Comic characteristics of the guests at the wedding. Unusual presentation of guests at the anniversary. The bigger, the better

If the wedding is not held in a close circle of relatives and friends, then some of the guests, as a rule, do not know each other. When the number of invitees exceeds a hundred, it is problematic to reacquaint everyone. How to present guests at a wedding in an informal and fun way, regardless of the number? A game dating ritual must be part of the scenario of any wedding to make it boring and memorable.

Rules of etiquette

If you introduce all the invitees, as expected - by last name, first name, patronymic, degree of kinship, occupation - it will be boring and unlikely to be remembered by the rest of the guests. It is appropriate to follow etiquette only if the number of people is minimal, or acquaintance involves further communication after the celebration. Etiquette is also important for representing the older generation of the families of the bride and groom.

Close elderly relatives of the newlyweds (parents, grandparents, godparents) are always presented as the most important guests at the wedding - with respect, special attention, necessarily by name and patronymic, without familiarity. An exception is also made for honorary invited newlyweds (for example, if they invited a leader from work, a teacher, etc.).

Younger relatives (brothers, sisters, children), witnesses, close friends are introduced informally, with humor (if there are no objections from both sides). In other cases, etiquette can also be slightly neglected in favor of funny scenario meeting guests. This will relieve awkwardness and allow those present to fully enjoy the festive atmosphere.

How to introduce guests to each other?

The ritual of meeting guests is thought out in advance. The list of invitees is transferred to the host, who determines in what order and how to introduce the guests at the wedding according to the script. Here it is also important to consider the order of seating at the tables (especially if a very large motley company is going to). Guests are introduced in several ways:

  • at the very beginning of the celebration in a certain order (for example, starting with the young, then relatives, friends, colleagues, etc.);
  • also at the beginning of the feast, but in random order (during a competition, game or comic performance);
  • gradually during the holiday, the guests play their roles according to the script (or perform the tasks of the host), at the same time introducing themselves.

If there are a lot of people and it is not possible to introduce everyone to each other, then it is advisable to start the celebration immediately with a dating game so that no one gets bored. You can introduce yourself at the prompt of the host, or the toastmaster reads the names, and those who were named fulfill his request or simply get up. With a name, it’s nice to voice a short description of the invitee. If it is funny, unusual, then it will be easier for the rest of those present to remember unfamiliar faces.

If you have no idea how to present guests at a wedding, use noisemakers - a popular option for "warming up" those present. Its meaning is that the guests do not get to know each other by name, but make an organized noise (clapping, stomping, shouting certain phrases) under the commands of the host. Such a ritual usually ends with a toast in honor of the bride and groom. After the noisemakers, the first awkwardness disappears, and most of the guests are already ready to participate in the next competitions.

Presentation of guests in verse

When the number of people present and time allow, you can introduce each guest with a funny quatrain. The verse is read by the toastmaster or it is entrusted to the guests themselves. The rhymes should be funny or catchy with something, otherwise after 3-4 quatrains everyone will get bored. Another option: the toastmaster reads the first lines, and the invitees must finish the verse.

It is not necessary to compose a rhyming performance for each person present. If there are many guests, it would be appropriate to introduce them in groups. The host reads the verses in the order of the script or at random by lottery (the choice of cards is usually entrusted to the newlyweds or one of the guests). If you print such poems on beautiful branded cards and give everyone your own verse, this will be an excellent memorable gift.

Examples of small rhyming characteristics:

Imagine Katya - sister and girlfriend,

An athlete, a beauty, a baking charlotte!

And this is our witness - Alexei the benefactor!

Help the groom, he cares everywhere!

Aunt Olya hurries to leave the set table,

To congratulate the young with all my heart!

Our brother Ilya is not at all simple,

Let's ask him to make us a toast!

Presentation of guests in prose

If the verses do not fit, they will serve as an excellent introduction to the guests. short phrases(just give the name of the newlyweds) or small texts(toasts, congratulations, impromptu answers to the host's questions). good option there will be riddle performances in which everyone present must recognize himself, then stand up and tell his name to the others. The funnier and funnier this stage of acquaintance goes, the more comfortable and free the guests will feel.

Examples of small characteristics in prose:

  • This noble and clever man is an example for our groom. He is a courageous warrior - he serves in the FSB. Has a present male hobby- fishing. And often ill ... for "Spartak"! Let me introduce the father of the groom Igor Ivanovich!
  • beautiful, smart, special woman, which has been nibbling on the granite of science for 40 years, or rather, teaching at a university, would easily judge the Babylonian strife, tk. is professional translator. She also read fairy tales for our bride - grandmother Rimma Alekseevna!
  • An experienced race car driver and just an excellent surgeon - a friend of the groom Alexander!
  • Let's greet the many cheerful, resilient classmates of our bride, who not only postponed their studies for the sake of her wedding, but also prepared a personal congratulation!

How to write a characterization of guests for the presenter?

It is very important to correctly introduce each guest so that it is funny, inoffensive, but in line with the wedding scenario. The business card text is completely read out by the presenter, or played in the form of a question-answer. Blitz interview in this case is preferable. To characterize a guest, as a rule, they take:

  • his relationship with the bride and groom (related, studied together, work or just friends);
  • profession;
  • hobbies, talents;
  • personal qualities or preferences.

Characteristics are thought out in a comic or simply positive style. The newlyweds themselves or people close to the couple who know all the invitees well should do this. Performances may end with a proposal to say a word or a toast (it should be borne in mind that there are very shy people who find it difficult to speak in public).

How to introduce guests at a wedding in a comic way

  • The toastmaster calls guests in turn who have one characteristic (for example, all with a name starting with the letter O or all “scorpions” according to the sign of the zodiac, etc.). Everyone who has been chosen must introduce themselves, then dance to the selected music, congratulate the groom and bride in chorus, or participate in the competition.
  • Everyone, standing in two circles, at the command of the host, begin to dance, moving in a circle. When the music suddenly stops, each of the participants introduces themselves to the one who happened to be nearby (opposite). As an option: guests should also hug (kiss, shake hands, complete the task). There will be intrigue if ladies stand in one circle, and men in the second.
  • Before the celebration, the leader prepares a pair of identical cards. They should be visually different: in the form of hearts, doves, flowers, etc. At the beginning of the celebration, all those present receive a card. At a certain moment, at the request of the leader, everyone must find among those present the one who has exactly the same card and get to know each other.

Video: hosts introduce guests at the wedding

To better imagine the whole process, as an example, see in the video below how the invited guests are introduced at the wedding. note that good toastmaster not only confidently leads the celebration according to the script, but often improvises a lot. Choose your leader carefully interesting option script to make the holiday a success.

It is difficult to imagine how much work they had to put in to raise such a wonderful son, but they both did a great job with their work. The kindness, gentleness and patience of the mother, along with the purposefulness, diligence and sensitivity of the father, were embodied in their children.

In their free time from raising children, they work as judges - mom in the world court, and dad in the Moscow military court - major general of justice.

In addition, dad teaches at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Law, built a "house in the village", where he and his mother take a break from Moscow on weekends.

Alena's mom and dad - full name

We got married in Leningrad and a year later, the fruit of their love appeared - our bride.

Mom how real wife a military doctor, loves to travel... especially around military camps and garrisons, loves to cook, raise children and, of course, loves her husband very much.

Papa how loving husband, did not refuse anything to his wife, and drove her ... to garrisons and military camps from St. Petersburg to the Far East.

In his youth, he is fond of music, played the bass guitar in a band, likes to take pictures and go fishing with his son.

Alexei's sister - Yulia, she is Yulenka

Unlike Sergey, she did not turn away from the path of a lawyer and, last year, she received a diploma in law. Faculty of Moscow State University.

Works in a notary's office, plans to become a notary.

One of the most trusted persons of the groom. He knows many of his mysteries and secrets.

And finally, it's just beautiful. She is accompanied by a friend - Filimonov Vasily.

Alena's favorite brother is Vadik

Vadik is fond of football, archery and even won prizes in competitions.

He loves fishing - in his collection there are already hundreds of fish from crucian carp to snakehead. Recent times studies in St. Petersburg.

Alexei's grandmother - Zoya Petrovna

For the closest people - Grandmother Zoya, she is the groom's grandmother and mother - Sergey's mother. Previously, she operated with such terms as debit and credit, but now she is ready to give advice to anyone: where is the best pool in Mytishchi and in what forest, in those parts, is it better to walk on foot, and where is it better to ride a bike. The consultation will be based on long-term personal experience.

Alena's grandmother - Rimma Petrovna

For the bride, she is a beloved grandmother and mother - Pope Mary.

His good health, the bride owes much to the time she spent with her grandmother in the village.

Rimma Petrovna has a house in the village and runs her own household.

Alexei's grandmother - Elizaveta Stepanovna

For the closest people Grandmother Liza, she is the groom's grandmother and mother - father Sergei. It fully corresponds to the words of Chekhov: "Everything in a person should be beautiful."

Alena's cousins ​​- Alexei Vasilievich and Irina Igorevna

Alexei Vasilyevich is a remarkable organizer, known in family circle toastmaster and a merry fellow in life, he was very upset when he found out that there was already a toastmaster at this wedding, since from the very birth of his granddaughter ... he wanted to be a toastmaster at her wedding.

Irina Igorevna, support and rear of Alexei Vasilyevich. In addition to the fact that she organizes home life, she is in no way inferior to her husband in terms of organizing celebrations.

The Verkhovodin couple - Aunt Sonya, Uncle Lesha and Alexei's cousin - Igor

Sonya is Sergey's aunt and sister - the groom's mother.

Sonya for a long time saved people in an ambulance, now works in commerce. A very determined and strong woman.

Sony's husband is Alex. Likes speed and engine noise. Rumor has it that Alexei overtook Michael Schumacher himself, but ... just before the finish, he succumbed to him ... so as not to offend him. And, of course, Igor - cousin Sergei.

He loves cars and is now on the path of definition in life.

Alena's aunt and uncle - Sofia Nikiforovna and Ilya Matveevich

Sofia Nikiforovna - godmother of the bride. Saves people - working on an ambulance. Highly kind person and I want to note that at one time there were rumors that Dr. Aibolit became so kind after he worked with Sophia in one shift.

Ilya Matveevich is Sophia's husband. Works at Russian Railways. It was Ilya Matveyevich who taught the bride to ride a bicycle.

Uncle Sasha and aunt Sofya - uncle and aunt Alexei, as well as his cousins ​​- Alla and Vera and all four, oddly enough, the Arkhipov couple

Uncle Sasha is not only the uncle of the groom, he is also the brother of the groom's dad. Alexander is on the path of a professional photographer. If Sergey wants to restore the most interesting moments childhood - he will always have this opportunity, just by looking at the photos taken by Alexander. Yes, the first sneakers in Sergey's life and the very first chewing gum were donated by Uncle Alexander. So this is the groom's favorite uncle =). Next to Alexander is his wife Sophia, who manages to combine 4 things at the same time. work, household, raising 2 daughters and ... leading the selection committee for the selection of suitors for daughters.

... And finally, the above-mentioned daughters Alla and Vera are the groom's cousins. It seems that quite recently they celebrated how they turned 5 years old, and here two brides have already grown up. They are not just beauties, Alla loves animals very much, knows how to ride horses and ... shoot with her eyes, and Vera draws beautifully, and ... makes even creative young men worry, who usually do not notice anything around them.

Alena's cousins ​​and brother - Anastasia and Stanislav

Anastasia - beloved cousin bride. Now an economist, and, once, at the Udarnik state farm, they climbed the gardens together and hung out in discos.

About Stanislav, we can say that he dances well, composes and raps.

Alexey's friends - Sergey and Ekaterina Varenikovs

After a long period of work in Karelia, Sergei returned to Moscow, where, finally, he was able to find his happiness in the person of Catherine. After the birth of a baby, happiness simply overwhelms this couple. Nevertheless, Sergey still manages not to forget about his work in the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

Alena's cousins ​​uncle and aunt - uncle Seryozha and aunt Nadia

Uncle Seryozha - plays the guitar perfectly, sings and once, together with the father of the bride, played in the same group.

According to reliable sources, he understands all kinds of electronics and is a professional radio amateur - he has already contacted all points on the planet, both from America to Japan, and from the North to the South Poles.

If Popov had not invented the radio in his time, Sergey Alekseevich would definitely have done it today.

Aunt Nadia is the wife of Uncle Sergei. The warmth and comfort of their home is purely her merit.

She cooks superbly and only she manages to distract Sergei Alekseevich from radio broadcasts, attract him to the warmth of the hearth and ... to eat an amazing meal.

Repeatedly, her recipes became the object of searches for foreign intelligence services.

Friends of Alexei - Mikhail and Maria Khramenkov

Michael - good man, ... and Maria is also a good person, and, as you know, there should be many good people. That's why good people, without hesitation, decided to unite and live together, so that it would be good for themselves and others. They also have two good kids.

Alena's second cousin is Katenka, who cares about our planet and its ecology more than Greenpeace

Loves animals, nature and travelling. The most favorite route ... to my grandmother in the village.

He is fond of dancing, loves to skate, like all romantic natures, sings songs for himself and his family, periodically recording at his home studio.

Friends of Alexei - Maxim and Violetta Novozhilov

Maxim gets sick a lot and often ... because he is a fan of Moscow Spartak. I traveled all over Moscow with my favorite team. When Maxim is not sick, he works, one of the most responsible people in Moscow.

Violetta - the wife of Maxim, created houses so good atmosphere that Maxim is not sick at home, but pampers his wife. They are raising a son together.

Alena's cousins ​​uncle and aunt - Alexey and Aleftina Karpov

Uncle Lesha and aunt Alya are role models for any family.

Uncle Lesha is not only a real earner, but also a great cook who can cook dinner for the whole family.

Aunt Alya is the keeper of the hearth. Both of them are now raising a granddaughter ... and a son-in-law.

Friends of Alexei - Stepan and Maria Zinoviev

Stepan - very positive person. It's probably impossible to see him sad.

He loves cars very much… SELL!!!

Next to Stepan, his wife is Maria. One of major events in the life of this couple will happen this year - this is the birth of a second child. GOOD FELLOWS!!!

Yes, by the way, Stepan and Maria dance VERY cool and the groom really hopes that today all the guests present will be able to see it.

Alena's second cousin, with her husband - Lydia and Dmitry Leonidov

Lydia - elder sister bride and, as an older sister, she taught the bride a lot: how to make eyes for boys, what a player is, what marlboro is and how to smoke it ... After such lessons, all the boys of the Udarnik state farm were at their feet.

Alexei's friend - Peter Samokhvalov

This modest, young man, being a friend of the newlyweds, manages to wear the shoulder straps of a lieutenant colonel of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

When he launched an arrow in search of a bride, he did not find the frog princess. His arrow flew out of Russia, where it is to this day, because what kind of foreign country can there be with such and such a job ... So while Peter is without a life partner, but there are still arrows.

Alena's friend - Ekaterina Shirshakova

Catherine is one of the most beautiful bridesmaids. Vladivostok is famous for its abundance of beautiful, smart and economic girls, Ekaterina is Miss Vladivostok -2009 and was Miss Medical University throughout her studies.

Together with the bride, Katya sat at the same desk at school, sunbathed together on the beach in the summer, walked along the embankment together and studied at the medical university together.

Now Ekaterina is equipping her nest in the near Moscow region, dreaming of her own beauty salon and a prince on a white horse.

Friends of Alexei - Yakov and Anastasia Koklyushkin

Yakov is another frequently ill person, only here Yakov is not a fan of Spartak-Moscow, like some, but for his favorite business, where he acts as deputy director of ... a very beautiful business. What a big secret.

He plays football well - at least once a week he compares his skills with others. He is fluent in several foreign languages.

Anastasia is Yakov's wife, works at a very difficult job and ... is Alexander's spiritual inspirer.

Another wonderful couple, in which everything is wonderful.

They bring up a child and love to travel very much.

Alena's friend - Vyacheslav, with his wife Alexandra

Vyacheslav, together with his fiancee, gnaws at the granite of science, getting a second higher education.

In general, Vyacheslav and Alexandra are professional linguists and translators.

At home, in Russian, they communicate only on weekends, and today is just a day off, so if they want to wish something to the newlyweds, all the guests present will understand them.

Friends of Alexei - Vladimir and Svetlana Kostin

Vladimir is a computer genius. Very kind person and amazing trusted friend Sergei, who recent years 8 is the groom's most trusted friend.

Svetlana, in addition to working with her husband and raising her son, supports home warmth that if there were a competition for best housewife Russia, she would definitely take first place.

Alena's friend - Olga Kuznetsova

Olga - no less beautiful girlfriend brides from Vladivostok.

She is the standard of a real woman: beautiful, stately, smart, knows several languages ​​(more than one for sure), and she is also a very good doctor.

Olya, how real woman, can make a dinner out of nothing and at the same time feed all the many friends.

Friends of Alexey - Ruslan and Yana Chernov

Any difficulties pass before Ruslan, no the best specialist in Audi repair.

And he is very reminiscent of Kolyan from Real boys, in that he is just as correct.

Yana is the wife of Ruslan. While Ruslan saves another car, Yana then makes sure that the life of the rescuer is comfortable, that the rescuer's suit is washed and ironed, and that the rescuer is fed.

Has a secret passion - loves shopping... in search of beautiful things.

Alena's family friend - Aunt Raya

Aunt Raya - lived for 10 years and where her brother was born.

There she became godmother brother of the bride and helped the mother of the bride in the upbringing of her son in a difficult battle.

It was Aunt Raya who revealed to the bride the whole truth about pharmacists: in the pharmacy, not just sellers, but people who graduated from medical school, she used to say.

As the wife of a military man, she also loves to travel and knows how to create comfort in the house.

Alexey's family friends - Vasily and Elena Sushnikovs

Vasily and Elena are the parents of two small twins Sashuli and Petrusha, they are young and very promising. Elena is on temporary leave, and Vasily works for a notorious furniture office as a tough boss with a bunch of business trips.

Alena's friends - Fedor and Evgenia

Fedor, together with his fiancee, also gnaws at the granite of science, receiving his third education. The first two are not enough for him to be a deputy in the government of Tatarstan and manage the construction business.

Fedor dreams that there would be less corruption in Russia, and also wants to have a dacha in Cyprus. Evgenia, Fyodor's faithful companion, illuminates the path and always supports her beloved in all endeavors.

Friends of Alexei - Artem and Amalia Burashnikov

This glorious couple was formed more than a year back. Lovely very funny people where you can always eat a slice of homemade pizza and play charades. But this is not the main thing ... more important is that they are reliable friends, they will share the last sock and if something does not stick, they will be among the first to come to the rescue.


Lyudmila and Gennady Paroshin

Who raised us in childhood,
With us next to the soul all the time?
Parents congratulate the young
Mom and dad Svetlana.


Andrey Paroshin

Sveta has an older brother,
He is terribly happy about the wedding.
He is a talented poet
There is nothing better in the whole world!

He is a jack of all trades
He gnaws at the granite of science
And he proved a long time ago
What is not "Weak Link".

All smarter and kinder,
And his name is Andrey.


Larisa Isaeva, Vladimir Isaev, Vitaly Isaev, Oleg Krugovoi, Olga Krugovaya, Uliana Krugovaya

Wish you love and pleasant surprises,
Smiles, fun, miracles
And uncle Volodya, and aunt Larisa, -
Relatives from Safonovskie places.

Vitalik is a lawyer and a prominent man:
He is a bright talent in creativity.
After all, all students in Smolensk know for a long time,
What a brother Svetin is a musician!

Oleg, as always, handsome, smart,
Olya is the bride's sister with him.
And Svetina's goddaughter Ulyana -
Although small, but smart.

Alla and Konstantin Targonsky

Belarusian guests are present here:
Alla and Kostya arrived from Minsk.
Svetlana and Dima getting married
Greet the bride's aunt and brother.

Eduard, Antonina, Konstantin, Dmitry Babinovichi, Ekaterina Murashko

At the Paroshin family
There are good friends
I will introduce them:
Uncle Edik Babinovich,
Aunt Tonya Babinovich,
Kostya, Dima Babinovich, -
Friendly family!
And with Kostya - a hot girl,
Her name is Ekaterina.

Sergei and Tatyana Yablonovsky

There is simply no stronger tandem,
After all, more than one date was sung:
Sergey is a talented poet,
Tatyana's wife is a reciter.


Tatiana and Alexander Kirin

To the sports school as a young girl
Svetlana came for the first time
and Kirina Tatyana Yurievna
She was introduced to the sports class.

Sveta fell in love with gymnastics,
And her business went uphill.
At the same time, become a second mother
Tatyana Yurievna did it.

Let Svetin the coach wish
Love and joy, too.
Together came with her to the wedding
And Alexander Mikhalych, husband.


Elena Artemkina and Elena Tyutvina

Two excellent students, two Lenas,
Beauty Girls:
Elegant, modern,
They smile sweetly.

studied at the institute
Together with our Light.
Pay attention to them
I advise you all!

Irina and Georgy Gimein

The bride has a friend
We studied with her at school together.
My lyre will open for you,
What is the name of the girlfriend Ira.
With her - vigilant in matters of finance
Husband and businessman George.

Zoya Polyakova

I have known Sveta for a long time.
Zoya Polyakova's friend.
They carry through life proudly
High title "Master of Sports".


Alexandra Mironenko, Yuri Sorokin

It was the will of the authorities,
Or a sign was sent by fate, -
To the Currency Control Department
Sveta got into "Nota-bank".

Svetochka studied hard
Wise banking,
and Alexandra Mironenko
She helped a lot with this.

She is one of the wonderful houris
Our hall has now been decorated,
And next to her is Yuri Sorokin.
Friends, we welcome you!


Marina Vasilyeva

To be a witness is a difficult task.
You have to be beautiful, responsible and brave!
Smart, slender, like a prima ballerina,
Girlfriend Svetina Vasilyeva Marina.

Pavel Davydov

Witness of our young - Davydov Pasha,
There is no guy in Lyubertsy smarter and more beautiful than him.
He is very businesslike, athletic and reckless,
And at school with Dima, he sat at the same desk.


Natalia and Valery Vlasiev

You take good care of each other!
Love, harmony and happiness to you! -
Dima's parents wish
Natalia and Valery Vlasievs.


Anatoly Dorozhkin, Mikhail Dorozhkin, Pavel Dorozhkin, Ekaterina Dorofeeva, Yulia Ashurko

Near Moscow there is the city of Vidnoe,
The people there live well.

Brought paths to us
Anatoly Dorozhkin.

All teapot drivers know:
He is the head of the traffic police!

Dimin godfather smiles, -
And the cars are on their way.

Well, if he frowns, -
The street will immediately become a traffic jam.

So laugh a little quieter you.
With him two sons, Pasha with Misha,

And two beautiful girls, -
Here: with Misha - Katya, with Pasha - Julia.

Galina Suvorkina, Anastasia Suvorkina

Dima has an aunt Galya,
Loves kids very much
And it works for nothing
Kindergarten teacher.

And Dima's sister Nastya
With careful diligence
Plays great music
Loves drawing.
Grandma Polina

I won't talk long.
Dima's grandmother, Polina.

Dmitry Izmailov, Anna Izmailova

Here with his wife Dima Izmailov, -
Never get bored.
From Voronezh, of course,
Moved here.

It's good when in Gazprom
Our people are there too.
We are all grateful to Dima,
What could gather here.

Gennady Golovanov, Zoya Golovanova, Tatyana Golovanova

Well, Gennady Golovanov -
Thunderstorm of the seas and oceans.
Was a cargo ship captain
Served in distant Pakistan.

Been to Cyprus, Vietnam, -
Well, now at the wedding, with us.
Two ladies near the captain:
Wife Zoya, daughter Tatyana.

Lydia Baronshina

To our wedding from Tver
Abandoned by a festive typhoon,
Svetlana with Dmitry love
Wishes Lidia Baronshina.


Aram Arakelyan, Gennady Zubakhin, Alexander Smelovsky, Daria Starchuk, Valery Studenikin

Guests are dancing, wine is pouring, -
In general, the wedding is not bad.
We must get to know
And with the groom's friends.

Here is Aram, Davydov Pasha, -
You went to school together.
Here is Dasha next to Valera, -
With Dasha, you grew up together.

The circle of invitees widens
Alexander, neighbor and friend.

Next to him is Gena Zubakhin,
Extraordinarily smart.
And will not hide this verse,
What an enviable groom he is!


Natalya Pavlovna Ayvazyan

Ayvazyan Natalya Pavlovna -
Dimin has been a coach since childhood,
Taught Dima swimming, -
He became strong as an athlete.

Became beautiful and confident:
It couldn't be otherwise,
And often Dima coach
Comes to visit.

Swimming world champions
There are those brought up by her.
Natalya Pavlovna brought to life
Lots of nice people.


Inna Smelovskaya, Vladimir Smelovsky, Sergey Starchuk, Raisa Starchuk, Irina Zharabina, Andrey Trapizanyan

Listen to the verses here:
The house in the village has Woogie:
The Vlasievs live on the fifth,
On the tenth - Starchuki.

They are not friendlier in the world,
Never know trouble
And Sergei Starchuk besides,
Like me, a great poet.

Even on the fifth floor
We have already visited
Tell you about Smelovsky
I forgot about courage.

Nice family too
Also Vlasyev's friends,
They have already been done for a long time
Love my sister.

Arrived at our restaurant
And the Trapizanians:
We made friends in the hostel.
Here is a mighty clan of friends!


Alexandra Sartakova, Galina Gostyev, Sergey Gostyev, Nikita Gostyev

There is no such place in the world
Where we have no common relatives.
Alexandra Sartakov to us
Rushing from Berdsk these days.

There is a place in Siberia - Ust-Pristan,
There the skies are fresh and clear,
The trees stand there like a wall,
Dima's mother's native land is there.

From there flew to visit us
All friendly Gostyev family.


Here is my sister, Svetulya,
Clever and beautiful.
Next to her - neither give nor take,
Dima, my beloved son-in-law.

Svetlana Grigorievna (mother of the bride) - teacher-educator; knows everything about crop production; owns the tricks of obtaining a rich harvest; in her hands every seed becomes a work of art; craftswoman of cutting and sewing; skillfully handles the test; connoisseur classical literature, contemporary art and opera house; year-round workaholic and mother of four.

Stanislav Aleksandrovich (brother of the bride) - understands constitutional law; familiar with the device of the Makarov pistol; a connoisseur of world football and hockey; able to skillfully organize a holiday of any orientation; winner of mathematical and Russian-language school competitions; billiard lover; knows how to cook a delicious shank; seasoned "non-moustached" nannies with experience.

Matvey Alexandrovich (brother of the bride) - gold medalist of the school and the Institute of Physical Education; understands the intricacies of anatomy; experienced rescuer of drowning people; skillfully masters the techniques therapeutic massage; incendiary dancer disco; winner sports olympiads; former Latin American dance coach; humorist and merry fellow; exemplary family man and caring son.

Galina Mikhailovna (wife of Matvey) - a connoisseur of beauty; creative person; knows everything about organizing weddings, anniversaries and celebrations; an intelligent photographer who can turn gray everyday life into bright holiday; skillfully draws portraits; not indifferent to the representatives of the cat family; has a weakness for foreign classics and serious developing American films, protects family hearth and easy to get along with people.

Violetta Alexandrovna (sister of the bride) - a professional in the field of tourism; organizer of press screenings and creative meetings in the film industry; Lead Comptroller of Utilities; has a wonderful singing voice; easily demonstrate a foxtrot or jive on the dance floor; universal home hairdresser; caring wife and mother; faithful "mother's tail; will always come to the rescue and support in difficult situations.

Georgy Pavlovich (Violetta's husband) is an employee of the Russian railways; in charge of the freight transportation system; easily understands the world of insects; close contact with all living creatures; raises a domestic turtle; versed in computer technology; creates masterpieces from plasticine; master creative crafts; unceasing optimist; filled life energy; faithful husband and loving father.

Ekaterina (daughter of Violetta and Gergiy) - so far the only, long-awaited grandmother's granddaughter; a source of joy for the whole huge family; the object of inexhaustible love and sincere tenderness; lump boundless happiness; hyperactive personality; a small "talker" and "vermin"; has an interest in boyish toys, although sometimes a doll can be seen in her little hands.

Snezhanna Alekseevna (bridesmaid) - ace registrar; teacher of Russian language and literature; has good speech; does not make mistakes; demanding and attentive; endowed with an analytical mind; with pleasure I would try myself in operational-search activity; icon of style and femininity; good-natured and affectionate, thanks to which all children are drawn to her; excellent hostess; strong in spirit, but she herself is tiny and fragile.

Roman Alexandrovich (husband of Snezhanna) - an enterprising businessman; distributor household appliances; knows everything about vacuum cleaners and washing machines, can easily give them qualitative characteristic; interested world history, and can also, for example, tell about interesting facts the reign of the Romanov dynasty; likes to fish, after which he is able to create some kind of culinary masterpiece from the catch.

Elena Alexandrovna (bridesmaid) - knows what a balance sheet is, can easily reduce a debit with a loan; a skilled needlewoman, through embroidery, decorates everything that comes to her hand; thanks to her rich imagination, she likes to pamper herself with homemade dishes prepared according to her own recipe; has a gambling interest in backgammon; indifferent to passive stay in nature, prefers more active types of recreation.

Georgy Sergeevich (father of the groom) - a specialist in the field of electronics and energy; highly erudite personality; none literary work does not pass by his attention; competent in any sphere of life; monitors the political situation in the world; virtuoso chess player; homely family man; polite and well-mannered, a true gentleman and a wonderful father of the family.

Tatyana Nikolaevna (mother of the groom) - teacher-mathematician; classroom teacher; easily finds mutual language with kids; responsible worker; sociable and open; strong-willed and strong; hostess of all trades; culinary master; visits cultural institutions; "Medalist of the Institute of Marriage"; honors family traditions; cordial and hospitable; He gives his all to his family.

Elena Georgievna (sister of the groom) - a tactful teacher at the university; scientific director; fluent in English and Greek; endowed high intelligence; bakes delicious baklava; feeds tender feelings to all living things; sweet and kind; beautiful and attractive; doing yoga; a fan of theatrical performances and an active participant in "quests".

Lyudmila Vladimirovna ( godmother of the groom) is a specialist in the field of economic sciences; amateur gardener; almost all free time devotes to his hobby; leads active image life; energetic and cheerful; support a conversation on any topic; devoted friend and the true soul of the company.

Ekaterina Nikolaevna (the groom's cousin) is a diligent student of the Faculty of Economics; kind and compassionate to loved ones and relatives, as well as to everyone around; he will never pass by a destitute animal, he will always caress, warm and show care; sweet and feminine; sensual and tender.

Iosif Mikhailovich (groom's uncle) - restaurant business guru; an expert in his field; easy to climb; accepts right decisions and quickly achieves goals; obligatory and reliable; serious and business; diplomatic and organized; in his free time, he is happy to repair something, enjoying it and benefiting others.

Inna Vitalievna (Joseph's wife) - a professional in the service sector; communicates with the public; friendly and welcoming; her nature is characterized by inexhaustible charm, cheerful enthusiasm and mysterious charm; while relaxing, he prefers to retire from the crowd and listen to pleasant music, thereby restoring his peace of mind.

Lilia Kalovna - (Joseph's mother) former head of the district library acquisition department; gives unlimited love to grandchildren; benevolent and caring.

Dmitry Vasilievich (friend of the groom) - specialist in the oil and gas industries; he is friends with the camera and in his free time likes to conduct various interesting photo shoots; kind and sympathetic; durable and workable.

Tatyana Sergeevna (Dmitry's wife) - commodity manager; works in the field of trade; tends to travel and does not have a soul in conquering unknown spaces; benevolent and kind-hearted; economic and tidy.

Vika Dee March 29, 2018, 19:36

If on wedding ceremony many guests are expected, then the toastmaster or host usually introduces the guests to each other. It is not necessary to do this according to etiquette: by seniority and by name and patronymic. Of course, the parents of the newlyweds and guests aged better imagine full name , but numerous girlfriends, young friends can be presented more informally, i.e. just by name.

Leading In advance of the ceremony, you will need a list of invitees with names, who they are young, place of work, hobbies, so that he can voice a funny description of each participant in the celebration.

You can voice the names of each person present as part of a competition, a blitz poll, or simply announce before a toast

They usually start with the newlyweds themselves., then introduce the parents and close relatives, then comes the turn of witnesses, after all the others - acquaintances, colleagues, classmates and so on.

But the order is not strict. Can start at alphabetical order or first from the oldest, ending with the smallest, or vice versa. A special mention at the wedding deserve God-parents young if they are present at the ceremony.

Godparents of the newlyweds at the wedding

How beautiful to present guests at a wedding

You can originally introduce guests to each other by inviting them one by one or in pairs to participate in different competitions or in the form of a question joke quiz. You can represent those present in poetic form or in prose by coming up with fun characteristics based on the place of work or hobby.

Poems are read by the toastmaster, they should not be more than one quatrain

The facilitator can start the poem by offering to finish it to the participants.

Leading (tamada) at the wedding

An interesting option for presentation in prose would be puzzles, prepared in such a way that everyone can recognize themselves and give the answer to the riddle by introducing themselves.

An interesting blitz presentation of wedding guests at the table

Blitz performance suitable for lavish celebrations in European style with about 40-50 guests. In fact, this is a quick introduction of each participant in the celebration, sometimes a group of guests at once.

For example, a blitz with adjectives: the best friend of the bride, the most faithful friends groom, the most responsive colleague, the most funny sisters and so on.

Or according to the “what, where, when” option, listing facts about the guests: the groom’s uncle, a successful surgeon, his wife, children's teacher and so on.

You can take as a basis any characteristic of the guest, in addition to his degree of attitude towards young people. List by hobbies or participation in the life of young people - depends on the contingent, the total number of people. The main thing is that no one should be offended, but at the same time, it didn't sound overly memorized.

For a formal celebration, you can introduce guests more formally: by name, patronymic, listing merits and achievements.

Ready-made examples of presenting guests at a wedding in a comic form

A cool acquaintance can be as a game or dance- all participants line up in a circle and dance to the music. When the melody stops, everyone gets acquainted with the one opposite him. Quite an interesting and boring way.

The performance will turn out bright and interesting if each participant comes up with funny two- or four-verse lines, for example, Alinka shines like a tangerine, Larisa like a daffodil bud, Uncle Tolya is a sailor, a quarter is a Pole, he caught a shark without getting up from his chair, and so on. It is important that the rhymes are not offensive.

Presentation of the guests at the wedding

A comic acquaintance can be made if the toastmaster asks those guests whose name begins with the same letter, or those born under the same zodiac sign, in general, who have the same characteristic, to introduce themselves. This will work if you choose the characteristic that does not unite the guests in life, i.e. not colleagues, classmates or classmates.

Also, before the celebration, the organizer can prepare steam rooms for all guests. name cards: cards should be different from each other, for example, be in the form of hearts or doves, or be a pair of each color. Cards are randomly distributed to everyone at the beginning of the banquet, then the host sets the moment to ask those who have certain cards to come out and get to know each other.

Wedding seating card for a wedding

You can approach the performance with humor by preparing for each guest a kind of certificate of honor with the title: the loudest voice, Miss Laughter of the Year and so on. After handing them to each guest as a reward for participating in competitions.

It is better to arrange the presentation of guests at the ceremony in a fun and provocative way so that no one has to be bored. Plus, it will make it easier to remember new faces.

How to introduce parents - mom and dad at a wedding

Parents of young people are the most important people on the wedding celebration after the bride and groom. Their presentation must be special. as guests of honor.

Introducing parents to wedding guests

As with the rest of the guests, you can introduce mother and father in the form of poetry or ordinary speech. This should be a speech - a tribute to the older generation, who raised such wonderful newlyweds.

Adding a bit of humor is quite appropriate

You can imagine the mother-in-law or mother-in-law as an avid gardener, father-in-law or father-in-law - a keen hunter, i.e. get off the hobby.

An example of the presentation of the parents of the bride and groom at a wedding: “Dear guests, we are in a hurry to introduce those without whom this holiday would not have been possible - the parental couple of the young. A young soul, loves hockey, cannot live without a garden, the father of the bride - Name Patronymic ";" caring, compassionate, always knows how to help with advice, Dear Mom our bride - Name Patronymic.

More formal and dry presentation will be limited only to the full name and enumeration of merits.

Representation of all relatives at the wedding

As mentioned above, the order of presentation can be any - depending on the celebration. It could be like listing in order, starting with parents and ending with acquaintances and friends, and by seniority - from the oldest grandparents to the youngest children.

Meeting relatives at a wedding

But first, there should always be a presentation of the bride and groom at the wedding, as the main heroes of the occasion. This is not even done to introduce guests to the young- everyone knows them, but rather, as a celebration of two loving hearts who are getting married. After that, parents and godparents are usually introduced - as second parents for the newlyweds.

Grandparents should be presented immediately after the parents, as the oldest at the celebration

Then there can already be a listing of all other relatives in free or alphabetical order, and after them - the rest of the guests.

Sometimes the order is changed in order to mark those relatives who is closest to the young seven e, for example, cousin bride, who helped the young and supported in Hard time. According to the same option, it can be a brother or sister from the side of the groom, as the most close person. Or aunt and uncle, or any other kindred.

It is believed that if one of the relatives came with a spouse, then his or her name should be announced immediately after the introduction of the relative.

For example, the brother of the bride is the “name” and his charming wife is the “name”. Exception to this unspoken rule: parents and grandparents on each side - each of them needs to be mentioned regardless of whether they are married or not.

It is better not to devote much time to the introduction of all those present - this will delay the ceremony. It is worth timed to coincide with some kind of competition, make a performance between the toasts, for example: “And now the toast will say close friend and the bridegroom's witness - "name".

Introduce wedding guests

Experienced host knows exactly how best to introduce guests, without tiring with an endless enumeration.

If the young people decide to celebrate the wedding without a toastmaster, then the bride or groom should take over the presentation of the guests. Or ask one of the guests to take on the role of host.

At a grand celebration not without acquaintance to avoid an awkward situation, for example, when acquaintances want to congratulate the parents of the bride or groom, but do not know them personally.

Acquaintance can always be beaten as another competition or game, in which case it will not look too formal, but it will also introduce guests to each other.

It is also possible to separately present those who will work at the ceremony– operators, photographers, DJ and musicians for easy reference.