School uniform 1962. From the history of school uniforms. The history of school uniforms in Russia

Choice school uniform It is not at all an easy undertaking, because the child spends half of his youth in these clothes. Therefore, it should be as comfortable as possible and only carry positive effect children. In the world of synthetics, this question is extremely important and open every August - the peak month of school purchases.

1. Finding out the limitations.

It is necessary to start choosing a school uniform with a solution to the issue of restrictions in force in your child's educational institution. To do this, it is best to spend parent-teacher meeting, as a last resort, consult with the class teacher. If you have already gone through this, then make sure there are no changes. When you have not heard about the restrictions, we carefully study the issue, because every year more and more educational institutions return to uniform. Ask what your son or daughter should wear. It can be a suit, perhaps a skirt, a sundress, or just a black bottom and a white top. Perhaps the parents decide the issue of school uniforms collectively in an agreement with the school administration, order the uniform for everyone, the same or even a special one (with the emblem of the educational institution). In this case, there is nothing to choose, you just need to make a contribution. At the same time, one must doubt whether the form is of a high quality, whether the child will not sweat in it and, in the end, how it will wear off. We will find out all this and only then move on to other points.

It is worth noting that when ordering a school uniform for the whole class in a studio, tailoring, although it will be individual, will be even cheaper than store counterparts at a price. Think about it, this is how you can save and get quality clothes, tailored exactly to the size of each student, which cannot be achieved by buying a uniform in a store.

2. Health first!

When choosing a school uniform, the first thing to know is everything about the material of the clothes. Only natural fabrics should be present here, more precisely, as a percentage of synthetics, as natural as possible in order to be most suitable for a person. All this directly affects the health of children and is the first stage of choice.

According to the norms, the school uniform should consist mostly of natural fibers. In shirts, blouses, the percentage of natural ingredients must be at least 65%. In suits, however, this figure is lower and is equal to 45%, but here there must be a natural (in extreme cases, viscose) lining in order. These norms should be adhered to and not fall below the specified numbers. The health of the child really depends on this, because natural fabrics allow clothes to breathe. The most suitable fabrics are wool (or semi-woolen fabric), cotton or viscose, they are most pleasant to the body and have ventilation properties. With synthetics, the skin will not be able to breathe, which leads to sweating and the constant accumulation of harmful microorganisms under the clothes. Experts advise that cotton and linen are best suited for school uniforms for autumn and spring, wool and cashmere for winter. But, at the same time, synthetics can still be present.

3. A little synthetics can and should be.

Synthetic fabrics have one privilege; many of them don't wrinkle. Therefore, a certain percentage of synthetic fibers in school uniforms is desirable. In addition to health, it is also important appearance, and clothes from 100% natural fiber will be crumpled already at the first break. Also, completely natural fabrics quickly lose color and are very difficult to maintain. All this leads to the obligatory percentage of synthetics, the main thing here is not to go too far and not buy a fully synthetic school uniform. We also pay attention to the labels, where you can find all the information on care. The uniform must be washed, and not dry-cleaned, it’s easier and less likely to get dirty.

4. Size to fit.

Many mothers buy clothes to grow. Sometimes it happens, and vice versa, girls, wanting to show their slimness, force their parents to buy clothes one size smaller. In both cases, the actions are very wrong. Clothes will simply hang more and make a scarecrow out of the child, moreover, on next year the form is unlikely to come in handy, since you pass in the same for 7 hours every day more than a year, very few people succeed. Better to buy in time, it will be ideal solution... And mothers of fashionistas should immediately stock up on refusals, because tight clothing it's a direct route to the hospital. A tight skirt or trousers will cause abdominal pain, tight shirts, sundresses will interfere with breathing and, in addition, the child will overheat due to lack of ventilation under the clothes. In addition, tight clothing will not allow the child to move normally and will restrict movement. But what about the games at recess? They will be, will be just like the ripped seams from mismatched suits.

5. Styles and fashion.

An important question is the question of fashion, what they wear with what. Here you should immediately make the child understand that a school uniform is not fashion accessory, it is meant to be educated. The student's or female student's uniform should be modest, which is especially true for high school students. And if you want to dress up, you can do this on a walk in the park and even on school disco... And to school, they dress decently here and mothers themselves must understand and choose modest clothes. business style... Truth to go too far here is also not worth it, young men are already part of society and understand about fashion more than many adults. Try to reach a compromise so that the daughter or son (with the son is easier in this sense) looks beautiful and modest at the same time. For example, a short skirt and a blouse showing the belly is vulgar, but the same short skirt, but a moderately strict blouse, is an excellent solution for a girl. It is pleasant to study in such clothes, which is a lot important factor our time. Remember that the child also wants to look beautiful, especially if it is already a teenager.

6. Sets for a boy and a girl.

Now that we already know how to choose the right school uniform, we will remind you, we will list what else you need to buy. After all, a school uniform is not just a suit, it is a broader concept for parents.

A school uniform for a boy consists of the following set: two trousers and two or three shirts, a formal shirt with a tie or bow tie, a jacket (and you can buy a vest, that is, a C grade suit), three sweaters or turtlenecks, two or three T-shirts, sport suit(we will also remember about him at the end), shoes. And all this is called: buy a school uniform for a boy. Many? You just haven't seen yet correct wardrobe girls.

The school uniform for a girl is more multifaceted and consists of two or three blouses, an elegant blouse, two skirts or sundresses (or a skirt and a sundress), trousers (for frosty days), a jacket, two or three sweaters or turtlenecks, several pairs of tights, a tracksuit and shoes.

We are already thinking out other accessories and clothing items ourselves, but the main things that are absolutely necessary are listed.

7. We remember about physical education.

A part of the school uniform is a sports suit - a uniform for physical education lessons. Do not forget about this element of clothing and, choosing, we are based here on all of the above principles. It can be supplemented by the fact that it is better to buy two sports kits, one for the gym, the other for the street. The second set should not be chosen warm, because even on a cold day, classes will warm up. And so that the child does not catch a cold, a sports jacket will help more, which you can throw on at the end of the lesson. The best fabric for a suit is cotton with synthetics, in tandem they will give the skin an opportunity to breathe, and will give durability in wear. For very hot days, you can buy shorts and tank tops. Also, don't forget about sports shoes.

8. The final touch is color.

The color of the school uniform is also an important factor in a child's development. It is best to choose colors that are muted, not bright, beige and greenish are especially relevant. According to psychologists, bright colours annoying and tiring, even the same white and black. This, of course, is a trifle, but science speaks of the extreme importance of color in human life.

On this we will say goodbye, information on the choice of a school uniform is given exhaustive. It remains to be patient, take a considerable amount of money, your child, and finally go shopping. Before the Day of Knowledge, school markets are held in many cities, where only everything related to studies is sold. The choice here is really great, and it will not be difficult for your child to find a new form at such fairs. And if something is unclear, we return to the portal "How to choose ...", we will always help, teach and tell you what and how best to choose.

The school uniform did not appear yesterday. After a period of chaos in school clothes, everything returns to its own circles: simplicity, practicality, expediency. These are the dominants and factors that the school uniform is subject to today. We used to wear our school uniforms with pride and it was not a problem for us that they all have the same. We valued knowledge, not gloss. Who knows, maybe it was right ...

Today, looking at first graders hurrying to school with their bouquets, at their first life lesson, i drew attention to what an amazing shape is now.

And I immediately remembered my first class, my bows and a white apron ...

No, my form was better, dearer, closer ..

How did the school uniform change?

The exact date of the introduction of the school uniform in Russia is 1834.

It was in this year that a law was passed that approved a separate type of civilian uniform.

These included gymnasium and student uniforms.

The introduction of uniforms for students in educational institutions tsarist Russia primarily due to the fact that these institutions were state-owned. In those days, all civil servants were required to wear uniforms, corresponding to their rank and rank, according to the "Table of Ranks". So, all teachers in state educational institutions (gymnasiums) wore uniform frock coats. Based on this, it was natural introduction and for students of uniforms.

The schoolboy's costume distinguished the teenager from those children who did not study, or could not afford to study. The uniform of the gymnasium students was a class characteristic, because only the children of noblemen, intellectuals and large industrialists studied in the gymnasiums. The uniform was worn not only in the gymnasium, but also on the street, at home, during celebrations and holidays. She was a source of pride. In all educational institutions, the uniform was of a military style: invariably caps, tunics and overcoats, which differed only in color, edging, buttons and emblems.

Caps were usually light blue with three white edging, and with a black visor, and a wrinkled cap with a broken visor was considered a special chic among the boys. In winter, headphones and a hood in the color of natural camel hair, trimmed with gray braid, were added to it.

Usually the students wore a cloth tunic. of blue color with silver raised buttons, belted with a black patent belt with a silver buckle and black trousers without piping. There was also an output form: a dark blue or dark gray single-breasted uniform with a collar trimmed with silver galloon. The knapsack was an invariable attribute of the gymnasium students.

Girls uniform

To attend the gymnasium, they had three types of clothing provided by the charter. First, the "must-have uniform for daily attendance," which consisted of a brown woolen dress and a black woolen apron. The charter required “to keep the dress clean, tidy, not to wear it at home, smooth it out and keep it clean every day. white collar". The dress uniform consisted of the same dress, a white apron and an elegant lace collar.

V full dress schoolgirls attended the theater, St. holidays, they went to Christmas and New Year's Eve... Also “no one was forbidden to have separate dress any model and cut, if the parents' funds allowed such a luxury. "

But the color scheme was different for each educational institution:

we know that the color of the fabric of the dresses of the schoolgirls was different, depending on the age: for the younger ones it was dark blue, for 12-14-year-olds it was almost aqua, and for the graduates it was brown. And the pupils of the famous Smolny Institute it was prescribed to wear dresses of other colors, depending on the age of the pupils. For pupils 6 - 9 years old - brown (coffee), 9 - 12 years old - blue, 12 - 15 years old - gray and 15 - 18 years old - white.

However, shortly after the revolution, as part of the struggle against bourgeois vestiges and the legacy of the tsarist police regime, a decree was issued in 1918 abolishing the wearing of school uniforms. Undoubtedly, in the early years of the Soviet state, wearing school uniforms was an unaffordable luxury in a country ravaged by world war, revolution and civil war.

From the memoirs of a graduate of 1909 gymnasium number 36 Valentina Savitskaya:

»The old uniform was considered a symbol of belonging to the upper classes (there was even a contemptuous nickname for a sentimental girl -" schoolgirl "). It was believed that the form symbolizes the unfreedom, humiliated, servile position of the student. But this rejection of the form had another, more understandable reason - poverty. The students went to school in whatever their parents could provide. "

The official explanations were as follows: the form demonstrates the lack of freedom of the student, humiliates him. And in fact, the country at that time simply did not have the financial ability to dress a huge number of children in uniform.

However, over time, when the era of experiments gave way to other realities, it was decided to return to its former image - to brown formal dresses, aprons, student jackets and turn-down collars. It happened in 1948, during the period of general “dressing up”, when department after department was dressed in uniform. The school uniform of the 1948 model actually copied the style of the uniform of the classical gymnasiums - both in color, and in cut, and in accessories.

She lived until the end of 1962 school year.

First-graders-boys of September 1962 went to school already in new form- no caps with a badge, no waist belts with a massive buckle, no tunics. The uniform for girls has barely changed

Brown woolen dresses with a black apron. It is worth noting that, in general, the school uniform for girls of the Stalin era was similar to the school uniform of tsarist Russia.

It was then that white "festive" aprons and sewn-on collars and cuffs appeared - over time, only the style changed somewhat, but not general essence forms of girls. V common days it was supposed to wear black or brown bows, with a white apron - white (even in such cases, white tights were welcome).

The boys were dressed in gray military tunics with a stand-up collar, with five buttons, with two welt pockets with flaps on the chest. The element of the school uniform was also a belt with a buckle and a cap with a leather visor, which the guys wore on the street.

At the same time, symbols became an attribute among students of youth: for pioneers - a red tie, for Komsomol members and Octobrists - a badge on the chest. In addition, in 1944, separate education was introduced, which, however, was abandoned in 1954.

The severity of the morals of the Stalin era extended, of course, to school life. The most insignificant experiments with the length or other parameters of the school uniform were severely punished by the administration of the educational institution.

Even the hairstyle had to meet the requirements of puritanical morality - " model haircuts"until the late 1950s were under strict prohibition not to mention hair coloring. Girls always wore braids with bows. The school uniform of the era of JV Stalin can be seen in the films "First Grader", "Alyosha Ptitsyn develops character", and "Vasyok Trubachev and his comrades."


The "warming" of the regime did not immediately affect the democratization of school uniforms, however, it did happen.

The cut of the uniform became more in line with the fashion trends that took place in the 1960s. True, only boys were lucky (we can see schoolchildren of the late 1960s in the cult film "We'll Live Until Monday")

Boys since the mid 1970s have gray woolen trousers and the jackets were replaced by trousers and jackets made of blue wool blend. The cut of the jackets was reminiscent of the classic jeans jackets(the so-called “ denim fashion») With shoulder straps and breast pockets with brace-shaped flaps ()). The jacket was fastened with aluminum buttons.

An emblem (chevron) was sewn on the side of the sleeve. soft plastic with a drawn open textbook and a rising sun - a symbol of enlightenment.

1980s: Perestroika in action

In the early 1980s, the high school uniform was introduced. (This uniform began to be worn from the eighth grade). Girls from first to seventh grade wore brown dress as in the previous period. Only it was not much higher than the knees.

For high school boys, trousers and a jacket were replaced by a trouser suit. The color of the fabric was still blue. There was also an emblem on the sleeve in blue. On this emblem, in addition to the sun and an open book, there was a stylized image of an atom.

Very often the emblem was cut off, as it did not look very aesthetically pleasing, especially after some time - the paint on the plastic began to wear off. There were also very rare embossed-convex emblems made of plastic on a fabric basis. They did not lose color and looked very elegant.

In the 1980s, as school uniform enforcement became less stringent, some schoolchildren replaced the standard emblems with army sleeve patches.

For girls, a blue three-piece suit was introduced in 1984, consisting of a trapeze skirt with pleats in the front, a jacket with patch pockets (without the sleeve emblem) and a vest. The skirt could be worn with either a jacket or a vest, or the whole suit at once. In 1988 for Leningrad, regions of Siberia and Far north it was allowed to wear blue trousers in winter time.

Members of children's and youth communist organizations (Octobrists, pioneers and Komsomol members) had to wear the Oktyabryat, Pioneer and Komsomol badges, respectively, and the pioneers had to wear a Pioneer tie.

Since all students elementary grades polls were Octobrists, almost all (with the rarest exceptions in the form of inveterate hooligans and poor students) were pioneers and most high school students were Komsomol members, badges and a pioneer tie were almost an obligatory addition to school uniforms. In addition to the usual pioneer badge, there was a special option for pioneers actively involved in community service. It was slightly larger than usual and had the inscription “For active work».

School uniforms from the 1980s can be seen, for example, in the films "Guest from the Future", "The Adventures of Electronics" (elementary school uniform with red stripe), "School Waltz" and "Plumbum, or Dangerous game"(Uniform of high school students with a blue stripe).

In the late 1980s, school uniforms, especially men's large sizes, in a number of regions of the USSR fell into a deficit category. One of the reasons for this was that school uniforms were traditionally very cheap, compared to ordinary trousers, jackets and jackets of similar quality, but its material was very high quality and durable. Therefore, in the face of ever worsening financial situation adults began to buy it as casual and work clothes. The planned volume of the release of the form was not designed for this, the form became a shortage, and it, like many other things, began to be sold according to coupons that were issued to the student at the place of study.

Modern Russia

The compulsory wearing of a school uniform in Russia was canceled in the spring of 1992.

V modern Russia there is no uniform school uniform, as it was in the USSR, but many lyceums and gymnasiums, especially the most prestigious ones, as well as some schools have their own form, emphasizing the belonging of students to one or another educational institution. A number of schools do not have an officially adopted form, but the form can be introduced at the class level, in agreement with the parents of the students (usually such a "class" form is introduced in lower grades). In addition, dress codes may apply in educational institutions that do not have a school uniform.

It is customary for school graduates to wear Soviet school uniforms on the Last Bell

The first school uniform appeared in Russian gymnasiums in 1834. Boys and young men wore a uniform that looked like a military one, and girls and young ladies were supposed to have three sets of uniform dresses: every day they wore a dark brown dress on the floor with long sleeves and a small black apron. On holidays, the dress was supposed to be decorated with a white apron and a lace collar. On weekends, the schoolgirl was supposed to wear a dress of a similar cut, but of a certain color: primary school students - dark blue, girls over 12 years old - blue-green, and graduates - brown.

In 1918, the school uniform was abolished: in a country that had survived the revolution, there was simply no money to provide all children with a uniform, moreover, in the Soviet country, unlike the Soviet empire, education was relied on for everyone, and not just for children from the wealthy families. The school uniform was declared a relic of the past and a symbol of non-freedom, and was abandoned.


Forties - getting back in shape

The school uniform returned only after the Great Patriotic War, in 1948. Then a decree was issued, according to which all students were required to wear uniforms. The uniform, in fact, was no different from the uniform of the gymnasium students: the boys again dressed in tunics, and the girls in dresses with aprons. But the dresses were shorter, but the white apron could be worn more often.


In the sixties, school uniforms finally ceased to resemble military uniforms: the boys changed their tunics to suits, and the girls' dresses became even shorter. In fact, the length of the dresses of high school girls was no different from the mini-skirts that were fashionable at that time. Aprons were still mandatory, but there was a variety of hairstyles: if earlier schoolgirls were supposed to wear only braids, now they were allowed to make model haircuts and even wear jewelry.


At first glance, everything remained the same: boys in blue suits, girls in brown dresses with white or black aprons. But from now on this rule was only valid for elementary school... And for high school girls, dark blue three-piece suits appeared: a skirt, a vest and a jacket. These uniforms were difficult to obtain, but some girls were lucky enough to change the annoying cropped dress of a gymnasium girl for an adult and fashionable outfit.


In 1992, the school uniform was again canceled and again for the same reason: it was believed that it symbolized the lack of freedom and the slavery position of schoolchildren. Some schools during this time had an unspoken dress code that regulated style, but in general schoolgirls and schoolchildren across the country were allowed to wear jeans and T-shirts. Prohibited, as a rule, only too much short skirts, plunging neckline and sheer blouses. In all other respects, schoolchildren, especially high school students, allowed themselves complete freedom... Including stiletto heels.

Zeroes and our time

Today every school in Russia has its own uniform. The only general and obligatory recommendation is to adhere to a business style, therefore, boys from the lower grades wear suits, and girls wear uniform sundresses or skirts with vests, most often in a cage. High school students for the most part do not wear uniforms.

School uniforms begin to return. Many parents support this initiative of education officials, believing that general style in clothes will not distract from the most important thing - the assimilation of the material. Indeed, very often, instead of carefully listening to the teacher, classmates look at each other's outfits and discuss them. In addition, the parents of the students recall their own youth, when they all wore school uniforms.

Reasons for the introduction

In the post-war period, the uniform style was introduced in all departments. Employees were required to strictly adhere to the legally prescribed dress code, as they say now. Was no exception and school life... In educational institutions, wearing a school uniform became mandatory in 1948, when the first, most strict and ascetic version of it was approved. The upbringing of a true patriot, distinguished by high moral principles, had to begin from childhood. The school uniform of the times of the USSR not only taught the child to be accurate, disciplined him, but also indicated the absence of class differences. All children were equal. In any case, during the training sessions it was impossible to demonstrate to classmates any unusual thing, which his parents hardly got for their child.

School uniform worn by girls

The school uniform of the USSR for girls, introduced in 1948, was very much reminiscent of the style of dress that the pupils of pre-revolutionary women's gymnasiums had to follow. It was a neat brown wool dress and an apron. For everyday wear, a black apron was intended, which could be replaced with a white one.

To refresh the look a little, cuffs were sewn onto the sleeves. white, used and White collar... Their presence was mandatory as in holiday, and in the usual everyday.

The dress was rather long, below the knee. Any experiments with the elements of the dress, its length and style were prohibited. The school administration usually severely punished women of fashion who dared to break the generally accepted rules.

School uniforms worn by boys

The school uniform for boys of the USSR had several mandatory elements:

1. Cap, decorated with a cockade.

2. Gymnast.

3. Belt with shiny massive buckle.

The tunic and trousers were made of gray woolen fabric... Such products were not very comfortable to wear, as they quickly lost their shape. And after not very neat washing or unsuccessful drying, they could significantly increase in size.

Boys were also not allowed to experiment with their appearance. The school uniform of the USSR was compulsory for all students, without exception.

General appearance

The appearance of the schoolchildren had to meet certain conditions. It was not enough just to wear a school uniform, the student always had to look neat.

Appearance at school was allowed only in clean and well-ironed clothes. Cuffs and collar, which are required attribute uniforms for girls should always be clean. Coming to school with dirty or poorly ironed cuffs could be a shame. Shoes should also be kept clean, despite the season and the remoteness of the house from the educational institution.

Schoolchildren's hairstyle

The school uniform of the USSR, the severity and minimalism manifested in it, dictated and certain kind hairstyles for schoolchildren. There could be no liberties either.

For boys, it was compulsory short haircut... Girls could braid their braids using black or brown bows. On a holiday, a white bow could be tied. Other colors were banned, so they were not easy to find in Soviet stores. Braids with bows were obligatory for girls; there could be no question of any other hairstyle.

Shape change

In 1960, the school uniform of the USSR began to change, photo in different periods existence Soviet Union demonstrate these transformations beautifully. The changes taking place in all spheres of people's lives at this time could not but affect the clothes of the students.

The main transformations were manifested in the school uniform for boys. Inexpressive gray clothes have been replaced by brighter blue wool blend models. She kept her shape better, did not stretch after washing. The cut of the jacket resembled a denim jacket, which was very popular at that time in the West. Emblems were sewn on the sleeves, which were pictures with images of an open textbook and rising sun... The color of these patches was blue or red.

The school uniform of the USSR, which the girls wore, did not undergo any special changes. It was only allowed to shorten the dress a little - its length was just above the knees.

Form for high school students

The real breakthrough of that time was the introduction in the beginning of 1980 of the form for high school students. Boys began to wear trouser suits instead of individual trousers and a jacket. The color of the form also remained blue. Sometimes it was even possible to remove the emblems, as over time the paint on them was erased, and they looked sloppy.

The long-awaited transformation of the school uniform has also affected girls. From first to seventh grade, they still wore their familiar dresses with aprons. But from the eighth grade it was already possible to wear a three-piece suit made of dense blue material. It included a neat skirt trapezoidal, decorated with folds in front, vest and jacket. The girl herself could choose a blouse for the suit, which was a field for huge amount experiments. The skirt could be worn with either a vest or a jacket. V cold weather wore the whole suit at once.

Another innovation was the introduction in 1988 of trousers for schoolgirls living in Them could be worn in the winter season.

Pioneer badges

The school uniform of the USSR was necessarily supplemented with badges worn by students according to their age and belonging to a particular organization.

Children studying in the lower grades were Octobrists and wore an Octobrist badge, which was the face of little Volodya Ulyanov inside a red star. Older schoolchildren, middle school students, wore the pioneer badge. It was also made in the shape of a star, but it had an image of V.I.Lenin. If the pioneer excelled in social work, showed himself active person, he was awarded a special badge. Instead of the inscription "Always ready" it bore the inscription "For active work", and the insignia itself was slightly larger than the standard one. The school uniform worn by the pioneers was complemented by

High school students had to wear It was a small symbol that looked like a red flag, decorated with a portrait of V.I.Lenin.

V recent times more and more schoolchildren are eager to find out where to buy a school uniform from the USSR, which would have had the exact look of the clothes of that time. High school students want, for example, to wear it on the last bell. This tradition has spread in many schools. In this case, the option with a white festive apron is usually used. Finding the shape isn't that difficult. It can be seen as in specialized stores, and on sale on various Internet resources, where a considerable number of models of various sizes are presented.

July is coming to an end and soon all parents will attend to one common task - it's time to get their child to school. Of course, the collection process includes the purchase of many necessary things, but one of the most important points is an purchase of a school uniform .

School uniforms are not only an important part of the family's budgetary expenditures, they are also the clothes in which the child will spend at least 6 hours of time, and sometimes much more, so they should be comfortable and comfortable in them.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a school uniform. It's good if baby goes is not in the first grade, and parents know how to choose the right kit. For those who have had an unsuccessful experience in buying a school uniform or are absent in principle, our advice will help you to figure out and buy what you need.

Pay attention to the composition of the fabric

School uniform - required element training, and although in some schools the presence of a uniform jacket is not always taken strictly enough, most often the administration strongly recommends its students to be within the walls of the educational institution in it.

What should be the clothes if the child spends at least half a day in it? The answer is unambiguous - as much as possible natural and high quality ... Of course, finding a completely natural school uniform only made of wool and cotton in stores can become a rather problematic task, and she can lose her appearance much faster than her “artificial” friends. lineup... Therefore, we advise your child to purchase a jacket, trousers or a skirt made of fabric, the percentage of synthetics in which will not exceed 50-55%.

When buying blouses, shirts and golfs, it is better to pay attention to all natural models , because it is they who will directly come into contact with the child's skin. Natural fabrics allow the body to "breathe", the student will not be hot due to lack of breathability and will not get cold if he sweats. Clothes with a high percentage of synthetic fibers in the composition can cause skin problems in a child.

Examine the tags and seams

Please check carefully on the clothes before buying all tags , which contain information about the manufacturer, as well as recommendations for care. The manufacturer of the form must be sufficiently well-known in the market, and his product must have the appropriate certificates of quality and sanitary and hygienic examination.

It is not worth buying a form that has a label on which it is indicated that it cannot be washed, but only needed dry cleaning ... Imagine how the composition and quantity of harmful substances which are used for chemical processing clothes.

The best choice - a school uniform that can be washed and ironed at home. In serious manufacturing companies, fabric shapes are tested for shrinkage and shedding before being launched into production, so you should not worry that the shape may shrink after washing. Problems can arise with ironing the sides of the jacket only if the fabric does not hold its shape very well or if not very high-quality material was laid inside.

When buying a school uniform pay attention to the inside and outside seams : how even the line is laid, whether the sides are beautifully laid, whether the pockets are well stitched, whether the threads are sticking out. V in this case it is not only about the beauty of the outfit, but also about the quality of the manufacture of clothing. You should not buy a form with crooked stitches and gaps in the lining seams. The child will actively move in these clothes, and the risk that with such quality sewing it will break during the first few months is quite high. And in this case, the money for the purchase cannot be returned to you.

Fitting is required

A school uniform is bought for a child, it is he who will wear it every day, therefore his participation in the process of trying on and buying is mandatory ... Why?

At first, he should like the clothes : style, color, combination of materials. You should not buy something to your liking, it is important that the child approves the costume, and he likes his reflection in the mirror. The school suit is his business card and every child deserves the right to be beautiful and happy.

Psychologist Natalya Karabuta tells: "Should not be underestimated childish taste, even first-graders notice how and what their classmates are wearing. Not to mention high school students. One Spanish brand children's clothing has a slogan - our clothing helps your child to find new friends. And there is some truth in this. If a child knows that he looks good, is nicely and tastefully dressed, he is calm and confident. To a child with such an inner attitude easier first go up to one of the children, talk, offer a game. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to the opinion of a child when buying a school uniform for him. "

Secondly, the shape must be tried on to see if it is convenient young schoolboy... Remember that the child will be in shape most of the time. sit at the desk , and not stand, as it happens in the fitting room, so ask him to sit down, spread his arms, bend them at the elbows, as if he is writing in a notebook. Do not buy too tight fitted items, or make sure that the fabric contains enough elastane, and the style did not restrain movement.

Also, when buying a form, it is necessary to take into account that the child will grow during the year, so do not take the model "back to back". If you choose a good option clothes that take into account the growing up of the child will not work, keep in mind that if the student grows significantly during the school year, you may have to buy another set of school uniforms.

Our mother- Faza tells: “I have two schoolchildren and I found such models of uniforms in which the trousers are not hemmed at all and their length can be varied, and on girls' sundresses the length of the straps is regulated, so that it lengthens. Often in February-March, I lengthen my son's trousers by a couple of sentiments, and my daughter herself already knows when she needs to change the length of the sundress. Convenient, I like it. I just don't like it when kids have too short skirts and shot pants. And on last call this year I saw a lot of such options. I understand that children are growing up, but when a child's ankles and socks are visible from under his pants, and girls' skirts are barely covered by priests - in my opinion, this is too much ... ”.

Color and style

Blue, green, gray, black and burgundy - primary colors school uniforms in Ukrainian schools. Most often, the administration of educational institutions or classroom teacher tells you what color you need to get a uniform at a school-wide or class parent meeting.

School uniform manufacturers offer sets of all these colors, sometimes adding various combinations and decorations to the model line, for example, a cage or lace.

In addition to color, school uniforms differ in number of elements included in the kit. For boys, you can buy options: jacket and pants or jacket, pants and vest.

Girls have the following options: jacket and skirt; jacket, skirts and vest; also, if desired, parents can purchase a school sundress or add trousers to the set.

Styles for which school uniforms are sewn are also different: some manufacturing companies sew models for thinner schoolchildren; and there are costumes for those who do not need to be persuaded to eat their portion to the end. There are also variations with the width of the trousers, the option of adjusting the belt of skirts and trousers around the waist circumference, which allows you not to wear a belt.