Do mimosa give on March 8. Landscape design do it yourself

I wonder why Mimosa is given on March 8? What is the secret of their popularity in International Women's Day?

For some reason, it is this flower, as the incarnation of tenderness, it is customary to give cute women on March 8 - International Women's Day. Whether because of their air fragrance, or because of the fragile tenderness of these small fluffy small balls, trembling on the branch ... It seems, a moment - and they will scatter, they will disappear. No wonder this flower is called mimosa "shy"! Taking advantage of the language of colors, give mimosu, means - to tell your beloved: "I hide my tender feelings" ...

March 8 ... Streets are still snowing, and in their hands almost every woman burns a bright yellow bouquet of mimosa, so unnaturally alive, as if wishing to give everyone spring on this day. Mimosa - a thrift miracle and living proof that the whole earth is filled with warmth and the sun on March 8! This image is already so close, but at the same time such a distant spring.

What is Mimosa?

Ask men, what is it, Mimosa? And they will answer the choir: "Mimosa is an indispensable gift for March 8! Cheap and angry! "

What a miracle: it will take some more time, and it will flood all the floral shops, markets, underground transitions. From there, she moves to our apartments, in vases and jugs, for several days will "delight" the hearts of women.

Let's say immediately novice romance: these yellow flowers appropriate to give the ladies balzakovsky age. Naturally, on March 8, relatives, colleagues, teachers or just familiar can be inhibited gentle bouquet Mimosa, not depending on their age, but ... Flowers yellow color It is customary to present actors and artistic nature, as it is a symbol of success and sunlight.

Where are you, Yellow Beauty?

Motherland Mimosa is Australia. She was delivered to Riviera in France in the 19th century British botany. And now mimosa overlap the hills between Nice and Cannes, she perfectly arrived in France. In the period from the end of January and to the first March days, it covered all the arrays of Vara and the seaside Alps, she gives them a beautiful summer color. Interestingly, golden balls consist of stamens, and not from flower petals, this is explained by their fragility. It is not subject to storage of mimosa, cut over 24 hours ago. The aroma of this flower is "ticking" and soft - fell on the heart and perfumes.

Terrible mystery mimosa

Everyone knows that a bouquet of mimosa, a presented lady in a cherished March day, is able to create a miracle ... and gentlemen prefer mimosa not only because her twigs are the cheapest! Apparently, they know much more about Mimosa, rather than women!

It turns out that this sunny flower Removes stress, fills the soul with optimism, eliminates fatigue. In addition, it is used in alternative medicine In the treatment of frigidity and facilitation of PMS. Aroma, massage with the addition of mimosa oil contribute to the normalization of the state of the woman during the climax period. Not the last role is played by the Golden Pollen Miracle also in a row of Aphrodisiacs vegetable origin. Healing essential oils Mimosa gently pushes women and men to the awareness of their sexuality, contributing to the establishment between in love with complete mutual understanding and trust relationships.

The beginning of the holiday mimosa

Holiday mimosa - One of the significant events in Montenegro begins with the festival of wine and flowers fairs at the famous resort of Igalo. The Mimosa festival takes place in this place already in the 39th time.

Flowering mimosa means the end of winter ... In San Rafael, this holiday marks the parade of colors. Such parades began to spend in San Rafael back in the 20s of the last century, and every year they pass everything more colorful and wider. Numerous processions decorated with lap strollers pass through the streets of the city under the sounds of music.

Blooms Mimosa in mid-February! The magnificent bushes that were not noticeable before that among evergreens of Tuvet and cypress alleys, suddenly flare out such a fire of sunny color, which I want to climb. And aroma! My God, the fragrance blooms in the air for the quarter, it manites you, and you go to him, as towards the miracle. And it justifies all the expectations - there is a desire to stand clock next to the mimosa bush and carry at least a twig of this sunny bright flower.

Dear ladies, ladies, girls, daughters, moms, grandmothers!

Congratulations on your excellent holiday spring, updates and joyful anticipation of happiness!

Let your expectations always come true!

Health to you, beauty, love and well-being!

Mimosa innocent shied in red
Putting her wind sober dew,
And she addressed the sun to the sun,
So that at night again plunge into the dreams.
In a beautiful garden, awakened from sleep,
Like a genius of love, young spring;
Grass and flowers awakened for dreams,
Forcing to forget them about Winter Frost.
But in the field, in the garden, and in the forest, and at the rocks
Nobody so O. gentle love did not dream
Like a lan young on a meal heat
With mimosa, crying for a dream one.
/ K. Balmont /

Mimosa has long been associated with the holiday of March 8. This is a kind of spring symbol, although it grows in southern edges.

How nice to get these fragrant twigs for a holiday, and still from your favorite hands!

In general, Mimosa is at all do not mimose! 🙂

In Russia, there are often some types of acacia in Russia in everyday speech - Mimosov's other kind of subfamily, most often - Silver Acacia ( Acacia Dealbata.). This kind is widespread on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, and the branches of this plant are traditional gift on International Women's Day. (Wikipedia)

Mimosa (Lat. Mimosa.) - the genus of flowering plants of the bean family ( Fabaceae.). Previously, this plant was placed in the currently disbanded Mimosovo family (Mimosaceae R.Br.) Rod makes herbs, shrubs or middle size Trees with dual-fuel leaves. Growing predominantly B. South America And in Australia.

Total cost more than 600 mimosa species. Among them are such species as: Mimosa AculeAticarpa Ortega, Mimosa Arenosa (Willd) Poir, Mimosa Asperata L., Mimosa Borealis Gray, Mimosa Pudica L. Typus - Mimosa Shadlikaya, Mimosa Tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir.

Most famous appearance - Shameful Mimosa ( Mimosa Pudica.). Herbaceous plant in 30-60 cm of height; Dual-operous leaves of it are especially sensitive, folding and dropping in the dark from the very light touch and other annoying reasons. Other species of mimosis possess the same irritability. Grows in Brazil. It is often divorced for the sake of decoration and physiological experiments.

Acacia silver, or Acacia powdered (Lat. Acācia dealbāta.) - view of trees from the genus Acacia ( Acacia.) Bob family ( Fabaceae.). This is an evergreen fast-growing tree with a height of 10-12 m (at home up to 45 m). Barbed barrel barbed, and the leaves have a silver-green color (hence and the name of the species is a silver acacia). Leaves are very beautiful and similar in shape with fern leaves. The unusual of acacia is silver in that bloom comes in winter and ends at the beginning of spring.

The homeland of acacia is silver - the southeastern coast of Australia and Tasmania Island. Widely spread and naturalized in southern Europe, South Africa, in the West of the United States, in the Azores and Madagascar. In Russia (on the Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus) this type of culture since 1852.

For many "Mimosa" countries (Silver Acacia) is a symbol of spring arrival. In some countries, festivals dedicated to mimos are carried out, lushfully celebrating this day. Among such countries, France and Montenegro.

Acacia silver blooms so joyful, spring bright yellowthat you can not resist the temptation to put a couple of branches at home in transparent vase Or create a more complex floristic composition.

Yellow acacia flowers quickly dry out without proper care. Here are some tips to extend the life of this fluffy, a bright miracle.

Wrap a bouquet in the newspaper and put for some time very hot waterIn order to bloom faster buds. Otherwise, they will shine and dried before the disclosure. The ends of the stems first need to crush. If the flowers are squeezed, they are kept over the ferry so that they become fluffy again. The plant does not like dry air. Inflorescences Mimosa spray cold water. After cutting, the ends of the stems are split.

Before putting a cut sprigs of mimos in a vase, you need to remove the lower sheets. In water fresh Mimosa It does not appear 3-4 days, and without water can hold out even longer. To increase the fluffiness of branches, the sellers sometimes lower them into boiling water. After such a procedure, blooming yellow twigs look especially beautiful and fresh, but not long, the next day they can crumble. "Boiled" mimosu is easy to recognize - it does not smell. (Based on

The branches of the flowering mimosa are good in any composition, but how it looks great in the works of the real Florist Master. She emphasizes attention as dominant, and serves as an addition and background for other spring colors. Fantasy Master is limitless. Therefore, I propose to be inspired by the floral masterpieces of the Italian florist

Well, of course, it is women's holiday, of course, gifts, congratulations, smiles ...

And if in one word?

But if you think about what you can never see any other day, do not feel?

I do not know how you have, and this day is firmly tied to one flower. Let him be considered a cheap gift, even if there is an opinion that only those men who either have very little money, or there are no fantasy, are buying mimose.

And metamorphosis occurs with mimosa. After all, these bright yellow balls and not mimosa at all, and the acacia is silver, if it is accurate.

And I really like to call it mimosa. It seems to me that nothing is better and festive than this flower on March 8 can not be.

Do you know why?

Remember, ordinary March weather. Gloomy sky, melting snow around, so puddles and dirt.

And a woman dreams of the sun. Well, I want her miracle to her, so that the clouds suddenly diverged, and the sun smiled brightly from heaven. And after all, it is on this day that we have the full right to want and receive.

Men intuitively feel this female need in the sun. And they found a way out. They give us thousands of small suns on this day. The same solar, the same bright, same joyful.

And if you also breathe their aroma ...

This, of course, is not Chanel number 5, but it smells like an early spring in the wakeful garden.

This is the aroma of something very first ... a tender sunny ray, who melted the earth under his feet, the rough tree crust at hand. And all this is the first, just woken up, surprised and joyfully discovered eyes.

No need to accuse men in greed or absence of fantasy. They intuitively feel that the woman on this day needs something magical. And the magic is all the magic that can happen very rarely ... once a year. And the symbol of this magic is the sun-like mimosa.

Superoperate ... Any woman, having received a mimosa bouquet as a gift, Intuitively inhales this fragrance, sticks into a bouquet with a nose and freezes.

And when the face raises, this is a completely different woman. Instantly. Do not believe?

Eyes are happy to shine, a dreamy smile playing on her lips, her hands gently touch the fluffy balls.

So what happens in this moment?

Just a woman wakes up in a woman, ready to love the whole world.

And you, men, in this magic world.

And if you have not yet felt that it is never wizards, you once a year is given a chance. Do not miss it.

This tiny flower gives us awakening ... from the sermost, from longing and disappointment, from the cold and misunderstanding.

Probably, at this moment in the heart of a woman hits a hot ray of the sun, donated mimosa. This happens. Remember how Kai got into the heart of a fragment of ice .... Flower, just works on the contrary. And whatever the woman was not at that moment, her eyes will shine, because the sun is already inside and already performs his mission. And mimosa shyly lowered the heads.

Mimosa has become a real symbol of international women's day - fluffy little sun on thin branches. On the eve of the holiday, they fill the shops with yellow clouds, tick the nostrils with a subtle tart aroma. Mimosa stands for a long time in a vase, does not require care and creates great mood At households. But why exactly she?

Historical reference

In 1910, in Copenhagen, at the proposal, Clara Zetkin decided to recognize March 8 International Women's Day. The date was not chosen by chance, 2 years before, on March 8, 1908, a rally was held in New York as part of the struggle for women's rights. The rally turned out to be bloody, more than 100 participants died, but they managed to achieve their own. The world acknowledged that women are the same members of society as men, with the same rights and privileges.

The exact date, after which the symbol of March 8 became mimosa, it is impossible to install. Most likely, such a popularity of the flower is explained by the fact that it blooms very early, at the end of February. Beautiful appearance, fragility and tenderness, combined with high frost resistance, make mimos such a similar woman, beautiful, strong, confident, incredible.

In the Soviet Union, March 8 is officially celebrated since 1921. Since 1966, the day has become a day off, but ceased to be a symbol of women's struggle against discrimination. Beautiful half Humanity solemnly congratulated, but to give gifts and flowers to this holiday was not accepted.

If you look at the top of the newspaper "Izvestia", the first photo of a woman with a bouquet appeared by March 8, 1969. Earlier in the newspaper to " women's Day»Placed shots of workers of factories and fields without any festive characters. The main colors of the holiday - Mimosa, Lilns, Tulips, all others either have not yet blocked, or sold at a very high price.

Mimosa today

Despite the huge number of available colors in stores, the tradition to give mimosus has been preserved. These flowers possess tender aroma and even useful properties:

  1. They refer to the number of aphrodisiacs - set up a romantic way, contribute to the establishment of relationships.
  2. Remove stress, fatigue, allow you to relax after a hard working day, forget about problems.
  3. Soothe nerves, remove headaches.

Flowering mimosa means that winter is over, the cold and snow ended. It is about to awaken nature, and the yellow balls mimosa are the first spring swallows.

Nearers beautiful holiday March 8 International Women's Day. In the air, it is also like that smells in spring, warm. The main gift for your favorite women always remain. Our holiday has always passed with tulips and mimosa. These flowers are always associated with the celebration of March 8, with spring. In early March, in all cities of our country, tender veins of mimosa with silver-green leaves and light golden beads appear. Why is Mimozoa give women on March 8? Because it spring flowersAnd still Mimosa in many countries symbolizes the offensive of spring.
The tradition of granting on March 8 mimose came to Russia from Europe. Mimosa is not afraid of frost, and can withstand up to 10 degrees, and she flourishes at the end of February. And the twig of Mimosa will long retain its freshness and its fragrance. Rights Mimosa from tropical america. Grows Mimosa in Europe, in Asia, in Africa, in the Caucasus.
Refers Mimosa to the family of legumes, and it relates to Mimoz with, and another trunk of mimosa from the very top and to the root of the prickly, as in Acacia. The mimosa tree is high and in height reaches 30 meters. It is mimosa forever green tree. Mimosa has several names, this is a silver acacia, Australian acacia, a shame tree. Now, if you touch the branch of the tree of mimosa, Mimosa hides his leaves, and after some time the leaves are spread. In fact, Botany believe that so the tree is protected from tropical rains. Do you know that mimosa flowers get rid of fatigue and remove stress.
In the language of colors, Mimosa means constancy, immutability, shyness.

Tulips are also spring flower and the symbol of the upcoming spring. Tulips can be white, pink, red, yellow, lilac. Tulips have various coloring and the shape of buds. And white, pink tulipsThey are such gentle, symbolize purity.
A bouquet of tulips can be an excellent addition to any gift, moreover, the color gamut of tulips, allows you to choose them for every taste. Tulip since ancient times symbolizes pure love And great happiness. In the color of the colors, red tulips mean love, and Yellow admiration. The first information about the tulip was in Persia. Tulip reminded Turkish Chalmu and was called "Dulbash", which was meant "Turban", russian name Tulip flower. The country of tulips is considered to be Holland. There, tulips grow hundreds of years. And Holland is the most large exporter These colors. According to flower etiquette, Tulip exquisite gift.

Roses can be given round year On any holiday, but spring flowers are only in spring. Mimosa and tulips personify the spring, and these are wonderful. And isn't it for men, give all women such flowers.

I congratulate all the girls, girls, women, grandmothers with the coming, spring holiday March 8. Love and be loved. Happy International Women's Day !!!