What to do if a child has a fever. When do you need immediate medical attention? Cold feet and hands

All parents, without exception, are well aware of the fact that if the body temperature of children suddenly rises, it means that their body is giving a signal that it is being attacked by unknown bacteria or viruses. Associated factors, such as snot, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, and others, will help to determine the disease that we had to face. But what if the child has a fever without symptoms? How to act in such a situation, and when it is necessary medical assistance baby? Let's figure it out.

The temperature has risen with no other signs of illness

Realizing full well that a slight rise in temperature is normal reaction child's body to an external stimulus, parents often begin to panic if the temperature rises during the day, and there are simply no other signs of the disease. The child does not complain about headache, for a sore throat or in the abdomen, but the thermometer rises above 37 degrees. We want to inform you about the possible reasons for the increase in body temperature and advise how to behave during this period, and what correct decisions accept.

Vaccination in children under one year old

The most common cause when it rises suddenly during the day is a reaction to vaccinations. Literally a day after the introduction of vaccination, and in some cases even after a couple of hours, the body can rise to 38.5 degrees. At the same time, there are no other symptoms of the disease in the baby. That is, the baby feels normal, the only thing that can manifest itself is lethargy.

Teething in children under one year old

can be caused by teething. The child becomes capricious, and when touching the forehead, the mother is horrified to discover that the baby has a temperature of 38 C and above. Therefore, if your baby has reached the age of 10 months, when active teething is observed in the life of children, then it is possible that the cause of such an anomaly is the teeth. In this case, the gums become red, slightly swollen, there is profuse salivation and sometimes snot. Although these signs may not be present. All children react differently to their teeth. Often, when erupting, there is a weakening immune system child, and the body becomes an excellent prey for viruses and infections, diseases will not pass by. Therefore, up to a year, lethargic and suspicious, we advise you to call a doctor at home.

Overheating of the body

In just born children, the thermoregulation of the body is insufficiently developed. This process can be restored throughout the year, or even more. Therefore, their temperature can normally be considered 37.1 C. Parents should understand that if the body temperature in the maternity hospital, for example, had an indicator of 37.2 C, then they need to focus on just such an indicator - this is the norm for your baby and you should not be afraid. But often young mothers make the mistake of wrapping the baby tightly, long time keep it in a warm room. Or, for example, on the street the temperature is above 30 C, and on the toddler there is an elegant, knitted suit. At the same time, he is in the stroller under the straight lines sunbeams... And if you measure the temperature of his body, then the indicator on the thermometer can even exceed 38 degrees. This high temperature is artificial.

So that the baby's body temperature drops to in this case, the mother should immediately transfer the baby to the shade and remove all warm clothes from him. Moisten a gauze diaper in warm water and wipe off its body. And be sure to give the kid a drink. Otherwise, the child may have heatstroke, which is very dangerous if the baby is young.
The room in which the baby is located must be well ventilated and have the correct level of humidity. If the reason for the temperature was precisely overheating, then after these simple manipulations, it should drop closer to normal in literally 1 hour.

Also, the cause of an asymptomatic increase in body temperature during the day can be excessively active games, during which the child jumps, runs, jumps, etc. The first symptom is a bright, unnatural blush on the cheeks. The child becomes lethargic, he already refuses to play, and when measuring the body temperature, the indicator exceeds 38 C. If the reason for the increase is overheating of the body and there are no other signs of illness, then the mother should do the same manipulations as in the first case - remove excess clothes from him , wipe the body with a wet cloth and give it a drink. Within an hour, the temperature will return to normal. Sometimes even 10 minutes is enough for the heat to drop.

Viral infection in children

With the development of a viral infection, initial stage the disease is manifested by an exceptionally sudden rise in temperature. Naturally, parents start to worry and find out possible reasons such a reaction of the body. At the same time, symptoms such as a runny nose, a slight cough, a rash on the body, and a reddening of the throat begin to join only 2-3 days. Therefore, if you are sure that the baby is not overheated, and other symptoms other than fever are not observed, then you should not immediately give the baby a pill. Better water the baby, systematically change his sweaty clothes, talk to him, provide him with a comfortable stay. Remember that if a viral infection develops, antibiotics will not do any good for your baby. In this case, only a doctor will prompt a competent treatment of the disease. In this case, drugs should be selected based on the age of the baby. If the child is not even a year old, then he should be given sparing therapy. For a baby over 3 years old, a wider range of medicines is suitable.

Sudden exanthema

It is worth noting another disease that belongs to viral infections - sudden exanthema. Most often, it can affect children from 10 to 24 months (from a year to 2-3 years). This pathology manifests itself as a fever at temperatures up to 40 degrees. But other, any symptoms are not observed. Only a day later, you can feel enlarged lymph nodes and maculopapular rash. This disease fades away after about 5 days. In this case, the child must be shown to the doctor.

How should parents behave if the baby has a fever and temperature jumps, but there are no other symptoms?

Naturally, if parents cannot find an answer, then it is best to call a doctor, especially a child under one year old. But, doctors do not recommend giving the baby antipyretic drugs on their own. Never rely on your tactile sensations- it is best to measure the temperature with a thermometer to really make sure that the temperature is high, and the reasons for such a sharp rise in the indicator are not known. At the same time, it is not necessary to measure the temperature if the baby has just returned from the street, and before that he was actively playing. Also, you will get incorrect indicators even if the baby is crying and nervous, or he just ate.
Therefore, first of all, calm the baby down, give him plenty of compote to drink, remove excess clothes from him and, if possible, wipe his body with cool water!

If the baby does not have chronic diseases or any other congenital anomalies, then mom should act as follows:

With an indicator of 37.5, do not give the baby any antipyretic drugs - the baby's body will fight the problem on its own.
The indicator 38 - 38.5 requires the following manipulations from the mother: drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day, wet rubbing the body, comfortable conditions of stay,
An indicator of 38, 5 and above should alert mom a little. In this case, you can give a tablet of an antipyretic agent - nurofen, panadol, etc. If the temperature does not drop and lasts a day, call a doctor.

When do you need immediate medical attention?

An increase in body temperature always signals that the body is actively fighting an infection that has entered it. This is the answer to the question of why children have a fever without any other signs of illness. Only in the case when the indicator does not exceed 38.5 and, as a rule, parents do not give antipyretics, and the indicator remains at this boundary level for more than 5 days, then the baby should be shown to the doctor. After examination and laboratory tests of urine and blood, it will be possible to recognize the causes of such an anomaly, which will allow prescribing the correct treatment.
In addition, medical assistance is required in the following cases:

The child suddenly becomes lethargic, and skin turn pale
difficulty breathing
when, after taking an antipyretic agent, the indicator on the thermometer rises, or stands still,

Therefore, the main task of parents when high disease- constantly be present near him and observe all the changes, both in his behavior and external signs.

Often parents do not give an account of the complexity of the situation. And sometimes, on the contrary, they are too active, although the situation is not dangerous. So the main task parenting is to stay calm and adequate. Do not get hysterical, but also do not relax. You should water the child during the day, measure his temperature, monitor urine (the child should write about 10 times a day at enough) and stool, and in case of the slightest danger, call a doctor.

Breastfeeding and high fever

In children under 10 months and more, body temperature can be kept within 37.5 degrees. This should not bother parents, because in infants, the thermoregulation system is getting better for more than 10 months. But only if the baby feels comfortable. That is, he is active, mobile, sleeps well, and eats. In this situation, the baby does not need any medications, and it is best to consult a pediatrician. Never wrap your baby up - this can cause overheating of the body!

Sometimes the baby can feel great, there are no symptoms that he is sick, and only accidental touching his body can raise the suspicion that the baby has a fever. After the measurement, the suspicions are justified and the baby really has an indicator of up to 38 degrees. Doctors define the child's condition as low-grade fever. And if such an indicator lasts from about 10 days to several months, then in any case, the body signals that problems are occurring in it in a latent form. There are many diseases that are really characterized in this way - anemia, diabetes, worms, allergies, various hidden infections and even brain pathology. Therefore, only data can determine them. laboratory research and adequate diagnosis.

Remember that children still have a fragile body, so the constantly elevated body temperature obliges you to show your baby to a specialist.

Thank you

Heat body in a child (fever) can be a nonspecific symptom of many diseases. She can talk about acute infectious diseases, teething, overheating, and other conditions. In all these cases, assistance to the child should be different, therefore it is very important to establish the cause of the increase in temperature.

Features of the child's temperature

In the first days and months of a child's life, his body temperature can be very unstable. In any disease, it can quickly rise.

To identify a fever in a child, you need to know what temperature is normal for him. To do this, you should measure it at least once in a calm and healthy state. It is better to repeat this procedure in the morning and in the evening, since in the evening the temperature is usually 0.3-0.5 o C.

The temperature of a child in the first year of life may be higher than that of older children and adults (according to measurements in armpit):
1. At the age of 1 year, the body temperature is allowed up to 37.4 o C.
2. A child over 1 year old usually has a temperature of up to 37 o C.

Newborn babies born prematurely keep their body temperature especially bad. Their thermoregulation processes are immature, so it should be remembered that they can not only easily cool down, but also overheat.

Body temperature can be measured at several locations. The results of such measurements will vary:

  • the temperature measured in the rectum (rectal) will be about 1 o C higher than in the armpit (37.6-38 o C is the norm);
  • the temperature measured in the mouth (oral) will be about half a degree higher than in the armpit (37.1-37.6 o C is normal);
  • the temperature readings in the armpit and inguinal fold will be approximately the same.
The most reliable results are shown by a mercury thermometer. When using electronic thermometers, according to the measurement data, there may be a rather large error. In order to identify differences in indicators, you can simultaneously determine the temperature in the armpits an ordinary thermometer, and electronic. It is not necessary to do this in a child, you can measure the temperature for yourself or anyone healthy member families. Differences between measurements and will speak of inaccuracy.

Define rectal temperature usually only possible with little child up to 4-5 months. Since the procedure is often unpleasant, a 6-month-old child has a high temperature in this way, most likely, it will not be possible to fix because of his resistance to the procedure. It is best to carry out the measurement with an electronic thermometer, the tip of which is lubricated with baby cream. The thermometer is inserted about 2 cm into the rectum, while raising the child's legs, as if washing.

Measurements can be made in the armpit and groin fold mercury thermometer... Determination of the temperature in the groin is carried out by laying the child on its side. The thermometer is placed so that its tip is completely located in the fold of the skin. Then the hand is pressed against the child's leg to the body. In the armpit, the measurement process is the same as in adults.

A pathologically high temperature, depending on the degree of its increase, is conventionally divided into the following types(according to measurements in the armpit):
1. Subfebrile (up to 38 o C).
2. Febrile (above 38 o C).

How to correctly measure the temperature of a small child

Rules for measuring temperature in children:
  • the child must have his own personal thermometer, which is processed warm water with soap or alcohol before each use;
  • during illness, the temperature is measured at least three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening);
  • measurement should not be taken when the child is heavily wrapped up, crying or overly active;
  • high temperature in the room and taking a bath also increase body temperature;
  • food and drinks, especially hot ones, can increase the temperature in the oral cavity by 1-1.5 o С, therefore, the measurement in the mouth should be carried out one hour before or one hour after eating;
  • determination of temperature can be carried out in the armpit, rectum or inguinal fold - any thermometers; measurement in the mouth is carried out only with the help of special dummy thermometers.

Causes of a high temperature in a child

Normally, an increase in body temperature is a protective reaction of the body to any infectious or non-communicable diseases, damage.

When infectious agents enter the body, they produce toxins that cause an increase in body temperature. The body, in turn, also produces substances that contribute to the onset of fever. This mechanism is protective, since against the background of high temperatures all metabolic processes are accelerated, many biologically active substances... But when the fever becomes too severe, it itself can cause various complications - for example, febrile seizures.

Why does a child have a high fever:

  • infectious diseases (ARVI, "children's" and intestinal infections, other pathologies);
  • non-communicable diseases (diseases nervous system, allergic pathology, hormonal disorders and others);
  • teething (this is one of the most common causes in young children);
  • overheat;
  • preventive vaccinations.
There are other causes of fever in a child. These also include many emergencies and acute surgical pathologies. Therefore, for any temperature rise in a child (especially above 38 o C), you should immediately consult a doctor.

Features of elevated temperature in some diseases

The high temperature in the child will be accompanied by others symptoms pathology. At various diseases fever will have its own characteristics.

Infectious diseases

Usually the values ​​of fever in infectious diseases- within 39-39.5 o C. But in some cases, the child's temperature rises above 40 o C. This largely depends on the type of infection and the individual characteristics of the child's body.

In infectious diseases, a high temperature in a child is accompanied by other signs of pathology (cough, nasal congestion, vomiting, upset stools, and others).

One more common reason fevers are childhood infections. For example, in a child with a high fever, an itchy blister rash is a common symptom of chickenpox. Children who attend preschool institutions... For example, a high fever in a 3-year-old child who goes to kindergarten.


With overheating, the connection between fever and exposure to a heat source can be clearly noted. For example, a high temperature in a child in summer may be associated with prolonged exposure to the sun or in a car in hot weather. Children infancy can easily overheat when dressed in too warm clothes.

With a slight fever, the desire of parents to wrap the child warmly can also provoke a rise in body temperature to higher numbers. Overheating is very dangerous due to the likelihood of heatstroke, which requires emergency medical attention.

Heatstroke signs are:

  • severe fever after overheating;
  • impairment or loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • violation of breathing and heartbeat.
The first help for heatstroke is to place the child in a cool, well-ventilated room, compress on the forehead, rub down, and drink (if the child is conscious). You should also immediately call the ambulance team.


A high temperature in a child during teething is rare. Usually the fever does not exceed 38.5 o C. But in some cases the temperature can rise to very high numbers, accompanied by the child's lethargy, refusal to eat, and anxiety. This fever must be reduced. In a child of 10 months, a high temperature may well be associated with teeth, especially if he actively rubs the gums, is capricious, and at the same time there is increased salivation.


After the preventive vaccinations a high temperature in a child, as a rule, does not last long. It usually rises within a day after vaccination, and can be combined with other symptoms: slight swelling and soreness at the injection site, the child can spare the leg and move less. These signs are a protective reaction of the body to the introduction of the vaccine and indicate an adequate immune response.

If the temperature rises after vaccination, you can give the child an antipyretic agent once, without even waiting for febrile fever numbers. Physical cooling methods can also be used, but wiping is not recommended (especially, do not wet the injection site). If there is no positive trend within 1-2 days, then you should think about another reason for the increase in temperature (for example, the onset of ARVI).

When rubbing, a towel moistened with water is used, which is placed on the forehead. As soon as it dries or warms up, the towel can be dampened again. They also wipe hands, feet, chest, neck, face with water. After wiping, the child should not be wrapped, as the procedure may have the opposite effect. Should not be held this procedure a child who has ever had seizures due to a high fever, or has a disease of the nervous system.

In addition to rubdowns, you can apply ice, wrapped in a diaper, to the axillary, groin areas. However, this method can only be used with older children. Do not get too carried away, as frostbite can occur in the places where ice is applied.

Drinking plenty of fluids should also not be forgotten in case of fever. Loss of fluid through the skin and with respiration during elevated temperature increase, therefore, its deficit must be replenished in a timely manner. Also, increased drinking helps to accelerate the elimination of toxic substances from the body. At high temperature at one year old child it can be difficult to drink it. If he refuses to drink, you can give him a little liquid, but often.

Small children need to be applied to the breast more often, or to give them plain water, and a six-month-old baby can herbal teas(fennel, chamomile, linden), diluted juices and fruit drinks. An older child can also be offered compote, diluted juice or tea. Children should be given to drink especially actively when intestinal infection when high fever is accompanied by diarrhea. But don't be too zealous a large number of liquids can provoke vomiting.

At high temperatures, do not:

  • make the child comply bed rest if he does not want this, but it is also impossible to allow excessive activity, since this can lead to an increase in temperature;
  • unnecessarily wrapping or covering the child - this prevents the natural release of heat;
  • do a cleansing enema if there are no appropriate doctor's recommendations (although this procedure has an antipyretic effect, you should not abuse it and do it yourself);
  • use alcohol-containing liquids, warm water for wiping;
  • covering the child with a wet sheet or towel, wrapping up after rubdowns - all this can lead to an even greater rise in temperature.

When and how to bring down a high temperature in a child - video

High fever in a child: treatment with medications

You can quickly bring down a high temperature to a child with the use of medicinal antipyretic drugs. In children, drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol are approved for use.

Medicines can differ in the form of release (tablets, syrups, suppositories for rectal use, powders). Preparations in the form of syrups or suppositories are usually used in young children. For example, when u infant the temperature is above 39 o С, it is convenient to reduce it with the help of rectal suppositories.
Some features of the application of various dosage forms:

  • drugs taken by mouth begin to act faster - 20-30 minutes after ingestion;
  • the effect of suppositories occurs after 30-45 minutes, but lasts longer;
  • if the disease is accompanied by vomiting, it is better to use suppositories;
  • it is convenient to use medicines in suppositories when the child's temperature rises at night;
  • preparations in the form of syrups, tablets and powders contain flavors and flavorings, therefore, they often cause allergic reactions;
  • if it is necessary to use various dosage forms of drugs (for example, syrup during the day, candles at night), choose products with different active ingredients in order to avoid side effects;
  • reuse of antipyretic drugs is possible no earlier than 5-6 hours after the previous dose; in case of insufficient temperature decrease, or its repeated increase in short time, you should not experiment - it is better to immediately contact a specialist for additional help.
Ibuprofen and paracetamol are equally effective, but both have their own contraindications and side effects. Consult a physician prior to use. Doses of drugs for children are usually calculated on the basis of the child's age, or body weight. Therefore, before taking, you should carefully study the instructions. So, a child at 2 years old with a high temperature should receive almost twice the dose medicinal substance than an infant patient.

You can also use some homeopathic remedies... For example, when a child often has a high fever, so that there are no side effects from frequent use of ibuprofen and paracetamol, they can be combined with homeopathic medicines.

If the fever is accompanied by pallor, coldness of the extremities, then additionally small doses of antispasmodics (No-shpa, papaverine) and antihistamines are given. However, this is done only by a doctor.

At a high temperature in a child, use the same for a long time. antipyretic drug it is forbidden. Simultaneous reception is also contraindicated medicinal product through the mouth, and in the form of candles. This can lead to an excessive decrease in body temperature, and the occurrence of side effects from the drug.

Medicines not used in children

TO medications that are not used in a child include:
1. Currently, drugs such as amidopyrine, antipyrine or phenacetin are not used as antipyretics due to a large number side effects.
2. Funds based on acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) are practically not used in children due to their ability to reduce the number of platelets in the blood, cause bleeding, allergic reactions, and also a very serious complication typical for children - Reye's syndrome.
3. Analgin and other drugs containing metamizole sodium as an active ingredient also have a large number of side effects, such as inhibition of hematopoiesis, severe allergic reactions, and excessive decrease in temperature with loss of consciousness. These funds are not recommended for use at home.

When do you need to see a doctor?

A doctor should be consulted in any case of a fever in a child or an adult. Only qualified specialist can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe, in addition to antipyretic drugs, other medications(cough medicine, vasoconstrictor drops into the nose). If necessary, etiotropic therapy is also prescribed, aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. For example, a high fever associated with the fact that a child has angina requires antibiotics.
Immediate treatment the following cases require specialists:
  • Extremely high numbers of body temperature - more than 39.5-40 o C.
  • If the child has a high fever for more than three days, and there is no persistent positive effect during the course of the disease, despite the ongoing therapy prescribed by the doctor. It is necessary to correct the prescribed treatment, carry out additional diagnostic procedures (for example, make an X-ray of the lungs, take blood and urine tests).
  • When new symptoms appear against the background of a temperature, such as a rash, severe cough, vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Deterioration of the child's condition against the background of the beginning of recovery, which may indicate the addition of another infection.
  • If the rise in temperature is suspected to be related to overheating of the child and possible occurrence heatstroke.
  • The appearance of complications from the prescribed therapy. For example, if after taking a drug prescribed by a doctor, the child has allergic reaction... You should call a specialist to select new medications.
  • The child refuses to drink, signs of dehydration are present: dry skin, infrequent urination, dark color urine and others.
  • The presence of heavy chronic diseases in a child, the course of which may worsen against the background of severe fever (pathology of the heart, kidneys, nervous system, other diseases).
  • If the child has a very high fever, accompanied by refusal to eat, febrile seizures, sharp anxiety and groans, the appearance of a rash, impaired consciousness, unusual behavior, neck swelling, limpness, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, other signs of an extremely serious condition of the child, an urgent need to call the team Ambulance.
Thus, a prolonged high temperature in a child is not a reason to self-cure or experiment with therapy. Wait-and-see tactics can lead to severe complications... If you have any doubts about the child's condition, it is better to play it safe and consult a specialist.

The consequences of a high temperature in a child

One of the most common complications of a high fever in a child is febrile seizures. They, as a rule, occur in children under 6 years of age against a background of temperatures above 38 o C. Often such a reaction to fever appears in children with diseases of the nervous system.

Signs of febrile seizures in a child:

  • convulsive twitching of the muscles, which can be both pronounced (with throwing the head back, bending the arms and straightening the legs), and small, in the form of jerking and twitching of certain muscle groups;
  • the child stops responding to the environment, may turn pale and blue, hold his breath;
  • often, seizures can recur during subsequent increases in temperature.
When the temperature is high and the child has seizures, call "03" immediately. Urgent activities at home will be:
  • lay the child on a flat surface and turn the head on its side;
  • in the absence of breathing after the end of the seizures, start giving the child artificial respiration;
  • you should not try to insert a finger into the child's mouth, a spoon or other objects - this will only harm and injure;
  • you should undress the child, ventilate the room, use rubdown and antipyretic suppositories to reduce body temperature;
  • you can not leave the child alone during the attack.
Children who have had convulsions need to be monitored by a neurologist, as well as full medical examination to exclude the onset of epilepsy. Thus, you should not wait for the child to have a high temperature for a week. Contact your doctor in a timely manner for a diagnosis and therapy appointment. Before use, you must consult a specialist.

High fever in children

The first symptom of a child's illness is most often temperature increase .

The main reason for calling the local pediatrician or emergency contact in ambulance(over 60% of all calls) is a rise in temperature.

The normal body temperature of the child in the armpit is 36-37 ° C, the temperature in the rectum is 0.5-1.0 C higher. For thermoregulation in the body, the center is responsible, which is located in the region of the anterior hypothalamus in the brain, where both heat production and heat transfer are regulated.

Some of the neurons of the center collect information about the temperature state internal organs, skin, blood with the help of thermal sensors located in them, i.e., sensitive nerve endings... Another part of neurons generalizes and analyzes this information, then gives commands to a group of neurons, which are formed as centers of heat production and heat transfer. They regulate both heat production and heat transfer in the body. They send signals to organs through the neuroendocrine system and stimulate either the production of heat by activating oxidative processes in muscles, liver and brown fat, or stimulate the release of heat by changing the respiratory rate, heart rate, sweating intensity, etc.

These are two main processes (heat production and heat transfer) that regulate the constancy of body temperature; in a healthy state of the body, they work in a balanced way.

The constancy of body temperature is maintained for the internal organs, and the temperature of the body surface of the "shell" is unstable and can be quite low (the temperature of the toes is 25 ° C with hypothermia).

In children under 2-3 years old, heat exchange has its own characteristics:
First: heat transfer exceeds heat production.
Secondly: the ability of a child's body (especially up to one year old) to increase heat transfer during overheating and increase heat production during hypothermia is significantly limited.
Third: in newborns, the ability to give a typical febrile reaction is impaired when pathological conditions, as in adults, due to the weak sensitivity of the hypothalamic neurons.

Therefore, an increase in body temperature in a child with infections can be short-term and if the temperature is measured 1-2 times a day, then it is possible not to detect a rise in temperature, especially in premature baby... And as a result, you can skip the onset of the child's illness and start the diagnosis and treatment with a delay, which is sometimes fraught with serious complications.

Fever as a symptom of a child's illness

According to the degree of temperature rise, they are distinguished:
- subfebrile temperature - up to 38o С
- moderately high (moderately febrile) - from 38.1 - 39.0 ° C
- high fever (high febrile) - 39.1 ° C and above
-hyperpyretic - above 41 ° C

With the latter two (hyperpyretic and high temperature), it is excluded self-treatment child, you need to call an ambulance and a district pediatrician, but immediately before the arrival of an ambulance, start lowering the temperature, see below.

An increase in body temperature in a child can be in the form of fever and hyperthermia. are not the same thing.

Fever is a protective reaction of the body to the effects of pathological stimuli and is expressed in the restructuring of the process of thermoregulation in the body for more high level, that is, an increase in temperature.

Viruses and microbes die at high temperatures, as well as at a temperature of 38 ° C, the body's defenses increase, endogenous interferon is produced, the deficiency of which is the cause of increased susceptibility to viral infection and the development of complications.

Non-infectious causes of fever - these can also be allergic diseases,
tumor processes in children, endocrine diseases such as thyrotoxicosis, pheochromocytoma. Intracranial trauma and hemorrhage can also cause fever.

You need to know that a fever lasting more than three days is a symptom of a bacterial infection (pneumonia in the first place, purulent otitis media, tonsillitis, acute pyelonephritis and other more formidable diseases).

Therefore, with any increase in body temperature in a child, you need to be careful and sensitive, and remember that a rise in temperature can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Despite the fact that the well-being of children at elevated temperatures is not always adequate (the child may be active and does not look sick), fever seriously affects the child's condition.

High temperature changes normal activity of cardio-vascular system, nervous system, digestive and respiratory organs. Therefore, you need to be sensitive and attentive to the child in such a state, you need to caress him, put him to bed, measure the temperature. First of all, it is necessary to give the child more water - it can be cranberry juice, lime infusion, tea with lemon and honey in the absence of allergies, lingonberry juice... If the temperature rises to 38 ° C, then it is not necessary to give antipyretic drugs. It may be enough to drink plenty of fluids, bed rest before the arrival of the local pediatrician and the diagnosis.

Antipyretic drugs should be started at a temperature of 38.5 ° C and above.
It is important to know that over the past 20-25 years, the danger of some antipyretic drugs has been proven. In children, drugs such as aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid), amidopyrine, antipyrine, phenacetin, Tsefekon-M suppositories (with amidopyrine) and Tsefekon suppositories (with phenacetin), as well as analgin.

Currently, paracetamol is used as an antipyretic agent in children: in tablets, in mixtures and suppositories with paracetamol. Dosage: a single dose of 15 mg per kg of the child's weight, the daily dose of 60 mg per kg of weight It is important to know that antipyretic drugs are not prescribed in courses, the dose of the drug should be repeated after a new rise in temperature. With the introduction of paracetamol in solution, the antipyretic effect occurs in ½-1 hour, the effect lasts 3-4 hours.

Children's forms of paracetamol: Efferalgan, Panadol, Calpol, Tylenol.

Paracetamol - candles are best used at night, as it begins to act later in candles and has a longer lasting effect. And also candles should be used,
when the child is vomiting or refuses to take the medicine.

You cannot use candles and paracetamol at the same time through the mouth! The interval between doses should be at least 4 hours.

If the child's temperature does not decrease after repeated administration of paracetamol, the drug of choice is ibuprofen (nurofen), the dosage is 5-10 mg per kg of body weight per dose. It must be remembered that when frequent admission ibuprofen, gastrointestinal complications are possible. intestinal tract: gastritis and ulcers. Therefore, it should be used carefully and strictly according to the indications of the pediatrician.

If the temperature is 39 ° C and higher it is necessary:
- give paracetamol at a dose of 15 mg per kg of body weight;
- undress the child, do not wrap it up;
- on large vessels (in inguinal folds and in the armpit) put cool wet wipes or containers with cold water (bottles), and rub the child with a solution of alcohol or 9% vinegar.

Hyperthermia is when it is bad (not enough) in the body with heat transfer, and heat content is in excess: solar overheating, excessive physical activity,
thermal overheating (prolonged stay in a stuffy and hot room, excessive wrapping). The danger due to overheating is serious, since tissue hypoxia occurs, from which the brain suffers in the first place and cerebral edema develops. The child loses consciousness, faints, there may be convulsions, delirium, hallucinations, followed by respiratory depression and cardiac activity.

With the development of hyperthermia, it is necessary to place the child in a well-ventilated room, open the vents, turn on the fan, compress on the forehead - a solution of 9% vinegar + 97o alcohol + water, wipe with water room temperature, start rubbing with the limbs of the arms, legs, back and then the abdomen, but do not touch the heart region.

These procedures should be stopped when the temperature drops to 38.5 ° C, be sure to drink boiled water, better glucose-salt solutions (oralit, glucosalan), or prepare in their absence: 1 liter of water and 0.5 teaspoon table salt and 0.5 spoons baking soda+ 2 tablespoons granulated sugar... Drink at the rate of 40-50 ml / kg of the child's weight for 4-6 hours.

When overheating with increased physical activity, a deficiency of water and electrolytes (salts) occurs. Therefore, with such overheating, it is important to drink salted water, mineral water and natural juices.

Prevention of hyperthermia in a child is the correct air regime (room temperature, appropriate weather and temperature clothing, it is important from pure cotton. And also the correct sunbathing: not allowed in the open sun, be sure to wear a hat - panama hat.

General light air baths in the open air begin from 5 minutes in the lacy shade of trees at an air temperature of 19-20 ° C for older children and 20-21 ° C for younger preschoolers, bringing the stay to 30-40 minutes. At air temperatures above 22 ° C, children take air baths throughout the walk.

In sunny weather, children are in the sun for 5-6 minutes once a day, and after sunburn appears 3-4 times for 10-15 minutes. Panama hat is obligatory.

Prevention of fever is to increase the child's defenses against infection. From early childhood, children need to be taught skills healthy way life: regular, according to age, exercise stress, morning exercise.

Hardening: dousing, prolonged maximum exposure of children to the fresh air, active games, regular and frequent ventilation of the living space. And what is also very important is this proper nutrition children. And big maternal and fatherly love and taking care of children.

P.S. This material is unlikely to be able to answer all the questions, since there are a lot of reasons for the violation of the temperature balance of the child's body. If you have any questions, you can ask me on the forum

With the advent of the baby in the family, mom and dad are asking many new questions. So, parents are worried about the daily routine of the crumbs, his nutrition, physical activity and mental development... It would seem that everything is simple. However, quite often children are prone to illness. In this case, the most common symptom of pathology is an increase in the mark on the thermometer. This article will describe the temperature norm for a child under one year old. You will learn how to correctly measure, what is needed for this. It is also worth saying about what are the norms for a child after a year.

How to measure the temperature of a baby correctly?

The rate can be determined with the help of some available means. Currently, there are a lot of instruments for measuring values. These can be pacifiers for babies with a special display. Also, plates that are glued to the forehead of the crumbs are becoming very popular. This is very convenient as there is no need to hold the thermometer.

Manufacturers of household appliances and medicines produce the latest thermometers. They can be electronic or mercury as before. Many instruments are equipped with a shockproof system and a flexible tip. This device allows you to measure the temperature not only in the armpit.

To obtain reliable values, it is necessary to use the diagnostic devices correctly. Follow the instructions on the package. If you use the classic one, then it must be placed under the child's arm completely. The rod of the device should run parallel to the forearm. After 5-7 years, you can measure the temperature of a child in the same way as an adult.

Types of temperatures

The temperature standard for a child under one year old and after may differ depending on where the measurement is made. Most often, the measurement is carried out in the armpit. However, the temperature can be determined at the elbow, in the rectum, in the mouth, and so on. In medicine, there are several types of meanings:

  • body temperature norm in children under one year old, at an older age, as well as in adults (values ​​range from 35.5 to 37.5 degrees);
  • subfebrile values ​​(from 37.5 to 38 degrees);
  • weak (from 38 to 38.5 degrees);
  • febrile temperature, or moderate (up to 39 degrees);
  • pyretic, or high (up to 41 degrees);
  • hyperperitoneal temperature, or fever (from 41 degrees).

What temperature is the norm for a child under one year old?

Absolutely all babies are born with an underdeveloped nervous system. The consequence of this is bad job thyroid gland and the hypothalamus. That is why thermoregulation is poorly developed in infants. What is the normal temperature for a child under one year old? Doctors say that thermometer readings can range from 36 to 37.5 degrees. It all depends on the environment and the well-being of the baby. You also already know that the body temperature norm in children under one year old differs depending on the place of measurement. Let's consider the main values.

Values ​​in children of the first year of life

In this zone, the body temperature of a baby can range from 36.4 to 37.3 degrees. At the same time, it has a great influence environment... If the baby is outside in hot weather, then the thermometer level may show a value of 37.6 degrees. When the baby cries hysterically, turns red, or starts having colic, the temperature can rise to 38 degrees. At the same time, the baby is completely healthy and does not have viral or bacterial infections. During feeding, the baby's temperature can range from 37 to 37.2 degrees.

If the child is hypothermic, then the thermometer values ​​can show a temperature from 35.8 to 36.5. In this case, the baby most often behaves restlessly, cries and tries to keep warm.

Rectal temperature in infants

With this method of measurement, the values ​​of the thermometer will always be slightly higher. So, in a child under one year old, thermometer readings in the range from 36.9 to 37.6 degrees are considered the norm. Remember that the measurement must be taken when the baby is at rest. It is better to do this during sleep (half an hour after falling asleep).

Rectal temperature can rise after eating, during bowel cleansing, with the child's activity. In this case, the values ​​of the thermometer can increase up to 38 degrees. However, this is not a pathology and is considered the norm.

Oral temperature in newborns

These values ​​in babies can range from 36 to 37.1 degrees. Measurements should be taken in the sublingual area. In this case, the mouth should be closed. It is worth noting that in babies it is quite difficult to produce correct measurement... That is why this method is rarely used.

Temperature norm in children after a year

After the first year of life, the work of the nervous system and the hypothalamus is getting better. Thermoregulation becomes more correct and may already react to external sources impact. So, with prolonged exposure to the sun, the child's body starts self-cooling. The temperature norm for a child per year and later is in the range from 36.3 to 37 degrees. Moreover, it has great importance measurement area.

Measuring the temperature in the armpit

In this area, the temperature of a child (1 year and older) is from 36.5 to 36.9 degrees. This condition only applies if the baby is at rest. Often in children it is observed in the late afternoon. This happens especially often after swimming or active games. However, if the fever persists after going to bed, then we can talk about an inflammatory process.

A decrease in body temperature in babies is observed in the morning hours, while the baby is still sleeping. So, you can find the minimum values ​​on the thermometer in the period from 5 to 7 in the morning. In this case, a level from 35.8 to 36.6 degrees is considered the norm.

Oral temperature after a year

For children after a year, this measurement method is also rarely used. However, the baby can already be persuaded to sit still and with closed mouth A couple of minutes. Normal values indicators from 36.4 to 36.8 degrees are considered.

Rectal temperature measurement after a year

In this period thyroid works pretty well already. The temperature level in this place is practically the same as that of an adult. V calm state it ranges from 36.4 to 37 degrees.

Can there be exceptions?

So, you know what is the norm for body temperature in children under one year old. The table shows the main values ​​for both toddlers and older people. However, many parents wonder if there are exceptions. Does it happen that the temperature rises or falls for no reason (in the absence of illness)?

Increased body temperature

As you already know, u infants there is an increase in body temperature with overheating and stress. During massage, exercise and food, an increase in the thermometer value is also observed.

Temperatures may rise during teething. However, the values ​​of the thermometer must not exceed 37.8 degrees. Otherwise, we can talk about pathological process... Many moms believe that teething temperatures between 38 and 39 are normal. However, it is not. Most likely, there is an addition of the inflammatory process against the background of a decrease in immunity.

An increase in the thermometer value can be observed when active games, especially in the evening. Also, after a warm bath, you should not measure the temperature, as there is Great chance get inflated values.

Decrease in body temperature

In children, this phenomenon is often observed in the first 24 months of life. During this period, the environment, hypothermia, taking certain medications, and so on can affect the decrease in thermometer values.

It is worth noting that low temperatures can be just as dangerous as high temperatures. If the thermometer shows less than 36 degrees, then you should already worry and consult a doctor.

Exceptions to the rule

There are children whose body temperature can range from 35 to 38 degrees without any reason or disease. This is rare, but medicine is known similar cases... Before talking about individual characteristics, it is worth doing some examinations and make sure that the child is really completely healthy.

Summing up and a little conclusion

So, you now know what is the normal body temperature in a child up to a year and older. Remember that measurements must be carried out correctly and only with a serviceable device. Otherwise, the obtained values ​​may be invalid.

Never rely on one-time data. Repeat the measurement after a few minutes if necessary. If the temperature is not within the norm, then consult a doctor for examination and diagnosis. You should not self-medicate, because the diagnosis made by the parents is not always correct.

Listen to medical advice and do not get sick. Health to you and your children!

To begin with, let's figure out that each of us has a temperature and, normally, it is not necessarily 36.6 ° C. This is the "hospital average" value, because in a healthy person it can range from 36.1 to 37.2 ° C and even change during the day. For example, to rise after eating or heavy exertion.

When we say "A child has a temperature," we mean fever - a condition in which the body temperature is elevated, that is, the thermometer under the arm shows more than 37.2 ° C.

If you put a thermometer rectally (in the rectum) or measure the temperature in the ear, then the values ​​are usually higher Fever: First aid... Then the fever is more than 38 ° C. When measured orally (in the mouth), it is above 37.8 ° C.

Why does the temperature rise

Fever is the body’s defense reaction, usually to various infections. It is more difficult for bacteria and viruses to survive at high temperatures, so the body starts a process that destroys dangerous microorganisms, and at the same time activates the immune system Fever.

The temperature in children rises more often due to respiratory viral infections, those that we call the common cold. But this is not necessary: ​​fever occurs in many other diseases. In addition to infections, trauma, overheating, oncological, hormonal and autoimmune diseases and even some medications that have side effects like this.

Adults notice a high fever for specific symptoms:

  1. Weaknesses.
  2. Headache.
  3. Feelings of chills and shivering.
  4. Loss of appetite.
  5. Muscle pain.
  6. Sweating.

Children who already know how to speak may complain about discomfort... But the temperature also rises in babies who cannot describe their condition.

The reason to measure the temperature is unusual behavior of the child:

  1. Refusal to eat or breast.
  2. Tearfulness, irritability.
  3. Sleepiness, fatigue, passivity.

You cannot talk about a fever based on a kiss on the forehead. High temperature is indicated only by a thermometer.

When and why to lower the temperature

Fever is a sign of a correct immune response when it comes to infections. Therefore, it should not be reduced in order not to postpone recovery. Advice for managing child fever... It usually makes sense to give antipyretics after the temperature rises. On the safe use of antipyretics in children up to 39 ° C are rectal measurements. When the temperature is checked under the armpit, doctors recommend lowering it after 38.5 ° C, but not before. Don't worry, the fever itself isn't that bad.

Many fear that high temperatures will damage brain cells. But, according to the WHO, it is safe for children until it reaches The Management of fever in young children with acute respiratory infections in developing countries 42 ° C.

Fever is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of it. When the temperature is lowered with medicines, they remove outward manifestations disease, but do not cure it.

In rare cases, too high a temperature in children leads to febrile seizures - involuntary muscle contractions. It looks creepy and makes the parents faint, but mostly the attacks stop by themselves and have no consequences. Fever... Call the doctors and make sure that the child does not injure himself: lay him on his side, hold him, open him tight clothes... You don't need to put anything in your mouth, this only increases the risk of injury.

But everyone tolerates fever in different ways: someone can read and play on a thermometer even at 39 ° C, someone lies at 37.5 ° C and cannot move. Therefore, it is necessary to lower the temperature for the sake of convenience and improvement of the child's well-being.

If the child feels well, then nothing should be done with a high temperature.

The easiest, fastest and effective method- give the child antipyretic drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. They are produced in forms that are convenient for children: sweet syrups or candles. Be careful when giving syrup to a child: flavors and dyes can cause allergies.

Do not under any circumstances exceed the dosage of the medication. It is usually calculated based on the weight of the child. Children, especially preschoolers, can vary greatly in weight even at the same age, so focus on the number of kilograms, not years.

Remember that drugs take time to take effect: 0.5 to 1.5 hours. So do not rush to measure the temperature 10 minutes after taking the pill.

Use the measuring cups, spoons, and syringes that came with the medicine. Do not take medicine in the dark or in a teaspoon by eye: you always need to know how much and what medicines you gave your child.

To avoid overdosing, do not give your toddler combination medicine for cold symptoms. They already contain paracetamol or another antipyretic agent, so it’s easy to overlook that you are overdosing if you give several medications at the same time.

Paracetamol and ibuprofen can be used on the same day Paracetamol for children, but do not get carried away and do not give everything to the child at once. If, for example, you gave paracetamol, and it did not help much, then when the time comes for a new dose of antipyretic, give ibuprofen (or vice versa).

Do not give aspirin and analgin, which can cause serious side effects in children.

Is there some more physical methods, however, ineffective: wipe the child's palms and feet with a damp towel, put a cool compress on the forehead. Just do not take ice for this, it is enough to soak a towel with water at room temperature.

When to call a doctor

Experienced parents know that you can cope with mild ARVI on your own, at home. In such cases, a doctor is needed only in order to write out a certificate or sick leave for the parents. But still, the pediatrician needs to appear if:

  1. You need to get a doctor's advice, calm down. Or do you just think that your child needs medical attention.
  2. Temperature child less than three months.
  3. The child is less than six months old, and the temperature above 38 ° C lasts more than 1 day.
  4. The child is less than a year old, and the temperature above 39 ° C lasts for more than 1 day.
  5. The child has a rash.
  6. Together with the temperature there is severe symptoms: rampant cough, vomiting, strong pain, photophobia.

When to call an ambulance

You need to urgently seek help if:

  1. The temperature got to high values(more than 39 ° C) and after taking antipyretics continues to rise.
  2. The child has a confused mind: he is too sleepy, he cannot be woken up, he does not react well to the environment.
  3. Difficulty breathing or swallowing.
  4. Vomiting was added to the temperature.
  5. A rash appears in the form of small bruises that does not disappear when pressed on the skin.
  6. Convulsions began.
  7. There are signs of dehydration: the child rarely goes to the toilet, he has a dry mouth with a red tongue, he cries without tears. In infants, the fontanelle may sink.

How to help a child with a temperature

The main thing we can do to help with the fight against temperature is to eliminate its cause. If it is a bacterial infection, they are needed (only as directed by a doctor). If other diseases are to blame, they must be treated. And only viruses pass by themselves, you just need to support the body that will destroy these viruses.

Let's have a warm drink

At high temperatures, the moisture in the human body evaporates faster, so there is a risk of dehydration. This is especially true for children: they are small and need very little to lose 10% of their fluid. With a lack of water, the mucous membranes dry out, it becomes more difficult to breathe, the child has nothing to sweat with, that is, he cannot release heat himself. So warm drink at temperature - this is very, very important.

More often give your child juices, compotes, tea, water, persuade him to drink at least a few sips. Babies need to be offered breast more often, but if the baby refuses, it is better to give him water or a special drink than wait for him to return to breast milk.

Buy a humidifier

In order not to increase the loss of fluid with breathing (and we exhale steam, which contains a lot of moisture from the mucous membranes), humidify the air in the room. To keep the relative humidity between 40-60%, it is best to buy a dedicated air humidifier. But you can try and.

Get out

Damp the room every day: wash the floors and collect dust. Again, this is necessary to facilitate breathing. Do not be afraid to open the vents and ventilate. Fresh air is especially necessary for a person whose body is fighting disease, because ventilation is one of the ways to disinfect a room. It won't get any worse from the open window, but from the hot, dry and full of microbes air - it will.

By the way, the child can be bathed if his temperature rises.

Of course, when the baby wants to sleep and lie down, there is no need to drag him to the bathroom. But if general state normal, the child moves and plays, you can wash.

Follow your diet

Feed your child healthy food: do not give kilograms of candy just because he is sick. If the baby has no appetite, do not force him to eat. Eating a meal through force will not help in any way to cope with the infection. It is better to boil chicken broth and give it to your child: it is liquid, and food, and help in the fight against inflammation.

What can not be done at a temperature in a child

The best way to survive an unpleasant period of illness without problems and losses is to provide your child with good care. For some reason (according to tradition, according to the advice of grandmothers, according to advice from the forums), many harmful actions are considered mandatory in the treatment of fever. How not to make mistakes:

  1. Do not wrap up the child... If the temperature is high, then warm clothes and two blankets will only aggravate the process. Better to persuade you to drink another cup of warm compote.
  2. Do not place a heater next to your child.... In general, if the temperature in the room is above 22 ° C, it should be lowered. For a child with fever, it will be better if the room is 18–20 ° C: inhaling such air will not dry out the mucous membranes.
  3. Do not soar your feet, do not make you breathe over a saucepan with something hot, do not put mustard plasters: these procedures have no proven effectiveness, and the risk of burns and overheating is higher than any possible benefit... In addition, these are unpleasant activities, and the child is already bad. If you really want to help your little one, it is better to figure out how to entertain him when it is difficult for him.
  4. Do not rub your child with vinegar and vodka... These methods are of little help, but they are very toxic to children.
  5. Do not put your child to bed if he does not want to go there.... The patient will prescribe himself bed rest. If he has the strength to play, then that's good.

What to do if the temperature rises after vaccination

Some vaccines cause temporary reactions in the body - redness at the injection site, irritability, a slight increase in temperature. These are not complications, everything will go away by itself in 1-3 days.

Eliminate unpleasant symptoms it is possible in the same way as with any other temperature: antipyretic drugs and a suitable regimen.

Usually the temperature after vaccination is not higher than 37.5 ° C. But if the fever rises, see your doctor.