Business plan for the delivery of concrete. Current business plan for a concrete plant. Where to get a business plan

A concrete plant is organized on the basis of a large-scale production building materials or as a standalone line. The second option is more suitable for novice entrepreneurs, since even a small line will require serious investments. Below is a business plan for the production of concrete for a large regional center. The example is calculated for a specific case, changes in the estimate are possible.

Legal information

Form of legal liability: LLC. A limited liability company is organized by two founders, property and income are divided in equal shares. LLC provides an opportunity to participate in government auctions and cooperate with large construction companies.

Type of activity: production and sale of heavy building concrete. OKVED: 23.20.2 "Production of cement, concrete or other compositions similar in composition and method of production."

Sales are made from five cubes. The price per cube of finished products is 2500 rubles. Consists of the following costs:

  • Sand - 200 rubles.
  • Crushed stone - 250 rubles.
  • Water - 15 rubles.
  • Cement - 800 rubles.

Total raw materials for the manufacture of one cube will be spent on 1265 rubles. On average, the wrapping is 100%.

Delivery of finished concrete is carried out in a mixer based on a KamAZ vehicle. During the movement, the concrete is continuously mixed, so the buyer receives a fresh and high-quality product. Delivery within the city is carried out free of charge to neighboring regions or villages at a price of 25 rubles/1 km.

Location: rented premises of 150 sq. m on a plot of 300 acres. Sheds are equipped on the street where sand and gravel are stored. The lease is confirmed by a lease agreement with the provision for the purchase of land within three years.

Form of taxation: imputed taxation system.

Opening hours: every day without days off from 08:00 to 20:00. The schedule adjusts to the number of orders. Since in summer season more orders, round-the-clock work of production is possible. In winter, the working day is reduced to 15:00.

Documents and registration

To register an LLC, you will need to collect the following documents:

  • Company charter.
  • Lease agreement with the owner of the premises.
  • Supporting documentation of the legal address.
  • Application for registration of LLC.
  • Receipt of payment state duty in one of the banks.
  • Copies of passports and TIN of the founders.

In each region, the list of mandatory documentation may be supplemented, so it is better to check the list with the local tax office. All documents, except for the application, are photocopied. Copies are notarized and signed by all founders.

Marketing and Advertising

To attract the attention of large construction companies, we use active sales. The sales manager negotiates with the decision makers of local construction companies, provides booklets with brands of concrete produced and price lists.

The following discounts apply:

  • 15% discount for wholesale buyers when ordering more than 100 cubic meters. m per month.
  • 5% discount on purchases over 10 cu. m one time.
  • 10% discount for combat veterans, pensioners and large families.

To attract private customers, advertising will be launched through local periodicals. AT local stores building materials at the box office will be distributed business cards with a 5% discount.

Location and equipment of production

The production is located on the outskirts of the city in an industrial zone on a plot of 300 acres. On the site there is a production room of 150 sq. m, a small office space of 50 sq. m, several covered areas.

The production area is divided into the following areas:

The administrative building consists of areas:

Rent of a land plot with buildings per month is 55 thousand rubles. Payment is made once a quarter on a prepaid system. Utility bills are not included in the rental price.

Production equipment

To equip the administrative building, you will need the following furniture and equipment:

It will take 90,200 rubles to organize the work of the administrative zone. To this amount we add 15,000 rubles - the cost of stationery and other needs. Total: 105,200 rubles.

To organize the production part, you will need the following equipment:

The tables show that the total amount spent on equipping the production and administrative building will be: 3,525,000 + 105,200 = 3,630,200 rubles.

To this amount is added the cost of consumables for 1 week. It is planned to purchase from 60 cubic meters of raw materials per day, total per week: (1265 rubles / cubic meter x 60) x 7 = 531,300 rubles.

In total, to launch the project, you will need to buy equipment, furniture and raw materials in the amount of 4,161,300 rubles.

HR policy of the company

The concrete production staff consists of the following job groups:

Administration: accountant, director. Working hours: from 09:00 to 19:00 from Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday are days off.

Driver, sales manager, loader, foreman on the production line, security guard. Work in shifts day after day.

More staff and costs for it - in the table:

To the final amount we add contributions to various state funds in the amount of 65,000 rubles. In total, 315,000 rubles will be spent per month, along with wage contributions.

Stages of project implementation

It is possible to organize and implement a business plan for a concrete plant in 6 months. Difficulties will be caused by the purchase and selection of a production line, the search for suppliers of raw materials. Since seasonality affects the profitability of the business, it is planned to open a workshop in April. The main stages of the project implementation are presented below:

We plan income

One team per day will produce up to 60 cubic meters of concrete at a price of 2,500 rubles per cubic meter. Concrete in the amount of 150,000 rubles will be sold per shift. 50% of the price is the cost of raw materials, so the net revenue per day is 150,000 / 2 = 75,000 rubles.

In a month, the average income of a small production workshop for the manufacture of concrete is:

75,000 x 30 \u003d 2,250,000 rubles.

To find out the net profitability, from the amount of 2,250,000 rubles. deduct monthly expenses:

2,250,000 - 520,000 \u003d 1,730,000 rubles.

Profitability, on average, is at the level of 65%.

Initially, the profit will be returned to the invested funds, and part will go to the funded part, which is planned for the purchase of a land plot. Revenue per month will be divided into parts:

  • 10% - unforeseen expenses of the company.
  • 10% - the main fund.
  • 20% - income of the founders.
  • 10% – funded part to the ground.
  • 50% return on investment.

On average, an amount of 865,000 rubles will be returned per month.

In total, the business plan for the production of concrete with calculations has a payback, taking into account the cold season, when sales will fall by 60%, one year.


To open a small separate line for the production of concrete, an impressive investment of five million rubles will be required. This amount can be borrowed and given in installments. The profitability of the project is influenced by seasonality, so the payback is at least one year. During work, it is necessary to constantly update the material base and monitor the quality of your products.

The production of concrete products can become profitable business . It is important to know the features of this business, as well as correctly calculate the audience to which it will be oriented - and this is primarily a low-rise suburb, private sector. You should know that this business is still seasonal, they are built mainly from May to October, in the remaining months of the year the demand for products drops sharply.

In this business plan, the necessary resources are calculated, a clear production plan is drawn up, all the nuances of such a simple-looking business are taken into account. You can download this business plan to organize your business.

Overview section
Concrete products are great for a variety of construction. They are as durable as stone and brick, and more plastic - they can be used to make a structure of almost any shape. The enterprise will be designed for the middle class.
It is planned to release the following products: paving slabs, euro fences, curb stone, expanded clay concrete blocks, as well as slabs, sheets, panels, pipes, poles, various reinforced structures.

Market analysis
The correct placement of enterprises plays important role in business organization. It will be inappropriate shop for the production of concrete products in the city center, close to shopping centers and a variety of shops. It will be beneficial to equip the premises outside the city, and customers to organize high-quality delivery. It is also important to inform about yourself by advertising, the products of such an enterprise are sought purposefully, it is necessary to inform potential buyers about yourself.

Production plan
To organize a workshop for the production of concrete products, a room of 30 square meters with a flat floor, good ventilation and heating. The area may vary depending on the range and scale of production. From the equipment you will need: a set of molds, a gravity-type concrete mixer, a molding vibrating table, a vibrating sieve, wooden pallets for drying products, a hydraulic and manual lifting trolley, nozzles for knocking out products from plastic molds during demoulding.

In a small workshop, two workers are enough; they must have special knowledge and skills.

The company produces the following types of concrete products:
- paving slabs;
- piles;
- curbstone;
- wall blocks;
- decorative wall blocks;
- foundation blocks;
- floor slabs.

The business plan will be of interest to entrepreneurs who are just starting the production of concrete products, or who are upgrading or expanding existing production.

This project can successfully implement itself in almost every locality with a population of 300 - 1000 thousand people.

The main characteristics of the project:
- area occupied by production equipment - 2,800 sq. m.;
- the necessary need for financing is 3.5 million rubles, at the expense of equity and borrowed capital;
- daily consumption energy - 4466 kW / h;
- equipment productivity - 300 cu. m./shift.
The business plan is drawn up with an automated financial model that allows you to analyze the financial and investment efficiency of the project, as well as make a sensitivity analysis of the main parameters of the project.

The financial model is fully automated, so it is possible to replace any of the embedded parameters:
- basic costs;
- investment size;
- the cost of rent and the amount of space;
- personnel and payroll;
- taxation;
- other...

The business plan makes an automatic calculation of details in the financing and investment of the project, cost and revenue indicators, tax payments and other indicators.

Financial plan
equipment - 300 thousand rubles;
rent of premises - 40 thousand rubles;
wages - 612 thousand rubles;
advertising - 50 thousand rubles;
consumables - 1,700 thousand rubles.
Total expenses - 2 702 thousand rubles.
The approximate payback period of the project at an average level of implementation during the year is 36 months.

Back Forward -

One of the most developing areas is the private production of concrete. Therefore, beginners should consider concrete production as a business: we will consider technology, profitability, a business plan and other aspects of preparing for organizing your own project right now.

Business project

Concrete production for this moment occupies a leading position for a reason. Right now Russia, and especially Moscow, is being rebuilt with huge strides. The direction of construction is a profitable direction in business, and concrete is practically the most demanded commodity material in construction along with brick.

Concrete structures and concrete as a material are purchased both for home repairs and for large government projects. Needless to say, companies that create and sell concrete structures, for example, slabs, are also purchased from concrete manufacturers. Given the huge demand for business, one should not be surprised at the significant level of competition.

Before you open a really successful project in this area that is in demand among potential clients, it is important to carefully consider the project management strategy. The opening requires considerable start-up capital and a serious development of a strategy with the involvement of specialists. Choosing such an idea can be too difficult for an inexperienced entrepreneur, but it will also bring him significant income.

A little about the material

Structure classification is simple:

  • dense;
  • porous;
  • cellular;
  • macroporous.

The customer will make it clear which type he needs, therefore it is important to be ready for the production of any of the above types.

Raw materials required for production

The list must include:

  1. Cement - this powder allows you to bind all the components of the solution, being the basis of the mixture.
  2. Construction sand - this loose powder, according to the requirements of GOST, must have a size of small grains of sand no more than half a millimeter.
  3. Crushed stone is a mineral produced by crushing gravel or natural rocks.
  4. Ballast is a mixture of gravel and sand. For the manufacture of concrete mortar, the ratio of sand and gravel crumbs is usually used as one to three. Some like to refer to ballast as a common mixture.
  5. Water is a component that almost no solution can do without, especially when it comes to construction. As a standard, the use of exceptionally pure filtered water is required.

These components are indispensable for the production of reinforced concrete products of almost any type. Naturally, different types of material require amendments and additions. For example, for the production of fiberglass concrete, fiberglass and special polymer additives will need to be added to the mixture.


In an enterprise, you will start with other processes:

  • The preparation of chemical additives - it will be necessary to deal exclusively with the process of dissolving the additives purchased in advance in water for a further choice of the concentration of the solution. The standard uses a large capacity, equipped with special system from pipelines designed to mix the solution.
  • Grinding of cement - the technological scheme involves two methods this process- dry and wet. The stage is necessary to increase the rate of concrete hardening. Beginners can skip this stage to reduce energy costs and the purchase of additional equipment.
  • Aggregate heating - This process usually uses a separate silo or pressurized store. There are two main ways to perform heating. As a result of the first, hot air or steam passes through the aggregates, which saves significant money. The second method is more efficient - special steam tubes are installed in the room, which are in direct contact with the filler, and not with the environment.


Here the ingredients of the raw materials are measured for the further production of the solution. Often, concrete plants purchase special weighing batchers for the enterprise, which help to accurately measure the consumption of cement, water and other components.

To reduce the cost of such a purchase, the weight dispenser can be completely replaced with a volumetric one. Remember that it is extremely important to take into account the characteristics of the material, and in particular the humidity.


counting down required amount components, it is possible to transgress to mixing the final solution. Usually, for such purposes, special gravity concrete mixing plants are installed at enterprises. In particular, their work helps when mixing coarse-grained hardwood textures.

There is also a cheaper option for light rocks - forced-type concrete mixing plants. To improve the characteristics of reliability and strength in products, many enterprises are also trying to carry out the process of vibration mixing. The longer the process is carried out, the more properties will be preserved in the future.

Download for free as a sample with profitability calculations.


The first step is to register an LLC - a legal entity. Beginners often choose between different legal forms, but this particular one most accurately meets the needs of an entrepreneur in this area.

Next, the business owner chooses a taxation system, and the best option for a novice businessman opening a medium-sized business, there will be a simplified system. Do not forget about the indication of a special OKVED code. Number 26.63 is suitable for you - “Production of ready-mixed concrete”. Among other things, the future owner of a concrete plant will do well to familiarize himself with useful documentation:

  1. GOST 26633-91.
  2. GOST 27006-86.
  3. GOST 10060.0-95.
  4. GOST 10181-2000.
  5. GOST 18105 - 86.

We buy equipment

Making something on an industrial scale requires the purchase of special devices. Some equipment for concrete products has already been mentioned above, but for the sake of completeness, it is worth listing complete list devices that you will definitely need in the enterprise. These include:

  • dispenser (weight or volumetric);
  • truck mixer;
  • screw feeder;
  • conveyor belt;
  • cement silo;
  • different kind loaders and lifts;
  • Remote Control.

You will need separate equipment if you are making decorative concrete. Now designs using the Washed Concrete technology are popular. This technology will require the purchase of special reagents and forms in addition to the main equipment.

Recruiting staff

Any plant needs qualified employees, therefore, when hiring people, do not forget about the interview to check their personal and professional qualities. For the well-established operation of a large enterprise, the owner will need to hire:

  1. Workers at the cement warehouse - 10 people.
  2. Workers for the warehouse (bunker) aggregates - 10 people.
  3. Workers in the concrete mixing shop - 10 people.
  4. Controlling main workers - 3 people.
  5. Assistant workers - 5 people.

Some also decide to arrange self-delivery of goods to customers. In this case, it is also necessary to hire 2-4 drivers. It is important to ensure that everyone has proper documentation and a quality track record.

We determine the starting capital and profitability

As a sample, we will take the costs of opening a plant in a large regional city, the specifics of which is the production of polymer concrete.

Expense Line Amount of expenses, thousand rubles
1 Initial rent for two months 100
2 Purchase necessary equipment 1 500
3 Installation of equipment in a rented premises 500
4 Utilities 30
5 Paperwork 50
6 Wage shop workers 15-30 x 30
7 Drivers salary 20 x 3
8 Marketing Campaign 30
9 Purchase of raw materials 2 000
10 Loan repayment 50
11 Unexpected expenses 50
Total: 6 070

The cost of a cubic meter of produced material is 3.5 thousand rubles, and taking into account the markup, it is possible to sell goods at 3.9 thousand rubles per cubic meter.

In this case, for the produced 3 thousand cubic meters of material, you can earn an income of about 12 million rubles. With calculations of monthly costs, the production scheme will bring a profit of about 9 million rubles.

Video: concrete mini-plant.

Do you want to generate interest from potential clients? Choose a developing and underemployed direction in this area, for example, the production of lightweight and moisture-resistant wood concrete or extremely durable and non-combustible fiberglass concrete.

Some occupy completely unusual niches that are in demand due to their uniqueness. For example, in the production of lumo concrete - concrete slabs that glow in the dark, there will be no end to interested customers.

In addition, the production of decorative concrete is now a truly popular area. It is cheaper and more convenient than real stone but it doesn't look bad. The situation is the same with the production of sawdust concrete blocks: the niche is practically not occupied, since the technology has appeared quite recently.

Production allows you to make a material similar to brick, but which is a cheaper analogue. Do not forget about the manufacture of some specific designs.

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Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. Business plan, the best way corresponding to the conditions of your business, you need to create with the help of specialists.

Nikolai Dubinin, the owner of a concrete plant from Voronezh, shares his success story. Nikolai managed nothing more, nothing less - to open his own concrete plant, renting the abandoned workshops of a long-closed production facility and installing rented equipment there. During the operation of the business, Nikolay established contacts with leading suppliers, formed a staff of workers and management personnel, and even brought his business to the Internet. The Voronezh entrepreneur assessed the traffic of new customers that his own website on the Web could bring to him, and opened his site as soon as possible. Now Nikolay receives a stable monthly profit with five zeros at the end.

Working business plan and concrete

…or why did I choose a concrete plant?

Back in the early 2000s, several friends and I organized an LLC and opened a brick factory. Business quickly went uphill, profits grew, in a word, we occupied our niche.

But then disagreements began to flare up between us more and more. As a result, I left the LLC and took my share.

I had a large amount on hand, and I decided that I needed to invest it effectively. I decided to choose a business close to the one in which I had experience. Bricks, concrete, catch the connection?

Where can I get a business plan?

How we started the brick business is another story. But thanks to her, this time I clearly understood: one cannot do without a business plan.

I immediately thought that I would order the best. I found a large consulting company, looked at the prices - 50-60 thousand rubles per plan.

For what? I knew perfectly well that I would have to adapt the plan I had acquired. In a word, this price is clearly too high.

In the end, I spent a little time searching and found just what I needed - an inexpensive business plan template. By the way, there was also an option to download the template for free.

I downloaded it, looked at it and sent it to the trash - the information is outdated, no specifics and just as much use.

Concrete production business plan

How do I rework the template?

So, I have a business plan template in my hands. You will not believe, but I paid 350 rubles for it. Not a bad savings compared to 50 thousand!

After reviewing my purchase, I thought about what I need to adjust specifically for my business:

  • the amount that will cost the rent of space;
  • the cost of renting equipment;
  • a list of suppliers with whom it will be possible to cooperate, the cost of their materials;
  • number of employees and management personnel.

That's right, an approximate list. In fact, the work turned out to be much more.

How to deal with all this? It would seem that there is experience, but I did not feel confident that I would do such a huge job.

The exit was found quickly. I contacted the same company where I ordered the template.

It turns out that they had a service of refinement, personalization of templates.

Why I didn't notice, I don't know.

And the second one I went to was an intelligent student-economist, the son of acquaintances.

He calculated a couple of indicators for me, which changed in recent times. I didn't ask him for anything else.

As a result, I had two additions to the purchased template in my hands. I spent a couple of days to analyze everything and put it together.

A full-fledged business plan cost me 5-6 thousand rubles. And, as you can see, such savings only had a positive effect on my future business at that time.

How does a concrete plant work.

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the concrete plant business plan:

Brief summary and profitability of the enterprise

This business plan implies the creation of a concrete plant, with a two-year financial turnover.

This is also the main idea of ​​the project. When creating a concrete plant, the following goals are pursued:

1. Complete satisfaction of the building materials consumer market.
2. Getting profit from the project.
3. Development and creation of a highly profitable enterprise that will meet all requirements and standards.

The project will be financed by obtaining a commercial loan in the amount of 11,700,000 rubles, at 17.5% per annum.

Enterprise nature: Concrete plant

Approximate payback period: about 2 years.
Investors who have invested in the development of the enterprise will receive an income in the amount of 797,160 rubles.
Conditional life cycle of the project: 2 years.
Payback period after the launch of the project and the start of its operation: 3 months on average.
The payback period, taking into account discounting, is 2 years.
The total economic benefit for the conditional lifetime of the project is approximately 34,605,708.76 rubles.

Table number 1. Growth potential of the concrete production market in Russia

Basic Steps

In order to be able to open a concrete production plant, you need:

  • Registration legal entity. This is the action that needs to be done first; It is recommended to register as a limited liability company;
  • You should look for a suitable area. The area of ​​the site on which you are going to build an enterprise must be at least 3600 sq.m.;
  • AT without fail carry out all works on engineering and environmental surveys. In particular, to carry out a number of works on exploration, drilling and well equipment;
  • For the construction of a plant for the production of concrete, it is necessary to lay the foundation. The foundation must be concrete, and its volume should be about 40 cubic meters;
  • Conduct electricity, water supply, sewerage, other communications;

Find and purchase a concrete production plant;

  • Perform its installation.

Please note that all actions must be performed in strict sequence.

Table number 2. Growth of concrete market participants in Russia

Product types

There are several types of concrete, which differ in the composition of the mixture itself:

1. Fine-grained concrete
2. Ready-mixed concrete
3. Expanded clay concrete

Other factors also depend on the composition of concrete:

1. Production technology
2. The weight of concrete concrete, not concrete mix
3. Specifications manufactured goods: strength, frost resistance, mobility, water resistance, class.
4. Appointment of concrete.

Necessary equipment:

1. Steam and water supply systems
2. Screw feeder
3. Dispenser
4. Automatic block control system
5. Cement warehouse
6. Hopper of cement, water, and aggregates

The enterprise will be profitable and will not be at a loss in any case, since the high demand for concrete creates its shortage, and the demand is really quite high.

Remember: the plant should be located as quickly as possible to the sources of the necessary raw materials. This will help you save a lot of money, and significantly reduce the time allotted for the delivery of raw materials.

The project involves the organization of the production of asphalt mix on the basis of a mobile concrete plant in the city of Stavropol. The company also provides installation services. The target audience of the project is private customers involved in landscaping, management companies of the housing and communal services complex, homeowners' associations, gardening associations, production organizations, etc. Thus, the project is focused not on large-scale road construction, but on servicing small orders on its own. It is planned to purchase a used mobile asphalt concrete plant (China), but in good condition with a capacity of 10 t/h and an asphalt mini-skating rink (Russia).

The advantage of a mobile asphalt concrete plant lies in the possibility of moving it to a construction site, which significantly reduces the logistics and time costs for the delivery of the mixture from a stationary asphalt plant. The mini-skating rink has a drum width of 780 mm, which allows you to work with it even in hard-to-reach places - narrow passages, alleys, garden paths, etc.

Table 1. Project performance indicators


The activity of the project, in fact, is connected with measures for the improvement of territories, financed by both the state and private investors. Against the backdrop of a decrease in the volume of construction of residential and commercial real estate, the volume of ongoing repair and improvement work is growing.

In particular, the municipal subprogram "Road activities and ensuring road safety, organization of transport services for the population in the city of Stavropol" of the program "Development of housing and communal services, transport system in the city of Stavropol, improvement and sanitary cleaning of the territory of the city of Stavropol for 2014-2016 " supposed:

    design, construction and reconstruction of highways common use local importance;

    repair of public roads of local importance, including sidewalks;

    accounting for public roads of local importance;

    provision of elements for the arrangement of public roads of local importance and the organization of road safety, including road signs, road barriers, traffic lights and other devices for traffic control, stopping points, footpaths, etc.;

    purchase of equipment for cleaning roads and sidewalks;

    ensuring the activities of the municipal budgetary institution "Unified Central Dispatch Service of Passenger Transport" of the city of Stavropol;

    implementation of passenger transportation by urban electric transport at tariffs below the established maximum level of the tariff for the transportation of passengers by urban electric transport (trolleybuses) along the routes of the city of Stavropol.

Thus, it is expected to implement a number of activities in which the goods and services of the project can be used. In addition, the analysis of each target audiences shows significant prospects for the development of the project.

Stavropol is the administrative center of the Stavropol Territory Russian Federation. Cultural, business and industrial center, one of the largest cities in the North Caucasus and the North Caucasian Federal District. Large enterprises of the machine-building and instrument-making industries are located on the territory of the city. According to the results of the All-Russian competition for the title of "The most comfortable urban (rural) settlement in Russia" (2013, 2015 and 2016), Stavropol took first place, which indicates the high attention on the part of the Administration to the state of improvement of the territories of the city and the region. The city is located on the federal highway P216 Stavropol - Elista - Astrakhan and P269 Stavropol - Bataysk.

The project assumes the organization of an enterprise for the production and laying of asphalt concrete mix in the territory of the city of Stavropol and the Stavropol Territory. Acquired production facilities - a used mobile asphalt plant made in China, with a capacity of 10 t / h and a mini-skating rink two-roller made in Russia; in addition, hand tools are purchased for unloading the mixture, laying it and leveling it.

The consumers of goods and services of the enterprise are various categories legal and individuals, non-profit organizations. The level of demand for goods and services of the enterprise is estimated as high.


The company's products are asphalt concrete mixture for various road works and landscaping works. Asphalt concrete is a building material produced by creating a mixture of a binder (bitumen, cement) and filling elements (crushed stone, sand) with its subsequent cooling. Depending on the laying temperature, asphalt mixes are divided into hot, warm and cold. Depending on the physical properties asphalt concrete is divided into rigid, plastic and cast.

Table 2. Products of the enterprise and its description

The mixture is made to order in accordance with the specification of the customer. All products comply with the requirements of GOST. Self-delivery of products by the customer from the territory of production is supposed.

In addition, the company provides services for laying asphalt mix at a construction site. For this, an asphalt mini-skating rink with a drum width of 780 mm is used, which allows working in hard-to-reach and narrow places.

Table 3. Variable Costs and Selling Price


The target audience of the project is diverse. It can be attributed, first of all:

    Municipal beautification organizations

    Private enterprises for repair and improvement

    Horticultural associations

    Enterprises in the field of housing and communal services (management companies, HOAs)

    Road construction companies

    Private customers

To interact with organizations, the method of active sales is used: sales representatives negotiate with all types of potential customers to conclude a contract for the performance of work on the installation of asphalt concrete pavement. Some of the orders, especially those with state funding, take place in the form of auctions and tenders. The marketing policy of the project is focused on building long-term partnerships, increasing customer loyalty through reasonable prices, strict compliance with the terms and conditions of work.

Work with private customers is carried out through passive sales: using your own website, various electronic and printed catalogs of building materials, aggregators of goods and services. This direction is supervised by an Internet promotion specialist, who also accepts applications from individuals and processes them.

Demand has a pronounced seasonality and coincides, in general, with the course of the construction season. The maximum level of demand falls on the warm months, in winter there is practically no demand. Given the peculiarities of the climate of the Stavropol Territory, we can talk about full-fledged demand from April to October, as well as single orders in March and November in good weather. The seasonality factor is taken into account when planning sales, drawing up production and financial plans.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The level of prices for asphalt concrete mixtures of the project is approximately 5% lower than the market average. There is competition in this segment, however, almost all existing competitors have stationary asphalt plants and are focused primarily on large-scale road construction. Stationary asphalt plants are characterized by low flexibility, higher logistics costs and higher operating costs compared to mobile asphalt plants. Their only advantage can be considered high productivity, which determines the direction of the marketing policy.

Today, there are three mobile asphalt concrete plants operating in the region, two of which are in poor condition, which causes problems with the stability of the quality of the mixture produced. The level of prices for goods and services is on average 5-7% higher than the prices of the project.

Table 4. Planned sales volumes






Coarse-grained asphalt concrete, t

Fine-grained asphalt concrete, t

Sandy asphalt concrete, t

Vibratory roller rental, hour


10 018 900

4 305 800


For the production of asphalt concrete mix, the acquired mobile asphalt plant, which was in use, is used. Country of origin - China. The condition is very good, important components and assemblies have been replaced with new ones. Productivity - up to 10 t/h. Ability to produce asphalt concrete various types– coarse-grained to sandy high density. Delivery from the location to Stavropol is carried out by the project using special vehicles and is financially included in the cost of the equipment. Setting up, debugging the technology and training of personnel is carried out by a technologist who is part of the initial command project and having many years of experience at the asphalt plant.

A proprietary mini-skating rink is used to lay the mixture Russian production, second-hand. Condition is good. Delivery from the seller is carried out by special transport at the expense of the project, the cost of transportation is also included in the financial plan. The equipment is stored in an open area rented from an industrial complex in Stavropol. For the winter, the equipment undergoes a conservation procedure, covered with moisture-proof materials.

Upon receipt of an order, a mobile asphalt plant moves directly to the place of work. The cost of transportation is included in the production (variable) costs. The asphalt mix is ​​produced on site, placed and leveled manually by workers, and then compacted using a mini-skating rink. At the final stage, tests of the cured coating are carried out.

Since sales are of a project nature, the production plan completely coincides with the project sales plan.


The organizational and legal form - IP was chosen. The taxation system is the simplified tax system, the object of taxation is “income minus expenses”, the rate is 15%.

to the project team for initial stage includes:

    a project initiator who has more than five years of experience in running his own construction business, possessing all the necessary knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, accounting and tax accounting, labor and administrative legislation, etc.

    technologist with experience in various positions in the production of asphalt concrete, cement concrete mixtures, including as a technologist - 4 years.

Thanks to the experience of the team, it is possible to close the key requirements for the project: ensuring sales and product quality.

Despite the experience and high competence of the existing project team, high requirements are placed on the sales department employees who are directly involved in interaction with the company's customers. Basic requirement: at least three years of sales experience in the field of building materials; It is desirable to have a personal car.

Table 5. Staffing and payroll

Job title

Salary, rub.

Quantity, pers.

FOT, rub.




Technologist / production manager

line operator

Ancillary workers

Vibratory roller operator


Sales Representative

Internet promotion specialist


231 500.00 RUB

Social Security contributions:

69 450.00 RUB

Total with deductions:

300 950.00 RUB

Figure 1. Organizational structure of the enterprise

Preparatory work on the project, including the purchase of equipment, recruitment, initial negotiations with potential clients, etc. last no more than one month. After that, the stage of mass production and reaching the planned sales volumes begins.


The project is not limited in time, since the demand for the products and services of the project, according to expert estimates, will not fall in the future. The financial plan has a planning horizon of five years, which seems to be the most appropriate period for planning.

The financial plan takes into account all the income and expenses of the project. Income refers to the proceeds from the operating activities of the project; income from investment and the sale of fixed assets is not provided for by the project.

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Investment costs 6.83 million rubles, the bulk of the amount is directed to the purchase of equipment and the creation of a working capital fund until the company reaches payback. Own funds project initiator - 4.5 million rubles, lack of Money planned to cover by attracting bank loan for a period of 24 months, the rate is 18% per annum. Payment is made by annuity payments, credit holidays - three months.

Table 6. Investment costs


AMOUNT, rub.


Mobile asphalt plant

vibrating roller

Hand tool

office equipment

Intangible assets

Website development

working capital

working capital


6 920 000 ₽

Own funds:

4 500 000.00 RUB

Required borrowings:

2 420 000 ₽



Term, months:

Variable costs (Table 3) include the cost of purchasing raw materials and materials used in production, fuel and lubricants for equipment, and transportation of equipment to the construction site.

The volume of fixed costs is 115,666 rubles. per month, of which the bulk is directed to depreciation. In this project, depreciation is not included in production costs due to the rather complicated calculation of deductions in terms of a unit of production. When determining the amount of monthly depreciation deductions, a straight-line method is used, the period beneficial use fixed assets and intangible assets is ten years.

A detailed financial plan is given in App. one.

Table 7. Fixed costs



Office rent

Parking lot rental

fuel and transport

Communication and Internet

Selling expenses

Administrative expenses



115 666 ₽


Evaluation of the effectiveness and investment attractiveness of the project is carried out on the basis of the analysis of the financial plan, simple and integral performance indicators.

The discounting method is used to account for the change in the value of money over time. cash flows. The discount rate is 10%. Revenue of the first year of the project - 54,020,060 rubles; net profit (after taxes) - 20,529,669 rubles. The annual revenue of subsequent years (after entering the planned indicators sales) - 62,117,180 rubles; net profit - 23,870,643 rubles. Simple (PP) and discounted (DPP) payback period is 6 months. Net present value (NPV) - 9,884,999 rubles. Internal rate of return (IRR) - 20.23%. Return on investment ratio (ARR) - 29.4%. Profitability index (PI) - 1.43. All these indicators are high and testify to the high investment attractiveness and efficiency of the project.


When analyzing the risks associated with the implementation of the project, an analysis of internal and external factors is carried out. Back to main internal factor The risk should be attributed to the failure of equipment, primarily the asphalt plant, and, as a result, downtime and loss of profit. To neutralize this threat, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the equipment, its routine maintenance and repair. great attention it is necessary to pay attention to the conservation and re-preservation of equipment: follow the technology, maintain and clean all components and assemblies. Careful and Attentive attitude to the equipment is a guarantee of project success.

To external factors can be attributed to the actions of competitors: price reduction, the emergence of new players on the market. Last option in the context of the economic downturn in the country is quite unlikely. Price competition from existing players is much more likely. The pricing policy and pricing system of the project allows such a struggle to be carried out quite effectively, there is a margin for profitability and marginality. In addition, measures are envisaged to increase customer loyalty through more High Quality maintenance, compliance with deadlines and other conditions for the performance of work.

10. APPS

Attachment 1

Financial plan

Denis Miroshnichenko
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