Pregnancy is an emotional state.  The psychological state of a woman during pregnancy

One of the most common attitudes associated with pregnancy is that experiencing negative emotions during this period is harmful or even dangerous for the child.

It seems to us that if we get nervous, cry, be afraid or angry, despair or be offended, then the child will feel bad about it.

We think that:

  • the child experiences the same feelings as we;
  • he is scared and incomprehensible, he thinks that the world is dangerous;
  • this forms his character, and he will grow up anxious, angry, mischievous, in general, with a spoiled character or unhappy;
  • it affects his health or the course of pregnancy;
  • this affects how the birth will go.

What is really happening? In fact, our negative emotions, of course, influence. And on the condition of the child, and on the course of pregnancy, and on the well-being of childbirth. Unless it does not affect the fate of the child and his character, or rather, the influence is so insignificant that it does not have any effect.

Yes, they do, BUT. Not as directive, straightforward as we think about it. Not as global as we think. Not so decisive. If everything was so simple, it would be enough not to shed a single tear for 9 months and ale-op! - in your arms healthy baby with a happy fate after an ideal birth.

I know babies, surprisingly calm (like elephants), with a strong nervous system, born in the most prosperous way after really incredibly stressful pregnancies - where there is a divorce, and an unwanted conception, and serious troubles at work. I know children who were not born as healthy or as healthy as their parents would like, although the whole pregnancy, the mother carried her belly literally in loving hands, experienced only “pink” experiences, and everything around her was only beautiful.

Nothing is a guarantee of nothing.

There is a collection of factors, a number of factors, and there is the fate and inclinations of the child, where only a combination can give some kind of result. And then - we will never be able to say with absolute certainty that it was this or that that created this. Life is more subtle and multi-spectral than we are used to with our crowns on our heads, in other words, control over life, to count.

And the more we strive to control, the more we think in terms of “press the button - you will get the result”, the more life will loosen our framework, expanding our understanding of it, I don’t know why it works like that.

And finally, to the point. Often experiencing negative feelings, we amplify them many times over by experiencing that we are experiencing them, but “it’s impossible”, and thus the circle closes. And if we add to this that pregnancy itself - for the body and for the soul of a person - is already stressful, then you can dig in a panic in general.

So, being nervous during pregnancy is normal. Humanly. Safely.

It's dangerous to hold it back.

Let's understand the concept of "stress". Stress is any event or situation that throws your life off track. A concussion in which habits, daily routines, long-established roles and functions in the family change. Stress includes: the loss of a family member, divorce, loss of a job, but also events that, it would seem, should bring us only positive emotions: a wedding, moving to a new place (even if conditions are better than they were), the appearance of a new family member , exit to new job or study. As you can see, these are events that inevitably change the daily routine. family life, and significant. And stress isn't always a bad thing. The main thing is that it is something that changes the habitual.

And in this sense - pregnancy from the point of view family system- unequivocally considered stress, with all the ensuing manifestations in the form of instability, insecurity, anxiety, loss. The way it was can no longer be, but the way it will be has not yet been built, adjusted, felt and done.

It is normal to be nervous during this period of time, it is normal to fear for the future, be offended by the lack of support, be afraid of not coping, get annoyed with loved ones that they are doing something wrong, and a bunch of other different feelings during this period are normal.

In addition to the fact that sensitivity during pregnancy, in principle, increases, as if just so that we do not keep emotions in ourselves, but easily express them, without leaving them clamped in the body, and we cry easily and violently. And with tears, it has long been proven, and stress hormones come out.

In addition, judge for yourself, 9 months is almost a calendar year, it is very, very many weeks and days of your still simple life, in which there are other people, circumstances, accidents, news, relationships, and where - that's why - without experiences (completely different) it is simply impossible to do. After all, it is impossible for almost a year not to be offended by anyone, not to be upset, not to be afraid, not to get angry, not to quarrel. We are people, and the foam of our days consists of this, as well as of many positive things.

So negative experiences in themselves are normal in pregnancy, you should not blame yourself for this. The question is what do we do with them.

And here typical difficulties arise in the form of an attempt to drown out one's feelings, to try to think only about the good and other forms of avoiding experiencing and expressing one's feelings.

Although each of us just knows that it is harmful and difficult to carry feelings in oneself and not splash them out. This is the effect of steam under the lid, when something seems to be wandering and boiling in you, having no way out.

Every emotion is reflected in our body. From fear, our heart skips a beat, our stomach twists, our legs go numb. From anger - reduces the jaw, clenched his hands into fists. But it's something we can easily track. Our feelings, being unconscious, settle in clamps on the internal organs, and as a result, the energy does not flow, or its circulation is difficult. And by energy here I mean quite specific, earthly things - blood circulation, oxygen supply to tissues. In the place in the body where we live the feeling - or rather, we DO NOT live it, that is, we try not to feel it, there is a clamp and, accordingly, the difficulty of this circulation. If the feeling is chronic, it becomes manifest in the body and we get sick. During pregnancy, this can affect both the uterus and the placenta, and, accordingly, the health of the baby.

This is no reason not to feel. I repeat, this is impossible. It is impossible not to experience pain where it hurts. When it really hurts. How to try not to worry negative emotions"? It's okay to cry. As times ??? feel - need to. Allowing yourself to do so. Calling feelings by their proper names. When we do not close ourselves off from our feelings, we have the opportunity to experience them and they do not remain clamps in the body, congestion in the soul, but flow further - along the river of life. "Like water off a duck's back".

When this one comes out of us salty water, it brings relief, liberation, and often - even decisions how to be. Together with tears, the body leaves the stress hormones that we are so afraid of damaging the baby. So crying when it's bad is the best thing you can think of in the "fight" with negative feelings. In addition, the body itself, nature itself provokes us to this, and they never make mistakes, they never lie. Our body is infinitely wise.

How can you constructively experience feelings?

You may not even immediately understand what exactly you feel: the bouquet of emotions is so great that it is not always possible to disassemble it into separate flowers-colors.

At first, try to simply notice what happens to the body when you are inside this situation, thinking about it or about this person. Where is the body tense, what happens to the arms, what to the legs? What pose are you in? What organ or part of the body attracts attention, as if it sounds? Don't try to evaluate it, interpret it, just watch.

You can call this feeling a color or an image and where it is in the body. Next, breathe it in. While inhaling, exhale mentally blow out to the place where there is tension, as if washing away, blowing it out of yourself. This good prevention just the same harm that we are afraid to cause the baby.

Next - try to catch: what kind of feeling am I experiencing? Do not be afraid to name your feelings in as much detail as possible, splitting into shades. Don't be afraid of the "badness" of your feelings, the inappropriateness, or the fact that they make you a "bad" wife, or daughter, or mother, or girlfriend.

Feelings we can be anything, just because we are people. It's our actions that make us bad, not our feelings. And you can feel anything.

Just be careful: “I don’t want to see him” is still not a feeling, but resentment or anger is very much so.

Feelings can be completely contradictory: the same phenomenon or person can cause us both love and gratitude, as well as disappointment and resentment. And this does not mean that one of them neutralizes the other, they have the right to exist and can coexist in you at the same time.

The often discovered and named feeling just seems to give us this emotional and bodily exhalation, a release of tension. Just from recognition, hearing yourself.

But nevertheless, you can go further. And ask yourself: what do I want to do in connection with my feelings / key feeling? Don't be afraid to answer yourself. The fact that you understand what you want to do does not oblige you to do it, even if you know that you want to hit the offender (which is unacceptable) or hide and escape (which is impossible). It's good to be aware of this. Because this makes it possible to just connect the mind in order to figure out what acceptable form of expression of one's feelings can be found. You can’t hit a person, but you can beat a pillow from the heart or even tear it to smithereens (in the literal sense of the word). You can beat dishes and eggs. Can beat the surface of the water. You can't run away, but you can come up with forms of protecting yourself - an invisible house that can be used to fence off unpleasant contact. And so it is in everything.

How else can you experience feelings?

In addition, feelings can be written out. Just a stream, on a sheet of paper. These are the so-called "pisanki". A sheet is taken, a line is drawn, under it is the date and time. And then, with a stream of thoughts, everything, everything, everything that you think, feel about the situation that hurts in you. It doesn't matter what words. Write as if no one will read it, no one will appreciate it. Here you can be ungrateful, stupid, angry, bad, unloving, cursing, whatever, weak, desperate ...

This is not harmful to the child. It is harmful for a child - when you carry all this in yourself. It's like pus that you finally release outside, and it does not intoxicate, does not poison the body from the inside.

Feelings can be drawn. And in this case it doesn't matter if you can draw; from an artistic point of view, your drawing can be as primitive as you like, up to stick-stick-cucumber. Can be abstract, a set of colors and different forms and lines. The main thing is to make it easier for you, so that he expresses what is in your soul. Don't be afraid to draw horror stories. You can then burn them and tear them. Imagine that paper is a container where you transfer from your soul - onto it - the seething and irritating feelings.

Sometimes, having drawn something and letting it lie on the sidelines for a while, you will come up later and see fresh eyes something new about your situation, how you perceive it and what you can do about it.

Feelings can be danced. There is such a dance - an authentic movement. The music turns on - any, according to the mood. Feel - what do you want? Smooth or hard? Fast or slow? Electronic or live? Ragged or continuous rhythm? With voice or not? Drums? Violins? Guitars? What a style?

And start moving.

Don't worry about how it looks from the outside. (And of course, find such an opportunity for yourself in space so that no one will see you, disturb you, or rush you.) Feel what the body asks: where to stretch, where to shrink, where to stomp, and where to fly - do everything that your body will ask - just as we sometimes want to stretch sweetly after sleep; from this need of the body, dance according to this principle.

That is, in the usual sense of the word, it may not turn out to be a dance at all, there may not be a single template dance and beautiful movement familiar to us. It is important that the body expresses everything that sits in it with pain in its various forms.

Feelings can be sung. Moreover, it can be both songs according to the mood, and just the sound. In the mood, I try to feel what sound my soul is asking for now, what key - high or low. I take a breath, and as I exhale, I sing this sound for a long, long time, as long as my breath is enough.

  • And - open, liberating, helping to release what is more than us.
  • O - an attempt to concentrate, to cover oneself with this O - as a womb, a sphere around oneself, to feel one's strength.
  • U is about pain and longing, about unbearable feelings, about anger.

But there are also E, and Y, and even the sounds already named associatively - for you, for each, they can mean something completely different and even the opposite.

This chanting of the sound with exhalation can be combined with blowing out the tension from the body, which sits in it in some place in connection with the situation being worked out.

Yes, what I describe is not reasonable, not logical. It acts bypassing our smart rules and regulations on how to behave and feel in a given situation. We ourselves know very bitterly that we can understand everything with our heads, but feelings do not disappear from this. We are often smart and wise with our heads, and everything is fine with us, but with what is in our souls, we just need to do something. Take the weight off her. Feelings are connected with the instinctive in us, with the right hemisphere responsible for creativity. That is why I offer so many creative forms of their expression.

According to this principle, feelings can be molded, played on musical instruments... feel what resonates with you, right now, in this situation.

And finally the most important.

By allowing ourselves to feel different, we are honest with our child. We do not lie to him about ourselves, about what is in our souls, or about the world into which he comes.

Yes, we want to give our child all the best, but his life will still not be sterile and happy, no matter how bitter we feel about it.

The child comes to live. Comes into a life that is neither white nor black, not just one. It is different, motley, and it can be different. The ability to live your feelings, not to be afraid of them, to express them healthy for the body, for your soul and for the souls of other people - this is a culture of experience, this is an ecology of feelings that we can instill in our child from the womb.

The ability to confess your feelings is the ability to be close to your baby, not to try to lie to him, not to hide from him. This does not mean that we “load” our negativity on a small child. Just the opposite: the named and lived feelings do not stand as a silent, unmanifested tension between us. Allowing yourself to be different, to be afraid and angry, to be weak, allowing yourself, in fact, to be a person - this is the formation of the skill to accept your child as anyone, in any of his human manifestations. To remain close to him, on the same side, when he, walking along the earthly path, will be angry and offended, will be weak or harmful.

If you are afraid that the child will not understand that these feelings are not directed at him, or think that the world is dangerous and scary, you can say to him like this: “Yes, baby, I’m terribly angry with your dad right now, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t love him and you more than anyone in the world, it’s just that in this situation he pisses me off, and his behavior hurts me. Just because we are different, like all people on earth. Or: “Yes, baby, now I’m scared, very scared, and I don’t know where to put myself, but this does not mean that it will always be like this or that the world is dangerous. This is temporary until I can see what's next, and until I know what to do. A little more, and a decision will ripen in me, how to be, and I will find support and support, because they are always there.

Such words support us too ... how they support us ...

How to Express Your Feelings, or A Few Words on Constructive Dialogue

It is clear that our feelings are often generated by relationships with other people. It is their words or actions that affect our soul, causing one or another response.

In such cases, it makes sense not only to experience your feelings with yourself (to discover them, find a form for their expression, to look for what can be done with them - as I described in the previous chapter), but also to convey them to a person, in connection with which these feelings arise.

This is where the pitfalls lie. Starting to say that we are hurt or offended, scared or cold in connection with the words or actions of another, we can come to conflict, since the other person may categorically refuse to take responsibility for our experiences, feel guilty and change the image their actions. And in some ways he will certainly be right. Because we are responsible for the feelings we experience.

The same words of a person, depending on temperament, state of mind on this moment time, from self-esteem and what your mom and dad could mean by these words in childhood, each listener can perceive it completely differently: someone will be hurt by the words, someone will be left indifferent, someone will hear care in them, and someone criticism.

  • check it out.

It always makes sense to find out what feelings, what motivation are behind the words of a person.

If, in your opinion, he says something offensive, then you can say: “I am offended by your words. It seems to me or do you want to hurt me with them? If not, then ask the person to answer what goal he is pursuing in his own words.

I call it reconciliation. Before coming to my conclusions, starting from the words of the interlocutor, I make sure that what I hear in his words (reproach, criticism, irony, etc.) is exactly that.

In close relationships, more often than not, the other person still does not deliberately seek to hurt us. He simply does not know what words in us will press on what “nerve receptors” of the psyche, what wounds of the past will be raised;

  • talk about your feelings.

We often think (unconsciously, of course) that other people are telepaths and should guess our feelings for themselves. As if all other people are built the same way as we are, their logic is the same, their values ​​are the same, etc. The other person, even the closest one, may have no idea how you feel when he does or does not do something . This does not make him any less close to you. Just intimacy - it is achieved, and not magically comes from the fact that this is "my person." Help him. Talk about your feelings.

But! It's very important how. Talk in the first person about your feelings, not about his actions. Do not analyze his J feelings and motives, you can make a big mistake in them, L offend with this and already at this stage close the opportunity for dialogue, because you yourself will hurt the interlocutor or cause his indignation.

Say: "When you are late, I feel deceived, my time is invaluable to you and therefore - an insult." Instead of: “I’m offended because you don’t care what I have over time, because you are the navel of the earth and you think that you can wait forever!”

Say: “When you do not ask me what the doctor told me about the condition of the baby at the reception, it hurts me. I feel like you don't care about us. But surely this is not so, I don’t understand you, why don’t you ask?” Instead of: “You don’t give a damn about me and the baby! You didn’t even ask me about how I went to the doctor!” Say "I'm sad/I'm hurt" instead of "You're ruining my mood/You're hurting me";

  • Tell me how you can help - specifically!

This is the hardest part for female logic, but I want “he guessed it himself”, otherwise it’s not interesting. But if we discard coquetry, then we can remember that it’s difficult for men - just about feelings, they need specific instructions, clear instructions on what is expected of them in connection with these feelings.

"I'm sad, tell me it'll get better." "I'm sad, make me a bath and bring some tea with chocolates." "I'm sad, hug me and kiss me, right here, yeah."

Or more seriously: “Please, if you are late, call me or text me about it as soon as you understand this. Also make it clear how long you're going to be late."

"Let's make a deal, if you don't ask how my doctor's appointment went, it doesn't mean you're indifferent, it means you trust me - that if something goes wrong, I'll let you know, OK?"

“It is important for me that when I am scared, you do not leave me alone. You can say any nonsense, most importantly, do not be silent at these moments.

The emotional world of a woman in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

This is the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. What happens to a woman's well-being? This should be known to both the future woman in labor and her relatives in order to support her in this beautiful and difficult period for her. First of all, if a woman does not feel her pregnancy as a disease and does not associate childbirth with a surgical operation, this important period life in her emotional world is undergoing changes that are important for successful motherhood.

All psychological states during the pregnancy of the last trimester can be characterized by one phrase - immersion in oneself. That is, a woman constantly listens to her inner state, imagines what kind of child will be born, who she will look like. 99% of women find it difficult to quickly and logically talk about something else. Thoughts about a child can occupy all the time of a woman and manifest themselves in vivid fantasies, which can even interfere with calming down before going to bed. The movements of the baby are now the center of attention of the expectant mother, as they become very tangible. And also all the processes occurring in the tummy directly affect her well-being. For example, if the child falls asleep, then the mother will also feel drowsy. At the same time, the condition of the expectant mother directly affects the condition of the baby. If the mother is stressed, then the baby also feels anxiety. But don't give it too much great importance, since only a prolonged stressful state and bad habits of the mother can adversely affect the development of the child. But still, the expectant mother should not watch films and programs with aggressive themes and systematically overwork.

For a favorable course of pregnancy, it is recommended to fully relax, walk more and surround yourself with positive emotions.

The third trimester of pregnancy in a future mother is also manifested by fatigue from communication. She no longer wants to have much contact with friends, visit places large cluster people: theaters, exhibitions, companies, etc. She tries to avoid difficult situations, relationships and spectacles. On the contrary, the instinct of “nesting” wakes up in a woman when she seeks to equip her home to receive a cub. At the same time, she strives to develop vigorous activity, to have time for everything, to finish and equip. The expectant mother should remember that it will not be long and overdo it, and then there will be no strength left for the birth itself. Don't overload yourself recent months, measure your strength and time.

These features can be explained by the fact that from the second half of pregnancy, the right hemisphere of the brain, which is directly related to the area of ​​feelings, emotions and creativity, begins to work intensively in a woman. Therefore, future mother intuitive feelings associated with harmony may awaken. Everything ugly, wrong, will cause irritation and rejection, sometimes even to the point of nausea. Nature has tried to make future mother acquired intuition, taste and a sense of proportion, which she will so need at the birth of a child.

IN emotional sphere pregnant women may experience changes that have their positive and negative sides. Usually her sentimentality is exacerbated, which is expressed in increased tearfulness when watching melodramas, reading novels, etc. Along with this, anxiety, suggestibility and resentment increase in the expectant mother. They may be associated with upcoming birth marital relationships. Your loved ones should be prepared for the fact that your eyes are often in a wet place, you must carefully select the words and tone in communication so as not to offend.

These conditions are completely natural for a pregnant woman, you just need to learn how to cope with them: try not to be offended for a long time, distract yourself pleasant emotions so that your husband does not think that your character is irrevocably spoiled.

The positive side of sensitivity is sensitivity and intuition, which in the future will help to capture the state of the baby, and now allow the pregnant woman to better empathize with other people. The craving for a beautiful environment in a future mother leads to the fact that she can discover unknown creative talents in herself. For example, to drawing, creating original clothes, design beautiful interior writing poetry and music. Caring for relatives increases, as awakening and unrealized in full maternal instinct makes itself known.

All psychosomatic changes in pregnant women are necessary training to motherhood and last throughout the entire period of breastfeeding.

Use them to strengthen marital relationships so that after the baby is born, you can cope with the worries with dad.

A pregnant woman and her husband should know the features different periods pregnancy and, if possible, take them into account in family life.

For anyone who has ever encountered a pregnant woman, it is no secret that her character is changing, and quite strongly.

But if this pregnancy for you and your entire family - the first, then you may be surprised and even shocked by how much the psyche of the expectant mother changes.

Many traditional cultures (for example, Chinese, Indian, Roman) had a very special attitude towards pregnant women.

Special conditions were created for them, as they would say now - perinatal clinics, in which future mom was surrounded only by beautiful things, sounds, even smells. It was believed that a calm, aesthetically sustained atmosphere could harmonize internal state pregnant woman - both physical and mental, mental.

Setting and psychological climate big city often far from ideal conditions, which our ancestors aspired to, and which many literate future parents are striving for now. But the pace of the big city - ragged, nervous, oversaturated - still makes itself felt. There are too many things around us - impressions, a wide variety of information, people, with their conflicting internal states.

Often all this does not contribute to the calm, harmonious mood of a pregnant woman.
Let's try to imagine the dynamics of the emotional state of a pregnant woman, linking the changes taking place in her psyche with such a tangible thing as the gestational age.

First trimester

Big changes

It happens that a woman does not yet know about her pregnancy, but already feels that something is happening to her. Moreover, for most women, the changes in the first trimester of pregnancy are by no means simple.

Many pregnancy experts consider the first trimester to be revolutionary.
Too much changes in the metabolism, and in the hormonal status, and in the physiological, and of course, in the psychological sensations.

There is still much to get used to: for example, changing taste preferences, may begin to like a completely different color scheme and music of those genres that previously did not evoke a response.

In my opinion, one of the significant factors that determine the psychological state of a pregnant woman is early toxicosis.

It is very difficult to enjoy life and be pleasant in communication when you feel sick almost all the time, and that’s all. familiar products stink unbearably. (I apologize for the harshness of expressions).

More than a third of women who perceive the world through a veil of nausea for the first three months.

As a rule, overt toxicosis is associated with depression, mood swings and even depression.

You can’t call a calm first trimester in any way. An experienced midwife I know said that the situation of the first three months of pregnancy is revolutionary. This is when "the tops cannot, but the bottoms do not want."

And to realize the fact that soon enough to become a mother is not easy for everyone. Moreover, the child can be planned, and even long-awaited - but the human, and especially the female, psyche is arranged in such a way that it takes time to realize and accept pregnancy.

And you should not condemn yourself and execute yourself for the minutes of confusion and anxiety in those first hours and days when you just found out that you are pregnant.

A good, in my opinion, way to talk with friends, acquaintances, women who have already given birth. And from many women who have gone through the path of pregnancy and become good mothers, you will definitely hear about difficult attitude to pregnancy at the beginning.

The fact that you were not immediately happy does not mean at all that you will not love the child, and that you will not become a mother at all, but a viper.
Just give yourself (and, of course, the baby's father) some time. TO big things you get used to it gradually. And this tiny child inside you is a very big event.
The main task of a pregnant woman is to accept the fact of pregnancy at least by the end of the first trimester and begin to actively enjoy it.

Everything is disgusting:
Speaking in more loyal medical language, which does not reflect the essence of the process, a woman's taste preferences and there are quirks. In one of the Oriental languages ​​there is even special word denoting the whims of a pregnant woman.

It would seem that what is the connection with the psyche - solid physiology.

But if in the morning you can’t drink your favorite coffee with pleasure simply because you feel sick, this can be just a blow to the foundations of life.

You feel that some side of life is slipping away from you and you can’t habitually enjoy the taste of your favorite food. What used to bring pleasure taste sensations- at times sheer flour, and there is no desire for anything.

It will take a few weeks, and you will be quite comfortable with these changes.
True, I have not had to meet people who would like the state of toxicosis.
Increased sensitivity to smells and its effect on the psychological state:
A pregnant woman may feel strong and unpleasant odors everywhere. The refrigerator stinks especially, and sometimes the food being cooked.
Favorite perfumes and smells of close acquaintances may become disgusting.

Toxicosis can sometimes spread to the husband.

Irresistibly want to sleep:
Sleep comes in a huge wave and covers you. You sleep very deeply, sometimes so deeply that it is difficult to wake up. Sleep can be dreamless, but you can also have amazingly vivid dreams.

In general, if you sleep - sleep well. "The soldier is sleeping, but the service is going on." Many discomfort and the experiences of the first trimester of pregnancy are easily treated with sleep.

Mood swings:
The emotional state of a pregnant woman in the first trimester is rather uneven.
Happy, euphoric states are replaced by periods of depression and depression. These mood swings usually don't have a good reason. External events are often just an excuse to go outside. strong emotions.

Don't be scared or surprised by these mood swings - they are due to drastic changes in your hormonal state.

Sometimes there is confusion, uncertainty about the future, a feeling that you can not cope:

It can be difficult to get used to the idea that very soon your life will change, that next summer you will not be able to plan as usual. The thought of those new things and events that are coming to you can cause uncertainty.

Uncertainty on many everyday issues also does not add confidence. Indeed, often the relationship between the future father and mother is determined and formalized precisely with the onset of pregnancy.

Second trimester

Quiet mid-pregnancy:

Getting used to the "new format" of your body.

For many who are accustomed to taking care of themselves, future mothers, a change in the volume of the waist and hips causes mental shock. varying degrees gravity. Of course, you guessed that your figure would change, and even expected it. But when suddenly your favorite skirt or trousers become small - this is a surprise.
Accept and love the changes in your body, feel beautiful and loved in a new way - this is what you should strive for in the second trimester of pregnancy.
Changes in attitude towards the physical side of love:
A child grows inside you - a whole person - and few sensations remain the same. This is especially true of gender relations.
Being alone with your husband, you will again and again feel that someone else is with you. And for some couples, these feelings can interfere.

Jumps in the level of self-esteem:

Often, the expectant mother can feel almost like a queen, and in the next moment - an uninteresting Cinderella.
Euphoria is replaced by doubt.
The pendulum of the hormonal background of pregnancy swings.
Often, waves of strong emotions roll over unimportant reasons.
You need to accept these changes in yourself, as you accept the movements inside you as a child.

Amazing calm and harmony:

If all the changes mentioned above have taken place, the pregnant woman has every opportunity to simply enjoy life, herself, the child, listen to new sensations and enjoy her new states.
In many cultures, a woman with a rounded belly is a symbol of beauty, harmony, and the fullness of life.

In the middle of pregnancy, you can experience states of blissful peace, wholeness, harmony.
Cherish these moments.

third trimester

Dive into yourself

Those psychological features and the conditions that occur at the end of pregnancy have a "main theme line" of introspection.

If everything in the family is safe, if a woman is sure that pregnancy is not a disease, and childbirth is not surgery if the support of close and attentive doctors is obvious, changes occur in the emotional world of a pregnant woman, and they are very important for subsequent harmonious motherhood.

In the last two months of pregnancy, you can regularly observe how a pregnant woman seems to be sensitively listening to something inside herself.
And there is something to listen to - after all, at this time, the movements of the baby in the stomach are very, very noticeable.

The concept of "binary psyche of a pregnant woman" perfectly explains many conditions of the end of pregnancy. Mom is gradually getting used to the fact that she is not alone. And this someone inside her now obviously has his own desires. Sometimes he doesn’t let him fall asleep, pushes and spins, and sometimes he wants to sleep irresistibly, because the baby in his stomach fell asleep. The rhythms of sleep and wakefulness in mother and baby are connected. But the baby sleeps much more, and this can cause increased drowsiness Mom.

Immersion in inner sensations:
Suddenly you are distracted and focus on the movements of the baby inside your womb. And it is these, sometimes not at all strong movements, that become the most important thing in the world for you. As if the focus of the setting changes (like a camera or video camera), and what is inside you becomes distinct, and the rest of the world, as it were, loses its sharpness. It becomes irrelevant.

Dreams and fantasies about the future child:

Often a pregnant mother can think and guess - what will he be like, this little man, whom no one has ever seen or held in his arms.
These thoughts may interfere with sleep or be expressed in vivid colorful dreams.

Decreased sociability:
You may stop wanting to visit noisy companies, museums and exhibitions. This is normal, and is associated with an increasing focus on the house and the unborn child.
Do not be afraid of reducing sociability, and overpower yourself. Just everything has its time
And vice versa, there may be a desire to do everything, complete and transform:

Many pregnant women on the most last dates suddenly there is tremendous activity - as if a jet engine was turned on.

I want to finish everything, do everything, surpass myself.
The approaching birth is like a mountain range, and what lies beyond it is unknown, despite all the active preparation.
Therefore, I want to do everything here and now, while you are still on this side.
This is a good rush, but it is important not to drive yourself and others around trying to finish repairs, finish your diploma or quarterly report.

An overtired woman may not have the strength to give birth.

Therefore, measure the load with the amount of time and effort.

Instinctive avoidance of everything unpleasant, ugly:

A woman at the end of pregnancy instinctively avoids difficult situations. Intricate relationships, spectacles overloaded with strong effects.
The expectant mother has a clear sense of "right" and "wrong". And the cat of the wrong one almost feels sick - as during toxicosis.

Increased psychological fatigue, avoiding unnecessary impressions is only one of the reasons why a woman moves away from everything inharmonious.
You have just regained your natural sense of proportion.

Learn to trust your intuition, sense of proportion and taste. This will help you a lot in the first months of your baby's life.

Nesting instinct:
All or almost all of the interests of a pregnant woman in recent weeks before childbirth, they focus around the house - around the hole, where the cub will soon appear.
Moreover, such a period can be experienced even by the most homeless and mismanaged persons, for whom household has always been a burden.

Pronounced changes in intellectual activity:
99% of women experience serious difficulties in thinking strictly, consistently and relatively quickly logically in the last 2 months of pregnancy.

A few words to actively working expectant mothers

Major changes in emotional palette pregnant woman:
There are changes that are common to most pregnant women. They may appear on the most different terms pregnancy, with different intensity.
If you have not shown any of what is listed in this article, then you are just that happy exception that confirms the rule.

Qualities of the psyche of a pregnant woman that can make life difficult:

Tears can appear from the most insignificant experiences and impressions, in those places in books and movies in which you have never cried before.
Do not be ashamed of your tears - this has already increased the overall emotional sensitivity, which will help you understand your baby in the future.

Anxiety that comes up periodically is most often associated with the thought “Something might be wrong” - with the baby, with the course of childbirth, with family relationships. It is necessary to be able to cope with anxiety, and each pregnant woman does this in her own way. It is worth remembering that the presence of anxiety is absolutely normal. So, don't worry about worries!

Often the words of another person, spoken with authority and inner strength, make an indelible impression on a pregnant woman. If you know this feature behind you - try to take your husband with you to all sorts of "difficult" places, feel free to use his protection, be married.

Resentment, tendency to unmotivated tears:
These “nothing” tears can frighten and perplex your loved ones. It is worth treating these “precipitations” as calmly as possible.
The best way- remember your own, as a rule, far from calm state before menses. Treat these “precipitations” as short-lived.
Try to be distracted, switch attention, do not get stuck in a tearfully offended state.
Do not give your husband a reason to think that your character is irreparably spoiled.
Men endure brief "grievances" of pregnant wives easily. Protracted - much worse.
Do not attach great importance to such insults. They arise from scratch and are only a projection of your inner state.

Strengths emotional world pregnant woman:

Sensitivity and Intuitiveness:
A pregnant woman is like a sensitive sensor that captures emotions from the state of other people.
Opportunities for empathy and empathy in pregnant women are much better than in all other people.

Manifestation of creative abilities:
A mother expecting a child, unexpectedly for herself and others, can begin to draw, sew original clothes write poetry and even music.
Variety Creative skills can make themselves felt during pregnancy.
And science does not yet know that the reason for this is the first manifestations of talents intrauterine child, or the reliable fact that, starting from the middle of pregnancy, the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain increases in a woman. And the right hemisphere is traditionally associated with fantasy creativity.

A special relationship to her husband and home, a manifestation of design abilities:
The expectant mother suddenly becomes interested and important in many things that earlier, moving at a fast pace of a big city, could lack attention, time and energy.
You become extremely indifferent to the situation in your home. A lot of thoughts are caused by the task of the situation and colors of the entire living space that you plan for the child.
Design ability V last trimester pregnancies flourish.

And the psychological state of a pregnant woman depends on the feeling of comfort or discomfort around.

May appear Attentive attitude to her husband and the desire to take care of him, almost maternal.
It is good if you manage to strengthen and make your relationship saturated during pregnancy. After all, the first months of your baby's life may require both of you to immerse yourself in completely different things and concerns.
Let the period of pregnancy (at the end of toxicosis) become a real “honey semester” for you. This reserve of tenderness for each other will be very, very useful to you.

What should not be forgotten:

  • Remember that mother and baby are connected by a single hormonal current through the placenta, which means that the baby knows all the basic states and emotions of the mother, as they say, from the inside.
  • Remember that the unborn child is "made" with a large margin of safety, and a single stressful situation can't hurt him. Only systematic, day-to-day repetitive stress can cause any disturbances in the development or physical well-being of the baby. This means that systematic stress should be avoided as much as possible both at home and at work.
  • If you find it difficult to give up one or the other bad habit, or an activity that may not be useful for the unborn child - think that 9 months of pregnancy is such a small period of time (although often it seems huge). And it is in these 9 months that the prerequisites are laid

What situations should be avoided:
  • Watching aggressive TV shows, and just too scary or strong stories is not the best activity for a pregnant woman.
  • Overwork of all kinds and chronic stress of a pregnant woman are contraindicated.

What should be done:

  • It is important to secure the support of reliable and calm specialists in the management of pregnancy and childbirth as early as possible. This will help you feel like you are in good hands and in control.
  • Try to find time for good rest, And. last but not least, full-fledged walks.
  • To understand that systematic overload in work (study) is not at all what is useful for the psyche of a future mother and a prenatal child.


  • Many women enjoy the state of pregnancy. It seems to them very comfortable psychologically and physically.
  • Almost all pregnant women are beautiful both externally and internally.
  • Those future mothers who managed to accept and love the changes that pregnancy brings with it simply glow from the inside.
  • And there are no women whose psychological state would not be changed by pregnancy.
  • We highly recommend that you familiarize the future dad with the materials of this article, and in general all the relatives with whom you closely communicate.
  • There are many things that your husband will not be able to think of on his own, simply because he is not a pregnant woman, and he does not even have those internal organs that would help him understand your condition.

Psychologically, the future dad needs much more intellectual and emotional stress in order to get closer to the process of pregnancy, closer to the “non-idle” wife and unborn child.

I would like to say that one should not think that all these truly volcanic changes will pass by themselves after childbirth.
The psyche of a nursing mother and her emotional states are completely special topic, but many of the changes that have occurred to a woman during pregnancy persist during breastfeeding.
Moreover, almost all changes during pregnancy are internal preparation for motherhood, a unique “school for mothers”, the program of which was written by the Creator himself.
Carrying a child and being a mother is very interesting.

Ekaterina Burmistrova,

child, family psychologist. (Published in My Child Magazine, No. 11, 2008.)

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Many will probably agree that the period of pregnancy has its own incomparable aura, when life acquires new meaning, new shades. Your existence is filled with some special inner light, a feeling of a high mission entrusted to you. Indeed, most expectant mothers, when trying to convey their new state, describe a sense of boundless responsibility that they simply never experienced before. It seems that she would not do anything so that the child is born healthy and strong. Finally, you are freed from vague guesses and lingering doubts, now you know for sure - THIS is Pregnancy. Long-awaited or unexpected, planned or accidental, first or next. At the very beginning, like early spring. You dream that the coming nine months will bring peace and joy to your soul. What if a beautiful dream doesn't come true? And the persistent reminder of others “it’s bad for you to worry” does not help get rid of conflicting, disturbing thoughts and feelings.

The first months of pregnancy are a time of revolutionary changes not only in the physiology of a woman, but also in her psychology. In the inner, innermost space of her Self, the space of another person appeared, the existence of which must not only be reckoned with, but perhaps restructure all life, change all plans. Not everyone can unconditionally accept these changes. Even if the child is desired and long-awaited, the grandeur of the accomplished event captures all the woman’s thoughts, making her worry: “How will my life develop further? How will the pregnancy proceed? What will happen to my career? Will I be able to provide my child with a decent future? Will I be a good mother? Familiar questions, right? Such mental anguish can cause not only a feeling of fatigue and irritability, but even cause toxicosis or a threat of abortion.

First, don't try to solve all problems at once. Postpone them indefinitely, and perhaps some of them will be resolved without your participation. In general, pregnancy is a unique time when you can rightfully afford not to react to life's problems. And do not feel guilty for such irresponsible behavior. Remember that the most wealth in the world a child needs your attention, understanding and love.

Secondly, the most important thing now is to realize and accept your new state. Give yourself permission to be pregnant. Accepting your new state means accepting the appearance of a child in your life, learning to understand his needs. Indulge your little weaknesses - whether it's the desire to lie down in the middle of the day or buy yourself some delicacy. Let pregnancy enter your life not as a time of prohibitions, but as a time of new opportunities. A statement like "I won't be able to wear my favorite skinny jeans" can be replaced with: "Finally, I will update my wardrobe!" It is enough to change the point of view to feel the taste for change.

Pregnancy makes a woman emotionally vulnerable, prone to anxiety, more sensitive to negative experiences. It seems that the reason for the frustration is insignificant, and the eyes are in a “wet place” and nothing pleases. Many women are haunted by the feeling that you are “trapped” by incessant nausea, tiredness that has piled up from somewhere, and constant irritability. Doctors explain such an unstable emotional condition stormy hormonal changes occurring in the body. Only the understanding that such a state is natural and quite physiological does not make this difficult period easier for a woman.

Psychologists believe that increased irritability is a signal to the expectant mother that she needs to learn how to relax. This valuable skill will come to the rescue not only during pregnancy or at the time of childbirth, but in general will have a positive effect on your life. The easiest way to relax is to turn on soothing music, lie down in a comfortable position, and focus on your breathing. Take a deep, calm breath and a slow, relaxed exhale. Imagine that with each exhalation comes relaxation and peace.

By the way, moderate physical activity - excellent tool from the blues.

Even if before pregnancy a woman had an unflappable disposition, now she can easily panic from her doctor's abstract arguments about the complications of pregnancy or from an eccentric girlfriend's story about her childbirth. Scenes from some movies or TV news, a sharp remark from your boss or fellow traveler on the subway can bring you to tears. Do not be afraid to give vent to your emotions - cry, complain to someone, most importantly - do not drive gloomy thoughts and resentment into the depths of your soul. Such increased impressionability is just a reminder that it is time to change impressions. Remember that your impressionability has another side - it is an opportunity to take a fresh look at the world. As if during pregnancy, a woman becomes a little child who looks at the world with interest and surprise. Take this opportunity to enjoy the beautiful aspects of life. Through your impressions, you convey information about the world around your baby. Your impressions tell him whether the world is good or evil, colorful or dull, cheerful or sad. So try to get out into nature more often, visit concert halls or museums.

So many changes take place in the soul of a pregnant woman that she can begin to feel very lonely in the whirlpool of new experiences that have come flooding in. All the people around her remained the same, only she alone is in the grip of "pregnant feelings." But at the same time, the experience of loneliness allows you to look deeper into own soul to understand oneself, to analyze one's own life experience and perhaps overestimate your life values. Use loneliness for self-knowledge, but do not close yourself too much, share your experiences with loved ones, consult a psychologist, talk to other pregnant women. Now there are many opportunities to communicate with "their own kind" - these are courses psychological preparation for childbirth and special groups pregnant women in the pool or sports complex, and even specialized shops arrange lectures for pregnant women. And most importantly, start communicating with the child, because he is the closest person to you.

The period of pregnancy can give a new positive impetus to family relationships, or it can give rise to misunderstanding. But it is most important for a woman to receive support from a loved one. However, it is much more difficult for a man to get involved in the process of his wife's pregnancy and become a "pregnant" dad. He can hardly imagine that a little man is growing inside your stomach (by the way, he is not a stranger). A man will be more likely to be concerned about your new quirks than the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy. A rare representative of the stronger sex speaks with inspiration with the “tummy” or is touched by the pushes from its depths. But this does not mean that men are completely indifferent to the upcoming changes. They just experience "pregnancy" in their own way.

Take the trouble to gently educate your loved one about pregnancy. He needs simple, concrete information about what is happening at the moment. Ask him to go with you for an ultrasound. Some men, having seen with their own eyes their child inside the tummy, completely change their attitude towards the wife’s pregnancy, as if convinced of real existence baby. Use the pronoun “we” more often, this will be another sign that you are no longer alone. Gently tell your husband about how the baby behaved throughout the day. If at first there is no expected reaction, do not be upset and do not blame your husband for misunderstanding. It's just that many men don't express their emotions openly.

if you have joint desire In order for the husband to be present at the birth, he simply needs to take the appropriate training courses. And not at all so that he does not fall into the very wrong moment. And in order for your husband to become an active participant in events from an uncertain witness (which he, in fact, was at the dawn of your pregnancy). He will not only be able to gently hold your hand, but he will also be able to give a relaxing massage, remind you of proper breathing, and help you change positions. Such an active participation in childbirth helps a man to realize his paternity, and for a woman it is an indispensable support.

Sometimes a pregnant woman with fear begins to sort through all the risk factors that she has been exposed to since the beginning of pregnancy, and think about how they will affect the child. They use memories of drinking a glass of wine or taking an aspirin when pregnancy was not yet known, thoughts about the polluted air of their hometown or radiation from a computer monitor on your desktop. But you never know what else can affect the health of the baby. Dangers here and there. Do not exaggerate the degree of risk. birth defects are very rare. Think that unnecessary anxiety is much more harmful to your child than the mistakes you made. Do not indulge in guilt, it is better to find a way that can compensate for your "blunders" - be it active walks in the park, or balanced diet, or listening classical music. And try to imagine more often what a healthy, strong and beautiful baby your baby will be born. Such fantasies have a very beneficial effect on the development of the baby.


When a woman finds out about the onset of pregnancy, she is overcome different feelings. If pregnancy is desirable, then a feeling of joy and happiness overwhelms her soul. For several days she simply flies on her wings, and she wants to tell the whole world about this happiness ... The feeling of a holiday does not leave you. Gradually, the emotional outburst subsides, and you begin to think about how to make your pregnancy and the development of your baby the happiest and most prosperous. Many pregnant mothers take a very responsible approach to carrying a baby: they are observed by doctors, follow the regimen and diet, and attend courses in preparation for childbirth. And everything seems to be fine, but real life, as a rule, often upsets a woman who is so vulnerable and impressionable at the time of pregnancy.

The annoyances of everyday life, even if they are just annoying little things, often upset you, sometimes causing a very violent reaction. You notice that before you almost did not pay attention to the same situations, and now you can even break into a scream or cry. Analyzing your behavior, you come to disappointing conclusions, and this only complicates the situation. You start to worry about your state of mind. As a rule, the expectant mother begins to scold herself for being so unrestrained, and experiences great feeling guilt before the child for frightening him with her behavior.

A woman wants her baby not to experience any discomfort during pregnancy. It seems to her that this can greatly harm his development. And very often she asks the question: how can you avoid stress and negative emotions during pregnancy?

Specialists dealing with the problems of psychology and pregnancy consider this issue from a completely different angle: how to make sure that the baby does not suffer from mom's mood swings? The thing is that even the most diligent mother will not be able to avoid the “wrong” behavior.

The psyche of a pregnant woman is very different from her state before pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman experiences unexpected mood swings, she begins to overcome various anxieties and fears associated with pregnancy. She can get very upset over a trifle or suddenly scream at her beloved husband. For her, this is also inexplicable and disturbing. And most importantly, after what happened, the expectant mother begins to suffer from guilt before the baby and before the members of her family. Naturally, it is very difficult to control yourself at this moment, and it is not necessary. This is the ancient mechanism of the state of pregnancy. Here's how to avoid unpleasant feelings of guilt and bad mood, can be learned.

Actually, This is the biggest secret to dealing with stress.: we do not exclude the reasons (this is impossible), but we try to get out of the situation with dignity, without delivering great harm baby.

In fact, everything is simple: you should talk about your emotional state with your future dad at a time when the atmosphere in the family is safe and calm. The future dad needs to try to explain that you need care, guardianship, understanding, and sometimes you want to be pitied, how small child. After another “wrong” mood swing, the expectant mother gradually calms down and begins an internal (possibly voiced) dialogue with the baby. She pronounces the situation that happened, explaining that everything in life happens and nothing terrible happened. If it was a quarrel with dad, a promise is made to make peace as soon as possible: "Dad is smart and kind and will understand everything."

When woman walking to this dialogue, she herself gradually calms down, feels that the baby is also calming down. Liberation comes from unpleasant situation, bad mood and feelings of guilt do not arise. And this is the very result we are striving for: you can not leave a feeling of guilt in yourself. After all, under the influence of your feelings, the foundation of the psyche of your child is laid. The more confident you feel, the more confident your baby will be.

Moms of the “maximalist” often ask why it is not necessary to completely protect the baby from stressful situations.

Firstly, as already mentioned, this is impossible or it costs a woman incredible efforts, during which she experiences great stress and discomfort. And this can affect the course of pregnancy much worse than a surge of emotions.

Second, it's not necessary. Assume the baby does not experience any negative or negative emotions during pregnancy. And so he is born and enters our world with his problems and anxieties. How hard it will be for him if he did not experience anything like this while growing up in his mother's tummy! This can have a bad effect on the nascent character of your son or daughter. Moderate stress in the mother's tummy prepares the baby for future difficulties. He learns to resist them before he is born.

Therefore, this is your advice: do not scold yourself for unexpected actions, for mood swings. Just explain your behavior to the baby, calm your loved ones, switch to something more pleasant and enjoy your pregnancy!

An effective way out of an unpleasant situation is as follows: you prepare a warm relaxing bath, add to the water essential oil(it should be safe for your baby), turn on your favorite tune, light candles. Having created such a pleasant environment for yourself, you plunge into the water, close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply and smoothly to the music.

Breathing should be deep, wavy, without pauses between inhalation and exhalation. The body is as relaxed as possible. After a few minutes you will feel light. Do not stop breathing, allow yourself to figuratively dissolve in this dizziness - in a few minutes it will pass. Get maximum pleasure from an unusual state.

Without opening your eyes, you "dive" to your baby (as if diving into your tummy) and begin to communicate with him. After explaining your behavior to him, calm him down and be sure to tell him how you love him and expect him and that everything will be fine with him. After that, you will not be tormented by guilt for the fact that you stressed your child with your stress, and a bad mood will leave you.

Increased anxiety of a woman during pregnancy indicates a lack of trust. First of all, to yourself. Find within yourself those qualities that allow you to think of yourself with love and respect as strong, kind, wonderful person. Don't judge yourself for your worries. Many women, aware of the dangers of negative emotions during pregnancy, experience strong feeling guilt before the baby for the fact that they are tormented by disturbing thoughts. Negative emotions are not harmful to the baby if you know how to throw them out and part with them. It is worse if you carry anxieties in yourself, trying to look calm on the outside. Learn to trust yourself and your feelings.

Love yourself in all manifestations, forgive for weaknesses, respect for giving life to a little man.

Be aware of what you contain the whole world for your child. The richer the palette of your feelings, the more information for his development receives the baby. Let there be storms and calms in this world, life is life. The main thing to remember is that better world what you are simply does not exist for your child. Respect the personality in your unborn baby. Learn to feel and understand each other even during pregnancy. Mentally address the baby, tell him about your thoughts and impressions, trust him. Fear will recede faster if you feel that next to you close person. Communication with a child enriches a woman's life, gives her the opportunity to take a different look at the world, brings great amount new bright emotional experiences. Open your soul to these changes, do not focus on fears, do not rob yourself and your baby during this amazing period of life.

Pregnancy This is a time of change, not only physical, but also emotional. During this period, women begin to feel completely different, find a new meaning in life, see the world in different colors. It's all because of the little life that grows in the tummy.

Many women cannot understand where during pregnancy for no reason they have is changing mood, Tears come to your eyes during the hundredth viewing of a movie that has not previously caused such emotions? Or why does rage seize sharply, and jealousy, which was not disturbing before, suddenly begins to manifest itself? One minute you feel happy, another you don’t want anything from life? And is such an incomprehensible state normal? In this article, we want to acquaint you with individual periods of mood swings.

1-2 month

Regardless of whether the first is the second or third pregnancy in a woman, at first she will feel almost the same. There are several explanations for this. First, the pregnant woman comes to an understanding of her current situation. From now on, her life will change dramatically: to appear in the family small man requiring attention, care and responsibility, there will be less time left for herself and her career, and she will gain new profession, the best, but also the most difficult, is mom. Also, thoughts immediately arise about how to communicate this good news relatives and how they will react to it. All these reflections occur against the backdrop of constant fluctuations in hormones caused by pregnancy, as a result - sudden bursts of rage, irritability, or vice versa, joy and euphoria.

3-4 month

At 3-4 months emotional state of the pregnant woman women are especially calm. This is due to the fact that she finally accepts her position and dissolves in euphoria from the knowledge that she will soon be able to hold her baby in her arms. During this period, a pregnant woman may become a little forgetful. Such a reaction is caused not only by the fact that she flies in the clouds with joy, the reason is also that during the bearing of a child, the number of cells in the brain of a woman decreases, but, fortunately, this is temporary, soon everything will return to normal. Possible sharp drops moods, as well as irrationality in behavior, nothing strange, because hormonal background is still in an unstable state.

5-6 month

Most often, during this period, women do not feel any special changes in their emotional state, perhaps because they have become more or less accustomed to everything that has happened to them over the past six months and have learned to suppress sudden outbursts of irritability in themselves. But we must not forget that pregnancy puts an additional burden on many vital organs. The load on the muscles increases, the need for blood, oxygen and nutrition increases; kidneys, heart and lungs work with additional load. In the period of 5-6 months, this begins to be especially felt, so all the same mood changes, although not so powerful, remain relevant.

7-8 month

The third trimester is a time of great excitement for women. No wonder, because during this period she is “the most pregnant” - with a large round tummy, sparkling eyes and full of love and maternal care in her heart. A woman constantly thinks about the child, worries that he feels good and is born healthy and strong. And if on early dates pregnancy, it was possible to get a little distracted by thoughts from the crumbs, but now he constantly reminds of himself, kicking his mother with his legs. In addition, a pregnant woman is worried about how she will endure childbirth, and how she will get in shape afterwards. All this, of course, affects her emotional state. In addition, the forgetfulness inherent in pregnant women continues, irrationality in behavior too. Often women have a desire to surround themselves with everything bright and shiny.

9 month

This is the most exciting and hectic month throughout pregnancy. After all, a woman understands that every day brings her closer to herself. important meeting with your beloved child. Pregnant women during this period are characterized by increased anxiety.

To stabilize the emotional state of a pregnant woman, attention and understanding from relatives and friends are necessary, as well as the acceptance that such a state is normal and, if you do not fall into depression and violent outbursts of emotions, then it will not bring any harm to the baby. Nature has thought of everything and instability in the mood of a pregnant woman is a positive experience for a child, so even in the womb he begins to prepare for real life with all its problems and anxieties, without this, children would simply be born unprepared. Therefore, relax and enjoy your position, and nature will take care of everything itself.