Dry rose leaves application. How to use wilted rose petals. How to add rose petals to beauty masks

What can be done from rose petals at home, if religion, a sense of beauty and an inner toad do not allow you to part with them amicably and determine their next (after your apartment) place of residence is the nearest trash can? This question overcomes me at least five times a year) ... My inner esthete and external amateur florist sheds tears when he sees unfortunate lifeless plants sticking out of a garbage can forlornly. And every time I think about these unfortunate rose petals - what can be done with them? ... I will cover our bed with white rose petals ... take a bath with petals and drink a cup of coffee ... no! Every time I use rose petals as a hydrosol, i.e. pink water(according to us). It turns out a 100% natural, organic, plant-based tonic that cares for the face like any store-bought tonic ...

1. So, we take a patient who is more dead than alive, and treacherously rip off his former beauty. At the exit we get a slide of petals. You see in my slide not only rose petals, but also orange peel, I explain how it got there: orange, aka citrus, aka vitamin C, is an excellent natural preservative that will help our hydrosol not dry out. No, this does not mean that without an orange, the hydrolate will immediately disappear! He will live and feel great, but I still play it safe.

2. We take a pan, a sieve (colander), a lid and a bowl. In my case, this is: a steamer system from a pot, a colander to the size of the pan and a lid. This is a kit that was sold right out of the box, if you don’t have such extremely hydrolate beauty, you can safely replace the whole thing with a regular pan with a colander.

3. We put a bowl in the center of the colander and fall asleep petals around it.

4. Pour water into the main pan, about one third. It is better to take clean, bottled or spring, but for everyone who does not have one, I, from the breadth of my soul, allow me to take the usual boiled one and not bathe. Sobsno, I did it)))

5. We assemble the shaitan - the car - the hydrolatogonal apparatus, which in my case, the assembly looks like this:

6. Take the lid and turn it upside down! This is necessary so that the condensate that collects on the lid flows exactly into your bowl, and does not make confusion and stagger along the walls of the pan.

7. We put the shaitan apparatus on fire, turn on the smallest gas (or set the minimum on the electric stove) and forget about the magical brew for three hours.

8. After three hours, we remember about the pan, turn off the fire and disassemble the structure. At the exit in a bowl we get the purest rose hydrosol, transparent, like a tear of a jellyfish ...

9 ... pour the precious liquid into a convenient container. I pour it into this bottle from under Morningstar Minerals, Skin Energy, Repair Spray, 8 fl oz
The sprayer is just WOW! He is incomparable! I don't know how they did it, but it sprays liquid nicely, doesn't spit, doesn't clog. It’s worth buying even just for the sake of the atomizer))) By the way, this tonic is beautiful in itself, you can read the review here: link to the post

10. And what remains at the bottom of the pan can be poured out, but I know that many people use this liquid too. I don’t know if it’s necessary to do this ... It looks like this:

And that's all! Nothing complicated) We use hydrolate as a tonic and are glad that we did not throw out rose petals in vain. By the way, when the brew is boiling, the house is filled with the intoxicating sweet aroma of the Garden of Eden) And it lasts for quite a long time. The hydrolate does not have such a strong aroma, but the rose is still quite distinctly felt. This is not the first time I have been making hydrosol with my own hands, I can say that the effect of it is impressive: it perfectly soothes the skin, does not irritate, evens out the tone, and has a barely noticeable lifting effect. Doesn't do wonders for wrinkles. But still, I really like the result. If you have a couple of minutes of free time and a bunch of roses, I recommend experimenting)

Do you have a magnificent bouquet of your favorite roses and do not want to say goodbye to it at all? And it is not necessary! Rose petals can be used in many places, and in each case, you are guaranteed to enjoy and undeniably benefit. See where you can apply rose petals and buds at home.

For aromatization of indoor air

A worthy alternative to chemical flavors will be natural fresheners. One of these can be made from rose petals. To do this, you will need fresh buds or rose petals - naturally, fragrant varieties that smell bright. After the petals are collected, prepare glass jar(better beautiful shape). Lay a layer of petals on the bottom of the jar, and then sprinkle with salt (it looks especially good sea ​​salt). Repeat layers until the jar is full of petals, lightly tamping down the layers. Close the jar with a tight lid and put it in a dark, cool place for a couple of days and that's it, the flavor is ready. In order to use it, you just need to slightly open the lid of the jar.

Handmade soap

In today's very popular home occupation - making soap self made often uses rose petals. Soap gets a row additional properties, if you add petals to the soap base - aroma, unusual decor, properties (softness, tenderness and velvety of the skin of the hands). Make sure that mastering the technique of making soap with your own hands is very simple - you can find all the instructions and steps. Handmade soap can become great gift for any occasion.

Fragrant pads - sachets

Continuing the theme hand made it's time to talk about Sasha. These are fabric small pillows filled with fragrant herbs. Rose petals are often used for filling. For a sachet, only well-dried petals are needed. To do this, separate the petals from the inflorescence and spread them on the newspaper so that the petals do not touch each other. You just have to keep an eye on when the petals dry out. You can make sachets exclusively from rose petals or create a mix with lavender and mint in the proportion of roses 3/4 of the volume - roses, the rest is lavender and / or mint. If this topic interests you, see how to make your own sachet. We assure you, this fragrance pouch will be a great mini cabinet fragrance, handbag, individual shelves and so on.

Rose petals for female beauty

Rose petals have long been used in home cosmetology and, it should be noted, quite successfully and effectively. Face masks have a rejuvenating effect, soften, nourish and smooth sensitive and dry facial skin. See the most interesting rose petal mask recipes and rose oil.

Rose petals also help with stretch marks on the chest. Rose petal oil helps a lot with this. In addition to stretch marks, home remedies with rose petals increase the tone and firmness of the delicate breast skin. You can read about all the secrets of care and how a rose helps to cope with stretch marks.

5. Decorative ice for champagne

Decorative ice is the perfect solution for unforgettable evening. To make such ice, you will need small inflorescences of a spray rose. If there are none, do not panic, ordinary fresh petals will do, they will need to be torn into small fragments. Place a bud or a few petal fragments in each ice cube and fill with plain water. Ready ice Fill a champagne bucket and serve. This option can be used for romantic evenings, and for gatherings with girlfriends.

For home decorative purposes

Rose petals can be preserved and used for decorative purposes, laid out wherever you like. To do this, take tweezers, melt decorative wax and dip buds or fresh petals into it, the wax will preserve the petals in their original form for a long time. Let the wax drain, straighten the buds as you need, let them dry, and you will have excellent decorative elements to decorate home compositions and gifts.

Roses can also be dried by combining dry flowers with fruits and other flowers. To preserve the whole bud, tie the stems of the bouquet in advance and hang the bouquet of roses buds down. When the buds dry, you can use them for their intended purpose.

Alexandra Ryzhkova All rights reserved

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"! You recently had an anniversary, birthday or other celebration, and now the whole apartment is lined with bouquets of flowers, or just on personal plot fragrant roses?

Over time, they begin to fade, and the hand doesn’t rise to take out the flowers? Rose petals remain, what can be done with them? How else to please yourself with these amazing flowers? After all, the beauty of roses is not only pleasing to the eye, but can also benefit your health and skin.

Since ancient times, rose petals have been used in anti-inflammatory, healing and tonic agents, used in all kinds of cosmetics, and so on.

When used in homemade recipes, it is better to use fresh petals, garden-grown roses are ideal. The most common beauty products infused with rose petals are rose essential oil, tincture, rose oil, and rose water (tonic). So what can be useful from rose petals? I offer you the most easy-to-use, healthy homemade recipes for remedies using rose petals.


Bath with rose petals helps relieve fatigue, stress, tones and softens the skin. Just fill the bath halfway with warm water, add dried or fresh petals of ten roses to it (you can replace it with jasmine, rosehip or peonies petals), then dial the bath to the end.

You can put a few drops into the bath, decorate the bathroom with candles, turn on relaxing music and pour yourself a glass of freshly squeezed juice, and you will get tremendous relaxation after labor day while softening and moisturizing the skin.

Sea salt bath

Put in glass containers 200 grams of salt (preferably sea) and petals of five roses, tightly close the lid, shake well and put in warm place. In two weeks homemade salt for baths with rose petals can be used for its intended purpose. Simply dissolve 6 tablespoons in a liter of warm water and add to your bath before bathing.

For morning wash

Pour two handfuls of petals with two liters of warm water and leave overnight. Use this water to wash your face in the morning.

For breast and décolleté

Take two tablespoons of crushed rose petals and a tablespoon of cream. Mix and apply the resulting mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with running water.



Pour about an equal amount of alcohol into freshly picked rose petals and leave to infuse for a month in a cool, dark place.


Pour a glass of rose petals with a glass of vodka and leave to infuse in a cool, dark place for 10 days. Then strain and your lotion is ready to use.

rose oil

Put two glasses of rose petals in a sterile glass container and fill them with a glass of olive or peach oil. Close tightly and leave to infuse in a dark place for three weeks, shaking occasionally. Then strain and use for its intended purpose: as an after-shower oil, for silky and moisturizing skin, for cleansing the face and removing makeup, as a massage oil, as a base in the manufacture of masks, creams, etc.

cosmetic ice

Boil a handful of rose petals with a glass of boiling water, cover and leave to infuse for twenty minutes. Cool, strain and pour into ice cube trays. Wipe the face and décolleté area with the resulting cosmetic ice in the morning and in the evening.



To prepare a face mask, pour a handful of crushed rose petals a small amount water and heat in a porcelain cup in a water bath (10 minutes), cool. Optimal time exposure to the mask - 30 minutes.

Nourishing for dry skin

Mix equal amounts of rose flour (ground rose petals) and nutritious cream(can be replaced butter). The duration of the mask is one hour. Or you can take equal amounts of pink flour, sour cream and honey. Apply this mask face for twenty minutes. Then rinse with running water.


Tea rose petals can be used to ennoble (flavor) tea by adding them, for example, to green tea, or by brewing them separately.


Pour two teaspoons of petals into a cup of hot (80 degrees) water. Let it brew for five minutes.


From the petals you can create a natural sachet. Just put dry rose petals in a beautiful linen bag and tie with a ribbon. Other aromatic herbs can be added to it, such as cornflower flowers and spices.

To flavor the room, you can put a similar fragrant mixture in a stylish plate, and drop a few drops of rose essential oil into it.


Petal decor - there is no limit to the imagination, you can make a picture of natural materials, handmade soap with petals, a composition of dry petals and the like.

Unfortunately, a bouquet of roses collected from a dacha grown in the country cannot remain fresh for as long as we would like. And so, in a sentimental impulse, we preserve dried flowers, from time to time inhaling their delicate, wonderful aroma, reminiscent of summer. Did you know that dried flowers can please us not only with aroma, but also with benefits?

Rose petals: benefits

Useful properties of rose petals can be listed for a long time. The main healing component in their composition is essential oil. It helps to restore the immune system and nervous system, cell rejuvenation, normalization of work digestive tract, wound healing.

The petals also contain vitamin C, K, B vitamins, minerals (calcium, potassium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc). They are required for normal operation. of cardio-vascular system, thyroid gland, metabolism.

Surely in stores you have seen creams, lotions and others. cosmetics with rose petal extract. But you can make wonderful preparations for preserving youth and beauty yourself!


rose petal masks

Mask for all skin types

5 dried rosebuds, pour 1 cup mineral water. Insist half an hour. Strain, add 1 tbsp. l. chopped hercules, add 1 tsp. honey. Mix thoroughly, rub into the skin of the face and neck for 4-5 minutes, like a scrub. After another 5 minutes, rinse with the remaining infusion.

Mask for sensitive skin

1 st. l. rose petals pour 1 cup boiling water. Insist for half an hour, strain. Pour 1 tbsp into a saucer. l. starch and gradually pour in the infusion to make a slurry. Apply to the skin, rinse with the remaining infusion after 20 minutes.

Grind rose petals in a coffee grinder. 1 tsp flower powder mixed with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 yolk. Apply to face and neck and leave on for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Crushed rose petals can also be added to a facial scrub or bath salt.

Mask with rose petals for hair

If you want your hair to be smooth and silky, prepare a mask based on rose petals. Pour 4 tbsp. l. petals 1 cup milk, bring to a boil. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Apply a warm mask to the hair and scalp, rinse after 15 minutes.

Baths with rose petals

Antistress bath

Put the petals of 5-10 roses in the bath, fill it with warm (almost hot) water. Cool until comfortable temperature and take a bath for 20-30 minutes. Such a bath will relieve fatigue, give good mood. Rosehip, jasmine, peony petals can be added along with rose petals.


Milk bath with rose petals

In 1 liter of milk, add 200 g of honey and 1 handful of rose petals. Heat over low heat, without bringing to a boil, until the honey dissolves. Pour the mixture into warm water. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes.

Sachet of rose petals

Give yourself and your loved ones fragrant sachets made by yourself! Sprinkle rose petals with a few drops rose oil, mix thoroughly; you can add dry jasmine, chamomile, sage, lavender, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves.

For gift option make bags out of linen fabric and fill them with fragrant petals, and to flavor the room, put the petals in a beautiful vase or plate.

Have you ever wondered this question? especially after the holidays, when they give flowers, they will delight for a week, And then they begin to wither and it's so pity to throw out flowers with such a delicious aroma))) So, we read))

Rose petals. Application.
Dry roses can be poured with boiling water and insisted for half an hour. As a result, you will get a wonderful lotion of rose petals, which will refresh your face and tighten pores. It must be stored in the refrigerator. True, such a lotion is stored for a short time. It should be used within 2-3 days.
You can freeze this infusion and you get cosmetic ice for face. It perfectly tones the face and is stored much longer.
You can grind rose petals in a coffee grinder and add this cosmetic powder in a facial scrub or bath salt.
You can also make oil from rose petals. This rose oil can be used in your home cosmetics in a variety of options.

How to make rose oil

We need base oil(olive, almond, grape seed or avocado, for example) dry rose petals. Petals must be well dried, otherwise the oil may turn sour.
Pour rose petals into a glass jar and fill with oil. Put the mixture on water bath for 2 hours on the smallest fire and cover with a lid (to essential oils did not disappear). Remove the jar from the fire, cover the neck with a cloth and leave to infuse for 3-4 weeks in a shaded place.
We strain the oil, squeezing the raw material well (rose petals). Let the oil stand for 2-3 hours and see if water has separated from the oil during this time. If there is water, then it must be carefully separated from the oil, otherwise the oil will quickly turn sour.
At the end, add a preservative to the oil ( oil solution vitamin E)

Or this option:

The well-known rose oil. We are looking for him in specialized stores or pharmacies, but it turns out that the recipe for its preparation at home is not so complicated. Rose petals are mixed in a 1:1 ratio with a good olive oil, after which the capacity ( regular jar) tightly close and stand a week in sunlight. Store in refrigerator after 7 days. Their medicinal properties rose oil keeps throughout the year. Rose oil is used in cosmetology to soften the skin of the hands and face. It is enough from time to time to lubricate them like a cream on skin areas. And she will be completely hydrated. But there is another little trick. Rose oil has the amazing ability to blend completely harmlessly into your favorite cream. Just drop a drop of oil into it, and then to your mandatory action your cream will also acquire the “usefulness” of rose oil.

Luxury bathroom with rose petals

If you have some free time, treat yourself to a luxurious rose petal bath. Light candles and an aroma lamp, turn on your favorite music, pour a handful of petals into warm water ... I assure you, you will feel like in a good spa. Or maybe remember your recent vacation trip. Such a bathroom works real miracles and relaxes well.

Fragrant potpourri or sachet

Use rose petals fragrant sachet. You can use them as a mono version, or mix with dry neroli petals, cornflower, verbena, aromatic herbs and spices. Arrange them on a beautiful ceramic plate and drizzle with a few drops of natural rose oil to enhance or refresh the fragrance. You can make gift bags-sachets from linen fabric. putting rose petals in them.