Star stylist: Hair like DiCaprio is back in fashion DiCaprio does not follow the regime: he loves sausages and pizza

His style of dress and hairstyle is a unique combination of romanticism and subdued urban sophistication. In this, he can be a role model for men of all ages. And here is the story of his struggle with extra pounds probably deserves only sympathy.

Suits anytime, anywhere

It's hard to imagine an actor without an elegant suit. He wears a variety of costumes. dark colors: very often - black, as well as dark blue, brown and even striped. Although the artist himself speaks rather modestly and simply: "I'm not the kind of person who tries to be cool or fashionable."

Leonardo DiCaprio hair

Leonardo DiCaprio in different years walked with various types hairstyles. With straight dark hair, he flaunted in many films and on the red carpet. Unforgettable hairstyle DiCaprio in "Titanic" (semi-long straight strands), which brought him so many awards. Such low hairstyle good for men with oblong or oval face. In The Beach, Leonardo DiCaprio wore a sporty "sculpted" hairstyle. In some retro films, the actor wears his hair slicked back. Currently, DiCaprio sports a sleek hairstyle.

The actor likes to relax on the islands with friends or a girl, where he usually spends time actively: surfing, scuba diving. He has loved basketball for a long time. Like all celebrities, the actor goes in for sports, although he admits that it is not easy for him to maintain a figure - DiCaprio has always had a good appetite and was prone to junk food. He hates vegetables, but loves starchy, sweet and fatty foods. His favorite cuisines are American, Italian and German (which means lots of fat and calories).

It is not surprising that by the age of 35 he has time to gain a lot extra kilos, although in his youth he was shy, on the contrary, of his excessive thinness and bonyness. His own "record" is 95 kg, which he scored in Rome. The actor was so shy excess weight that when staying in hotels, he even asked to bring exercise equipment to his room, because he was embarrassed to go to a general fitness club. However, the producers of the films that the actor was supposed to star in were categorically against his "beer belly" in the frame (especially when you consider that the camera will add several kilograms).

In particular, DiCaprio was forced to urgently lose weight for filming in the science fiction action movie Inception. Relatives of the actor claim that Leo is very persistent, and if he thinks of something, he will definitely achieve what he wants. Now DiCaprio looks much more fit than a couple of years ago. However, from time to time he is tormented by bulimia: he is either intensely losing weight and exercising, then he pounces on a ruddy pizza and gets fat again ...

Obviously, the actor is unable or unwilling to go completely to healthy lifestyle life. The example of Leonardo DiCaprio can serve as a lesson for many men: it is very easy to start yourself up, but in order to return to a decent shape and abandon a lifestyle that is unhealthy, you need to make a lot of effort.

Leonardo DiCaprio hairstyles

Leonardo DiCaprio hairstyles

Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio.

He was born on November 11, 1974, in Los Angeles. The actor has been nominated for an Oscar three times. He gained his highest popularity after the films Titanic, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Romeo + Juliet, Gangs of New York, The Beach, Catch Me If You Can, The Aviator, The Departed, Shutter Island and Inception.


The actor was born in California in 1974. His father grew up in a family with Italian and German roots, his mother was born in the West German Ohr-Erkenschvik. Her mother is Russian. Leonardo himself considers himself half Russian.

Leonardo, at the age of 14, firmly decided to become an actor, and he found himself an agent who liked him from his haircut to his name. He has more than 30 commercials on his account, and even several episodes of "Santa Barbara" Starting in 1991, he began acting in the television series "Growing Pain", but he had to leave this show in order to take part in the filming of the film "This Boy's Life" .

Leonardo's next film is What's Eating Gilbert Grape. In this film, he had to play the mentally ill brother Gilbert, with which he did an excellent job. He played very honestly and openly, and he was awarded an Oscar. The actor at the age of 19 was at the pinnacle of fame.

In 1994, DiCaprio starred in the western The Quick and the Dead.

And in next year in the world box office there was a picture "Total Eclipse", where he starred in the role of Arthur Rimbaud, who fell in love with his colleague Paul Verlaine so that he, in turn, taught him the skill of an actor. Leonardo perfectly played the role of his hero with homosexual affection. But this film failed. special success, Despite all positive reviews critics.

In 1996, Leonardo became the next incarnation Romeo in a modern adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. This film became the most beloved for the father of the actor.

Already in 1997, he starred in leading role in the movie "Titanic", it was this film that brought Leonard world fame and popularity. He received a Golden Globe nomination. It was after this film that he became the highest paid actor in Hollywood.

25 interesting facts about Leonardo DiCaprio.

On February 28, 2016, after a long 22 years and 6 nominations, Leonardo DiCaprio finally won his first Oscar for Best Actor for The Revenant.
As his latest triumph was anticipated, celebrated by millions of fans and one of the highlights of the 88th awards ceremony, we decided to pay tribute to this phenomenal actor by compiling a list of the most interesting and little-known things you might not know about Leonardo DiCaprio.

Did you like Leonardo as Jack Dawson in the 1997 epic drama Titanic, or as Frank William Abagnale in the 2002 crime drama Catch Me If You Can, or as Jordan Belfort in the 2017 black comedy The Wolf of Wall Street or Hugh Glass in the 2017 Oscar-winning action western The Revenant, this actor is undeniably one of the greatest and best-known contemporary Hollywood actors.

However, apart from his Hollywood fame, Leonardo DiCaprio is also an active environmentalist and philanthropist. He donated large sums to save tigers, protect the ocean and help those affected by the earthquake in Haiti in 2010.
No wonder he made it to the top 50 list. beautiful people planets according to People magazine.

Leonardo DiCaprio is constantly in the spotlight, so we hope you are a little familiar with it. wonderful person. However, we are almost sure that there are quite a few things that you might still not know about Leonardo DiCaprio, despite his fame.

From the first screen appearance to an unexpected and dangerous encounter with a shark, here are 25 interesting facts about Leonardo DiCaprio. 25. Leonardo DiCaprio was born in California - an American, but a lot flows in his veins different blood. His mother Imelin was born in Germany, his father George is half Italian, half German, and one of his grandmothers is Russian.
In one of the interviews given during a trip to Russia, the actor even called himself "half Russian."

24. A dedicated environmentalist, Leonardo donated $3 million to save tigers in Nepal in 2017 and another $3 million in 2017 to protect the ocean. He also donated $1 million in 2010 to help the people of Haiti affected by the devastating earthquake.

23. Leonardo was named after the famous Italian polymath and universal genius Leonardo Da Vinci, because he first pushed in his mother’s stomach when she looked at the artist’s work in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, and the artist’s father considered this name successful and appropriate. 22. When Leonardo began his acting career, his agent advised him to change his name to a more euphonious for Americans - Lenny Williams (Lenny Williams). Needless to say, the actor didn't follow his advice.

21. Leo has an adopted daughter. During the filming of Blood Diamond, he worked with 24 orphans from the Children's SOS villages(SOS Children's Village) in Mozambique.
With one of the orphan girls, the actor has established close connection and he decided to adopt her. The actor sends her money for room and board every month and is said to call her regularly to keep in touch. 20. In 2009, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet helped pay for a nursing home for the last survivor of the Titanic, so she didn't have to sell her memorabilia.

19. The actor was offered the role of Patrick Bateman in the movie "American Psycho", but he turned it down, since at that time the vast majority of his fans were teenage girls.

18. In 1997, the actor was offered to play the role of f*** star Dirk Diggler in the film Boogie Nights, but almost at the same time he received an offer to star in Titanic. The role of Dirk Diggler ultimately went to his friend Mark Wahlberg. 17. Instead of spending money on expensive cars, Leonardo DiCaprio owns only one - an eco-friendly Toyota Prius.

Also, unlike other people of the same level of fame and wealth, he always flies commercial flights, not wanting to buy a private jet.

This allows you to both save money and protect environment from excessive harmful emissions. 16. Once a Time newspaper journalist called DiCaprio boring because the actor was able to name 20 species of endangered animals from memory. 15. Leonardo DiCaprio has 11 favorite films: The Bicycle Thieves (1948), The Third Man (1949), Sunset Boulevard (1950), East of Eden (1955), The Bodyguard (1961) ), Lawrence of Arabia (1962), Eight and a Half (1963), 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Taxi Driver (1976), Manhattan (1979), and The Shining (1980).

14. After filming Revolutionary Road, which was the second joint film between Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, he gave his good friend Golden ring with secret engraving. The actress still keeps a secret what exactly is written on the ring. 13. Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg are now Good friends, but in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter in 2017, Wahlberg admitted that he and Leonardo initially hated each other when they starred in The Basketball Diaries in 1995. 12. In 2006, Leonardo DiCaprio had a close and dangerous encounter with a white shark. While doing cage diving in the waters of Cape Town (South Africa), a great white shark suddenly burst into Leo's cage, which usually does not pay attention to divers.

According to the actor, the 6-meter predator climbed almost halfway into the cage and clattered her teeth at arm's length.

Luckily, Leo managed to keep enough distance by diving to the bottom of the cage and trying to lie flat, which saved him. Divers who witnessed the scene said they had not seen anything like it in 30 years.

The actor did not receive a single scratch. 11. Leo also almost died while skydiving in tandem. When the parachute did not open, the instructor simply cut off the lines, after which he pulled out the second parachute, the lines of which were also tangled. Fortunately, the lines were eventually untangled and both skydivers landed unharmed.

10. For the first time Leonardo DiCaprio appeared on the screen at the age of 5 in the children's TV show "Romper Room", but was fired for unruly behavior.

9. In 1998, Leonardo was named by People magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people on the planet. 8. His favorite actress of all time is Meryl Streep. 7. DiCaprio is a dedicated liberal Democrat who has been both personally and financially involved in the campaigns and elections of Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry and Barack Obama. 6. Leonardo DiCaprio dated a lot of people. famous models including Helena Christensen, Bar Refaeli, Erin Heatherton, Naomi Campbell, Toni Garrn and Gisele Bündchen. 5. Leo is a great athlete: he loves to play basketball, hockey, football, rollerblading and surfing.

4. At the Tiger Summit, held in St. Petersburg in 2010, Vladimir Putin called the actor a real man. “In our country, among the people, they talk about such people” a real man».
And if the matter of protecting nature is in such hands, then we are simply doomed to success,” the Russian president said. 3. After the divorce of his parents, Leonardo stayed with his mother and German grandmother, who often took him to Germany with her. That's why the actor is fluent in German.

2. In 2009, Leonardo DiCaprio purchased an island off the coast of Belize. The actor plans to build an eco-resort on it.

1. In 2005, Leonardo DiCaprio's face was seriously damaged after model Aretha Wilson hit him in the head with a broken bottle at a Hollywood party. After pleading guilty in 2010, Wilson was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

Natalya (Denis)   That's right, some kind of sick hype about Leo, suddenly, broke out this afternoon. Really, the current "Oscar" influenced?

Sergey (Jerrilee)  Caring Yakutians supported the initiative of the local jeweler Ruslan Neustroev and, what is called "the whole world" passed precious metals for the manufacture of figurines of the "People's Oscar". The figure represents a man whose gaze is fixed on the sky, and in his hands he holds not a sword, but a national vessel of choron.

Valentina (Niilo)  The actor is indeed a genius. I was greatly impressed by his role in the movie "The Island". I would have given him an Oscar then.

Tags: What is called, haircut, di, caprio, in, titanic

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What is the name of Leonardo DiCaprio's haircut in Titanic? | Topic Author: Lydia

Ivan  Young Submariner.

Denis  kare

Valery grew his hair, worked a little with scissors, that's what it's called)
I want to know)

Irresistible Haircuts and Hairstyles of Leonardo DiCaprio photo

May 15, 2014 - At the age of 14, Leonardo DiCaprio decides to become... a neat parting, this hairstyle is called "sagittarius". ... The popular picture that brought the actor worldwide fame "Titanic" presents us with...

What is the name of Leonardo DiCaprio's haircut in Titanic?


A 15-year-old boy is Leo, as many no longer remember him. But from a young age, the actor took care of his hair, and even in this photo, combed parting hair fixed with gel. Now there is almost nothing left of this little boy, no gel, no naive eyes, no colorful shirt.

In this photo, not just a young DiCaprio, but a full-fledged actor who played the role of Ben in the popular TV series of the late 80s “Growing Problems”. Here, the beginnings of Leo's current style are guessed: he combs his hair from the forehead back and fixes it with a tool that gives the strands smoothness and shine. What a mod!

Twenty-year-old Leo was very much in the trend of the 90s: tousled hair, a worn T-shirt under striped jacket, which is obviously too big for him and hangs a little from the still fragile boyish stoves. But what a perky look and a genuine smile!

For the role in Romeo and Juliet, Leo had to dye his hair, or rather, make it darker than natural. But DiCaprio has not changed for many years middle length hair styled with gel. It is not surprising that even then the first fans began to appear at the young Leonardo, who really liked the creative mess on the actor's head.

The role of Jack in "Titanic" by James Cameron caused a real Leo-mania among girls around the world, and in addition, DiCaprio received the Golden Globe in the nomination "Best Dramatic Actor". He walked the red carpet at the 1998 Golden Globes with shorter-than-usual hair that was intricately styled and, as she called it, "false hawk."

DiCaprio's success didn't end with the Titanic. In 2004, he won a Golden Globe for his role in the film The Aviator. And at the same time, Leo is changing a lot: his face becomes wider, his hair darkens, a beard appears, with which the actor will not part for a very long time.

The star of the film “Blood Diamond”, Leonardo DiCaprio, has become even more courageous: his face has increased in breadth, bald patches have appeared, confidence is felt in his eyes, but goatee remained in the same place.

Years and decades later, Leo still fixes his slicked back hair with gel. But professionals are clearly working on the style of the star: instead of a chewed T-shirt, under the jacket there is now a shirt of a discreet color, relaxed at the throat.

It's another year and another Golden Globe nomination for Leonardo DiCaprio, thanks to Revolutionary Road. Award for the best male role Leo received, and with it, an improvement in style: the gel on the hair becomes less obvious, and the shirt and tie sit on the actor like a glove. A real man!

Film after film, sensation after sensation, and another sensational picture with Leo, "Inception", brought a little more confidence to the actor's image. In general, his style has not changed much: again a sparse stubble, again combed back hair. But something in the look seems to indicate that the actor has really matured.

DiCaprio suddenly bleached his hair, making him look younger and prettier. The main thing is that the stubble and confidence in the look have not gone away, and where would they go if Leo is already rightfully considered a high-class actor.

And then he dyed it dark for filming in the movie "The Wolf of Wall Street":

Leo's clean-shaven face is back, and his hair is once again darker, albeit classic slicked back, as he appeared in 2013 at the Golden Globes, where he was nominated as best supporting actor for his role in Django Unchained.

All of a sudden, at the Clinton Global Citizen Awards, the actor showed off his beard! The forty-year-old handsome man surprised everyone in this way, because no one could even think that Leo could grow a beard, only a goatee, perhaps. But no, DiCaprio is in the role caveman liked by many.

And again DiCaprio, and again a goatee, this time at the Directors Guild of America Honors Gala event. But what a playful wave lies the hair, as usual fixed with a gel. Consistency is a sign of excellence.

Star stylist Anvar Ochilov talks about five men's hairstyles that will be popular in 2017.

Fashion always returns, and it often turns out that the popular is always the same, only the names and minor details change. Now many men go with hairstyles that were popular in the 40-60s of the XX century.

I'll tell you about the five most popular men's hairstyles to date.

Timeless classic

This hairstyle was popular in the 50s and 60s. This haircut was the hero of Leo DiCaprio in the unforgettable "Titanic" and the legendary Salvador Dali. This hairstyle was combined with famously twisted mustaches, the smoothness of the hair was achieved with the help of harmful antediluvian chemical compositions for styling. Abundance now cosmetics allows you to style your hair every day the way you want, while completely without injuring them. The hairstyle was popular among both the aristocracy and the working class. As you can see, it is completely universal and will suit any man now. Nowadays classic men's haircut should look like this: short on the sides, hair goes to lengthening, parting on the right or left. Worn as a casual hairstyle, sometimes an elongated forelock can be styled with a gel as desired.

Sports short haircut.

2-3 centimeters of hair are left on top. In combination with shaved temples, which are now very popular, the hairstyle looks very masculine and stylish. Also suitable office workers or people who have to stick to strict dress code. Believe me, even in this case, you can look stylish!

Extension cascade.

Very relevant and beautiful looks on men with curly hair. If you have straight hair, but still want a cascade with lengthening, you can ask the salon to do it light chemical a perm that does not injure the hair. The cascade is made quite simply: the hair is shorter on top and the lower, the longer. With a cascade, your hairstyle will look more voluminous and well-groomed. It is also ideal for those who have curly hair - naughty strands do not have to be styled every morning, they will lie down as they should! This is the skill of a hairdresser - the hair itself falls as it should, even weeks after visiting the salon. This hairstyle is for self-confident and charming men, there is something playful about it. If your image is not quite like that, it's better not to risk it.

torn strands with smooth transitions to shaved temples.

Very creative hairstyle: 6-9 centimeters of hair are left on top with a “torn” effect. The closer to the temples - the shorter the hair. At the same time, whiskey can be shaved off completely, and the transition line can be made rigid - improvise! You can style this hairstyle in different ways depending on your mood. Such haircut fit men with sparse hair or bald patches.

Haircut "platform", which is now very popular!

The hair is cut in the shape of the site, a square hairstyle is obtained on all sides. The length of the hair can be varied according to preference. Not suitable for all men, because what longer hair the more specific it looks.

As mentioned earlier, fashion returns and what once was relevant becomes relevant. All you have to do is keep track of recurring trends and choose what goes with your image!