Who is better cats or dogs test. Problems of mutual existence with cats

In this article we will deal with cats and dogs: who is better, whom to choose and how to find certain qualities in your animals.

Between the owners of different animals quite often there are various disputes, for example, who smarter cat s or dogs, who is better among pets, who is better to have, etc. Each owner protects his pet and tries to put him out as best as possible. best light At the same time, it is worth remembering that dogs and cats are very different animals, and each has both advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the differences between these animals in the article.

Comparison of dog and cat intelligence: similarities and differences

To resolve the dispute between cat and dog lovers, many scientists carefully examine the structure and physiological data of these animals. But even to this day, scientists do not have enough facts to give an exact answer - who is smarter than a cat or a dog.

  • Many facts claim that dogs have more neurons in the brain that are responsible for the transmission and assimilation of information than cats. And this indicates that dogs are able to perceive more information, thus smarter than cats.
  • The number of neurons depends on the way the animal lives, the more predatory the behavior, the more high intelligence. This is justified by the fact that this way life requires the ability to develop, because this is necessary to outwit the victim.
  • Scientists count the number of neurons in the cerebral cortex, because. it is these neurons that are responsible for information processing, that is, the ability to draw conclusions based on past situations and life experience. Dogs have approximately 600 million neurons, while cats have only 150.
  • All research on the structure of the brain of animals does not prove that dogs are 100% smarter than cats, and both can solve simple riddles in order to get food. But the difference is that if the task “has reached a dead end”, the dogs will turn to the owner or another person, but the cats will stubbornly continue to try to solve it. This indicates that dogs are able to interact with humans and understand minimal social interaction skills.
  • Dogs, like humans, have social intelligence, so it's easy to explain that dogs are more likely to gather in packs, unlike cats. Dogs are more communicative among themselves and distribute responsibilities in the pack.
  • If a dog has the skills to communicate with a person, then cats have sensory intelligence, which helps them catch food faster. Cats are more precise in their movements and much more sensitive than other animals, which is why cats used to be brought in to catch mice, which is very difficult for a dog to do.

It is believed that dogs are more useful to mankind, and that is why many laboratories (about 10) are narrowly engaged in the study of the body structure and intelligence of the dog. But there are no such laboratories for the study of cats, and therefore the brain of these animals is not fully understood.

In addition to sensory intelligence, cats have a good memory, as for animals, which is why they are often called vindictive. But, if a cat is pleased, she also remembers it, though not for long, because. animals tend only to short-term memorization (from 5 to 16 hours).

Each animal is of incredible benefit to humanity, of course. intellectual ability, both cats and dogs are an order of magnitude inferior to humans, while animals own other useful qualities. But in order to fully study the workings of the brain of animals, you need to do even more research. laboratory research and household activities.

Cat and dog - who is better: services to humanity

Conventionally, animal lovers can be divided into two camps: “cat lovers” and “dog lovers”. Between such groups time is running war, and everyone is trying to prove how useful his pet is. An unequivocal answer to the question "Who is better?" , of course, does not exist. Each animal brings incredible joy to its owner, and our pets also have many positive qualities, which are useful for all mankind as a whole, and separately for each.

  • Domestication of dogs began more than 20 thousand years ago, because. they are more amenable to training, but cats are much later - less than 10 thousand years. Dogs for such long term services have mastered many professions.
  • Initially, they were used for hunting, dogs helped drive animals (often sheep and goats), the ancestors of the current Laikas were considered sled dogs, and also, to this day, yard dogs are used as guards.
  • In our time, a number of useful dog professions have replenished, you can meet guide dogs, policemen, rescuers, etc. on the streets.
  • Dogs also participated in the Second World War, thanks to such animals they were looking for bombs, and at the cost of their lives they blew up enemy tanks.

  • Despite the fact that many consider cats to be completely useless animals, this is far from the case.
  • The first owners of cats were the Egyptians, this is justified by the fact that it was Egypt that traded in large quantities of grain in ancient times. Of course, where there was grain, rodents and various insects immediately started up there. It was the cat that helped people fight pests. these little predators are incredibly sensitive and have sensory intelligence.
  • Around 1600, cats were used as clocks; you can determine the time by dilating the pupil of the animal. In Japan, they even built a temple dedicated to cats, to which watchmakers still come and thank them for the prosperity of their business.
  • But the main merit of cats has always been, is and will be - this is the extermination of rodents. If there were no cats, the population could die of hunger, and also, it is worth remembering that rats and mice are the main carriers of diseases, so it is very important to get rid of them.

  • If we consider animals as a "child", then in this regard, dogs are more attached to their owners, more friendly and pliable. Cats are inherently loners, however, they really do not like to change their usual place of residence. Animal psychologists consider dogs to be more adapted to life with people, although it is very difficult to understand exactly what cats feel.

IMPORTANT: University of Colorado researchers found that dogs are more likely to be trained than other animals. Dolphins and chimpanzees are also prone to learning, but the method of emulation is the repetition of movements after a person. But dogs, how children understand tone, look and gestures, etc. It has been established that etiquette can be instilled in dogs, but cats are very far from the results of dogs.

Dogs have an excellent sense of smell, which is why they are used as bloodhounds, but cats have a wider hearing range and are able to see in the dark. Also, both dogs and cats are able to relieve stress, lower blood pressure, and even lower cholesterol levels, and most importantly, it is to improve mood. To decide which animal you need to start, you should rely on your desires, because it is very difficult to answer who is better from such equivalent and irreplaceable animals.

Who is smarter, better - cats or dogs and why: the best answers

Each animal brings to its owner not only positive, but also performs useful work.

  • For example, dogs are often bred to guard the house, or as guides, and of course, due to their sociability and pliability, they are often called family members.
  • Cats are gentle, affectionate, but loners by nature, but according to statistics, cats are turned on much more often than dogs. the main objective in the life of a cat it is hunting, which is why, even sitting in an apartment, within four walls, the cat trains a lot: attacks, runs after toys, etc.
  • A characteristic feature of all cats is considered to be rational intelligence. Cats can be selective and inventive, but only in those matters that are really important to them. If the cat is interested in something, tear it away from exciting activity impossible.
  • The cat is considered one of the most attentive animals, in this the dog is inferior. This can be understood by placing the furry in a new environment before proceeding to usual business, the cat carefully examines the new place. Also, unlike dogs, cats very quickly find a cozy and warm place for sleep.
  • Cats are not only attentive, but also cautious about everything. First he sniffs the found thing, and then he can touch it with his paw, later, if the thing turned out to be safe, the cat simply ceases to be interested in it. This ability allows you to survive in various conditions.
  • Both cats and dogs are able to remember their name, of course, dogs are more trainable and easier to train, but cats can also be taught some primitive commands (for example, go to the toilet in the same place).

Due to the fact that dogs have less developed sensory intelligence, and with it the sharpness of movements in catching prey, dogs need to be in a pack. Perhaps this genetic feature provoked the communication skills of dogs and the development of social intelligence.

Therefore, dogs understand people much better, because. Humans also have social intelligence. Dogs are great at reading and deciphering human gestures, which helps with communication. Also, it is often observed that dogs help their owners, for example, to find this or that thing.

It is quite difficult to answer exactly the question of who is better and smarter: dogs or cats, because each species pet unique, has its positive and useful features. Each pet is the best in a particular area, dogs are intellectually developed and able to communicate with people and among themselves, and cats are the best predators that can catch large prey, in relation to their weight in a short time.

Who is better to have in an apartment - a cat or a dog: a test

Before taking on such a big responsibility as having a pet, it is worth weighing the pros and cons. It is worth remembering to give your pet comfortable conditions for living. Many are faced with the problem of choosing between a dog and a cat, because both types of pets have their own characteristics. positive sides, to choose which animal is better for you to have at home, this test will help:

  1. How much free time do you have per day that you can devote to your pet:
  • All day
  • 1-2 hours a day
  • Someone else will spend time with him
  1. What will you do if your pet goes missing:
  • This won't happen
  • I'll search all over the city, posting ads
  • Just wait until he comes back
  1. Is it worth it to teach tricks to a pet:
  • Certainly
  • I am busy
  • No, pets don't need it
  1. Why get pets:
  • I want to have a friend
  • Out of boredom
  • This is a toy for me
  1. Your pet's place of residence is very dirty, you notice it, but you need to go to meet friends, your actions:
  • I'll be late and quickly clean everything
  • Ask someone in my family to do this.
  • I'll clean it up later
  1. How much do you love animals:
  • Very much
  • I'm calm
  • Not good.

If more than the first answers, then a dog is more suitable for you. If you want to make yourself a real friend, then the dog is The best decision. You can walk and have fun with it, go on trips, so the dog can become a member of your family.

If there are more second answers, then you are a "cat person". These animals are less demanding and do not take much time for play and entertainment. But it is always nice to stroke the smooth coat and listen to the purr of a pet.

Most of the third answers indicate that these types of pets are most likely not suitable for you, it is better to consider other options, for example, fish or a turtle.

The pet is big step, and of course, before you get an animal, you need to think carefully, because shelter Living being, you are fully responsible for his health and life.

Video: Who to choose as pets: a dog or a cat?

According to psychologists, both animal and human, all people can be safely divided into "cats" and "dogs" according to psychological features, worldview and even physiology. People-"cats", for example, always smell the slightest smell of a dog, and the strong "ambre" of four-legged fellow tribesmen may not reach their sense of smell. Find out who you are with our quiz.

1. How do you feel about walking?
a) I love just wandering around and admiring nature, the city landscape ...
b) If I’m going somewhere, it’s only on business. I don't like idle wandering. And if I go to the store, then only for a specific purchase.

2. How are your relationships with the opposite sex?
a) Almost every one of my novels began with a beautiful courtship, long walks, bouquets of flowers. But then feelings cooled - and I had to "refresh" the novel with jealousy or ... look for new meetings. It didn't take long to find your soul mate...
b) We didn't have any special prelude. Just one day we realized that we can not live without each other.

3. When do you work best?
a) The most wonderful thoughts and bright ideas come to me at night. I don't like working by the hour. You have to wait for inspiration - then you won’t notice how you redo a bunch of things.
b) The most fruitful time is morning and afternoon. The main thing is to get enough sleep on the eve of labor exploits.

4. Can you call yourself a lazy person and a sybarite?
a) But how! It's so nice to be lazy!
b) No one will blame me for this. Discipline is the first step to success.

5. Do you enjoy making responsible decisions?
a) I can’t stand it when others decide something for me. That's why I want to do everything myself.
b) I do not try to pull the blanket over myself in these matters - decisions should be made by the one who is most competent.

6. Is public recognition important to you?
a) This thing, of course, is pleasant, you can’t argue. But in general, I will live well without it - thank God, I myself am still able to evaluate myself.
b) It is important for me what they say and think about me, and I consider the word “careerist” a compliment.

7. How do animals treat you?
a) Calm down. They do not express special feelings, although they do not show irritation.
b) One has only to come to visit, as the dogs of the owners strive to lick from head to toe. Yes, and friends' cats also like to climb on their knees ...

Now let's sum up

If the majority of the answers are "A":
You are a true cat. This means that the nature is romantic, loving to fantasize and soar in the clouds. At the same time, she is proud and does not tolerate anyone's leadership.
Fig in your pocket - it's about you. You know your worth and do not need encouragement from other people. You can let them scratch your back - in the end, this does not mean that for this you will now walk on your hind legs all your life. Although, as life shows, for every Murka there is always a Kuklachev.

If you chose mostly "B":
Excuse me, you are a real "dog". Standing firmly on the ground and able to recognize that there is someone in life more important than you. The only weakness is that you need to be stroked. If you are not gently patted behind the ears, you will quickly lose interest in life. The main thing you should know is that the one who caresses you does not necessarily do it sincerely. Take your time before licking his nose from the full breadth of a dog's soul.

Who to keep at home?

It is ideal, of course, to group by "species": that is, "cats" keep cats, and "dogs" keep dogs. Then you will understand each other with a “half-meow”. However, not everyone wants to live next to their animal counterpart - in this case, it makes sense to take a closer look at animals with a disposition not characteristic of their kind.

Cats with a "dog" character
Sphinxes (Donskoy, Kuril, Peterbald)
Cornish Rex
Kurilian bobtail

Dogs with a "cat" character
chow chow
Dachshund (not all, but many)
Yorkshire Terrier (not all, but many)

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The question is completely incorrect. If the choice fell on a dog, then it remains to decide on the breed, which they do not part with, practically, for the rest of their lives.

Cats exist next to us, giving their warmth, which does not completely exclude the presence of a dog.

Cat or dog: pros and cons

The problem cannot be solved in one plane. Animals are as different as you can imagine. It is comparable to making a decision about the need to live nearby a living creature that will either be loved with all the shortcomings, or will poison the life of the owners with their impudent antics. Only by inwardly answering ourselves, are we ready to patiently improve alongside them (in fact, endure all the negative moments of their lives), we can decide on the animal itself.

In fairness, it must be said that internally the future owner decided who he sees next to him: either the faithful eyes of a dog, or a cozy purr on his knees. This inner urge determines the further attitude to the consideration of the advantages and disadvantages. cohabitation. And then the question is no longer: "Who better cat or a dog?

Who are they living next to us?

Every person at least once in his life, but faced with cats and dogs.

A black cat crossing the road evokes only negative emotions in us, and even drivers strive to slow down and wait for someone to cross the road earlier. But the purring creature on its knees is a picture of a quiet family happiness and well-being in the house, and then the answer to the question why cats are better than dogs is unambiguous.

A dirty dog, restlessly running back and forth, prowling through the garbage heaps in search of food - this can only be dreamed of in nightmare. But a trained, impeccably obedient silent dog, whose devoted eyes are constantly watching him, almost always gives a reason to dream about his own.

Perhaps that is why we cannot immediately decide: a cat or a dog.

You can talk a lot about who is better - a cat or a dog, but the decision will come spontaneously, although after serious thought.

Problems of mutual existence with cats

A small kitten (it is best to take it at the age of one and a half to two months - then it will grow up and meet the laid down master's requirements) is not accustomed to anything. He can eat, drink, jump, run, climb. The departure of natural needs occurs almost spontaneously - where he wanted, it happened there. It will take two or even three months to accustom a kitten to a potty (tray with filler). No one will do this for the owners, although if there is enough money, you can take a thoroughbred kitten already trained in everything at 4-5 months of age. And if you're lucky, then the usual - not thoroughbred. But this will already be a creature with a pronounced character and not completely master - he was raised by others, he will remember them all his life.

What if the content requirements are different? Maybe he climbed the curtains and you don't allow that. He grew up with a cat mom, she taught him how to eat properly, but he can’t lick himself, and washing a kitten (to get fleas out) is already a problem.

What you need to know about cats and cats?

The kitten himself chooses the place where he will sleep, it is impossible to force him to do this.

He will determine the food himself - food from bags, unfortunately, will be swallowed instantly, but also quickly removed from the body. And the eternally hungry, plaintively screaming, scratching the legs of the owners of the creature will force him to feed him with real food. And then you rush to the store to buy him fresh meat (chicken, fish) - what does the pet want there?

The cat will inevitably ask for a walk. Estrus (estrus) - natural physiological process, no one has been able to cancel it yet. These will be tense times in the apartment: uterine meowing (even at night), tearing wallpaper or grabbing the heels of the owners (from great tenderness) and looking inward. Moreover, it is absolutely impossible to scold a cat during estrus - you can leave her a psychopath for life. Of course, you can use special sedative tablets and drops. Immediately after the first estrus, the owners should decide whether to sterilize the cat. Then translate it to special meals so as not to get fat.

The cat will definitely try to mark its territory. And will do it if appropriate measures are not taken - there is special means. He will have to be punished. At eight months old, a cat (if it is not taken as a thoroughbred for the purpose of reproduction) must be castrated, otherwise it will be just a disgusting creature, provided that the pet lives only in an apartment and does not go for a walk on the street.

Unsterilized cats and cats are completely predictable natural creatures in their urges. They snoop around basements, catch mice and birds, sometimes hunt in garbage containers (even well-fed ones). But under conditions big city bring a lot of worries to the owners - they can disappear for several days, and after that they come and either, if you need to wait for the offspring, or, if it is a cat, you need to wash and feed it. In any case, annual vaccinations and examinations by a veterinarian for infectious diseases for people (which is important for children) are mandatory.

If these problems do not seem insurmountable, then, without hesitation, you can take an animal from the cat family. And then it makes no sense to consider the question of who is smarter than a cat or a dog.

How do owners feel next to cats (cats)?

If the problems of growing up are overcome, the pet is accustomed to the toilet, has decided on food, then good times come in the apartment, which is quite natural.

The owners live in a feline rhythm, having adapted to the pet. He wakes them up at night: cats are nocturnal animals. Their great-great-great-grandparents behaved in exactly the same way. And it’s good if, after waking up, the pet finds his favorite toy and starts messing with it. But most often he will demand to feed him, and once caught on this, the owners will be forced to get up and then it will be very difficult to fall asleep. It does not help even if the cat is kicked out to another room. For about ten minutes he jumps alone, then he starts yelling under the door. You have to go out, take it in your arms, talk - this is about two hours. And it's already morning. And the cat falls asleep, and does not even lead with his ear when the door closes behind the owners. He can sleep for a long time, get up, eat, and again on the side. Wakes up and meets the owners. Yes, that's the kind of creature he is.

Children love to play with kittens, carry them in their arms, squeeze them, getting great pleasure from this. Sometimes, if you squeeze your pet hard, he may first hiss, and then scratch. Conclusion - children should be limited in playing with cats.

Cats themselves choose the owner, they only tolerate the rest of the household. There is no reasonable explanation for this. A cat can purr on anyone's lap, but petting ends immediately when the owner of her choice enters. And for him (or her) it has long been no longer necessary to solve the problem of who is better a cat or a dog.

Problems of mutual existence next to the dog

A small, always poking at the feet creature, so inquisitive that it always overturns everything in its path - this will be a freshly brought puppy. And any breed.

To make him obedient, and most importantly - smart dog, you have to spend a lot of time and effort. At this stage, hands often give up, sometimes a thought flashes through, but is the choice correct, so who is better in the apartment a cat or a dog?

You have to start, oddly enough, with yourself. A dog will grow up healthy (with properly formed bones and joints) only if it moves enough for the breed. Even a mongrel needs active walks. Therefore, in any weather and bad weather, first four or five times for ten to twenty minutes, and then twice a day for at least half an hour, the owner must walk his pet. And you can’t put it off until later, you need to do it every day: most dogs cannot send their natural needs to the trays like cats. And in the first months, even frequent walks will not be able to protect carpets from wet spots (they are usually removed when the baby is brought).

With the selection of food, everything is much simpler - what you decide to feed, then the pet will eat. In inexperienced owners, puppies can become very fat (they always want to eat), and fullness is harmful, unfortunately, not only to people.

How do people feel around a dog?

When the period of growing up is overcome, a period of mutual consent begins.

The pet understands the owner, he feels his mood, and raising his voice at the slightest offense makes the dog worry. It becomes difficult for owners not to humanize the actions of dogs - the response is often unexpectedly warmer than just friendly.

During this period, a person becomes not just the owner of the dog, but her friend. If such contact is established, then mutual existence is completely unburdensome.

The natural background is the estrus of dogs with the inevitable spots, the desire to run away in search of a partner.

Even the constant urges of males to linger next to a delicately smelling girlfriend are not annoying, and if you don’t take it on a leash in time, then shoots.

The dog lives with the problems of the owners, but they do not load it with their own, having long ago decided who is better to get, a cat or a dog. For them, the answer is always unequivocal - of course, a dog, but only of the breed to which the soul lies (it can be outbred), of the size that will not infringe on the interests of the household.

Who is better cat or dog: pros and cons

If we consider the issue of psychological state owners after adopting a pet, it is completely indifferent who becomes a furry friend.

The inevitable concomitant struggle with dirt (in one form or another) will almost always be present throughout the pet's life, with cats a little smaller, with dogs a little more.

The advantages of keeping a cat in an apartment are practically unspoiled relations with neighbors. In the case of a dog that still needs to be trained so that it does not howl in the absence of owners and does not yelp when someone passes by the apartment, relations with neighbors can reach scandals. There are many examples of this, and moving can be the result - you won’t give your pet to anyone (although there are many negative cases).

You can leave the cat on vacation, entrusting the care of it to relatives or neighbors (this is an economy option, more expensive - to a special receiver). The dog is very hard going through the absence of the owner, the relatives will not cope with it, the neighbors even more so. There remains only an expensive nursery specializing in overexposure.

From the point of view of the routine and rhythm of life, the dog binds the owners to itself much more tightly than the cat. A dog is a lifestyle, and a cat, in fact, does not change anything.

Cohabitation of dogs and cats

In many families, dogs and cats live together, acquiring loving owners either at the same time, or appearing in the apartment in turn. The owners for themselves immediately and forever decided the question of who is better - a cat or a dog.

If these creatures appear at the same time, the owners for almost a year in a tense rhythm raise them, train them, accustom them to the household and the daily routine.

Cats, if still young, are wary of puppies. But then they begin to patronize them, probably perceiving them as their own children.

Unfortunately, not all dogs can be tolerant of felines, but if this happens, a strong and close-knit union is born. Sometimes it brings more joy to the animals themselves than to the owners.