Feng Shui company name. Numerology and choice of company name, free online calculation. Feng Shui company name for a successful business

Surely each of us has heard the expression: "As you name the boat, so it will float." This statement is completely true and applies to all areas of human life. Therefore, it is not surprising that so many people are worried about the question: "How to choose the right Feng Shui company name in order to ensure your success and prosperity." We will tell you about this in this material.

Correct Feng Shui Company Name

According to Feng Shui, a competent name of an enterprise should be formed either in one or three words, plus include the syllable of the field of activity that is planned.

Why is this number of words established, and not, for example, two, four or five? Here on help will come numerology is the famous science of numbers, it recommends that you generally stop at one single word.

The thing is that, according to the art of feng shui, one is a very positive symbol, symbolizing a win. This means that by giving your brand or LLC a monosyllabic name, you automatically program it for success.

As for the number three, it is a symbol of growth. By naming your company this way, you will achieve very rapid success. The same rule should be followed when designing a sign.

Somewhat less often, the names of the company are formed from six words, because the six also symbolizes a successful business.

Let's consider the choice of a company name using a specific example. For example, a person decides to open construction company and is in search of interesting and unusual name... He may, for example, decide to name the organization own name, let's say “Eugene”.

This name of the company is extremely unfortunate, according to the art of feng shui, since it does not have a specific energy and, besides, it has nothing to do with the main idea of ​​the event.

It would be more correct then to make the name more complete in order to call for help from Lady Luck and rename the company, for example, in "Evgenystroy". This variant of the name is already much more suitable from the point of view of feng shui. Such a brand is already filled with the right energy from the very beginning and will actively attract directly powerful energy Qi.

Common mistakes

Now you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular mistakes made by budding businessmen. Many of them, striving to be as original as possible, choose rash names for their companies, while forgetting about the negative consequences.

The goal of any business is to attract as many customers as possible, and this can be done with the help of a laconic but capacious name.

Therefore, by giving your company a name like “Eugene” without using qualifying terms, you risk destroying all the magic of your own company.

When doing this, pay attention to next moment: words that precede the main one must be placed before the brand name and it is important that they have the same shape, size of letters to form as a result of a complete sentence. Indeed, it is in this situation that the accumulation of energy will occur at the beginning of the name. It is important to achieve unity in it.

In addition to unnecessary minimalism, when a brand is formed by one inappropriate word, you can often find the opposite situation. This will be clearly demonstrated by the name “Construction Organization Evgeniystroy”. Because of such an unsuccessful combination of words, an absurd energy image is created, and harmonious streams of luck are also destroyed, because in this case the original name itself already tells about the field of activity that is practiced and attracts flows of Chi energy. Therefore, you should not use words of the same type, if necessary, simply replace them with the most approximate in semantic meaning.

Repetition is the mother of learning

Finally, you need to once again go through all the basics that were described above, so that they are better preserved in your memory:

  1. Most perfect option- this is when the name (or logo) of an enterprise is formed by only one word.
  2. The name of the company must necessarily include a word or syllable that gives a clear description of what you do.
  3. A sign, a logo, a website should be formed by either one, or three, or six words.
  4. If the name of the organization is unsuccessful, it should be put at the very end, and in front - supplemented with the necessary ones.
  5. Do not use the same syllables or words to reinforce your name, because this is contrary to the principles of feng shui.
  6. Do not strive to be too original, do not come up with strange names, because the result can be exactly the opposite: you will become “invisible” for the flow of Qi energy and potential clients will not be attracted to you.

You can believe in it, or you can not believe it, but in a very frequent cases it is the use of such seemingly "primitive" rules that makes a business successful and helps it grow to an incredible scale. At the same time, many too intricate names remain in the shadows along with the people who invented them. Therefore, we advise you to follow a proven scheme for the prosperity of your business.

Examples of suitable feng shui names

We invite you to consider specific examples, in order to finally once again make sure of the importance of the feng shui system, as well as save yourself from the torment of which of the names of the company or LLC to choose.

Imagine a budding entrepreneur who opens several holiday complexes with pools, slides and other types of water activities. He has an idea to name his organization "Water Kingdom". If we consider such a name from a logical point of view, then it is quite appropriate - rather short and succinct, from the first word the sphere of activity of the future institution becomes clear, which means that it should attract a stream positive energy and attract potential customers, that is, provide a profit.

But at the same time, in this situation, the name consists of only two words, and in order to ensure yourself a guaranteed success, you need to take either one word or three. How to proceed in this case?

You've probably already guessed how you can solve this problem. To do this, you just need to add the word “Aquapark” in front, making it the main one in this case (after all, it already characterizes in more detail the scope of activities provided and has more strong energy according to the art of feng shui.

And we get perfect correct option the name “Aquapark Water Kingdom”. It is rather difficult to come up with something more suitable for such an idea.

It is for this purpose that it is important to correctly formulate, according to the art of feng shui, the name, which will immediately contribute to the formation of a positive perception and attitudes to create an energetically strong and attractive name for potential customers.

Take advantage of our tips to ensure your business is successful and prosperous. And don't forget to check out the interesting thematic video in the end:

Surely each of us has heard the expression: "As you name the boat, so it will float." This statement is completely true and applies to all areas of human life. Therefore, it is not surprising that so many people are concerned about the question: "How to choose the right company name in order to ensure your success and prosperity." We will tell you about this in this material.

According to Feng Shui, a competent name of an enterprise should be formed either in one or three words, plus include the syllable of the field of activity that is planned.

Why is this number of words established, and not, for example, two, four or five? Here numerology will come to the rescue - the famous science of numbers, it recommends generally staying on one single word.

The thing is that, according to the art of feng shui, one is a very positive symbol, symbolizing a win. This means that by giving your brand or LLC a monosyllabic name, you automatically program it for success.

As for the number three, it is a symbol of growth. By naming your company this way, you will achieve very rapid success. The same rule should be followed when designing a sign.

Somewhat less often, the names of the company are formed from six words, because the six also symbolizes a successful business.

Let's consider the choice of a company name using a specific example. For example, a person decides to open a construction company and is looking for an interesting and unusual name. He may, for example, decide to call the organization by his own name, say "Eugene".

This name of the company is extremely unfortunate, according to the art of feng shui, since it does not have a specific energy and, besides, it has nothing to do with the main idea of ​​the event.

It would be more correct then to make the name more complete in order to call for help from Lady Luck and rename the company, for example, in "Evgenystroy". This variant of the name is already much more suitable from the point of view of feng shui. Such a brand is already filled with the right energy from the very beginning and will actively attract the powerful energy of Qi directly.

Common mistakes

Now you need to familiarize yourself with the most popular mistakes made by budding businessmen. Many of them, striving to be as original as possible, choose rash names for their companies, while forgetting about the negative consequences.

The goal of any business is to attract as many customers as possible, and this can be done with the help of a laconic but capacious name.

Therefore, by giving your company a name like "Eugene" without using qualifying terms, you risk destroying all the magic of your own company.

At the same time, pay attention to the following point: the words that precede the main one must be placed before the brand name and it is important that they have the same shape, the size of letters to form as a result of a complete sentence. Indeed, it is in this scenario that the accumulation of energy will occur at the beginning of the name. It is important to achieve unity in it.

In addition to unnecessary minimalism, when a brand is formed by one inappropriate word, you can often find the opposite situation. This will be clearly demonstrated by the name "Construction Organization Evgeniystroy". Because of such an unsuccessful combination of words, an absurd energy image is created, and harmonious streams of luck are also destroyed, because in this case the original name itself already tells about the field of activity that is practiced and attracts flows of Chi energy. Therefore, you should not use words of the same type, if necessary, simply replace them with the most approximate in semantic meaning.

Repetition is the mother of learning

Finally, you need to once again go through all the basics that were described above, so that they are better preserved in your memory:

  1. The most ideal option is when the name (or logo) of the company is formed by only one word.
  2. The name of the company must necessarily include a word or syllable that gives a clear description of what you do.
  3. A sign, a logo, a website should be formed by either one, or three, or six words.
  4. If the name of the organization is unsuccessful, it should be put at the very end, and in front - supplemented with the necessary ones.
  5. Do not use the same syllables or words to reinforce your name, because this is contrary to the principles of feng shui.
  6. Do not strive to be too original, do not come up with strange names, because the result can be exactly the opposite: you will become “invisible” for the flow of Qi energy and potential clients will not be attracted to you.

You may or may not believe it, but in very frequent cases it is the use of such seemingly “primitive” rules that makes a business successful and helps it grow to an incredible scale. At the same time, many too intricate names remain in the shadows along with the people who invented them. Therefore, we advise you to follow a proven scheme for the prosperity of your business.

Examples of suitable feng shui names

We invite you to consider specific examples in order to finally once again make sure of the importance of the feng shui system, as well as save yourself from the torment of which of the names of the company or LLC to choose.

Imagine a budding entrepreneur who opens several holiday complexes with pools, slides and other types of water activities. He has an idea to name his organization "Water Kingdom". If we consider such a name from a logical point of view, then it is quite appropriate - it is rather short and succinct, from the first word the sphere of activity of the future institution becomes clear, which means that it should attract a flow of positive energy and attract potential customers, that is, ensure profit.

But at the same time, in this situation, the name consists of only two words, and in order to ensure yourself a guaranteed success, you need to take either one word or three. How to proceed in this case?

You've probably already guessed how you can solve this problem. To do this, you just need to add the word "Aquapark" in front, making it the main one in this case (after all, it already characterizes in more detail the scope of activities provided and has a stronger energy according to the art of feng shui.

And we get the perfectly correct version of the name "Water Kingdom Water Park". It is quite difficult to come up with something more suitable for such an idea.

It is for this purpose that it is important to correctly formulate, according to the art of feng shui, the name, which will immediately contribute to the formation of a positive perception and attitudes to create an energetically strong and attractive name for potential customers.

Take advantage of our tips to ensure your business is successful and prosperous. And do not forget to watch an interesting thematic video in the end:

A unique and memorable company logo gives solidity, inspires confidence and a sense of stability among customers, and helps in brand promotion. So, how do you create a logo that is not only beautiful and laconic, but also the right ones, evoking pleasant associations among customers, related specifically to your type of activity and motivating to cooperation and profitable deals, contracts, purchases? The application of Feng Shui tips will help us in this. A logo created in accordance with the rules of feng shui will not only cope with all the tasks set, but will also attract the necessary chi energy into your business.

Typically, the logo contains certain forms, colors, text. A good logo should be equally well recognized in both color and black and white.

According to feng shui, both the shape and color of the logo should reflect the dominant element of your business. There are five elements in feng shui science - fire, earth, metal, water and wood. Any business is fueled by a combination of several elements at once with a predominance of one or two. How can I find out the elements involved for a particular enterprise? Let's consider the basic associations by elements.

  • The form- triangle, pointed shape.
  • Colour- red, orange.
  • Supportive form- rectangle.
  • Supporting color- green.

Food, love, celebration, creativity, energy, trade, sports.

Activities with a predominance of the element Fire:
Food - restaurants, catering, grocery store.
Love - dating, marriage agency.
Celebration - toastmaster, animators, event and show agency.
Creativity - art studio, design studio.
Energy - corporations whose activities are related to the supply of electricity, oil, coal, and other types of energy.
Trade - retail store, grocery store.
Sports - Jim class, Sport section selling sports cars.

  • The form- square.
  • Colour- brown, yellow.
  • Supportive form- triangle.
  • Supporting color- Red.

Agriculture, livestock, real estate, hospitality, construction.

Main activities with a predominance of the element Earth: poultry farm, livestock farm, agricultural corporation, real estate agency, hotel, construction company.

  • The form- circle, crescent, dome.
  • Colour- white, gold, silver.
  • Supportive form- square.
  • Supporting color- brown, yellow.

Money, law, government, metal products, technology, architecture.

Main activities with a predominance of the element Metal: bank, pawnshop, notary office, court, government agency, union of architects, jewelry workshop, factory for the production of any technical devices and equipment.

  • The form- wave, smooth bend.
  • Colour- black blue.
  • Supportive form- circle, dome, crescent.
  • Supporting color- metallic, white, gold.

Cleaning and cleaning, recruiting, health, beauty, everything related to water.

Main activities with a predominance of the element Water: cleaning services, recruiting agency, medical center, clinic, hospital, sanatorium, beauty salon, wedding agency, bath, swimming pool.

  • The form- vertical rectangle.
  • Colour- shades of green.
  • Supportive form- wave.
  • Supporting color- blue, black.

Growth, upbringing, plants, clothing, travel, print production.

Main activities with a predominance of the element Wood: Kindergarten, school, college, university, training courses, flower shop, plantation, gardening, tailoring, travel agency, printing, bookstore.

Having decided on the dominant elements in your field of activity, you can start creating a Feng Shui logo.

And so, for the logo, it is advisable to choose the shape and color of the element prevailing in your business. You can supplement it with the shapes and colors of the supporting element according to the generation cycle. Also, shape and color can be used additional elements affecting your business.

Let's take an example:

Asian fast food logo

Red and green colors. Red is the color of fire, a staple in food and retail. Green is the color of wood, an element that sustains fire according to the spawn cycle.

The shape is a curved line resembling noodles, curls rush up from it, symbolizing steam, which at the same time look like tongues of flame.

Additional consumer associations: the predominance of green - a lot of vegetables and herbs in the dish, healthy and fresh food.

Basic forms

Square. The most stable form of feng shui is a square. It is associated with the element of earth, helps to "stand firmly on our feet." If you put your logo in a square, it will give your business stability and reliability.

Circle- another favorite form in feng shui, is often associated with a coin, which means with monetary energy, with the harmony of the world and flexibility of thinking. If your business is about quick decision making, creativity, research, or learning, it might be a good idea to find a place for a circle in your logo.

It must also be remembered that all shapes and colors refer to either yang or yin. It is worth stabilizing the logo on this point too. For example, a completely yang logo containing sharp forms made in red runs the risk of causing an association with aggression, tension, and completely yin - a blue wave, can leave an impression of lethargy and slowness.


In addition to forms and colors, you can put any symbol in the logo. It is desirable that it symbolize strength and wealth, an abundance of energy. It can be an animal, bird, plant, mountain, feng shui hieroglyph or something else that causes you positive emotions, desire to work hard and be successful.

Symbols that should be excluded from the logo, according to feng shui: cannon and cross. The cross means a knot of unresolved problems. Therefore, even medical center do not use it, it is better to choose a blue wave as one of the components of the logo. This symbol will have a relaxing effect on patients. The small cannon is usually placed in feng shui to block negative energy, associated with danger, like the image of any weapon. Do not depict arrows pointing at each other in the logo, as there is an association with a conflict of interest.

And also, when creating a logo for your company, do not forget about yourself. , see if the colors you choose for the logo overshadow those that are "yours by birth", add "your colors" to your logo to fuel you and help you run your business successfully.

This issue is faced not only by the owners of grocery stores, but also by the owners of stores of a "different genre", Internet resources, books and other copyrighted things that need a name.

In this article, we are going to talk about a method of choosing names for stores, in particular for a grocery store. Very fashionable in recent times began to call their stores the name of some product or other well-known thing to the buyer. The pharmacy is called "Tablet" or "36 and 6", the liquor store will be called "Rodnichkom" or "Ararat", and the electronics store - "Electronics".

As they say, everything that becomes popular ceases to be unique, so we will abandon this trend right away. There is another way to choose a name - to call it a proper name. Thus, shops with expensive shoes can be called "Italy", hairdressing salons - "Elena" and "Vasilisa", and grocery can be called whatever you like. For example, grocery ...

Feng Shui Consultant Ba Tzu

Hello! Please tell me what to call a grocery store that brings good income or what needs to be done to make the business prosper?

Svetlana, Vladivostok, 31 years old

Hello Svetlana.

Feng Shui does not deal with names.
With the help of feng shui, you can properly equip the premises of the store, attract visitors and money luck... But specific recommendations what and how to do is possible only with a full-fledged face-to-face consultation, when the consultant sees your store, makes measurements and calculations. Because no premises are alike and no recommendations are the same for all.

Best regards, Olga Titova.

The name of the company,

her emblem and sign

If we talk about the influence of feng shui on business, one cannot help but dwell on how to choose the right The name of the company, what should be the sign and logo of the company, since this business card business, the symbol of a company, business begins with this, just as a theater begins with a coat rack. How do you come up with a company name?

The name is very important to the company as it represents the company. The name can be good and bad, it can be auspicious, and it can be repulsive. You need to choose a favorable name, full of meaning and energetically balanced according to the Yin-Yang sign.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, each hieroglyph refers to Yang or Yin, depending on the number of strokes when writing it: an odd number of strokes is Yang, an even number is Yin. Trying to transfer this rule to Russian soil, some researchers try to single out in our letters ...

Do you want to start your own business or are looking for new job? How to attract good luck yourself initial stage and achieve not only prosperity and growth of your business, but also count on rapid career growth?

Feng Shui store and office is very important for creating harmony between a person and his cash flow... Take note of the following specific traits and attract good luck into your life in all matters.

Feng shui store

According to Feng Shui rules, the store should be located one level higher than the surrounding buildings. In this case, Chi energy flows much more actively. Alternatively, raise the floor so that it is above the level of the road.

The feng shui of the store is based on additional Qi stimulation. If you want to attract good luck and increase the flow of buyers, paint front door in red and hang at the entrance bright lanterns... In addition, the lighting in the sales area should be made bright, and the walls painted in saturated colors... Do not forget...

So you've created a firm. In theory, your products should be in demand. And yet she doesn’t go. What's the matter? There may be many reasons for this ...

One of them is the name of the company. Many domestic entrepreneurs do not give it of particular importance... There is a wide range of long, colorless, awkward, difficult to pronounce and ridiculous names in circulation. Abroad, the founders of firms announce a competition and pay big money for a good name.

There are a number of principles, following which you can successfully choose the name of the company:

it is desirable that the name of the company is associated with the nature of its activities. For example, the travel agency "Meridian", the firm "Rosshina" (sale and repair of tires), LLC "Address" (real estate transactions);
* the name should be short, euphonious and aesthetic;
care should be taken when using abbreviations (they are not always euphonic);
with all the variety of names, characters in Greek mythology, ...

For example:

C-1, E-6, M-5, L-3, I-6. We get 1 + 6 + 5 + 3 + 6 = 21 = 2 + 1 = 3

Thus, the code number of the name of the company "Family" is 3.

The number obtained by this method is the number of the company. After you calculate the number of the company, read the decoding of the code number, and think whether you should leave this name or think about another more suitable for the type of activity of your company.

Code number 1

An excellent number for organizations looking to expand globally. The unit has a beneficial effect on the newly formed business aimed at the demand of the modern consumer, suggesting a certain innovation, something previously untested, which has not yet taken root on a huge scale ...

People with money and power should live like this

so that others will forgive them both their wealth and their power.

M.S. Vorontsov

Choosing a place

The location of your trading floor, store or office is half the success of the business as a whole.

As a rule, we intuitively strive to ensure that our home, office or store is in a good, beautiful place... In the same way that feng shui specialists are serious about choosing a favorable place for a home, they also do with the choice of a place for a future store or office.

The modern world is the world of business and business people who want and strive to earn as much as possible in order to live with dignity and comfort. It so happened that this can be achieved if you work for yourself. So a lot of companies in different industries are opening, the owners of which are trying their best to earn a name that will subsequently work for them.

This is exactly what I would like to talk about: how to name your enterprise so that it brings success and prosperity. Numerology will help with this: the name of the company can be chosen if you know some of the secrets of this science.

So, before you start coming up with a name for your business, it is advisable to check if it is already being used by someone: for sure there are a lot of dentistry "Dental", "Denta plus", "Superdent", etc., as well as children's shops "Malysh", "Kroha", "Karapuz". Then, when the name has been verified on all points, you need to calculate its numerical value to see if it will bring success to your company.

You should write down the invented word, for example, "Diamond", and count its number using the table below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 1 1 5 1 6 2

We calculate: 5 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 6 + 2 = 21 = 2 + 1 = 3. So, the number of your company name is 3.

Calculate the number and find out what the name of the company means in terms of numerology.

Enter the prospective business name:

This number is suitable for companies associated with advertising business as they will always be in front. Their ideas are always the best, respectively, there will be no end of customers, which will have an excellent effect on the popularity of this enterprise. By the way, "one" is suitable for a company founded by a middle-aged woman. She can start any business, not necessarily advertising, success is guaranteed!

This number is well suited for businesses focused on children - private kindergartens and schools, kids clubs and shops, as well as entertainment centers... The children will love the place ruled by the "two" and will be happy to visit it again and again.

This is a family number, which means that the "three" is desirable for a family-related enterprise - restaurants, coffee shops, water parks, clubs where you can spend time with children. It will be good for parents and children, the elderly and middle-aged people. Plus, Troika is a great name for a family business.

A serious enterprise must have a serious name, and this is within the power of the "four". Under its auspices will be well-industrial, construction and large agricultural communities. If you are ready to work a lot, but also get a lot, then your company should definitely be under the "four".

This is the number that is responsible for a wonderful vacation, so it will be good under his rule. travel companies or sports - fitness, dance, book clubs, where people will feel comfortable and relaxed, enjoying the visit.

This number is led by Venus, which means that the "six" is best suited to beauty salons, cosmetology firms, as well as shops women's clothing... Here the fair sex will always feel at their best, which means that there will be no end to them.

This figure is suitable for expensive perfumery, fur, leather or gold stores, as well as antiques. The owner of this enterprise must be old age; young people, even with money, alas, will not be lucky with this figure - perhaps it will not work.

This is a monetary number, so it is perfect for banks or lawyers, notaries or law firms dealing with property and real estate.

Number 9 - calmness, so it is suitable for psychological clinics, as well as medical institutions such as dentistry, private hospitals and other businesses that may cause anxiety in people. Your people will always be comfortable and cozy, regardless of the problems that have come.