Congratulation of the Minister V.A. Puchkov Happy Rescuer Day. Day of the rescuer of the Russian Federation

Rescue squad - there are no more wonderful guys!

December 27, the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia is a holiday of rescuers. The profession of a rescuer is one of the most difficult, because they are the first to help people in the most difficult situations, whether it be a fire, flood, earthquake, traffic accident, an accident at an enterprise, or any other situation when people need qualified help.

Courage and courage, readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of saving people's lives have always distinguished representatives of this profession. The highest professionalism, experience and ability to find a way out of the most difficult, sometimes extreme situations, - all these qualities allowed the rescuers to win the authority and respect of the Russians. After all, every day of work here is estimated by the most expensive indicators - saved human lives.

On December 27, 1990, in accordance with the decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR “On the formation of the Russian Rescue Corps as the State Committee of the RSFSR,” the Russian Rescue Corps was created under the leadership of Sergei Shoigu, and in 1995, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, December 27 was declared the Day of the Rescuer of the Russian Federation.

Day of the Rescuer (Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia) - this is not a day off, but a normal working day for tens of thousands of rescue workers who have stepped in for a day. But, of course, on their professional holiday they have the opportunity to feel like real heroes.

And today, congratulations on their professional holiday are accepted by all Russian rescuers who work and serve in the territorial rescue services, municipal rescue services, private rescue services, different types fire brigade, non-staff and public rescue organizations and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Traditionally, various events take place on this day. solemn events And holiday concerts, dedicated to the Day rescuer. First persons of the state, colleagues and management congratulate the employees of the rescue services, films and programs are dedicated to them in the media.

Citizens of the Russian Federation express their gratitude to people who every day, risking their lives, save and help those in trouble. Dear rescuers, please accept our congratulations on your professional holiday, Rescuer Day in Russia! New Year joins all the words of congratulations on this wonderful memorable date!

I would like to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2018 and wish you to be able to save every person who needs your help! Good health to you and family happiness! Thanks!

Congratulations in verse on the Day of the Ministry of Emergencies

Risking yourself every day
Rushing to help quickly
Don't be afraid, don't panic
You are saving people.
Bowing before you
And believe me, without embellishment,
Inspirational congratulations
Happy Rescuer Day, we welcome you!
We wish you peaceful days
And have a good weekend
Let health not fail
Happiness and love of relatives!
And here it is the holiday of the Ministry of Emergencies,
It's the Day of the Rescuers.
And congratulations, not in excess
Accept from friends.
You will never let you down
Although all the guys are different,
And serve valiantly
Both weekdays and holidays.
The job of a lifeguard is
It is not given to foresee at the beginning of the day,
What kind of misfortune awaits today:
The element of air, water or fire.
Saving from inevitable death,
At the risk of my own life,
Tormenting your family with worries,
Become heroes for us.
Your work is a daily feat,
We want to bow to you from the waist
For your courage and steel nerves,
For helping others!
Saving people is your calling!
You fight with danger!
I'll tell you without hesitation
You are my superhero!
Be strong, brave and courageous
Run to help first!
Save others, it's important
But take care of yourself too!
On your personal day, the lifeguard congratulating you,
Thank you for your courage!
And for feats, glowing with pride,
I hasten to pronounce wishes:
Stay always kind and sincere,
Rescuing us from various troubles.
Life's course, let it be smooth and careless,
Among flashes of joyful victories!
Happy rescue day, heroes!
Happy lifeguard day, folks!
Everyone knows what's at work
You are great fellows!
24/7 in service
On duty day and night
Except you to ordinary people
There is no one else to help!
We wish you happiness, friends!
We always take an example from you!
We admire, we are proud
Thanks amicably helmet!
A chance for salvation is more reliable than miracles!
We congratulate the heroes on the day of the Ministry of Emergencies!
Those who work, creating a feat,
Happy holiday - the twenty-seventh of December!
We can live peacefully and happily
Knowing: just a little - the rescuer is in a hurry to us!
Super heroes, you have no price!
Thank you for being you, we all need you!
Congratulations on the day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations!
We have countless natural disasters.
And you, eliminating their traces,
Keep in mind - there is a sense in that matter!
When the emergency happens again
There are those who can save everyone.
You are always ready to help
We'll find safety!
We wish - let the world be kind
And he does not bring trouble to us.
No one will be afraid.
The time for storms and thunderstorms is over.
Such a difficult profession
But at the same time, the necessary
The name of the rescuer is little known,
Well, the actions are visible to everyone.
May his service be calm,
Let there be fewer places where they wait.
Well, let the salary be decent,
For selfless work.
If suddenly taken by surprise,
Storm, or hurricane, Ministry of Emergency Situations by helicopter
Will come to help you.
They are accustomed to saving people,
In the most difficult places
In the ocean and on land
Or even in the clouds.
Rescuer Day today
Fill your glass quickly
We wish that everyone
Always saved people's lives!
A wonderful table is laid, friends!
I'm happy that today
I can congratulate you on the holiday
My colleagues are reliable.
I want to raise a toast to them
Let everything be fine
Health, happiness, wish,
Success in personal life!
And all the lifeguards now
Congratulations on their day
Always have friends like this
I wish you all from the bottom of my heart!
From fires, floods, accidents,
From avalanches and earthquakes
From the tsunami, cave blockages
Bring salvation every hour.
You are not angels, earthly people,
What they chose as a profession is a feat.
Thank you for this folks!
May your day be filled with happiness!
I congratulate you today -
Lifeguard deserves it!
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you

Good health and peace,
Less calls at night

From joy gave the keys!
My friend is a lifeguard. With this word,
It's not just people's names
Save anyone from trouble
He can even in the middle of the seas.
Do not frighten him with the elements,
An avalanche of snow, or fire,
Cover your friends from the clouds of bad weather,
Always ready with your shoulder!
I want to say thank you
And wish from us from all:
In family affairs and at work,
To be accompanied by success!
Rescuers don't know the word "fear"
Indifference is also not familiar to them!
They will come to the rescue every time,
All you have to do is say the word to them!
So be strong and impartial,
Brave, courageous, courageous,
Fast as the wind and fearless!
Let fate smile on you more than once!
Rescuer Day in Russia
Or a holiday of the Ministry of Emergencies -
The best holiday in the world
I want to wish everyone here
May the sun always shine on you
And on the path of life
Let the wind blow,
To make it easy to go with him!
From big floods
From the fire, from the rubble,
After great destruction
You saved people, oh, how many!
I wish you health and happiness
May luck be on your side!
Stronger, braver than you, I don't know!
Serve "excellent" in your native country!
They don't call you guardian angels for nothing,
If you are near, no trouble is terrible,
By risking yourself, you save lives,
And you take it all for granted.
Congratulations to all the rescuers of Russia,
We wish you a calm, peaceful service,
May luck always accompany you
Every day is a pleasant surprise.
I congratulate you today -
Lifeguard deserves it!
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
So that you are always happy
Good health and peace,
Less calls at night
So that life opens love to you,
From joy gave the keys!
Rescuer, may you be lucky!
Sadness and sadness let go
And there will be happiness and dreams
And a sea of ​​passion and love!
Chip and Dale to the rescue
That's just how it is in cartoons.
And in life to people in trouble,
The lifeguard arrives first.
On your holiday, I wish it to become
Less in the world of terrible disasters:
Terrorist attacks, floods, accidents and fires.
Happy Rescue Day, buddy! Be healthy!
Saving people is a good thing
And surrendering to him boldly,
You accomplish a feat of valor,
What do you get recognition for?
And on the Day of the Savior to you
I wish the best,
Be the best pro on earth
Excellent colleagues.
Who shouts: "Save, SOS!"
On a cold rock
Who put it in the vacuum cleaner
reproductive organ,
Elemental Frenzy Victim
Or personal foolishness -
You are now my poems
Sign in kind!
The verse is as simple as do-re-mi:
Happy Holidays, Rescuer!
That's what they do to people
Vacuum cleaners, their mother! ..
Happy Rescuer Day
Congratulations with a clean word
And I wish that always
He was young and broad-shouldered.
Happiness, modesty, love,
And to the work of hope
Got it, I want you
As a sign of fate, you are recognized.

Congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer in prose

Your holiday is the Day of the Rescuer! It's amazing how well you chose your business. Even if you hadn't become a professional lifeguard, you would certainly have saved us on your own. Thank you for being such a reliable and strong-willed person! Stay like this always! And may there be such people next to you too!
You were born to do good! You are a lifeguard and it sounds proud, congratulations on this wonderful and irreplaceable holiday. May everything you do turn into happiness and prosperity for you!
In the midst of the flood, in the cold and in the summer heat, you are at the post of a lifeguard and are ready to come to the aid of each of us, and even a yard kitten stuck on a branch! Let me heartily congratulate you on the holiday of the profession, rescuer! May your happiness be as immense and hot as your noble heart!
You are laconic, collected and serious, because at the hour of the service there is no time for jokes. But today - allow yourself a smile, look around and take my word for it that life is so good in this world, thanks in large part to you! Congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer! Save yourself the same - strong, kind and the best!
I wish the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to easily overcome not only the elements and disasters, but also any obstacles in personal life. Let your confidence in yourself and in your sacred mission to save lives energize the whole world! Thank you for your dedication and courage!
Saving lives is a high spiritual mission. This contribution to mankind is incomparable with any achievements in science or literature. This is a spiritual contribution to the preservation of the valuable treasure- human existence. I congratulate you, our dear rescuers, on your professional holiday. May you be lucky in this challenging mission.
The rescuer, like a warrior, risks his life for the sake of others, finds a way out in an incredible way. difficult conditions and does not give up before the elements or catastrophe, like the last warrior before the enemy army. Congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer to all employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the bravest defenders of our lives!
Dear employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, please accept congratulations on your professional holiday. We wish you success in your difficult and important service, thank you for your courage and courage, thanks to which you saved more than one life. Be healthy, strong and happy, live surrounded by love and understanding.
Today, on the Day of the Rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, we congratulate those to whom it would be good to say thanks in advance, because our world is not perfect and there will be many more incidents in it ... However, as long as such men serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, we have nothing to fear! Happy Holidays!
Congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia! We call the cherished phone number of rescuers when we drop a match or if we come later, and then you don’t have to worry, because you are like real hero come to the rescue! So may you have a special long-lasting happiness and love in your life!
On the Day of the Rescuer, accept my congratulations! You are not just a rescuer, you are a real hero, but feats are a common thing for you, because this is your job and real vocation! I want to wish you to always have good health and happiness worthy of such a wonderful person!
Today, December 27, is the day of the strongest, courageous, courageous and brave men - rescuers. Huge and endless thanks for your difficult, dangerous, but so important and extremely necessary labor! We wish you health, endurance, patience, good luck and only the successful completion of even the most critical situations!

Professional holiday for all employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

On the basis of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on December 27, 1990, the Russian Rescue Corps was formed. And in honor of this event, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1306 of November 26, 1995, a holiday was established Rescuer Day in Russia 27th of December .

Pages: [in prose]

congratulations on the day of the rescuer

On a December day, when before the New Year
There are only a few days left
I praise you, the saviors of the people,
Hope and support of the whole country
You do not complain - they say, it hurts:
You have verbal diarrhea is not in honor.
The holy cause drives you all
One: warn, help, save!
Chip and Dale are no match for you!
Thank you - I live in peace!
Let you never dream of an emergency,
And only joy will be in reality!

Blockages, fires, floods are not terrible,
Everything will be under control in your field of vision.
For this we appreciate you, for this we respect,
For this, on the day of the rescuer, we congratulate you all!
Let a huge arsenal help in life,
With which you will save all those who have suffered,
We wish you good luck, be stronger year from the year
Love, kindness and happiness, clear skies!

At the forefront of any event.
Through water, smoke or fire
Not for glory and discoveries,
And against disasters you are fighting.
You don't see the fear
When the threat of life comes.
And a shirt acquired from birth.
Let your heart protect.

The work of a rescuer is not sugar, not honey.
Alarm siren, and now the helicopter board
Towards the enraged death, the detachments are carrying
Saving someone's life is your job.
We wish you all to return home,
And the holiday was celebrated with relatives calmly.
Risking myself to keep someone alive
You carry out your dangerous service with dignity.

If suddenly trouble happened,
Or something happened
We call rescuers
What happened, we say.
We are waiting for the brave guys -
Our rescue team
Thank you for coming to our aid,
From the heart of all congratulations, accept!

If suddenly trouble overtakes.
If suddenly it becomes bad,
It will fly, it will rush, it will jump,
My savior, good friend!

Will extend a helping hand
And take on board!
Will not betray and will not deceive!
Happy holiday, our lifeguard!

You are always in a hurry to help
Saving people is always a hunt,
Risking your life is nonsense
The fight against the elements is your job.

May fate show favor
Let the family wait for you at home,
More love and warmth to you
Happy rescuer day!

You always rush to help people,
You subdue water and fire.
I want to congratulate you on the Day of the Rescuer,
Let me shake a strong hand!
I wish everything is fine
It was at work and in the family.
To make decent money
Benefit brought home country!

Pages: [in prose]


Ministry of the Russian Federation for Affairs civil defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia) - the federal ministry, one of the emergency rescue services of Russia.

The profession of a rescuer is one of the most difficult, because it is they who come to the aid of people in the most difficult situations, accidents, emergencies that can occur anywhere in the country and abroad. To help us in destroyed houses, in the fire of a fire and during floods and floods, as well as those simply in trouble, rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who are constantly on duty, come to the rescue, who have tens of thousands of rescued people on their account. Where it explodes, burns and collapses, floods with water or chemicals, where people and even animals need to be rescued, rescuers appear there.

On December 27, 1990, in accordance with the decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR “On the formation of the Russian Rescue Corps as the State Committee of the RSFSR,” the Russian Rescue Corps was created under the leadership of Sergei Shoigu, and in 1995, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, December 27 was declared the Day of the Rescuer of the Russian Federation.

lifeguard day (Day EMERCOM of Russia) is not a day off, but a normal working day for tens of thousands of rescue workers. But, of course, on their professional holiday they have the opportunity to feel like real heroes. The best rescuers of Russia are awarded diplomas, orders and valuable gifts. Must pass solemn gatherings, concerts, banquets at the highest governmental level and in labor collectives where they sound congratulations on the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Happy Rescuer Day.

People express their gratitude to people who work in the rubble of destroyed buildings, in mangled vehicles, in the smoke and fire of fires, in flooded areas, people who are constantly on duty, promptly responding to any signals for help.

Congratulations on the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Dear employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, please accept congratulations on your professional holiday, the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations! Happy Lifeguard Day in Russia!

Congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia, poems for the Day of the Rescuer, congratulations in prose to rescuers, employees of the Ministry of Emergencies on their professional holiday - Day of the Rescuer, Day of the EMERCOM of Russia.

Risking yourself every day
Rushing to help quickly
Don't be afraid, don't panic
You are saving people.
Bowing before you
And believe me, without embellishment,
Inspirational congratulations
Happy Rescuer Day, we welcome you!
We wish you peaceful days
And have a good weekend
Let health not fail
Happiness and love of relatives!

Ready to sacrifice yourself
Desperately, fearlessly
Throw yourself into the fire, into the face,
After all, where to save - no matter!
Everything is within your power and liking,
The roar of the waves of the sea and the trembling of the earth,
You can easily find control
Over the power of the fiery wall.
Happy holiday, Happy MES Day
We congratulate you.
Health, happiness in life
With all our hearts we wish!

Dear employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia! Accept sincere congratulations with your professional holiday!
Rescuer Day is a celebration of people who risk their lives to save those in emergency situations. These can be situations of a natural, epidemiological or man-made nature. Emergencies can occur almost anywhere: on highways and waterways, in case of explosions and fires, in residential and industrial premises, on pipelines and technological equipment.
It is difficult to overestimate the importance and significance of the work that you, rescuers and firefighters, do every day, every hour, risking your own life. It is you, the rescuers, who, at the first signal, are ready to immediately go to the epicenter of any incidents, fearlessly put out fires, save people on the water and mountains, are the first to rush to eliminate blockages, destruction, landslides and other misfortunes, which are becoming more and more every year ... day after day with trouble, you do not become stale in soul, keep your readiness for self-sacrifice. The result of this work is hundreds of saved lives. Rescuers! happy holiday! take care of your relatives and do not be indifferent to other people! Good luck in your work, happiness and fewer difficult challenges!

You always rush to help people,
You subdue water and fire.
I want to congratulate you on the Day of the Rescuer,
And shake such a strong hand!
I wish everything is fine
It was at work and in the family.
To make decent money
Benefit bringing home country!

On the Day of the Rescuer, we want to wish you
Optimism, health, good luck!
May it be possible to prevent more often
And hear you cry less.
A little bit easier for you new calls,
Just so you don't get bored at work!
Let there be no accidents and disasters!
Well, and in personal - love to you and friendship!

Voice congratulations on the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Today Russia celebrates the Day of the Rescuer, or in another way the Day of the EMERCOM worker. The Ministry of Emergency Situations is a special service in which only real heroes work!

To congratulate all the rescuers will help the original musical congratulations And good wishes from politicians that you will find on the Grattis service. Recommended!

As a rule, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are always ready for unexpected situations. But of course, this will not prevent them from being surprised by an unusual voice prank or congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer.

Cool congratulations on the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The lifeguard not only New Year
This winter cold is on my mind!
You are waiting for congratulations and gifts,
And to be honest, well deserved!

I wish after the service
Dinner and bed were waiting for you at home,
Gentle, beautiful wife,
And, of course, the sonorous laughter of children!

Agree that I would like to see more often smiles on the faces of people who every day face danger, hardship, human grief and pain. Because life goes on...

The staff of the "Trading House "Petrovna"" congratulates the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and rescuers on their professional holiday, Happy MES Day. Let your work be as safe as possible.

The Day of the Rescuer was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 26, 1995. Based on the decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on December 27, 1990, the Russian Rescue Corps (RCS) was formed. This date is considered the foundation of the EMERCOM of Russia.

On April 17, 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Council approved the appointment of Sergei Shoigu as the head of the RCC. Subsequently, the RKS was renamed the State Committee for Emergency Situations (GKChS).

On November 19, 1991, on the basis of the RSFSR State Committee for Emergency Situations and the Civil Defense Headquarters of the RSFSR, the State Committee for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief under the President of the Russian Federation was formed.

On January 10, 1994, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief was transformed into the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (EMERCOM of Russia).

On January 1, 2002, 278,000 employees of the State Fire Service became part of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which had previously had 70,000 employees.

Now the Ministry of Emergency Situations is military and civil rescuers, search and rescue teams, medicine and aviation, specialists in the field of monitoring and forecasting emergency situations. The lifeguards are equipped with the most modern technologies. The structure of the EMERCOM of Russia includes: the central office, territorial bodies(eight regional centers, 83 main departments), four research institutions, six higher education institutions.

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations perform the most important tasks for the prevention and timely response to emergencies. Responsible humanitarian missions abroad. And this requires not only high professional training, the ability to quickly make a decision, but also personal courage.

Congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer.
Congratulations on the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer in verse

None of you know how it will end
Your next trip to the emergency,
And you, like everyone else, unbearably want
Hug your family, see your home;
But enough! After all, delay is dangerous -
Again, work at the forefront ...
Rescuers! Congratulations!
Thank you everybody! Honor and praise to you!

There is a rescuer - and there is no fear!
He will always come to the rescue.
Need support - here it is:
Among fire, water or ice.
We wish you peaceful days
More good adventures
Love, luck and friends,
And only good impressions!

You don't know the holidays
And don't wait for the weekend
And through the barriers different
Come to our aid.
And for the fight, no doubt
Each of you is ready.
Heroism daily -
Here is your work style!
I will definitely tell you -
After all, you can not remain silent:
Long live the lifeguards
Comrades, friends
And true friends!

Congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer in prose

Dear employees and veterans of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, rescuers, firefighters and military personnel of the civil defense troops! I heartily congratulate all of you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Rescuer of Russia.
Today, the Russian Emergencies Ministry is one of the most efficient departments with a well-established system of rapid response, in fact high level problem solving on prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations. But a positive image of such a powerful structure as the Ministry of Emergency Situations does not arise by itself. It is created real people who look confidently into the future and strive to make the life of our society safe with their daily heroic work. The success of firefighters and rescuers is hundreds of rescued residents every year. People know that employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will always come to the rescue in case of trouble.
Many human thanks for your complex irreplaceable work so necessary for our society. Best wishes you and your families.

The difficult and risky profession of a rescuer requires an unlimited supply of courage and courage. Real professionals who can quickly navigate in a difficult situation, in life-threatening conditions, show themselves to be truly heroic deeds. Clarity and prudence in actions, dedication and well-coordinated work in teams will save hundreds of lives throughout our country every day. You are not only life savers. You are the saviors of the nation modern example courage and incredible dedication. Happy holiday, dear employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations!

Today is a holiday for real heroes, those who constantly, risking own health and even life, are always ready, not sparing themselves, to help us in misfortune. It is for you that words of gratitude, respect and admiration should always sound, and not only on the Day of the Rescuer! Happy professional holiday! Only bright days let them wait for you ahead, and heaven keep your bodies and souls!

SMS congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer

Short congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer

You are always ready to save people
And day and night, and at any time of the year,
Someone else's life is more important to you than your own!
Your work is priceless for the people!
What do you wish on the Day of the Rescuer? ..
Good health, do not know adversity!

Happy Rescuer Day! I wish you
Don't give up in difficult times
With a guardian angel
Stay together.
Let your companion from God
Nearby will be
May good luck accompany
And hope comes in handy!

May God reward you for your good deeds. May your life be full of goodness and happiness, because you, working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, know perfectly well the value human life! Happy Rescuer Day!

Save the lives of all people
For the good of your country!
May help come to you from heaven!
Happy Rescuer Day! Happy MES Day!

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is always in a hurry to help,
Where you can't do without it.
Happy Rescuer Day! Be happy and calm
Take it right now and smile!

Voice congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer

Congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer on the phone you can listen to and send your favorite to the recipient as music or voice greeting to a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer to your phone either immediately or by specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. Sound congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer on the phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to your mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the congratulations by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Funny congratulations on the Day of the Rescuer

Who shouts: "Save, SOS!"
On a cold rock?
Who put it in the vacuum cleaner
reproductive organ?
Elemental Frenzy Victim
Or personal dope -
You are now my poems
Listen here, in nature!
Just everything, like Do-Re-Mi:
Happy Holidays, Rescuer!
That's what they do to people
Vacuum cleaners, their mother! ..

When it comes to representatives of this outstanding profession, there is always a feeling of great respect and endless gratitude. These people, defying danger, are always ready to help, risking themselves to save the life of another. No matter what you come across - fire or water, extreme heat or terrible cold, earthquake or collapse, you always find yourself on top and professionally perform the task. I want to wish you more bright and joyful moments in life, fewer difficult cases and difficult situations, as well as the love and support of their relatives! I wish you to be happy man not remember evil, because the weak take revenge, the strong forgive, and the happy forget. And believe in yourself - then all your dreams will come true and life will turn bright!

Happy Rescuer Day, my friend, congratulating you,
Thank you for your courage!
And for feats, glowing with pride,
I hasten to pronounce wishes in verse:

Stay always kind and sincere,
Rescuing people from various troubles.
Let the course of life be smooth and careless,
Among flashes of joyful victories!

Don't forget to send to colleagues, friends and family congratulations on the day of the rescuer (congratulations on the Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations) in verse or prose to their professional holiday which is celebrated annually on December 27th.


Congratulations on the day of the rescuer to colleagues

Happy Rescuer Day, colleagues!
I tell you: "Keep it up!".
Be gods and strategists
To help us all.

I wish you perseverance
Happiness, cheerfulness, good luck,
To move along the edge
No problem or hassle!

Courage and optimism
And health, and goodness,
And solidarity with the motherland,
To lead her forward!

Let be difficult situations will be less
Even if we lose our jobs with you,
But we will know, colleagues, that in this world
Everyone is safe, whom we sometimes save.

Colleagues, I congratulate you on our day,
May this world become much safer.
Good things happen, even if only in him,
I think we all agree with this.

Happy rescue day, friends!
We are the hope of all who are in grief.
We can't relax
Neither on land nor at sea.
Well, let it be just us
Help those in trouble.
And so that wives, children and mothers,
Pleased with our service!

Colleagues, brave on the Day of the Rescuer,
I will proudly wish you:
A resident is proud of us, right, everyone,
After all, we are saving the country from an emergency!

In trouble each other, zealously protecting,
We won't give her a chance to win
Rescuers we are with you and we know
How important it is to live in grace, in peace!

My colleagues! We have such work with you,
That we often risk our lives.
Any rescuer will agree here,
But still we never slip -

Someone's life depends on us, fate,
Let's go on a professional holiday
For that we will drink so that never
We didn't think happiness was unreal!

Day and night, hot and cold
Ministry of Emergency Situations - nickname at the post.
You - strong, brave and beautiful
You can see right away, a mile away.
Hurricane or flood
An explosion in a mine, snow, a blizzard…
The people are waiting when the rescuer
He knocks loudly on their door.
May God always keep you
And the devil could not interfere!

Without wasting words
Sparing no work
Real lifesaver
Always ready for battle!
We are not in vain grateful:
We are going to help!
Happy Rescuer Day, guys -
Happy Holidays!

You know, a second happens
More important sometimes than years
Sometimes a moment saves
And can destroy without trial.
Savior, hope and strength,
Protector from storms and adversity,
Let the elements submit
May the Lord be with you!

The signal is given, and together again,
In the sea, in the air, in the fire.
And I will tell you without flattery:
With you, brothers, glorious to me!
You are reliable and courageous
With you at least to the end of the world!
And today, on an important holiday,
I drink for you! Pour it!