Gadgets for a young mother. The Clatronic Donut Maker - for your mom's delicious breakfasts. Silicone baby bottle with spoon attachment

Continuing the rubric “ unusual goods», I would very much like to offer a product category for mothers and their children. This is a unique product that greatly simplifies the process of caring for and raising a child. Below we have made a selection of gadgets for moms that are actively sold abroad. However, these products are not found in Russia, therefore, the niche is relatively free.

The first and the most interesting gadget- This is a pregnancy belt. He can play music for the child (classics, for example, which have a positive effect on mental development), and is also equipped with a microphone - with its help mom can hum lullabies. The developers claim that this is good for the child and there is no reason not to believe them. Also, this belt reduces stress on the spine, which is beneficial for the mother. Such a belt could not be found on the Russian market, but such a product is definitely available in the United States. Draw conclusions ...

The next gadget for mom, or rather for a child, is a special accurate and ergonomic weighing scale. Usually mothers have to go to the doctor, where the child is weighed. It takes extra time... Now this is not necessary - you can simply weigh the child at home and tell the doctor exact result... Such scales should be bought not only by young mothers, but also by some children's clinics - scales are needed there.

Next, we have a playpen that can automatically swing and play lullabies for the child. This is a real discovery for lazy or very busy parents who have little time to put their baby to bed. With the help of this gadget, mothers simply put the baby in the crib, press the button, and it automatically starts to sway, the quiet lullaby music is activated, and the baby falls asleep much faster. Great product for parents to buy.

What the next gadget is like becomes clear looking at the photo. This is a bike for active moms with a special mount for child seat... It's easy to put a child on it and ride with him through the parks or the city in the end (but it's better not to ride on the roads, of course). It also allows you to travel long distances with a child, while the small ones will get a lot of pleasure from such entertainment and speed. And again, there is no such product in Russia. Have you ever seen your mother on a special bike with her baby? I am not, so this unusual gadget is a great product for a business with a perspective.

The next gadget is more suitable for dads than for moms, but it is still worthy of attention. This is a unique armchair that attaches to the shoulders of the dad (or mom). The child will sit comfortably on it and look down on the street. Parents often carry their children on their shoulders in this way, but with a special chair it will be more comfortable.

All mothers know that swaddling babies is a normal practice. They fall asleep faster this way, sleep longer. For mothers, a special product is a baby swaddling cover made for this very purpose. It is made of durable fabric that can "breathe", so the child will sleep comfortably in such a case. I'm not sure whether or not there are such products on the Russian market, but the product is definitely worthy of attention.

When a baby's nipple falls to the floor, it gets dirty. Mothers usually wash it with water, but this way it is impossible to "kill" all the germs. The solution to this problem is simple - a nipple with protection. This "protection" closes before the nipple hits the floor, so it doesn't get dirty on its own. You can take and give it again to your child without worrying about germs. A simple invention will sell well in Russia.

Is your child indulging? Buy him a punishment chair with a time record. Put the child on it and explain that he will sit just as long as the sand is in hourglass will not flow out. Moms with naughty children should definitely buy one for your child. And it will teach children a little. good manners because no one wants to sit on the punishment chair.

Well, the last gadget for moms for today. This is a bath divider that saves water. Why would small children take a lot of water in their bathtub when they can only draw just a little? The solution is ingenious, and young parents should take note: it is better to buy an inexpensive bath divider than to overpay for cubic meters of water. Hence, it is a great business product.

Each mother will confirm that the child is an active and restless creature that needs eye and eye. Before you have time to blink, the baby carefully bathes the cat, eats from his bowl and flushes a good half of the toys down the toilet.

With the development of technology, it has become much easier to care for and take care of a child, as modern gadgets for newborns and moms can provide comfort to every family member and make life much easier.

You will no longer surprise anyone with a self-heating bottle or a cradle with an automatic pendulum. However, these and many other things are especially popular.

Gadgets for newborns and mothers

Convenient accessories for mothers and children make the process of feeding, sleeping and other household activities much more fun for the child and faster for the parent.

Baby bottle with automatic heating of contents Is a kind of innovation that has recently appeared on the children's goods market. She liked the dads, who now do not need to heat milk for the mixture in the middle of the night until the right temperature... The bottle has a built-in sensor that does not heat the liquid more than 37 degrees.

Following the thermal bottle, you should purchase and thermoformer.
Its advantage is that it changes color if the food is too hot. At the same time, the price of the issue is small - about 250 rubles per copy.

One more useful gadget for mothers - a night lamp. It is activated only when a person gets up or the baby starts crying in the crib. Moreover, if the child is alone in the room, the night light begins to play soothing music.

Useful gadgets for newborns

If a child with early days accustomed to motion sickness in a crib or a stroller, the process of falling asleep can be delayed for long hours. This is especially inconvenient when the baby is teething or restless sleep. To save the situation without losing nerves and time can rocker... This attachment attaches to the stroller handle or crib and swings them from side to side. The parent can choose the amplitude and strength of the swing.

For those parents whose children are already great at walking and like to run away, a special device will come in handy locator, which unmistakably determines the position of the child within a radius of 200 meters. The invention will be especially relevant for those who live in a private house and do not want to worry about the safety of the baby on the site.

New gadgets for newborns

Closing nipple- one of the new accessories that helps keep your baby safe from bacteria and germs. Small children often drop the pacifier on the floor, and then it has to be washed and processed. The mechanism of the self-closing nipple is designed in such a way that when it falls out of the mouth, it immediately closes.

Another innovation in the nipple world - accessory with built-in thermometer... Allows you to measure body temperature without resorting to additional devices. Thus, the baby will not even feel that his temperature has been measured.

A special device that emits ultra-violet rays... They destroy most bacteria invisible to the human eye and prevent them from entering the human body.

Convenient gadgets for newborns and mothers

Electric swing Is a real magic for every parent. Their design is designed in such a way that the cradle completely repeats mother's tender hugs and gives the baby a feeling of confidence and calmness. The mother herself can choose the combinations of movements, sounds that are familiar to her and the child, as well as the intensity of vibration and even the heating temperature. Thus, putting the baby to sleep has become much more comfortable.

Sleeping together is very important for every family member. During it, between mother and child increases tactile contact, the baby feels safe, and the rest of the family can get enough sleep. Now practice joint sleep will be even more convenient with an extra bed. The baby will sleep in its place, the parents will not have to move and worry about the child not falling out and turning.

Technology helps modern parents be mobile and make the daily care of the child easy and enjoyable. The Village found ten functional and beautiful devices, which everyone who has or are planning children will want to have.

2 in 1 robotic stroller 4moms Origami

buy for 80 thousand rubles

The stroller is designed for ages from birth to four years... Well, or you can use it until the child wants to walk. The stroller folds and unfolds automatically with the push of a button. At the same time, a special sensor will not allow the stroller to fold down if the child is inside. The battery that controls the mechanism and the headlights is charged when the wheels are moving. But if he suddenly fails and turns out to be discharged in the most inappropriate moment The stroller can be folded by hand.

Withings Smart Kid Scale WS-40

buy for 12 thousand rubles

Maximum precise scales especially necessary in the first months of a child's life, so that parents can monitor the amount of food received by the baby. These smart scales connect to a smartphone via Wi-Fi, and special application keeps a diary of weighings and builds graphs of weight changes. The device can be used from the moment the child is born and up to eight to ten years (withstands a maximum of 25 kilograms). For babies, a special cradle is provided, which can then be removed so that the child can get up on the scales as on normal scales.

Cry analyzer WhyCry 2G

buy for 3 800 rubles

Scientists identify five causes of crying in children: hunger, boredom, pain, desire to sleep, and stress. As a rule, by two or three months of a child's life, even the most inexperienced parents are able to recognize by the tone of crying what the baby wants. But these three months also need to somehow live. The smart device quickly identifies the cause and shows the parents what exactly needs to be done quickly to calm the child down. The manufacturers claim that the analyzer works with an accuracy of 98%.

Self-heating Go Baby Bottle

buy for 1 953 rubles

Disposable cartridges (buy for 419 rubles) are inserted into the bottle, which heats the contents of the bottle to the optimal 37 degrees in four minutes. No additional devices or electricity are needed - it is very easy to warm up your child's food on the go with this gadget. It is expensive to use this device every time, but it is an irreplaceable thing when traveling. Karim Rashid worked on the design of the device.

Clever Pacif-i dummy

buy for 4 400 rubles

Pacifiers-thermometers are a common gadget, but because of the built-in display that displays the temperature, they are often heavy, so children are reluctant to use them. This smart dummy is disguised as a regular one, and shows the temperature on the parent smartphone. You can be in another room and not disturb your baby while sleeping. The program builds temperature charts and shows the effectiveness of antipyretic drugs, and also has an ergonomic shape and size suitable for children of all ages.

Lolaloo stroller swingarm

buy for 6 749 rubles

The gadget is attached with Velcro to the handle of the stroller (suitable for any model). Runs silently from a rechargeable battery. The swinging amplitude can be adjusted according to the preferences of the child.

Electronic rocking chair 4moms MamaRoo 3

buy for 24 500 rubles

Another gadget for motion sickness. The device will only last until the baby learns to roll over on its own, but it will save parents many minutes and nerve cells... Children calm down if they are rocked, smoothly changing the direction of movement, and the rocking chair imitates exactly this living motion sickness. The baby in the chair feels safe, like in the arms of a mother, and falls asleep faster. The chair has built-in speakers that play several pleasant melodies and sounds of nature, and the toys above the rocking chair are selected by experts in children's vision... The chair can be controlled from a smartphone.

Home CCTV System Withings Nome

buy for 15 990 rubles

The device is quite expensive, but it will also last a long time. After all, this is not just a baby monitor, but a full-fledged home video surveillance system. The camera transmits the image and sound to the smartphone: you can monitor the baby's sleep from the next room or monitor your pet while you are not at home.

Good day! Today's article is an overview of unusual devices to help mom.

Useful things for newborns to help mom (unusual adaptations)

  1. Side bed... She is closely adhered to the parents' bed and the child, one might say, sleeps side by side, but at the same time in his crib. An alternative is a regular crib with a removable side wall.
  2. Diaper bin... The used diaper is placed in a special bag, the bucket is closed with a lid that rotates and at the same time the diaper is sealed in rubbish bag... Thus, the odor from the diaper is not spread.
  3. Silicone Breast Pads... They come to the aid of women who cannot breastfeed, or their nipples are injured (cracks have appeared).
  4. Breast pads... On the one hand, they have sticky layer that are glued to the bra. The milk escaping from the breast is instantly absorbed and there are no marks on the clothes.
  5. Bathing mattress... Such a mattress can also be placed in the sink, the baby feels comfortable while bathing.
  6. Silicone Syringe Spoon for Baby Feeding... Ideal for starting complementary foods (""). Pressing on it, the spoon enters required amount puree ("").
  7. Hammock for a child on a trip... Attached to the seat in front, the child is practically on the lap of the mother and you can have fun with him on the way.
  8. Drinking cup for medication... This is very serious deception child, but if you urgently need to drink the medicine, and the baby refuses, the way out of the situation is simply original.
  9. Bra reminder... During breastfeeding mothers sometimes forget which breast they fed the last time, and it is advisable to give the breast in turn (either left or right). Such a reminder is very useful.
  10. Personal ultrasound machine that connects to your smartphone. With the help of it, you can independently control the condition of the baby, having previously mastered the use of it.
  11. Bathing accessories toddler: bath mat
    float cap
    bucket with soft rubber tip
  12. Self-closing pacifier... During the fall, it instantly closes and remains clean.
  13. Bike with sidecar... The mega-thing of our time! It simply cannot be underestimated.
  14. Radio and video baby monitor... You can go about your business without worrying and watch the baby in the other room. With such a device, mothers calmly take a shower while the baby is asleep, and if they think that the baby is crying, they don't have to jump out of the bathroom and run to check, just look at the screen.
  15. Bath divider... Substantial water savings and at the same time support for the child.
  16. Sling and ergo backpack... Using a sling or an ergo backpack, the mother's hands are free, and the baby is happy to be on the arms of the mother.
  17. Body extension... If the bodysuits become small, the extension cord will decide this problem and will extend the life of the bodysuit.
  18. Nipple thermometer
  19. Bottle adapter... Suitable for any bottle, giving a child a drink will not be a problem. The main thing is to have water with you.
  20. Door attachment so as not to pinch your fingers. This device can be sewn by yourself. It prevents the door from closing completely and the likelihood of pinching your finger is greatly reduced.
  21. Bathing canopy... Many babies cry when water gets on their faces or eyes. This visor does not allow water to get on the face, so the baby perceives shampooing adequately.
  22. Faucet extension for kids. With the help of such a device, children can easily reach the stream of water with their hands.
  23. Car seat cushion... So that the child's head does not wobble from side to side while sleeping in the car, such a pillow is a way out of the situation. She tightly fixes the head and the child does not disturb anything during sleep.
  24. Terry apron for bathing child. With such an apron, not only mom, but also dad will bathe the baby.
  25. Infrared thermometer («»)
  26. Velcro diaper... It is also called a cocoon or sleeping bag for a newborn. During sleep, the child's legs move freely, and the arms are fixed. If the baby is still afraid of his pens and flinches in a dream, or even wakes up, then such a thing is a way out of the situation.
  27. Bathing chair... It is convenient for use when the baby is just starting to sit, and it is much more difficult for him to maintain balance in the water.
  28. Faucet thermometer... You will always know what temperature the water is coming out of the tap.
  29. Nibler... It comes with both rag attachments and silicone attachments. Ideal for first feeding with fruits and vegetables. You can put a piece of banana, an apple in it and not be afraid that the child will bite off a large piece and choke.
  30. Pillow for pregnant women... It is used for sleeping and resting, and later for feeding the baby.
  31. Furniture corner attachments... They are silicone or rubberized. As soon as children start to walk, there is a high probability of falling into an unfortunate corner. To minimize the child's injuries, such overlays are glued to the sharp corners of the furniture.
  32. Holders for cabinets and plugs for sockets... To prevent the baby from opening cabinets where it is undesirable for him to climb, attach holders to doors and cabinets.
    The plugs for the sockets must be strong and tight so that the small nimble handles cannot pull them out. Ideally, when the plug is removed from the outlet only with the help of another plug of the same, by engaging them together.
  33. Sun lounger... Help mom entertain her baby while cooking or cleaning. The kid plays with hanging toys or sways.
  34. ... It changes color if the food in it is hot (above 43 ° C).
  35. Stroller swing... This device rocks the stroller by itself. Oh, miracle technology!
  36. White noise generator. («»)
  37. Foldable bathtub («»).
  38. Baby reins... Many parents consider this invention to be absurd, and for some moms and dads the idea is nothing at all. After all, when the baby begins to walk, the parents are in a bent state for most of the day, many have back pain, the reins support the baby in an upright state and the back will thank you.
  39. Padded helmet to protect the head. Crawling, the child constantly stumbles upon the sharp edges of furniture, on doors and everything that comes across on the way. This helmet will protect your head from abrasions and bruises.
    Needlewoman moms offer many ideas for making a helmet similar in functionality with their own hands, for example, from washcloths for washing dishes
  40. Aspirator(nozzle suction). An alternative is a rubber bulb.

This was a review of useful things for newborns to help mom. Agree, many things are very convenient and make life easier for all family members? If any of the listed useful things for newborns were or are in your everyday life, please write your opinion, it is very interesting to read!

All the best!

It's no secret that the rhythm modern world and technology is constantly moving forward. We regularly receive news about new devices and gadgets that can improve and make our life easier. Introducing a selection of useful electronic devices for moms.


Not so long ago we heard about the baby monitor, but now it is rapidly losing popularity ratings. But its alternative, the baby monitor, is becoming more popular.

With the help of IP-technologies, it is possible to observe the child not only from the neighboring building, but also practically from anywhere in the world. At the same time, the IP video baby monitor also remotely notifies what is happening in the baby's crib or playpen.

The IP video baby monitor allows you to hear, see and even talk to your baby, as well as record everything that happens.

In order for this gadget to work, you need a laptop or smartphone as a parent unit, where the image and sound will be transmitted, as well as an Internet connection.

Many modern mothers have been wondering for a long time - or lead active image life. If you urgently need to leave the house, a breast pump helps out. But there are situations when you can't get comfortable, take off your robe and devote all your energy and time to such a “collection”. The Simple Wishes company helps to solve this problem with the help of real breastfeeding mothers with many children has developed a special kit for.

It has a special cut with nipple slits and thick elastic material (83% cotton and 17% spandex) that holds the breast pump securely against the breast, thereby leaving the woman's hands free.
While the process is underway, Mom can have a cup of tea or do other things.

This top bra comes in two colors. You can wear it both on the straps and in the form of a bustier. The kit also includes special bottles to help minimize the risk of milk spills.

It's no secret that motion sickness affects babies like Magic wand... True, this is not an easy task, and at least one hand is needed. Lolaloo will relieve you of this need.

Their new attachment can be attached to the stroller with Velcro and will rock the baby. The device works thanks to the built-in battery.

Such a rocker is very mobile: you can take it with you on a trip or for a walk. The settings are easily adjusted to your liking.

The dads liked the iimamo Go feeding bottle very much. And it could not be otherwise, because in 4 minutes the bottle can independently heat 170 ml of milk or water for infant formula, with the recommended temperature of 37 degrees.
Moreover, such a bottle is very light, thanks to the plastic heating element.

Easy to use: insert the cartridge into the bottom of the bottle, turn the special cap, then wait 4-5 minutes and shake. Ready!