Feeding newborns up to a year. Nutrition for children up to a year by months: calculator - how to lay a strong foundation for many years of life? The most common reasons for mixed feeding

The baby was born. A happy mom has a time of worries, worries and worries. The main thing that now worries a mother who is breastfeeding is whether the baby gets enough nutrition, fatty or not her milk?


First feeding

Milk after childbirth begins to arrive usually by the fourth day. The baby is brought to the first feeding, most often on the second day. And now the young mother begins to worry that her baby will remain hungry, that there is very little milk. You shouldn't do this for several reasons:

  • The newborn is still weakly sucking on his mother's breast ( sucking reflex poorly developed), he needs to learn this, so he eats very little.
  • Colostrum, which is now produced by the mother's body, is fatty and nutritious. It contains everything necessary to ensure the full life of the newborn.
  • The volume of the ventricle in infants is still very small (on the first day, only about 10 ml), therefore, the amount of colostrum eaten per feeding is also small, about 7 - 9 ml.
  • It turns out to feed the child 10 - 12 per day, that is, for the first day the baby's norm is about 100 ml of milk.
  • You should not think that the baby will remain hungry, because there is not enough milk. It will start arriving soon. But unnecessary worries can delay the increase in lactation.

Milk rates in the first ten days

How much milk a baby will eat now depends only on its weight and age. From day to day, the volume of the ventricle in a newborn increases, and the volume of milk consumed increases accordingly.

  • On the second day, the baby drinks about 20 grams in one feeding, the daily dose is 200-240 ml,
  • On the third - 30 ml (300-340 ml, respectively) and so on.
  • For a child of the first 10 days of life, you can calculate the required amount of milk consumption for 1 feeding by simply multiplying the number of days from birth by 10.

Nutritional formula for the first 10 days: N (number of days) * 10 = one-time feeding volume in ml.

Accurate scales for measuring the weight of a newborn baby

More precisely, the volume of a single dose of milk consumed can be determined by weighing the baby on a medical scale before and immediately after feeding. The difference between the results of weighing is the volume of milk drunk by the baby. It is advisable to weigh several feedings in a row. Knowing the approximate dose (see the above norms), you will understand whether the baby is sucking out his portion or not.

When and how is it better to feed a baby?

After ten days, mommy's milk will stop coming. Now approximate quantity eaten per day will be equal to a fifth of the weight of the baby.

Children's pediatricians have come to the conclusion that it is not necessary to force-feed a child during strictly allotted hours. It is better to wait until the baby himself demands to feed him. Usually this happens 10-12 times a day with an interval of 1.5 - 2 hours.

Read about the pros and cons of feeding on demand -

As a rule, the baby actively sucks the breast for 15-30 minutes, sometimes all 40. It happens that the baby has sucked out all the milk, but continues to suck the breast for some time, either sucking out the last drops of milk, or he just likes the sucking process itself. Don't let him breastfeed for more than an hour.

Table of nutritional norms up to a year

On artificial nutrition

Everything that has already been said above applies to breastfeeding. What if your child gets artificial nutrition? How to calculate the required rate of milk or mixture?

  1. This is where nutrition is important. It is necessary to feed the baby at least 8 times a day.
  2. We calculate the norms, as for breastfeeding, but if the baby eats less often, then the norm can be slightly increased.
  3. The main thing is not to overfeed the child. After all, it is easier to suck milk from the nipple, and the sucking reflex of the baby is highly developed already a few days after birth.
  4. If you are feeding your baby not with milk, but with milk formula, then everything is even simpler - the required dose for each age is indicated on the package (See the article on mixtures and how to choose a formula for a newborn).

How to calculate the daily rate for artificial nutrition?

For example: Let's use a table. The child is 2 months old, weight - 4800 gr. Daily amount of milk: 4800/6= 800 ml. Dividing by the number of feedings per day, we get a single dose: 800/6 = 130 ml. So, in one feeding, the baby should eat 130 grams of milk / mixture.

Features of nutrition with artificial feeding

  • Do not worry if the baby ate less than the prescribed norm - in next feeding he can eat a little more and get the right amount.
  • You should know that the baby's ventricle is artificial feeding digests food more slowly, be it milk or formula. Therefore, during the day you should feed after 2.5 - 3 hours, night break in feeding can be 5 - 6 hours.
  • If the baby wakes up some time after feeding and cries, do not supplement him with more. Most likely, he did not burp air, and his tummy hurts. Hold it upright. As soon as he burps the air, let him fall asleep again.
  • If he did not drink the whole norm, it is better to let him finish it a little later, when you know for sure that he is hungry.

How to determine that the child is full?

An attentive mother will determine by many signs that the baby is full:

  • He is calm;
  • Sleeping soundly;
  • Good weight gain (See article on weight gain);
  • He pees regularly (12-15 times a day) and poops regularly (See the article how many times a newborn poops per day).

When a baby simply cries often, this is not an indicator of underfeeding. Most likely, he is simply tormented by gases and colic.

If your child is restless, sleeps poorly, wakes up often, weight gain is small compared to the norm, greedily pounces on his chest (or a bottle of formula), then the baby is clearly experiencing some nutritional problems and it is advisable to consult a doctor.

We read in detail: how to know if a newborn is not eating breast milk, detailed causes and solution of the problem -

Video: how to determine if a baby is getting enough milk

There are many breastfeeding tips, but don't blindly follow them. Remember that everything is very individual. Be attentive and patient, and soon your baby will establish his own, convenient for him, diet.

It should be remembered that with any, be it breastfeeding or artificial feeding, it is imperative to give the baby warm boiled water to drink (See the article whether to give the newborn water to drink).

As soon as the feeding regimen returns to normal, you can not worry about how much your baby ate. He will eat as much as he needs.

With the advent of a baby in the family, parents try to do everything right. After all, its development depends on the quality of care for a newborn. First of all, adults are interested in the issue of feeding the baby. At first glance it seems that more natural process than feeding a child cannot be. But a woman always worries about whether the baby has eaten enough, whether he has enough nutrient fluid, how many attachments to the breast per day are considered the norm. Even more questions arise when a mother cannot breastfeed her baby. The child is transferred to a specially adapted mixture, but there are some nuances here. Let's take a closer look at the nutritional baby: how to understand how much milk or mixture a newborn should eat.

How much milk does a newborn need for breastfeeding

Today, the approach to breastfeeding has changed dramatically when compared with the recommendations of pediatricians twenty or thirty years ago. Increasingly, women are turning to breastfeeding consultants who tell young mothers in detail about the rules for feeding a baby, the technique of breastfeeding, and other nuances. It is now important to maintain close contact with the baby, so feeding on demand is welcome.

Nature provides for the process of breastfeeding a child, therefore, immediately after the birth of the baby, an increased amount of a hormone appears in the body, which is responsible for the production of milk.

In the maternity hospital, a young mother is explained the rules for putting the baby to the breast in order to establish breastfeeding from the first days

And suddenly it is not enough for him: the secrets of the first feeding

But mothers most often worry in the first days after the birth of a child, when there is no milk as such yet, and the body produces only colostrum. Moreover, the amount of this valuable food for the baby is very small: during the first breastfeeding, the child receives about 1.5–2 ml of colostrum.

Experts have proven that getting colostrum is a must for crumbs. The fact is that it contains a huge supply of useful substances: trace elements, immunoglobulins, antibodies, as well as a lot of protein. Therefore, doctors all over the world insist that the baby be attached to the mother's breast immediately after birth or in the first hours of life. Colostrum not only saturates the baby with nutrients, but also helps to activate the body's defenses.

Colostrum, getting into the body of the crumbs, is completely absorbed, because. there is practically no fat in the composition, and provides the child with passive immunity, which protects the baby from many infectious diseases. After the next meal, the amount of colostrum slightly increases and reaches 200–300 ml per day. For one feeding, the baby eats about 20–30 ml of liquid on the second and third days after birth.

Newborn babies eat only colostrum for the first few days, and that's enough for them.

However, many women worry about the fact that the baby is not enough of one colostrum and he does not eat up. You can often hear the opinion that in the first days of the child you need to supplement the formula. This is a false statement: the amount of colostrum is absolutely sufficient to satisfy all the needs of an infant for nutrients Oh. Therefore, women should not worry about this.

Supplementation adapted mixture a newborn baby can cause breast rejection. The baby will get used to bottle feeding and will not want to perform active sucking movements in order to get milk. Also, the baby will take the mother's breast less, which, in turn, will lead to a decrease in the production of milk from the woman.

Therefore, experts insist: for a child of the first days of life, the nutrition that he receives during breastfeeding is enough. It is also worth noting that the volume of the stomach of a newborn baby is very small and is about 10 ml. Therefore, 7–8 ml of colostrum eaten in one feeding on the first day is quite enough for the baby.

The prescribed norms of milk in the first ten days of a baby's life

The baby feeds on colostrum for the first two to four days after birth. He is actively mastering the sucking reflex, which is not yet highly developed, and is learning to properly grasp his mother's breast in order to obtain valuable liquid. Every day the volume of the stomach increases, so the child begins to eat more milk. The baby is applied to the breast about 8-10 times a day.

Breastfeeding consultants explain to new mothers that in the first days after the birth of a child, you need to often apply to the breast to stimulate the production of milk in a woman. After all, the body works on the principle of "supply and demand", the more the baby eats, the more milk comes. And the first month is very important: it is at this time that breastfeeding is being established.

In the first days after the birth of the baby, they are often applied to the breast: on average, 8-10 times

There is a formula with which it is easy to determine what is the norm of milk eaten for a child in the first days of life. It looks like this: N * 10 \u003d the amount of milk that the baby should eat in one feeding, where N is the number of days since the baby was born.

Table: How much milk does a baby eat in the first ten days after birth

Sometimes doctors determine how much milk the baby has eaten by weighing the baby. It is necessary to weigh the crumbs before feeding and immediately after. The difference in weight also shows how much fluid has entered the baby's body during feeding. Sometimes women are worried, because. by the time of release from maternity hospital children lose weight. Doctors rush to reassure normal phenomenon: after birth, the baby's body is cleansed, excess fluid leaves, so its weight decreases. This does not mean that the baby is not getting enough milk.

If the baby is healthy, active, you should not specifically buy scales and weigh him at home before and after each feeding. All necessary calculations are made by the pediatrician once a month for scheduled inspection. He calculates the optimal weight gain, if everything is normal, then the baby has enough milk.

Table: Formulas for calculating milk norms for children in the first 10 days of life How to properly organize the feeding regimen for a newborn

Today, doctors advise feeding children on demand. If earlier children's doctors insisted that it was possible to put a baby to the breast no earlier than three to three and a half hours after the previous feeding, now the situation has changed. But experts warn young mothers not to confuse hunger with the desire to satisfy the sucking reflex. The baby should not be at the breast around the clock. Normally, the baby eats every 2-3 hours and the number of feedings decreases as they grow older. If in the first two to three days of life, the baby asked for breasts about 10 times a day. Then by two weeks the diet is getting better: during the day the child can wake up 5-6 times, and at night 1-2 times. Some children need less, for example, they can sleep peacefully at night and not ask for food.

Each mother decides for herself how to organize a feeding schedule: on demand or by the hour

Dr. Komarovsky explains that first of all, mom should be comfortable. After all, from emotional state parents depends on the happiness of the child. If it is more convenient for mom to feed the baby by the hour and she wants to accustom him to the regimen, this is also a variant of the norm. The pediatrician insists that the baby should not suckle the breast for hours to calm down, even if the baby is fed on demand.

How long a baby can stay at the breast depends on him. Some children are full in 15 minutes, while others need about 30-40 minutes. In this matter, everything is individual. But the mother should clearly know that you should not let the baby suck on the breast for more than an hour. It is necessary to try to distract the crumbs with something else.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about the feeding regimen for newborns

Nutritional norms for children of the first year of life

All mothers understand that the health and normal development of the baby depends on good nutrition. Therefore, worries about whether the baby is full do not leave many women. In order to be sure of proper development crumbs, once a month the baby is examined by a pediatrician. The main criteria are the weight and height of the crumbs. The doctor will weigh and measure the child, compare the data with the figures that were at the time of birth and discharge from the hospital, and draw conclusions based on this.

If the child is active, has a good appetite, gains weight and height according to the norms, then everything is in order with him and he has enough milk.

Another criterion is the amount of urination and defecation. Test for wet diapers is recognized by doctors all over the world and gives a clear answer: does the baby eat enough milk per day. The number of trips to the toilet in the baby varies depending on age:

  • in the first three days after birth, the baby can write only three times a day;
  • by the end of the first week, the number of urination increases and is 4-8 times in 24 hours;
  • from the second week after birth, the baby goes to the toilet in a small way 12 or more times a day.

Pediatricians explain to parents that if a child aged from 14 days to 6 months pees 12 times, then everything is normal and he has enough milk. If the number of urination has decreased to 8–10 times, the amount of milk has decreased in the mother. But 6 or fewer wet diapers indicate that the baby does not have enough milk, so an urgent consultation with a pediatrician is needed.

The main indicator of a child's adequate nutrition is monthly weight gain.

There are also various methods for calculating the amount of milk that babies need at different ages.

We find out the amount of milk needed according to the Speransky method

This method is based on the weight of the child and the number of calories in milk:

  • 1 liter of mother's milk contains about 700 kcal;
  • from birth to three months a child needs 125 kcal per kilogram of weight;
  • from three months to six months, 115 kcal per 1 kg of baby's weight;
  • in the second six months of life and up to 12 months - 105 kcal.

To calculate, we use the following formula: the weight of the baby in kg must be multiplied by the number of calories, depending on the age of the baby. The resulting number of calories is translated into milliliters. As a result, we will get required amount milk that the baby should eat per day.

For example: a baby is 2 months old and its weight is 4 kg, which means that there are 125 kcal per kilogram of weight. 4*125=500 kcal. Then we calculate the amount of milk: 1000*500/700=715 ml. This means that a baby should eat 715 ml of milk per day.

Geibner calculation

This method is based on the weight of the child: the amount of nutrient fluid needed depends on the age and number of kilograms. He is pretty accurate.

Table: Milk norms per day for children of the first year of life, depending on body weight

For example, a child weighs 7800 grams at 7 months. This means that he should receive 7800/8=975 ml of milk per day.

Whatever formulas parents use to calculate the amount of milk, the numbers will be approximately the same

Shkarin's method

The formula is quite simple: a baby at 8 weeks should eat at least 800 ml of milk. To calculate the amount of valuable liquid you need:

  • for a baby under 8 weeks, take 50 ml for each week;
  • for children older than this age - add 50 ml of milk, but not every week, but every month.

Table: Daily milk intake for children of different ages according to the Shkarin method

This method is considered the simplest, but not accurate enough, because each child is individual and not all babies add the same number of grams of weight from month to month.

Milk norms differ for different children: big babies eat more, crumbs eat less

How much should a newborn on artificial nutrition eat

For children who eat a special adapted mixture, they receive it strictly according to the schedule. Pediatricians insist that it is impossible to overfeed a child, so they receive baby food 7-8 times a day with an interval of 3-3.5 hours between feedings.

At night, the interval between feedings can increase to 5-6 hours. If the baby does not wake up and does not ask for food, then he has enough of the nutrients that he received before bedtime. You shouldn't wake him up.

Some mothers, however, overfeed their babies: as soon as the baby begins to cry, and the time has not yet come to eat the mixture, they cannot stand it and feed the babies ahead of time. Doctors explain that it is much easier for a child to get nutrition from a bottle than from the mother's breast. Therefore, the baby eats not how much he needs to satisfy hunger, but how much mother gives in a bottle. Overfeeding is fraught with many digestive problems, so pediatricians insist that parents follow the feeding schedule of artificial children.

First of all, you need to consult a doctor and study the information on the packaging of the mixture. There must be instructions and the amount of powder for children different ages. However, there are special formulas, using which you can quickly find out how much mixture you need to give the crumbs so that he eats, but does not overeat.

For children in the first 10 days of life, the amount of the mixture can be calculated using the Finkelstein or Filatov methods, which we discussed above.

Table: How much mixture a child weighing 4 kg needs in the first 10 days of life, according to the Filatov method

When feeding with a mixture, the dosage must be strictly observed.

But the most popular method by which the amount of formula is determined is based on the weight of the child, which changes every month.

Table: Determine the volume of the mixture for children under the age of one year

The resulting volume of adapted formula must be divided by the number of feedings to calculate the volume sufficient for one meal.

Video: How much mixture should be given to the baby

How many cans of formula should I buy to feed my baby

This question worries many parents, because the mixture is not cheap, but if a woman cannot breastfeed, there is no other way out. It is impossible to say exactly how many days an average can of the mixture weighing 400 grams will last. The fact is that it depends on the appetite of the crumbs: the older the child, the more mixture he eats.

The amount of the mixture to be diluted in water is determined using a measuring spoon. In one spoon without a slide, there are approximately 4.3 grams of powder.

Table: Formula volume for infants of different ages (in weeks and months)

A 400 gram jar contains about 93 scoops of powder. A day for feeding a newborn baby, 24 tablespoons of the mixture are needed. Thus, under the condition of eight meals a day for an infant from birth to two weeks, one can of the mixture is enough for three and a half days. BUT month old baby One package is enough for 5 days. Parents need to buy six cans per month baby food.

The older the child gets, the more cans of formula he will need per month.

Experience of mothers: how many cans of the mixture gently for a child up to a year

If the infant is mixed-fed: how much to give formula

Some babies are fed both mother's milk and an adapted formula. If the baby is not gaining weight well, the pediatrician may recommend supplementing with formula. But the principle also applies here: do not overfeed the baby. To calculate how many grams of the mixture the baby needs, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Doctors advise doing a wet diaper test. If the baby goes to the toilet fewer times, then he does not have enough milk.

Based on the results of the test, the amount of formula for feeding the baby is calculated. For one missing urination a certain amount of baby food:

  • from birth to three months - 30 ml;
  • 4 months - 40 ml;
  • 5 months - 50 ml;
  • six months - 60 ml;
  • older than six months - children are introduced to complementary foods, so the question of supplementary feeding with a mixture is decided only by a doctor.

For example, a child at five months pees 10 times, with a norm of at least 12 urination per day. So he needs an additional 100 ml of the mixture.

How much milk or formula a child eats depends on full development. After all, this is the main and only food for children in the first six months of life. Parents and doctors carefully monitor that the baby gains weight and has a good appetite. If the baby does not have enough mother's milk, the doctor may recommend supplementing the baby with formula or switching to artificial feeding. But doctors around the world insist that the most the best food for the baby - breast milk. And only in extreme cases, you need to transfer the baby to the mixture.

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The norm of breast milk in the first days of life

For nulliparous women, the process of feeding seems scary and unidentified. This is natural, since feeding a newborn baby in practice differs from the theory indicated in many care books.

Actually, you shouldn't worry. You just need to listen following tips concerning the norm of milk for an infant:

  • During the first days, colostrum is produced from the mammary glands, which is very nutritious. It is thanks to him that the baby becomes full.
  • The child will eat little due to the fact that he has a poorly developed sucking reflex and in the first days he has enough of the amount of colostrum that is produced by his mother.
  • No need to worry about the fact that the baby will remain hungry, as stress affects lactation.

The volume of the stomach in babies in the first days of life does not exceed 10 ml. For the day, the volume of food eaten should be approximately 100 ml, which is equal to 10 feedings.

On the second day, the amount drunk can be doubled, and daily amount milk can reach 240 ml. On the third day, it is recommended to increase the volume of liquid by another 10 ml, that is, give 30 ml at a time, as a rule, this is the first facet on feeding bottles.

Milk norms in the first two weeks

The resulting value will be equal to the norm of food consumed per feeding.

As the baby turns 10 days old, the rate of milk for a newborn for one feeding will increase every day. The amount of food eaten per day will be equal to 1/5 of its weight.

For example, if a baby weighs 5 kilograms, then he should drink at least a liter of milk per day. It is worth noting that the amount of food eaten by newborns will increase over the months.

Norms of breast milk according to the age of the child

Milk norms for a newborn, a table specifically for a breastfed baby is presented below.

Age The volume of milk for 1 feeding Volume of milk per day
3-4 days Up to 60 ml Up to 300 ml
7 days Up to 80 ml 400 ml
14 days Up to 90 ml 1/5 of the weight
Month Up to 110 600
2 months Up to 150 800
3-4 months up to 210 1/6 weight
5-6 m 210- 240 ml 1000 ml
7-12 m 240 1/9 of the weight

The norm of the mixture for the child

With artificial feeding, the most important thing is to adhere to the feeding regimen.. So, the child should eat at least eight times a day. The amount of food eaten should be the same as when breastfeeding. But it happens that the baby does not eat so often, then you need to increase the volume of the mixture drunk at a time.

You should not give the crumbs to eat as much as he wants, since it is extremely undesirable to overfeed him. When eating, you need to follow established norm, eaten formula for newborns. The table below will describe what the norm of the mixture for newborns is.

In order to find out how much formula a newborn should eat per feeding, you need to divide the resulting number by the number of feedings per day, usually by eight.

The norm of feeding a child with mixtures of different manufacturers

Today on the market you can find different milk formulas for feeding a child. Some mixtures can be given for lactose intolerance. The most popular include Malyutka, Nestozhen, Frisovoy, Nutrilon, NAS. But do they all have the same feeding rate?

Hipp and Semilac

It turns out not. However, the feeding rate of the Hipp and Semilac mixtures is the same. The table will show how many of these mixtures a newborn should eat at a time.

Age Number of feedings per day The amount of the finished mixture Amount of water Number of scoops
Up to 2 weeks 6-8 70 ml 60 ml 2
2-4 weeks 5-7 100ml 90 ml 3
1-2 months 6-7 130ml 120 ml 4
2-4 months 5 200 ml 180 ml 6
5-6 months 3-5 200 ml 160 ml 6
Older than 6 months 2-3 210 ml 200 ml 7

Baby, Nan, Nestozhen, Nutrilon

The table below will show how much a newborn mixture should eat from the manufacturer Malyutka, Nan, Nestozhen, Nutrilon.

Age Number of feedings per day Amount of water Number of scoops
1-2 weeks 6-7 90 ml 3
3-4 weeks 5-6 120 ml 4
2 months 6 150 ml 5
3-4 months 5 180 ml 6
4-6 months 4-5 210 ml 7
Older than 6 months 2-3 210 ml 7

How to correctly calculate the rate of breastfeeding?

The break between feedings is individual. Mostly ranges from 2 to 3 hours

When it comes to breastfeeding, you can find a lot of advice, but you should not immediately listen to them.

Each baby is unique and develops in its own way.

A breastfeeding mother should know the following:

  • You can not refuse to feed the child.
  • You should not try to increase the fat content of milk, as this is unlikely to be achieved.
  • The baby can eat more than the prescribed volume at a time, due to the fact that the fat content of milk has decreased.
  • Do not exclude night feedings.
  • The baby should eat not only foremilk, but also hindmilk, so you should not change breasts often. Hindmilk appears after 15 minutes of active suckling.
  • It is not recommended to express milk so as not to disturb lactation. Even if the baby hangs on the chest for a long time, this does not mean that there is no milk in it - it is rather a habit.

5 features of artificial feeding

  1. If the baby ate less than expected, do not worry, then he ate. And what was not eaten by him, he will make up with the next feeding.
  2. If a little time after feeding the baby woke up crying, do not supplement him. Most likely, the reasons for the baby's tears are that he belched air and his stomach ached a little.
  3. Do not give a newborn more than the formula indicated in the feeding norms.
  4. The stomach digests artificial food longer than natural. So the break between daily feedings should be 3 hours, and between night 6 hours.
  5. You should not force the child to eat the whole mixture, it is better to offer him it a little later.

How to determine that the child is not hungry?

The main signs of satiety in a child are - deep sleep and good mood

Many mothers find it very difficult to tell if their baby is full. In fact, this can be seen with the naked eye, if you carefully look at the behavior of the baby.

The newborn is full if:

  • Sleep well.
  • Active.
  • Doesn't cry.
  • Good weight gain.
  • Goes to the toilet regularly.

Any parent is concerned about this question: how many ml of milk a newborn should eat, as this affects his development.

If the child often cries, do not think that he is hungry, most likely it is colic, from which Espumizan helps well. But if the baby urinates less than 12 times a day, then you should be wary and tell the doctor about it. For a newborn, it is considered normal to urinate 12-15 times a day.

Signs that the baby is hungry include greedy pooping on the chest or mixture. An important indicator is insufficient weight gain.

Parents whose children eat mixtures should be especially careful. Due to overeating, a newborn can sleep poorly, suffer from regurgitation and gain a lot of weight.

Correctly organized meals for newborns is the key to their full mental and physical development. From the first days of life, the baby needs to be provided with a complete diet, in which a pediatrician or a specialist in baby nutrition can help. At the moment, there is the concept of metabolic programming. According to her, the characteristics of a person's metabolism are formed in the first months after birth, depending on what kind of diet he receives. Great importance also has a microbiota (composition of the intestinal microflora). Proper nutrition of a newborn child contributes to the colonization and reproduction of beneficial microorganisms, and hence the formation of local and systemic immunity.


What is the ideal diet for newborns? Of course it is mother's milk. Immediately after birth, the baby receives colostrum from the mother. Although it is produced in a small amount, it contains many useful compounds. Among them are amino acids, easily digestible proteins, fats and vitamins.

There are two possible diets for a newborn baby: feeding on the first demand of the baby and on time. Pediatricians recommend using the first option. Adhering to it, the mother needs to follow the movements of the child. If he opens his mouth, makes search movements and smacks his lips, then it's time to give him a breast. Gradually (after 1-2 months), the necessary time interval between feedings will develop by itself. It is important that on-demand feeding can only be used if breastfeeding is present. Otherwise, it can lead to indigestion.

mixed feeding

Nutrition when feeding a newborn baby can be mixed, that is, combine breastfeeding and the use of formula milk. This type of feeding can be used when the mother is not producing enough milk, or for other reasons, such as when it is necessary to combine childcare and work. The introduction of an artificial mixture into the diet of a newborn should be agreed with the pediatrician. At the same time, it is important to last moment to breastfeed the baby, even if there is practically no milk. A bottle of formula is given after breastfeeding.

Artificial feeding

What nutrition of newborns is considered artificial? This type of feeding is spoken of if the child receives more than 2/3 of the total diet or completely consumes only infant formula. Often this is due not only to the lack of milk in the mother, but also to the fact that she takes medication. However, there are now more and more drugs approved for use during lactation. Nutrilak infant formula contains high quality milk protein, close in composition to mother's milk. They also contain milk fat, vitamins, minerals and other compounds that are beneficial to the health of the baby. Nutrilak produces milk formulas that are as close as possible in composition to breast milk. But, despite this, it is breast milk that is the most preferred nutritional option for newborns.

Nutrition calculation

There are different formulas for determining the single and daily nutritional intake for newborns and babies in the first year of life. Here is one of them:

  • up to 1.5 months, the weight of the child in grams is divided by 5. The resulting figure is the daily rate of milk;
  • from 1.5 to 4 months, the weight is divided by 6;
  • from 4 to 6, body weight is divided by 7 (daily volume should not exceed 1 liter);
  • from 6 to 8 months - by 8;
  • from 8 months to a year - by 12 (calorie content should not exceed 100 kcal / kg).

At the same time, the water regime of children under one year old, especially in the first month, should be at least 100 ml per day.

What should be the diet and menu of the baby from the first days of life until the onset of 12 months of your baby ....

Baby nutrition from 1 to 3 months

We immediately notice that from the very first days of life little child only vital. Although at first, as you probably know, it is not milk that flows from the breast of a young mother at all, but the so-called colostrum, which is usually released only during the first three maximum four days immediately after childbirth. This very colostrum contains an incredible amount of proteins, very close in their own way. chemical composition to physiologically correct proteins in the blood of the baby himself. Therefore, this very colostrum is easily absorbed by almost any newborn. A little later, the mother's colostrum turns into the so-called transitional milk, and by the end of the third week of the baby's life and breastfeeding, the mother's milk becomes quite mature and full, after which it acquires its constant chemical composition.

It is extremely important for lactation and breastfeeding for the mother herself to observe all necessary rules personal hygiene. So immediately before the start of feeding, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the breast, and always with soap and, of course, wipe it dry. Also in without fail should be washed with soap and hands the same way. And even in the first time after childbirth, it is strongly recommended to put on a special gauze bandage on the mother’s face, especially if your baby was born in autumn-winter period when the flu rages and other viral diseases. Similar gauze bandage needed to cover your mouth and nose and prevent some dangerous microorganisms which can be on the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose of the mother, get to the baby. Often, out of habit from constant breastfeeding, the youngest mother can have quite painful cracks right on her nipples. And, based on personal experience, and the advice of our doctors, I can advise you to use such a cream as Bepanten.

Moreover, this cream can be bought literally in any pharmacy closest to you. In addition, according to doctors, immediately before lactation, it is recommended to express at least a few drops of breast milk somewhere to the side, this is necessary so that some microbes that penetrate through such cracks directly into breast milk do not get into the baby’s mouth. As probably you have already been told on all sorts of preparatory courses in maternity hospital, from the first days of his life, the baby, without fail, should be fed only at his request, and so even at night. Just like that in a simple way milk will stay much faster.

However, unfortunately, not all young mothers can and want to breastfeed their baby. Then the baby will need to be transferred to the so-called. And in this case, it will be necessary to adhere precisely next mode nutrition for the crumbs: six meals a day, which will have to occur every three or three and a half hours with one six or six and a half hour break at night for a full baby sleep. I personally fed my child with the NUN mixture, which is fashionable today, and at the same time I remained very pleased with it, as well as my baby was satisfied.

And the last thing that is important to say during all these months (recall from 1 to 3 months of life) your baby's main food is either mother's breast milk, or the mixture you have chosen from those children who, for some reason, remained on artificial feeding .

Baby food from 4 months

Hurray for you for four months now, all the worst is over. Now your baby seems to be quite grown up, and as you understand, breast milk alone or the same mixture for the proper nutrition of your baby is no longer enough. As a rule, it is from this age that all children need to be introduced into their daily diet nutrition small complementary foods. And this means that now it is quite possible for the baby to give both vegetable and fruit purees and, of course, juices. However, remember that any complementary foods will need to start with only one teaspoon. And then every day gradually increase the administered dose to one hundred or even one hundred and fifty grams in ten or twelve days. Now your baby's main feeding (breast or formula) will need to be reduced up to five times a day. Actually, according to exactly the same scheme, it is usually necessary to introduce complementary foods in children who are bottle-fed.

Note that vegetable puree for children of four months of life, it is recommended to give it only once a day, and preferably at lunch or in the morning. So that the possible formation of gaziki would allow you to sleep at night. It should also be noted that the most useful and easily digestible vegetable puree is considered to be the puree that will be prepared from various products. So, for example, puree made from potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin, carrots, zucchini and other safe vegetables is perfect. It is quite possible to give the baby and canned purees specially prepared by baby food manufacturers, which today can be bought at any store. However, when buying, never forget to look at the special mark on the label made by the manufacturer about the age of the babies, from which it is possible to give the babies this particular product.

Many more mothers try to add about five grams of the usual to the cooked puree. vegetable oil, good quality or cream, which undoubtedly improves the existing taste of such food. In addition, it is from the age of four months that you can try to start giving your baby regular cottage cheese, but not too fatty. You can give it starting with half a teaspoon and, like any other product, gradually increase the dose, while in two weeks increasing the total dose of the introduced curd to four teaspoons in one day. It is also quite possible to start gradually giving your baby and the yolk of a chicken egg, but not more than one-fourth of it per day. The same principle applies here, first they give the baby a little yolk to try, and then when the baby tried it, and there was no reaction to it, then it will be possible to gradually increase the dose.

The yolk is usually taken from a hard-boiled egg, naturally ground and simply mixed with breast milk, or possibly with a mixture, so that a very small baby does not choke on such food.

Baby nutrition from 5-6 months

It is important to remember that it is during this period of life that your baby is already quite possible to introduce a second complementary food, and in the form of a wide variety of baby cereals. At first, it will be possible to offer crumbs five or a maximum of eight percent porridge, and a little later it is permissible to give ten percent porridge, meaning that you put five, eight and ten grams of cereal, respectively, in 100 milliliters of water. It is quite natural that from the beginning of the fifth month of your baby's life, doctors recommend giving only those cereals that will consist of one group and without any other additives. These are the so-called one-component cereals, which are recommended to be diluted with breast milk.

It is best to start with cereals such as buckwheat, rice, or corn. However, already closer to the beginning of the sixth month, it will be quite possible to introduce the so-called mixed cereals, as a rule, made from flour completely various kinds(say oatmeal, buckwheat, and rice). I must say that such cereals are always more nutritious, and they seem much tastier to kids. But in order for your baby to eat porridge better, you can add quite a bit of salt or sugar syrup to them, and of course butter. It is also worth saying that for starters, the baby should cook porridge with breast milk or a mixture diluted with water one to one, a little later you can gradually replace part of the water with the same breast milk or mixture, and even later you can gradually switch to whole milk .

Here is an example of an approximate menu for kids of this age. So, by five and a half months, your baby's menu may well look something like this:

  • At 6.00 in the morning - we eat baby's mother's breast milk (or formula for formula-fed children) - about two hundred milliliters.
  • Exactly at 10.00 am - any milk porridge that the baby likes - about one hundred and fifty grams, plus add cottage cheese - about thirty grams, and wash it all down with fruit juice - about thirty milliliters
  • Exactly at 2:00 pm - we offer the baby breast milk (or for formula-fed children) - about one hundred and eighty milliliters, plus add the fruit puree that the baby likes - about fifty grams.
  • Exactly at 18.00 in the evening - your baby's favorite vegetable puree - about one hundred and fifty grams, plus half the yolk, and wash it all down again with your favorite fruit juice - about thirty milliliters.
  • Exactly at 22.00 pm - only (or for formula-fed children) about two hundred milliliters.

Baby food from 7 months

Now your baby has already grown significantly, and now it will be necessary to introduce not only vegetables, but also meat or mixed broths into the baby’s daily diet. As a rule, such broths are prepared in the form of carefully pureed vegetable and meat soups. It is worth noting that, for example, meat broth is strongly recommended to be cooked only from not too fatty beef or, for example, from veal. However, it is important to remember that in no case should you categorically prepare bone broth for children of this age. Indeed, in such a broth there will be too much fat, and this can have an extremely negative effect on his digestive system.

As well as any complementary foods, as well as already introduced fruit or vegetable purees and already loved cereals, meat broth will need to be introduced into your baby's daily diet only gradually. We remember: at first, literally one at a time, or if the baby really liked it too much, two teaspoons each and ending in a week or two already with twenty or thirty milliliters a day, and so on for 7 maximum 14 days. Meat broth should be given little baby just before the vegetable puree that the baby has already fallen in love with. Also, with such a meat broth, it is quite possible to give your baby also a cracker or just a small crust of not too fresh bread. Remember that a baby can choke on fresh bread, or rather its crumbs, so for now, let him eat croutons.

But exactly by seven months, the child’s lunch menu may well look like this:

  1. Meat broth about fifty milliliters.
  2. Then vegetable puree about one hundred and fifty grams.
  3. And we drink everything with fruit juice about fifty milliliters.

Baby food from 8 months

As a rule, at this age, the baby still has fractional five meals a day, but by this time, one more feeding with mother's breast or a mixture will have to be replaced by a third introduction of complementary foods. And it will be complementary foods consisting of sour-milk products. Remember that at this age, breast milk should be given to the baby only twice a day - this, of course, in the morning at 6-00 and in the evening immediately before bedtime. It should also be noted that it is extremely important to be able to maintain this two-time breastfeeding of your baby until the age of ten months.

Because with the mother's milk, her baby is given the much-needed antibodies that increase and maintain the immunity of the crumbs. According to modern experts, various dairy products(such as kefir) can indeed very well affect the entire digestive system of your baby. In addition, it is extremely important to know that, for example, with artificial feeding of crumbs, the volume of such products should be half of the total amount of milk consumed, by the baby at this particular age. And besides, it is during this period of life that it will be quite possible for your baby to start giving a little meat puree, say, made from lean beef, or veal, as well as from turkey, or chicken.

This is how the daily menu of your already eight-month-old baby may well look like:

  • Exactly at 6.00 in the morning - the baby eats breast milk (or formula for formula-fed children) - about 200 milliliters.
  • At 10.00 am - any milk porridge that the baby likes - about one hundred and seventy grams, plus half the yolk of a chicken egg and drink it all with fruit juice - about fifty milliliters.
  • At 14.00 - any will do meat broth - about twenty milliliters, plus vegetable puree that the baby liked - about one hundred and seventy grams, plus meat puree - about fifty grams, all the kids drink fruit juice - about twenty milliliters.
  • At 18.00 in the evening - the most common kefir - about one hundred and eighty milliliters, cottage cheese, and possibly with the addition of fruit - about forty grams, fruit puree that the baby loves - about sixty grams.
  • At 22.00 at night - mother's breast milk (or for formula-fed children) - at least two hundred milliliters.

Diet plan for a 9 month old baby

Your baby is finally nine months old. Now quite rich in the amount of consumed foods daily diet The baby’s nutrition may well be replenished with one more dish - this, of course, is fish. However, it must be remembered that the fish must be given not too fatty, for example, such as sea hake, cod, or flounder. It will be necessary to try to replace the meat with fish, but not completely, but only once or twice a week. Remember also that it is during this period of life that your baby should be given mother's breast milk only in the amount of one third of the total amount of food consumed. In addition, it is highly recommended to add quite a bit of greenery to your baby's food (say, dill, parsley, or lettuce). All this greens should be crushed as much as possible and simply sprinkle the vegetable puree that your baby loves.

In addition, you should at least slightly diversify the milk porridges received by the baby in the same way. Usually young mothers prepare porridge for their babies from buckwheat, rice, oatmeal and, of course, corn grits. However, mothers should also not forget about such cereals as pearl barley, barley and semolina. All these cereals are strongly recommended to cook now not only on water, and with the addition of milk, but completely on whole milk. However, do not forget to replace the water with milk gradually.

For example, at first, replace only half of the entire dose, and after a while we cook porridge completely in whole milk. It should also be noted that the food prepared for a child of this age should be of a fairly large granular consistency, since by this time the baby has already had a certain number of teeth, and the baby must now learn how to use them, or rather chew. Now we try to grind vegetable puree not with a blender, but simply rub it on a fine grater, or crush it with a mashed potato crusher. The meat will need to be given in the form of minced meat already prepared in advance.

Nutrition from 10 months

So, you are already quite big, and now, from the age of ten months, it is quite possible for a baby to be given, instead of the usual minced meat, meatballs already prepared for adults, and a little later, steamed cutlets. Remember that at this age, it would be quite possible for your child to cook fresh, raw carrots, grated on the finest possible grater. It is important to give such a dish to the baby, because raw carrot contains great amount carotene and quite a lot of incredible beneficial vitamins and, of course, minerals.

Actually, right now your baby will probably be given, in addition to natural juices, various fruit drinks, compotes and jelly. After all, in ten months old completely new dishes for the baby are introduced into the daily diet of the baby. This is ordinary vermicelli or even milk noodles, which will need to be given to the crumbs, only once a week, let's say, instead of some kind of porridge. In addition, instead of the most ordinary cottage cheese, your baby will be quite allowed to cook, say, a cottage cheese casserole or even pudding. Moreover, it is the pudding that can be prepared from meat, from fish and even from the liver in the same way.

Approximate menu for a ten-month-old baby:

  • At 6.00 in the morning - if the baby is still breastfeeding, then breast milk (or formula for formula-fed children).
  • For breakfast, the time of which may vary - any milk porridge that the baby likes most of all, or cottage cheese and fruit puree loved by the baby.
  • For lunch, the time, which may also well vary - any vegetable broth, after which, as a second course, meatballs with some kind of vegetable puree or even small boiled vermicelli.
  • For dinner time, which may vary - half chicken egg yolk, any vegetable or fruit puree, it is permissible to eat one cracker, or a cookie.
  • Immediately before bedtime - if the baby is still breastfeeding, then breast milk (or for formula-fed children).

Baby's diet from 11 months

We note right away that by this age the baby is usually allowed to give a fourth complementary food, meaning morning feeding with breast milk or a mixture is also replaced with complementary foods, and this time it should be either kefir or whole milk. Gradually, without hurrying anywhere, and evening feeding with breast milk or a mixture is also replaced by kefir, or again whole milk.

And, as a rule, it is at this time full lactation in a young mother, it also gradually stops, since the mother’s body understands perfectly well that the baby’s need for enough breast milk has almost disappeared. Directly at 11 months, your baby will have to have the same five meals a day. As for the time of full feeding, it is still recommended to shift it somewhat, for example, to bring it closer to the time of feeding in the kindergarten. Thus, meals will have to be provided approximately at the following time: at 8.00 in the morning - a full breakfast. Let's say at 12.00 noon or 12.30 full - lunch, at 16.00 in the evening - a small afternoon snack. BUT

it’s better to organize dinner at 20.00 in the evening, since it is by this time that the baby will be able to get hungry enough. In the evening, just before going to bed, and preferably at 22.00, you can drink kefir or whole milk. It is at eleven months that the baby should be tried to wean both from and from the bottle, since later it will be much more difficult to do this. Everyday drinking will need to be given to the baby only from a cup or even from a glass. So in it it will be quite possible to offer the baby a wide variety of juices, compotes, cow's milk (both whole, boiled and diluted, if necessary), or kefir.

Baby food at 1 year old (12 months)

So the first birthday in the life of the crumbs came. Your baby has already grown up and literally eats more and more food at every meal (and by this age, the total daily amount of food consumed by the baby is approximately 1200 milliliters). This means that the time between full feeding, of course, increases from the previous three hours to four, or even to four and a half hours. Therefore, very carefully and gradually, the baby will need to try to transfer exactly to four meals a day. As you understand, by this time, any night feedings must be completely eliminated.

Some lack of food volume can be completely filled with kefir or whole milk, which was intended for night feeding. And remember that by no means a small child one year old it will not be possible to give sweets (meaning chocolate, halva, and other sweets). After all, from such sweets, the baby's teeth may well deteriorate. In addition, you should not give a one-year-old baby and sausage, some dubious sausages and other similar products, or smoked products. Indeed, from such products, a one-year-old child may well appear allergic rash or even indigestion. It is quite possible that your baby will be given a very small piece of ordinary rye barn buttered. Let, in this way, the child trains his chewing muscles, as well as teeth and even gums.

The approximate menu of a baby in his first year of life:

  • At 8.00 in the morning (full breakfast) - any milk porridge that the baby likes - about two hundred grams, it is allowed to eat half a chicken egg yolk, and plus any fruit puree - about 30 grams, we wash it all down with fruit juice - about fifty milliliters.
  • At 12.00 noon (full lunch) - it is advisable to give the baby a broth or some kind of vegetable soup (of course, now cooked on meat or fish broth), you can eat the first course with a cracker of approximately 30/10 grams. As a second course, a vegetable puree loved by the baby is perfect - about one hundred and fifty grams, and to it steam cutlet(if desired, meat or fish) - approximately sixty grams, you can drink everything with fruit or berry juice- about thirty milliliters.
  • At 16.00 in the evening (small afternoon snack) - you can give kefir - about one hundred and fifty or even two hundred milliliters, you can additionally give cottage cheese about fifty or even sixty grams, and, if desired, a little fruit puree - say thirty or fifty milliliters.
  • At 20.00 pm (full dinner) - vegetable puree or milk porridge is perfect for dinner (they can be constantly alternated in different days) - approximately one hundred grams, it will also be possible to give a milk mixture - approximately one hundred milliliters, and a favorite fruit puree - approximately fifty grams.

Baby nutrition after a year

Good luck to you and your children! Sincerely, Your Mamapedia!

The growth of the child in the very first year of his life goes at a fast pace. It seems that quite recently he was still quite a baby, and now he is already sitting on his own and eating vegetable puree for the first time in his life.

AT given period the well-being of the child largely depends on nutrition, because at this time there are intensive processes of formation, as well as the improvement of many systems and organs of the baby. It is up to a year that it grows especially rapidly and strengthens its immunity. Therefore, to organize correctly by months from the first days of his life is a very important and responsible task. She happens to be the most important factor all those preventive measures aimed at reducing morbidity and improving the health of children. In the case when the feeding of the child by months is carried out by adults with errors, this can affect health. little man throughout his later life.

Pediatricians have developed a table of feeding the child by months. It is very convenient for parents to use it. The table shows how to properly feed the baby for months. Opposite the age is indicated the time of the meal. Listed for each period of life and necessary for the growth and health of the baby products.

Beginning of life

During this period, only breastfeeding is necessary for the baby. A woman's milk contains the optimal amount of vitamins and fats, proteins and minerals, carbohydrates and hormones, enzymes and many other components necessary for the life and development of a baby. At the same time, everything useful material are situated in optimal amount. Mother's milk has no analogues in its biological properties and chemical composition, meeting the needs of the child to a greater extent. It is also important that the baby receives this invaluable nutrition sterile and warm directly from the breast. Such feeding allows you to establish psychological contact and understanding between the child and mother much faster. At the same time, they remain strong long years. In addition, breastfeeding a baby has a very beneficial effect on the mother's body. It normalizes a number of functions, providing positive influence on health.

Feeding a child up to a month is done every 3.5 hours. You need to take a break at night. It should be six and a half hours. Thus, the total number of feedings at this age is six times a day. In the event that the baby is weakened, it can be applied to the breast more often, taking three-hour breaks during the day and one six-hour at night. The number of feedings in this case will be seven times a day.

If the mother does not have milk, then the basis of the baby's diet is specialized products intended for baby food. In this case, you can use dry or liquid, sour-milk or unleavened substitutes. women's milk. The number of meals at and their frequency are similar to breastfeeding.

One month

During this period of a baby's life, it is necessary to feed only mother's milk or its artificial substitutes. Many children are fed from female breast. They can adhere to free feeding. The nutrition of the baby is carried out at his request. However, even in such a situation, mothers pay attention to the fact that feeding a child at 1 month is becoming more streamlined. Such babies begin to develop a certain regimen, requiring breasts from eight to twelve times a day.

Those children who receive food strictly by the hour. Optimal mode two month old baby is seven feedings during the day with a night break of six hours. Unlike those babies who eat mother's milk, they need to be offered water to drink. This should be done two or three times during the day.
The amount of food for a two-month-old child is approximately one-fifth of his weight per day. For example, if the weight of the crumbs is four kilograms, then he will need eight hundred grams of the mixture. In this case, a single dose will be 120 ml.

Those children who are applied to the breast do not need such calculations. In order to determine whether they have enough mother's milk, the weight of the baby in the previous month, his appearance and behavior, as well as the frequency of urination are taken into account.

Two months

A child during this period should receive one hundred and thirty to one hundred and fifty grams of food for one feeding. During the day, this will be one-sixth of its weight. It is very important that part of this norm is given to him in the form of mother's milk. No matter how little a woman has, the baby should first be applied to the breast, and only then bottle-fed.

Feeding a child at 2 months should be carried out with the inclusion of fruit puree in the diet. It is worth remembering one thing general rule: in one day, two new products should not be given to a baby.

An excellent fruit for making puree is an Antonovka apple. It is washed, cleaned and rubbed on a plastic or glass grater. The method of scraping with a sharp spoon can be applied. Raw grated apple is an excellent source of vitamins. It also contains vegetable fibers that will improve digestion. This puree is perfect for babies with unstable stools. On the first day, one fourth of a teaspoon should be given, on the second - half of its volume. By the end of the month, gradually increase the amount of puree to five or six tablespoons.

Three months

During this period, the mother's milk remains the main food of the baby. In addition, it is fed with fruit juices and purees.

Feeding a child at 3 months should include a new product that contains easily digestible proteins, as well as lipids, fats, mineral salts and biostimulants. This is a yolk. It contains natural vitamin D, which can prevent rickets. One-fourth of the hard-boiled yolk should be given to the baby in powdered form with the addition of breast milk. It is best to give it to a child with a spoon.

Breastfeeding during this period is carried out six times a day with a break of 3.5 hours during the day and 6.5 at night.

In the event that the baby is fed with infant formula, vegetable puree should be included in the third feeding at three and a half months. Such food should be prepared in a special way. In equal quantities, you need to take carrots, fresh cabbage, potatoes and beets. Vegetables are peeled and boiled for two hours in a small amount of water, which is slightly salted, and then rubbed twice through a fine strainer. A small amount of vegetable broth is added to the resulting mass and seasoned with half the yolk and vegetable oil.

Four months

During this period of an infant's life, the main source of income nutrients mother's milk remains. He receives it six times a day with a break of 3.5 hours.

The daily diet uses yolk, vegetable and fruit puree. Feeding a child at 4 months is done with the addition of a new product - homemade cottage cheese. It is a rich source of protein and mineral salts. The first serving should be half a teaspoon.

At four months, the baby's diet can be enriched with vegetable soup. The recipe for its preparation is not very complicated. Peeled and thoroughly washed vegetables are boiled for an hour and a half, and then thoroughly kneaded.

Five months

During this period of life, the baby should eat mother's milk. However, it is rapidly developing and growing. In this regard, feeding a child at 5 months should fully meet the needs of his body. Juices, various vegetable and fruit purees, as well as yolk and cottage cheese will provide the minerals, vitamins and nutrients necessary for growth. What to give the baby, mom can pick up on the advice of a pediatrician. But for five month old baby one breastfeeding should be smoothly replaced by complementary foods.

Six months

The baby continues to be breastfed. However, as a rule, at this age, the first teeth appear, allowing him to chew food. Feeding a child at 6 months should be varied. It should contain vegetable and fruit juices, as well as mashed potatoes. During this period, the baby becomes more mature and can cope with food of a thicker consistency than mother's milk.

Feeding a child at 6 months should be enriched with meat. It is cooked ground in the form of meatballs. Cereals (oatmeal, rice or buckwheat) can be added to the resulting broth. Such a soup, pre-ground in a blender, will appeal to your child.

Seven months

The basis of nutrition for a baby at this age remains mother's milk or infant formula. However, feeding a child at 7 months should be enriched with cereals, fish and meat dishes, kefir and cottage cheese, mashed fruits and vegetables. Before giving the baby unusual food, you should follow the reaction to it. This requires the gradual introduction of each new dish. In this case, the first portion should be small. In the event that there is no deterioration in appetite or allergic reactions, as well as problems with the digestive system, the amount of complementary foods can be increased.

Eight months

At this age, the child is actively acquainted with a variety of complementary foods. However, breast milk should not be excluded from his menu. The table, which describes the feeding of the child by months, provides for evening and morning breastfeeding. In the remaining hours, the crumbs can already be given complementary foods.

At eight months, the baby will be happy to eat:
- assorted porridges on water or on cow's milk;
- turkey, rabbit and chicken meat;
- dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, etc.);
- meat broths;
- dryers or bread crumbs.
baby at this age - 5 times a day.

Nine month

During this period, the baby is already familiar with the taste of many cereals, all vegetables and a large number fruits. His diet includes several types of meat, kefir and cottage cheese. In this case, three feedings can be organized, consisting of vegetable dishes with meat (for lunch), cereal or fruit with cottage cheese (for dinner or breakfast). At the same time, the child continues to eat mother's milk.

ten months

Breastfeeding should be continued until the baby is one year old. In this case, he should have mother's milk for breakfast. If this is not possible, then morning feeding should consist of kefir. A ten-month-old baby should include the following foods:
- cereals;
- liquid soups, boiled potatoes and noodles;
- cottage cheese casserole;
- berries and jam;
- meat and fish, not only boiled, but also stewed;
- hard and processed cheese;
- vegetable, fruit purees, as well as juices;
- dried fruit compote and herbal decoction.

eleven to twelve months

Nutrition at this age is responsible and important issue exhilarating caring mothers. Daily diet the baby should be designed in such a way as to replenish the growing body with the amount of proteins, fats, mineral salts and carbohydrates it needs. To do this, the child must be given a wide variety of foods. At the same time, you should not include starch, spices or nutritional supplements. At this age, you should not feed the child with nuts, chocolate, citrus fruits and Pediatricians do not recommend giving the baby fatty foods. In dishes prepared for an eleven-month-old baby, there should not be large pieces. Everything that is fed to the child should have a puree-like consistency. It is best if the food is boiled or steamed.

Up to six months, babies eat only mother's milk, but later they need to get acquainted with the products that adult children and their parents eat. Babies, of course, can be difficult to get used to new foods, but it is necessary to introduce the first complementary foods, since the baby cannot eat only milk. Let's look at what complementary foods are and how to introduce them.

Nutrition for children up to a year by months

Complementary foods are an introduction to new foods

Introduce first food need under medical supervision. A baby who was born prematurely may receive complementary foods earlier, as he needs more vitamins.

During growth, the child draws a lot of energy for the development of organs, for this it is necessary to introduce complementary foods. Meals should be according to the regime and the corresponding tables. The baby needs to receive a huge amount of vitamins, micro and macro elements, because he develops nervous system, vital organs grow and it is necessary that everything be in order and the child does not grow up with underdevelopment, it is necessary to devote a lot of time to his nutrition, physical and mental condition.

It is necessary to attach the baby to the breast in the first 30 minutes after birth, as he is used to eating in utero and he needs to get food as soon as possible, and as soon as possible to understand whether the baby can take the breast on his own or he needs to insert special probes. Because for a child this is something new, something unconscious, but he feels you and already knows that he needs something to eat.

There is a so-called corrective food: with poor weight gain, doctors introduce a lot of carbohydrates into the baby's diet, with anemia, you need to introduce foods containing a lot of iron.

Let's set when to introduce complementary foods to a baby:

Start introducing food in small portions. It is very important for the baby that the mother shows that this food is very tasty, then he can try it, but if you show that the food is tasteless, then he will not eat it, you need to show it is very tasty. Give your child a teaspoon every day and increase the dosage every day.

From 7 months

You need to add newer products: cereals, fruit purees should also be given protein food such as cottage cheese or kefir. It is important that the feeding table is as follows: three times with breast milk and three times with complementary foods, if the baby does not want to eat complementary foods, do not force him, remember: this is new for him.

From 8 months

Should try meat dishes , can be in the form of a soufflé or puree. You need to buy very fresh meat dietary veal, rabbit or turkey. Doctors recommend giving meat every day about 50 grams. Or this puree can be purchased in stores, it is sold as baby puree from meat. It is already possible to add yolk to the feeding regimen, previously it was impossible due to high allergenicity. The yolk should be given in the morning, the fourth part, and the child should be observed, as it is said that the yolk is a very strong allergen. Give the yolk about twice a week.

Baby already you can enter the feeding mode of the fish, only it should not be greasy, so it is better to introduce complementary foods one year old baby sea ​​fish. And you can also cook cod or pollock. Remember that the child does not know how to chew yet and you need to clean the fish well from the husk and bones. You need to cook fish for a couple or in boiled water for about 20 minutes. Fish should be given about twice a week and in no case should you give canned fish up to two years.

From 9 months

Teaching a child to hold a spoon. Mommy's milk is no longer the main thing in feeding the baby. You should also be prepared for the fact that the baby will spill puddles of mashed potatoes and have a smeared face, but you should not worry, take it more fun. You, too, were small and your parents were also worried that you were smeared with mashed potatoes. Take it more fun. Somehow you need to teach your child independence.

From 10 months

Our baby should already hold the spoon and try to eat. In order to one year old baby could eat by himself use clever tricks that parents often use.

  1. AT children's store buy a deep plate.
  2. Put a spoon in your child's plate and put a separate plate for yourself and show your baby how you eat.
  3. Put on a plate what the baby really likes.
  4. As mentioned before, don't tell the baby that he has awkward movements.
  5. The child should be praised.

Let's talk further about what a one-year-old baby needs to include in the diet. Products that we have introduced before, should not be excluded from the diet. Now you need to cook your butuzu porridge with the addition of raisins, pears and many other fruits, but not those that cause a very big allergy.

At this age, you can already give cottage cheese casseroles. Also make meatballs, since the baby already has teeth and needs to chew, everyone knows that when a person chews, the stomach secretes more gastric juice, which allows you to better digest food. Meatballs are boiled in salted water for about fifteen minutes.

From 11 months

The baby should already learn to chew. Until this time, the baby is already familiar with almost all categories of products. We can say that our one-year-old child is already a master of cooking, because he has already overcome a long way and knows a lot of products, their taste and smell. But still, we still have a certain regime: three times the baby should eat fully and there should still be two small snacks.

In one year

Your baby is already eating everything from your table, at your discretion you can stop breastfeeding, but remember that pediatricians advise feed up to two years. I have some advice for when to wean a year.

  • you can’t do this in the summer, because summer is the height intestinal infections;
  • when weaning the baby from the breast, you should explain to him that he is an adult, and tell him how delicious the food that you and he eat is;
  • And in no case do this when the child is sick

So the results are summed up, and you already know how to properly feed your baby.