Conspiracy and handshaking are the last pre-wedding rites. Conspiracy (handshake, engagement). Collusion, handshake and drinking

Before the conspiracy, even the very celebration of the wedding receded. Only under Catherine II, in 1755, the Holy Synod managed to combine the rite of exchange of rings (betrothal) with a wedding, but the engagement (by the definition of an ancient Roman lawyer, this is a preliminary contract for marriage - futurarum) continued to live in folk tradition as a notification of the intention of two loving hearts get married. Non-marriage after the engagement was considered unthinkable. The conversation took place in the following way.

marriage contract the old fashioned way

The groom, parents, close relatives came to the bride's house. Written inline recording , which spoke about what both sides had come to, stipulated duties, names, dowry, penalties, backwards. Sometimes it was stipulated that a husband should not beat his wife; in case of violation, a fine was collected from the offender. The engagement was accompanied by a celebration, in rich families sometimes they rented entire mansions, specially designed for this. For all classes, the groom gave the bride a ring with a stone. He also ordered wedding rings, which were engraved: in the bride's ring - the initials of the groom and the date of betrothal, in the groom's ring - the initials of the bride and also the date of the betrothal.

Dowry, hello and goodbye!

On the second day after the engagement, ceremony of presenting icons to the bride which, together with the dowry, were brought into the groom's house. The groom brought gifts and gifts for the bride, her friends and household. The dowry was transported to the groom's house before the wedding. In the merchant environment, the dowry was carried to five carts:

first- icons and samovar;

second- dishes;

third- bed with accessories;

fourth- furniture;

fifth- the mother or aunt of the bride with a census of the dowry, as well as a matchmaker holding a turkey in her cap.

First - cry, then - have fun

The bridegroom's mother or older married sister met the dowry. Among the nobility, the transfer of dowry was not accompanied by ritual actions. There was only one purely Orthodox rite - joint prayers of the bride and her mother . It was performed immediately after the departure of the train with dowry from the bride's house. marriage contract didn't represent that official document like in Europe.

After that they arranged hen-party And bachelor party . The bachelorette party took place among the population, closer to the peasant traditions, the bachelor party - in all classes.

Have you asked the church?

Then came the church announcement. The priest of the parish was informed in writing or orally about the intention of the young people to marry, and the “name, rank or condition” of the bride and groom was announced. On the next three Sundays after the liturgy, the priest announced the names of those wishing to marry.
The custom made it possible to establish whether there were obstacles to marriage. After three announcements, a ticket was issued, on the basis of which a ticket was drawn up for the bride and groom on the wedding day. "search" entered in a special "search" book. From 1802 to 1917 it was in every church. "Search" the groom, the bride, 2-3 guarantors and the reckoning of the church signed.


A few days after the matchmaking, the bride's parents (or relatives, if the bride is an orphan) came to the groom's house to look at his household. This part of the wedding was more "utilitarian" than all the others, and did not involve special ceremonies.

From the groom demanded guarantees of prosperity future wife. Therefore, her parents examined the farm very carefully. The main requirements for the economy were the abundance of cattle and bread, clothes, utensils.

Often, after inspecting the household, the bride's parents refused the groom.

Smotriny - a wedding ceremony in which the matchmaker / (matchmaker), the groom, the groom's parents could see future bride and evaluate its advantages and disadvantages. Brides were held after the matchmaking, before the handshake.

N. Nevrev. Smotriny
Also under the bride can be understood - the bridegroom's housekeeping. This was especially important if the matchmakers came from a foreign village. Satisfied with the results of "home-sighting", as the bride was also called, the bride's parents appointed the day of public matchmaking - rubbing.


If, after inspecting the groom's household, the bride's parents did not refuse him, a day was appointed for the public announcement of the decision on the wedding. IN different traditions this rite was called differently (“vaults”, “collusion”, “binge”, “sing out” - from the word “sing”, “zaruchiny”, “zaporuki” - from the words “hit hands”, “proclamation”, “ vaults" and many other names), but in any tradition, it was from this day that the actual wedding began. After the public announcement, only exceptional circumstances could upset the wedding (such as the escape of the bride).

Usually, the "collusion" takes place about two weeks after the matchmaking.

The "conspiracy" took place in the bride's house. Most of the villagers usually gathered for it, since the day of the "conspiracy" was determined after inspecting the groom's household, and a few days before the "conspiracy" itself, this news spread throughout the village.

At the "conspiracy" it was supposed to treat the guests. The parents of the bride and groom had to agree on the day of the wedding, who would be the boyfriend, etc.

Hand-beating (conspiracy, hard drinking, zaruchiny, wooing, vaults) is part of the wedding ceremony, during which a final agreement on the wedding was reached.

After a successful matchmaking, after 2-3 days, the parents of the young people organized the so-called "collusion", "binge", "hand-beating". This terminology denoted the content of a certain pre-wedding stage, characteristic of Russians throughout Russia. At the same time, they agreed on the date of the wedding, on upcoming expenses, the number of gifts, on laying (form material support bride from the side of the groom's relatives), dowry, etc. Also, when handshaking, they distributed wedding ranks. In conclusion, the fathers of the bride and groom beat each other on the hands, often putting on canvas mittens for this. All this was supposed to mean a fortress and the obligation to fulfill the contract. After the "handshake" the bride was considered betrothed.

Handshake history.

Before the conspiracy, even the very celebration of the wedding receded. Only under Catherine II, in 1755, the Holy Synod managed to combine the rite of exchange of rings (betrothal) with a wedding, but the engagement (by the definition of an ancient Roman lawyer, this is a preliminary contract for marriage - futurarum) continued to live in folk tradition as a notification of the intention of two loving hearts to marry. Non-marriage after the engagement was considered unthinkable. It happened in the following way.

The groom, parents, close relatives came to the bride's house. A row record was written, which spoke about what both sides had come to, stipulated duties, names, dowries, penalties, back. Sometimes it was stipulated that a husband should not beat his wife; in case of violation, a fine was collected from the offender. The engagement was accompanied by a celebration, in rich families sometimes they rented entire mansions, specially designed for this. For all classes, the groom gave the bride a ring with a stone. He also ordered wedding rings, which were engraved: in the bride's ring - the initials of the groom and the date of betrothal, in the groom's ring - the initials of the bride and also the date of the betrothal.

On the second day after the engagement, the ceremony of presenting the bride with icons was performed, which, together with the dowry, were brought into the groom's house. The groom brought gifts and gifts for the bride, her friends and household. The dowry was transported to the groom's house before the wedding. In the merchant environment, the dowry was carried on five carts: the first - icons and a samovar, the second - dishes, the third - a bed with accessories, the fourth - furniture, the fifth - the mother or aunt of the bride with a census of the dowry, as well as a matchmaker holding a turkey in her hands in a cap. The bridegroom's mother or older married sister met the dowry. Among the nobility, the transfer of dowry was not accompanied by ritual actions.

There was only one purely Orthodox rite - the joint prayers of the bride and her mother. It was performed immediately after the departure of the train with dowry from the bride's house. The marriage contract was not such an official document as in Europe. After that, a bachelorette party and a bachelor party were arranged. The bachelorette party took place among the population, closer to the peasant traditions, the bachelor party - in all classes, then there was a church announcement.

The priest of the parish was notified in writing or orally about the intention of the young people to marry, the “name, rank or condition” of the bride and groom was announced. On the next three Sundays after the liturgy, the priest announced the names of those wishing to marry.

The custom made it possible to establish whether there were obstacles to marriage. After three announcements, a ticket was issued, on the basis of which a “search” was compiled for the bride and groom on the day of the wedding, which was entered in a special “search” book. From 1802 to 1917 it was in every church. The "search" was signed by the groom, the bride, 2 - 3 guarantors and the church's reckoning.

Solomko S.S. Wedding ceremony.1909

Features in northern traditions

In the north, this rite is usually called "zaporuki", "zaruchiny". At this ceremony, the groom and the matchmaker are present.

In the north, the ceremony of commissioning the bride was one of the most dramatic of all the rites of the wedding cycle. Even if the bride was glad to be married, she was supposed to lament. In addition, the bride performed a number of ritual actions. So, she had to put out the candle in front of the icons. Sometimes the bride hid, ran away from home. When they tried to lead her to her father, she struggled. The bridesmaids were supposed to catch her and take her to her father.

After that, the key action of the whole day was performed - “hanging up” the bride. The father covered the bride's face with a handkerchief. After that, the bride stopped escaping. The place of "hanging" varies (in different places hut or outside the hut).

After the hanging, the bride began to lament. The groom and the matchmaker, without waiting for the end of the laments, left.
The bridegroom took place in the bride's house, but it also happened at the festivities, in the theater. When they took place in the bride's house, the groom with his parents and the matchmaker did not go straight, but drove further and made a circle - according to custom, they "confuse the matter." Later, the rite of bridegroom incorporated Matchmaking and Handshaking and could therefore drag on for more than one week, the reason for which were disputes about the size of the dowry, etc.

Wedding, ancient name wedding, even more ancient sviatba, means binding, sviatba. Matchmakers, retinues, performed the rite of sexual cohabitation of a man and a woman from different kinds, binding, sviyatbu, when a woman from one clan was allowed to live with a man from another clan. Later, the rite of binding was overgrown with numerous wedding rites.

The next period in some traditions was called a "week" (although it did not necessarily last a week, sometimes up to two weeks). At this time, the dowry was being prepared. In northern traditions, the bride constantly lamented. In the southern ones, every evening the groom and friends came to the bride's house (this was called "gatherings", "evenings", etc.), they sang and danced.

On the "week" the groom was supposed to come with gifts. IN northern tradition all actions during the "week" are accompanied by the bride's laments, including the arrival of the groom.

Vytiye is a wedding ceremony, ritual lamentation. Occurs on the half of the bride. Its purpose is to show that the girl lived well in her parents' house, but now she has to leave. The bride said goodbye to her parents, friends, will. The bride was put on something like a veil, because of which she could not see anything, so the bride needed to be accompanied. As soon as she was released, the bride fell.


A. Zubchaninov. peasant engagement

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Handshake" is in other dictionaries:

    HANDSHAPING, I, cf. (outdated). A strong, clapping handshake to sign a deal. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Handshake, handshake Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    Wed 1. Clapping, beating on hands [hand I 1., 2.] as a sign of a deal, mutual agreement. 2. Part of the wedding ceremony in the old way of life (usually peasant and merchant), when the fathers of the bride and groom agreed on the marriage of children. Explanatory ... ... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    handshake - ancient custom beat hands as a sign of a deal, including and marriage contract. In the latter case, R. took place between the father of the groom and the father of the bride and was part of the wedding ceremony ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    - ... Wikipedia

    Adolphe William Bouguereau The Proposal Betrothal (also ... Wikipedia

    Andrei Ryabushkin. "Peasant wedding in the Tambov province." 1880 The Russian wedding ceremony is one of the most important family rituals. The wedding ceremony consists of many elements, among them: ritual songs, parables, obligatory ... ... Wikipedia

    N. P. PEROV View of the bride. 1861 ... Wikipedia

    N. K. Pimonenko. Matchmakers. 1882 ... Wikipedia

- became real ritual actions.

In Rus', the wedding was played, as if they were performing magical rite. Each step was verified, any little thing meant something, pointed to something, could predict the future ...

The wedding ceremony was fully formed in the 13th-14th centuries. At least that's what historians say. And the essence of the wedding ceremony did not change later for many years, although some moments were still interpreted differently in different areas.

So, traditional wedding in Rus' in the 13th-14th centuries began with courtship.

Matchmaking is the first thing that happened before the wedding. Then there were bridesmaids, handshaking, howling, bachelorette party, ransom. And finally, the wedding, festivities and wedding feast.

All ceremonies are designed to remind: a girl passes from her father's clan to her husband's clan. Therefore, at all the time of wedding ceremonies, the spirits of the masculine family were praised, so that the transition of the young under their protection would go smoothly.

The transition from one to the other is death in one and birth in the other. Therefore, the symbolism speaks precisely about this: death and birth again. Here, for example, hen-party before the wedding. During it, it was customary to go to the bath. Going to the bath symbolized the washing of the dead. Vytiye (lament for the bride who leaves Father's house) - the same as crying for the dead. And for the wedding in the church, the bride is led by the arms, as if she were a lifeless body ... And after the wedding, the groom brings the bride into the house in his arms (the tradition is still alive), not because he is strong and can lift a fragile young lady, so the groom allegedly deceives the brownie: brings in the bride, as if she were a newborn - a new member of the family. And she ended up in the house, but she didn’t enter the house - so the brownie accepts her.

Matchmaking. Traditionally, the relatives of the groom were matchmakers. Most often men.

When the matchmaker entered the house of the intended bride, he did some ritual action: he sat down in a certain place, knocked on the stove damper, and so on. Then he spoke the text. He did not directly ask for the hand of his daughter for the groom. Everything was veiled: “You have goods, we have a merchant”, “Our goose is looking for a goose”. The girl's parents responded in the same spirit. And for the first time, they certainly refused. This was the custom. Only after the persuasion of the matchmaker did the father and mother of the bride agree to marry their daughter to their "merchant" or "goose" ...

Smotriny took place after marriage. The bride's parents came to the groom's house to "assess the situation." That is, to see whether they live poorly or richly in the house, whether there is enough grain, bread and other supplies. How much is found in the barn ... Do not doom own daughter starving life?

If the bride's parents were satisfied with the groom's house, then the rite followed handshake(conspiracy, binge, drinking, zaruchiny, bails, wooing, vaults, and so on) - a ceremony that is needed only to set a wedding date.

For the conspiracy, which usually took place two weeks after the matchmaking, not only relatives, but also almost all the villagers came to the bride's house. Treats were offered to everyone ...

After the agreement began howling- the period before the wedding. It is called so because at this time the bride was supposed to cry and lament, complaining about her share of the share. At least that was the case with the northern peoples. The southerners did the opposite - all this time the groom came to the bride's house, and there they arranged dances and sang songs.

And also during this period, the bride had to prepare a dowry: a blanket, a feather bed, pillows, embroidered towels, shirts for her future husband.

On the eve of the wedding, the bride would certainly go to the bathhouse and arrange hen-party. At the bachelorette party, the girl said goodbye to her friends. And with my girl life. The main action is the unweaving of the bride's braid.

On the wedding day a friend usually came to the bride - the brother or other relative of the groom. The bride should already be ready for his arrival: dressed, combed. She sits in the red corner and waits. Druzhka checked whether the bride was ready to meet the groom. If ready, then a wedding train went to her house, the “passengers” of which were the groom, boyfriend, as well as relatives and friends.

In the bride's house passed ransom. By the way, it is carried out today in almost exactly the same way as many centuries ago.

As soon as the bride is redeemed, the train moves to the church, where it will pass wedding. The bride is then brought to her husband's house. The most enjoyable part is coming wedding ceremonyfeast. Everyone is having fun sing. In a word, from our modern wedding at this moment, a wedding in Rus' is not much different.

The ceremony of courtship took place, the proposal of the groom's relatives to intermarry was accepted favorably by the bride's relatives, the bride's bride and the inspection of the groom's household were successful. Now preparations are underway to the last pre-wedding rites - conspiracy and handshake. Collusion and handshaking are such pre-wedding ceremonies at which the groom's relatives discussed organizational and economic issues with the bride's relatives. At such wedding ceremonies as conspiracy and handshaking, questions were resolved about who would invest what financial resources in organizing and holding a wedding ceremony, where the young people would live after the wedding procedure in the church, what dowry they give for the bride, and others. important questions. Handshaking got its name from such a wedding ceremony: the father of the bride and the father of the groom put on fur coats, stretched their hands through the floor of the fur coat, and the elder matchmaker parted the hands of the fathers, while everyone present said: “For good luck!”. After that, the groom's father gave the bride's father and the bride herself some small symbolic gift. wedding ceremonies collusion and handshaking ended with a wide festive feast, which marked the end to wedding ceremonies. The next step is handing icons to the bride. The father of the bride took off the icon, kissed his daughter, handed the icon to her, thereby blessing her for marriage. After that, the icons were sent to the groom's house, where the bride was to settle after the wedding procedure, after the wedding celebration. Following the icons, gifts that the bride makes to the groom's relatives were sent to the groom's house, and the bride's dowry was also sent. Only after such wedding ceremonies as conspiracy and handshaking did preparations begin for wedding celebration. Only after such rituals as conspiracy and handshaking, the girl is considered betrothed. A few days after the wedding ceremony of handshaking, the bride and groom meet in public, exchange wedding rings. The groom had to order the wedding rings. Wedding rings were engraved with them - on wedding ring the groom's initials and the date of their wedding were engraved, the bride's wedding ring was engraved with the groom's initials and the date of their wedding. After this event, the wedding was to take place in almost one hundred percent of cases. From that moment on, the life of the bride and groom was very strictly regulated, everyday life the bride and groom were subject to strict canons. All necessary wedding omens, the bride and groom were protected from the evil eye, communication with "unkind" people. It was believed that after the engagement before the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom became convenient targets for various negative impacts. It was believed that any special or accidental action could “spoil” the bride and groom, that is, literally damage the groom, bride or their future. married life. Therefore, the bride and groom, in order to protect themselves from evil influence, had to observe a lot of ritual actions. Wedding rites of conspiracy and handshaking still exist today. Of course they don't have that. symbolic meaning, like before. Today, wedding ceremonies, such as conspiracy and handshaking, have only a practical meaning - the families of the bride and groom discuss the same organizational and economic issues as two hundred years ago - where the newlyweds will live after the wedding, what to give the newlyweds for the wedding, how to distribute expenses for organizing and holding a wedding. wish you happy family life and I invite you to look at my creations and wedding make-up, you can see my work by going to the section of photos of hairstyles and photos of makeup, best regards wedding stylist for the wedding of Larisa Vorobyov.