its characteristics, so it is used in models of watches of the economy class and the middle price range. Subject to the choice of a quality watch manufacturer and careful operation, mineral glass will not lose out to a much more expensive sapphire variety of material, and at the same time it will retain its original appearance for a long time. Mineral glass on the watch, the pros and cons of which we have described in this article, will be an excellent choice for high-quality and inexpensive watches.

How to find out which glass is in the watch?

Anna Lyubimova 17 September 2018

One of the main elements of a wristwatch is glass. It protects the dial from mechanical damage, water ingress, and also creates general form chronometer case. Until recently, exclusively rock crystal was used for its production, or, as we used to call it, quartz. Today, chronograph glasses are made of polycarbonate and other types of plastic. However, the most common options are mineral glasses and expensive sapphire crystals.

Features of mineral glass

If you do not understand chronometers at all, then you will probably want to know what a mineral glass on a watch is, as you have heard about its existence many times. Sometimes it is called silicate glass or artificial crystal. Its popularity in watchmaking reaches 90%, and therefore it is often called "ordinary".

More recently, experts argued that if an accessory is supplied with such a spare part, then it cannot boast of special advantages. Those who said this were absolutely right, since in the recent past, the technology for the production of mineral glass could hardly be called impeccable. As a result, to the market there were walkers, not distinguished by either durability or strength.

Men's watch on a metal bracelet, OKAMI(price by link)

But time is running and changes everything. It changed and technical specifications mineral glass. Today it is positioned as reliable, high quality, durable.

It is inserted into both inexpensive watch models and expensive branded items. Low material cost gives the ability to reduce the price of the chronometer itself, but at the same time not to lose the quality and ease of use of the accessory. To make mineral glass more durable, it is tempered. During the hardening process, the outer balls are firmly squeezed, and the inner ones, on the contrary, are stretched.

Such a position creates tension in the glass, as a result of which an increased mechanical and thermal strength is established.

If we compare these criteria with the "usual" ones, then they are at least five times greater. Mineral glass is difficult to break, but if it does, it will crumble into small pieces with dull edges that cannot damage human skin.

Women's watch, SL (price by link)

Mineral glass on the watch: pros and cons

Among the advantages of this detail, first of all, it is important to note it. affordable cost... In production, this material can be significantly cheaper than the sapphire analogue. Thanks to this, the walkers themselves, equipped with mineral glass, will also be cheaper.

Excellent transparency makes it possible to make the accessory more beautiful and simplify its use. Even if it's very sunny outside, you will be able to see at a short distance what time the chronometer is showing and not bring your hand close to your eyes.

Mineral glass in the watch means that the product is different high degree durability, perfectly resists the formation of scratches. If the scratch does appear, a simple polish will help remove it. You can polish the glass surface yourself.

Two watches with mineral glass

The attractive design of the material is another advantage. With the naked eye, it cannot be distinguished from the elite expensive sapphire"Competitor". The quality of mineral glass is influenced by the selected manufacturing technology and applied technological processes... So, manufacturers using modern high-quality equipment achieve that the material acquires excellent performance. Through special adjustments, mineral lenses can enlarge or further the chronograph hands. Therefore the glass will become ideal solution for those who see poorly.

Despite all its advantages, artificial crystal also has a number of disadvantages. One of them is reduced resistance mechanical damage. The material is not subject to scratches, but it will easily crack from mechanical shock. Therefore, if you buy walkers with silicate glass, then you should wear them as carefully as possible.

Cracked glass on the watch

Artificial crystal is different specific structure: If it is exposed to the rays of the sun, glare may appear on it, making it difficult to use the accessory. However, this problem can be solved by special spraying, which is actively used by many manufacturers.

The mineral glass on the chronometer must be carefully monitored, and most importantly, gently looked after. Despite all these disadvantages, wrist watches, the dial of which is covered with artificial crystal, are very popular.

Sapphire crystal on the dial

In the production of wrist chronometers, sapphire is used as often as mineral glass. For its manufacture, artificially grown crystals of aluminum oxide are used. The material is characterized increased level hardness. This suggests that only a diamond can damage it. In addition, sapphire has excellent optical properties. The Japanese note its 99% transparency and anti-glare capabilities. Therefore, at the first glance at a watch with such glass, one might think that it is absent.

Sapphire crystal watch

During years the material will preserve its original appearance, it will not fade or dim. However, a powerful blow can shatter the glass. Sapphire is much more expensive than its mineral counterpart.

The high cost is due to the introduction of expensive technologies in the production and processing of glass

Japanese glass

The Hardlex glass on the watch is worth a separate mention. It was developed by watchmakers from the Japanese company Seiko. For hardening the material, a special technology is used to increase its wear resistance and strength. The benefits of Hardlex can be summarized in five points:

  1. Unlike ordinary or plastic glass, it is much more difficult to scratch the tempered mineral coating.
  2. Hardlex is better rather than sapphire withstands blows.
  3. Japanese material is characterized by a budget price.
  4. The Hardlex design is more presentable than its plastic counterpart.

It is an excellent choice for divers as it handles water pressure better than sapphire.

Hardlex glass on Seiko watches

What is hesalite glass

There is another option for watch glass - this is acrylic. Its other names are hesalite, plexiglass or plastic. Hesalite glass is an ordinary watch plastic. Distinctive feature it is that it can take absolutely any form. Thanks to this, the craftsmen can easily fit the material for the case of various formats.

Acrylic is lightweight and impact resistant. This indicator allows the active use of hesalite glass for the production of sports accessories. Scratches easily appear on the plexiglass. They can even form from simple contact with clothing. As a result, the coating becomes cloudy and it becomes difficult for the user to see. chronometer time... True, such a drawback cannot be called significant, since the plastic can be easily sanded and scratches removed. In addition, the acrylic option is not expensive, so it can always be replaced.

Hesalite glass watch

Among the disadvantages of plexiglass should be called its hygroscopicity. Water can irreparably ruin the product, and therefore watchmakers are more fond of working with sapphire or "ordinary" glass.

Which glass should be preferred?

The advantages and disadvantages of dial coatings described by us will help you to understand which is better: mineral or sapphire crystal for watches. But let's bring short comparison one and the other type of glass for five indicators. This will help you pinpoint where the catch lies:

  1. Wear resistance: Careless handling may damage the mineral glass, but the situation can be remedied by polishing. Sapphire is almost unharmed.
  2. Strength: mineral glass withstands impacts, while sapphire "brother" is capable of breaking.
  3. Transparency: on this indicator sapphire is considered the undisputed leader. In your accessory, the mechanism may deteriorate, the case may fray or crack the bracelet, but the sapphire, like a new one, will retain its own transparency. The mineral analogue may tarnish over time.
  4. Anti-glare properties... Sapphire gives almost no reflections in the open sun, but mineral glass is able to behave under the influence different types lighting is not the same.

As for the price of products, artificial crystal is made from inexpensive components, and therefore it costs less than sapphire glass.

Watches with sapphire and mineral glass

How to distinguish sapphire glass from mineral

To distinguish a sapphire crystal from a mineral one, it is necessary to look at the markings made on the case back of the chronometer or on its dial. If the walkers equipped with sapphire, then the inscription Sapphire crystal will be present on them, the product with a mineral coating is marked as crystal glass, or there is no designation at all. But you can use some more methods for checking glass.

For one of the experiments, you will need a drop of water. Using a pipette, apply it to the surface and tilt the chronograph. How the liquid will "behave" and become the answer to a question of interest... If there is a mineral in front of you, then the drop will slide along the surface, leaving a trace characteristic of this process. In the case of sapphire, it will remain motionless on the material, no matter how you turn the watch over.

If the glass has an anti-reflective coating, then the water, in general, will freeze and will not fall, even if the accessory is turned upside down with the glass.

Your nose, or rather its tip, will also help to check the sapphire crystal in the watch. It is better to experiment with two watch models at once. Place the sapphire item and the mineral glass version in front of you. Now touch the tip of your nose first to one chronometer, then to the second.

Sapphire crystal watch

Sapphire will be colder. Mineral with higher thermal conductivity, in seconds get temperature environment that cannot be felt.

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which glass is better. Here it is worth going out of your own preferences, as well as weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each material.

If you are faced with a choice good hours, including

sports, you probably noticed that, among other characteristics, the manufacturer almost always indicates the material from which the glass is made that protects the display.

Why is it so important and what kind of glass are there?

The characteristics of glass directly depend on what it is made of. Allocate three main types of material:

1. Plastic glass or organic glass. This option is the most budgetary and is used, as a rule, in inexpensive watch models.

This glass has a number of advantages:

  • It easily bends to fit any watch shape
  • Weighs little
  • It's hard to break
  • Low price.

However, this material is far from ideal, primarily because it is very easy to scratch. It is not necessary to scrape at the clock with a knife - organic glass can become cloudy and “rubbed off” even from ordinary (but regular) contact with clothes. It is really difficult to break it due to its fibrous structure, but it is quite susceptible to mechanical damage, bends easily and does not withstand high pressure.

2. Mineral glass. It also has two names: "Artificial crystal" or "Silicate glass". Such glass has average characteristics in all respects - price, weight, wear resistance and strength. It is much harder to scratch than plastic, but easier to break. Mineral glass is the most popular choice among watchmakers.

Gorilla Glass also belongs to mineral glass - quite famous material which is used in Iphone as well as in some brands' watches. Such glass is quite durable, however, as any Iphone user will confirm to you, it is easy to break and get a "cobweb" of cracks all over the screen. Since the screen area of ​​the watch is much smaller than the screen of a smartphone, it is very difficult to break it - for many years of working with a sports watch, we do not remember even a couple of such cases.

Mineral glass is used in many Suunto models, for example in the Ambit range (except for watches marked with the Sapphire mark, more on that below).

3. And finally sapphire crystal... Another name for this material is monocrystalline aluminum. They are not the same sapphires that are used in jewelry are specially grown crystals of aluminum oxide. Such material is more expensive in production, in processing, but at the same time it can only be scratched with a harder material (and there are very, very few of them), for example, diamond. Sapphire is one of the hardest minerals known to man... It is harder than steel, but more fragile than diamond. Chemically hardened glass may be an excellent material, but sapphire is superior in terms of hardness, strength and durability. Sapphire is 4 times more resistant than the Gorilla Glass mentioned above. On the Mohs hardness scale, used to measure the hardness of minerals, sapphire scores 9 out of 10.

By the way, Apple phones have one element made of sapphire glass - it is it that protects the smartphone's camera.

It is sapphire glass that is used in the most expensive watch... Even if your grandchildren will inherit your sapphire crystal watches, they are unlikely to see even one scratch.

Since the production and processing of sapphire glass is laborious and expensive, the price is appropriate. So keep in mind that a similar watch model, but hidden behind a sapphire, will cost significantly more. Suunto uses sapphire crystal in the most premium watches, for example new in 2016

There are also intermediate, combined options - for example, sapphire-coated mineral glass... This technology improves scratch resistance without significantly increasing the cost.

What should you choose? If you want a watch “for centuries” and plan to actively and for a long time use it - choose sapphire crystal! Whatever one may say, this is the most prestigious and highest quality option for most types of watches, undoubtedly adding points to their owner.

Looking for a durable option but want to save some money? Choose watches with mineral glass!

Want to large collection bright plastic watches, are you buying a simple sports watch with a stopwatch and cut-off or looking for the first watch for a child? Choose plastic!

Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that Apple is going to spend $ 700 million on new material for the iPhone screen. This material is called "sapphire", it is a super strong material that can perfectly protect the touch screen of a smartphone. We have prepared several interesting facts about sapphire, which you should definitely know about.

What it is?

It is a solid crystalline substance with a number of properties similar to Gorilla Glass, which is currently used for iPhone screens. Sapphire is transparent, incredibly flexible, and unlike glass, it is difficult to leave a scratch on it. And most importantly, this material is more resistant to cracks, especially when the device falls.

The sapphire we are talking about is different from natural material that can be found on Earth. It is a synthetic substance created in a laboratory and is close to the structure of natural sapphire. And in fact, your iPhone already contains a tiny bit of this durable material.

Wait, is Apple already using it?

Of course! Your iPhone camera lens has long been protected by a layer of sapphire. The iPhone 5s also used it to protect the Touch ID fingerprint scanner.

Where else is sapphire used?

In armored vehicles, in the manufacture of aircraft windows, in expensive watches and other areas.

How hard is it?

Sapphire is one of the hardest minerals on Earth. It is harder than steel, but more fragile than diamond. Chemically hardened glass may be an excellent material, but sapphire is superior in terms of hardness, strength and durability. Sapphire is 4 times more resistant than the renowned Gorilla Glass. On the Mohs hardness scale, used to measure the hardness of minerals, sapphire scores 9 out of 10.

Why aren't other smartphone manufacturers using it?

Sapphire also has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, it reflects more strongly than glass, and this can become big problem... Secondly, Gorilla Glass manufacturers say they have been working with sapphire since the 1970s and that the material is not as tough as claimed, as their internal tests confirm. And what is important, sapphire is a very expensive material to manufacture. Each sapphire screen will cost Apple $ 16, while a Gorilla Glass display costs just $ 3.

Where will hundreds of millions of such screens be produced?

Apple bought a huge plant in Arizona last year. Just imagine, in terms of its area it occupies 20 football fields! In addition, the Cupertinians rented equipment from GT Advanced Technologies, a company specializing in the development of crystalline materials. According to analysts, the plant will be able to produce twice as much sapphire as any other company in the world.

And the last question: will sapphire be used for the iPhone 6 screen?

Perhaps. Analysts have no optimistic forecasts about this, since the production of this material is a very problematic process. In general, Apple itself will be able to answer this question, and very soon.

The glass protects the watch dial from damage and forms the overall design of the accessory case. Previously, this part was made exclusively from quartz ( rock crystal). Now development chemical production allowed the production of many plastic analogs: polycarbonate, plexiglass and others. The most widespread after them are mineral glasses, and sapphire products have rightfully taken the more expensive niche.

What are the functions of watch glasses?

The main function of watch glasses is protective. This detail creates a barrier not only from mechanical damage, but also protects the dial and movement from dirt, dust and moisture. The appearance of glasses is also important - they can be oval, round, rectangular, curly, differ in their transparency and smoothness to the touch.

Composition and production technology

Mineral glasses are made from quartz sand. Quartz sand (quartz) is a mineral that is specially grown, tempered and molded, and then fixed to the watch case. The main advantages of such glasses include:

  • high strength;
  • rare appearance of scratches during operation;
  • pliability to polishing;
  • durability and ease of care;
  • low price.

The main disadvantage is the tendency to clouding with prolonged wear.

Sapphire crystal devoid of this minus, it is transparent, and it is almost impossible to scratch it. Moreover, products made of this material are resistant to moisture, combustion, and also perfectly protect the dial from dust and dirt. Glasses of this type are made from artificially grown sapphires. This production and processing technology is extremely complex, which leads to the final high cost of the watch.

Varieties of mineral glasses for watches

In addition to mineral glasses made of solid quartz, there are also combined types, each of which has certain characteristics:

  • Sapflex - mineral glass with thin layer sapphire spraying on the surface. It resists scratches better, the surface is smoother and has a water-repellent effect.
  • Hardlex is a mineral glass with a special tempering technology invented by the Japanese company Seiko. Due to this manufacturing method, the impact resistance and strength of the material is significantly increased.
  • Crystex is another type of impact resistant glass. This material obtained by combining quartz sand and frit (glass-like material). This significantly increases the strength and increases the wear resistance of the product.

The Hardlex and Crystex types are often used in wristwatches for sports and active rest... They are also an excellent choice for everyday wear due to their shock resistance.

Which is better: sapphire or mineral glass?

There is no definite answer to this question. To pick up suitable type glasses, you need to compare materials on several parameters:

  • Scratch resistant. You can scratch a sapphire crystal, perhaps, with a diamond. Mineral in the event of such an incident can be polished, which partially or completely hides the defect.
  • Strength. Mineral glasses are more durable. During falls and impacts, they almost always retain their integrity. If sapphire is chosen as the material, then with careful use you can also not worry about the safety of the part.
  • Transparency. Here the undoubted leader is the sapphire crystal - the mechanism in your watch may break, the strap may break, or even the case may rot - the sapphire will still retain its transparency. Mineral glasses tend to cloudy and gradually lose their attractive appearance.
  • Anti-glare effect. Sapphire crystal practically does not give glare in the sun, which cannot be said about mineral glass - under different lighting conditions this material can behave differently. Many watches have an anti-reflective coating, which significantly improves visibility and comfort during use.
  • Price. Mineral glass is much cheaper than sapphire due to the ease of production and processing of the material.

Wristwatches using sapphires look more graceful due to the smooth surface and more transparent structure of the material. The final choice in purchasing an accessory is yours. It is worth giving preference to the type of glass that best suits your needs and is suitable for everyday wear.

The best watches in the Secunda online store

In our online store "Secunda" you will find a wide range of watches with both sapphire and mineral glasses... Make your choice together with our managers - they will tell you which accessory is right for you, as well as guide you in brands and help you place an order. Buy a wristwatch at Sekunda - shape your unique style using products from our store!