Instructions behavior in the office. The main rules and rules of business etiquette of an office worker and civil servant. The fragrance of spirits is something personal, and only the closest is noticed. Take care of colleagues and, of course, about customers who

We are learning from childhood, how to behave visiting. What about the workplace? Business etiquette is a security deposit in the office space. However, not all experts are observed sustainable ruleswhich can make life easier. Rjob found out who should first serve a hand for a handshake and can I use emoticons in correspondence.


Polite colleagues necessarily greet colleagues and respond to a greeting. If there are dozens of employees in your office, it is not necessary to greet every individual, you can wish good morning Or the day to all the gathered.

The initiative of the greeting of senior positions comes from the younger. The initiative of the handshake, on the contrary, -. Came your hands through the table is not recommended.

Get out of the chair during a greeting if a client or partner enters the room.

Telephone conversations

An important part of the business etiquette is a conversation by phone. Frequent conversations on the mobile phone for personal purposes, loud ringtones of calls and SMS alerts is bad tone. If you need to urgently use the phone, and this call does not have anything to do with work, do not make colleagues involuntary listeners. If the conversation occurs more couples-triple minutes, talk outside the Cabinet.

It is unprofessional to dive into the phone, being at the meeting. You can answer the call in this case with the resolution of colleagues. If a long conversation is to come, apologize to the gathered and go talk to the corridor, so as not to interrupt.

If we are talking about business negotiations, remember several important nuances:

  • Do not call partners in the first and last hours of the working day.
  • If you call the older to a colleague, then it will be the initiator of farewell.
  • If they communicate equal in the status of the staff, then the first tube puts the phone.
  • Remove the tube after 2-3 calls.
  • Talking on speakerphone Assume if your colleagues and the interlocutor do nothing against.


Daily office employees send dozens e-mailBy supporting communication with colleagues and partners. From proper design Messages largely depend on the result of a virtual dialogue.

If you can eat, send letters to the partners on branded form. Be sure to specify the subject of the letter. In the letter itself, do not forget to greet the addressee, set out the essence of the problem or suggestions, ask questions of interest and say goodbye. The first business correspondence finishes its initiator.

If the letter is urgent, then you need to answer it within 2-3 hours. Answer to a regular letter is made to wait no more than one day. If three days later the sender did not receive a response, he can send a repeated letter or contact the addressee in another way.

7 days passed, and the recipient of the letter did not come to contact? Such an act can be regarded as unwillingness to support cooperation.

Separate point - reduction and emoticons. They are permissible in informal correspondence, for example, if colleagues communicate in a corporate chat. In letters, supervisory or partners have such a library under the ban.


In each team there will be owners of enviable chapels, which surrounding those surrounding. Having obtained compliments, the painted ladies strive to eclipse Rapunzel, building intricate designs on the head or allowing curls to flow freely on the shoulders. From the point of view of business etiquette, it is incorrect.

In large firms, employees and employees are recommended to have neat hairstyle without frills. If your hair is lower shoulders, collect them in the tail, braid or bundle. And do not abuse stacked meansAfter all, some of them have a specific aroma, unpleasant to others.


There are lung daytime and there are saturated evening flavors. Going to the office, forget about the latter (of course, if we are not talking about corporate party). Sweet, spicy notes are too intrusive and can annoy your colleagues.

Do not forget that some flavors cause people allergic reactions, there are often cases when employees complain about headache and the inability to concentrate attention, and all because of the eager aroma of someone's spirits.

The same applies to fans of aromatherapy. Before putting on the table, impregnated essential oil, ask colleagues, will not give them discomfort.


If your company is, then violating the rules of business etiquette is difficult, except that you are a rebar and an enemy of white collars. And what about those who have more or less informal office furnishings?

Employees who give fantasy will make a serious mistake. Say, if the chef did not enter the rules, you can go to work in your favorite short shorts, and in comfortable sweaters with dead elbows.

Do not forget that every employee of the company is her face, and they meet for dressing. Therefore, if you do not want to harm the image of the company, leave controversial outfits For other cases. Fresh shirt, jacket, laconic jumper, trousers, skirt to knees and clean shoes are perfect for the office.

Upper clothes must be hung in the place specifically reserved for this. Those who use the back of their chair as a hanger are incorrectly or put clothes on the bedside tables and window sills. Exception from the Rules - If you ran to the office for 15-20 minutes. In this case, it is allowed to take a coat or jacket.

There is constantly communication between people, in a public and business environment. Knowledge of rules and standards of business etiquette helps to establish the necessary connections, increase the level of customer loyalty or colleagues in relation to yourself. One of the significant elements of the culture of business communication is the decent behavior of people, their moral values, manifestations of conscience, morality. The success of the enterprise largely depends on the microclimate in the collective. If employees competently and clearly, and most importantly, the company is developing and grows.

Etiquettes are norms (laws) about manners, the peculiarities of the proper behavior of people in society.

Business etiquette is a system of principles and rules of professional, official communication / behavior of people in the business sector.

Compliance with the rules of etiquette is necessary for all self-respecting people, but it is especially useful for those who seek to build a career (business). In business interaction great importance There are factors such as reputation, information and communication. The more information, the more competent you can build communication.

The fundamental rules of business etiquette include:

  1. Timely fulfillment of duties, punctuality. In the business environment are not allowed. It is also not ethically forcing to expect an opponent during negotiations.
  2. Not disclosing confidential information, compliance with corporate mystery.
  3. Respect and listening to listen. Friendly and respectful attitude, the ability to listen to the interlocutor without interrupting, help to establish contact and solve many business questions.
  4. Dignity and attention. And their knowledge / forces should not move into excessive self-confidence. It is necessary to calmly perceive criticism or tips from the side. Attention should be taken towards customers, colleagues for work, management or subordinate. If necessary, assist and support.
  5. Correct appearance.
  6. The ability to competently speak and write.

An important indicator of business culture is the order in the working area. It indicates the accuracy and adhering of the employee, to organize its ability workplace And working day.

In the culture of business communication, pay attention to non-verbal (probitive) manifestations of etiquette. Do not turn away from the interlocutor. With the explanation, it is not necessary to gesticulate or make a grimace.

According to the rules of business etiquette, the first person is among the dominant position, then all the others, respectively, the staircase of the business hierarchy. Business - the order corresponds to the following division:

  1. Status.
  2. Age.
  3. Gender differences.

A man must accompany the woman to the left of her. This rule is due to the fact that in the old days, the gentleman, being left of the lady, occupied a more dangerous place when driving on the road. The carts with horses moved simultaneously with passersby, since in those days there were no sidewalks.

In business relations between and subordinates, subordination must be observed. Pointing an employee error is in a personal manner, not in the presence of the team.

Business correspondence

Correspondence of a business character is a system of requirements (standards) that must be followed in order to correctly and competently draw up a document. First of all, you need to decide on the type and urgency of the letter delivery. And also with the availability of a document for the recipient, it will be one letter or several, with clarifications / lists / sentences. The letter must be competently written in terms of spelling and stylistics.

The design of the document must correspond to existing templates, depending on the type of writing (for example, the accompanying). When drawing up a document, it is necessary to be guided by the regulations on request for issuing documents [GOST R 6.30-2003].

A business letter should include a company name that acts as a sender; date of sending and address of the recipient. It is also necessary to specify the initials, the position of the recipient or the department in which the letter is sent. The bulk of the letter consists of accession / treatment, themes and brief description The objectives of the document, then there is text and conclusion. At the end of the document, the signature of the sender is set, and applications or copies are specified if available.

- type of document;

It is necessary to avoid the situation when the incoming message falls into the "Spam" folder, and the addressee can delete the letter without reading it.

The letter must be simple and understandable, without an excessive number of professional terms. The business correspondence does not allow the use of jargon and phrases having a double meaning.

If the letter has an international orientation, it must be drawn up in the recipient's language or on english language. The answer to the letter must be provided:

- by mail - no later than ten days;

- In negotiations using the Internet - from 24 to 48 hours.

Business correspondence must prepare efficiently and recheck several times before shipping. Not a correctly composed letter with spelling errors may harm the company's reputation, since the business document is business card firms.

Business rhetoric

Rhetoric in the business world is the art of eloquence, the ability to effectively and convincingly convey the thought to the listeners. Here is important diction, correctly set, intonation. A significant aspect is the ability to prevent not only information, but also yourself. In business rhetoric, the principles of speech impact are used:

- availability;

- associativity;

- expressiveness;

- Intensity.

Rules of business communication

A significant condition of business communications is a speech culture, which is manifested in literacy, correctly selected intonation, vocabulary And the manner of conversation.

A prerequisite for communication in business circles is respect, goodwill and ability to hear the interlocutor. In order to show serious attitude To the words of the speaker, you can take advantage of " active hearing", Selectively repeating utteral utterances or a little paraphrasing them.

Stages of business communication have the following division:

  • Preparation for discussing issues (business meeting). It is necessary to make a plan of negotiations, the concept of conducting conversation, arguments and counterators, study the point of view of the opponent to various issues, prepare proposals for solving the problem.
  • Opening part (greeting, appeal), installation of communication between business conversation partners. It is important to the right, respectful principle, creating light Trust setting, it is also necessary to interest the interlocutor, to cause interest in the problem and discussion in general.
  • The statement of the essence of the question, argumentation, bringing the arguments and counterractation. Discussion of the problem, search for ways to resolve controversial issues.
  • Establishing the optimal solution and registration of the agreement.
  • Final part (appeal, farewell / farewell words).

Rules for business communication by phone

To communicate by telephone in the business sphere, the principles provided for common rules Business communication and rhetoric. Speech must be competent, intonation of friendly, information must be issued essentially, without introductory words or long pauses.

The incoming call must be answered no later than after the third call of the telephone. The next step is a greeting (the phrases "Hello" are not allowed, "listening"). It is necessary to say hello, after which it is possible to voice the name of the organization and introduce yourself to himself. Next, clarify the cause of the call, explain the questions of interest to the opponent and politely say goodbye. If you need to make an outgoing call, the rules for conducting a telephone conversation are the same as in the first case. The only exception is the need to ask a question called the Subscriber about whether it is convenient to talk, and can he give you his time. We need to be interested immediately after greeting speech.

If the caller asks the employee who is missing at the moment at the workplace, which answered the call must offer his assistance, in case of refusal, you should ask what to convey to the missing employee.

Business style clothing

Compliance with generally accepted norms and rules in organizing their external view It is a mandatory aspect in the rules of business etiquette. In some large companies There is a corporate dress code. You need to pick clothes in the classic style, are not allowed too frank, bright things, with elements ripped fabric. The appearance should be neat and neat. Attention should be paid not only correct selection Clothes, but also appearance in general (state of nails, hairstyles, shoes, makeup in women).


Business etiquette occupies a special place in the art of behavior. If, violating certain norms of behavior, in everyday life and in society, you risk mainly by your reputation of a person's educated person, then in business such mistakes can cost greater money and career. The great master and teacher in the field of business relations Dale Carnegie argued that the success of a person in financial affairs for fifteen percent depends on his professional knowledge and eighty-five - from his ability to communicate with people. In fact, any business is coordinated actions of many people, and the effectiveness of these actions directly depends on their ability to establish relations with each other.

It is well known that the driving force of the economy is the needs of society and production and competition. These factors determine the continuous restructuring of national economies and the global economy as a whole, accompanied by the disappearance of individual firms and even industries and the emergence of others. At the same time, the fate of a separate employee in such sophisticated conditions It depends not only on the fatality of rock and the will of the authorities, but also on the conformity of its qualities and potencies facing the objectives. It is not enough to be able to fulfill their mission - you need to be able to play this role before others so that they believe in you. In short, you must be able to behave so that necessary people There was a favorable opinion about you.

Thus, the ability to behave properly, i.e. Compliance with etiquette, has become one of of most important conditions and ways to break out into the pond and save leadership in business. In other words, firmly align that compliance with business etiquette is one of the elements of your professional strategy.

Little just to be a polite and educated person. We need specific knowledge of the subtleties of this area of \u200b\u200bhuman relationships. And their great set: how and when to say needed word Or silent, make a corresponding gift to the event, how to make a useful circle of communication, the ability to organize a business meal and behave on it, etc. etc. - And all with that sight, so that these contacts and actions have a favorable reflected on the affairs of the company and your own.

The rules of etiquette can be varied in separate firms and industries. You must know these features in each case. In addition, the globality of economic relations obliges people to know the rules good tone other countries. The violation of these rules leads to the rupture of business connections and turns into the loss of sales markets.

Basic rules of behavior at work

How to contact.

Each company has its own "Tabel about ranks". There are employees who are called by name, others addate only by name. Newly accepted work should carefully look after the manner of communicating colleagues with each other and follow their example.

If you enter into the number of responsible employees, to which they appeal by the name, but themselves, chatting with the boss with an eye on the eyes, call him by name, in the presence of other employees you should call him named after the patronymic. When you take a more modest position, you will be better to postpone while the colleague presented to you will not ask for him by name.

Regarding how official the nature of the relationship between employees of a particular institution, each of them has a name. No one, even his secretary, in a conversation with anyone should not be called "my girl."

Requests for help.

Regardless of whether you are in submission of people or anyone, sometimes there are such situations in which you cannot do without the help of others. These "others" can be your subordinate or simply colleagues. Whatever the post you have occupied, never to anyone should apply as a request sounding like an order or requirement. You will be helped with a greater hunt, if you turn your request to a fairing portion "Thank you" and "please."


Part of the day every responsible employee always works with the secretary: with its help he disassembles the mail, dictates the letters to her, discusses the procedure for the behavior of the appointed meetings, etc. In the routine of everyday life are easily forgotten by the most pleasant sides Human communication, which are designed to make such meetings more joyful, but, despite this, it is completely unacceptable to shout: "Lena! Go here! " Or engage in fulfilling duties without a shadow of smile, with a gloomy face expression. If you refer to the secretary, say, so: "Lena, when you finish making this letter, be kind, go to my office, I have to dictate something to you," in this appeal it will not only recognize the fact that that at the moment Lena is busy business, at the same time you will turn your order to request.

When you will tell you at the meeting of project managers: "Jim, the Craus project requires some refinement. Could you turn it on in your work schedule in your next couple of days? " Thus, you recognize the importance of the work schedule of Jim, as well as as in the previous example - contact him with a request, and not give a hard order.

Focusing on the word "you", and not on the word "I", the head, thereby, how it is to understand and Lena, and Jim, and the rest of its employees, that each of them is involved in common causewhich they all serve. If you say: "I want you to come ..." or: "I need you to finalize the Craus project," the tone of your request will be completely different.

Relationships with colleagues.

In some cases, contact the colleagues with a request for help is not easy. No one loves lazy people and loafers who spend on every corner about what they are talking at work, and in fact they cannot even bring one task to the end and constantly do their questions around. At the same time, everyone will consider their duty to stretch the hand help to someone who will always be eagerly shared experiences and knowledge with others.

Relationship between men and women in the service

If we proceed from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe equality of men and women and be guided by the requirements of ordinary courtesy, the question of how to build attitudes from the opposite sexes, disappears by itself.

The door opens the one who is closer to it.

The first elevator includes or comes out of it, which is closer to the door.

Seek another gives one who has a lighter at hand.

And men and women climb from the chair to greet the client or the visitor, regardless of its sex.

And men and women exchange hands; The service has no rules prescribing who must be the first to give to another hand.

Regardless of who invites someone to Lunch, I pay inviting.

If all employees in the office use a common coffee maker, both men, and women in turn are boiled coffee and wash the coffee maker. The idea of \u200b\u200bwhat prerogatives cook coffee is exclusively female business- one of the most typical prejudice, and leading " household"At work, women are engaged on a par with men.

Personal services, such as the secretary addressed, please attribute clothes into a dry cleaning or buy a gift for the head of the head, are not part of official duties, unless their implementation is specifically specifically accounted for when hiring to work. If someone really really needs a similar service, then his request to fulfill this instruction should be personal.

Neither men nor women at work should be called employees with dimensional names and nicknames.

Even when you would like to behave at work just as in the non-working atmosphere, do not let yourself. Do not forget that business lunch is not an invitation for a date. A woman should not wait until the man is halain to move her chair to help sit down, and the man should not be considered obliged to do it. She will completely be able to take care of himself, like her satellite.


If the service is allowed to eat in the workplace, you must follow regular rules Compliance with purity. Do not leave dirty cups and plates everywhere. After eating, erupting the crumbs and wet spots from the splashing drinks. The spectacle of how people eat, the special pleasure of present does not deliver. As soon as you finish eating, throw away the residues of food, if possible, in a beautifully closed trash can, and not in the garbage basket, located next to your table or your colleague table.


Come to work on time; do not be late at meetings; Purchase reports in deadlines; Do not glanitate constantly on the watch waiting for the end of the working day. If you can't meet the named deadlines, tell your boss about this when he will give you a commission convincingly arguing its position.


Responsible employees of corporations often express concern about the fact that many of their subordinates are not literate enough, they allow punctuation and spelling errors, they don't write names, they cannot correctly split the text on suggestions and paragraphs. If you are not enough knowledge, you will pass a re-training course or advanced training courses. If you are simply irresponsible to come to business, think about how every your mistake can cause damage to work, and try to treat your duties more conscientiously.

Do not waste time.

Not depending on how much you are diligent and diligent, it is often that colleagues use communication with you as an excuse for justifying the gift of spent time - both their own and yours. Sometimes they find thousands of ways to tear you away from the case, but at the same time it is not always worth paying attention to them. In most cases, you should politely get rid of their annoying.

If you call you some amateur to chat, catching the essence of his reports, you can interrupt the flow of the eloquence of this person, such as, for example, words: "I understood your request and send you the relevant form. Thank you for the call, and now, unfortunately, I have to go. "

In the case when you have already agreed with the visitor, and he does not think to leave, climb from the chair and tell him: "I am very sorry, but now I have to return to urgent matters."

If someone asked you: "Do you have a free moment?", And you have absolutely no time, or you know by experience that this "minute" stretches for a whole hour, your position should be adamant. "I have a minute," you should tell you, "but if you don't put it for it, we'd better talk about another time."


Try to think about the employees around you. At work, as in the family, constant communication brings together people. You can improve relationships in your working team, paying attention to the needs of others and avoiding such actions that annoy them. Budget Book Birthday, friendly service, calm behavior that does not distract others from the case - all this can contribute to the creation of a benevolent atmosphere around you, and they will say about you as an employee who can work with people.

In addition, the warning will help you avoid embarrassing situations that can occur from time to time in any department. For example, you are in someone in the office, when the phone rang there - although you can't know, this call is or not, - you'd rather climb from the chair and ask: "Maybe you will wait in the reception, While you talk? " If someone enters the office with the obvious intention to find there who is currently missing, you could ask the included: "Can I help you something?" In short, be prudent - it means to follow unwritten rules courtiness and B. the right moment Coming to people to help, when they themselves do not solve you to ask you about it.

Manifestation of the initiative.

And bosses and employees with condemnation refer to the manifestation of aggressiveness. As for the initiative, it is welcome. Where is the watershed break between them? Aggressiveness is invincible invading in life, reflecting a person's attempt is established by force; The initiative moves people to accomplishment, helps to achieve jointly designated goals.

What should be avoided in the general case.

If compliance with the above-listed rules of behavior in service can help you climb on the service staircase, the following actions may forever leave you at the very bottom.


Do not discuss with the colleagues of other employees of your company either at work or in a friendly atmosphere. The word is not a sparrow, crashes - you can't catch.

Lack and late.

Try as little as possible absent in service during working hours. If you are put on three personal short-term leave or ten days that you can spend your homes at home, avoid using them without necessity. It should not be at work in the wrong arrangement of the Spirit: no runny nor headache Do not free you from official duties. And regular lack of work will be listed in your personal business and become part of your reputation.

Come to work a few minutes before it starts, and let it take you to prepare for the working day.


Be always tightened and neat - the hair must be hairstyles, the shirt is refilled in the pants, the shoes are studied, the costume is revealed. On your desk should reign cleanliness and order. Jumping is only evidenced by the fact that you feel about the work after the sleeve.

Discussion of personal problems.

Personal problems better leave at home. Even in the case when colleagues are at the same time are your friends, questions that are not directly related to the service, it is better to discuss not at work; Therefore, you act correctly, paying them attention to your own own time. In addition, in this case, your personal life It will not be the subject of the Obes of all employees of the department. Promotion contribute to professional qualityAnd attempts to solve personal problems during working hours do not testify in favor of your business qualities.

Disclosure of confidential information.

When you have access to information for official useYou should take care that it remains confidential. You may be aware of not yet devoted to the publication of plans, secret information of a financial or personal nature; Do not disclose what you know. If you do not know whether a certain information has a closed character, ask the leadership. Do not forget that the size of your salary also relates to information not subject to disclosure; So to this and relate.

Visits to relatives.

Despite the fact that your wife (husband) and children can be very interesting to see where you work, the satisfaction of their curiosity will not speed up your promotion. If you, nevertheless, decide to show them your workplace, do it on weekends, when anyone from employees will not be at work.

Personal calls.

Make sure that you are called to work on your personal nature in cases of extreme necessity. Frequent telephone conversations that are not related to the service always attract the attention of other employees. Such conversations hinder the surrounding work, and they will soon be treated as a non-serious person.

Waste of time.

Telephone conversations are not the only opportunity to spend working hours into the back. With the same success, it can be killed, aimlessly lunged on the room, reading magazines or chatting with other employees about cases that have nothing to do with work. Do better than the fulfillment of their immediate responsibilities, and if you have nothing to do at the moment, you can help someone from colleagues. Try to imagine the impression that your chief is about you when he notes that you are wasting the time actually belonging to you, but the company.

Is it worth getting down?

She was writing another Shakespeare: "Never take off and do not go to the debt." It happens very difficult to refuse a colleague who asks you to give it a sticky tape or postage stamp. It is much easier to do not ask anyone from employees about such biases. The permanent "begging" not only takes time and from you, and the surrounding, but also depletes the stocks of their stationery. Incidentally, you really don't have any need: pay back your needs and according to them to all that you may need to work.

Borrow money is even more dangerous, as it can upset already existing good business relationship. Now, when at our disposal, there are round-the-clock ATMs, first should be checked how much money is on your money your own accountAnd only in the case when they ended, you can seek help to others. At the same time, we should not forget that if you do not have a card for an ATM, if necessary, you can pay credit card costs. It is better than taking money to debt or lent them to employees.

Rough Bran.

Avoid at work strong expressions. It doesn't matter whether someone from your colleagues can eat them in your vocabulary, or not. In order to advance by service, they will not help you.

Chewing gum.

Leave this pleasure for the house. At work, it distracts from the case, sometimes the people are unpleasant by chasing, often such a habit calls the harness at the employer.


Try not to smoke in the workplace. If you are an avid smoker, you can go into a place specifically allocated for smoking and arrange a cross.


Ryumka for Lens, if you and the client decided to talk about affairs in the restaurant, will not bring you much harm, but if you overdo it, the consequences can be just a catastrophic. You never should drink at work.

Business etiquette is perhaps the most logical type of etiquette. Everyone understands what is permissible to do in the office, and what will look extremely unprofessional. Wherein non-case rules Violated with regularity. About the appearance, the relationship with the colleagues and the working atmosphere shows a specialist in etiquette Ekaterina Sartak.

Makeup and hairstya

Best of all in this matter stick to the golden middle. Not to rush in extremes from complete absence cosmetics before applying evening Makeup, inappropriately bright for work. Your makeup looks correct if: elusive tonal base, smooth transitions colors and blurred borders, eyes are slightly underlined, light classic Makeup. The main task is to give confidence by emphasizing the advantages and scarce of the flaws. Forget about combat coloring or non-accuracy in application cosmetics. My personal Council - Complete the exchange rate "for yourself." And remember, do not worship in the workplace, there is a ladies room for this.

As for hairstyles, it should look like this: clean hair, neatly laid, not overloaded with styling agents. If you are working in a serious company or participate in important negotiations, then the hair length below shoulders should be collected in a bundle or tail, with invisible or unshakable hair bands.


The appearance indicates your professionalism no less than your skills. Here style, relevance and restraint are of paramount importance. In all organizations, their rules regarding the dress code of employees, and, maybe they are not at all. The topic is very extensive to ensure all the nuances in one paragraph. However, there are several basic rules of good tone, which are always unhappy and everywhere, if we are talking about business etiquette. Namely: do not wear mini skirts, fitting dresses, things with a deep neckline, do not collapse a navel. Buying thing, look at the quality of the fabric and how much she is. Your clothes should always be clean and ironed. As for theobuvi, I recommend to refrain from high heel (maximum 8 cm). Shoes should always be clean, and it is desirable that a special changeable pair of shoes in which in ordinary life You do not go.


Remember, the perfume is very easy to overdo it. Being at the close distance with other employees, especially in a small room, consider how much you can feel your perfume around. If it is clearly heard, you can be sure that the rest are crazy. Adhere to the principle "The less, the better."

The fragrance of spirits is something personal, and only the closest is noticed. Take care of colleagues and, of course, about clients that you can simply push the obsessive aroma.

Remember that the expensive smell is natural and fresh, but in no case is not heavy, sweet and suffocating. It is possible to better use flavored oils or lotions with a favorite smell if the work is associated with direct contact with people. Or apply toilet water in one of these ways: the first when you spray a little perfume in the air right in front of yourself and pass through the cloud instead of applying it to the point of the pulse; The second option is to spray the perfume on the hairbrush and comb.


Your hands are an indicator of well-maintained and respect for customers. When they ask me about how it should look like perfect manicure office worker, I always say that these are short, neat nails with one-photon coating. Colors: Classic transparent pink, as it is the most unassuming in care and always looks feminine and stylish; bodily shades, slightly more matte; Classic red beyond competition (here you can attract both dark red, and burgundy), as well as varnishes of color precious metals - blue sapphire, emerald, purple-amethyst. Rhinestones and drawings on the nails do not recommend.


Lunch and snacks for the workplace - the case is often found. Few people think about the aesthetics of the process, hygiene and odors. If your work is directly related to meetings and negotiations, when customers can see you, then, of course, such is unacceptable, the question of the manner and the elementary service on the face. You can take a break and go to the dining room, or to the room, specially intended for dinners. And if there is no such room, then good reason Suggest an innovation to the life of the entire office. Cups with tea and coffee, plates or containers with crumbs have not yet painted any workplace, but it is likely to turn around or pour itself in increasing for all 200%. Obviously, but it is still worth saying: business etiquette and bow and garlic dishes are incompatible things.

Topic for discussion

There are topics that should not be discussed with colleagues in order not to worry about their image in the team and avoid unnecessary stories about you, even if you think that these people can be completely trusted. In particular:

    Your promotion / his absence

    The size wages

    Cost of someone else

    Mistakes colleagues and gossip

    Personal topics (age, lack of children, divorce, diseases)

I especially recommend to refrain from conversations on abstract topics when clients are nearby, as professionalism and competence are watched in you, and the laughter and conversations of workers who communicate with each other can push away.


When entering the room, we first welcome the colleagues there. Orally greet the youngest status / position with the elders. And the exchange of handshake from the opposite is the initiative takes on the senior. When a client or customer comes to you, always get up from your place to greet it. After the table, we do not exchange handshake, as well as holding hands in pockets. In Europe, in business etiquet, the exchange of handshakes, as a ritual, is obligatory, we have many of this are afraid of this, and in vain.

Not a woman, but an employee

This phrase lies the main difference between the business etiquette from secular - the woman has no privilege, here it has an equal status with a man. Several examples for clarity:

  • If the door opens the door in a secular ethnic ethics, passing a woman forward, then in the business environment the door first opens the one who is closer to her.
  • In a secular reception, a man is elegted by a woman's chair and helps her sit down, and on a business breakfast or dinner everyone moves his chair himself.
  • In a regular life, a man always rises to welcome a woman or older man, and in business etiquet, a man and a woman always rises from the chair to welcome the client or visitor, regardless of his sex.
Why is it so accepted? In order not to be distracted from the main thing - from work.

Phone telephone Returns

If we are talking about a personal phone, then let it be on the mode of vibration or quiet melody, so as not to distract those surrounding outsiders. Work is not the most appropriate place For conversations about personal affairs, therefore, either go into a secluded place, or lay it on after time. At important negotiations business meetings In the cafe and restaurants the phone is not a place on the table.

In the use of the working phone, too, there are nuances. If we call, we definitely understand and ask whether it is convenient to talk. IN weekdays It is not recommended to make business calls to the first and last opening hours.

The call should be answered by about the third beep: on the first - get distracted from work, on the second - we focus on the call, on the third - we think what phrase will reply.

If we are with someone, and the working phone calls, you always ask permission to answer and, if necessary, move away from the interlocutor, so as not to distract your conversation, but no more than 2 minutes.

Etiquette and service

Know the etiquette rules in the business environment and services are very important. Service, in difficult conditions for the market and high competition, plays a huge role And it can actively influence the image and the development of the organization. Each employee is a person's person, and you need not just to know the rules, but also to keep them, work on the development of the culture of business etiquette. Remember how many times have you personally made purchases or transactions because of the incompetence of an employee or his repenting appearance, immobility or non-layerness? Of course, a lot depends on the head, and from each employee, as they say, "you want to change the world - start with yourself."

How to dress, coming to the office, the Russians are thinly understood. But the rules of behavior at work are not limited to the dress code. It is necessary to knock, entering the office, how to use the perfume, so that it is not annoyed by your colleagues, who should be the first to put the phone during telephone conversations. About these and other subtleties told teacher-consultant on etiquette and business protocol Tatyana Nikolaev.

1. Entering the room, you should immediately greet all employees. Of course, not a thunder voice, but so that you are heard. Do not quite use the word "hello", because it is still some kind of reference to health. Better use international standard - "Good afternoon."

Of course, in such a situation, it is better to answer the entered person at least nod (in the event that you are very busy and can not break away from business). But the perfect option is to welcome the eye colleague in the eyes.

2. This item more refers to women: expensive ladies, it is necessary to put yourself in order in the toilet room, and not in the workplace. There should also be performed by the spirits, but do it very carefully. Avoid spicy, hard aromas that are more suitable for the evening. Give preference to light, floral smells and not perfume, and toilet water. You should not smell outside 40 centimeters, the flavor can remain only in your intimate zone (20-40 centimeters), which is not taken to violate in the business environment.

3. Being in the office, welcome everyone, even if you personally do not know someone - Kivok, smile, friendly look. Nothing terrible if you greet the same person several times, everyone can get confused, there will be no such manifestation of attention.

4. When you enter the service room, knocking on the door no need. Thus, you give a person to understand that you do not suspect it that he is engaged in his workplace with some personal affairs. But this does not mean that we can enter at all without permission. The visitor must fully go to the room (no need to depict the speaking head, awkwardly peeking out of the door) and ask: "Can I enter?" If you are responsible in the affirmative - pass. In a situation where the manager, for example, speaks by telephone, but still shows you that you can enter, you need to close the door, make a couple of steps forward and expect when the head hangs the phone. Of course, when the manager has a secretary, we ask permission to enter it.

5. In a situation where someone from home calls on a mobile phone, you do not always need to leave the room.. Especially if the conversation takes literally a couple of minutes. It should be published when you have a long, serious talk. At the same time, it is necessary to put a certain framework in advance for their own, so that they are not called from the morning to the evening by some increasing issues.

6. Very many workers love to dry their umbrellas in open video . Allow yourself such a luxury you can only if it does not interfere with anyone. Take some kind of secluded corner where no one comes. No need to place an umbrella in the middle of an office, forcing colleagues to bypass the obstacle. If you need to dry it, then the easiest way to hang this accessory is on the hanger, pre-taking care that you do not order someone's shoes or clothing, or remove it in the package. This is a good way out, especially since the umbrella is better to dry not in the massacled form, but in the closed.

7. Our workplace should be how to speak others that a professional is sitting at this table, and not a glamorous housewife, sludge, etc. Of course, any woman has the right to hold the full drawer of spare tights, cosmetics, etc. (men have their own set). But it is better to hide everything from prying eyes.

No cacti, plush zoos and the like of things, it harms your image. The only personal thing that can stand on the table - family photo In a laconic frame, 1-2 maximum, and not 250 pieces. Expand them so that visitors can also see that they are depicted. This is not done so that you can boast, but not to cause a reflex desire to look at the fact that it is replete from their eyes.

8. Cut the speakerphone only with the consent of the interlocutor. Of course, sometimes you can close in your office and calmly solve work questions, but the person at the other end of the wire should be aware of how you communicate. By the way, you are responsible for the confidentiality of this conversation.

9. If you involuntarily witnessed some unpleasant phone conversation of your colleague, you can tactfully ask if everything is fine, can you help whether something happened to something, etc. Next, look, I want a person to share some kind of experiences or not, and proceed in terms of the situation.

10. Coming to work, switch the phone to the vibrating shifts and do not leave the device on the table (in the bag). At the same time, if someone from colleagues still left his cell phone and he suddenly begins to call, it is better not to turn off the device. Be careful and when the colleague will come back, ask him to do it anymore. If you fundamentally do not want to use the vibrating alert, then you remove the sound of the phone as much as possible and put some calm melody on the call, there should not be any turkey bubble or squealing.

11. Handshake - the thing is optional, but adopted in the business community. This is the only permissible tactile contact. The leader, senior man, can initiate him. There is no difference, who is a man or woman. When it comes to business ethics, forget to which sex you belong to and how old you are. The main thing is that only what you have achieved and what position is occupying.

If you come to visit someone to the office, then you have no right to initiate a handshake. This is the prerogative of the owner. But even if a person by ignorance makes this or another mistake, it is important that his hand does not hang in the air. The rejection of the handshake is punishment, it is necessary to apply it consciously.

12. Ends the correspondence by the one who began, i.e., the last letter should come from who wrote the first. For example, you ask your colleague in a letter to solve a certain question. He replies that it will take this in the near future. Your task is to write him thanks (confirmation of receipt).

13. B. telephone conversations There is a rule - if you call the boss, then he puts the first handset. But if you speak two equal in the status of a person, then the first to put the phone with the one who called.

14. No need to eat in the office with sharp odors, with all your love for Sellic, summer cabbage, garlic and cutlets try to do at work without them. IN obligatoryWhen you eat, you need to overlap access to you (external) people. You can somehow agree among themselves, and customers, partners, etc. do not have to witness how you dine or breakfast. If you really filed in the workplace, be sure to immediately remove the crumbs from the table, wash the dishes and ventilate the room.

15. If you are drinking only tea and coffee in the workplace, do not put a cup of documentsSince the paper may remain a trace, which will clearly speak not in your favor.

16. You definitely have the right to drink various drinks during the day, but the mug happened to look neat - no repeatedly boiled tea bags, traces from lipstick from the outside and such things should not be. Perfect option - Have a drink and immediately remove the cup from the table. The phrase "I will mine it tomorrow" better forget once and forever. Also, it is not necessary to bring a mug with strange inscriptions to the office, for example, I love aim. " The dishes should be simple.

17. To work, we come to work, and not to treat our colleagues. You can offer a drink to a visitor, and it is not necessary, unless the guest had to wait for you for some reason. Now in many places phrase "maybe tea or coffee?" Pronounce more often than really need it. Of course, this is a manifestation of hospitality laws, but best of all such laws work at home. If you have a nomination meeting, you can interrupt and offer something to drink something, but in a situation where the guest went to you for a while, it will be superfluous. The secretary must offer tea / coffee only in that situation when the visitor is forced to expect in the reception.

18. When you discuss some working moments by phone, the interlocutor should hear you. If you interfere with your colleagues, then, of course, you need to try to be shorter, but not to the detriment of the cause. In addition, there is always the opportunity to call mobile phone And go out for a more detailed conversation in the corridor.

19. On the working phone, of course, it is better to discuss only things. But sometimes with someone from partners we have closest relationships. It is permissible, but it is necessary to clearly understand that such conversations should not be empty chatter about something. It's rather the opportunity to establish good human relations, After all, without them - nowhere. Agree that much better and easier to interact with people who are pleasant to us personally. If a colleague from another company will begin to tell you about your new boyfriend, such things better still discuss outside the office.

20. Pupil people do not pass in upper clothes At your workplace, do not hang it on the back of the chair and, moreover, do not put on the table. There is a wardrobe for this. The only exception is when you ran into the office literally for 5-10 minutes and then again go somewhere. This option is allowed.