Natural jade stone. Jewelry with jade stone and its magical properties. Chemical composition and physical properties


Previously, jadeite was not classified as a separate category and was often confused with jade. In fact, these stones are very similar in appearance, although their composition is completely different.
If we compare these two minerals, then we can say about jadeite that it is harder than jade, and is much rarer. Until the 18th century, both stones were called the same - jadeite, until it turned out that they simply had the same shades and similar physical features.
This stone is chemically a silicate of aluminum and sodium. However, instead of aluminum, it may contain iron, magnesium or chromium, and calcium instead of sodium.

A bit of history

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The history of jadeite has more than one millennium. Even primitive man began to use stone for the manufacture of tools and tools.
AT Ancient China it was used along with jade for making jewelry and various utensils: dishes, caskets, etc. The Chinese attach special importance to the mineral. In this country, jadeite is sacred and very dear to everyone.
The Mayans, Aztecs and Olmecs, as well as other peoples of America, valued jadeite very highly: it was more expensive than other minerals and metals. Many are now being found in excavations. art products and jewelry from this stone.
And the Europeans who arrived in America during its colonization noticed that the local population is very fond of green stone jewelry. They liked jadeite, thanks to which it soon appeared in Europe.
In India, the existence of jadeite was also known firsthand. Its properties were greatly appreciated and the mineral was used as a material for jewelry and crafts.
Excellent decorative qualities, viscosity, density allow jadeite to be considered decorative stone high class. It is successfully used by jewelers and other craftsmen, creating truly magical and unusually beautiful products.

Varieties and colors

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The most valuable is the transparent green variety of jadeite. It is used for inserts into earrings and rings. But there are other shades of this stone. In nature, there are stones of all shades of green, as well as white, yellow, red, blue, pink and even purple. The color of the stone is durable. But there are also such properties: during prolonged weathering on the surface of the mineral, bright yellow or red color.
This stone is usually divided into commercial grades:

  • Imperial is a translucent fine-grained stone of emerald green color. The best samples can be compared in value with emeralds.
  • Utilities is a bright green opaque gem. It may have a cloudy color, white matte or shiny black, etc.
  • Commercial - opaque green mineral, which has transparent veins.

In Russia, a technique has been invented, thanks to which it is possible to use non-varietal jadeite by dyeing it green.

Properties: healing and magical

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In some countries, jadeite is called kidney stone. This is no coincidence - the mineral helps to cure diseases associated with the kidneys. Of course, the gem itself will not be able to help, but it is able to enhance the effect of drugs.
This circumstance allows the stone to be used for all diseases. internal organs. To whatever extent its action is spread, it is necessarily beneficial to human health.
Women use the unique properties of the stone to treat organs reproductive system. For men, the mineral relieves sexual weakness, impotence. The Chinese use the gem to cleanse the aura and improve the biofield.

Beads and a bracelet made from this stone will help stabilize blood pressure and functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is not known whether any magical powers are involved in this, but the ability to provide a person with confidence and calmness is attributed to the mineral. It can help clear the mind of obsessions and unnecessary thoughts, focus on the most important issues.
In addition, the stone has the ability to help in solving family conflicts. He pushes a man to Right way and will contribute correct communication in family. People who have this mineral in their homes notice that they no longer often make various mistakes in relations with their relatives.
Ancient people attributed to jadeite such magical actions like controlling the weather, controlling the elements. Eastern sorcerers to this day elevate the mineral above others. In China, there is a belief that this gem is the forerunner of all precious stones and it reflected the basic virtues.
This stone is also a faithful protector. There is information, also rooted in the depths of centuries, that in case of a threat of death or illness of the owner, the gem breaks, saving its owner life and health.
Jadeite is especially recommended for weak and insecure people. It is believed that it will help to achieve inner understanding with yourself and paint life in bright colors.

Mineral and astrology

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The planets that rule jadeite are Venus, Saturn and the Moon. Being dependent on these celestial bodies, the stone can either strengthen its effect or weaken it. But even in him the strongest energy was concentrated, which, with all its might, does not prevent him from being an excellent stabilizer.
Among the signs of the Zodiac to which the stone is recommended, all earthly ones should be distinguished. Especially among them, this gem is suitable for Lions, but for Capricorns it’s not very good. The stability of jadeite makes it simply unhealthy for water signs. They may become too stubborn in their delusions.
A wonderful leveling stone is amazing for Libra. If he does not transform their lives, then he will certainly direct them in the right direction.
Other signs magical features stones are not terrible and are not contraindicated. On the contrary, the gem is favorable to people, despite their delusions and mistakes.

Judging by how widespread information about jadeite is in different countries and almost all the peoples of the world, we can conclude that there used to be much more developed deposits than in modern times. Now jadeite is mined mainly in New Zealand and Turkmenistan. In Russia, two deposits are also known, which are located in the Urals and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Excellent physiochemical properties stone allow it to be used not only in the manufacture of jewelry and souvenirs. Baths and saunas made of jadeite are very popular in our time. Each prestigious water complex considers it its duty to line the sauna with this mineral.
This is not surprising, because jadeite saunas are not only beautiful, but also very useful. The mineral is able to retain heat for a long time, and when heated, its effect becomes doubly stronger. Maybe that is why this stone is recommended to be worn so that it is in contact with the body, feeding on its warmth.

There are many minerals that can inspire even the callous. One of them is thirsty. The stone fascinates with its color and finds application in various spheres of human life.

This stone has been known for a long time. Moreover, it has become widespread both in the old world and in the new. In the era of the last kingdoms of the Maya, it was valued even more than gold: it was used to make figurines of the gods and for various rituals important for the Indians.

In Asia, in medieval China, jadeite was used by craftsmen. There were magnificent masters, capable of carving amazing examples of oriental art, mostly figurines. Now it is China that is the center for the production of most green mineral products, and therefore it is massively buying up the corresponding raw materials.

The stone is easily confused with jade. However, it is valued above its counterpart, because it is stronger and harder. It got its name from the common name of jade and jade - jade. It is very viscous, it is not prone to luminescence at all. Glass luster is characteristic, transparent samples are quite popular.

It is found in different parts of the world - the USA, China, Mexico. This rock is monomineral, granular. In view of its fame and demand, it will be mined and processed by the world's best craftsmen for a long time to come.

Appearance description

Jadeite has many shades, and they all look interesting. However, it is worth noting that it is light specimens with maximum transparency that look most luxurious. Some elements of the rock may have a special graininess, while in others it may be almost not observed. Both options may well be suitable for jewelry delights of the most sophisticated aesthetes. This is a much more attractive stone than the same jasper or amethyst.

Physiochemical properties

In fact, jadeite is aluminum silicate with sodium. High viscosity and hardness are combined with imperfect cleavage and monoclinic syngony. There is no dispersion at all in the mineral. He happens different colors, including:

  • white,
  • the black,
  • blue,
  • violet.

Extremely popular bright green color, similar to emerald. This color is due to the presence of chromium in the crystal structure. However, if the mineral is transparent, then there is very little chromium there.

Varieties and colors of jadeite

There are several common options:

  • Utilities- gray or green, has a non-uniform color, is opaque. It is considered an ordinary ornamental stone.
  • Commercial- it is sometimes used in jewelry business. Color gray or green. It has bright green translucent spots of small size.
  • Jadeite Imperial- the main asset of the breed. An almost transparent or translucent mineral with an emerald green sheen. This variety is always used as a jewelry material due to its chic.

Lucky stone (video)

Where and how is jadeite mined

There are deposits in different parts world and states. And in Russia this beautiful stone is mined. However it is not easy to meet its deposits, after all, there are a little more than ten of these deposits! Extraction goes in two ways: explosive, or with the help of a special tool. It is clear that in different occasions the stone looks different, and this difference is by no means in favor of the explosive method of extraction. From the quarry they can bring both high-quality specimens, and significantly spoiled by an incorrectly chosen mining method.

Unlike some other minerals, jadeite is easier to mine, because the rock is a monolith, and you do not need to spend money on separating one specimen from another. This also affects the relatively low cost of the stone for the end user.

You can find good nuggets from America or Asia, Siberian, mined a few hundred miles from the city of Krasnoyarsk.

Gallery: jade stone (45 photos)

Application area

In addition to jewelry and decorative arts, jadeite, like serpinite, is used for heaters of saunas and baths, and is called bath. The difference between such a stone and the rest is a large blockiness. It is no coincidence that this particular mineral has found distribution in this area: it withstands temperature extremes and does not change from heating up to 1000 degrees. Tumbled jade - that's really good for a bath.

The use of the mineral in various areas of an esoteric nature is also common: it is believed that it has many mystical and healing properties. There are many products from the mineral of this direction, for example, health balls.

Jewelry and souvenirs from jadeite

Why are jewelry made from this mineral in demand? The answer is simple - they are relatively inexpensive, but they are attractive. That is why the popularity of the stone is so high among those who are not indifferent to precious brilliance and luxury. Not very bright varieties are great for the souvenir business. Most often jadeite is used for the manufacture of the following products:

  • Earrings - great option, complementary elegant dress according to the color of the product;
  • Beads are a good addition that is suitable for black or white dress against which they can shine;
  • Bracelets - products that can emphasize a person's success in life, if he loves once again remind you of your achievements;
  • Ball - interesting option, made of Khakass material, able to decorate the house and bring a special atmosphere for those who believe in esoteric properties stone;
  • All kinds of figurines are a frequent way to use the breed, because the figures are elegant and catchy;
  • A jadeite ring is an elegant solution, especially if no other jewelry is expected;
  • A silver signet is a luxurious choice for a business person.

In addition, jadeite can be used as inclusions in the aquarium soil. This will give the tank a special aesthetic zest.

If you want the stone to last longer, you need to choose specimens of the highest quality. Alternatively, Orasug jadeite may be suitable. High-quality samples are unpretentious, they are not afraid of either light or heat. However, even such a durable mineral has endurance limits, and you should not forget about it.

Medicinal and beneficial properties

Jade is not only jewelry. It is called renal, because it is believed that it can help with various diseases of this organ. However, the mineral only enhances the effect of the drug. There are many opinions about the positive properties of jadeite: some believe that it regulates arterial pressure, others believe that it allows you to avoid stress.

The stone has found distribution in oriental medicine. Some believe it is suitable for preventing various diseases not only the cardiovascular, but the digestive system.

magical properties

  • In some cultures, it was believed that when making a deal, you need to firmly squeeze the jadeite crystal in your hand. In this case, according to belief, the transaction should have been successful.
  • This mineral was considered the owner great strength capable of influencing nature. This property explains why in ancient times people tried to control the weather using jadeite. For example, the Indians thus called for rain and other important forces of nature. This is deeply reflected in the culture of not only South America but also central.
  • It is believed that a green natural talisman can improve personal life. Thanks to such a talisman, people will not be given baseless jealousy, and their aspirations and relationships will be elevated and prosperous.
  • It is believed that the mineral prevents its owner from doing wrong things.
  • Both amulets made of jadeite and talismans, which have become widespread in antiquity, are popular. The amulet is able to protect against liars, envious people and other unpleasant personalities.

Jadeite and signs of the zodiac

According to believers in special connection between birth and starry sky, not everyone according to the horoscope will suit this stone. For example, it is harmful to Scorpions, Pisces, Capricorns and Cancers, and will only lead them to apathy. But to whom the mineral is most suitable, it is Libra and Virgo. So when choosing a talisman for esoteric purposes, you should pay attention to who the person is according to the sign of the zodiac.

How to distinguish natural jadeite from a fake

Jadeite can be imitated. Such products may contain aventurine quartz, chrysoprase, prehnite and much more. To accurately determine if this is a fake, you need to bring the product to a strong light source. If a 10x magnifier is available, it can be an excellent tool for inspecting the internal structure.

The difference between real jadeite will be that it has grainy weaves. Even if the sample passes the test, it may not be of the highest quality. For example, it is possible that chemical bleaching was used, as well as dyeing. Such an instance will change its shade over time due to contact with a direct light source and for other reasons.

There is a very simple test to identify authenticity. You just need to lightly toss the stone in the palm of your hand. The fact is that the density of this mineral is significant, and it will most likely be heavier than it seemed visually.

It must also be said that both jadeite and jade give characteristic tactile sensations: These are somewhat soapy, soft and cold stones. It is especially convenient to determine the authenticity, having one hundred percent real copy of the same size, and even better - the same shape.

It is important to remember that it is never superfluous to contact an experienced appraiser.

Although jade - semiprecious stone , a lot of beliefs, conjectures and other hype revolve around it, which is not even around diamonds. It is so popular that celebrities like Stallone and Van Damme have worn it in Rambo 2 and Double Impact. It can also be found on the heroes of other films and TV shows. Books are written about this stone, and no wonder, because you can get tons of information about it! Basically, it is shades of green, and not, say, yellow or blue.

In 1980, at an Asian fair, the world's largest copy was presented, worth approximately 2 million US dollars. Well, if you delve into the ancient artifacts of an informational nature, you can find many references to certain supernatural qualities of the stone.

Jadeite is a stone shrouded in legends and rumors. One thing is for sure - by its beauty, magical and healing properties it is not inferior to many precious minerals.

The mineral belongs to the group of silicates. The color of the stone is quite diverse, and the characteristics are the same. A mineral is expensive because of its unique properties and unusual colors.

The history of the origin of jadeite

Many peoples have been using jadeite for thousands of years. Stone products were found on the territory of excavations dating back to BC. In China, a statue of Buddha in the height of a man is made of a mineral. Museums introduce exhibits of past eras.

  • The Stone Age is tools made of jadeite.
  • The Mayan and Aztec tribes are a jewel equivalent to gold bars.
  • China - souvenirs of Buddhist symbols.

Since ancient times, the mineral has been recognized as sacred. Initially, he combined two different minerals: and jadeite. Subsequently, scientists found differences in characteristics, and separated the stones.

The origin of the mineral is based on three scientific approaches:

  1. Magmatic appearance;
  2. Metamorphic formation;
  3. Hydrothermal and metasomatic creation.

The history of jadeite is reflected in the chronicles of different countries.

Physical and chemical properties

The stone is very strong and hard. It can only be crushed with special equipment. Jadeite is a rock of volcanic origin. It belongs to the group of alkaline pyroxenes. In English pronunciation, the name sounds like tremolite. It is associated with the first deposit - Val Tremolo.

  • Fracture hidden;
  • Glassy luster;
  • Different transparency: from incomplete to complete;
  • Refraction of two beams;
  • Distinct absorption line;
  • Imperfect cleavage;
  • Viscosity;
  • No dispersion.

Known mining sites

The mineral is mined in various parts Earth. It is found on almost every continent. Differences are only in color tones.

The mineral is mined in the mountains and mountain ranges:

  • England;
  • Mexican countries;
  • Mountains of Italy;
  • Turkey.

The largest and most famous deposits of jadeite are located in China, India, and America. There are places where the mineral is mined in the Russian Federation:

  • Region of the Yenisei River in the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • The region of the Polar part of the Ural Mountains.

Jewelry samples are found in Myanmar (Indochina) and Guatemala (blue stone).

Healing properties of jadeite

The properties of the stone are already in the names healing mineral different languages. Jadeite means healing properties, has healing translations: colic stone, pain in the thigh. Ijada is the Spanish meaning. Sciatica is Greek. Izhada has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and genitourinary system. It stabilizes kidney failure, activates the systems responsible for kidney health. The stone enhances the effect medical devices and drugs, accelerating the recovery of the patient.

Other possibilities of mineral products:

  • Sexual dysfunction (impotence);
  • male impotence;
  • Diseases of the reproductive organs.
  • Jadeite is a mineral for bath lovers.

Jadeite bracelets and necklaces help in the treatment of such pathologies:

  1. Cardiovascular lesions;
  2. Jumps in blood pressure;
  3. stomach colic;
  4. salt deposits;
  5. Diseases of the intestines.

Healing stone relieves cold symptoms(cough), normalizes night rest (sleep). A ring with a stone is worn on index finger left hand. It relieves eye strain, treats myopia.

Other possibilities have colored instances:

  1. Green relieves stress, calms.
  2. Red improves blood clotting, heals wounds.
  3. White increases immunity, relieves weather dependence.

Jadeites are recommended to be worn constantly. The bracelet will cope with any pathological deviations of health. Special meaning for psychological breakdowns. The mineral, according to healers, changes the bioenergy of a person, improves his condition. The owner gains vivacity, the heart rate normalizes.

The magical properties of jadeite

The gem helps in rituals to change the weather. Mediums caused rain, hid from lightning, reduced the strength of thunderstorms.

Magical possibilities allowed the mineral to become an indispensable attribute of non-traditional therapeutic methods. One of them is stone therapy. Healers performed massage with heated jadeite stones. Stone pulled out of the body negative emotions, the energy of evil, disease. After each procedure, the mineral was dipped into running water or a strong salt solution to be purified for another patient. At high heating temperatures, the mineral releases useful ions. This property formed the basis of jadeite saunas. Their popularity is growing even now.

According to the Tao, ijada preserves the strength of the relationship between a woman and a man, so it is a symbol of the engagement ceremony. Sorcerers exorcise evil spirits and evil spirits. lovers gambling attract good luck.

In eastern countries, jadeite is a symbol of longevity and eternal youth. In their territories, when excavating tombs, archaeologists find sciatica in clothing items.

Talismans and amulets

Unusual qualities made the stone strong magical talisman. It was used for rituals of preserving acquired property. Amulets protected from theft, fraud. The talisman helped to hide from ill-wishers and envious glances.

Businessmen and entrepreneurs prefer to take jadeite amulets for complex negotiations and trade deals. Its magical abilities bring good luck, success to the work begun.

Another quality is to bring peace to life. The owners of the amulets are waiting peace of mind and peace. A person moves away from unfounded fears, dirty thoughts and ideas. The owners of amulets rarely quarrel, they are balanced, self-possessed and intelligent. The stone does not allow meanness to a person, does not allow low obscene acts.

Interesting video: Natural stones - jadeite

Another symbol of jadeite talismans is a replacement family psychologist. The mineral helps to be tolerant, understanding. An atmosphere of trust does not allow jealousy to manifest itself. In a family protected by a stone, harmonious relationship, peace and mutual understanding.

Amulets are of particular importance for families with children. There will be no problems between adults and children. Education will be calm and correct.

For farmers, stone is an assistant to get a rich harvest. They buried pieces of stone around the fields, asking for the help of the gods of fertility by this action.

Jewelry with jadeite can be seen in the photo, appearance attracts.

jadeite colors

There are many variations of jadeite tones, translucent ones are of particular value. green shades. The color change depends on the amount of iron and chromium in the stone.

The tones of the stone found in nature are diverse:

  • Yellow;
  • White;
  • purple;
  • The black;
  • Red;
  • Colorless;
  • Green;
  • grayish green;
  • Bright green.

Depending on the color, geologists propose to classify jadeite. The cost depends on the group, but is always quite high. Not everyone can buy a real gem.

Varieties of jadeite:

  1. Loromelanit. Samples contain impurities of metals: iron, aluminum and chemical compounds: sodium silicate. The stone is black or dark green.
  2. Utilities. One of the cheaper ones. The group is quite common and mined. The color of the mineral formation: bright green, black. Comes with a matte finish.
  3. Albite. Bright green gem with an interesting internal embossing of dots and veins.
  4. Imperial. Dear group, different high quality jewelry material. The price of the stone is close to . The color of the miner is green emerald.
  5. Commercial. The group is used to make jewelry and design items. Samples green tone, transparent inner veins and more dark spots, give the stone an unusual color.

How to distinguish a fake?

Jewelry stone is used to make unique products. Three groups are most used: imperial, utilities, commercial. You can check their truth by considering the appearance, knowing the features. Another option for using the gem is decorative art. These are figurines of deities, people, sacred animals.

Interesting video: How to check real jadeite?

Caring for products with jadeite

With improper care and cleaning methods, a stone may eventually lose its beauty and uniqueness of properties.

Rules for the care of jewelry and products made of jadeite:

  1. Store in boxes with soft walls.
  2. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for a long time.
  3. Do not keep jewelry in dust. In case of need to work with dust and dirt, it is better to remove the product.
  4. Do not keep the stone in a damp room.
  5. Protect from mechanical damage.
  6. Clean jewelry every six months.

None chemicals will not need to be used. plain water and soap - all you need for cleaning. Dry thoroughly after washing soft cloth. Emerald shine will please the owner for a long time, if you follow these simple rules. To understand that you own a stone known during the great civilizations of the past means to become part of its magical strength and power. Caring for the stone required condition wearing it.

Jadeite and signs of the zodiac

Significance in astrology is recognized for all signs of the zodiac circle. The value for a person is great. Every lover of jewelry with precious stones needs to know who suits according to the horoscope. The description of the mineral and compatibility can help and hurt.

  1. Pisces add pessimism.
  2. Scorpios become apathetic and secretive.
  3. Cancers cease to be interested in the events around them.
  4. Capricorns will begin to feel how the number of failures increases, a black streak will come.
  5. 6 votes

Thanks to its external attractiveness, a halo of mystery and power, gems evoke big interest people have been for more than a century. Some attract the eye because of their radiance and alluring brilliance, others because of the brightness and variety of shades. The jadeite stone is a truly magnificent example of such an attraction. Only one of his mysterious greenish tint what is it worth.

Jadeite: stone properties

The history of the use of jadeite has more than 6000 years

Jadeite was first used in China more than 6,000 years ago. The Chinese people used these minerals solely to create bright decorations for imperial family.

Currently, the stone is revered by the inhabitants of the Caucasus, especially the Armenians. It has long been believed among the peoples of this nationality that jadeite has magic power, similar to which it superficially resembles.

Chemical composition rock includes aluminum and sodium silicate. When compared with the physical properties and composition of jade, jadeite is much harder, so their similarity lies only in coloristic, external performance. Unlike jade, jadeite is somewhat less common in nature.

Incredible stone abilities

It is believed that jadeite can help in the treatment of infertility.

Already in antiquity, people believed in the unusual abilities of the mineral. For example, jadeite was believed to have an impact on weather changes. However, as it turned out, his abilities are much wider. It is known that imperial jade, or as it is called in another way, chlormelanite has medicinal properties. It helps to cure kidney ailments, impotence and even infertility. The fact is that the healing effect of jadeite is enhanced by taking medications, especially if they are medicinal plants.

Jadeite renders on its owner positive impact regardless of zodiac sign

Jadeite is a kind of thread that restores the bioenergetics of its owner. Eastern healers came to this conclusion. They believed that jadeite stone could show its positive properties regardless of whether the owner belongs to one or another zodiac sign or social status. Everything that could be made of jadeite - beads or bracelets, amulets or amulets - had a striking effect on a person - brought work back to normal of cardio-vascular system, reduced high blood pressure and improved the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The magical properties of the mineral

Jadeite will strengthen faith in one's strength

There are legends and beliefs about the stone that it is even endowed with supernatural, magical properties that help the owner gain self-confidence. Jade restores vital energy, stabilizes the working mood, helps in business. People become energetic and confident not only in their own own abilities and strength, but also in their future. Due to the unique properties of the stone, a person:

  • acquires life wisdom;
  • avoids conflict situations, disputes and quarrels;
  • chooses the right tactics in relationships with people, even with ill-wishers;
  • seeks to improve interpersonal, and especially personal, family relationships.

Jadeite is one of those stones, the properties of which help any sign of the zodiac to find harmony and balance in family life in relationships between lovers. The couple gets rid of jealousy, quarrels, lies, suspicion and many others negative qualities interfering with building a harmonious marriage. Relationships become comfortable, warm, durable.

Jadeite will help you find mutual language with own children

Purification of thoughts, nobility and honesty in deeds are the result of the influence of a stone on a person who refuses low, cowardly deeds and becomes spiritualized and fair. Jadeite helps families with teenagers to correctly orient in education, find a common language with children, understand their desires and feelings.

Semi-precious stone jadeite - a predominantly green mineral that is superior in hardness to granite - due to the similarity of colors, it is often confused with. Until the 18th century, both of these stones were called jadeites, until mineralogists established the difference in their chemical composition.

In the trade assortment, nephrites and jadeites are often referred to under the common name "jade" to this day. However, jadeite, which is a rarer, harder and more durable mineral, is valued much higher (for the most part this refers to the "imperial" - a rare variety of the mineral).

The history of the origin of the stone

Jade has been known to mankind since time immemorial. During the Neolithic period, the mineral was used by primitive people to make stone tools and weapons for hunting.

Five thousand years ago in China, jadeite was available only to members of the imperial family who had dishes and slept on pillows made of this beautiful stone.

Jadeite, crushed into powder, was actively used in Chinese medicine for the treatment of heartburn, diabetes and asthma.

The extraction of jadeite, which was considered sacred stone and going to the manufacture of necklaces, carvings of gods and cult amulets, the Aztecs and Mayans were already engaged in two thousand years BC. In the culture of these peoples, the mineral was valued more than gold.

One of the most revered shrines in Thailand is a half-meter Buddha statue, made in the 15th century from an unusually beautiful translucent jadeite with an emerald hue.

In the Middle Ages - after some depreciation - the mineral became available to wealthy Chinese. Wishing to provide a deceased relative with eternal life, they put a cicada (considered a symbol of resurrection and immortality), skillfully carved from orange jadeite, into the mouth of the deceased.

In the Chinese temple of Vophos, there is an almost two-meter statue of a seated Buddha, carved a century ago from a huge block of white jadeite delivered from Burma.

C. Faberge became a popularizer of jadeite in Russia (in the 19th century), creating unique products from it for the royal court.

Necklace made of jadeite magatam (ancient amulets shaped like a fang or claw) wild beast) to this day is one of three required attributes power of the Japanese emperor.

Physical Properties

Jadeite, which is formed in rocks at relatively low temperatures and under very high pressure, is a chain sodium aluminosilicate.


  1. The chemical formula is NaAlSi2O6.
  2. The specific gravity of the mineral is 3.3 g/cm3.
  3. It has neither luminescence, nor dispersion, nor pleochroism.
  4. In nature, it occurs in the form of dense felt-like aggregates with a fine-grained structure. A fresh fracture of jadeite resembles sugar, sparkling with facets of countless and very small crystals. It is the fine-grained structure, clearly visible to the naked eye, that is the main feature that makes it possible to distinguish jadeite from jade, which has a fibrous-tangled structure.
  5. The hardness on the Mohs scale is 7, so the stone is polished with great difficulty.
  6. Let's dissolve in any acids.
  7. In the flame of a blowpipe, a small piece of mineral melts easily, forming a ball.
  8. The exceptional toughness of the stone makes it suitable for the finest carvings.

Place of Birth

Large deposits are located in:

  • Chinese province of Henan;
  • the states of Jammu and Kashmir (India);
  • the US states of Nevada, Wyoming and California;
  • the Guatemalan department of El Progreso (there are stones of a very rare blue variety);
  • Mexico;
  • Japan;
  • Kazakhstan (Itmurundy field).
  • In Russia, a jewelry and ornamental mineral is mined at the deposits of the Polar Urals (Left Kechpel, Karovoe, Pusierka).

The best samples of jewelry jade come from Myanmar (former Burma). Mining has been going on in Kachin State since the 13th century. Only here you can find precious stones of the "imperial" variety, which have extraordinary beauty and the highest quality.


Jadeite - contrary to popular belief, it can be painted not only in different shades Green colour. In nature, there are stones of white, pink, red, purple and blue flowers. It has been established that the gem acquires red or yellowish shades as a result of prolonged weathering.

According to the requirements of the trade classification, jadeites are usually divided into groups:


The best jewelry varieties are "imperial": pure translucent stones, painted in emerald green. The cost of such stones, sometimes cut, can exceed the cost of emeralds.


Natural jadeite of the utility variety is opaque and most often painted in a bright green color, although in nature there are stones that have a white matte color and a cloudy pattern. Quite rare are black shiny minerals. Coloring these ornamental stones characterized by heterogeneity.


Also devoid of transparency, characterized by the presence small spots and transparent veins. dyed green or grey-green color, they are most often used as a decorative ornamental material, and only a few samples are suitable for making jewelry.


Dark green, strewn with black spots, jadeites are called chloromelanites. His dark color they are due to impurities of sodium silicate, iron and aluminum.

Stones of dense green color with dark patches are called jade-albites or albite jadeites.

magical properties

The magical properties of jadeite are able to withstand the effects of any kind negative energy. A stone can protect its owner from envious people and ill-wishers, protect against street thefts, and avert major troubles.

Ancient people endowed the stone with the ability to change the weather, so with its help, sorcerers and shamans performed a rite to help stop heavy rain or cause rain in the midst of a drought.

A mineral that facilitates the search for a life partner, helps not only to create strong family but also to prevent the occurrence of conflicts, scandals and the likelihood of adultery. That is why it is often called the "peacemaker stone".

It is necessary to wear constantly for people suffering mental disorders: its effect will help to relax, soften anger, reduce nervousness.

For people with low self-esteem, the mineral will help to gain self-confidence, make the right and mature decision.

succumbing positive impact stone, its owner loses the ability to commit illegal and immoral acts.

Medicinal properties

The fact that the mineral has healing properties is indicated by its name, which in Spanish means "kidney stone".

There are two versions explaining the etymology of the name:

  1. The Europeans, who dubbed the gem jadeite, believed that it was able to heal a patient suffering from renal colic.
  2. They are often kidney-shaped.

Lithotherapists claim that the mineral heals the bioenergetics of a person, thereby improving his condition.

If you have health problems, jadeite jewelry should be worn constantly:

  1. The owner of the jadeite bracelet will gain vigor and can hope for the normalization of the heart rhythm. There is an opinion that with the help of a bracelet you can get rid of any ailments, especially psychological disorders.
  2. A ring with jadeite, constantly worn on the index finger of the left hand, can relieve eye strain and relieve myopia.

Jadeite necklaces and bracelets contribute to the healing of patients suffering from:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • stomach cramps;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • salt deposits;
  • bowel diseases.

Also used in the treatment of:

  • male impotence;
  • female infertility and frigidity;
  • diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • colds;
  • sleep disorders.

Green stones help to calm down and relieve stress. Red specimens, endowed with the ability to improve blood clotting, contribute to the rapid healing of wounds. White jadeites eliminate meteosensitivity and activate the immune system.

Jadeite can be used to treat pets, just put it next to the place intended for their rest.

Who suits the zodiac sign?

Ruled by Saturn, Venus and the Moon, jadeite is ideal for those born under the sign Libra. With his help, they will be able to build reliable family relationships.

The zodiac sign enjoys no less patronage Virgo. The support of the stone will make Dev more confident in their abilities.

Jadeite can count on powerful energy support lions.

For a person born under the sign of Capricorn, Cancer or Sagittarius, the possession of jadeite can only bring misfortune. Under the influence of a stone, he can become lazy, callous and mentally unbalanced.

Jadeite harmonizes well with representatives of all the remaining zodiac constellations, enhancing their positive qualities.

Talismans and amulets

For a long time, jadeite has been attributed close connection with the weather and natural phenomena. It is believed that a jadeite amulet is able to protect its owner from the revelry of the elements: fire, lightning, storm and hurricane.

A jadeite talisman will help a businessman make a successful and profitable deal, one has only to hold it in his fist during its conclusion.

The possession of a jadeite amulet, which gives a person prudence, helps him avoid mistakes and unjustified actions.

The owner of the stone acquires the ability not to get involved in conflicts, helping him to build relationships with work colleagues or family members.

Jadeite is a stone that heals the microclimate of family relationships. He gets rid of unreasonable jealousy, forcing them to trust a partner, helps to find a common language with children and facilitates the process of their upbringing, prompting in time what they should be protected from and how to help.


For the manufacture of jewelry - rings, pendants, brooches, beads and bracelets - use different types jadeite (most often related to the varieties "imperial", "commercial" and "utility").

The gold setting activates the hidden energy of the stone, while the silver setting helps the mineral to have a calming effect.

When creating jewelry with jadeite, the jeweler most often gives the stones the appearance of a cabochon.

Other uses of the stone

For a long time, jadeite was used exclusively as an ornamental stone.

In addition to jewelry, he went to the manufacture of candlesticks, goblets, caskets, vases and writing instruments.

Chipped jadeite, which has a lower quality, but greater blockiness, is an ideal stone for arranging a bath. This is facilitated by unique characteristics: high density, optimal heat capacity, the ability to withstand heating up to 1000 degrees, without collapsing or deforming during sudden temperature changes, including sudden cooling.

For a bath

"Bath" jadeite is used:

  1. During the construction of stoves for saunas and Russian baths.
  2. As a stone backfill for a sauna stove. Chemically inert jadeite that does not react with water even at very high high temperature, contributes to the formation of steam, which has a healing effect on all organs (especially respiratory) and tissues human body. It disinfects the air in the steam room, normalizes blood pressure and improves the condition of people suffering from diseases of the spine.

Jadeites are occasionally used in the manufacture of cutting blades for glass cutters.

A polished mineral is actively used in stone therapy: with its help, massage parlors perform unique massage faces and bodies.

AT ancient times incredibly durable and heat-resistant jadeite was used for wall decoration in paired rooms. Today it is used for interior design and construction.


The price of jadeite products depends on the quality of the stones used.

When evaluating a stone, consider:

  • its transparency;
  • color intensity;
  • grain;
  • presence of inclusions.

The cheapest (from 2 to 3 dollars per kg of crushed mineral) are utility stones. Jadeites of the "imperial" variety are valued above all. The cost of the most precious samples can reach 50 thousand dollars per gram.

You can buy stones and jewelry from them in specialized salons, at exhibitions and sales of gems and in online stores.


Since, due to improper care and careless cleaning, jadeite can lose its natural beauty and unique properties over time, it should be treated very carefully.

The rules of care are extremely simple:

  1. To store jadeite jewelry, you need a separate case with upholstered walls.
  2. Jadeite products should be protected from dust, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and mechanical damage.
  3. It is unacceptable to store a stone in a room with high humidity air.
  4. During cleaning, jadeite jewelry should be removed.
  5. Jade jewelry should be cleaned at least twice a year. To do this, it is enough to wash them thoroughly with warm soapy water with a piece of soft sponge. The washed jewelry should be blotted with a soft cloth and dry well. The use of chemicals is strictly prohibited.

How to distinguish from a fake?

The microstructure of natural polished stone is not smooth, but reminiscent of a porous orange peel.

At the time of buying expensive stones you can use a refractometer. The refractive index of natural jadeite is 1.65-1.66 units.

In 2016, a huge (weighing about 175 tons) jadeite monolith was found in one of the Burmese mines. The approximate cost of the stone is at least 170 million US dollars.

The world's largest cut imperial jadeite was presented in 1980 at the emporium (exhibition and sale) of precious stones, held in the capital of Burma - Rangoon. The cost of translucent emerald green jadeite weighing 750 carats was about 2 million US dollars.