How to learn to feel the energy of your body. What is the energy of people? Strong human energy: signs. Distribution of the concept of "energy"

The lesson is taught by Andrey ZATEEV, founder of the School of Practical Healing in Russia

We each have five senses. They are given to man by nature for the most full perception the surrounding world. Consciously and purposefully training them, we can develop a sixth sense in ourselves, which will allow us to carry out a fairly accurate diagnosis in a timely manner. various diseases without the use of special medical equipment.

Feel the energy with your hands

BEFORE engaging in non-contact diagnostics, you need to learn how to determine the size of the biofield. Place in front of you someone from your loved ones or friends. Let him close his eyes and stand quietly in a relaxed state for some time. Shake your hands to increase sensitivity and bring your palms closer to your patient's body in the chest area. Begin to slowly withdraw them, all the time paying attention to the sensations that arise.

They will be different. Near the body, at a distance of 5–6 cm, the sensations of warmth and fullness increase, and the further you move your hands, the less significant they become. At some point, a feeling of coolness will appear, and this means that you have gone beyond the biofield. Bring your arms back in and feel the warmth, fullness between your palms and your body. Determine the boundary where the strongest, most concentrated accumulation of energy is observed and bypassing which these sensations subside. This is your patient's biofield contour.

Explore the biofield completely. When our hands are in direct contact with the energy of another person, they begin to read not only the fullness of the biofield, but also possible anomalies caused by disturbances in the physical body. This is most often expressed in a feeling of excessive heat, or, conversely, coldness inside the biofield, or the absence of any sensations at all. On this stage it is not necessary to indicate the exact diseases. It is enough to catch changes in your sensations and conclude that excessive stress or pain is possible in this place. But the more often such sessions take place, the stronger the sensitivity of the hands to energy radiation will become. Over time, this ability will develop, and thus you can actually identify diseases when examining the biofield. On this principle, in general, non-contact diagnostics is based, which requires not so much great abilities as constant training.

Illness in the mirror image

In the PRACTICE of non-contact diagnostics, the method of "mirror reflection" is often used. This is its main point. Imagine that you are a healer and the person you want to diagnose is your patient. The healer (that is, you) stands facing the patient (your partner) at a certain distance (from 0.5 to 1.5 meters, depending on the level of your sensitivity) and begins to mirror the patient, copying his posture, the position of his body, hands, legs, adjust to his breathing and heartbeat.

In the process of such attunement, the healer begins to experience the same sensations that the patient experiences. For example, if a patient has a heartache, then the healer will also feel pain in his body with right side at the level of the heart. If the patient has (or has had) a fracture in right hand then the healer will feel pain in his left arm, and so on. Knowing the anatomy, it is easy to figure out what exactly hurts a person, in which area he is experiencing pain. You just need to remember that all received signals will be mirror-opposite.

Inner vision

In addition, such a diagnosis allows you to instantly feel the patient's mood, his state of mind, fortitude. Experienced professionals 30-40 seconds are enough to fully diagnose the patient and determine where and what he is in pain.

Another of the most common diagnostic methods is highly developed tactile sensitivity of the hands. If your palms have an increased susceptibility to energy impulses from the outside, then this will allow you to instantly catch light vibrations and signals that will come from the person you are examining, and from them make a conclusion about him internal state... In this case, acting as a healer, you will feel the energy flows not to your own physical body entirely, but only with your hands, passing them along the entire biofield of your patient and reading the initial signals.

The ability to perceive information through sensations is developed by constant practice. To increase the tactile sensitivity of your hands, you need to constantly touch the energy of another person and listen carefully to your feelings. As soon as a person tunes in to such a perception, his body will automatically switch to the development of tactile sensitivity, and over time it will become sharper and sharper.

Inner vision

EXCEPT clairvoyance, the source of reading information is clairvoyance - increased sensitivity of the eyes to seeing the energy shell, or inner vision. This ability is either innate or acquired. To learn how to concentrate your gaze in such a way that he can distinguish energy radiations, seeing them in colors, you need to train your third eye a lot.

Surely many of us were fond of looking at the "Third Eye" stereo pictures. In fact, this activity is not only entertaining, but also rewarding. Having seen the image in the picture, try slowly, without changing the focus of your eyes, to shift your gaze to the person and make out his energy shell. If a three-dimensional image appears on a stereo picture from a chaotic view, then, turning our gaze to another person, we, on the contrary, see that a clear image disappears, becomes blurry and an energy shell, or aura, begins to appear in its place. It is this kind of vision that is able to consider what is not visible with ordinary eyes.

Try this experiment as well. Sit opposite each other (preferably working in pairs), relax, with an absent-minded gaze, cover your partner's face, as if peering through it into the space behind, and take a closer look at what will happen. The usual facial features will slowly begin to fade, as if covered with a veil, and soon a completely different person will appear before your eyes. Sometimes the image becomes strange or even unrecognizable. As a rule, such visions reveal the true essence of the person you are looking at and its features. If you learn to look correctly at the biofield (as if you are looking at a stereo picture), then gradually the inner vision will begin to develop, to catch energy flows different lengths waves and, accordingly, different colors.

You've probably noticed that every time we close our eyes, our vision is able to keep on the mental screen for some time the outlines of objects and people with whom we have just come into contact. Knowing this feature, you can train your inner vision by looking at the biofields of other people with closed eyes... If the integrity of the energy shell (aura) of another person is broken in some place, it means that there are certain pathologies in the place of deformation. This will be clearly visible on the mental screen.

In addition to the information that our inner vision gives us, it will tell us a lot and visual image a person that we perceive with external vision. Non-verbal behavior, gestures, looks, the patient's appearance, as well as his clothes, skin condition, complexion and others outward signs will help determine not only the state of human health up to specific diseases, but also his views on life, the level material well-being, mood.

In addition to visual and sensory sensations, you can capture smells or tastes emanating from a person. Agree, newborns, adults, the elderly are felt by us in different ways. Our organs of touch react differently to the people around us, so our sensations will be different. The same can be said for smells emanating from a person. From them, we can also determine the presence of certain diseases.

For example, if a person smells like rotten egg, then he has stomach problems (gastritis) or tooth decay. The smell of acetone indicates that a person has high sugar in blood. Therefore, by listening to your organs of touch and smell, you can get reliable information about the health of your interlocutor or patient.

The coordinated and precise work of all five senses is the sixth sense, or clairvoyance. If it is constantly developed, then over time, clairvoyance will become your reliable assistant and advisor. Having a sixth sense will help you protect yourself and your loved ones from the most serious diseases because you will be able to learn about them in the initial period of their development.


How To Test Your Energy Sensitivity?

Seeing, feeling the energy is the lot of the elite, or is it a skill available to everyone?

Read how to learn to feel energy at the end of the article.

Each person is unique and has their own sensory range of perception. For example, some people see better than others. With energy the same thing happens. All things are made of energy.

The human body feels energy and with a certain skill can easily understand when there is a lot or little of it. Can identify good and bad vibrations. Not everyone has this ability all the time, but if you notice a few of them, you most likely quite sensitive to vibrational energy.

How do you feel the energy. Read and Compare!

1. If you want, you can deeply sympathize with other people.

A person who is sensitive to energy can see who is offended or is in upset feelings. Energy-sensitive people are the first to receive information about someone else's problem. They go to cry, seek consolation and understanding.
you feel emotional condition other people, so you understand and empathize with the suffering.

2. Absorption of energy.

This is both a plus and a minus. If around high energies then you are experiencing joy, elation. However, if there is a low, there is an emotional decline. You are like a float swinging in one direction or the other. Often after prolonged social interactions may feel drained.

To drown out sensitivity to low vibrations, many begin to resort to alcohol or other relaxation drugs. May be prone to addictions such as food, gambling or shopping. Seizing problems is what I mean. Feeling the emotions and feelings of other people is exhausting mentally and physically, so after such experiences you need rest and recovery. Understanding this you can you rest and recuperate faster.

You understand very well the reasons for the behavior of people, in some cases you quickly catch what the interlocutor wants to say. it useful quality since you are not so easy to deceive and use for their own selfish purposes.

4. You can see, understand signs and clues.

Signs and clues are constantly present in life. Adjusting to events in time change their behavior, making life easier and more stable. You pay attention to them more often and can find meaning in the events taking place nearby.

How to feel energy: three exercises.

Let's start with the palms of the hands. The palms have increased sensitivity to energy.

1. Place your hands opposite each other at a distance of 5 - 6 centimeters palm to palm. Begin to periodically bring them closer and further apart. Having done this several times, catch the state when resistance appears between the palms. It turned out go to the next.

2. Place your palms again as before, but now keep them at a constant distance from each other. Stand for 5-10 minutes until your palms begin to warm and the tips of your fingers begin to tingle. When you feel it try to condense space between the hands. You should get the feeling of a tight, elastic ball. It turned out, let's go further.

3. Now you can start checking the energy of objects, rooms, plants with your hands.
From different subjects goes different energy: so, above a drying flower, you will feel the cold, and a living plant will radiate warmth.

Each object has its own energy and you will feel it. In the future, the sensations in the palms will be repeated in the body. You will not need to reach out to scan people. Try it! People's words can deceive, but energy cannot.

How to feel the energy with your hands detailed instructions... Watch the video.

When we hear the phrase "energy of people", then for us most often it means how attractive, nice man how it evokes feelings in us.

You can hear that a person is energetically strong or weak. Energy can be good or bad, it somehow affects others. So let's figure out what this concept is, what it is and how to manage it.

What is human energy

Everything in the world has its own energy. It is accumulated, spent, renewed, gives and takes strength, depending on its amount. But energy and energy are not exactly the same thing. The first, from the point of view of esotericism, means the ability to assimilate, use, take and give energy to something.

If you try to draw a person and his biofield, then it will look like the sun that surrounds the body. This "luminary" sparkles different colors, and its rays can be both long and short.

People who know how to control their biofield will never lose their vitality, and the energy sun of this person will have long, bright and multi-colored rays.

Thanks to the correct distribution and use of these forces, you can feel much better than usual, increase your efficiency, have strength for sports, entertainment, family. The influence of energy on a person and his life is simply invaluable. Therefore, it is so important to know as much as possible about her.

Distribution of the concept of "energy"

Energy of people is only general concept many components of the physical and psychological state person. The so-called human channels can be responsible for different events, emotions, thoughts. And in order to learn how to perfectly manage your energy, you must first understand all of its channels that exist in a person.

Various types of energy are usually called bodies, which are interconnected by the channels mentioned above. In their practice, yogis always use knowledge about esoteric bodies, which helps them to reach a new, non-physical level.

In addition to the physical body we are familiar with, there is the etheric, mental, astral, causal, buddhic and atmanic. All of them exist in every person, it's just that some of the bodies are better developed, while others are worse. But you can always develop and learn to control your bodies, which are designed to solve many life problems.

Atmanic body

This body is what we consider to be the meaning of our life. Each person lives, realizing or not realizing that he came to this world with some mission. If you feel that you have your purpose here, then this body is developed quite well.

If you have any goal, then this body will give you the strength to achieve it, enthusiasm, aspiration, self-confidence.

But it happens that the energy of people in this body is too weak, then they will feel oppression, self-doubt, may lose the meaning of life. To protect yourself from losing awareness of your life purpose, you need to learn to meditate.

Let your meditation start out like a regular rest from work. Just sit comfortably, relax, think about something pleasant, dream. Do not "litter" your thoughts with problems and questions, devote only ten to fifteen minutes to meditation and you will feel how strength comes to you to achieve goals and fulfill desires.

If you imagine something that you dream about very much as often as possible, then the energy of the atmanic body will help you get what you want. Imagine how you will feel when you get what you want. Think that you already have it. Trust that you can get what you dream of.

Body buddhic

These are our values. What we live for, what worries us. But do not confuse the buddhic body with the atmanic body. The first, unlike the second, can direct a person to accomplish any deeds, helps to distinguish true values ​​from false ones.

Suppose you have lost interest in some business, you are not fulfilling the assigned tasks conscientiously - then the energy of the buddhic body stops flowing.

But if you are doing what you love that you like, then the energy will constantly arrive and give you more and more strength to fulfill your dreams.

In order not to lose strength, you need to do only what you love, which brings you pleasure, and not be led by fashion, trends, requests.

Man with strong energy the buddhic body will definitely achieve great success and will become a first-class master of his craft. Do not get lost among the many projects, focus on one activity, and then you will become more productive.

Causal body

The action of this body is periodic and short-lived. But it also makes us do what we love. For example, an applicant is forced by his parents to enter a university, which he does not want, but he has to submit documents there, take exams. And suddenly in last moment this applicant takes the documents and enters the university he dreamed of. The moment of entering the desired university is the moment when the energetics of the causal body is active.

How this, now a student, will study at this institute, will he find a job later, the causal body will no longer be responsible for this. It worked quickly and for a short time, and thanks to it, even at the very last moment, a person was able to weigh priorities and choose what is more important to him.

Mental body

These are our thoughts and feelings. For example, in some inexplicable way, getting out of bed today, you feel that you need to go to work on a different path. Or buy something different from usual.

If the energy of the mental body is well developed and manageable, then a person is able to read cards, coffee grounds or runes, read lines on his hands and predict fate.

Astral body

The body of our emotions. Why might people react differently to the same events? It's all about the reaction of the mental body, which transmits signals to the astral body. Simply put, each of us treats an event in his own way and perceives it as the body of thoughts and feelings reacted to it. The astral and mental bodies are more strongly linked than others. energy bodies.

The astral body, in turn, is strongly connected to our physical body, as our emotions directly affect health. Instability, volatility and imbalance in psychological health, one way or another, will lead to physical illness.

Watch your emotions, try to live your problems more calmly, take a philosophical attitude towards troubles.

Etheric body

We feel the energy of the etheric body as vitality, physical strength. Also, it is she who is responsible for sympathy, pleasant and unpleasant energy.

Most the right way to restore and replenish the energy of the etheric body - food and fresh air. If a person has a good, "healthy" etheric body, then he will certainly seem to the rest beautiful, smart, interesting.

Strong human energy. Signs of powerful energy

Human energy is fickle and tends to change. Its level can be more or less, depending on different life situations, health and mood.

If a person is sick or is in some kind of stressful situation, then his energy is close to the minimum level.

And if, for example, a person started to play sports, eat right, visit theaters, listen to good and pleasant music, then it will continue to be in full swing.

But most importantly, the energy level of each of us is individual. This can be compared to a vessel that has its own boundaries. If you develop your strength, then this imaginary vessel will become more and more and will be able to contain more and more energy.

A person with powerful energy can be easily recognized by some signs. This representative of the human race will rarely get sick, he will rarely be seen with a bad mood, he does not suffer from depression and it is easier for others to cope with stressful situations... Since energy affects a person extremely powerfully, it will not be difficult to notice it by the behavior of others. It is enough to take a closer look at your friends and family to learn to recognize the level of vitality.

How date of birth affects energy

A person's energy by date of birth is the fastest and easiest way to determine the level of one's capabilities. Another common name for the concept under consideration is bioenergy. Now you can even find such a profession as bioenergetic. This specialist knows what is the connection between man and the stars, space, numbers, etc.

Together with numerologists, bioenergetics found a connection between the date of birth and the vitality, energy of a person.

With the help of light mathematical operations with numbers, namely with the date of birth, you can calculate how the coming year or even the whole life will turn out for a person. Using these numbers, you can build a graph and monitor the changes in the curve. The higher the curve, the more energy for the accomplishment of any deeds will be. And the lower, the, accordingly, it will be less.

How is the energy of a person calculated by date of birth

For example, your date of birth is 1980, October 11 (1980.10.11). Multiply the year of birth by the month and the day of birth, thus: 1980 × 1011 = 2001780.

Now add all the digits of the resulting number: 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 7 + 8 + 0 = 18.

The energy of this person is considered low from birth. Average energy is considered to be numbers from twenty one.

Check the energy of politicians, artists, actors and you will see what high performance can be.

But if the number turns out to be small, this is not a reason to believe that there is no strong human energy. Signs can be completely different. So, for example, the famous actress, photo model, Oscar winner, mother-heroine Angelina Jolie, the number vital energy equals thirteen.

Interesting facts about human energy by date of birth

By the presence of energy potential, individuals can be classified into:

  • Energy vampires (whose potential is below twenty).
  • People with normal energy (from twenty to thirty).
  • Donor people (the coefficient is more than thirty).

If a person does not have enough energy, that is, the coefficient by date of birth is less than twenty, then he unconsciously becomes energy vampire and gets the necessary for him vitality in donor people, who may have an excess of it.

If energy potential a person is tall, then many people strive for him. Such a person will be considered attractive and interesting.

They will want to be friends with him, build relationships, create a family, even if he does not particularly shine with intelligence and beauty.

The opposite situation occurs in people whose energy potential is low. They often suffer from setbacks in personal life and loneliness.

How to increase energy levels

If you think about how to increase a person's energy, and think that this is almost impossible, because the date of birth cannot be changed in any way, then you are deeply mistaken. Even if you don't change your birthday, you can improve your vitality, which means you can feel happier.

If, according to the results of the test, you find that you are an energy vampire, do not despair, because even this can be fixed. In order not to draw bioenergy from other people, not to be unpleasant and alien to them, you just need to find alternative source energy. It can be the activity of the Sun, earth, water, fire, wind - everything that nature gives us.

Yoga classes can help you relax and tune in the right channel to receive natural energy... But there is an even simpler way to increase the energy of a person. The most important thing is good rest and food. Remember that if you are looking for how to restore a person's energy, and you think that it is very long and difficult, you will not succeed. You have to believe in what you are doing. You need to tune yourself in only to positive thoughts, and this is exactly what will help. healthy sleep and proper nutrition.

It is not necessary to sleep ten to twelve hours a day, because you can disrupt the physical and mental channels, which means that bad energy people can easily reach your esoteric bodies. Watch not quantity, but quality of sleep. You need to go to bed when your body and mind are clean, the room is ventilated, you are not hungry or overeat. If you follow this simple rules, then five to six hours of this good sleep can replace and even surpass the quality of a ten-hour sleep.

If you are worried that negative energy a person who was rude to you or just passed by with negative thoughts, can harm you, then it is necessary to establish a protective channel of the etheric body. As already mentioned, in order to maintain and restore the etheric body, you need to eat right and go to fresh air... To cleanse a person's energy from harmful and negative impacts, you can give him a soothing chamomile tea that will calm his body and mind. Give him a rest and feed him healthy food.

First of all, it should be carbohydrates and proteins. A little cereal, meat or beans will surely restore a person's physical and etheric body. Eat fruits and vegetables daily and your mood will certainly improve as you become stronger and healthier.

Important for maintaining, cleansing and restoring energy are physical exercise... It doesn't have to be yoga. Do any sport, go to gym or just run in the morning. Thanks to the daily physical activity you will feel that your energy has increased. You will feel less sick and feel refreshed and happy.

How to learn to feel the energy of another person

Feeling the energy of a person is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Sometimes we, without noticing and not understanding it ourselves, can in unfamiliar person recognize some of his character traits. We may or may not like it at first sight. The energy of another person is transmitted to us through open own energy channels... It is not even necessary to touch the interlocutor, it is enough just to look at him and understand what his intentions and feelings are.

For example, you were rude today in public transport, you drive angry and sullen to work. And there an evil boss comes to you, who quarreled with his wife in the morning. When you are irritated, your channels are open and your energy bodies are vulnerable to different kinds impacts. Your boss will transmit his negative energy to you, thereby only aggravating your well-being. If this happens often, then soon you will not avoid health problems. Try to abstract yourself from problems at home and on the street when you are at work. But it’s not worth it, being at home, to remember all the troubles of the workers.

It is best if you learn how to deal with the problem as soon as it arises. You may not be able to avoid being rude on public transport, but you can change your attitude towards this rudeness. Then your protective channels will work without interruption and you will be protected from exposure negative energy other people.

Try not to be annoyed or rude in return. It may be difficult for you to deal with it at first, but the result will not be long in coming. No small nuisance can spoil your mood, your health will be in order, at work you will cope with things quickly and easily, and you will be less tired.

By learning how to manage your energy, you will begin to better understand other people. On the street, at work and at home, with your family, you will feel comfortable.

How to learn to feel the energy of the body? You can learn it yourself. Moreover, there is nothing difficult about it. Here's a fairly simple exercise to feel the energy with your hands at home.

So how do you feel the energy with your hands? Before proceeding with the exercise, you need to bring the mind into calm state, as they say, to abandon problems and worries. If during the exercise you will be distracted by extraneous thoughts, this can interfere with the achievement of the desired result.

Starting position

Sit down, take comfortable posture make sure you are comfortable and not thirsty or hungry. You can sit at the table or in soft armchair, on the sofa.

Place your hands on your elbows, lift your forearms up, palms at about face level or slightly lower, bring your palms together. It is most convenient to do the exercise at a table - you can put your elbows on the table top. If you are sitting in a chair or on a sofa, place your elbows on your hips. First, practice correctly accepting this "starting position". If you do not understand a word, for example, "forearms" - look it up in the dictionary.

Learning to feel the energy of the body

When you are sure that you are doing everything right, sit in the starting position, rest your hands on your elbows, put your palms together. Concentrate on your closed palms. Feel how warm your palms are, how nice it is in the place of contact. Keep them like this for a while. Now slowly spread your palms a short distance - 15-20 centimeters. Then, for each exhalation, gradually bring them together, moving 2-3 cm.Do not move your hands while inhaling. With each new exhalation, move a little further. Concentrate on the feeling between your palms. If you are attentive, then at some distance between the palms you will feel a slight resistance, as if there is something elastic. As the distance decreases, "elasticity" will increase. Moreover, sensations will arise in both palms at the same time.

Perhaps the first time you will not feel anything - it's not scary. Moistening your palms together, hold it a little, then spread it to the sides and try again. Take your time, repeat the exercise several times. You will definitely feel the biofield, it's simple. In general, the exercise is very simple, but incredibly useful for developing sensitivity to bioenergy in the body.

Diversify the exercise

After you have managed to feel the "elasticity" between the palms close together several times, the exercise can be changed. Now move one palm: for example, take your right hand to the side, and leave the left in its original position. And for each exhalation, bring the right one closer to the motionless left. Feel the feeling of elasticity and warmth build up between your palms again. Change the roles of the palms - let the right one now be motionless.

How to feel the energy

Experiment. Move your palms along different parts of the body: over your head, along the body, legs. Notice the sensations in the hands and in the areas of the body over which the palms are located. Thanks to this exercise, you can not only feel the energy, but also learn to "read" the energy field of the whole body.

At the end of the exercise, lightly clap your hands - this will remove the concentrated field above the palms.

Note: If you feel painful muscle tension in your hands while doing the body energy sensitivity exercise, close your palms (to collapse the field), then lower your hands down. Let them relax a little. Relax. You can shake slightly with your hands.

If you are sitting on the couch or in an armchair and your elbows have pressed your legs, it is better to sit down at the table or take a break. Before the break, do not forget to collapse the field - bring your palms together.

Mental connection at a distance.

It doesn't take too much to feel a person at a distance from you. And no matter how far this person is from you, what matters is the feeling that you have for him. If this is love, deep sympathy, or sincere desire kindness - the task is not difficult.

The skills of doing this practice give the practitioner more developed intuition in the perception of other people - their moods, thoughts, states ...

All you need to do is sit in a comfortable position and relax, stopping thinking about own body, and about the signals that it sends to the brain. Take care in advance so that nothing can distract you - people, calls, extraneous noises or problems that you think about during the day. Just relax by turning off all thoughts of an outsider. Sit in a comfortable position with your face in the direction where the person you are supposed to be interested in is. If you do not know the direction, it’s okay, in the process of meditation your body will turn itself into the right side, just don't let him do it. Relaxing, closing your eyes, and relieving tension in the body - remember what is associated with the person you are interested in - vivid memories, events, his appearance, character, passion - that through which this personality manifests itself most vividly and associatively for you. Having recreated a vivid perception of this person in memory, start peering into the darkness before your eyes, no longer THINKING about this person. Let all thoughts be left aside. If some thoughts appear in your head - do not resist them, just do not pay attention to them - immerse yourself completely in the darkness that has arisen before your eyes.

Imagine that you are advancing in this darkness - further and further, not noticing and leaving aside all the stars, flashes and patterns that arise in front of your eyes. You are only interested in this dive forward. As you progress, you will see that the darkness ahead seems to be divided horizontal line on two planes - try to look across this line. Put all your concentration and attention to get over it and continue on your way. Behind this line, a corridor of light begins - walk along it, and it will lead you to the person you are interested in.

Depending on the strength of concentration, you can feel his state, his mood, and if the concentration was the most successful, then you can see and hear this person. He, at this time, can feel your gaze on himself ...

It is very important that during meditative progress there are no extraneous thoughts, and especially thoughts about the person you are interested in, otherwise this can only lead to images created by your fantasy, and not to the very contact with this person. Or speculative images can be superimposed on perception, which is also not successful in this meditation ...

Good luck in doing it, and remember that you can get the most powerful effect if you WISH GOOD for this person!)))

Many would like to learn how to feel energy, develop extrasensory sensitivity in themselves. This ability is the first step towards managing energy and energy flows in the body, developing the qualities of a healer. And simply, once feeling the energy, the worldview and attitude towards the world around you change. You yourself change.

The energy that will be discussed in the article today cannot be measured by any device operating on well-known physical principles... And for official science, since it cannot be measured or otherwise fixed, it does not exist. What kind of energy is this?

You've probably heard about bioenergy, chakras, auras and the like. More than once we saw programs with people who talk about their feelings from this or that person, event. We watched films in which the heroes exchange energy blows, control energy flows, and release energy beams from their hands. The TV show "Battle of Psychics" and the Harry Potter films are the first things that come to mind when talking about energy.

Generally speaking, everything in our world is energy. All living organisms and inanimate objects emit and receive energy. Some objects, for example, crystals, even tend to accumulate or accumulate energy. By the way, this ability can be developed in oneself, if necessary, "taking out" the accumulated stock.

The return and reception of energy from a person most often occurs unconsciously, i.e. we do not feel and therefore do not control these processes. During the day, each of us interacts with other people, exercises physical, mental and emotional activity... To a large extent, the processes occurring in this case are of an energetic nature. Emotions in this regard are the most pronounced process reception and transmission of energy.

There is quite a large number of exercises to develop sensitivity to energy. Having extensive experience in energy practices, I can argue that without compliance with certain requirements, the fulfillment of any, even the most effective exercise... do not bring results. A person simply continues to feel nothing or goes into a world of fantasies and far-fetched sensations.

What are these requirements?

Essential prerequisites for learning to feel energy

As paradoxical as it may sound, in order to feel the energy you need to have a rather high own energy potential, to be energetically “charged”. full. The fact is that subtle sensations, which include the sensations of energy or energy flows, have a very weak effect on our nervous system. And to increase sensitively nerve endings it is necessary to supply the system with "additional voltage" or energy.

One more thing important condition- there should be no doubt that you can develop extrasensory sensitivity. Psychological blocks at the level of consciousness or subconsciousness will block any signal nervous system, no matter how strong he was. This must be taken into account and, if possible, any negative attitudes regarding their capabilities. How exactly to do this is a separate conversation, beyond the scope of this article. We touch on this topic in detail in the training of dowsing, when it comes to ways to increase the reliability of answers.

So, the most necessary for the development of extrasensory sensitivity:

  • energy;
  • lack of negative psychological attitudes.

I assume that if you are reading this article, then there is a problem with the amount of energy. Therefore, we will discard all sorts of exotic pumping methods. Consider only what can be used literally immediately with a guaranteed effect. What is very important - absolutely no special skills and abilities are required to achieve the effect. Just a little persistence and regularity.

An important addition. I will not dwell on how this works. This will excessively increase the size of the article. Just try each method for 2-3-5 days and make your own conclusion.

Energy gain methods:

1. Get enough sleep

2. Adjust your daily routine. The minimum requirement is to go to bed before 11 pm.

3. Adjust the power supply. The minimum requirement is to reduce your consumption of meat and other heavy foods to 1 meal a day.

4. Just drink more pure water... The norm is 30g per kg of weight. Those. with a mass of 70 kg, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Tea, juices, soups do not count.

5. Perform morning exercises. Enough 10-15 minutes before tangible warming up of the joints and especially the spine.

6. Relax consciously before bed.

7. Shower yourself daily cold water... This exercise is useful after morning exercises. You don't need to pour over your head.

8. Visit a sauna with a steam bath weekly.

9. Turn off the computer at least an hour before going to bed. The same applies to the use of smartphones.

10. Make a habit of an evening walk, preferably when it gets dark.

11. Eliminate negative emotions - watching news, relevant films, TV series and conversations, refuse to communicate with difficult or problem people.

As you can see, even a child can perform these methods of gaining energy. They are simple, require virtually no time to complete, and fit well into any daily routine. Each of the ways leads to an increase and accumulation of energy in the body. A greater effect is achieved when using several recommendations at the same time. The effect is noticeable within the first week and tends to accumulate.

More complex ways we will not consider the accumulation of energy. For their correct execution and getting the result is needed special training and time to master.

I will not describe the clever ways of training. psychic abilities... My personal opinion is that the development of abilities should be simple and, if possible, enjoyable and interesting. I will describe one of the ways by which you can quickly learn to feel energy.

We will use music to train our energy sensitivity. Music carries a very definite energy charge, which is well perceived by any person. In addition, based on personal preferences, you can choose pieces of music that will be pleasant to study with.

The essence of the method is that any piece of music has a certain energy characteristic or frequency. And our energy centers (chakras), entering into resonance with the energy of the work, begin to vibrate. At the level of sensations, this is perceived as vibration, itching, bloating, warmth, breeze and other effects in our energy centers. In other words, when music sounds, one of the chakras begins to "respond".

In addition to training sensitivity, there is a powerful stimulation and cleansing of energy centers. They begin to work more efficiently, the degree of openness of the chakras increases, and there is an intensive pumping of energy flows through the body. All this increases our energy potential, we learn to pass significant amounts of energy through ourselves in a soft and environmentally friendly manner, and extrasensory sensitivity develops.

Now a little about the features of the method:

1. You need to be rested

2. Allocate yourself at least an hour. There should be no rush. The lack of time causes clamps and psychological blocks.

3. You cannot listen to music with headphones. You need to listen to music with your whole body, i.e. the sound should be loud enough.

5. It is advisable to use instrumental music. Listen street musicians, go to the Philharmonic, listen to the organ in the church, go to a big music festival.

Separately, I would like to note that not every piece is "recalled". Music may not have a pronounced energy, or we simply are not able to pick up subtle vibrations. Therefore, the more varied the music you listen to, the better. The more pieces you can listen to at a time, the more more likely one of the energy centers will "respond".

In addition to music, paintings and photographs can be used. Best of all, when depicted natural views - mountains, rivers, lakes, sea, rain, wind. But feeling the energy of a painting or photograph is more difficult than feeling a piece of music. So start with good acoustic concerts. Other methods can be used as sensitivity develops.

Summarize. You can learn to feel energy and it is not difficult. Before you start training, you need to accumulate enough energy in yourself. This enhances the sensation. The easiest way to practice sensitivity development is listening to music. At the same time, at a certain moment, our energy centers begin to “vibrate”. Which of the seven chakras "responds" depends on the piece of music and our sensitivity. Thus, you can evaluate music on an energy scale - i.e. what is the energy quality of the work.

Give this simple method of developing energy sensitivity a try and share your results in the comments!