The magic of the air element: strong conspiracies to the wind. Conspiracy for longing

In this article:

A conspiracy to love is done by the weak, not by the loving.

A love plot seems to most ordinary people to be a harmless act, even a game that should not be taken seriously. However, experience proves that not everything is so good in conspiracies, or rather, there is a lot of bad, dangerous and even terrible in them.

Of course, during the ritual, the heavens above you will not open up, but here Negative consequences he will definitely have, and first of all for his customer or author, if it is one and the same person. Big problems grow even from the most harmless conspiracies, not endowed with special power. Why? Because it's all magic.

Reading Rules

  • The words are spoken very quietly, almost in a whisper.
  • The rite of love has strong energy, therefore, they have the same effect on a guy and a girl, on those who believe in magic, and not.
  • The author's belief in what he is doing and a clear presentation of the result can increase efficiency.
  • Words should be read not once, but 3,6,9,12 and so on times, in the absence of clear instructions on the number of readings, if only this number is divisible by 3.
  • If the plot does not specify the conditions for reading, then it should be performed as follows. Get up at dawn. Do not eat or drink anything. Wash yourself 4 times with dew or spring water (you can use church water). Bow towards the north, then west, south and east. Turn your face to the sunrise and read the prayer: “Nicholas the Pleasant, God's helper. You are in the field, in the house, on the road, on the road, in heaven, on earth - everywhere. Intercede for me, save me from all evil. After that, you can read the plot.
  • Daytime and morning slanders are read to the east, evening and night conspiracies - to the west.
  • The preliminary prayer to the angel of the day on which you are reading the plot can increase the strength.
  • In the room in which you are going to read the words, there should be three images: the Savior, the Virgin, St. Nicholas (can be replaced by the healer Panteleimon).
  • With absence special instructions a conspiracy for a woman should be read on women's day - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and for a man on a "men's" day - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.
  • In no case do not read the rites on Sunday - this is a church day.
  • Having finished reading the plot, pour the water, if any, into the ground, where no one will step on it. Rinse the rest of the items used in the ritual with running water, saying:

    “Not a ladle (a glass, a basin, a vase) of mine, but a servant of God (name) from illnesses, ailments, commotion, fears, troubles, a prize, an evil conversation, let it be clean. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

    After washing your hands up to the elbows, clean the room, ventilate it and say a prayer of thanks.

Similar ways works have a beneficial effect on the general background of a woman

First rite

This love plot is read at dawn, on the growing moon. If you cannot get a girl or a guy, he will help you attract the attention of the person of interest. Ideally, it is better to read the plot on the street, but if you live in a huge metropolis, you can do this in a room by an open window.

“I conjure that (the name of the object) becomes one with (your name) in the same way that Fire, Air and Water are one with the Earth, so that thoughts (name of the object) are only about (your name), as the rays of the sun rule the Light of the world and its virtues. And let the high spirit (your name) circle over the spirit (name of the object), like water above the earth. Make it so that (name of object) cannot eat, drink, enjoy life without (your name).”

Repeat the plot 12 times, 12 days in a row. After a short period of time, after you read the plot on the twelfth day, the object of your sympathy will begin to think about you, pay attention to you, and want to be near you.


This conspiracy to love a man is very strong. The rules for reading the plot are similar to the previous case. The main thing is that it is better to read the plot from memory, but it is also possible from a sheet of paper, where the text is not printed, but written by hand. In no case do not read conspiracies from the monitor! Pronounce words should be clear, fast, without errors - this is important.
In the morning, in an empty room, with the phone and other distracting mechanisms and devices turned off, say:

“Just as a person cannot live without water and food, so God’s servant (name) cannot live day or night without God’s servant (name) of his other half.”

It is always preferable to read the plot from memory

Third (from photo)

If you have a photo of the person you are interested in, you can do enough effective conspiracy for love.

The positive aspect of the ritual is that there is no need to concentrate on the image of the person on whom the conspiracy is being made, because you have it in the form of a photograph.

When reading the plot, fill your words with love, desire, the power of positive emotions.

Let them penetrate the image and thoughts of the object of your affection, causing reciprocal feelings.

“Love in the heart (name) I call, I will kindle the fire of passion in my soul! Go love in the heart (name) and stay there forever! Let your beloved eyes flare with hot fire, to me (name), so that he reaches out to me and strives to unite with me, with all his heart, with all his soul. I so want and he will be with me. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

This plot is read in the evening or at night in front of a photo of a guy, placed between two lit candles, preferably lit in a church. The plot is read nine times in a row for seven days on the growing moon.

Perhaps the worst thing in a woman's life is when a loved one leaves you. Nothing compares to the pain and despair of parting. At such a moment, I want to give everything in the world just for him to return and you to be together again. And there is a means that gives such hope - magical conspiracy for the return of a loved one. This is a tried and tested tool that makes a loved one turn their thoughts back to you. Of course, the conspiracy does not give a full guarantee - the ability to magic, the correctness of the ritual, and the strength of the chosen one's feelings matter. But if you are sure that you want to be with him and only with him, you should try everything.

Features of the rites

Rituals aimed at returning a loved one can be carried out in different situations. But it should be remembered that with the help of such influences it is impossible to destroy someone else's love. After all, it is not uncommon for a loved one to leave because he fell in love with another woman.

That is, before deciding to conduct the ceremony, you need to make sure that your loved one still has feelings for you in his soul, and if he returns to you, then you will be able to awaken them again.

Rites, the action of which is aimed at the return of a loved one, are very simple to perform, because for the success of the rites, it is important, first of all, the performer's faith in success. All rituals can be performed at home, the main thing is to carefully read the description of a particular ceremony, and follow all the recommendations.

A conspiracy to return a loved one can be made using church candle brought from the temple.

In the evening, put her in front of a mirror and, looking at her flame, read the following plot three times:

“Angels and saints!
Solve our earthly troubles.
Help me in my grief
My ... (name of a loved one) return to me.
Nobody, since I don't love him,
No one will love him like that.
He will not be happy with another.
Only with me will he be happy alone.

After that, go to bed, trying to think as much as possible about him and about your joint happiness.

At dawn

Another popular plot to return a loved one is spoken at dawn. Get up early in the morning, take a bath, comb your hair - for this conspiracy you must be as clean, fresh and good-looking as possible.

As you watch the sun rise above the horizon, repeat these words:

“I will open my eyes at the dawn of the morning,
Myself clean water wash.
I will be as fresh as dew, I will be good in body.
As the sun returns with the dawn
So ... (name of a loved one) will return to my arms.
He better not find me
At least a hundred times around the Earth.
Together with him we will stay forever
We'll never be apart again."

Try to remind yourself somehow on this day. For example, catch his eye or call for some random reason.

With water

Such a natural attribute as water is very often used in magic. It will also help you get your loved one back.

The ritual is held in a separate room. You need to sit down at the table, set two candles in front of you and light them. Next to them you need to put a glass of water. After that, you need to sit in silence and remember all the happiest moments spent with your chosen one.

Then, looking at the water, you should say these words:

"I, the Servant of God ( given name) I appeal to you water-water, you are my natural sister, pure and transparent. You have great power natural force so help me to return my beloved, the Servant of God (the name of a loved one). Make him forget about all the other women on the planet. So that he only misses me and only thinks about me. Let him come to me from any distant distance, go through meadows, fields, swamps and dense forests. As my darling drinks the charmed water, it will remain with me forever. All my words will come true, I conjure and beg. Amen".

For the success of such a ceremony, it is very important to invite a loved one to visit at least once. Under any pretext, you will need to give him tea made from charmed water. This is a very strong conspiracy that will start working immediately after drinking tea, and the first results will appear in two weeks.

According to the legend of our ancestors, a special spirit lives in the bathhouse, which allows for successful magical rites. Such rituals also help to return a loved one. To do this, you need to go to the bath with a new broom. IN modern world bath can be replaced by a visit to the sauna.

Accept water procedures necessary in the usual way. But steaming with the help of a broom, you need to try so that the leaf from it sticks to your body.

When this happens, you need to say these words:

“As this leaf is attached to the body of the Servant of God (proper name), so let the Servant of God (the name of the beloved) also stick to it. Amen".

These words must be spoken three times. After that, the leaf must be peeled off the body and, bringing it home, dried. After that, you need to grind it and mix it with dry tea leaves, which should be used to make tea for your loved one. If it is not possible to treat the chosen one with tea, then the powder from the leaf should be spilled on the path of your chosen one.

To return a loved one, one should give preference to the rites of white magic. But such influences will be effective only if the separation took place no more than six months before. Otherwise, you can use the rites of black magic, but it should be understood that this is very dangerous. Such an impact can harm not only the victim of the rite, but also the performer. In addition, it should be remembered that it is impossible to break someone else's love with such a rite.

Very fast acting plot for sudden luck and money. You will most likely receive finance by playing the lottery (but money can also come in another way, for example, you win a bet at a bookmaker). It is important that you understand that you must take some step to be lucky. You will have luck, so take risks and you should be lucky.

Carrying out a conspiracy

This plot must be read at dawn. It is necessary that the moon goes up (do not plot on the waning moon). For a conspiracy you need a glass drinking water and a pinch of salt.

Sit at the table and put a glass of water in front of you. Take the salt with your left hand (do not take much, just a small pinch), bring it to your lips and whisper (whisper barely audible!) A conspiracy on it:

"Aymarai, please, please, don't be angry, give me your luck, on loan, I'll give you mine, help me raise money, in case you need it. Aymarai, don't leave me, I don't ask for nothing."

They whispered three times, poured salt into the water and immediately drank the water. Part of the salt will remain at the bottom of the glass, it's not scary. You need to put this glass somewhere where no one will touch it and let it stand until you win money. As you win, you can wash this glass and use it further for your intended purpose.
Especially for www.

If something in life does not turn out the way you want it, do not despair. Because there are methods by which these situations change. These methods can also be magical. Let's talk about the situations in which conspiracies are used at the window.

What is important to know about conspiracies?

In order for the conspiracies to work in the way that is possible, they are pronounced in a special way:

  • As a rule, a conspiracy also carries a specific rite. Do not neglect this rite, do everything exactly. Most likely, these actions remained unchanged for many years, therefore they accumulated magical energy in themselves.
  • Believe in every word you speak. If you do not understand the meaning of a particular word, then clarify it. The more consciously you pronounce the words, the more meaning they have for you, the more useful they will be.
  • If you want to attract something into your life, then perform conspiracies on the growing moon, and if you want to get rid of something, then perform conspiracies on the waning moon.
  • It is advisable to have talismans or amulets with you that will protect you from magical kickbacks.

A conspiracy at the window to fulfill a wish

Conspiracies where there is an open window can be on different topics. We offer you an interesting conspiracy at the window for the fulfillment of desires.

On the first day of the new moon, stand at an open window late in the evening, so that Moonlight fell on you. Close your eyes and stay for five or six minutes moonlight. Visualize desire in your body. Imagine it as a big hot ball that is in your body.

Nadezhda Shevchenko periscope Magic House rituals

Very strong white conspiracy for the love of a man, woman, girl, guy - read on the growing moon!

Conspiracy for good luck and money for sugar.

Imagine how this ball breaks out and the whole world around you becomes more colorful. When you have sufficiently saturated your body with emotions, then open your eyes and say a conspiracy:

“There was a girl - a beauty at the white window, looking at the wide steppe, listening to a free bird and making a wish. And the free bird heard that desire, brought it to the Lord on its tail, from which the desire of the girl soon turned into a reality. So my desire, soon - soon will turn into a reality, from which I will become even happier. Amen".

After that, you need to close the window, go to bed. After this ritual, many say that they had a dream where a wish comes true.

Conspiracy at dawn

Prepare a candle in the evening bright color, your favorite color. The next day, get up with the first rays of the sun, open the window, light a candle and read the plot while sitting:

“On the day a special servant (slave) of God was born into the world, so God ordered. Already good, already happy. But on a special day, I ask you to fulfill my cherished desire.

Then say your wish and blow out the candle. In order for the conspiracy of desires to come into action, do not tell anyone about it.

conspiracy to trade

This plot in front of an open window is useful to read to people who work in the field of trade. This ritual will help attract customers.

The ceremony is very simple. You need to take a handful of coins, a glass of water and late in the evening, when the growing moon is already visible, stand in front of an open window. Throw coins into a glass of water, stir them with your finger and say this text:

“The growing moon shines on my money. The moon is shining and the money is starting to grow. Washing launders my money, invites big clients to me. They come to me every day, but without my goods and without a purchase, do not leave. Once came, the second time came back, the third time you will always buy from me.

Leave a glass of coins in front of an open window all night. Take them out in the morning and take them to your workplace. This will be your talisman and money amulet with which you will attract customers.

Conspiracy for longing

This conspiracy in front of the window can be performed by girls who do not have everything going well in relations with a young man. Perhaps in a couple came crisis period, and the young man is not drawn to you as before. A conspiracy will help to make your loved one begin to yearn for you.

Nothing is needed to perform the ritual, but it must be performed on a full moon. The girl needs to stand at the open window, let her hair down, during the conspiracy, you can iron her hair. You need to read the words:

“The moon is full, but I’m not whole at all. I am broken because of my beloved. I can't live without him, but he's fine without me. You are the full moon, find my beloved, remind him that he cannot live without me. So that he comes to me at night, so that he wants to confess his love to me, so that he kisses my lips.

After that, stand at the window for another three or four minutes and imagine how your loved one returns to you, and then go to bed. Conspiracies read at an open window on full moon change reality very quickly. But still, you can provoke the situation, try to catch the eye of your loved one in the next few days.

Conspiracy to attract love

This conspiracy is suitable for those who want to attract love into their lives. To carry it out, you will need a red long rose with spikes.

You need to stand in front of an open window in the evening, hold this rose in your hands and say these words:

“The servant (slave) of God is tired of loneliness. Tired of spending the evening alone with thoughts. If I am guilty of anything, then may God forgive me, and I have forgiven myself. May God send me a friend of the heart, such that one can speak heart to heart. So that I can open my soul as beautiful as this rose. Let my friend come to the scent of this rose. I'll get rid of the spikes. Amen".

After that, you need to cut off the thorns from the rose and throw it out the window. Place the flower in water and leave it by the open window. This conspiracy is very strong in itself, and if you put all the hope and faith in love into it, you will very soon find personal happiness.