Moonstone magic properties, zodiac sign. The choice of talisman on the sign of the zodiac: magic and natural strength of stones. Main magical properties

Semi-grated or gemstone can become a strong faith

From primitive times, the stone was an indispensable material. From it they built housing, did utensils and the tool. And our ancestors had a close spiritual relationship with nature, they knew how to draw strength and health from her gifts. People believed that there is a special magic of stones, therefore they made charms, amulets and talismans. Ancient Egyptians correlated various stones Specific planets, watching the effect of minerals on a particular sign of the horoscope. There are many legends associated with the gifts of the subsoil of the Earth. According to the biblical legend, the site-tempter created bright gems to divert Eve from the living colors created by God. Today, interest in the magical strength of the stone is not ugas. We believe in natural
Wonders, with interest we observe, study the magical impact of the stone on our lives. The choice cannot be random, because the energy of the stones is so powerful that it may have inversely with the wrong choice. To improve well-being, catch good luck for the tail, get well-being, find family happiness, astrologers and fans of esoteric practices recommend choosing stones on the sign of the zodiac.

Choose a stone on a horoscope

Magic crystals are selected by different criteria: by date of birth, the dominant planet, in form, magic exposure. The easiest I. an effective way Get a magic talisman, amulet or charm or your loved ones - choose stones on zodiac signs. Each mineral has its directional action, magic powerprovided by nature. The energy of stones on the signs of the zodiac is enhanced if the gem is selected for all the rules. In accordance with astrology, you can collect beautiful collection Stones, referring to her in those minutes, when it is necessary to improve the state of health, attract love and good luck, cope with depression, get energy charge. Properly selected stone talisman will be able to strengthen strengths individual horoscope, let loose negative qualities and protect from possible negative influences (diseases, unpleasant situations, evil eye
damnings). We offer to choose luxury magic collection Talismans on the horoscope.


Aries - Spring zodiac sign. Like spring flowerswho awaken together with nature, these people have a powerful force that helps fragile green sprout makes their way through stones. In the collection of stones for Aries should be:


One of the most decisive, loyal and reliable signs. Thanks to openness, a variety of positive qualities, the calves are especially needed by the energy of stones to protect in difficult situations:

Tauris especially needed energy stones to establish harmony in personal life, learn to find a line between work and leisure, fairly distributing forces.


Gemini - Creative people, flexible, active. A feature of such a sign is the constant thrust for society, communication. Talismans for twins can be:

Emotional twins energy stones will help to remove nervous tension, Triumphantly march in life only forward.


This is one of the most controversial signs of the horoscope. People-cancer are emotional, romantic, hidden, exposed to hearts, so often come against common sense. Excessive emotionality of cancers need to be controlled, stones-amulets will help:

Cancers tactical, rarely allow an insult to another person. But the insults caused to them personally can carry in them years. The energy of nature and the magic strength of the stones will help forgive the insult, gaining lightness and freedom.


Lions are strong in spirit, brave, but often unnecessary self-confident, which can serve them a bad service. Stones will come to the rescue:

The stones will help the lions a little to tame their strength, directing it to good goals, acquire wisdom, suppress the rage and outbreaks of negative emotions.


The coquettes that attract attention heating in the rays of glory. The lack of attention does the maiden depression. Stones will help to set up character, as if a musical instrument, and send emotions to the right direction:


Unpredictable moods exposed to drops, scales especially need magic Protection. Stones that are suitable scales:

When doubting scales at the crossroads, magic power They will help to find the right direction, express priorities in life at a certain stage.


People with a difficult character, complex nature, but, at the same time, smart, insightful. Assistants in life will be:


Good friends, attentive listeners, faithful colleagues, Sagittarius also need magical protection. On the life path Sagittarius will help:

Sometimes sometimes lacks decisions, the magical properties of the stones are endowed
Wisdom, the ability to take it difficult, but sometimes necessary solutions.


Initiative, workable, disinterested and purposeful Capricors are ready to work even for a meager remuneration. They stubbornly move towards their goal, and will help them on the way:

Capricorn - people doubting who need friendship, protection. These people can rely on, are selfless friends who will help in difficult moment. The correctly selected gem will be a faithful companion on the way to success and recognition.


Friendly, sincere, with an excellent sense of humor, they are always popular, in sight of the society, but very selective in the company. To help understand yourself and life situationsWaterwords need to be added to their collection:


Independent, compliant, skillfully combining contradictory character traits. They skillfully adapt to the situation, removing benefits from it.
An excellent helper for fish will be:

Fishes on the horoscope are relevant, know how to make decisions on time, full of ideas and are constantly in motion. Sometimes such people do not have enough decisiveness, acute mind, fantasy and enthusiasm can interfere with an important straight. The magic of natural crystals will help crystallize the decision, achieve the best results.

A horoscope is a whole science, where the characteristic of a person is taken as the basis of his birth date. Often the uninitiated people choose the amulet, which they do not fit completely. Waiting for help and miracles from stones-amulets, they see that nothing happens. Choose a stone on a horoscope, and then the magic of natural gems will go into your life.

Precious, semi-precious pebbles attract special attention man. Each crystal carries the energy charge and affects fate. Find your amulet not easy. It may be inconspicuous, inexpensive, but happy for the owner. It is worth carefully studying the properties of the AMazonite stone, and to whom it is suitable, so as not to make a mistake in the choice of talisman. Mysterious gem will be a reliable champion and assistant in life.

Semi-precious amazonite - mineral with a smooth surface of the sea wave color, shades from light green to bright blue. Refers to the lunar group, easy to confuse with turquoise. Occurs blue without splashes or saturated blue tones. Less frequently find a green amazonite with a brown tide. Stone is not synthesized, since an unusual drawing of light dots and dishes cannot be repeated, do not paint and handle the minimum. Other names - Colorado, Amazonian Glad.

In the XVIII century, the French expedition Roma de Lily found unknown minerals in the Amazon River Pool. The scientist admired the find and called them Amazonian. The name has taken place, although nephritis was actually found. IN South America Amazonite stone deposits did not find.

According to another version, the name is associated with proud militant amazons. Excavations of Scythian Kurganov showed that the warrior loved this mineral for them green color He was sacred. Their belts, weapons were decorated with greenish brilliant inserts. Women believed that the stone would bring good luck in battle, add courage and strength.

Amazonite as an amicing material was used for a long time. Thanks to its inherent strength, beauty, the originality of the stone was popular with the ancient builders. In India, Sudan walked to them buildings, made amulets and decorative products. Tutankhamon's tomb is decorated with mosaic from this durable beautiful stone. In the Hermitage, you can look at magnificent interior items that have completed Russian masters - vases, stands, countertops. Modern jewelery gladly use gem to create wonderful jewelry, souvenirs.

Magic power

Priests, shamans already in ancient times knew about the magical properties of Amazonite. From it made vintage ritual accessories. Millennium passed, but the ability of mysterious green pebbles to influence the life of a person remained. Crystal will help in difficult situations:

Silver Magnificently combined with Amazonian Zhag, enhances his magic properties. Choosing a decoration for decoration, souvenir, it is possible for a long time - silver is suitable as it is impossible.

Healing properties

Higher experience in the use of stones for therapeutic purposes. No exception and amazonite, which helps official medicine In healing of some states:

Stone is inherent in special magnetism, which brings optimism and positive. The owner is less suspended by depressions, fears and diseases. Start wearing a stone follows from Monday. It is combined with jade - so his healing effect is repeatedly enhanced.

Influence on the zodiac sign

The popularity of material in the manufacture of amulets, talismans is explained by the fact that the amazonite is a magic stone. The properties of the sign of the zodiac affect the relationship with such a faucet. Especially recommended by air signs. Astrologers believe that the mineral will not open anyone. Before buying, you need to hold the product in your hand, to stand for a few seconds, looking at the crystal and trying to hear the response. A person will understand if the stone recognizes the owner in it. Horoscope will confirm the accuracy of the choice:

Types of stone and rules

The Amazonian Ries refers to the fieldspam, its deposits are developed worldwide, including in Russia in the South Urals, Kola Peninsula. Ural stones noticeably different saturated color. In the USA - in Colorado. Big deposits in Norway, India, Africa. Meets in Mongolia, Tajikistan.

Mineral is two types:

  1. Melkopertite - greenish blue, distinguished by pearl gloss and blurry, fuzzy pattern.
  2. Low-contact - recognizable by clear whiten patterns on turquoise surface.

The brighter, fully color, the more expensive cost. The stone is available for the price, raw is cheaper.

How to distinguish fake:

  • this amazonite is glitter, but is not transparent, the beam of light does not break through the dense structure of the crystal;
  • if you hold in your hand, the stone remains cold for a long time;
  • there is no homogeneous stone color, a variety of inclusions are noticeable.

No special care for the stone is not required. Just follow a few simple rules:

  • direct sunlight should not fall on the surface;
  • the amazonite is wrapped in a soft cloth, use a special case to accidentally damage;
  • do not allow sharp changes in the room temperature;
  • protect from shocks, falls;
  • periodically clean the product warm soapy solution, then wipe dry.

Amazonite deserves the attention of people who are not indifferent to the beautiful and mysterious. Shop, souvenir shops offer a wide range of products from this mysterious magic mineral.

Agat White one of the most popular gems around the world. The name itself speaks of the properties that belong to him. Consider powerful faith Todddlers and people who are subject to the Schalo. Back in ancient times, the mineral was very appreciated as a decoration. Including they loved to framing the mirrors.

The problem for jewelers is that pebbles are not processed. This significantly reduces the price of decoration.

The most valuable

On the this moment The most valuable gems are born in Armenia. They have a clear drawing, which is easy to use in the cabins, earrings and rings. But some can confuse with Kakholong white color. In order for this not happened, remember the following:

  1. The color of minerals differ. White agate has a noble color that has a strip with a smooth transition.
  2. Real after cuts with a knife will not have any scratches.
  3. Cooling from stone remains very long, even if you keep a few minutes in your hand.

Healing properties

Folk healers admire the therapeutic properties of the mineral. It was used against disease. To this day, this stone is in demand among adherents of alternative medicine.

White agate stone Properties whom surprised:

  1. Used as a means from poisoning poisons. Eliminates poison insects and snakes.
  2. Shown in seasonal influenza and colds. Cleans the lungs from the wet, eliminates the cough.
  3. Useful with pain of different characters: Head, dental, throat.
  4. For athletes will be of a real findSince it reduces the risk of seizures and has a regenerating effect.
  5. Used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Improves psychological condition: eliminates insomnia, fears, nervous disruptions.

Best way white stone The body will affect the statuette.

Magic stone

Magic properties The stone is very positive due to the fact that it has a pleasant pacifying color. It is able to establish internal harmony and attract good luck to life. It is also useful for those who are exposed to black magic, as it is an excellent faith.

For men:

  • Gives eloquence.
  • Makes attractive in the eyes of a woman.
  • Developing intuition and does not make opportunities to get acquainted with the mercenary people.
  • Promotes the career ladder.
  • Makes targeted.
  • Creates a promising image in the eyes of the chief.
  • Causes respect in the eyes of subordinates.

For women:

  • Gives attractiveness.
  • Develops intuition.
  • Eliminates premature alarms.
  • Increases libido.

It is believed that this is a faith family focusTherefore, it will be better to hang it in the family couple's bedroom.

On this magic properties of the stone do not end. The main purpose is to protect the owner from black magic: the unchalled, spanking, leadership, and also limit communication with energy vampires. Stores comfort and harmony in the house, so pebbles can often be seen as a gift for newlyweds.

Only noble traits are beginning to be present in man: insight, honesty, justice. Nervous people - pacify their dust and become calm.

Useful and for creative peopleSince it reveals the potential and desire to ideal.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Astrologers insist that we can wear such a powerful amulet not all. There are those signs with which the stone is not compatible at all and can cause significant damage. Consider who he is suitable, and who is better to fear such a handsome man.


Aries are people who are not shyring to show their emotions. Although hot-tempered, but their honesty have to do with some people. Stubborn, love when everything happens as they want. Everyone is achieved and immediately stop. White agate is able to establish an internal disharmony. Reduces the dust and makes this sign - a man of business, not emotions.

In the best way to protect and protect will be in a silver frame. The best season for wearing - Winter and Spring.


Taurus is a sign of the zodiac who loves his family with all his soul and what is connected with it. Even making money comes down to ensure their children, so they did not need anything. It is because of this character trait - often forget about themselves.

Pebble will help gain confidence and make an example to imitate from their children. The time that stands out over passes with benefit.


This sign is very developed intellectually. From most young pore Ahead of peers and achieve success in school. Next build a promising career that brings pleasure. In their love for the knowledge of the world, are good companions, comrades and friends.

Gem makes such people calm and balanced. Walking from rapid actions. Displays the circle of communication envious, hypocrites and liars. Important role Plays in the life of a twin woman who becomes reasonable in his choice.


Lions - unprofitable, seeking success. Imparal and bold in their actions. If the lion chose the way, then it will go to the end, without turning. And although their desire is very strong, these people are afraid of defeat. All that they expect from life is a success.

The crystal has a beneficial effect here. He takes anxious thoughts to the side, dismisses from depression and establishes a psychological state. It becomes a source of love and prosperity. Girls helps to conceive and make a healthy child.

Such talisman will suit Those who are related to traveling. It will reliably protect against cataclysms.


Scales are very variable nature. They are easy to captivate with something new. Particularly seduced from the opposite sex. Sometimes these people are indecisive and love to be lazy. But these negative features can be reduced by talismans.

White agate reveals internal abilities And develops them to the limit itself. It helps in overcoming a difficult time when support is needed. Warns about danger, leading to it. Enhances immunity makes more vigorous and energetic.


Scorpio in truth is the most passionate of all zodiacs, so the nature of them does not like them. If someone manages to cope with the elements of scorpion, then you can purchase devoteed friendthat will not let go in difficult times.

Gem helps scorpions to cope with the character, to become softer, but at certain points to show rigidity. Protects family from scandals and disorders. Restores communication between generations.


Self-sufficient I. strong sign. The energy is so big that sometimes the Capricorn themselves cannot cope with it. In this case help will come mascot. With him the owner begins to control his actions and become less hot-tempered and emotional.

Other signs

On the other zodiac signs white Agat. There will be no influence.


Stone Iolite refers to the Corderyite class. The main difference is the external shade of gem. His popularity is justified by a large number of medical and magical properties that allow you to significantly improve all the spheres of human life without effort.


This stone is characterized by an unusual blue color. Blue color is manifested in different ways, from a gentle-blue to a saturated purple. This name is directly connected with the color representation, because from the Greek language it is translated as a violet crystal.

The main feature of the gem is considered its unsurpassed shine when hit sun ray on his surface. The characteristics of strength and dense cut are noted. If we consider the breed under different angles, directing to the Sun, dozens of different colors are combined in one copy. It should be limited to the mineral so that there is a straight angle between the rebnce of the prism and its main square. As a result, the crystal acquires a saturated blue colour. The main production of culture is carried out in Tanzania, therefore, another breed name arose - Tanzanit.

Magic properties

From the time of ancient Greece And Rome people knew about the power of this breed. The main magical properties of the stone of the IIAIAI are that he is able to bring peace and pacification into the house. If it is stored away from prying eyes, it is able to ensure mutual understanding in the family and significantly reduce the number of quarrels and conflicts.

Another magical property of the crystal is considered to resume or disagree love feelings. If the pair broke up, the use of decoration with Iolithithus will allow you to resume lost love for several weeks. If you are alone for a long time, then buying jewelry From this stone will give you fateful meeting With the love of your whole life. Spouses should wear decorations with Iolithithus to protect against a change of second half.

Magic properties of the mineral in the region are noted homemade utya. Talismans and charms made of it are able to establish an atmosphere in the house so that the tenants will not swear or accuse each other in trouble. With its help, some people strengthen their own energy, which allows them to achieve their goals and faster to advance through the career ladder.

Tanzanit is able to defend its owner from damage, evil eye, envious and ill-wishers. It should be worn to people who have not reached inner harmony Between mind and heart. Long wearing product from Iolithus will allow short time to accept correct solution And to make rid of such a dilemma forever.

Medical properties

Stone IIAIT has therapeutic properties that are able to establish a central nervous system man. it the best way For those who suffer from depressive inclinations, problems with sleep or unbalance. To improve well-being you need to keep gem in your hand for 15-20 minutes. Do it so that the sunlight fell on it. If you suffer insomnia, then putting a crystal under the pillow, the work of the nervous system will work and fall asleep easier.

Great medical properties Show if a person acquires the IIAIT framed in silver. It is believed that silver is able to strengthen the possibilities of the breed much stronger, compared with gold. For normalization of blood pressure, healing drinks are often prepared. For this purpose precious product In a glass with water and insist throughout the night. In the morning, the empty stomach drink this healing water. This will allow you to charge positive energy For the whole day and fulfill all planned affairs.

Areas of use

The precious Iolite is popular in all spheres of human life. Due to high strength, it is used to create technical equipment and electronics. It is indispensable in printed circuit boards or other mechanized systems. In the construction sphere, it is used for the manufacture of durable facade structures. Use it in other areas.

  1. IN jewelry business. Iolithic decorate rings, bracelets, pendants and earrings so that every person can buy a product that will emphasize all his advantages. The biggest force has a ring with a heolyte that a woman or a man will be worn on unnamed finger. It will strengthen the relationship between partners and reduce the risk of change and misunderstanding.
  2. Souvenir. With it, unique souvenirs are created (caskets, candlesticks, statues), which most effectively fit into any interior style.

Compatibility of a horoscope stone compatibility

This mineral is not suitable for all zodiac signs. It is believed that he implants the life of fishes, scholars, scales, twins and calves. With this guard, these signs establish their nervous system, after which aggression, nervousness and excessive self-confidence disappears. Begins to show sympathy for others, confidence and confidence in their own forces.

Stone IOLIT 6,15 karat


The positive value of this crystal is proved by centuries, but wearing decorations from this stone is quite individual feature each person. The acquisition of such a stone should be carefully thought out. If you feel about the signs of the zodiac, which is contraindicated to carry this gem, then it is better to purchase another precious breed that comes up on astrology.

Diamond, Ruby, Amethyst and sapphire - stones suitable for Aries. Almaz gives the owner of the forces and gives the purposefulness to achieve the intended. Such a stone helps to keep himself in hand, relieves stress and tension. Rubin reveals a sense of compassion in the Avic, and also helps heal soul wounds. the main task This stone is to return the owner faith in my senses. Amethyst is a stone that is able to calm and remove the nervous tension. With such a stone, a person will gradually learn to control his emotions. But Sapphire will add wisdom to its owner. Especially it will be to the place of younger people, as it will take their heat, help control emotions, reduce the outbreak of anger.


Stones suitable to calves will help to cope with all the shortcomings. Emerald is a stone of wisdom and harmony. It will help the calves to be more perceptive, will send it on the way soul equilibrium. This stone for people pure soulwho strive for self-improvement. It helps to gain confidence and gives the determination of chrysoprase. This stone protects against failures, is a stimulant for brain. Chalcedon gives the owner a sense of joy and harmony, has a reducing effect after stressful situations. Chalacedon suppresses a feeling of greed, making its owner more generous to close people.


Stones will have positive properties suitable twins: Agat, Alexandrit, Beryl, Topaz. Agat is endowed with the properties, thanks to which he helps the twins to acquire stability and equilibrium, directs creative focus on the right direction. With such a stone, you can come to success in the outlined case. Beryl is also able to help solve problems and tasks. This stone is a family heart guard that will support harmony in relationships. Topaz - real defender from dangerous passions. It will always help with emotional exhaustion, remove stress. Menulicate opportunities are developing with such a stone, a path to enlightenment can be opened.


These talismans will be stones suitable for cancer. Pearls will help develop talents that can not even guess, is a real "good luck magnet." Most. suitable stone For cancer will become emerald. With him, a person will always keep his emotions under control, will not be exposed to Melancholy and a negative mood. Emerald will always help liberate and remove the slightest manifestations of closetness. If there is a desire to overcome all your drawbacks, then the best thing is suitable Feline eye" It is endowed with the ability to protect against the evil eye, can save love, as well as draw attention to its owner. Lunny peoplewhich are associated directly with the moon. Such a stone will help in making difficult decisions, improve the eloquence and the ability of belief.

a lion

Stones suitable lions, best choose yellow color. This sign is closely connected with the sun. Therefore, Amber Lions will give all its solar heat. This mineral is guaranteed to give strength and beauty to its owner, being a powerful biostimulator. Wearing amber will stimulate the nervous system, help with cardiovascular diseases, which are common among Lviv. Chrysolit will help improve relationships with people, give confidence, will reveal the ability to attract and interest in his personality. This stone allows you to find calm dream, Supports the nervous system and even treats stuttering. Topaz is a stone that attracts career success and wealth. He will be the right adviser in different business. The owner of this stone acquires wisdom, equilibrium, will be able to tighten the rage and suppress bursts of negative emotions.


Bring the happiness stones suitable devans. Holders of chrysolite will always look attractive in the eyes of others. This stone liberates and eliminates conservatism, contributes to learning, receiving new knowledge. Jasper will always help to establish relations in the family. Such a stone gives the owner a sense of tolerance. And nephrite will strengthen vitality, Improve the vision, the work of the kidneys and the liver, and also has a warming effect.


Aquamarine, lazuli, opal and tourmaline - stones, suitable scales that best come to the role of talismans. Aquamarine will always help to calm down during sudden change in the mood. Lazurit has the opportunities to clarify the mind, strengthen the feelings of friendship and love. Such pebbles will save youth and strengthen the physical state. Opal will contribute to the desire for balance and harmony. This stone will suit Only balanced people. But tourmaline suitable people with changeable character. This talisman will develop only positive sides of its owner.


Stones suitable scorpions - Aquamarine, pomegranate and black opal. In the desire of K. mutual love And a happy future will help Aquamarine. Decience and peace are the main qualities that the owner of this stone acquires. Decorations from Aquamarina will always help with dental pains and prevent diseases associated with the throat. Pomegranate enhances attractiveness and is considered a stone of lovers. Such a stone can knock high temperature And remove pain in your head. Garnet Stone have a good mood and positive thoughts. Well, active representatives sign suitable Opal, which will restore balance and control in the intensive life of scorpion. Black opal will contribute to the desire to know of themselves, will send all the energy to self-development, it will save from nervous disruptions and stresses.


A special stone for Sagittarov was always a stone of happiness - turquoise. Turquoise will become the main assistant in the planned affairs, will help to master all the difficulties, it will open on profitable solutions. This stone is the main catalyst in the acquisition of determination. In addition to turquoise, yellow Topaz And chrysolite - stones suitable former. Topaz will provide owner career growth And well-being. This stone is able to identify ill-wishers, it will break on right choice. Soothes and grants wisdom. Chrysolit will always turn away from rapid action. Such a stone contributes to the treatment of eye diseases, blood disease.


Stones suitable to Capricorn are represented by ruby, onyx and green malachite. Ruby enhances both positive and negative sides character. Such a stone brings love and success. When the danger is approaching Rubin darkens, warning its owner. Onyx has always been a stone that helps lead people. He gives his master with strong memory, protects from negative influence. And Malachite will be able to fulfill the role of this Hearth. Such a stone has a positive effect on the nervous system, has a beneficial effect when cardiovascular diseases, affects the digestive organs, increases immunity.


The most successful stones suitable waterballs, Amethyst and zircon can become. Such a stone as amethyst will be able to bring good luck, keep the mind of mind, protect health, and also to warn about problems. Amethyst will help focus on a certain task, will not let go in despair and lose hope. Such a stone "lays out all thoughts on the shelves," directs all the energy in the right direction. Improving blood circulation - very positive quality This stone. Zircon will also benefitly affect the mental capabilities of Aquarius. it best Assistant In the desire to know the truth, learn the new one.


Aquamarine, pearls and amethyst - stones suitable for fish. Aquamarine will help fight negative qualities Character, "wakes up" in its owner a sense of dignity, give decisiveness, will push to the desire to take care of others. Such a stone will not give the opportunity to close and leave head to your dreams. Pearls will serve as a talisman of good luck and protection from " bad eye" On the color of such a stone, you can define the mood of its owner. Amethyst will bring good luck. Peace and pacification will be guaranteed by the presence of this stone, which is also a symbol of faith and love.