Open lesson on health in the second junior. Leisure summary in the first junior group with the use of health-saving technologies on the topic: "Journey to the magic forest." Open lesson in the educational area "Physical development" in the second junior

MADOU of the city of Nizhnevartovsk DS No. 88 "Dandelion", Nizhnevartovsk.

Summary of a lesson on health preservation in the first younger group"How to help Mishutka?"

Target: formation of ideas about the basics of health preservation in children of primary preschool age.


  1. Give an idea of ​​how to strengthen and maintain health (morning exercises, walk in the fresh air, eating vegetables and fruits, vitamins).
  2. To motivate the desire of children to enter into a dialogue with the teacher.
  3. Develop thinking and memory.
  4. Exercise the distinction of certain vegetables (garlic) and fruit (Apple) with analyzers (smell and taste).
  5. Foster a desire to take care of your health and the health of others.

Material for the lesson:

- character toy Mishutka; cup and saucer; a jar of honey; plot pictures: "Morning gymnastics", "Walk", "Fruit » ; apple slices by the number of children; jar "for the smell of garlic"; a jar of vitamins; corrective walking track; hoops and soft cubes.

The course of the lesson.


- We will smile at each other

Let's hold hands tightly

We will stroke your cheeks, nose

Warm up your ears

And clap your hands, it will become more fun.

The teacher invites the children to go for a walk in the forest along the path.

Draws the attention of children to the fact that the path is not easy and you need to follow each other along it.

(They walk in a circle, crouch, crawl, jump, step over.)

Educator: - Guys, you hear some sound, who could it be? (A bear cub appears from behind a tree)... Look this is our friend, bear cub Mishutka! Hello, Mishutka! Have you already woken up? (Spring has awakened).

Teddy bear: (coughs and sneezes)- Hello guys!

Educator: - It's so good that we met you! The guys and I are just about to take a walk in the forest, will you come with us?

Teddy bear: - No, I don't want something at all ... (coughs and sneezes).

Educator: - Guys, it seems to me that something happened to Mishutka, why do you think he is so sad? (children's assumptions).

Educator: - Guys, why do you think Mishutka got sick? (Children's assumptions)... Do you think tea with honey will help him? (Answers of children).

Teddy bear: - Thank you, I really love tea with honey!


- Mishutka, do you know how to take care of your health? The guys and I will tell you and show you what to do in order not to get sick. And you, watch and remember!

(The teacher shows the children clue pictures, alternately exposing them on the flannelgraph.)

Educator: - Look carefully and tell me what the guys are doing in the pictures? Are we doing exercises? (In the morning when we come to kindergarten).

Educator: - Guys, what is shown in the picture? (Fruits and vegetables)... Why do you need to eat them? (They have vitamins)... They help kids grow and be healthy.

- Who is in this picture? (Children)... What are the boys and girls doing? (Playing, walking in the street)... We also go out for a walk. What do we do on a walk (children's answers).

Educator: - And why do we go out for a walk? (To breathe air). That's right, we breathe outside fresh air... What do we breathe? (Nose).

Educator: - Let's show Mishutka how to breathe correctly: the mouth is closed, we inhale through the nose, exhale.

Breathing exercises"Inflate the ball."

- Guys, what else can a nose do? (The nose can distinguish between different smells)... Let's try to guess the smell.

(The teacher brings a jar with the smell of garlic to the children, the children sniff).

- Guess what it is? That's right, it's garlic.

- And now we'll give Mishutka a sniff. (Mishutka sniffs, brrr, shakes his head).

- Guys, tell Mishutka why you need to eat garlic (children's answers)... That's right, garlic is good for health, it kills germs.

(The teacher invites the children to sit on the chairs).

- Guys, what do you think the tongue is for? (Children's assumptions)... In order to feel the taste.

Educator: - I have a fruit, try to guess the taste? Close your eyes and open your mouths, and you Mishutka too (teacher - gives children a piece of apple).

- Guess what kind of fruit it is? (Answers of children)... Of course, guys are an apple. What does it taste like (children's answers). Fruits are rich in vitamins and therefore are good for your health.

The teacher shows the children a jar of vitamins.

Educator: - What do you think is in this jar? (Answers of children)... That's right, vitamins. They are good for your health. Maybe we can give Mishutka vitamins? (Children agree).

The teddy bear thanks the guys and promises to take care of their health. He offers to play with him the game "At the Bear in the Bor".

Kids are playing.

Educator: - We are very glad that Mishutka could help you! Get well and no more pain!

(He invites the children to say goodbye to the bear. The bear says goodbye and leaves.)

Educator: - Be healthy and you guys. All of you are great today! Clap our hands, praise ourselves.

The lesson is intended for kindergarten teachers, the second junior group, cognitive activity for health preservation

Topic: It's me - the girl, it's me the boy

(Lesson on health preservation for the second younger group)


the formation of children's ideas about the external features of the human structure.


Formation of ideas about the external features of the body structure of a girl and a boy;

Development of the ability to consider yourself, each other; the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions;

Fostering the manifestation of interest in other children, a benevolent attitude towards peers.


Large sheet of Whatman paper,




The course of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment

Get together, kids,

It's time to hit the road.

A long road awaits us

Interesting cases.

2. Communication of the topic and goals

Guys today we will talk about the structure of the body of girls and boys, how they are similar and how they differ.

You should know your body

Know and love.

The very first thing is

Live in peace with him.

Make it strong

Make it fast.

Make it, make it clean.

Every cell of the body

You need to understand.

Use skillfully

And guard.

3. Learning new material.

The teacher draws the children's attention to a large sheet of paper on the wall and suggests drawing Dasha on it. (Outlined the head, torso, arms, legs of Dasha.)

Look what Dasha turned out to be on a sheet of Whatman paper.

Turns to the guys with the question: "What's on Dasha's head?" (Children draw hair on a sheet of Whatman paper; a stencil can be used.) Asks the children to show where Dasha's eyes are.

Look each other in the eye. Dasha's blue eyes, Andrey has brown, Maxim has gray. Let's draw the eyes in the picture (you can use a stencil).

Invites children to touch their noses with their fingers and to each other, draw a nose in the beginning drawing.

Show all your mouths, how they can laugh, say the word "mom".

Then he draws the mouth (a stencil is used).

Which Nice dress for Dasha - red, with berries. We will draw the same beautiful dress.

Look at your hands. The hand has a palm, and it has five fingers. (Draws hands.)

One, two, three, four, five! On the other hand again:

Strong, friendly, fast fingers,

All so necessary. Nice and clean.

Dasha also has two legs. Look at your feet. What kind beautiful shoes on your feet, socks different color, beautiful.

Show what funny hands you have, how they clap, and your legs know how to stomp happily. Here's what beautiful Dasha we drew.

Dasha has a beautiful dress, a red bow on her head. Let's put on a beautiful scarf for Dasha.

Who is Dasha? Girl. She has a bow dress, braids, a scarf on her head. Let's put on a beautiful scarf for Dasha.

Physical minutes:

And now everything is in order

Let's get up together for exercises. (Get up, hands on the belt.)

They bent their arms to the sides,

They raised them up and waved. (Waving hands)

Hid behind my back

Looked around: (They hide their hands behind their backs and look around alternately.)

Over the right shoulder,

Through the left one more.

They crouched down on their heels. ( Squat and grab your heels with your hands.)

They rose on their toes,

They put their hands down.

Look, we also have Dima drawn. And who is Dima? Boy. He is wearing short pants and a shirt. Dima has short hair. Dima does not wear a scarf.

4. Consolidation of the studied material.


Guys, show the boy.

Show the girl.

Who wears the bow?

Who has a beautiful dress?

Who has the short pants? Short hair?

That's right, well done, girls wear dresses and bows, and boys short hair and pants.

5. Outcome.

A person can be different: medium, small, large,

And it's not so easy to immediately figure out who is what,

There are eyebrows, there are ears, there is a mouth, and two hands ...

It is very important that from the outside, but more importantly, what is inside.

So it's not about appearance, the point is not at all that simple.

Our main differences are: heart, mind, kindness.

A sharp look is needed for the heart, take a closer look

It is very important what is from the outside, but more importantly - what is inside!

AbstractGCD for Health Preservation

in the second younger group.

"Let's help Bear"

Developed and carried out:

teacher MBDOU Kindergarten "Snowflake" Vshivkova L.M.

Purpose: formation of skills in the use of personal hygiene items.
1. Teach children to take care of their health; to form ideas about a healthy lifestyle.
2. Encourage children to answer questions, develop thinking, memory.
3. To educate respect to your health.

Activities: cognitive activity, breathing and movement exercises, play, exploratory actions.

Surprise moment: Bear, backpack.

Equipment: ICT projector, presentation, backpack, soap, toothbrush, combs, hygiene items coloring pictures.

GCD move.

We greet the guests.

Guys stand in a circle, smile at each other soon


And today our day will be more fun. We will stroke your nose and cheeks

(stroking the nose and cheeks)

We will be beautiful as flowers in the garden

(make springs)

Let's rub our palms

Stronger, stronger

(rub their palms)

Now let's clap

Bolder, bolder

(clap their hands)

We rub our ears

(rub their ears)

And we will save our health.

(sit on the rug)

The teacher in the group finds a backpack.

Guys, whose is it?

Maybe someone came to visit us and left him?

Let's search.

(children with a teacher go through the group and find a Bear toy.)

Bear: Hello guys! My mother is a bear, here she is ( Slide1) I put some things in my backpack and said that I really need them.

And I don't need them, maybe they will be useful to you?

And we, Mishka, will now see, and we will tell you whether you need these things or not. Sit on the chairs.

Guys, what a beautiful bag the bear has in his backpack. He's wonderful. Let's take the bag in hand and determine what it is: heavy or light?

Now let's take turns touching the bag, feel it and determine whether it is hard or soft in the bag.

What does the pouch smell like?

What do you think mom put in the teddy bear's bag? (soap)

Slide 3. (Soap)

Guys, what do you think we need soap for? (children's answers: wash your hands and face, wash your face).

Of course, we need soap to wash off dirt, wash hands, wash, wash with soap. Soap helps us fight germs; those who wash their hands with soap rarely get sick.

And tell me, please, did you wash your pens today?
Children: Yes.
Educator: And we will check this now. I have a scientist friend and he gave me one device, with the help of this device you can see whether the handles are clean or not. If the pens are not clean, then we will see germs! Please show me your pens - I will now shine on them and take a picture. The picture will show germs if the handles are dirty. (Using a flashlight a candle on the hands of children). Well, here we got a photo.

Slide 4. (Hand with germs)

Oh oh oh. See what germs you have on your pens. You probably didn't wash your pens well. Let us wash our hands together and show the bear how to wash our hands.

"My pens are correct"
We opened the tap with water (we simulate the unscrewing of the tap)
And they wet their palms (put their palms under the water)
We will soap everything together
Look at your palms (look at your palms)
And rub, rub, rub (three palms)
Is there a lot of foam? OK! And now to her castle (fingers to the castle)
Up and down, up and down, beware of dirt on the handles.
Then rinse with water (handles under water)
We will squeeze the arms together (squeeze our palms)
We will remove excess water (shake off the water)
We'll close the tap with some water.
Wipe with a towel (wipe).

Educator: here we are with you and washed the pens. Now let's see if there are still microbes or we washed the pens so well that we washed them off (again a candle with a flashlight on the guys' pens). Now I'll turn on the snapshot.

Slide 5. (clean hand)

Look - what clean pens, there are no germs left at all.
Bear: That's why you need soap, I'll leave it well, I'll wash my paws.

What else do you have in your backpack? But to wipe the pens when we washed them, what do we need? (Towel).

Slide 6 (Towel)

Bear mom still put a towel in your backpack.

Why do I need a towel?

The towel is fluffy and soft, touch the guys and you are a bear cub, it wipes everyone off.

Teddy bear: I'll keep a towel for myself.

Guess the riddle of what else mom put the teddy bear in her backpack.

Comb all the shaggy ones,
Braid curls in braids,
Make a trendy hairstyle
Helps us ... ( comb).

Slide 7 (Comb)

And this, Bear comb

And what is a comb for, you know?

To comb, be beautiful and neat. Combs are different. Take a comb which you like and let's comb Teddy Bear.

Teddy bear: I'll keep the comb for myself. .

Here's another thing, what is it, who knows?

Slide 8. (Toothbrush)

Misha, it's a toothbrush.

Why do I need it?

(You will brush your teeth)

Why should I brush my teeth?

(teeth need to be brushed every morning and every night to keep teeth healthy and white).

In order to brush your teeth you need Toothpaste and a brush.
And here are our uncleaned teeth (a child with teeth picture). Now ... will show us how to properly brush your teeth. And if she cleans correctly, then these teeth will become clean and free of germs. A child with a toothbrush, moving up and down, brushes off germs.

Well, we also know how to properly brush your teeth. Not a single microbe remained.
Articulation gymnastics"We brush our teeth" (we brush our teeth with our tongue)

Here is the Bear that your mom put in your backpack. If you wash your paws with soap, brush your teeth with a toothbrush, you will never get sick, you will be healthy.

Guys, let's also teach Mishka how to do exercises.

Slide 9 (charging Kukutika)

Thank you guys for telling me about these the right things, played with me, but it's time for me to return to my mother-bear.

Bear let's see, have you forgotten anything?

Slide 10. (game for attention) "What's gone?" (close our eyes)

Slide 11.

Slide 12.

Slide 13.

Slide 14.

Slide 15.

Slide 16.

Mom Bear has prepared pictures for you, she wants you to choose a picture with hygiene items, color them and keep them as a keepsake.

Bear: I have to go! I have prepared a surprise for you - a treat. But wash your hands first. (The guys and the teacher accompany the Bear).

Bear be attentive, come visit us again, we will teach you a lot.

Topic: "Travel to the Land of Health"

Programmatic Objectives: Building Skills healthy way life, speech development of children and motor activity.

Educational tasks: to consolidate the knowledge of children in washing; in knowledge of toilet items and their purpose; consolidate knowledge about the properties of water.

Educational tasks: to educate children in cultural and hygienic skills, the desire to always be beautiful, clean, neat, respectful of your body.

Developing tasks: arouse interest in the implementation of cultural and hygienic skills, encourage children to constantly observe them; develop observation, curiosity.

Methodological techniques: the use of visualization, questions to children, the teacher's story, making riddles.

Preliminary work: reading a fairy tale, examining illustrations, talking about health, making riddles.

Material: Illustrated book by K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", musical recording at the discretion of the educator, Balloons with advice from Aibolit, blue ribbons for the game “Collect streams in the river”, soap, comb, toothbrush, washcloth, towel.

Participants: fairy-tale heroes Aibolit and Water.

The course of the lesson.

Children come to music and sit on chairs.

Child: Wake up early in the morning

Smile to everyone in the world

Do your exercises

Shower yourself, dry yourself

Always eat right

Dress neatly

V kindergarten go!

Educator: Children with us today unusual activity, we will talk about our health. (There is a knock on the door) Let's see who came to us?

Aibolit: Hello children! I am very glad that I got to your lesson in kindergarten. And now rather (Aibolit calls the children to her.) Answer me! -Are you healthy? - Yes! (Children show how healthy they are.) -Are you clean? -Yes! (Children show how clean they are.) - Are you friends with Water? -Yes! Did you recognize me? (children's answers) Thank you, you guessed it. Did you recognize my tale? But I didn't come here alone. My friends came with me. Now I’ll ask you a riddle: I’m wet, I freeze in winter, I babble in spring, I flow in summer, and I drip in autumn (water) You don’t know? Can you guess the other? If our hands are in wax, If blots have sat down on our nose, Who then is our first friend, Will remove the dirt from our face and hands? Without which a mother can’t Neither cook nor wash, Without which, we will say frankly, Should a man die? To rain from the sky, So that ears of bread grow, So that ships sail - We cannot live without ... (water) Water enters the music Water: Hello, why did you invite me? I am Water!

Educator: Today we are going to the Land of Health, and without you and Aibolit we will not get there. Now the children will tell and show the nursery rhyme how much they love you.

Children: Water, water! Wash my face, To make my eyes shine, To make my cheeks burn, To laugh my mouth, To bite a tooth. Water: Well done, but I also need to drink, wash, water, cook and wash. Have I forgotten anything children? (Answers of children)

We ran to the Land of Health (light running on toes, with acceleration and deceleration).

Aibolit: Remember what fairy tale says about how everyone loves to wash, what is it called, and who wrote it?

Children: Moidodyr, K. Chukovsky. Water and Aibolit: Right! Let's remember together: Early in the morning at dawn Mice wash And kittens and ducklings And bugs and spiders. Educator: - All animals and insects love to bathe, wash. Guys, how many of you saw them wash? How does a cat wash? Children: - Feet and tongue.

Educator: - Right, but how does the dog wash? Children: - Also with paws and tongue. Educator: - Who knows how an elephant bathes? Children: - Trunk. Educator: - Well done! An elephant can make a shower with its trunk. The hamster washes his paws. The parrot peels its feathers with its beak.

Children are offered a game - imitation "How animals, birds, insects wash their face"

Educator: - Well done! Guys, does the person wash? Children: - Yes.

Educator: Why does a person wash? Children: - To be clean, beautiful, neat, smell good. If children find it difficult, the teacher helps.

Educator: - Right! And also, so as not to get sick. Harmful microbes accumulate on our bodies, we do not see them. Therefore, you need to wash, take care of yourself, even if you are not very dirty. A person washes his whole body when he bathes in a bath, in a shower, or he can separately wash his hands, face, and feet. Everyone loves to swim: people, animals, insects, and even toys, we wash them.

Aibolit and Water: Children in the Land of Health, residents follow the rules that you must know and follow (The rules are attached to balloons)

1st tip. Wash your face in the morning and evening. Wash your hands, face, neck and ears.

2nd tip. Wash your hands and feet before bed every day.

3rd tip. Wash your hands after playing, walking and using the toilet.

4th tip. Wash your hands with soap and water before eating.

5th tip. Shower and bathe frequently.

Educator and children: Remember the tips (ask individually)? “We must, we must wash In the mornings and evenings, And the unclean chimney sweeps - Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!"

Water: I call you all to the water, We have it everywhere - In the river and in the ocean, In the lake, stream and bath (distributes blue ribbons).

Let's play the game now. Game "Collect streams in the river". Children run scattered with ribbons to the music, and then gather in the river and all together, vibrating with a ribbon hand.

Aibolit: What a big river you have collected! Now the waters are in our kindergarten many. Oh, what is it that sailed along the river (shows soap and listens to the answers of the children)?

Educator: That's right, it's soap! Soap and water are real friends! And what else do we need for cleanliness (show a washcloth, toothbrush, paste, comb, towel)?

Child: “Long live fragrant soap, And a fluffy towel, And tooth powder, And a thick comb! Let's wash, splash In a tub, in a trough, in a tub, In a river, in a stream, in the ocean, And in a bath, and in a bath, Always and everywhere - Eternal glory to water! "

Educator: And what other means are there to get rid of germs (children's answers, you can tell)? -It fresh air... You need to ventilate the room more often and walk in the air. -It physical exercises, now we, together with Aibolit and Voda, will perform funny exercises: One, two, three, four, five, He began to ride a bunny. Jump, zayinka much, He jumped ten times. The bunny took the sides, He danced the hopak. The ducks have arrived. We started playing pipes. Oh, what a beauty. He danced the hopak. Feet up, feet down. Pull up on your toes. We put our paws on the side. On the toes, hop-hop-hop. And then squatting down, And then on the heel. Water and Aibolit: Well done, we give you wonderful bubble... Play, smile and be healthy always! Goodbye! Educator: Our lesson is over. Today we visited the Country of Health, remembered the tales of K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr" and "Aibolit" and learned the rules to be healthy.

Lilia Leonidovna Lyakh