Praise a person with beautiful words. What is a compliment? Difference and woman

99 Ways to Say Very Good.

1. You are now on the right track.

2. Great!

3. You did it.

4. Right!

5. It's good.

7. Exactly so! (Exactly!)

8. I am proud of the way you worked today.

9. You do it very well.

10. This is much better.

11. Good job!

12. I am happy to see your work like this.

13. You do it much better today.

14. You're doing a good job.

15. You are close to the truth!

16. This is the best you have ever done.

17. Congratulations!

18. This is what you need!

19. I knew you could do it.

20. This is a nice improvement.

21. Now you understand it.

22. Significantly !!

23. Finally!

24. Not bad.

25. You learn quickly.

26. By continuing to work like this, you will achieve the best.

27. This is good for you.

28. I couldn't have done better.

29. A little more time and you will succeed.

30. You made it easy.

31. You really did my job as a joke.

32. This the right way to get the job done.

33. Every day you do better.

34. You did it for so long.

35. That's not bad!

37. This is the way!

38. You haven't missed anything!

39. Is this method exactly for this?

40. Keep it up!

41. Unusual!

42. Great!

43. This is the best!

44. Absolutely!

45. Excellent work progress!

46. ​​Now you understand it.

47. Sensational!

48. This is better.

49. Now nothing can stop you.

50. Great!

51. This was the first class work.

52. Great!

53. Better yet!

54. Did you just do it?

55. It's better than ever.

56. Your brain has done a great job.

57. You will really succeed.

58. This is an outstanding discovery.

59. Fantastic!

60. Terribly great!

61. This is called great work.

62. You did it very well.

63. You've probably been practicing for a long time.

64. You do it beautifully!

65. How much you have done!

66. That's right!

67. You have really improved (anything).

68. Excellent!

69. I remember it well!

70. Congratulations.

71. You're right!

72. Hold on like this!

73. You did it just in time.

74. You did a lot of work today.

75. This is a way of doing!

76. Now you are getting a knack for this.

77. I like the way you think!

78. I am very proud of you.

79. It is very pleasant to teach such smart children.

80. Thank you very much.

81. You have surpassed yourself today.

82. I've never seen anything better.

83. You figured it out very quickly.

84. Your work has brought me a lot of joy.

86. All-Wright - in English - complete order.

87. Well, well.

88. Powerful breakthrough!

89. I have not seen this yet.

90. You are unrecognizable today.

91. This is already a success!

92. This is your victory.

93. Now you feel your possibilities.

94. You are a real master.

95. I am sincerely happy for you.

96. I cannot express my delight.

97. Great!

98. A beautiful thought.

99. I believe in you, you will always succeed no worse than now.

Remember the last time you complimented a man? And what was his reaction? Do men like to be complimented?

I believe that the compliments we give women (for example, “t I have the most beautiful, honey, you look so good"), Efficient and effective ...

Men also like it when they are told. pleasant words... This is our nature - we love when we are praised. But, are there always those sweet words that a woman says to her man is really a compliment? You will find out about this further.

And as always, I’ll tell you about the collations that a man WANTS to hear. But first I want to clarify why I decided to write this article for you.

Believe me, first you have to strive , and only then - to be understood. In this order. I want to emphasize that this does not mean at all that you put your interests in the background. Quite the opposite, as a result, both are satisfied.

What do compliments to a woman and a man have in common and how do they differ?

The compliments we give to each other have the same purpose - to show the importance of the beloved or beloved for us. So let's go in order. To begin with, I want to convey to you the importance of compliments to your beloved man.

Compliments to a man are necessary in order to instill strength in him, to give him support. Your words, when they bear sincere concern, are able to convey to the beloved that he “hero"He wants to hear about it, not guess. Praising him male qualities- you strengthen a man's self-confidence.

He needs to know that he is strong, that he has influence, that he has the gift of persuasion, for example. Let him know what you found in him "your hero. "

This article is valuable in that you will gain practical skills if you read it to the end. In addition, I will share “secret information ", which I give only at trainings.

Thanks to Eugenia! In their family relationship with a loved one, mutual understanding reigns. I'm happy for them.

Do you want to get the husband of your dreams? Then let's get started.

The purpose of complimenting a man is to maintain an emotional connection in a relationship.

First, let's remember what it is - emotional connection? V modern world there is an opinion that successful and functional relationships in a married couple are built on mutual respect and unconditional trust. And love, passion and other " romance"Is not a matter of the first importance,"
you can do without it " .

If in your relationship with a man there is a place for the same " romance"Then strengthens them" emotional connection". This is important for your communication. And I'll explain to you why.

Emotional connection, in a married couple, is the foundation on which your House is built. The house where you want to return soon. Do you know the feeling when you really want to get home after " have a bad day ", Where all the negativity of the day will not prevail over you. This is the place where the troubles lose their weight, become insignificant.

Be sure if you like married couple, do not create such an atmosphere for each other, then no one will do it for you. Such a setting is essential. After all, it can come to breaking up relations.

Ask yourself: do I want communication with my man to create conditions "security inside my House "? If "Yes"Then very effective method- compliment your man. And do it right.

But you could have done " correct"a compliment to a man. Tell me that none of the men you know has such extraordinary mental abilities... Believe me, it motivates to accomplishments. The mechanism is triggered - and the man, confident in his abilities, begins to act.

What is the right way to compliment a man?

So, the desire to return a smile on the face of your beloved, the desire to cheer him up is commendable and absolutely true. But in most cases, women use "supposedly tried and tested" methods that bring the opposite result.

For example: try to display it on " intimate talk". The catch here is that men mostly endure hardships " inside myself". And therefore for him “ vocalizing your problems"Is by no means an encouragement. On the contrary, it will move further away.

Remember, have you ever had this: to a sincere attempt to help his beloved, he reacted in such a way that he closed himself even more inside himself?

I want to convey that best compliment for a man - a phrase that characterizes your condition next to him, makes it clear that you are happy and grateful to him for being with you. A man wants to understand that you are happy with the way he looks after you. He wants to know that you feel happy next to him, appreciate what he does for you. Therefore, I want to present you with a very easy but effective method.

Pay attention to these 16 phrases, “ exposed"In compliments to a man. You can successfully use them in order to develop, improve those qualities for which you value him - courage, strength and similar character traits.

16 phrases denounced as compliments to a man ...

  1. Your smile turns me on / You make me lose my sanity
  2. I lose track of time when I'm next to you
  3. I think about you all the time when you're around
  4. I adore your smile. In the morning when I see her, she motivates me to be even better for you.
  5. Take my hand, let's go for a walk. I want everyone to see what I have great man
  6. Looking into your eyes, I want to dissolve in them. I want you. You nourish mine more vitality than the air I breathe
  7. I want you to hug me " whole body". Let the wind not even slip between us
  8. I can't think of anything else when you are next to me
  9. If you were a drink, I would drink you in one gulp / or vice versa - savor it, with a blissful smile on my face
  10. Having touched your world once, I was set on fire with the desire to be a part of it always
  11. I love it when you look at me like that. I feel loved
  12. When you speak, I can even hear your warm breath
  13. There is no such person in the whole world. That would be so valuable to me
  14. It was next to you that I understood the essence of the statement “ women love with ears". When you speak, my attention is riveted on every word you say. Your voice is a real magnet
  15. I admire your ability to do ... ... / your ability
  16. The best place on the ground where I can be - your strong embrace. I feel protected by your side

Compliments to a man are a weapon.

So, in your fragile hands is a tool with which you can create the man of your dreams.

You will be surprised how easy it is to have such a man by your side who meets all your needs. The main thing is that you do not deprive him of his freedom, because he wants it himself - TO BE THE BEST FOR YOU. Remind him that you feel protected next to him, and you will feel it more and more.

Inspire him that with such a level intellectual development does not compare « no head» at his work that he has no competitors there. This confidence will grow stronger every day. Fill the mind of your chosen one with this confidence.

And again about harmony. Not always your words can achieve the ultimate goal and cheer up a man. These words may seem faked, and he will perceive them as flattery. Believe what you say when complimenting a man.

Besides, men should not be over-praised. She gets her nose 🙂 This has been tested by more than one woman and more than one man.

Marilyn Monroe said: “ I agree to live in a world ruled by men as long as I can be a woman in this world". You have power, use it. This is how this world works.

But I want to remind you: I want to build happy families... And it is for women pursuing a noble goal - to create a family, healthy relationship, I also give the accumulated experience. And this experience is not meant to seduce a man and rejoice "purchase of toys ".

Lesson number 5 entitled "Secrets of Building Relationships" (within the framework of the training) gives a woman practical skills and techniques for withdrawing relationships with a man on new level... Including with the help of compliments.

Thank you for reading this article. It is very important for me to know that my words are of value to you! Save these phrases on your social media page. Remember, giving the right compliments to a man is making the right choice!

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In the relationship between a man and a woman, very important role playing support. It is important for a man to know that his passion believes in him. That is why women should not only support their boyfriends or spouses in all their endeavors, but also praise them for their success at work. Praising the representative strong half mankind, the girl motivates him to new deeds and new exploits. But, it is very important to know how to praise a man correctly so that he does not become arrogant. This is a fairly subtle science.

Main principles

It is necessary to study the information on how to praise a man from the basic principles of praise. It is most important for a man to know that for his lady of the heart he is the best and irreplaceable. This will be considered the highest compliment and the best remedy motivation for new feats at work or at home.

Of course, this information should be presented to your boyfriend or husband in as many different ways as possible. You need to choose very carefully and carefully, since in some situations this phrase can be said in reproach to a loved one, and not as a praise.

Other important principles praising a man:

  • Under no circumstances should he be compared with other men. Even if this praise is in his favor. For example, in no case can we say that his earnings are much more than the earnings of a friend's husband. This may please him, but it will not give an incentive to develop further.
  • In no case should you strongly praise a man for everything in a row, for example, for work, for housework, and so on. You need to learn to highlight special moments and only then praise. But do not forget to please your soul mate with kind words. Rare but well-aimed praise is the best compliment for any man.
  • All compliments in his direction must be sincere. In any case, sooner or later, your boyfriend or husband will understand that you are fake, and will stop taking all your kind sms and the words are serious. This will significantly affect his self-esteem and further life... Men's feelings are also very easy to hurt, so you need to be especially careful with this.

By observing all the principles of praise and compliments, you can independently create your dream man. The main thing is to find the right approach to your beloved.

The need for compliments

Praise, with or without reason, raises the self-esteem of any person. It is not customary for men to constantly say compliments, so you can rarely hear these words from the lips of women. And in vain, many women neglect such a concept as an ordinary compliment to their beloved man.

Praise helps a man to constantly keep himself in good shape and keep the bar raised to achieve high results in work and in life in general. It is important for a man to know that everything he does is not in vain, that someone will appreciate all his efforts and support him in all his endeavors.

Compliments make it easier to cope with different stressful situations... When everything around is not going the way he wanted, a man can lose heart. It is at such a moment that a woman should cheer up her soul mate and convince him that he is the best, and only he can cope with all the problems.

This is why compliments and praise are an integral part of being happy. life together and long, and most importantly - strong relationships.

Correct praise

How to praise a man correctly is a question many women ask. In fact, this is inherent in girls at the level of subconsciousness and intuition. It's just that someone knows how to use this knowledge, and someone does not.

The first thing to remember is that admiration for no reason, taken "from heaven", can inspire the idea that a girl is not sincere in her words and she needs something from a man. Therefore, before praising your man, think about whether praise would be appropriate in this moment time.

And here are the nice words in the right moment will not only cheer you up for the whole day, but also give a man confidence in his abilities and in himself. This behavior will show that the girl really follows everything that her significant other does, it will prove that she is attentive, quick-witted and knows when it is best to cheer up a man.

During praise, the voice should be calm and at the same time joyful. It is desirable that the praise comes from the heart and from the heart, and not simply because "so it must be said at this moment." Lies are very easy to distinguish from sincere compliment and any man will immediately notice the difference.

It is very important to give a competent assessment of the situation, and not just say with a formulaic phrase "you are the best with me" or "you are great." It is important to feel everything that happened and make your own positive assessment of what is happening. Then the man will understand that his activities really interested you and you are really sincerely happy with his success.

Compliments for friends

Any praise and compliment is, of course, an element of flirting. But what man doesn't like to be flirted with beautiful girl even if she's just a friend to him. Therefore, it is also very important for men - friends to say compliments on time in order to maintain a warm and friendly relationship.

Best compliments for male friends:

  • You are good at doing….
  • I need your advice.
  • I completely trust your opinion and your taste.
  • I am completely confident in you.
  • You are popular with women.
  • Your dreams enthrall me.

it commonplace phrases that will help a man feel like a real hero.

Please note that it is not necessary for male friends to talk about how great his physique is, how sexy he is, and other compliments in this spirit. For friends, these character traits are "prohibited", so do not focus on them. These phrases are best left to a girl who has serious romantic intentions for this man.

Compliment templates

Any man loves to be praised. E If your imagination is limited only to phrases that a man is the best and most powerful, then it is better to slightly replenish your vocabulary. There are several formulaic words with which you can easily compose the best praise in the life of every man.

If you want to emphasize his mind, then use the following phrases:

  • well-read;
  • quick;
  • erudite;
  • practical;
  • innovator.

In order to emphasize your appearance, use the following phrases:

  • courageous;
  • strong;
  • fashionable;
  • chic;
  • pumped up;
  • fit;
  • sexual.

If you want to pay attention to his success in various cases then it is better to use words like this:

  • talented;
  • clever;
  • irreproachable;
  • purposeful;
  • vigorous;
  • creative;
  • versatile;
  • principled.

The following words can be used to emphasize his personality traits:

  • friendly;
  • understanding;
  • reasonable;
  • caring;
  • responsive;
  • Dear;
  • popular.

As you can see, a few simple adjectives are enough to emphasize any certain quality... This is not the whole list, so you can easily supplement it based on your feelings for a man.

In the article you will learn:

How to praise a man with the right words?

Greetings to everyone who reads me! All women love to nag their husbands. When we are dissatisfied with something, because of our emotionality, we peck to a hole in our head. And then we wonder why, after coming home from work, the husband hides in the computer. After all, every person wants to be appreciated and shown their respect and love. So today I will tell you why and how to praise a man, as well as in what situations.

Do not flatter

I have met such girls who did not understand why this was necessary. It happens! It seems like he already knows all his advantages and disadvantages. And if I praise, then he will immediately understand that I am doing this on purpose and will take my words skeptically.

Men are really extremely sensitive to flattery.... There are, of course, those who do not care whether it is true or not, the main thing is that they look into their mouth and admire them. But most of them do not like idle talk and perceive only those compliments from your beloved, which are on business, and not just like that.

Speak with love

As for the need for positive approval, this is the basics of successful family relations... First, a compliment is one of the love languages ​​that you use to express a special relationship to your loved one. The only task is to understandwhat words need to be spoken.

Secondly, a man is the same person as you, needs the support of loved ones, may experience fluctuations in self-esteem... And it will be grateful to you if you support this self-esteem on high level... When you are loved and appreciated at home, the heights of success are achieved at work. Therefore, if you want your husband or boyfriend to get a raise, increase his income for the family, cheer him up and praise.

Appreciate the relationship

Third, if in childhood kind words my mother said, then in adult male companies it is not customary to say compliments to each other. Have you ever heard them in a conversation between men? I personally don't. Unless they can somehow evaluate a successful behavior or deed behind their backs. But they won't tell you.

Therefore, one can only hear kind words of support from women who try to please them or flirt.

Praising your partner will strengthen and preserve your relationship.

Fourth, men accept compliments in their address. directly and directly... If they are praised in some area, then they will become even more diligent in that area.

Be sincere

Instead of criticizing, reproaching and blaming, find something good and for that good praise. Men want to meet your expectations, but they don't always know how, give them direction and encourage them.

Note that some articles directly write about the carrot and stick method. But we do not train dogs, but we communicate with a person. Therefore, the desire to love, appreciate, respect your dear companion should be a natural desire, not a calculation.

And you will see, you will be reciprocated. More positivity, joy, gentleness, calmness will appear in relationships. And from the position of defense, the partner will move to open dialogue, relieve tension, if it has accumulated, build confidence in each other.

Rules and examples

So, I think you have already understood the basic laws of howrightpraise the man. I propose to get acquainted with complete list:

Here are some examples of successful praise.

  • Men are most pleased if you appreciate their work, ability or deed. But only if you really think so! For example, “Have you noticed how the team respects you? I also think that you are a tough specialist in this area. ".
  • Also, praise what they value in themselves or what they secretly dream about. For example, if your boyfriend is indecisive but takes a step towards you, praise him for it! "You are so determined and persistent that I want to follow you even to the ends of the world.".
  • If you really enjoyed his lasagna or baked chicken, tell me about it, why shut up! “How do you manage to cook so deliciously? I suggest you do it more often, we will enjoy it! "
  • Or the husband did what he had promised for a long time, but did not find the time for it. For example, I nailed the shelf. Be sure to praise, and do not exclaim "well, finally, it would be like this for a long time!" Instead, say: “Dear, look how beautiful you did! Now it will be much more convenient for me thanks to you! "... Believe me, he will fulfill his next promise much faster.

Common mistakes

However, watch out for the speech. So that the praise does not sound like a lesson! As I gave the example above, do not use phrases "Finally", "I told you it was not difficult", "I should have done this for a long time" etc.

In no case do not compare with others... Even if the comparison is in favor of the faithful. Therefore, phrases like “you are the best”, “the smartest among friends” will not be useful to you. Never talk about flaws, even complimenting it. It is best to remain silent and do not talk about what a cute tummy or a funny bald spot.

Avoid phrases that devalue the compliment. Let's say your loved one built a greenhouse with his own hands. Do not tell him that you did not expect this from him at all and could not even think that you were capable of such a thing.

And finally, as I noted earlier, watch the dosage otherwise you will get the opposite effect. Only praise when you are truly delighted, but try to do it more than once a year. And remember that excessive lisping will also be out of place. If the partner has low self-esteem, then diminutive words will belittle him even more.

Well, my friends. I hope now in your relationship there will be more positive and pleasure from each other! And I will be glad if you share yours. unusual compliments awarded to you or someone else.

June was with you and I will remind you that you can subscribe to the news and invite friends!

This article is for anyone who has any emotional disorders(neuroses, depression, addiction), emotional restraint, psychosomatic symptoms. And also for those who in their life are inclined to actively rationalize and intellectualize the events that are taking place. That is, it is dedicated to those who have an excess of emotional negativity in their lives.

To begin with, this article is intended for everyone who has any emotional disorders (neuroses, depression, addictions), emotional restraint, psychosomatic symptoms. And also for those who in their life are inclined to actively rationalize and intellectualize the events taking place (that is, for hypercontrollers). That is, it is dedicated to those who have an excess of emotional negativity in their lives.

Further. I will continue by clarifying what will NOT be in this article. There will be no hackneyed stamps in it. Postulates about how wonderful he treats himself positively. About the fact that it is important to love yourself. And "powerful" attitudes about the fact that praise is a way to increase your self-esteem. That is, I propose to move away from populism.

I suggest following the "Why - How" logic in this article.

How and why to praise yourself

What is praise as a positive reinforcement.

This is the way to express positive attitude to yourself. Again. Praise is the only way fix any of your behaviors as a habit. That is, on long term. This is the main answer to the question "why do you need to praise yourself."

Let's say you have an excess of anxiety and are learning to stop it. You need praise (read - positive reinforcement) every time you clean inner sensation uncertainty (rather than just waiting for anxiety to pass).

Or you're learning how to build boundaries in relationships - you need praise every time you implement an effective model of interaction with your partner.

Or you are boosting your self-esteem. You need praise every time you focus on your capabilities instead of mechanically comparing yourself to those around you.

And even about changing habits with addictive behavior, I generally keep quiet - there is a need for praise on a regular basis (with each overcoming of an impulsive craving for the subject of my addiction).

How to praise yourself.

Step 1. Nobody praises themselves for something out of the ordinary. Praise themselves for routine activities.

Let me explain. Unusual events in our life are 1% of all life events... This is what we call change. Change is always accompanied by a gamut of emotions and feelings. If these are positive changes (and we are talking about them in the context of the current article), then they are accompanied by a range of positive feelings. That is, your psyche ALREADY positively reinforces your behavior.

That is, praising yourself the first time you rode a bike, swam or spoke a foreign language is, to a certain extent, a waste of time. Since you are already covered by a wave of positive.

But praise yourself when:

    you get something through the stump-deck

    when you get the first step (and after it there are 9 more steps-actions)

    when you have done something effectively, but objectively the situation has not changed at all (since many more repetitions of effective behavior are required) or has changed quite a bit

This is an ART.

Step 2. Reflection.

The most important thing about praise is that it FOCUSES on some achievement. That is, you formulate what you have done. You snatch your key actions from a certain routine. You focus on your own successful behavior strategies.

How you praise yourself is also important. But - this is secondary compared to the fact that you are tracking an effective strategy of behavior.

Examples of NOT praise:

I am well done that I have coped with the problem. I am clever that I did not become offended. What a fine fellow I am, how cool I turned out to refuse (to someone).

In the above examples, I suggest you track and remember 3 basic ENEMIES OF PRAISE:

1) generalizations. Words such as: problem, difficulty, obstacle, bad, suffering, coped and other emphasis on what you removed or overcame, ONLY TAKE YOU away from real object your praise. Your job is to concentrate on what you were doing.

2) negative language. I didn’t take offense. I didn’t sit there feeling powerless. I didn't compare myself to anyone else. I didn't continue to think about suicide. All these any other similar formulations with the “not” particle concentrate and reinforce what is conditional negative for you. Therefore, once again, it is your job to concentrate on what you have done.

3) an emphasis on emotional reinforcement, and not on the awareness of one's own effective strategy of behavior. Praise should start and 80% of your attention should be devoted to exactly WHAT you did effectively, correctly, successfully or adequately to the situation.

That is, praise focuses on:

  • What I've done
  • how exactly did i do it

Step 3. emotional epithets addressed to you.

Everything will be simple here. The main thing to remember is that the emotional part of the reinforcement can be anything, the main thing is that it resonates for you personally. That is, NEVER use any universal stamps. They are short-lived.

Place emphasis on:

What am I. You can use any epithets that resonate within you. Which make you happy, cheer you up, or you just like it. That is, you take the pronoun "I" and attach it to who you are.

"Clever", "well done", "handsome", "goddess", "genius", "cunning", "master of his craft", etc.

As it was for me. You can use any metaphor for HOW you got what you got. Take the pronoun in the form "I had it" and add whatever metaphor you like.

“Adorable”, “Epic”, “Cool”, “Amazing”, “Effective”, “Effective”, “Cute”, “Right”, etc.

What am I worthy. This variation is ideal for those who are self-critical of themselves and tend to engage in self-flagellation. The emphasis is on what you deserve through your behavior. Take the pronoun "I" and add what you deserve:

Praise, admiration, approval, pride, encouragement, etc.

Once again. Emotional epithets challenge - YOU LIKE. published.

Alexander Kuzmichev

You still have questions - ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we are changing the world! © econet