What does a baby do at 28 weeks of gestation. External factors of fetal development. Pain and discharge

The pregnancy calendar says that week 28 is the final week in the second trimester. Pleasant changes in life are associated with this frontier. future mother- she goes on maternity leave. It is at this stage that significant changes occur in the fetus - muscle tissue begins to grow actively. But there is also unpleasant moments associated with this period - most cases of pregnancy fading and premature birth occur during this period. Such complications can be avoided if you follow the recommendations of the gynecologist who observes the pregnancy and follow other common, generally accepted rules of conduct at this time.

Features of fetal development at 28 weeks

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the baby's body and its internal organs are already practically formed, and active growth of muscle tissue begins. This means that the baby will gain its main weight, with which it will be born and begin its life. In addition, there are others no less important processes:

Formation begins reproductive organs- testicles,

Eyes begin to react to bright light from outside,

Nails grow on the fingers,

Some babies begin to grow hair on the head,

Subcutaneous fat is deposited,

· The first grooves appear in the structure of the brain.

In addition, the baby begins at 28 weeks active development organs of hearing, and he likes to listen to music, his mother's and father's voices, he learns to recognize them. Many pediatricians believe that it is at this time that an ear for music and taste is laid, strong bond between the baby and the parents.

The weight of the baby, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, during this period already exceeds 1 kg, and his height can reach 35-38 cm, and he has little room in his mother's stomach. Trying to turn around, move the legs and arms, the child can hurt the mother, but these sensations are indescribable.

External changes in a pregnant woman at 28 weeks

At this time, the expectant mother should carefully listen to her feelings and carefully monitor the changes in her body. By the time of day the child is active, one can predict his character, and this is not a folk omen, but observations medical professionals... A kid who prefers to move and turn over during the day will be calm. Children who kick their mother at night are born agile and active.

By the external changes of the pregnant woman, you can track the condition of the fetus, predict the risk of premature birth. Gynecologists consider alarming signals at this time

A sharp increase in weight,

Change in taste preferences,

Decreased activity, weakness,

Constant irritability,

Deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, nails,

The presence of severe shortness of breath with minimal exertion,

· Not leaving feeling of thirst.

Most women look great during this period of pregnancy. This can be achieved through careful selection of the diet, appetite control, long walks in the fresh air. Visit a gynecologist for later dates you need to regularly, and on examinations describe all your feelings, point out even insignificant external changes.

Well-being of the expectant mother - the norm and deviations

At the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman should pay attention to any physical ailment, psychological nuances of her character, external changes and internal sensations, no matter how insignificant they may seem. During this period, pregnancy can freeze, and this can be prevented only by regularly visiting a doctor.

Belly and breasts in a pregnant woman at 28 weeks, they begin to increase, which can provoke stretch marks. This can be prevented by using emollient creams with a neutral composition, free of harmful chemical ingredients and plant components that can cause allergies.

The rapid growth of the fetus and the enlargement of the uterus can provoke pain in the lumbar region. If the pain intensifies, and from periodic to permanent, you should immediately consult a doctor. Severe pain in any part of the body should be alarming, since pregnancy can provoke the development of thrombosis.

At 28 weeks, most pregnant women develop edema. Recommendations for their elimination and prevention can only be given by a doctor, but not by a neighbor, relative or friend. Use questionable drugs or folk remedies can not in any case.

This period is characterized by the appearance of training fights. Thus, the woman's body prepares for childbirth. The norm of training fights is no more than a few seconds, the symptoms are not painful, barely perceptible. If the state of health deteriorates significantly during the training fights, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

What you need to fear at the 28th week of pregnancy

At this time, the second ends and the third begins, last trimester pregnancy. Most mothers by this period already have a significant increase in weight and continue to gain weight, become clumsy and clumsy. It is important to be very careful, try not to get injured, not plan any serious business that requires increased concentration of attention and instant reaction.

Medical experts at the 28th week of pregnancy recommend fear of problems such as

Lack of water,

Premature birth,

· Mother's anemia.

Low water (lack of amniotic fluid) develops against the background of metabolic disorders in the mother's body, infectious diseases, due to fetal growth retardation. Symptoms of oligohydramnios - leakage amniotic fluid pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

Premature birth can be triggered anatomical features the structure of the woman's uterus, an imbalance in the production of hormones, multiple pregnancies, preeclampsia (late toxicosis), a sharp increase in the tone of the uterus. The risk of premature birth can be prevented by seeking immediate medical attention when following symptoms - bleeding, sharp pains abdominal dizziness or fainting, muscle weakness.

Exclude the development of complications at 28 weeks - the main task pregnant woman, gynecologist and obstetrician observing her. The expectant mother must strictly adhere to the following rules:

To exercise control blood pressure daily,

Monitor the intensity of fetal movement and, in case of any deviation, consult a doctor,

Prevent colds and infectious diseases, if the temperature rises, immediately call a doctor,

· Eat properly and regularly, do not adhere to hungry diets, but also do not overeat.

The situation should be controlled not only by the pregnant woman, but also by her relatives. Their task is to create a favorable psychological atmosphere in the house, not to provoke stressful situations, not to expose the expectant mother to danger, not to allow her to perform hard work around the house, in the garden or in the garden. But this does not mean that a woman should constantly lie down, it is necessary to show moderate activity. In addition, it is important to ensure her environmental safety - to take the pregnant woman out of the city, to organize her leisure in such a way that it is useful and interesting. Emotional background has a great impact not only on a woman's health, but also on intrauterine development baby, becomes the basis for his health, intelligence and character.

Tip 2: 17 weeks of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development

Week 17 is the second trimester of pregnancy. The period when a woman is most calm and peaceful. Hormones have already stopped raging in the body, and the feeling of the severity of the upcoming birth will not arise very soon.

What happens to the fetus at 17 obstetric weeks?

A baby living in a belly can grow up to 17 centimeters tall. And its weight varies on average from 120 to 170 grams. The fetus is 14 weeks old at this point. Visually, you can compare a child with the open palm of an adult.

At this time, the main tasks of the unborn child are the accumulation of its own subcutaneous fat and the mineralization of the skeleton. In a small body, fat does not look like in an adult. Rather, it is even a prototype - a thin strip that will be responsible for heat transfer. And the baby's skin is covered with a special original lubricant, which performs a protective function.

On this stage a special tissue is formed on milk teeth - dentin. Later, enamel will be formed on it. That is why the expectant mother needs to consume food containing calcium. At the same time, in the diet, you need to lean towards calcium-containing foods. vegetable origin... The following foods should be present in the diet of a pregnant woman:

  1. Legumes and grains (all types of cereals, beans, lentils, beans and others).
  2. Olives.
  3. White cabbage.
  4. Broccoli.
  5. Tomatoes.
  6. Leaf salad.

If in the diet of the expectant mother there are too few products containing calcium, then she may be surprised to note that her own teeth will become brittle and sensitive. But not only is it worth eating calcium-containing foods to avoid problems in own health... If you limit the intake of calcium into the body, then the baby can be born weak, and its development will be slow. In addition, the first teeth erupted in a baby are likely to be unstable and may undergo early caries.

In addition to the above, during this period, the baby undergoes the following changes:

  1. Elongation of the arms and legs. The baby's arms are about 4 centimeters long.
  2. The child's hearing aid is fully formed.
  3. The whole body is covered with lanugo. On the closed eyelids of the baby, cilia have already grown.
  4. The development of the bronchi occurs. Now they look like thin branches of trees.
  5. Already, meconium, the original feces, begins to form in the baby's intestines.
  6. If a girl is born, then at this stage she already has the formation of the uterus.

The 17th week of pregnancy is also significant in that the baby begins to produce interferon and immunoglobulin. The baby's immune system begins to work on its own. And the child can independently protect himself from various kinds of infections.

The baby's heart is already fully formed and is working at full capacity, pumping about 24 liters of blood per day.

At this time, the baby is already quite active. All his movements are fully coordinated. In addition, a woman can be sure that her child is already able to do the following:

  1. Listen to various kinds of sounds, both in the mother's body and external.
  2. Swallow amnitotic fluid. And sometimes the baby can swallow too much liquid and subsequently begins to hiccup.
  3. Move quickly inside the fetal bladder.

The condition of the expectant mother in the fifth month of pregnancy

At the seventeenth week, a woman's tummy, if it was not full before pregnancy, is already visible to others. If the expectant mother had curvaceous forms, now the stomach may not yet be expressed, but she will no longer be able to draw it in. It is also interesting that the thin woman the belly may also not be very pronounced yet.

The woman's uterus is already quite large and is located at the level of 4-5 centimeters below the navel. At each appointment, the obstetrician-gynecologist who leads the pregnancy must probe the height of the fundus of the uterus and listen to the baby's heartbeat using a special device.

The overall weight gain is on average about 3 kilograms. And this weight does not go only to the growing belly. Its distribution occurs fairly evenly throughout the body of a woman expecting a baby. This creates a fat reserve that will be needed after childbirth, when the mother will breastfeed the baby.

In general, the 17th week of pregnancy is a period of calm and serenity in a woman's life. Insomnia should be gone by this time. Irritability and nervousness should also have remained in the first trimester. The woman is still working, but very soon the long-awaited maternity leave will come, when the most important thoughts will be preparing for the birth of a baby and choosing diapers.

Toxicosis is also a thing of the past. By this time, it should be completely gone. If nausea is still the same companion of the pregnant woman, then this must be reported to the doctor.

The expectant mother at this time can feel increased sweating... This is due to the additional load on all systems of a pregnant woman.

The 17th week of pregnancy is the moment when a woman can feel the first tremors of her baby. Now they look like light touches inside the abdomen, rather than full-fledged movements. Some have likened this sensation to the touch of a butterfly's wing.

What should a pregnant woman pay attention to at week 17?

To replace toxicosis in a woman, edema may appear. It is necessary to tell the gynecologist about this. Perhaps the swelling manifested itself due to malfunctioning of the kidneys and the doctor will prescribe special diuretics.

If previously there was a problem with the teeth, now the teeth need to be treated urgently.

In addition to a lack of calcium at this time, a woman may feel general weakness and dizziness. Sometimes the condition is exacerbated by fainting. In this case, it is necessary to donate blood to the hemoglobin level. If it is lowered, then it is necessary to include products that increase it. If this does not help, then the doctor may prescribe special drugs.

A woman may have discomfort in the abdomen and lower back. This is due to the fast growing uterus. It is also worth telling the doctor about such sensations. He will give advice on how to relieve pain. Most often, no-shpa is prescribed. But if the pain is spasmodic or is assessed as strong and acute, then an ambulance must be called. Most likely this is a sign of placental abruption and urgent measures need to be taken.

The same goes for secretions. If suddenly, for some reason, bloody or brown discharge, you must immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital for treatment.

What tests should a woman take at 17 weeks of pregnancy?

At the seventeenth week, the woman should be asked to undergo a second trimester screening. It is also called a triple or quadruple test. In addition, the second prenatal screening includes an extended ultrasound examination.

A woman must donate blood for the following indicators:

  1. Free estriol.
  2. Inhibin A.

Some laboratories, due to their insufficient equipment, take blood only for the first two indicators. But they are also quite informative.

After biochemical parameters blood has been obtained, the woman is scheduled for an ultrasound scan. A specialist on examination can determine if the child has developmental abnormalities gastric tract, heart defects, liver, head and spinal cord, defects in the development of the baby's limbs, the presence of facial clefts. If any of the abnormalities was identified by a doctor, then in most cases it cannot be cured and doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy.

In addition to visual abnormalities, the doctor ultrasound diagnostics can detect certain markers that indicate the chromosomal abnormalities of the child. This could be:

  1. Polyhydramnios and low water.
  2. The size of the nasal bone is below normal.
  3. Delayed development.
  4. Pyelectasis.
  5. The length of the tubular bone is too short.
  6. Ventriculomegaly and more.

If suddenly any of the markers was discovered by a doctor, then the woman is sent to the medical genetic center, where the diagnosis is confirmed or denied.

28 week of pregnancy. The fetus weighs 1100-1300 grams, its height is 34-37 cm. The baby is intensively developing muscle tissue. If Rh-conflict between the mother and the fetus is possible, the doctor must take special measures.

Organizational issue

28 weeks is a special time for moms with twin pregnancies. The long-awaited vacation begins. He is needed in order to calmly, without going to work, to report pregnancy, to give birth and recover from childbirth. Those women who are expecting one baby go on vacation two weeks later.

What month?

Twenty-eighth obstetric week- this is the end of the seventh lunar month pregnancy. This means that it is approximately the 26th week from the conception of the fetus. ...

Fetal development

By the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, differences in height and body weight are clearly manifested in children. They will become especially noticeable after childbirth, when the babies are measured and weighed for the first time in their life. In the first five months of pregnancy, these differences are almost absent. And now everyone future baby shows his personality. At multiple pregnancy children are usually born with a smaller height and weight than with a singleton. And now twins and triplets under the hearts of their mothers are just slightly behind in height and body weight from the only babies.

The fetal head circumference is now 24-28 cm, and the length of the arms and legs is a little more than 10 cm, the height is 35 cm, and the weight is 110 g.

Continue to develop and improve:

  • Subcutaneous fat. Its layer becomes thicker, so that the skin of the fetus gradually straightens.
  • External protective lubricant. It prevents the skin of the fetus from swelling from constant exposure to water.
  • The ability to blink. The muscles of the eyelids of the fetus are very tiny, but they are the ones that will help the newborn baby open his eyes.
  • Muscle. Our muscles are very complex. These are special fibers that are connected in bundles and attached to the bones by ligaments. The muscles of the fetus develop until the very birth.
  • Strengthening bones. Calcium, which enters the mother's blood with food and then to the fetus, is used to mineralize the entire skeleton. Human bones develop fully at the end of adolescence.
  • Cortex. New convolutions are formed in it.
  • Hair on the head, eyelashes, eyebrows, nails. They are growing up little by little. This does not happen in every fetus. Many babies are born with little or no hair, they grow back later.

This is what the fetus looks like at 28 weeks:

The fetal brain activity never stops. Even in a dream, the baby moves, makes breathing movements, frowns, frowns and blinks. In addition, the fetus trains the sucking and grasping reflexes. One of the baby's handles is more active than the other. This means that the brain has already decided whether you will be born right-handed or left-handed.

It's too early to worry about how the fetus is positioned. At one examination, the doctor may report that the baby has settled with his head down, as expected. To the next crumb is able to turn over and even across. This is unpleasant only if premature labor begins at the 28th week.

In this case, doctors will act according to the circumstances. Perhaps they will decide to stop labor. For this there is special means... Then the pregnant woman will be carefully monitored until the dangerous situation disappears. If the birth cannot be stopped (for example, when the amniotic fluid is draining), the newborn will definitely need special equipment that will help him survive. The main thing is that now the lungs of the fetus are sufficiently developed so that in the event of a premature birth, it can breathe on its own.

Blood type and Rh factor

You probably remember: in one of the first weeks of pregnancy, the antenatal clinic doctor sent you to test blood for blood type and Rh factor. You needed to find out the same indicator in relation to the father of the child. Now the time is coming when this knowledge will be especially important.

What is Rh positive and negative blood Rh factor in general? This is the presence or absence of specific protein molecules on the surface of erythrocytes. If they are - the Rh factor is positive, no - negative. Once this feature was discovered in a monkey, rhesus monkey, hence the term. Knowing your group and the Rh factor is necessary for donation, blood transfusion and pregnancy.

If one parent has Rh-positive blood and the other has Rh-negative blood, the same opposition can occur in the mother and fetus. The woman's body will feel foreign components in the circulatory system shared with the fetus and will begin to fight, that is, to produce antibodies. For the fetus, this is dangerous with complications.

In the 28th week of pregnancy, doctors should take action to eliminate possible Rh-conflict... The woman will be injected with immunoglobulin. This substance suppresses the mother's immunity so that antibodies are not produced and there is no attack on the fetus. The same will be done after childbirth and in the event of any inevitable surgical interventions- for example, if the mother needs to have an analysis of the amniotic fluid.

Feelings of a woman

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Many mothers look at this time in the mirror and say that the belly is growing literally before our eyes. Do not tease yourself with a bun, unless in love. It is a big mistake to think that a pregnant woman is completely unattractive.

Your uterus grows and the skin on your belly stretches. Because of this, you may often feel itchy. Do not brush your skin under any circumstances, use special ones. They will make the skin more elastic and relieve irritation.

Your heart is pumping a huge volume of blood right now. Because of this, it does not always cope with the work, and you can often not have enough air, during normal walking you can choke. Another cause of shortness of breath is the grown uterus, which presses on the diaphragm.

The movements of your baby are now felt almost constantly. This can sometimes be frustrating due to the strength of the tremors. Don't slouch when you sit. So you will give your baby a little more space and at least slightly weaken the most unpleasant jolts under the ribs.

Sometimes the stomach itself seems to move. Its entire surface tenses and then relaxes again. These are training fights. They should be irregular, otherwise see your doctor.

In the third trimester, a woman's blood produces special hormones that make her calmer. If you still have emotional breakdowns, check your surroundings - perhaps you too often find yourself in stressful situations... Do your best to avoid nervous shocks, they harm you and your baby.

The weight

You can add up to half a kilogram this week. If you gain more, you will have to adjust your diet. Now your weight needs to be tightly controlled. However, you do not need to starve yourself if the scales showed more. A significant increase in weight may indicate internal edema, which may not appear for a very long time, but seriously complicate pregnancy.

Photo of tummies at 28 weeks pregnant

Preeclampsia and preeclampsia

Most often, these complications of pregnancy occur in the third trimester, although they can manifest themselves several weeks earlier.

Gestosis is a late toxicosis. ...

Preeclampsia is a very serious condition that is dangerous for the life of the mother and child. In case of complications, a woman may develop cerebral edema, impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver and heart. An alarming signal is a marked rise in blood pressure. Especially for those women who have never had such problems before. It is equally important to know the other symptoms of this complication:

  • severe headaches;
  • "Flies" before the eyes;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • convulsions.

If you have all these signs, call the ambulance. Preeclampsia can develop very quickly from mild to severe. As a last resort, you may be shown premature birth... This will be done to save two lives at once.

Why is this happening?

It is never possible to predict with certainty whether a woman will develop any of the two complications. The main factors that can lead to gestosis and / or preeclampsia are as follows:

  • heredity (ask mom and sisters how they carried their babies);
  • excess weight;
  • age over forty;
  • chronic diseases, primarily impaired renal function;
  • autoimmune diseases (that is, impaired immunity);
  • complications in the third trimester during a previous pregnancy.

Only full attention to their health and regular examinations of women at risk help prevent complications or at least their serious consequences.

Pain and discharge

Remember that nothing really should hurt you. Normally, only unpleasant sensations are possible. If the chest, back, lower back, ankles or lower abdomen aches a little, this is the norm.

Watch your secretions carefully:

  • Bloody - possible detachment of the placenta, premature birth.
  • Transparent, watery, abundant - amniotic fluid leaks, this is due to cracks in the fetal bladder.
  • Cheese is most often associated with the development of thrush.
  • Yellow, purulent signals of infection.

See your doctor for any symptoms. additional examination... Normal vaginal discharge should be light, odorless, and not abundant.

Colostrum from the breast will be secreted until the birth and for some time after. You cannot express it. At abundant secretions use bra pads.

When else to go to the doctor

If you have no complaints, then just follow the visiting calendar. If complications are suspected, the doctor may prescribe blood and urine tests, ultrasound, CTG (checking the fetal heart). During ultrasound scanning if the doctor's equipment allows, ask for a photo. Such pictures evoke a lot of positive emotions and will be very interesting for the child's father, older children and other relatives.

Go to your doctor right away if you catch a cold. Self-medication is unacceptable, even if you went to the pharmacy and consulted with a pharmacist. At the pharmacy, no one will take into account all the features of your condition. This can only be done by a doctor.

  1. In no case do not deviate from the diet. Fractional meals 5-6 times a day are much better than three meals a day. Avoid pickles, canned foods and spicy foods completely. If you really want something sweet, then you can only afford fruits.
  2. Help prevent constipation dairy products and prunes.
  3. To prevent hemorrhoids, wash with warm water after a bowel movement.
  4. Shake your hands frequently, lift and stretch them to improve circulation and prevent swelling.
  5. To prevent swelling on your legs, do not walk for a long time, do contrasting douches.
  6. Compression socks and knee-highs will help with dilated leg vessels.
  7. Talk to the child's father and other relatives. Decide who will help you after your baby is born. Perhaps soon after giving birth, you are planning to go to work - it is advisable to decide all this now.
  8. If you have not yet attended childbirth preparation courses, sign up. It is good if you are accompanied by the child's father. Discuss with him possible presence at childbirth. This is a very delicate question that not everyone is ready for.
  9. Your sex life may remain the same. Limitations: Avoid sharp movements and any pressure on the abdomen. Contraindications: expectation of twins, severe complications(written about them above), lack of water, the threat of premature birth.
  10. Wear comfortable clothes and linen. No pressure or constriction, as this obstructs your blood flow and can make you feel worse.
  11. Do not forget about moderate physical activity. Go to the pool just for a swim or do water aerobics for pregnant women, study a special yoga complex, do Kegel exercises.
  12. Wear a bandage, it will help you feel less the weight of your growing tummy.
  13. lose weight by 20 kilograms, and, finally, get rid of terrible complexes overweight people... I hope you find this information useful!

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the baby finally opens its eyes. The pupillary membrane that protects the baby's eyeballs collapses, and now he can explore everything around not only with the help of touch. At the 28th week of pregnancy, it can be seen that the eyes of the fetus have the usual blue color for newborns, which will change to genetically inherent just before childbirth.

  1. The hairs on the head begin to grow quickly, and the vellus hair that protects the baby's body gradually disappears.
  2. The eyes become sharper and more expressive due to the final shaping of the eyelids and eyelashes.
  3. It is at the 28th week of pregnancy that the fetus is actively prepared for the outside world outside the uterus. The formed adrenal glands of the child begin to produce a special hormone that stimulates the formation of an internal film on the alveoli. At the same time, the alveoli for the first time come into direct contact with the blood vessels of the bronchi. This simulation of oxygen exchange prepares the baby's lungs and bronchi for breathing.
  4. The baby is no longer comfortable in the stomach at 28 weeks of gestation, and he is constantly trying to roll over. But it is difficult for him to achieve special success in conditions of limited space, so he walks more and worries his mother.
  5. The fetus at 28 weeks already weighs quite a lot, within 98 - 1100 g. Due to this, the load on the woman's lower back is very great.

28 week of pregnancy: what a woman feels

  1. There are no special changes in the condition of a pregnant mother, except for increasing back pain.
  2. With might and main preparation is in progress for childbirth: a woman visits a doctor every 10 days, takes a standard set of blood and urine tests. It is important to keep under control at 28 weeks of gestation. inflammatory processes in the mother's body, as well as the levels of antibodies, glucose and iron.
  3. With the growth of an already impressive belly, even if you regularly take care of the skin in these places, it more and more stretches and itches. More crimson streaks appear, and they become more noticeable. Subsequently, they can turn into stretch marks, which cannot be eliminated - they will remain folds of the sagging epidermis. Today, it is easier to prevent such an outcome after childbirth than it used to be. Specialized medical creams and gels from postpartum stretch marks perfectly moisturize the skin, thicken the walls of the blood vessels of the cells and ensure its elasticity. For the selection of a cream, you can consult with your doctor or decide on your own. Just read carefully the composition, contraindications and production time of your chosen product. Natural ingredients are also good for moisturizing. cosmetic oils, but it is more effective to use them in combination with the products of modern medicine.
  4. The fetus at 28 weeks gestation is very active. Mom-to-be every now and then he feels his distinct movements. These contacts become important for a woman not only from the maternal point of view, but also from the point of view of controlling it. normal state, development and vital signs. Some doctors even advise mothers to observe and record usual time and the duration of the baby's activity in order to better monitor and understand his condition. At 28 weeks gestation, the baby is usually less active in daytime... This happens because movement during the day makes him sick. But in the evening, when mom is at rest, he begins to stay awake and actively rolls over. The child may also react violently to specific food consumed by the mother, strong emotional excitement or stress. On average, a woman experiences about 7 - 9 baby movements in 10 minutes during his active wakefulness. But this is by no means a panacea. It's just that some kids are less temperamental, and some more.

Pain at 28 weeks gestation

  1. Increasing back pain is not only the result of a shifting center of gravity due to the size of the abdomen, but also a weakening of the supporting muscles and joints due to prolonged increasing stress. At the same time, at the 28th week of pregnancy, the back hurts as if the woman had sciatica.
  2. Don't be alarmed if you sometimes feel pain in your legs, especially around your knees and ankles. Similar sharp, sharp, but short-lived pains occur due to the pressure of the uterus on the sciatic nerve.
  3. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the likelihood of frequent, stubborn pain in the lower back is high. These are the symptoms of the first contractions as they appear when premature birth at 28 weeks of gestation. In such a situation, you should immediately go to the hospital and notify your doctor.
  4. Special pains that make every mother start to shudder throughout pregnancy are pains in the lower abdomen. It happens, therefore, gives away pain in the lower rib. Then you have nothing to worry about - it's just that the baby is swarming close to this painful place for you. If you long time feel dull pain in the area of ​​the ribs, your appetite has worsened, vomiting occurs after eating and heartburn suffers - most likely this is the cause of urolithiasis. Immediately inform your doctor about it, take required analyzes and get fast treatment before delivery.
  5. The second problem that worries every pregnant mother at the 28th week of pregnancy is puffiness. In some women, it does not manifest itself strongly, and they practically do not notice such a change his body, while in others, on the contrary, it is noticeably too strong. Moreover, in this case, everything swells - from the face to the feet, which does not even work out in usual shoes. If you experience severe discomfort associated with this problem, see your doctor immediately. It is not worth starting this, so as not to get complications during childbirth. Further accumulation of fluid in the body can develop into late toxicosis in a pregnant woman. In this case, you need to strictly adhere to the diet and the amount of fluid consumed per day.

28 week of pregnancy: tests

  1. At the 28th week of pregnancy, there is an active preparation for childbirth. Therefore, in addition to standard urine tests for sugar, and blood for inflammatory processes, an antibody test is mandatory. Already at the 28th week of pregnancy, you can determine the blood group and Rh of the child. Comparison of rhesus of mother and baby - important point for childbirth. If the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the fetus has a positive one, an Rh conflict may form, which will greatly complicate childbirth. Warning a similar situation, the mother is injected with a special drug called immunoglobulin, which suppresses her immune system. Protective antibodies to the child's blood practically cease to be produced in the woman's body. Thus, doctors neutralize all the dangerous and unpleasant consequences of such a "dispute" before childbirth.
  2. A routine ultrasound scan is usually performed 3 times during the entire period of bearing a child. At 28 weeks, two ultrasound examinations are over, and the third is usually prescribed just before childbirth. In case of any pathologies or questionable indicators, the doctor prescribes a more frequent ultrasound schedule. You can, of course, do individual examinations more often if you wish. This way, future parents can follow the changes in their baby, observe his growth, location, development and gender. Only at the 28th week of pregnancy without a doctor, you are unlikely to understand something in an ultrasound photo. So only your doctor can explain the results of such an analysis and explain to you in the smallest detail the norms and stages of your baby's development.

Uterus at 28 weeks gestation

  1. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the uterus is already quite large, but this is not the limit. She will continue to grow until the very birth. Now the belly is already about 7 - 8 cm from the level of the navel, and about 25 - 27 cm - in the lower part of it.
  2. Periodically, at the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman feels minor contractions, sometimes even more significant and painful. In medicine, this phenomenon is called "false contractions": in this way the muscles are prepared for the upcoming early childbirth... If you feel a sharp short-term tension in the abdomen, this is normal. Frequent contractions accompanied by bloody discharge should definitely alert you. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  3. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the child reaches a certain development and is located in the uterus on its own, most often with the head down. However, there are also frequent cases of the opposite position of babies - legs and buttocks forward. From the practice of obstetrics, it is noticed that it is easier to deliver when the fetus is head down, although each case is individual in its own way.

28 weeks pregnant: premature birth

  1. In general, the level of development of the child at 28 weeks of gestation is already quite enough to leave the mother's womb and continue independent growth. Your baby is already quite capable of life and often it is at this time that the so-called premature birth occurs. According to statistics, childbirth at this stage is positive for the child, and only in isolated cases - with complications and possible lethal outcome... This, of course, does not exclude specialized care and supervision of the baby for some time, but nowadays it is quite affordable.
  2. Unlike a baby, the mother's body is not ready for the moment of premature birth at 28 weeks of gestation. All of its functioning is tuned to the maintenance of labor and the process of bearing the fetus for another 3 months. Such forced events can cause unwanted complications in a woman. Such cases include: the unpreparedness of the birth canal for the baby's exit, irregular and insufficient contractions, damage to the cervix when the baby leaves, bleeding during childbirth and a long postpartum recovery process.
  3. It is believed that if a woman has her first pregnancy, then childbirth will take longer. Therefore, doctors are taking maximum measures to prevent contractions and stop premature birth. If contractions are infrequent and weak, the likelihood of stopping labor is high enough.

28 week of pregnancy: late gestosis

  1. Complication of puffiness at 28 weeks of gestation can cause a disease such as preeclampsia. A woman's body is changing so rapidly that sometimes not all internal organs are able to keep up with such changes. At the end of the second trimester, the placenta begins to produce special enzymes that thin the vascular tissue. internal organs and by 28 weeks form microscopically holes. Blood, fluid and plasma seep through these small holes. They accumulate under the skin, forming swelling. Until the 28th week of pregnancy, a slight swelling is almost invisible, but with an increase in the term, it begins to give the expectant mother more and more discomfort.
  2. In particular, protein enters the feces through the leakage of the vessels of the kidneys. Such a loss is significant for the body of a woman and a child. And the larger it is, the more the disease worsens.
  3. Urine tests at all stages can prevent gestosis. When an increased protein appears, the doctor will immediately prescribe measures to combat the problem.
  4. The more such holes appear, the more fluid is lost. Replenishing the loss, the body raises blood pressure. This leads to thickening of the blood, increased clotting and the formation of blood clots.
  5. The development of all of the above, takes place without burdening the woman at all. In fact, swelling of the visible parts of a pregnant mother's body is not as dangerous as swelling of the placenta. This can lead to an uneven flow of oxygen to the fetus and the brain, in particular, the development of pathologies and underdevelopment.

28 week of pregnancy: video

The 28th week of pregnancy is the seventh month, the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy.

Future baby at 28 weeks pregnant

A 28-week-old baby is still unable to live independently - primarily due to underdevelopment of the lungs. But leaving him, if he is born on this date, is easier than in the previous month. This will require special equipment and the efforts of neonatologists. After all, the baby is supposed to grow and develop for another 12 weeks.

Fetal growth by the end of the 28th week of pregnancy is 35 cm, weight 1000-1300 g.

A child in the womb has periods of activity and periods of rest. Its activity is associated with the behavior of the mother. If she is active all day and moves a lot, then the child calms down by the rhythm of the mother's body, and the woman may not notice his movement.

The child's activity increases in the following cases:

at rest of the mother. As soon as the mother calms down, the baby starts pushing with his heels, elbows and knees. Therefore, most women feel the baby's movements better at night, during rest;

  • after eating by the mother. An active child may be as a result of an increase in the mother's blood glucose (sugar) levels after a meal;
  • as a result of worries and stress in the mother. In some pregnant women, the baby's activity is stimulated by the increase in the level of adrenaline in the mother's body when she is nervous.

Most active developing child shows between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation. Between 28 and 32 weeks of gestation, fetal activity becomes constant, with distinct periods of rest and mobility.

It is necessary to take into account the individuality of the child, who has its own rhythm of movement and development. Your child may be very calm or restless. Therefore, you should not worry about the seeming irregularity of the child's movements. A sign of anxiety will be a sharp decrease in fetal activity or its cessation altogether.

Beginning at 28 weeks gestation, you should monitor fetal movements twice during the day: once in the morning when activity seems too low, and once in the evening when there is a tendency for increased activity.

To control the child's movement, count all movements: pushing, wiggling, rolling over. You should feel 10 movements in 10 minutes. But this is an average calculation. But if you don't count 10 movements in an hour, lie down and rest with some milk or something to eat. Then try counting again. If you do not count 10 movements in the next hour, then this may mean the appearance of some kind of problem with the fetus, so call your doctor immediately.

The closer the due date, the more important it is to control fetal movements.

Don't worry if your baby suddenly pushes you hard in the rib or abdomen, or in the cervix. This is because he has already developed enough and become stronger. You have to endure the pain. But if it is difficult to endure, try changing the position of the body or you can calm him down in the same way as born child- shake. Perhaps this will cause an imbalance in his balance, and for a while the attacks will stop.

Pushing the baby in all directions can be mistaken by the mother as a sign of multiple pregnancies (twins). An accurate diagnosis of multiple pregnancies can only be made with special examination... Therefore, do not speculate. Feeling of multiple pregnancy can occur due to movement